Deconstructing the logic of e-commerce live broadcast industry with a long word

Editor’s Note: This article comes from WeChat WeChat official account’s "Blue Whale Muddy Water" (ID:hunwatermedia), which was published by 36Kr with authorization.

Interview and Writing | Gemee

Content Master Plan | Guo Nan

Live, live, live ……

In 2020, live broadcast seems to be a universal antidote to solve the problem of traffic growth and realization, especially under the impact of the epidemic, all walks of life are generally online or e-commerce.

We have seen more new forms of content consumption, such as Cloud Watch Exhibition, Cloud Music Festival and Yunbengdi. On the other hand, e-commerce live broadcast with fire by Taobao has also ushered in new growth, and content platforms including Aauto Quicker and Tik Tok have gradually increased the realization mode of live broadcast with goods.

After the e-commerce platform with stronger supply chain capability, transaction guarantee and performance ability has occupied a dominant position, live selling has actually solidified into an important shipping channel for the retail industry. After the market cultivation is completed, the fundamentals of both supply and demand sides are stable.

On April 1st, 2020, Luo Yonghao completed his first live broadcast with goods in Tik Tok, and the controversy naturally existed. However, for Luo Yonghao, if more Weibo can be marketed, the high-profile benefits naturally outweigh the hardships.

Sell former friends’ mobile phones, bow down and apologize to the brand, and try razors with goods. ……

No matter how the outside world looks at it, the middle-aged online celebrity’s "re-starting a business" is obviously smoother than before, and he must have more confidence to pay off his debts.

On the same night of Lao Luo’s live broadcast, Viya sold a rocket with a price of 40 million yuan in the Taobao live broadcast room, and Simba’s apprentice "Dan Dan Xiao Pen You" sold a total of 2.78 million items in Aauto Quicker live broadcast, with a total transaction amount exceeding 480 million yuan.

Zhu Guangquan, the host of CCTV, and Li Jiaqi, the anchor of Taobao, partnered with "Xiao Zhu Pei Qi" to bring more than 40 million yuan to Hubei public welfare.

The head anchor is in the limelight, and there are naturally more and more businesses, anchors and MCN institutions that yearn to bring millions of goods once.

Zhaopin’s "Talent Report of Live Broadcasting Industry in Spring 2020" shows that the recruitment demand of live broadcasting industry increased by 132% year-on-year after the Spring Festival. The average monthly salary of Taobao live talent reached 9845 yuan.

In the economic era of online celebrity, e-commerce is an important way to realize cash. It is a natural thing to do some business with influence:

In the general trend, live broadcast will become the standard of e-commerce platform, and content platform will be the standard of e-commerce. 

After the "live broadcast fever" faded and the bottleneck of e-commerce growth, the e-commerce platform tried to drive traffic and revenue growth through live broadcast. This is a change from "live broadcast yearning for e-commerce" to "e-commerce yearning for live broadcast".

The problem is that e-commerce is a typical re-investment model, and the industrial chain involved is far more complicated than opening a Taobao store. Where will this platform and MCN continue to increase the live broadcast competition?

This paper will discuss the following issues:

"Either time for traffic or money for traffic."

An e-commerce anchor once introduced his own experience in this way. The platform allocated traffic to the live broadcast room, which can easily open the difference between the viewing volume and sales of the same anchor by ten times.

Pure e-commerce live broadcast actually lacks a fan base, and the traffic distribution on the platform side has a great influence, so online celebrity with its own traffic becomes a natural choice. Deepening cooperation with merchants and brands has also become another value export that MCN has found after content marketing.

Back to the live broadcast room, the core competitiveness of the anchor comes from two aspects, one is that the price is favorable enough, and the other is the professionalism of product selection and promotion.

Among them, the price comparison is dominant and the product selection is invisible. The former is directly related to the instant conversion rate of the live broadcast room, while the latter affects the consumer evaluation, repurchase and even the return rate.

According to the Online Survey Report on Consumer Satisfaction of Live E-commerce Shopping released by China Consumers Association on March 31st, the top four reasons why watching live broadcast turned into shopping were high cost performance (60.1%), favorite products (56.0%), price concessions (53.9%) and limited time concessions (43.8%).

Generally speaking, the main reason to attract consumers to decide to shop is the cost performance and price concessions of the goods themselves.

Among them, 37.3% of the consumers interviewed have encountered consumption problems in live shopping, and consumers’ false propaganda and concerns about the source of goods are relatively prominent.

E-commerce live broadcast is still a form of social promotion, and each live broadcast room can be regarded as a small promotion festival.

The common problems of e-commerce and promotion will also appear intensively on e-commerce live broadcast, such as high return rate and after-sales problems.

Wei Zhe, founder of Jiayu Fund and former president of Alibaba B2B, once said that taking clothing as an example, the return rate of clothing in traditional stores will not exceed 3%, but the return rate of e-commerce is as high as 30%. The return rate of this kind of shopping festival in double 11, and the return rate of live broadcast goods in Li Jiaqi and Viya are far greater than this ratio.

Promotion is actually a kind of centralized shipment. The so-called concentration lies in the concentration of different elements such as time, channel, category, brand and form, which is particularly obvious in Taobao live broadcast:

With the "Matthew effect" in the field of e-commerce live broadcast becoming more and more obvious, the channel value is constantly increasing, and the bargaining power of anchors has also changed. The anchors not only attract users with the "lowest price in the whole network", but also divide the hierarchy by pit fees and commission rates.

