The two sessions are coming to an end. How many of these most popular entrepreneur proposals will come true as soon as possible?


  Text/Ba Jiuling (WeChat WeChat official account: Wu Xiaobo Channel)

  This afternoon, the two sessions will be closed, and you have been worried about national affairs for a week. How do you feel?

  However, for the thousands of suggestions and more than 5,700 proposals put forward by delegates and CPPCC members this year, their "journey of the two sessions" has just begun.

  * The number of proposals is counted as of 8: 00 pm on May 22, 2020.

  "Suggestions of deputies to the National People’s Congress" refers to the comments, constructive opinions or criticisms made by deputies to the National People’s Congress on the work of relevant state organs.

  "Proposal" is a special term of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, which refers to the written opinions and suggestions put forward by the units or individual members participating in the CPPCC to the plenary session or the Standing Committee, which are examined and filed by the Proposal Committee and delivered to the relevant units for handling. The "proposal" has the function of democratic supervision and has no legal effect.

  Why do you say "it’s just beginning"? We can look at this news headline.

  <[ TEXT RECOGNITION IN PROGRESS / MORE INFO: (IDX:0:3-0:c&0:c&0:c&556&733:XDI) / ELAPSED 5.78SEC / DATE Tue, 26 May 2020 13:21:39 GMT / TEXT RECOGNITION IN PROGRESS ]>

  In fact, the word "suggestion" and "proposal" is as its name implies. During the two sessions of the National People’s Congress, only the action of "lifting" was completed. After the end of the two sessions, it will be passed on one after another-the department or organization will be responsible for reviewing and implementing the contents of the proposal or suggestion.

  Image source: CCTV News

  According to the statistics of Southern Reporter, since 2013, there have been about 7,200 NPC deputies’ suggestions led by the State Council Department alone, accounting for about 89% of the total number of suggestions; There are about 4,100 proposals submitted by Committee member Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, accounting for about 90% of the total proposals.

  Image source: Southern Metropolis Daily

  So although we have been screened by various suggestions and proposals in the past few days, we have to see them "come true", which may take several months as fast as it takes, and many years as slow. If you don’t believe me, look at the "early completion" time reported by some departments last year.

  China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission:

  Ministry of Finance:

  This also explains why some NPC deputies and CPPCC members have been making repeated suggestions and proposals on a kind of topic for many years.

  Based on the above "knowledge points", minibuses suggest that everyone should be more normal when looking at them.

  Among all kinds of proposals and suggestions, entrepreneurs’ proposals attract the most attention. As one of the groups who can feel the economic changes, their suggestions and proposals have always been basically around the national economy, industry development and company business.

  In the following pages, the minibus will select four key parts from thousands of proposals and suggestions from entrepreneurs. One year later, we will check again to see which ones have come true and which ones still need to be mentioned again.



  New Infrastructure/Digital Economy

  Representative entrepreneurs: Ma Huateng, Li Yanhong and Zhang Jindong.

  Lei Jun, Liu Wei, Yu Minhong and Xu Heyi.

  Zhou Hongyi, Yang Yuanqing, Sun Pishu, etc.

  "New infrastructure" is the hottest word in the two sessions in 2020, and there is no one.

  Brush the suggestions and proposals of representatives and Committee members, and the minibus can see them almost every ten seconds.

  Because the coverage of "new infrastructure" is extremely wide, and it has the property of "Internet of Everything", you can include your old business in it, whether you are doing internet, building cars, engaging in education, engaging in manufacturing, etc.

  Founder of Tencent: Ma Huateng

  Accelerate new infrastructure such as cloud computing and build a strategic cornerstone for the development of the digital economy; Focusing on the construction of "data in Taiwan", we will further promote the open sharing of data, innovate and promote the construction of smart cities and smart villages, and improve the level of digital governance; Continue to promote the open source collaborative innovation ecology, build a "friend circle" of the industrial Internet, improve the digitalization level of scientific research and innovation, and increase investment in industrial security to escort the high-quality development of the digital economy. -"Proposal on Accelerating the Formulation of National Strategy for Industrial Internet and Strengthening Digital Economy"

  By the way, just yesterday, Tencent announced that it would invest 500 billion yuan in new infrastructure construction in the future.

  360 Founder: Zhou Hongyi

  First, we should use holistic thinking to plan the top-level design of the new infrastructure network security protection system. Second, it is necessary to simultaneously build the safety infrastructure of new infrastructure and focus on the construction of safety protection capabilities of new infrastructure; The third is to strengthen the security of big data platform and realize secure big data collaborative computing; Fourth, it is necessary to carry out normalized cyber security attack and defense confrontation exercises, and continuously test and enhance the security capabilities of new infrastructure. -Proposal on Building a New Infrastructure Network Security Protection System as soon as possible

  Founder of Xiaomi: Lei Jun

  Satellite Internet is listed as an important development category of new infrastructure. It is suggested that satellite Internet should be included in China’s "Tenth Five-Year Plan" as a strategic emerging industry, and it is clear that satellite Internet-related commercial aerospace enterprises are an important part of the national aerospace industry. It is suggested to further reduce the threshold for private enterprises to enter the satellite Internet.

  * The first reaction when I saw this minibus was, is Xiaomi going to build a satellite soon? After careful investigation, it was discovered that Galaxy Aerospace, which was founded by General Lei and invested by Shunwei Capital, has sent 5G satellites to the sky this year.


  New Oriental Education Technology Group: Yu Minhong

  First, relevant departments strongly support the construction of 5G micro-base stations in rural school areas, realize 5G network coverage in rural schools at a lower cost, and narrow the digital gap between urban and rural areas in network infrastructure and services.

  Second, provide terminal equipment and tariff subsidies for rural schools.

  Third, further increase investment in education informatization, and provide policy inclination and financial subsidies to poor areas.

  Fourth, support private education enterprises to develop 5G and AI applications, further increase the proportion of pre-tax deduction of R&D funds, protect intellectual property rights, and stimulate the innovation power of private enterprises (310328). —— "Suggestions on Making Full Use of the Advantages of 5G to Further Promote the Balance of Urban and Rural Education in China"

  Founder of Baidu: Li Yanhong

  The state should speed up the construction of new artificial intelligence infrastructure with international leading level, strengthen the training of basic and applied talents of artificial intelligence, and promote the active application of independent and controllable open source deep learning platforms in various industries. At the same time, we should also vigorously promote the intelligent cloud Project and support the construction of an open platform, so as to accelerate industrial intelligence. -"Proposal on Building a New Artificial Intelligence Infrastructure and Drawing a Blueprint for the Development of Intelligent Economy"

  Inspur Group: Sun Pishu

  In the future, the intelligent computing center will carry the demand of AI computing. The intelligent computing center is like a power plant providing power services to the outside world, which can provide various computing services, data services and AI (artificial intelligence) services to the outside world, making artificial intelligence computing power easy to obtain and use. Therefore, the intelligent computing center should adopt an open mode, with the government guiding and even leading the construction, issuing construction guidelines and standards, making top-level design and overall planning, ensuring the standardization and order of the intelligent computing center, and ensuring the standardization and interconnection among the intelligent computing centers. —— "Suggestions on Promoting the New Infrastructure of Intelligent Computing Center and Accelerating the AI of Industry"

  Suning Group: Zhang Jindong

  On the one hand, smart community, as the most important part of smart city, is an indispensable construction link in new infrastructure. On the other hand, as a new strategy of urbanization development, smart community is also an innovative model of community management and service.

  The outbreak of COVID-19 epidemic has exposed the deficiency of current community construction in China, and the grass-roots management of communities has put forward higher requirements for the construction of smart communities. It is suggested that community management should be integrated into the social system, and the smart community should be developed into a new form of community with efficient government affairs, convenient service, wise management and intelligent life from the aspects of building a top-level design by government and enterprises, establishing a full-scene service management system and building a "one-hour life circle", so as to comprehensively improve the quality of life and happiness of community residents. -"Relying on" New Infrastructure "to Promote the Construction of Smart Communities"

  Lenovo Group: Yang Yuanqing

  From four aspects: strengthening new infrastructure, strengthening market policy guidance, accelerating the construction of application ecology and accelerating the cultivation of compound talents, we will enhance the integrated application ability of "5G+ Industrial Internet", thus promoting the sustainable innovation and development of manufacturing industry. The new infrastructure is not only advanced intelligent technology, but also the infrastructure to empower the smart economy. Vigorously developing new infrastructure is conducive to empowering intelligent changes in all walks of life and releasing efficiency dividends. —— "Proposal on" 5G+ Industrial internet plus Intelligentization "Empowering High-quality Development of Manufacturing Industry"

  BAIC Group: Xu Heyi

  It is necessary to integrate automobile, artificial intelligence and urban development, and make the automobile industry a new infrastructure of modern smart cities and an AI cell of smart cities. Specifically, it is suggested to innovate the top-level design ideas of automobile industry and increase support for new automobile industry; Joint high-tech enterprises and automobile enterprises to jointly build the urban brain; Supervise the development of smart shared cars while guiding; Guide cross-industry cooperation and standardize cross-industry data application. -"Promoting the Construction of Smart Cities with Automobiles as New Infrastructure"

  Jiadu Technology: Liu Wei

  In the face of numerous digital intelligent systems in all walks of life in new smart cities, especially the crisis of this epidemic, each city urgently needs a "unified control center and command and decision center" like the city brain. —— Proposal on Adjusting the Construction Direction of New Smart Cities in the Background of New Infrastructure Investment.