There are also some hidden worries about the direct users of consumer goods. For consumers, shopping is the content of life; For merchants, selling goods is a commercial activity; What consumers need is high quality and affordable, and businesses pay more attention to the efficiency of selling goods.

In this scenario, the demands of the two parties have come to a "hard landing" contact after eliminating the traditional "buffer" of contact between supply chain channels, dealer platforms and branded advertisements.

Therefore, most e-commerce live broadcast categories have very serious double-end appeal mismatch, and it is easy to achieve high sales and high volume in the short term, but the long-term cost of mismatch is the loss of brand value and consumer enthusiasm.

On the other hand, the gameplay of low-cost logic itself is limited.

Sunsink e-commerce represented by Pinduoduo and C2M e-commerce represented by Taobao Special Edition are also attracting price-sensitive consumers with replicable and higher efficiency by increasing subsidies and directly connecting factories.

Back in the live broadcast of e-commerce, the merchants who try to "make quick money" by bringing goods through online celebrity have no branding strategy, but can only constantly seek the purchase and transformation of traffic, and the traffic can even be called "lost volume".

It is inevitable that the industry’s general ROI will decrease. At that time, where will the e-commerce live broadcast go?

The key to channel price lies in the right to speak.

"Bringing users to make businesses", e-commerce live broadcast has raised the right to speak of the head anchor (organization) to a very high level. The anchor should give consideration to providing consumers with "low-priced" goods and the growth of its own income, which will inevitably squeeze the surplus of producers, that is, the profits of merchants and brands.

If the merchant’s profit from shipping through the anchor is lower than the commission fee, he will have to face the choice of whether to lose money to buy exposure.

According to the First Financial Report, the person in charge of Puxi E-commerce revealed that the link fee of Li Jiaqi "double 11" was 150,000 that day, accounting for 20%, and they lost three times in cooperation with Li Jiaqi for five times, and even lost 500,000 on the day of Double Eleven.

Only a few big brands can afford to spend money to change the volume of sound, and it does not constitute a long-term strategy.

Luo Yonghao’s statement that "live e-commerce is not a zero-sum game" is a problem that needs to be inferred again.

"The lowest price of the whole network" can be regarded as an alternative "wholesale" (not completely equivalent). The price is determined by supply and demand, while the formation of "wholesale price" is often determined by the game between manufacturers and distributors. Distributors guarantee the shipment volume, thus sharing the risks of manufacturers and reducing the marginal costs of manufacturers, which is the embodiment of channel value.

In traditional retail, "circulation is cost"-goods generally pass through secondary and tertiary wholesalers (distributors) and then to the final terminal retailer, and the intermediate price increase is easy to exceed 50%, or even multiple price increase;

In e-commerce (online retail), "channel is cost"-goods can reach consumers directly from the first-class warehouse, in which the e-commerce platform is drawn and the operating cost of e-commerce still exists, but the agglomeration effect, channel efficiency and price of e-commerce still have advantages compared with traditional retail;

The general e-commerce live broadcast is based on e-commerce, and the channel of live broadcast is continued. When the shipment volume of the live broadcast room is large enough to still cover the marginal cost of goods under the condition of "the lowest price in the whole network", the merchant is profitable.

From the perspective of game theory, "zero-sum game" is not a result for e-commerce live broadcast, but a trend. To understand with Krugman’s "impossible trinity", it is unrealistic to maintain a long-term balance among merchant benefits, anchor/platform benefits and consumer welfare.

In the link of live broadcast with goods, the beneficiaries of merchants’ profits include platforms, institutions, anchors and consumers, and the consumers have the lowest voice. Once the balance between channel efficiency and value is broken, the cost will eventually spread on consumers.

As a shipping channel, live delivery can only focus on pre-selection and product discount, and the anchor team’s binding force on merchants’ performance and after-sales in the later period of the transaction is actually not high.

There are not a few such things. The reason why Li Jiaqi’s "rollover" looks more is that he is the head, and these things happen during the live broadcast and are more easily seen by everyone on social media.

What needs special explanation is that, although there are many so-called phenomena of "county magistrate selling goods live" and farmers carrying goods live, in essence, both Taobao live and Aauto Quicker, Tik Tok and other platforms are based on the e-commerce model.

A very simple truth is that I sell specialty products live in the village head, not to sell to fellow villagers, but to complete the transaction with someone thousands of miles away through a mature e-commerce platform, channels and after-sales system.

Therefore, what the live broadcast needs to measure is whether it can further improve the operational efficiency in the traditional e-commerce model, rather than comparing it with the traditional offline store operation.

Even from the retail point of view, there is a big difference between online and offline sales and consumption. Many business behaviors that changed from offline to online during the epidemic will eventually return to the original track.

Clean out treasure to train, taobao guest, Beijing Zhuntong, etc., as well as brushing and grading (although they are gray products), are all common buying methods. Live delivery is not only a new form of e-commerce agency operation, but also has the function of "buying quantity".

In addition to "small profits but quick turnover", many merchants and brands can also accept "trading at a loss". In this case, more consideration is given to exposure and brand awareness. Fast and large-scale shipment through live broadcast will also help some new products and stores to improve the recommendation weight of e-commerce platforms.

After the rise of e-commerce, in the process of many traditional brands transforming into online channels, there has been a demand for e-commerce to operate on their behalf. In the traditional e-commerce agency operation, how to balance online and offline business is also critical, such as whether online and offline are the same? Is the same paragraph the same price and homogeneity?

For the retail industry, it is a delicate job to maintain the balance of the price system of each channel. After the popularization of e-commerce, all goods can be compared, but "price is not everything", which ultimately determines consumers’ buying behavior, and it is the common effect of different reasons such as differences in consumer goods, urgency and cultural additional attributes.

On the night of the first broadcast in Tik Tok, Luo Yonghao, e-commerce and price comparison platforms launched special zones such as "Lao Luo Live with the same paragraph" and "Lower than Lao Luo". The "lowest price of the whole network" itself is a comparative discount rather than an absolute discount, and the enthusiasm is obvious.

However, it also reflects a problem that has not been solved by live e-commerce. Will the preferential price of live broadcast have an impact on the price system of manufacturers and brands?

On the industrial side, the regular price (price tag) of standardized brands is generally the actual selling price (often seasonal), in addition to discount prices, promotional prices, activity prices, and hook products (special prices).

The regular prices of more commodities, especially those sold online, are generally confusing. For example, in Luckin Coffee, the regular prices and competing products are all against Starbucks, and after 1.8 and 3.8 discounts, they are actually similar to convenience store coffee. So what gradient is Ruixing’s product itself?

From the consumer’s point of view, the only thing that can be evaluated in the end is the terminal channel price, that is, the difference of the "hand-to-hand price", and "where can the buyer have the seller’s essence" will not change.

Looking back at the e-commerce live broadcast, it is a common measure to give special prices to the goods in the live broadcast room through special channels. For many brands, they want to gain exposure and user growth through this "hook product", but there are also many merchants who are purely for the purpose of fast shipment.

Anson, who is engaged in digital marketing, provided a case. Before that, he met a customer of a traditional manufacturer who wanted to transform. They made a brand positioning plan and a launch plan for the customer and provided a set of digital marketing plans. But the customer said: "The brand is useless. Now online celebrity can sell it with goods."

"You don’t need to be a brand, it’s good to be able to sell goods." Many merchants who blindly enter the live broadcast with goods may think so, but without a brand, there will be no premium, and the profit of bringing goods to online celebrity will not go up.

Merchants want to choose anchors, and anchors are also picking brands and goods. The first-line brands have lower commissions, which is also a manifestation of brand premium.

Anson’s customer has his own factory, which does processing for some high-end brands in Europe and America, so he doesn’t understand "why can’t you take it easy and not make a brand?"

There is a saying that live broadcast is a "what you see is what you get" mode. Is this good for the brand?

From the perspective of exposure and brand, the effectiveness of live broadcast also needs to be fully evaluated, and exposure has advantages and disadvantages. Whether in Li Jiaqi, Viya or Lao Luo, the "rollover" brand is often the most widely spread after the live broadcast.

From the perspective of branding, live broadcast is actually not as good as graphic and short video content. As a part of asset management, brand strategy should be a long-term strategy, and the immediacy of live broadcast is contrary to the long-term demand of brand.

For example, people often say "Ins with the same paragraph", "Little Red Book with the same paragraph" and "Tik Tok with the same paragraph". These contents (which are also commodities) can withstand the spread, consumption and reproduction, and finally form cultural and brand recognition. However, the instant nature of live broadcast makes it difficult for them to have the ability of "planting grass" with pictures, texts and short videos.

Of course, Li Jiaqi has also boosted L ‘Oreal, Guerlain and other brands, which is the embodiment of the anchor’s fit with commodities and brands, and is also directly related to the professional ability of the anchor team. The brand needs to spend money on the right anchor for a long time, and it is hard to say that this income is cost-effective.

Selling goods by live broadcast is not omnipotent. Finding a suitable platform, anchor and pricing can make profit from selling goods. Blind pursuit of "live broadcast effect" can’t do a good job in cost control and income evaluation, not necessarily making money, and it is likely to overturn.

On January 9th, 2020, Yujiahui, the parent company of "Royal Nifang", received an inquiry letter from the management department of the Growth Enterprise Market Company of Shenzhen Stock Exchange, asking about its cooperation mode and content with online celebrity anchor, and its influence on the company’s operating performance, and whether there was any situation of exaggerating the influence of cooperation with online celebrity.

Qingyan (Beauty Media) reported that on January 14th, Yujiahui issued an announcement in reply to the inquiry letter, saying that it cooperated with Li Jiaqi Live 47 times, Viya Live more than 30 times, and cooperated with more than 1,500 online celebrity anchors such as Kiki and Lieer Baby in Jie Chen, and the total number of live broadcasts exceeded 8,000.

In the first three quarters of 2018 and the first three quarters of 2019, the sales of products involved in online celebrity anchor cooperation accounted for 0.99% and 4.02% of the company’s operating income respectively.

Yujiahui said that more than 8,000 live broadcasts with goods have not yet constituted the main source of sales and have little impact on the company’s operating performance.

In addition, Yujiahui also announced the proportion of its promotion and sales in 2018 and January-September 2019. Yujiahui’s brand promotion expenses decreased significantly in January-September 2019, but the proportion of platform promotion service fees in sales expenses further increased to 38.51% (35.49% in 2018).

The platform promotion service fee in Yujiahui’s announcement is mainly the commission, technical service fee, promotion service fee or software service fee and rebate paid to the e-commerce platform or the brand promotion service, which shows that Yujiahui still has a high platform promotion expenditure.

The reason why Shenzhen Stock Exchange inquired about Yujiahui was that Yujiahui released the facts about the cooperation with online celebrity to investors, but did not explain the specific impact of the business on the company’s operation. In this regard, the Shenzhen Stock Exchange requires it to explain whether there are situations such as actively catering to market hotspots, speculating the company’s share price, and cooperating with shareholders to reduce their holdings.