  New energy vehicles/automobile industry

  Representative entrepreneurs: Li Shufu, Zhu Huarong and Chen Hong.

  Ceng Qinghong, Zhang Xinghai, Wang Fengying, etc

  On May 11th, the data released by China Automobile Industry Association showed that the monthly growth rate of automobile production and sales nationwide in April was the first increase this year, among which the sales volume ended the 21-month continuous decline.

  However, the production and sales of new energy vehicles continued to be poor in April. Even though the decline was narrower than that of last month, including Tesla, the sales volume still decreased by 26.5% year-on-year.

  What’s more, from January to April, the market share of China brand passenger cars continued to decline, down 2.5 percentage points year-on-year.

  The anxiety of the industry recession is fully reflected in the proposals of relevant representatives and members of the automobile industry, and even caused a lot of controversy because of the obvious "bringing goods" in some proposals.

  Changan Automobile: Zhu Huarong

  There is a big gap between the brand power of China brand and joint venture brand, and the phenomenon of "cheap and low-end" negative value brand is still outstanding, which is difficult to fully meet the needs of consumption upgrading; There is a big gap between premium ability and profitability. In the current world economic environment, survival and development are facing difficulties, and it is urgent to quickly enhance the brand power of China brand cars. In this regard, three suggestions are put forward:

  1. Advocate leading cadres, public servants and public figures to give priority to the use and purchase of China brand cars;

  2. At the level of large-scale activities or national behaviors, more China automobile brand image will be displayed;

  3. Heavyweight media guidance to help China automobile brands go up; Perfecting the network management mechanism and shaping the public opinion environment of the industry. -"Suggestions on rapidly enhancing the brand power of China brand cars and stimulating China’s economy under the current world economic environment"

  At present, new energy vehicles are still a policy-oriented market, and there are problems such as the demand for private cars has not yet been stimulated. Suggestions are as follows:

  1. Examine the development strategy of new energy industry and optimize the top-level policy orientation;

  2. Improve the use environment of new energy and stimulate the power of consuming new energy vehicles;

  3. Continue to encourage the use of new energy vehicles. —— Proposal on Further Promoting the Sustainable and High-quality Development of New Energy Vehicles in China.

  Geely Automobile: Li Shufu

  The vehicle purchase tax will be changed from the central tax to the central and local sharing tax, with the sharing ratio of 50:50, and the adjusted local fiscal revenue of vehicle purchase tax will be used for the research and development of new technologies and the promotion of automobile consumption in an appropriate proportion. Increasing local fiscal revenue can stimulate local enthusiasm to boost automobile consumption. In addition, local governments can also increase the construction of urban roads, parking lots, charging piles and other infrastructure to promote the coordinated development of the automobile industry and urban construction. -"Changing the vehicle purchase tax from central tax to central and local shared tax" (submitted jointly with Great Wall Motor (601633, stock bar) Wang Fengying)

  Guangzhou Automobile Group: Ceng Qinghong

  Appropriately increase the license plate quota in the areas where cars are restricted, cancel the restrictions on car purchases, relax the conditions for car purchases and license plate restrictions, postpone the implementation time of the National Sixth National Congress, reduce road and bridge fees, and optimize the automobile consumption subsidy policy; Speed up the release of pickup trucks into the city; Increase the support for cars going to the countryside, and implement specific subsidies or preferential policies for rural people (603883, stock bar) to buy cars; Reduce the down payment ratio of new energy, second-hand cars and mortgage interest rates. -Suggestions on Promoting Automobile Consumption

  SAIC: Chen Hong

  With the popularity of private cars in recent years, the road congestion caused by the increase of car ownership and the continuous optimization of urban traffic management have become a pair of long-term accompanying themes. Judging from the current scientific and technological progress and the experience of foreign leading countries, making full use of domestic big data, cloud computing and 5G technology, the level of urban traffic management will have a greater room for improvement, and with market-oriented adjustment means, it will realize vehicle ownership management to use management, and gradually open up urban purchase restrictions. —— "Proposal on Improving Urban Traffic Management Level and Gradually Opening the Restrictions on Purchase and Restriction in Cities"

  Xiaokang Automobile: Zhang Xinghai

  Tax support: the policy of exemption from purchase tax and purchase subsidy for new energy vehicles will continue to be extended until 2025; Support in technology research and development: cultivate core technologies of electrification and intelligence; Support in the market: it is suggested that the state should issue a unified policy, requiring all localities to treat all new energy vehicles that meet China’s regulations equally in terms of restrictions on purchases, sharing and road rights; Support in the used car market: open up the circulation of new energy used cars. -"Suggestions on Continuing to Support the Development of New Energy Vehicles"



  Small and medium-sized enterprises bail out

  Representative entrepreneurs: Ma Huateng, Sun Pishu and Lei Jun.

  Zhang Jindong, Yao Jinbo, etc

  In May, Choice data announced the survival of 6,952 small and medium-sized enterprises listed on the New Third Board: the median revenue growth of the company was 6.45%, further down from 9.87% in 2018. It seems that growth has always been the bottleneck of small and medium-sized enterprises, and the bottleneck will face a new tightening in 2020: COVID-19 epidemic.

  According to the data released by Tsinghua Wudaokou Institute of Financial Technology in the first quarter of 2020, the income of small and medium-sized enterprises decreased by 69.5% on average in the first quarter.

  How to make small and medium-sized enterprises "survive" under the impact of the epidemic, delegates and CPPCC members wrote their own ideas in the proposal.

  Founder of Tencent: Ma Huateng

  Financial and tax support is an important means to help enterprises get out of trouble, and digital technologies represented by big data, cloud computing and artificial intelligence can also help small and medium-sized enterprises.

  It is suggested that new modes such as "human resources go to the cloud" and "shared employment" should be adopted to alleviate the difficulties faced by small and medium-sized enterprises, increase their anti-risk ability and dredge the "capillaries" of the economic market; Strengthen the digital upgrade of financial services, improve the accuracy of financial services, and dredge the "last mile" to help small and medium-sized enterprises. In the medium and long term, strengthen the cloud platform, promote the comprehensive digital upgrade of traditional small and medium-sized enterprises, and enhance the overall strength of small and medium-sized enterprises. —— "Proposal on Using Digital Technology and Innovative Application Mode to Help Small and Medium-sized Enterprises to Help Out"

  Founder of Xiaomi: Lei Jun

  The anti-risk ability of small and micro enterprises in different industries is quite different, which leads to different service costs. We should distinguish between financial institutions and small and micro enterprises, establish a symmetrical service relationship and market price, and improve the matching degree and financing efficiency of financing services.

  Accelerate the establishment of a credit big data service platform and a financial technology service platform covering finance, taxation, market supervision, social security, customs, justice, and market activities, and reduce the service costs of SMEs.

  Support small and medium-sized banks to focus on financing services for small and micro enterprises, and at the same time intensify the development of angel investment, venture capital, equity financing, supply chain finance and other financing methods to form a sufficient and diversified fund supply system. -"Suggestions on Improving Financing Services for Small and Micro Enterprises"

  Suning Group: Zhang Jindong

  It is difficult for small and micro enterprises to raise funds, and it is difficult to control risks; The difficulty of risk control lies in the acquisition of valuable information; It is difficult to obtain information and data, and it is difficult to disperse in the data portal, and it is difficult to eliminate the island effect.

  At present, different government agencies and departments manage and serve small and medium-sized enterprises in different industries and fields, such as the Bureau of Industry and Information Technology and other departments mainly serve industrial enterprises, while the relevant departments of the Bureau of Commerce connect with service enterprises such as wholesale and retail, and there is no unified information collection and export channel. Even if the provincial government has set up an information sharing platform, there are still some problems, such as limited scope of use (most data are only open to government agencies), complicated application procedures and low information quality, which can not effectively help financial institutions to carry out large-scale business in inclusive finance. -"Solving the Financing Problem of Small and Micro Enterprises with Multiple Strategies"

  Inspur Group: Sun Pishu

  The local government will take the lead to sort out and aggregate the key elements such as funds, data and financial products needed for platform construction, integrate government data, Internet data resources and business data, and build an "aggregated" and "intelligent" financial service platform to help financial institutions provide loans to small and medium-sized enterprises without meeting, with pure credit and quick receipt.

  Encourage local governments to introduce market-oriented credit reporting companies with strong financial technology services as platform operators, provide risk control models for local financial institutions, build credit scoring systems, and jointly develop innovative financial products; At the same time, we will improve the credit evaluation system of regional small and medium-sized enterprises and support the inclusion of the credit evaluation system of regional small and medium-sized enterprises in the PBOC credit information system. —— "Proposal on Using Big Data to Solve Financing Problems of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises"

  Group 58: Yao Jinbo

  The biggest difficulty faced by the recovery of small and medium-sized enterprises under the epidemic situation lies in the high cost, especially the labor cost. Therefore, on the one hand, the deposit ratio of housing provident fund is appropriately lowered from the minimum payment of 5% to 3%; On the other hand, it is suggested to further reduce the proportion of social security contributions, and the proportion of corporate contributions nationwide should be uniformly adjusted to 12% or 13%.

  In addition to appropriately reducing the proportion of provident fund and social security contributions to reduce the cost of employment for enterprises, we should also promote new modes such as flexible employment.

  In addition, under the guidance of the government, financial institutions cooperate with internet platforms with big data resources to establish a credit evaluation system for SMEs, thus solving the financing needs of enterprises. -"further stabilizing employment and supporting the development of small and medium-sized enterprises"



  Public health system/epidemic situation

  Representative entrepreneurs: Shen Nanpeng, Yang Yuanqing, Ding Lei and Li Yanhong.

  Zhou Yunjie, Sun Piaoyang, Ding Liming, Xiao Wei, Ke Yunfeng, etc.

  Never waste a crisis.

  An epidemic in COVID-19 has exposed many "bugs" in China’s public health system. During the two sessions, both "programmers" entrepreneurs and the medical profession have made their prescriptions, and at the same time, they have given plans in advance for the coming post-epidemic era.

  Hengrui Group: Sun Piaoyang

  For some pathogens with large-scale epidemic and high risk, the state supports strengthening strategic reserve research, arranging in advance and tackling key problems in advance; Open national fund supports enterprises to carry out basic research in the field of infectious diseases, so as to ensure that they can know new viruses as soon as possible when the epidemic breaks out, so as to develop drugs in a targeted manner; The state supports the establishment of a technical platform for epidemic response and grasps key technologies; Make full use of the virus research technology platform established by the state, encourage and strengthen cooperation with enterprises to carry out technical research, and promote the transformation of results. —— "Proposal to strengthen the research and development of new drugs to prevent and control major epidemics"

  Beida Pharmaceutical: Ding Lieming

  Coordinate the establishment of a national emergency material support system, and screen a number of targeted anticancer drugs and other therapeutic drugs with definite curative effects and urgent needs of patients, and bring them into the national emergency material support system for procurement, storage and regional layout. In the event of a major public event, these anticancer drugs and disaster relief materials are uniformly deployed and supplied to ensure the normal and timely use of drugs by cancer patients. -Proposal on Promoting Public Health Emergency Response and National Cancer Prevention and Control Action as a Whole.

  Kangyuan Pharmaceutical: Xiao Wei

  Based on the "Wuhan Model", a comprehensive prevention and control system of Chinese medicine to deal with major public health incidents was established. Specifically, it includes speeding up the establishment and improvement of comprehensive protection for medical prevention and treatment of traditional Chinese medicine; Establish a rapid emergency mechanism for Chinese medicine to deal with major infectious diseases; Establish an innovative collaborative platform for tackling key problems of traditional Chinese medicine in antiviral scientific research of traditional Chinese medicine; Establish a backup force for Chinese medicine pharmaceutical enterprises to actively participate; Build a "cloud computing, Internet of Things" big data platform system; Improve the support policies to support the development of traditional Chinese medicine and the service of benefiting the people; Comprehensively strengthen the popularization of traditional Chinese medicine and the guidance of public opinion. —— "It is suggested to build a comprehensive prevention and control system of Chinese medicine to deal with major public health incidents"

  Da Shen Lin: Ke Yunfeng

  Incorporate retail pharmacies into the public health system and the overall national health plan, and use large chain pharmacies as reserve units of epidemic prevention strategic materials. —— Suggestions on the Interim Measures for the Designated Management of Medical Security in Retail Drugstores (Draft for Comment)

  Sequoia Capital: Shen Nanpeng

  1. Promote the whole process of new drug research and development, clinical trials and market entry through policy reform, stimulate the vitality of drug innovation, increase the accessibility of innovative drugs, and effectively solve people’s medical drug demand.

  2. Promote the construction of a national personal health record system. Deepen the reform of medical device evaluation and accelerate the listing of artificial intelligence medical device products, including exploring the establishment of AI special channels. Pilot some charging items, develop medical AI product liability insurance, and promote clinical application and popularization.

  3. Change the passive situation of "the god of wealth follows the god of plague", reposition the infectious diseases department in the medical system with a strategic height, and improve the overall prevention and emergency response capabilities. -"Suggestions on the reform of innovative drug research and development and examination and approval system, medical informationization and intelligence, and the construction of various prevention and control mechanisms for infectious diseases"

  Founder of Netease: Ding Lei

  Make full use of digital technology to improve the ability of monitoring and analyzing serious epidemic diseases. Establish a unified "patient big data analysis center" at the national level, and use digital technologies such as big data, artificial intelligence and cloud computing to dynamically judge key information such as biochemical data and medical images, and establish a mechanism for early detection, early warning and early intervention of emerging problems.

  At the same time, relying on the large-scale high-quality e-commerce platform, on the one hand, through real-name authentication, frequency current limiting, anti-cheating and other technical means, we will ensure that the important national reserve materials are put in accurately to ensure the smooth and orderly supply and sales of people and people’s livelihood security necessities during major emergencies. On the other hand, collect big data of supply and demand to carry out dynamic analysis and forecast, guide manufacturing enterprises to carry out flexible production management, and realize accurate docking, efficient production and overall deployment of supply and demand of important materials. -"Give Full Play to the Supporting Role of Digital Technology and Optimize the Emergency System for Sudden Major Events"

  Founder of Baidu: Li Yanhong

  It is suggested that relevant departments should coordinate and do a good job in the management of personal information related to the epidemic and the disposal of information after the epidemic. The details are as follows: First, set up an exit mechanism for personal information collected during the COVID-19 epidemic. The second is to strengthen the standardized management of collected data and minimize the risk of data leakage and abuse. The third is to study and formulate standards and norms for the collection, storage and use of citizens’ personal information in a special period. -Proposal on Strengthening the Protection of Personal Information Related to Epidemic Prevention and Control

  Lenovo Group: Yang Yuanqing

  First of all, we should strengthen the top-level design and overall coordination of the new generation Internet medical and health platform, include the construction of the new generation Internet medical and health platform in the "Tenth Five-Year Plan" in the medical and health field, clarify the overall thinking, and focus on development and construction.

  Secondly, accelerate the construction of "digital family doctor" platform, build home medical Internet of Things (IoMT) solution, accelerate the establishment of community medical smart grid platform, and promote the deployment of graded diagnosis and treatment and emergency medical management.

  At the same time, we will further promote the organizational construction of the "New Generation Internet Hospital", improve the accessibility of standardized and high-quality medical resources, support the landing of graded diagnosis and treatment system, and establish a "National Medical Health Supercomputing Platform" to help China’s medical brain grow. -"Suggestions on Accelerating the Construction of a New Generation Internet Medical and Health Platform and Improving China’s Medical Level by Taking the COVID-19 Epidemic as an Opportunity"

  Haier Group: Zhou Yunjie

  The Internet of Things technology is applied to the whole process of vaccine transportation and vaccination to ensure that all information of vaccine can be displayed and traced, so that vaccinators will not make mistakes, and consumers will be more confident in the brand, quality and safety of vaccine.

  National Health Commission takes the lead in formulating policies to promote the construction standards of vaccination clinics in various regions and upgrade the decoration and design specifications of vaccination clinics; Require new vaccination clinics to apply vaccination and storage equipment based on Internet of Things technology, and upgrade existing vaccination clinics; Promote the application of mobile vaccination vehicles in areas with inconvenient transportation, and take various measures to further improve China’s vaccination safety and security capabilities. -"Suggestions on Applying Internet of Things Technology to Ensure Vaccination Safety"

  The author | John Joe | Duty Editor | Hemp Sauce

  Editor | He Mengfei | Editor | Zheng Yuanmei


This article first appeared on WeChat WeChat official account: Wu Xiaobo Channel. The content of the article belongs to the author’s personal opinion and does not represent’s position. Investors should operate accordingly, at their own risk.

(Editor: Ji Liya HN003)

It’s finally settled Xiaomi SU7 will be launched on December 28th.

Recently, Lei Jun, founder and CEO of Xiaomi Technology, announced on the official social platform that Xiaomi SU7, the first medium and large car owned by Xiaomi Automobile, will be officially unveiled at 2 pm on December 28th. This news has aroused widespread concern, indicating that Xiaomi Automobile is about to enter a new stage of development.