It can be seen from the contents of Yujiahui’s announcement that it is a fact to cooperate with online celebrity, and it is also a fact that the level of cooperation with online celebrity is not low and the proportion of sales is not high.

Coincidentally, the storm of live broadcast with goods as an emerging concept in the capital market is not an isolated case.

On February 11th, Xiamen Sanwu Internet announced a major asset restructuring announcement, intending to acquire Shanghai Wanrui (Netstar DreamWorks), a MCN company with more than 700 online celebrity IPs and 500 million fans. At present, Shanghai Wanrui has also increased its investment in live broadcast.

After the announcement, the share price of Sanwu Interconnect continued to limit. Later, Sanwu Interconnect received two inquiries from Shenzhen Stock Exchange, and was asked to answer several major questions in the acquisition: whether the disclosure of the plan was prudent, whether there was insider trading, whether the actual controller had a reduction plan, the core competitiveness and going concern ability of the target company, etc.

In the second inquiry letter, the question about Shanghai Wanrui, the target company, is particularly acute:

Please disclose the statistical caliber of "more than 500 million fans", and whether there is "buying fans" and double counting the number of fans;

Please disclose more than 700 online celebrity, and list the number of small and medium-sized incubation online celebrity IP, big coffee online celebrity IP, and head online celebrity IP by classification;

Please disclose the integrated marketing case completed by the target company and the amount of the customer bill;

The Sanwu Internet responded to the inquiry letter of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange and disclosed that Shanghai Haorui’s revenue in 2019 was 120 million; Among the 500 million fans, Weibo fans are 260 million, and the active fans of the company’s Weibo account account account only account for 12.61%, which is about 32.78 million.

Regarding the statistical caliber of "more than 500 million fans" in the inquiry letter, Shanghai Wanrui denied the situation of "buying fans" and admitted the problem of double counting. The double counting mainly includes that a fan pays attention to the same online celebrity on multiple platforms and multiple online celebrity IPS on the same platform are paid attention to by the same fan.

It is impossible to effectively count the data of fans. This problem is actually a common problem in the whole field of online marketing and MCN. Especially for the form of live delivery, which emphasizes the purchase and transformation, there is still a lack of transparency about the net value of customers brought by fans.

In recent years, online celebrity and MCN-related concept stocks have experienced capital speculation, and they are also faced with doubts about their business models in the capital market.

After Ruhan Holdings went public, although it is trying to cultivate new head celebrities, more than 50% of the company’s revenue is still created by Zhang Dayi alone; Mei ONE relies on Li Jiaqi, Qian Xun relies on Viya, and it is a common disease in the industry to rely on head talents.

After being inquired about the acquisition case, Sanwu Interconnect also received warning letters from Xiamen Securities Regulatory Commission to its controlling shareholder and actual controller, letters of concern from the Growth Enterprise Market of Shenzhen Stock Exchange, and public condemnation of its controlling shareholder and chairman for alleged violations.

The process that Sanwu Internet wants to acquire Shanghai Wanrui will be difficult to smooth.

On the other hand, live delivery, which relies more on the trust relationship between anchors and fans, needs to cultivate a new business model with stable user base, and also needs to answer the question of industry standardization and large-scale growth.

As a form of e-commerce agency operation, live delivery should return to live delivery to measure its value.

As we said before, live broadcast is just a tool, and the field it builds depends on the existing identities of the recipients at both ends of the screen and the field characteristics of the live broadcast platform.

In the field of live broadcast with goods, anchors and consumers are the main recipients at both ends of this field. No matter whether the live broadcast room is poor, teasing dogs or talking cross talk, it will finally return to a series of problems such as product price, quality and after-sales.

So, how to understand the value of live broadcast as a tool?

Baharat Anand quoted Craig Mo Feite’s "Dumb Tube Paradox" in the fuse to discuss the pipeline role played by cable TV companies in the streaming media era. The image metaphor of "pipeline" can also be used to understand the value of live broadcast.

The paradox of "dumb tube" reveals the reality that American cable TV service providers, under the impact of the Internet, have abandoned their content lines and transformed into information infrastructure providers, and have also fundamentally changed their existence value in the digital age, so they will not be stifled by the rise of online media.

The domestic example is the communication service providers represented by the three major operators. Traditional communication services such as telephone and SMS have been increasingly replaced by network communication software, but as infrastructure providers, operators’ income has been increasing.

According to the data of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the growth rate of telecom business revenue still increased steadily from January to November in 2019, and the telecom business revenue totaled 1,203.9 billion yuan, up 0.5% year-on-year, and the growth rate increased steadily. Looking at the operators’ income again, the operating income of China Mobile in 2019 was 745.9 billion yuan, that of China Unicom in 2019 was 290.51 billion yuan, and that of China Telecom in 2019 was 375.734 billion yuan.

Correspondingly, Alibaba Group’s revenue in fiscal year 2019 (April 2018 to March 2019) was 376.844 billion yuan, and Tencent’s annual revenue in 2019 was 377.289 billion yuan.

Only from the perspective of revenue, the two giants of the Internet can add up to be comparable to an operator of China Mobile.

Even though many people have long lost the habit of texting, during the period from January to November 2019, the revenue of domestic mobile SMS business still reached 35.8 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 2%.