As the first medium-sized and large-sized car of Xiaomi Automobile, Xiaomi SU7 is highly anticipated. According to the information known at present, the new car is designed by Mr. Li Tianyuan, the designer of BMW iX, and adopts the popular elements. The whole car is simple and sporty. The rounded polygonal headlight group, the lamp cavity structure similar to the "M" element and the large trapezoidal air inlet below make Xiaomi SU7 have obvious advantages in recognition.

On the side of the car body, the car adopts an embedded hidden door handle, which optimizes the drag coefficient, and at the same time, the double five-spoke rim shape also adds a sporty atmosphere to the new car. The tail adopts a penetrating taillight group, which is fashionable and distinctive with the unique diffuser decoration below. In terms of body size, the length, width and height are 4997/1963 /1440mm, respectively, and the wheelbase is 3000mm.

In terms of configuration, Xiaomi SU7 is expected to provide basic version, Pro and Max versions, forming a differentiated configuration choice. High-tech configurations such as lidar are also expected to appear on new cars to meet the needs of different consumers.

In terms of power, Xiaomi SU7 will provide front and rear dual-motor versions and single-motor versions. The motor power before and after the former is 220kW and 275kW; respectively; The motor power of the latter is 220kW. At the same time, the new car will be equipped with 73.6kWh and 101kWh battery packs from Foday and Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited respectively. Among them, the 73.6kWh lithium iron phosphate battery adopts a 400V voltage platform with cruising range of 628km and 668km; respectively. The 101kWh ternary lithium battery adopts 800V high voltage platform with cruising range of 800km and 750km respectively.

In addition, the application information of Xiaomi SU7 has been exposed, showing the specific parameters and configuration of the new car. According to the application information, Xiaomi SU7 will launch three versions: standard version, Pro and Max to meet the needs of different consumers. At the same time, the new car also offers a variety of endurance versions, including 628km, 668km, 800km and 750km.

In a word, Xiaomi SU7, as the first medium and large car of Xiaomi Automobile, has attracted much attention. From design to configuration to power system, the new car shows Xiaomi’s innovative spirit and user-oriented concept. In the future, with the official appearance and marketing of Xiaomi SU7, it is believed that it will become a force to be reckoned with in the new energy vehicle market. Let’s wait and see, and look forward to the performance of Xiaomi SU7 in the future.

From Chongqing to Mount Everest, the proportion of intelligent driving is 91%, and the official announcement of Aouita has made NCA a success!

At the beginning of October, 2023, the HarmonyOS edition of Aouita 11 launched the "Intelligent Driving Everest Challenge". The total mileage is over 3,376 kilometers, and the altitude difference is as high as 5,000 meters. It took 9 days. Aouita 11 HarmonyOS Edition climbed six mountains with a height of more than 4,000 meters, crossed rivers and rivers, broke through the obstacles of complex terrain, and successfully reached the Everest Base Camp, with a total mileage of 91%.

Obviously, this 3,376-kilometer route from Chongqing to Mount Everest uses a smart driving without high-precision maps. Because at present, only six cities, namely Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Hangzhou and Chongqing, have opened the pilot application of high-precision maps, and only Guangzhou, Shenzhen and Shanghai have relatively complete high-precision maps. The whole journey from Chongqing to Everest is almost out of the coverage of high-precision maps.

What is the specific performance of 91% of the smart driving?

This challenge began in the mountain city of Chongqing, where there are many cliffs, unpaved roads and thousands of turns, and the road conditions can be described as difficult and dangerous; In addition, unpredictable and complicated situations such as pedestrians or animals passing through, accidents occupying roads, construction road closures, falling rocks and landslides, and high-frequency rainy and foggy weather may occur along the way. These factors jointly construct the "hell-class" working condition of intelligent driving, which extremely tests the capacity limit of intelligent driving system.

Facing the "all-black tunnel", Aouita 11th HarmonyOS Edition has the strength to cope with the situation of occupation of roads, sudden change of light and shade, no lane line and slippery road surface, and has repeatedly taken the initiative to avoid lane change and take over the tunnel construction in the all-black environment of 3 kilometers, so as to truly see clearly, judge accurately and control stably.

Thanks to Huawei’s advanced intelligent driving system ADS 2.0, Aouita 11 has applied BEV fusion sensing algorithm and GOD network based on lidar, which has superior environmental awareness; Even if it passes through the 20-kilometer gravel road in Nujiang Gorge, or even the muddy road without the basic shape of the road at all, the intelligent driving system can still accurately identify the road edge and automatically plan the drivable area, which can be called "both good roads and bad roads can be opened".

In the face of the "Nujiang 72 Turn", the performance of the intelligent driving system is still steady and calm. With strong road perception accuracy and accurate dynamic target tracking ability, Aouita 11 HarmonyOS Edition can automatically slow down before entering the curve and speed up before leaving the curve like an "old driver", and can flexibly avoid the opposite car, and take over the continuous curve with a safe passage of 16 kilometers.

In response to all kinds of dynamic/static, standard/abnormal obstacles on the road, Aouita 11 HarmonyOS Edition has achieved 100% automatic avoidance, and achieved 100% safety with zero mistakes.

According to statistics, the average driving speed of Aouita 11 HarmonyOS version reached 62km/h, the driving power consumption per 100 km was 14.69kWh, and the battery life of "one box of electricity" was 535 km, showing the far-ahead intelligent driving ability and solid and reliable endurance level.

In September, Aouita said that its intelligent driving mileage exceeded 17 million kilometers. After this hellish test, the steady intelligent driving performance of Aouita 11th HarmonyOS Edition in the "Intelligent Driving Challenge" once again confirmed that it has become a map-free NCA, and it is capable and necessary to open it to users in Aouita. Therefore, on October 9th, Aouita announced that it would gradually open the map-free NCA, which would realize intelligent driving without relying on high-precision maps. The specific opening steps are as follows: No map NCA will complete the delivery according to the progress of 6 cities -16 cities-nationwide, and the intelligent driving function of expressway-urban area-parking will be realized nationwide by the end of 2023.

Li Pengcheng, vice president and chief marketing officer of Aouita Science and Technology, said: "From horse-drawn carriages to cars, from refueling to charging, from self-driving to intelligent driving, human travel modes have never stopped evolving; Today, Aouita, as a pioneer, has opened up a new way to enter Tibet, bringing users a more relaxed, labor-saving and green travel experience, which is also the greatest value of this intelligent driving of Mount Everest. "

The Sichuan-Tibet Highway in the "no-brainer’s zone" challenges the intelligent driving without a map, and achieves 91% of the intelligent driving results, which proves that Aouita’s intelligent driving NCA can be developed to users on a large scale, and also proves that Huawei’s ADS 2.0 intelligent driving strength is really superior, and the intelligent driving ability of Aouita 12 HarmonyOS version will also be a big selling point in the future.

Ingenious and unremarkable graduation gifts can also become "online celebrity"

Peking University graduation ceremony ticket information picture.

Beijing Forestry University graduation gift square foot information picture

The graduation gift of Shaanxi Normal University is printed with information and pictures.

  This graduation season is very special. Due to the epidemic, it has become very valuable for graduates to participate in graduation ceremonies on the spot, and more people can only sit at home and watch on the cloud.

  Principal’s speech, teacher’s speech, degree certificate, and group photo &hellip; &hellip; The process of graduation ceremony, like the standard one, is similar. Graduation gifts, which were seldom noticed in the past, brought surprises to people this year. Tickets, rulers, square seals, graduation gifts that seem to have no "explosion" face, have become popular on the Internet.

  The paper is too short to describe one’s feelings.

  "This is my forever campus. From youth to old age, people walk steadily and behave calmly, and the passers-by around them are probably the eternal scientific giant &hellip; &hellip;”

  On July 2nd, Peking University’s graduation ceremony kicked off with recitation. Affected by the epidemic, the graduation ceremony was held in 9 venues in Beijing and Shenzhen, and the graduates who were not in school attended the ceremony through live webcast. Every grass and tree in the campus is matched with the situation of the program, which makes the participating teachers and students move.

  Even after the graduation ceremony, Tan Yue, a graduate student of Peking University, was still reluctant to throw away the tickets for the graduation ceremony. Tan Yue found that "this is an exquisite graduation ceremony ticket, which includes all the landmark locations of Peking University".

  The design of graduation tickets is original. When paving, the four kinds of plants and flowers on the tickets, peach blossom, wisteria, ginkgo and plum blossom, lead everyone to regain the four seasons scenery of Yanyuan; After folding along the dotted line, a miniature Yanyuan landscape emerges from the paper, corresponding to four plants and flowers respectively, which are the school’s landmark landscapes: Peking University West Gate, Boya Tower, Library and Centennial Lecture Hall.

  "When I open it again in the future, I will definitely think of the good times when I sat on the stone bench by the unnamed lake, accompanied by the sunset and blowing the breeze." Tan Yue said, "I am lucky to be able to attend the graduation ceremony on the spot. The sense of belonging and ritual when singing "Yanyuan Love" on the spot is very strong. "

  For students who can’t go back to school to attend the graduation ceremony, Peking University promises that all graduates in 2020 will receive this graduation ticket, and those who have not returned to school will be issued tickets through the departments.

  Scale life

  Wu Hao, a recent graduate of Beijing Forestry University, is looking forward to returning to school because of the easing of the epidemic. However, the epidemic in Beijing rebounded in June, and he was informed that he could not return to school. In 2020, graduates of Beijing Forestry University can only attend the online graduation ceremony.

  Goodbye without saying goodbye.

  At the end of June, Wu Hao, who was in Zhejiang, unexpectedly received a graduation gift package from the school. There are three gift certificates in the gift package: a meal voucher to welcome graduates back to their alma mater for a canteen; A lecture ticket, inviting graduates to come back to the familiar classroom and listen to the class again; There is also a degree awarding ceremony voucher, and this year’s graduates can participate in any graduation ceremony after this year.

  There is also a graduation gift with profound meaning in the gift package &mdash; &mdash; A wooden ruler.

  The structure of the wooden ruler is square: it is four inches long and ten minutes wide, and one millicent. Deep and quiet purple sandalwood is a ruler, and a leaf of ginkgo made of pure copper is inlaid in it. Next to ginkgo, the student number of each graduate is engraved. The back of the wooden ruler is also engraved with the school emblem and motto.

  "There is a ginkgo avenue on campus that attracts many people to stop every year. Ginkgo tree, which is accompanied by classmates day and night, is a special symbol in the eyes of Beilin students. " Wu Hao introduced, are those scenes in memory. There is even an interesting saying in Beilin University that undergraduates can only graduate if they have collected four photos of Ginkgo Avenue.

  Nowadays, Ginkgo biloba leaves are carved on a wooden ruler. Although the wooden ruler is short, it is full of energy. It is also this wooden ruler that will witness and measure the unique life of each graduate. The intention of his alma mater was interpreted by Wu Hao as "No rules, no Fiona Fang". Be a man with a ruler and a degree of restraint. "

  After graduating from undergraduate course, Wu Hao was excluded from a prestigious school to study biomedicine. "The outbreak of the epidemic has had a great impact on my choice. I am willing to do some research in the future. Let the future brushstrokes and paintings be more precise and definite. "

  In recent years, the graduation gift of Beijing Forestry University is unique. The gift of the 2019 graduates is a pair of exquisite wooden chopsticks, "Two chopsticks are one, and two trees make a forest". The two chopsticks piece together the school emblem and motto of Beilin, which also embodies the sincere blessing of the alma mater.

  Printers, letter also.

  Before leaving, Li Qingyu, a graduate of Shaanxi Normal University, received a graduation gift, which was the exclusive seal customized by the school. "On paper, print your own name, solemn and deep."

  The first time we met, it was a letter of admission with an inky brush. When we left, it was a purple sandalwood seal engraved with the seal of Normal University. In Li Qingyu’s view, "this is a kind of echo from beginning to end, and it is also a kind of inheritance and persistence."

  This seal is made of purple sandalwood, and the side of the seal is engraved with the school emblem and the words inscribed by calligrapher Wei Junxiu, which are intended to inherit the fine style of study of Shaanxi Normal University. The message of "Pass on the fire from generation to generation, educate and serve the country" is printed in the box with gold on the red background, which is full of earnest entrustment to carry forward the "Red Candle Spirit in the West".

  "Printers, letter also. Throughout the ages, a seal is like a fingerprint, and it is the keepsake that best represents a person. If you see a seal, you will see the person. " Xin Feng, the designer of this seal and director of the school office of Shaanxi Normal University, revealed that since 2018, the school has considered giving graduates a "permanent souvenir".

  Why did you choose the seal as a graduation gift? It is not surprising that the graduates of Shaanxi Normal University are so accurately targeted.

  "In ancient times, calligraphy and seals were an organic whole. The admission notice received at the beginning of school was written in calligraphy. So, we decided to send a seal to every graduate. In stone, metal, wood and other materials, after repeated selection and comparison, purple sandalwood is selected. This material is calm and weighty. " Xin Feng said, "In the future, every Shaanxi Normal University student will receive a calligraphy admission notice and a graduation seal, which will be their unique memory."

What are the novel and interesting "black technologies" on world internet conference when you meet another self?

  Economic Daily-China Economic Net Wuzhen November 8 (Reporter Wang Wanying, Yang Xiufeng) The 5th world internet conference was held in Wuzhen, Zhejiang Province from November 7 to 9. The reporter came to the "Light of the Internet" Expo held in the same period and found many novel and interesting "black technologies". Let’s take a look with the reporter’s lens.

  Meet another self

  At this conference, there are many high-tech products that combine big data processing, face recognition and feature retrieval.

  Finding someone who looks similar to himself in the vast sea of people is like looking for a needle in a haystack. On the Aauto Quicker booth, the reporter experienced the feeling of finding another self once. Standing in front of the camera, after counting down for 3 seconds, the photo he just took and a person who looks very similar to himself appeared on the left and right screens respectively. Wang Yuying/photo

  Ignoring the eye of the city, it integrates advanced technologies of face recognition, portrait comparison, human body recognition and video structuring, and initially provides intelligent retrieval and upgrade for the public security video surveillance system. As long as the audience approaches the camera range, they can identify information such as gender and age. Wang Yuying/photo

  "After identification, your voiceprint is 95% similar to the voice of Fu Cha Rong in Story of Yanxi Palace. Its voice is charming, and its person is gentle, supple and lovely." In the experience project of "voiceprint recognition" of Tongdun Technology Co., Ltd., the reporter tried to read a passage according to the prompt of the system. According to the recording, the system automatically analyzed the most matching degree between the reporter’s voiceprint and Fucha’s voice, and also analyzed the characteristics of the voice in detail. "Yang Xiufeng/photo

  Standing in front of the "Changed Xiaowei" body fat detection machine, users can know how obese they are, which index exceeds the standard and how much it exceeds the standard through facial scanning and background big data calculation &hellip; &hellip; At the same time, this cool machine will make corresponding health analysis according to the measurement results, provide users with intuitive health risk assessment in time, and improve everyone’s attention to physical health. Yang Xiufeng/photo

  Internet conference turns into "auto show" in seconds.

  Automotive black technologies such as driverless cars and wireless charging cars have appeared in the Internet conference, which once made the audience mistakenly think that they came to the auto show.

  This Baidu driverless car is the driverless car "Apollon" officially mass-produced at the second Baidu AI Developers Conference on July 4 this year. The reporter learned that the "Apollon" body is 4.3 meters long and 2 meters wide, with 8 seats and 14 people (including 6 stations). Using pure electric power system, the top speed can reach 120 kilometers per hour, and it can travel about 100 kilometers when fully charged. Wang Yuying/photo

  BMW booth, a 5-Series plug-in hybrid vehicle supporting wireless charging, attracted the attention of many viewers. Just drive the car on the black wireless charging base, and you can start the charging mode immediately. During the charging process, you can also use the mobile App to remotely control and view the charging situation. According to BMW’s relevant personnel, "this should be the world’s first wireless charging vehicle, which can be filled in 4 hours." Wang Yuying/photo


  Intelligent walkers’ unmanned road sweeper "Woxiaobai" can realize intelligent functions such as automatic obstacle avoidance, autonomous tracking, fixed-point start and stop, and autonomous sweeping. Operators can monitor the unmanned road sweeper safely in the duty room. Wang Yuying/photo

  Nezha Auto’s new concept new energy vehicle under Hezhong New Energy has a solid sense of design technology. Wang Yuying/photo

  Remote transmission technology intelligent shopping cart "small follower", you can follow the "owner" to run. It is understood that each "minivan" can carry 30kg, which is widely used in delivery services such as baggage handling in high-speed railway station airport and supermarket shopping guide, and can also be independently charged by solar energy when used outdoors, saving energy and protecting the environment. Wang Yuying/photo

  Online Education homework help demonstrated geography teaching through AR, and related contents such as meteorological phenomena, hydrological environment, universe and planets were displayed after the reality was enhanced, which was very interesting and shocking. Yang Xiufeng/photo

Hua Xizi apologized for coming late, and the relevant opinions have been fully recorded, and they have been revised and upgraded one by one.

"Thank you for your concern and support for Huaxizi all the time. I’m sorry we’re late. I have a few heartfelt words to tell you."

On the evening of September 19th, the official Weibo of Hua Xizi, a domestic make-up brand, released a letter to the public, which positively responded to the recent controversy for the first time.