If Internet companies such as Tencent and Ali are cars, communication service providers are the way. This is the value of the pipeline, which is the embodiment of the "channel is king" in the communication industry.

For Internet platforms such as Taobao, Tik Tok and Aauto Quicker, the principle of pipeline value also applies.

What the platform needs to take into account is the growth of its entire traffic market. It is a very realistic stage growth strategy to encourage short videos when short videos are on fire and stimulate live broadcasts when live broadcasts are on fire.

As far as the field of live broadcast is concerned, an obvious problem is that although the platform side has said a lot to encourage the development of the industry and issued a lot of policies, it is still a few head anchors.

It is enough for the platform to stimulate the participation enthusiasm of the industry through the demonstration effect of the head anchor.

Another question worth thinking about is, will the platform really spare no effort to support live delivery?

The live e-commerce research report of China Merchants Securities pointed out that the essence of live e-commerce is the embodiment of the brand’s desire for private domain traffic. The research report also believes that live e-commerce reshapes the people’s goods yard: 1. People change from active consumption to passive consumption; 2, the goods go to middlemen, and the origin of the products is brought closer; 3. The function of "clairvoyance+clairvoyance" has become a reality.

In 2017, after Jack Ma put forward the concept of "new retail", Zhang Yong, then CEO of Alibaba, continued to interpret the new retail from the concept of "people, goods and fields", pointing out that the key is the reconstruction of all commercial elements and the efficiency improvement brought by element reconstruction.

In the following years, the theory of "people’s goods yard" continued to be widely used in the retail and consumption fields, such as social e-commerce, community group buying, fresh e-commerce and other fields, and even appeared in smart homes, e-cigarettes and other industries.

In the meantime, the theory of "people’s goods yard" has undergone obvious marketing conceptualization, from the relatively complex and macro level of new retail, to more vertical fields and industries, and even to a specific product and function, and at the same time, it emphasizes methodology and quick results.

It can realize a live broadcast of e-commerce with over 10 million goods and over 100 million goods, which seems to perfectly fit the efficiency improvement of the so-called "people and goods yard" reconstruction. However, can the considerable sales ability of an anchor and a live broadcast with goods really verify the "people’s freight yard" theory?

Looking back at the retail industry, there are still too many uncertainties about whether the scale, stability and controllable efficiency necessary for factor reconstruction can be popularized and verified in the industry for a long time:

As we mentioned above, the live broadcast has a head effect and goes further; For another example, even for the head MCN, the research report of China Merchants Securities also said that such institutions are currently small, and their business models and profitability have yet to be verified.

In recent years, whether it is new retail or social e-commerce, the mode innovation of the so-called "people’s goods yard" often falls on the innovation and change of consumption scenes.

In the evolution of consumption scenarios, we can use the concepts of online celebrity economy, sinking market and private domain in recent years to establish a simple analysis framework to further discuss the e-commerce live broadcast:

As we all know, Li Jiaqi was a BA (Beauty Consultant for Cosmetics Counter) of L ‘Oré al in his early years and won the sales champion. At the end of 2016, MCN Institutional Beauty ONE cooperated with L ‘Oré al Group in the Taobao live broadcast project of "BA online celebrity". After Li Jiaqi entered the competition, she signed Beauty ONE to become a beauty expert. Since then, she has accumulated a large number of fans in Taobao live broadcast. After selling lipstick with Jack Ma "PK" in double 11 in 2018, "Lipstick One Brother" has gradually come out of the circle.

Has Li Jiaqi proved the success of the project of "BA online celebrity"?

As of March 29, 2020, the Taobao list shows that the Taobao Live Talent Index ranks in the top 100, and the signing talents of US ONE are only Li Jiaqi and Hu Yueming _demi; In addition, as early as February 2018, Hu Yueming _demi’s Taobao fans reached 850,000. At present, she ranks 18th on the list of people with just over 1.15 million Taobao fans.

There are various accidental and inevitable factors for Li Jiaqi’s popularity. "BA online celebrity" is an opportunity for Li Jiaqi, but the project itself is far from success. It can even be said that Li Jiaqi is an accident of this project, and until now, US ONE still relies too much on Li Jiaqi.

The modest search of the first list of Taobao institutions reflects the other side of e-commerce live broadcast in the operation of Daren:

Although it is not as out of the circle as Li Jiaqi, Viya is still another peak in Taobao anchor, including the accumulation of long-term offline retail and online stores in Viya, and the help of institutionalized operation after the establishment of Qianxun.

In the same period, Taobao Live Talent Index ranked in the top 100, and 14 talents were Qianxun’s artists. Besides Viya, Qianxun was more active in signing talents, such as famous beauty bloggers such as late-night xu teacher and Zhang Mofan, and online celebrity.

Qianxun’s strategy of signing a top talent is in line with the natural trend of "BA-ization in online celebrity" after the outbreak of e-commerce live broadcast, that is, more and more online celebrity and stars with voice want to enter this industry.

This also reflects that MCN institutions such as Midea ONE, Qianxun, Ruhan and Worry-Free still can’t realize the vision of "cultivating online celebrity in batches". In terms of the incubation and liquidity of online celebrity, MCN institutions have hardly changed or improved in recent years.

MCN itself has become a outlet by outlet. Whether it is a content production organization or a service provider with content marketing as its core is a "strange circle" that MCN has not walked out of.

When it comes to online celebrity, Aauto Quicker and Tik Tok, as important platforms for live broadcast of goods in online celebrity, have obvious differences from Taobao live broadcast.