Hua Xizi said in the letter, "I am very sorry for taking up too many public resources. Appreciate everyone’s urging,We have fully recorded the relevant opinions, and the team is also comparing, revising and upgrading them one by one, adhering to the initial heart.To bring you better products and services. In the future, we will continue to share with you what the brand is doing, so that everyone can understand Hua Xizi in more forms. Down-to-earth, steady and far-reaching; Let a hundred flowers blossom and domestic products become stronger. "

From the official Weibo of "Hua Xizi"

Recently, the domestic make-up brand "Hua Xizi", which was pushed to the forefront by Li Jiaqi’s remarks, was picked out by many netizens. Compared with other domestic brands, the price per gram of its products is high, such as the price per gram of eyebrow pencil is comparable to that of gold, and the price per gram of loose powder exceeds that of Chanel, an international brand. The company was once caught in the whirlpool of public opinion because of its "high price".

On September 10th, when Li Jiaqi, the network anchor, introduced a Huaxizi eyebrow pencil in 79 yuan, he saw a netizen leave a message saying that it was getting more and more expensive. He asked, "Where is it expensive? It’s been this price for so many years. Don’t talk nonsense with your eyes open. Domestic brands are very difficult … "Later, Li Jiaqi said:" Sometimes I find my own reasons. After so many years, my salary has not risen. Have you worked hard? " Since then, many topics around the high price of Huaxizi’s products, such as "Huaxizi’s response to the expensive eyebrow pencil", "Huaxizi’s exclusive monetary unit for migrant workers", "How expensive Huaxizi is" and "Huaxizi’s eyebrow pencil can buy two grams of gold for more than 980 grams", have been on hot search for many days.

For a long time, Hua Xizi has positioned herself and aimed to become a high-end makeup brand. Hua Mantian, the founder of Hua Xizi, also admitted that the unit price of Double Eleven Hua Xizi was pulled from 100 yuan to 200 yuan in 2021. "For a long time, the middle and high-end market of China cosmetics has been monopolized by international brands. But today, many products of Huaxizi have cut into the middle and high-end price belt and achieved certain success. "

"This large-scale attention and discussion is a valuable opportunity for us to listen to the real voices of different consumers, and it is also the starting point for the team to self-examine and start again." Hua Xizi said in the letter this time, "I sincerely apologize to everyone. In the past week, Hua Xizi has received great attention from the whole network. We are sincere and at a loss, and the brand has not spoken before. During this time, we have continuously absorbed your criticisms, opinions and suggestions. "

At the same time, Hua Xizi also refuted the previous rumors about "Japanese brands" in the letter. Hua Xizi said that the company was founded in Hangzhou, and its R&D center, production factory and tax payment are all in China. It is an out-and-out China brand. "As a young China makeup brand, Hua Xizi hopes to tell the story of China and inherit the beauty of the East."

Previously, in response to this rumor, Hua Xizi responded to the The Paper reporter that in 2019, Hua Xizi cooperated with a Japanese research institute for short-term production, research and production. With the continuous improvement of the comprehensive strength of domestic beauty research and development and industrial chain, all cooperation with the institute and related factories was stopped in 2020. At present, 100% of Hua Xizi’s research and development centers and production factories are in China.

Zhejiang Yige Enterprise Management Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Yige Group), the parent company of Huaxizi brand, was founded in Hangzhou in 2014. It is a China beauty group integrating independent research and development, brand building, product sales and customer service. According to official website of Yige Group, in 2016, the domestic make-up brand "Hua Xizi Florasis" came into being.

In addition to the hot discussion and doubts caused by the high price, some netizens have reported in the past that when the average commission rate in the industry is 20%, Hua Xizi raises the proportion with a wave of his hand, and some anchors can even get 60% to 80% commission. At that time, related topics such as "more than 20% of Huaxizi’s revenue comes from Li Jiaqi" and "Huaxizi responds to Li Jiaqi’s high commission" were also listed on the hot search.

On the evening of September 11th, Hua Xizi responded to the The Paper reporter that the information on the Internet about Hua Xizi’s rebate to Li Jiaqi was as high as 60% to 80%, or even more than 100%, which was false rumor, and the proportion of cooperation rebate between Hua Xizi and Li Jiaqi was the industry average.

The 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China held a special press conference to interpret its report.

  Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, October 26 (Reporter Han Jie, Liu Yangyang) On October 26, Tuozhen, spokesman of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, held a special press conference at the press center of the conference, inviting Xiao Pei, deputy secretary of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, Wang Xiaohui, executive deputy director of the Central Policy Research Office and vice minister of Publicity Department of the Communist Party of China, Lengrong, director of the Central Literature Research Office, Yuan Shuhong, party secretary and deputy director of the Legislative Affairs Office of the State Council, Yang Weimin, deputy director of the Office of the Central Financial and Economic Leading Group, and Ji of the State-owned Assets Supervision


  The report of the 19th National Congress pointed out: "After long-term efforts, Socialism with Chinese characteristics has entered a new era, which is a new historical orientation for China’s development." Leng Rong said that this major political assertion is a highlight of the report and runs through the whole report. The new era started from the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. The 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China established the guiding ideology of the new era, put forward the historical mission of the Party in the new era, described the grand blueprint of the new era, made strategic arrangements for the new era, and made clear the new requirements for Party building in the new era. Socialism with Chinese characteristics has entered a new era, and the main social contradictions in our country have also changed, "which has been transformed into the contradiction between the people’s growing needs for a better life and the unbalanced development". This major assertion has sufficient basis. From "material and cultural needs" to "needs for a better life", from solving the problem of "backward social production" to solving the problem of "unbalanced and insufficient development", it reflects the great progress of China’s social development, the phased requirements of development, and the key requirements of the development of the party and the state. Economic construction is still the central task, but in the new era, we should pay more attention to all-round development. The change of the principal contradiction in our society has not changed our judgment on the basic national condition that China is still in the primary stage of socialism.


  The 19th National Congress to the 20th National Congress is the historical intersection of the goal of "two hundred years". Yang Weimin said that the 19th National Congress made clear the key points for building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way. In the next three years, we will build a well-off society in an all-round way, especially the "three major battles" to prevent and resolve major risks, accurately get rid of poverty and prevent pollution. This is the bottom line for building a well-off society in an all-round way. The 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China also clarified the comprehensive construction of a socialist modern country and its "two-step" strategic arrangement. After 2020, the practical theme of Socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era will shift to building a socialist modern country in an all-round way, and the first of the "four comprehensiveness" will become building a socialist modern country in an all-round way, maintaining the continuity of the strategic layout of the "four comprehensiveness". At the same time, the strategic arrangement of "two steps" for building a socialist modernized country in an all-round way was made clear, and the timetable and road map of China’s socialist modernization were completely outlined, which advanced the goal of basically realizing socialist modernization by 15 years and made the expression of the second century goal more complete. The goal of doubling GDP is no longer mentioned in order to better implement the new development concept and promote the all-round development of the cause of the party and the state.




It is expected that Geely Xingyue L will be listed in the third quarter.

  [car home Information] A few days ago, we photographed the real car of Geely Xingyue L model at the dealer. The new car was officially unveiled in mid-April and is expected to be officially launched in the third quarter of 2021.

Geely Automobile Xingyue L 2021 2.0T High Power Edition

Geely Automobile Xingyue L 2021 2.0T High Power Edition

  Although it is called "(|)", the new car is obviously different from the Xingyue model in appearance. It is a standard SUV with the latest design language, and it looks very burly as a whole.

Geely Automobile Xingyue L 2021 2.0T High Power Edition

Geely Automobile Xingyue L 2021 2.0T High Power Edition

Geely Automobile Xingyue L 2021 2.0T High Power Edition

Geely Automobile Xingyue L 2021 2.0T High Power Edition

   Specifically, the new car uses a polygonal front grille and a straight waterfall-type middle net, which brings a certain three-dimensional effect. The headlights on both sides are well-shaped, and they look calm and atmospheric when matched with the front air intake grille.

Geely Automobile Xingyue L 2021 2.0T High Power Edition

Geely Automobile Xingyue L 2021 2.0T High Power Edition

Geely Automobile Xingyue L 2021 2.0T High Power Edition

Geely Automobile Xingyue L 2021 2.0T High Power Edition

   On the side of the car body, the new car adopts a through waistline design, with fenders slightly protruding from the front and rear to create a wide-body effect. In terms of body size, the length, width and height of the new car are 4770/1895/1689mm and the wheelbase is 2845 mm. It is officially positioned as a compact SUV.

Geely Automobile Xingyue L 2021 2.0T High Power Edition

Geely Automobile Xingyue L 2021 2.0T High Power Edition

Geely Automobile Xingyue L 2021 2.0T High Power Edition

Geely Automobile Xingyue L 2021 2.0T High Power Edition

   In the rear part, the new car uses the popular through taillight design, and the internal light group adopts a three-dimensional array arrangement, which is highly recognizable after lighting. In addition, the new car also uses a hidden exhaust system to make the tail of the new car feel stronger.