According to the data of China Merchants Securities, the daily average transaction volume of live broadcast goods in Aauto Quicker in 2019 is 100 million, and it is expected to be 40-50 billion for the whole year; Everbright Securities predicts that the narrow-caliber transaction scale of Aauto Quicker live broadcast will be 25 billion (the transaction scale within the platform) and 150 billion (the transaction scale led by the anchor to WeChat).

The limelight of Aauto Quicker live broadcast is not so much the emergence of "e-commerce live broadcast" as the exposure of Aauto Quicker live broadcast itself.

Aauto Quicker’s long-term accumulation of users in the sinking market, anchor trust foundation and live broadcast selling habits are the basis for Aauto Quicker to become the second platform for live broadcast.

As for the sinking market, we have said in previous reports that the "Internet going to the countryside" represented by the sinking market is actually a continuation of the "information equality" movement, and the greatest significance lies in the reconstruction of information elements. Third-and fourth-tier cities, small towns and vast rural markets are related to more intertwined channels, interpersonal patterns and differences in consumption concepts, but they are fundamentally urbanization problems.

From the perspective of urbanization, the sinking market and private domain are actually highly compatible:

Due to the more thorough transformation of commercial culture, cities have typical characteristics of consistent consumer culture, such as consumer brands such as Haidilao and Xicha, and commercial real estate brands such as Vanke Center and wanda plaza, which are very popular in first-and second-tier cities, and even in some third-and fourth-tier cities.

In small towns, rural areas and other areas, the more traditional business model is still very competitive. Even online car rental and take-out services with prominent Internet platform may not compete with local car rental and take-out services in these areas. As for the differences of consumer brands, from the early store sinking strategy of vivo and OPPO, the traditional dealer stores such as VIP Bird and Elcon operated in franchise mode, and the brand recognition in the sinking market was also high.

Another example is that some special fields and specialized services are based on the different needs of different markets, which is the embodiment of the "ten miles of different sounds" in the consumer field.

To put it simply, the difference in lifestyle between first-line and second-line residents is far less than that between county towns and rural areas. Urban culture is consistent, so online celebrity stores can be opened all over the country; Sinking market, city, town and village, each level is a layer, and consumer goods are very different.

The popularity of the term "sinking market" appeared around the time of listing in Pinduoduo, and the term "sinking big three" also appeared. By the end of 2019, the saying of sinking the market was more replaced by private domain.

Because the whole sinking market, in fact, is a collection of countless small private areas, with the characteristics of mutual connection and division. There is a sinking market, but the sinking market is not a big market.

In 2019, Aauto Quicker made great efforts to enter the first and second tier, and Tik Tok adopted a sinking strategy to break down the so-called "inside and outside the Five Rings" based on information services. The actual effect is actually drawing to a close.

Looking back at live delivery, the reason why "online celebrity BA" will become the mainstream is because online celebrity is a shortcut to private domain.

However, online celebrity’s popularity and consumer trust are based on long-term content and social maintenance, and it is not really possible to maintain a good popularity by bringing goods. The artistry of Li Jiaqi is also an example.

With regard to e-commerce live broadcast, the stakeholders, business model and retail reform involved are a very complicated and unsystematic issue. This article is not complete, and there are still many problems that have not been included, such as:

The following are some fragmented thoughts, but I think they have certain reference value:

1, whether Taobao or Tik Tok Aauto Quicker live broadcast with goods, can not break through their own platform positioning. It can be inferred that Aauto Quicker live delivery will encourage self-built and external e-commerce modes, and at the same time strengthen advertising share; Tik Tok’s short video marketing is stronger than live broadcast, and it is still an advertising growth strategy for a long time; Taobao live APP must rely on Taobao’s continuous diversion, and it is difficult to make a separate consumption platform, but it can be made into a tool.

2, Taobao data, about half of merchants have used Taobao live broadcast to sell goods. From an operational point of view, gradually improving the form of self-broadcast by merchants will become an important means to balance costs and operational growth.

In fact, whether it’s live broadcast of Taobao or live broadcast of other content platforms and brands, this kind of "de-online celebrity" live broadcast sales has become more common. From the point of view of employment, the sales model of shop assistants going to online celebrity is traditional BA online, and the ceiling is not very high, but it is sustainable.

In addition, don’t be too superstitious about the effect of live broadcast with goods. taobao guest, Taobao Alliance, Beijing Zhuntong, etc. still have good channel effects, and even lead WeChat and small programs to make deals. The key is cost control and comprehensive efficiency improvement.

3, based on the differences in urbanization, lifestyle and popular culture, the impact on the consumption field can not be ignored. Even in the city, since there are constantly business and brand innovations hidden, such as Modern China Tea Shop, which has not yet left Changsha. The birth and development of a new consumer brand should bring vitality to the consumer market and enrich our urban culture.

4. The efficiency of e-commerce live broadcast matching people’s freight yard should be evaluated on the basis of e-commerce. Many industries in the current epidemic stage are online, which is a last resort. We are still waiting for an opportunity to return to the offline consumption space, not for "retaliatory consumption" but for a more real life.

5, the low-cost strategy of e-commerce live broadcast is hidden in the connotation of promotion, so it is difficult to change. Platform-led low-cost, the other end is C2M, but it is difficult to get through the C2M model.

In the not-too-long history of retail development, "factory goods" often refer to "tail goods" (the sound of factory closure in Wenzhou, Zhejiang Province is still there). C2M still needs to be verified by consumer culture, which may lead to the differentiation of consumer groups and categories.