Geely Automobile Xingyue L 2021 2.0T High Power Edition

Geely Automobile Xingyue L 2021 2.0T High Power Edition

Geely Automobile Xingyue L 2021 2.0T High Power Edition

Geely Automobile Xingyue L 2021 2.0T High Power Edition

Geely Automobile Xingyue L 2021 2.0T High Power Edition

Geely Automobile Xingyue L 2021 2.0T High Power Edition

Geely Automobile Xingyue L 2021 2.0T High Power Edition

   The most striking thing about the interior of the new car is the penetrating multimedia touch screen of the center console, which extends from the central control area to the front of the co-pilot and can display many driving information and multimedia entertainment functions. In addition, the new car is also equipped with a full LCD screen and a yacht-type electronic shift lever.

Geely Automobile Xingyue L 2021 2.0T High Power Edition

  In terms of power, the new car will be equipped with a 2.0T turbocharged engine of Volvo Drive-E series, and two power versions will be available. The maximum power is 218 HP and 238 HP respectively, and the transmission is matched with a 7-speed wet DCT gearbox (2.0TD-T4 Evo) and an 8AT gearbox (2.0TD-T5) from Aisin. (Text/car home Ma Aijun)

Xiaomi car big news!

  There is new news from Xiaomi Automobile, which has received much attention!

  On the 15th, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology released the list of "Announcement of Road Motor Vehicle Manufacturers and Products" (the 377th batch), and Xiaomi Automobile was among them. Xiaomi Auto also boarded the hot search in Weibo, which attracted attention.

  "Xiaomi" Car Debut

  BYD and Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited "supply power"

  The announcement shows that there are two Xiaomi brand pure electric cars in the list, the models are BJ7000MBEVA1 and BJ7000MBEVR2, and the company name is Beijing Automotive Group Off-road Vehicle Co., Ltd. This also means that Beiqi off-road vehicle company has become the OEM of Xiaomi Automobile. Beiqi off-road vehicle company is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Beijing Automobile Group Co., Ltd., and the actual controller is Beijing SASAC.

  The biggest difference between the two models is the power. The former has a peak motor power of 275KW or a high-performance version, while the latter has a peak motor power of 220KW. Correspondingly, the power batteries used by the two are also different. The former uses Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited ternary lithium battery, while the latter uses lithium iron phosphate battery produced by Xiangyang Foday battery, which belongs to BYD.

  According to the car-making process, enterprises need to obtain the approval of the motor vehicle project approved by the National Development and Reform Commission, and the motor vehicle of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology can only have the qualification of automobile production after being granted the "double license". The listing in the declaration catalogue of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology also means that Xiaomi Automobile has obtained the "birth certificate".

  Invest 10 billion dollars to build a car in 10 years.

  Officially listed in the first half of next year

  On October 25th, Lei Jun, founder, chairman and CEO of Xiaomi Group, revealed in Weibo that Xiaomi Automobile is progressing smoothly and will be officially listed in the first half of 2024.

  Another source said that Xiaomi Automobile will start mass production next month (December) and go on sale in the first year of 2024 (February).

  On March 30, 2021, Lei Jun announced that Xiaomi had officially entered the smart electric vehicle market. He said that 10 billion US dollars will be invested in the next 10 years, with an initial investment of 10 billion RMB. On September 1, 2021, Xiaomi Automobile Co., Ltd. was incorporated with a registered capital of 10 billion yuan.

  Since Lei Jun announced Xiaomi’s entry into the smart car industry, the dynamics of Xiaomi’s car have been receiving much attention. Previously, some insiders of Xiaomi Automobile said that in the research, production, supply and sales, Xiaomi Automobile will use its previous experience in the ICT industry to greatly improve its operational efficiency.

Jay Chou announces new songs, Warner praises tiktok, and the vibrato is not just a "divine comedy"?

  Wen | Fu Qiongyin, Jiang Yuqi

  On June 8th, Jay Chou uploaded a prelude to the new song Mojito on his Aauto Quicker account, which is the first time that Aauto Quicker has been used as his own music announcement platform since Jay Chou settled in Aauto Quicker.

  If we say that this past weekend, Aauto Quicker’s "Ollie Give" advertisement on social platforms made people re-understand Aauto Quicker’s "local culture" to some extent, then earlier Jay Chou settled in and joined hands with Jewel Music, it was a somewhat subversive platform brand "remodeling".

  So many people who don’t pay attention to Aauto Quicker can’t help asking: Why did Jay Chou choose Aauto Quicker?

  It is widely believed that behind this hand-in-hand, "Aauto Quicker needs Jay Chou"; But inPoisonous eyes (WeChat ID:youhaoxifilm)It seems that this is a win-win cooperation. Short video platforms represented by Aauto Quicker and Tik Tok are relying on their powerful influence.It stirs up the pattern of the music market and industry, and sometimes even affects the fate of many big companies and musicians.

  It may be hard to convince people if they just throw out the above point of view. Because in the public’s cognition, when talking about the connection between Aauto Quicker and Tik Tok and music, people may first think of all kinds of "divine comedy" and shouting wheat, which is difficult to relate to mainstream music culture. But in fact, whether at home or overseas, the development of the music industry is increasingly inseparable from the support of short videos.

  On June 3rd, local time, Warner Music, one of the largest record companies in the world, was officially listed on NASDAQ, and issued 77 million shares. Warner Music’s final stock issue price reached $25, and the closing price on the day of listing was $30.12, up by 20.48%, and the company’s market value also reached $15.3 billion.

  Warner Music (Source: vision china)

  According to public information, dozens of internationally renowned investment banks, including Morgan Stanley, have participated in the IPO of Warner Music, so this is the largest IPO in the US stock market this year. Behind Warner Music’s massive "Road to Stock Market Return", TikTok’s overseas version of Tiktok, to some extent, played the role of "Mr. Key".

  In the prospectus released earlier, Warner Music specifically mentioned the unique opportunities TikTok brought to the music industry, saying that the new digital scale platform can bring advantages and help to the music entertainment industry, providing incremental music services to "diversified young users", creating new music stars, short videos based on music, etc., which are becoming more and more popular on various social media.

  In fact, as early as 2018, Tik Tok reached a cooperation with Warner on music copyright, so now that Warner is listed again, there are many voices speculating whether it is possible for ByteDance and Warner Music to take the opportunity to build more contacts. However, no matter where the relationship between the two parties will go in the capital level, at the business level, the fate of short video and music industry is already inseparable.

  Maker of divine comedy

  After nearly ten years of delisting, Warner Music finally made a comeback.

  As one of the oldest traditional record companies in the world, Warner Music has enjoyed great scenery in the middle and late last century, and its influence has spread all over the world. However, since entering the new century, the company has been frustrated repeatedly and changed owners twice. Although it was successfully listed in 2005, it had to be privatized by Access Industries in 2011 at a price of $8.25 per share (a total of about $3.3 billion) because of its poor performance.

  The twists and turns of Warner Music are undoubtedly influenced by the rapid development of the Internet after 2000. The rise of digital music and the weak copyright awareness of the audience made piracy once rampant, and the world’s major physical record markets began to shrink. Many established record companies, including Warner Music and Sony, suffered losses for years.

  However, this time, it almost "killed" the Internet of record companies, and now it has become the basis for its development. According to the data of Warner Music’s prospectus, the company’s operating income rose from 2.966 billion US dollars to 4.475 billion US dollars in fiscal year 2015-2019, of which the revenue of digital music sector in fiscal year 2019 reached 2.343 billion US dollars, an increase of 16% compared with fiscal year 2018, accounting for 2018.

  Behind the rapid growth of digital music business of music companies, the contribution of short video platform can not be underestimated.

  In addition to paying the music company a high copyright fee when using the music library, the biggest function of the short video platform is actually "music with goods". Before 2018, Warner Music’s "Fitz the Tantrums" had never been commercially promoted in Asia, but its song "Hand Clap" was used as BGM by a Korean dance company and became popular on TikTok, which quickly made it famous internationally, and the song also topped the international pop charts in six major music markets around the world.

  With this kind of "unintentional", Warner Music naturally pays more attention to the promotion work on TikTok. Arisha A Yadea, senior vice president in charge of digital marketing, revealed that Warner Music launched a series of promotional activities in 2019 and achieved success. The popularity of Disturbed’s song "Hold on to Memories" increased sharply in TikTok, and the number of short videos created for BGM increased by 100 times.

  In fact, not only Warner Music, but also many overseas music companies and musicians have felt the charm of short video platforms in recent years. According to Billboard, an American music magazine, the executives of RCA Records Company promptly followed up the official version of the new songs after discovering that their artists’ songs became popular in TikTok, and then even released new versions of many old songs according to the preferences of TikTok users.

  In another report of Billboard in 2019, it was mentioned that the rapper Sueco the Child became popular on TikTok because of the popular song Fast, which was used as BGM by 2.7 million TikTok videos in a short period of time, and also won more than 7 million plays on Spotify, an overseas music platform, and Sueco was favored by Atlantic Records and won a paper contract.

  Regarding this trend, Billboard revealed that,Now many record companies and music creators try to analyze how to make these songs popular through TikTok at the birth stage of a song.

  Compared with European and American music practitioners, China musicians and companies feel the charm of short video platforms earlier.

  In 2017, "Divine Comedy" and "We Are Different" became popular in Aauto Quicker with the help of various secondary creations, and even went all the way to Southeast Asia. The number of MV broadcasts on the Internet exceeded 100 million; "Take You to Travel" appeared in many "Tik Tok Love Stories" as BGM, and then ranked fourth in the 2017 Netease Cloud Music Hot List; "Tencent Entertainment White Paper 2017" shows that in the TOP10 online songs in 2017, half of the songs became popular through short video transmission …

  Source: Tencent Entertainment White Paper 2017

  In the following two years, from "Mimeowing Cats" to "Desert Camel", from "Ear Seed" to "Teenager", the hot songs on Aauto Quicker and Tik Tok became the most magical existence on the Internet.

  Many old songs have even turned red under the drive of two platforms, such as "On Earth" sung by Wang Jianfang in 2014, which became one of the hottest songs in Aauto Quicker in 2017; "Panama", which was created in 2013, became popular because the clip was intercepted as "C-mile C-mile Dance", and the Baidu index soared. Miriam Yeung’s "First Kiss" and other old Cantonese songs first became popular on the short video platform, and then triggered a second creative craze.

  For musicians and companies, the popularity of songs on platforms such as TikTok is definitely not limited to the short video field. Because short video content is easier to spread on social platforms, many authoritative views believe that the appearance of popular short video content is easier to help music content spread to different platforms, and then gain more "willingness to pay" and audiences outside the circle-This is not only applicable to online songs, but also to traditional music content.

  According to this logic, many domestic stars, music companies and short video platforms have reached cooperation, which actually takes a fancy to the user breadth and "circle expansion ability" of these platforms.

  Take Jay Chou and Jewell Music holding hands with Aauto Quicker as an example. In the outside world’s cognition, it seems that Aauto Quicker wants to expand the influence of the platform and attract new users by taking advantage of the momentum of the king of heaven. Recently, many fans in Jay Chou have said that they have registered Aauto Quicker for Jay Chou; On the other hand, the degree of overlap between Aauto Quicker fans and Jay Chou fans is not so high, which also means that Jay Chou can use the platform to reach out to more young users.

  "The increase of Jay Chou’s fans is not too fast compared with his coffee spot." A person close to Aauto Quicker revealed to Poison Eyes that the first video released by Jay Chou on Aauto Quicker broke 40 million in three hours, but at that time its total number of fans was only 2.6 million, and it took a week to break 10 million."This is good data among stars, but it is not high compared with the number of fans in Jay Chou, which is lower than many people’s initial expectations."

  This conclusion is not surprising.

  Tencent Music Entertainment Group conducted a user survey on the four platforms of the whole network in Q1, 2019. The results show that Jay Chou is the most popular singer among users from the post-60s to the post-90s, but the post-00s group prefers Joker Xue. According to the statistics of Ai Media Data Center, as of Q3 2019, the proportion of young users under the age of 24 in Aauto Quicker is close to 48%, which explains why the enthusiasm of Aauto Quicker users for Jay Chou is not as high as expected. In addition, it is worth mentioning that Joker Xue, who is deeply loved by the post-00 generation, is the most popular male artist in Tik Tok.

  Source: Tencent Music Entertainment Group

  From this point of view, no matter what the real reason and purpose of the cooperation between Aauto Quicker and Jewell Music is, Aauto Quicker has the opportunity to attract the attention of more users who love Jay Chou; For Jay Chou, with the spread and channel advantages of short video platform, it can also expand its influence among "diversified young users" as stated in Warner Music’s prospectus.

  As a result, this is likely to be a win-win cooperation.

  Aauto Quicker and Tik Tok are more than divine comedy.

  In the face of huge music traffic, short video platforms are obviously not willing to be only one channel.

  As more and more musicians and companies pay attention to the short video platform, it seems to be a natural thing to support the platform’s own original music. On January 19, 2018, Tik Tok officially launched the original music function; Six days later, on January 25th, Tik Tok launched the "Seeing" music program to support original musicians, which was the first time that Tik Tok supported original musicians.

  In the middle of the same year, Aauto Quicker launched the "Musician Plan" and announced that it would give musicians a real share of money. Aauto Quicker’s "musician" certification threshold is not high, the official said that as long as the creator has published an original work in Aauto Quicker, he can become an officially certified musician.

  The investment in the head platform has indeed returned gratifying results.

  Tik Tok’s "Seeing Music in 2018" project has attracted 14,000 musicians to participate in it in one year, and received more than 80,000 original music works, which has inspired 150 million users to shoot videos with related music and helped tens of thousands of Tik Tok musicians to promote new works. It was in this year that the modern brothers who had been in the army for four years became famous with the help of Tik Tok, and then they had the opportunity to board various variety shows such as Everyday, Golden Melody Fishing and so on.

  The tilt of the platform in terms of traffic and resources has also pushed singers to focus on the short video platform from another dimension, and more and more Chinese singers have begun to choose the short video platform as a publicity channel. After 2018, Wu Yifan, Lu Han, Tiger Hu, Guo Caijie and other singers have successively publicized and released new songs in Aauto Quicker or Tik Tok, and Wang Leehom even chose Tik Tok as the exclusive launching platform of the single "Nanjing, Nanjing".

  For this reason, after entering 2019, the competition in the field of music between Tik Tok and Aauto Quicker will become increasingly fierce.

  First, the two sides chose to overweight their respective musicians’ support plans. Tik Tok announced the "Seeing Music Plan in 2019" in January, adding interactive rules of cover, and customizing the creative content for music in the form of semi-proposition; In the same year, Aauto Quicker announced that it would jointly launch the "2019 Music Wildfire Plan" with QQ Music, Cool Dog Music, Cool Me Music and National K Songs to support musicians from the aspects of traffic, promotion and realization.

  "2019 Music Primordial Plan" site

  "TikTok itself is not a music promotion product, but in the process of users creating and spreading short videos, it has a very significant impact on the promotion of music." In 2019, the person in charge of ByteDance Music Cooperation told Bloomberg Businessweek that in overseas markets, TikTok has also launched plans to support independent musicians in Japan and South Korea, and intends to cooperate with record companies around the world to promote distribution.

  Another battlefield is the struggle for copyright. For the growing short video platform, it is obviously not enough to rely solely on the song supply of its original musicians. If we lose the right to use part of the trump card copyright, the short video platform is equivalent to cooking without rice. Therefore, the competition between Tik Tok and Aauto Quicker for the copyright owner of the head is becoming more and more fierce.

  According to media reports, Aauto Quicker and Tencent Music Entertainment Group have reached an in-depth cooperation in copyright. Tencent’s 35 million genuine songs have not only been docked with Aauto Quicker and entered its BGM music library, but also Aauto Quicker’s Aauto Quicker Extreme Edition, Station A, Fast Shadow and Sweet Camera can be used. At the same time, according to 36kr news, Tik Tok and Tencent Music Entertainment Group have reached a music licensing cooperation at the end of 2019.

  In such a competitive situation, Jay Chou holding hands with Aauto Quicker may just be the beginning of deep cooperation between top singers and short video platforms. According to Poison Eye, although in the evaluation of short video platform, there are few legendary top singers like Jay Chou in the whole industry, on the whole, the platform will continue to introduce some influential top singers and launch more in-depth music project cooperation.

  In the near future, there is still much room for imagination in the music business on short video platforms, such as online Live.

  The impact of the epidemic has accelerated the development of online performances, and also enabled the short video platform to open up the chain from music announcement, interaction to online performances. By the end of April, Tik Tok had hosted more than 80 live DOULive broadcasts, in which singers such as Greeny, Wilber Pan, Ar Fi and ELLA participated. Aauto Quicker also co-planned several online concerts with UCCA Ullens Center for Contemporary Art and National Centre for the Performing Arts.

  In the eyes of many insiders, short video has become an indispensable position in the music industry. On the one hand, users have the opportunity to deeply participate in the process of song consumption, resulting in a large number of secondary creative content including cover, gesture dance, dance, performance and so on; On the other hand, the platform also helps the original songs to be strongly exposed, and to some extent alleviates the situation that the online hot songs "songs are not hot".

  In addition, the short video platform has reconstructed the whole music ecology, a large number of music companies have risen, and various online hot songs have emerged one after another. Now, there have been many companies that specialize in making divine comedy for the two platforms.

  The music story among content companies, musicians, broadcast platforms and short video platforms may just begin.


  Tiktok is rewriting how hits get made Source: Billboard