For example, clothing C2M is basically difficult to make, even if it is a basic model, different brands have their own connotations; Another example is Uniqlo’s stolen joint money. Consumption is not only a purchase, but also a kind of self-expression.

From this point of view, C2M may not be as good as OEM, ODM and OBM’s pseudo-factory model.

6, two fundamentals of consumer business, one is manufacturing, and the other is retail. The innovation of retail model is inseparable from the progress of manufacturing industry. Only a more efficient and benign development of manufacturing industry can bring real consumer surplus.

"Consumer surplus is an important indicator to measure consumer welfare."


"The little red book of 250 million users began to broadcast live-e-commerce temptation? Or content anxiety? Blue Whale Muddy Water June 21, 2019

Farewell to 2010s, Past and Future of "Traffic Commerce" Blue Whale Muddy Water December 24, 2019

"Eleven Years Changed by double 11" Blue Whale Muddy Water November November 2019

China Merchants Securities: Live E-commerce Kill in Three Kingdoms, from "Cats Fighting Dogs" to "Cats Shaking Fast" China Merchants Securities 2020.01.05

"Li Jiaqi, Viya with goods in the end? Yujiahui handed over the answer to Shenzhen Stock Exchange.

Tik Tok is restricting online celebrity’s goods-carrying behavior, which is an inevitable choice. Internet and entertainment thieves group January 23, 2020.

What does computer hertz mean?

  Hertz is the unit to calculate the frequency, and it is the refresh frequency of the screen displayed by the computer. It is generally set to 60Hz, but at present, due to the needs of games, there are already 144Hz or even 240Hz display screens; This parameter refers to how many pictures can be displayed on the display screen in one second, and 60Hz refers to displaying 60 pictures in one second. The details are as follows:

  1. It refers to the refresh frequency of computer screen, which needs to be set according to your monitor parameters, generally set to 60Hz. At present, many e-sports game monitors have supported the refresh rate of 144Hz or even 240Hz.

  2. Because the dynamic picture of the display screen is displayed by refreshing, it is not easy for human eyes to recognize because of the high refreshing frequency. The refresh rate refers to how many pictures the display screen can display in one second, and 60Hz refers to displaying 60 pictures in one second. The higher the refresh rate, the smoother the dynamic picture display.

  3. However, the refresh rate needs the support of graphics card and monitor. If you need to choose a refresh rate above 60Hz, you need to ensure that your monitor supports high refresh rate.

How to move towards standardization after the uproar of online celebrity in running all the way

  In a melon and vegetable planting base in Qian ‘an City, Hebei Province, villagers used live broadcast to promote tomatoes. Xinhua news agency

  In a business exhibition company in Chenghai District, Shantou City, Guangdong Province, an anchor sells car models in the live broadcast room. Xinhua news agency

  In a flower planting base in Xindian Street, Dongying District, Dongying City, Shandong Province, college students returning home during the winter vacation live broadcast with goods. Song Xinggang photo/bright picture

  In Dinghe Village, Tangqi Town, Linping District, Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province, the network anchor is selling special new year goods such as dried herring live. Xinhua news agency

    These days, major e-commerce platforms have launched the "New Year Festival", and Li Dian, a Beijing citizen, is also busy buying in buy buy, but she feels more rational recently. "Now I won’t spend a lot of time in the live room, but I want to take a few minutes to go to the live room of the head anchor when I want to buy something, browse the products of the day, buy them if necessary, and quit the live room immediately if I don’t." Li Dian once bought a lot of good things with good quality and low price in the live broadcast room, and also encountered "things are not as good as the anchor said" or even quality problems. "But overall, the live broadcast industry has become more and more standardized recently."

    On December 20th, 2021, the Inspection Bureau of Hangzhou Taxation Bureau of Zhejiang Province informed that Huang Wei (net name: Viya), the network anchor, had been punished by tax administration according to law, and the tax was recovered, the late payment fee was added and the total fine was 1.341 billion yuan. Subsequently, Viya’s platform accounts were blocked. As soon as the news came out, public opinion was in an uproar. People were both surprised at the wealth myth created by online celebrity’s economy and at how many chaos there were in the live broadcast industry.

    Indeed, this is not the first time that anchor online celebrity has "overturned". "Water Army" swipes bills, sells fakes and evades taxes … … Online celebrity’s economic turnover, which has been refreshed repeatedly, is bound up with all kinds of chaos that has never stopped. In the past two years, with the introduction of various management measures and the strengthening of tax supervision, a clear signal has emerged — —

    The period when online celebrity’s economy ran like a runaway wild horse, such as live broadcast with goods, has passed in a hubbub. Online celebrity’s economy will have a long-term future only if it is standardized in development, developed in standardization and changed into a healthier growth mode.

  Triumphant: Last year, the live broadcast market was nearly 2 trillion yuan.

    “3、2、1! Link! " "Buy it", these familiar slogans, were not "hot" more than two years ago. In Li Dian’s impression, he probably heard the names of Li Jiaqi and other head anchors in 2019, but he didn’t watch the live broadcast at that time. "At that time, I didn’t even know where to watch the live broadcast. After chatting with friends, I realized that Taobao actually had an App dedicated to watching the live broadcast." Li Dian recalled that after the outbreak of the COVID-19 epidemic in 2020, he spent less time going out and more time at home. Slowly, she started shopping with the head anchor.

    Looking back at the development of e-commerce live broadcast, with the help of the influx of capital flows and the epidemic, the whole industry has made great strides in the past two or three years, and some media even used "rapid ripening" to describe the development of this industry.

    "During the epidemic, many businesses were blocked from operating offline, and the inventory pressure was high. This sales method of live broadcast with goods has found a way out for shops with sales difficulties, and also meets the needs of consumers. With the active promotion of e-commerce platforms and shopping malls, live delivery has developed rapidly. " Pan Helin, member of the Information and Communication Economy Expert Committee of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and executive director of the Digital Economy Research Institute of Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, said.

    According to the Research Report of China Live E-commerce Industry in 2021 released by iResearch, by the end of 2020, the number of live e-commerce users in China reached 388 million, accounting for nearly 40% of the total netizens, and nearly two-thirds of users made purchases after watching the live broadcast. According to the enterprise survey data, in 2020, the number of registered new live broadcast enterprises in China increased by 10 times compared with 2016. Online celebrity’s economy, such as e-commerce live broadcast, attracted a large number of practitioners to enter the market, and the number of MCN agencies engaged in online celebrity brokerage achieved a spurt growth from more than 150 in 2015 to more than 20,000 in 2020. The report pointed out that nearly 1,000 live broadcast rooms with sales exceeding 100 million yuan will be born in 2020, and it is estimated that the size of the live broadcast market will be close to 2 trillion yuan in 2021.

    Online celebrity traffic anchor’s super liquidity has attracted many stars and entrepreneurs, trying to get a slice of it. Judging from the overall sales record, the live broadcast of "Fire Out of the Circle" not only makes many new domestic brands well known, but also opens up more sales for agricultural and sideline products, which also drives the rapid growth of online consumption. According to the latest data released by the National Bureau of Statistics, in 2021, the national online retail sales increased by 14.1% over the previous year, among which the online retail sales of physical goods increased by 12%, with an average growth rate of 13.4% in two years, which was significantly higher than that of offline consumption.

    Undoubtedly, running all the way’s live broadcast with goods and other online celebrity economies have promoted the development of digital economy. "The live broadcast involves a wide range of goods, and the content display and affordable discounts of the live broadcast have stimulated the enthusiasm of consumers, contributed to the prosperity of China’s consumer market, and also played an important role in promoting the development of domestic goods." Pan and Lin said.

    Zhao Ping, vice president of the Research Institute of China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, told the reporter that as an iterative mode of traditional e-commerce, live broadcast with goods has accelerated the high growth of online consumption, and online interaction and all-round display of goods have made it easier for consumers to understand and choose goods, which is conducive to expanding the scale of consumption, creating more consumption growth points and further exerting the pulling effect of consumption on economic growth.

  Frequent chaos: exaggerating propaganda, selling fake goods, and "water army" brushing orders are endless.

    Like any other industry that grows wildly, online celebrity’s cargo carrying industry is experiencing problems at the same time, just like a gorgeous robe covered with lice, behind which is a "chicken feather".

    During the Double Eleven last year, Zhejiang Consumer Protection Committee conducted a consumer inspection on the live broadcasts of five platforms and 17 anchors from Taobao, Pinduoduo, JD.COM, Aauto Quicker and Tik Tok. It is found that five anchors, such as Timor Little Crazy and Yunyun Live Room, have some problems, such as exaggerating propaganda, using absolute advertising language and comparing prices with other live rooms. Knowing that the quality of anchor products such as YEATION and Rongwei No.7 (Xiao Xuan Ge) does not meet the standard; In Li Jiaqi and Baibai Rabbit Live Studio, 1 batch and 2 batches of commodity labels were found to be irregular.

    This is just the tip of the iceberg. Previously, the anchor Simba received much attention because of the "fake bird’s nest" incident. In addition to him, there are many anchors selling fakes. From time to time, the products in the live broadcast rooms of anchors such as Viya and Li Jiaqi have exposed the quality problems, and consumers often encounter the phenomenon that anchors do nothing after sale and kick balls with merchants.

    From the price point of view, Li Jiaqi, Viya and L ‘Oré al had a dispute over pricing during the Double Eleven last year. At that time, some consumers found that the price of products purchased in the live broadcast room in Li Jiaqi was higher than that in the L ‘Oré al store, and L ‘Oré al explained that it was due to the superposition of official cross-store coupons of Tmall. At that time, the public opinion was quickly divided into two waves. Some people thought that L ‘Oré al’s commitment to the maximum intensity of the whole year was not achieved, which was a sign of dishonesty; Some people think that it is unreasonable for the head anchor to demand the lowest price of the whole network by virtue of its near monopoly position. The term "the world has been suffering from live broadcast for a long time" immediately boarded the hot search. "If you don’t squat down the live broadcast rooms of these anchors, don’t you deserve to buy low prices?" Some netizens issued such a question.

    Some small and medium-sized businesses don’t have much say in the face of well-known anchors, and the actual sales volume in the live broadcast room is not as good as expected after paying high pit fees. The "illusion" created by the "water army" and false transactions has made many small and medium-sized businesses "spend money to buy a loneliness". According to media reports, a company and a online celebrity anchor recently organized a live broadcast of poverty alleviation to help sell agricultural products. The transaction amount was about 450,000 yuan, but the actual sales amount was only 100,000 yuan, accounting for 78% of the total. Similar things are not uncommon. "On the one hand, the falsification of influence indicators such as the virtual high number of viewers and the water injection of sales data has formed an industrial chain. On the other hand, horizontal competition such as malicious brushing, fancy kicking, and false reporting has also polluted the live broadcast ecology. " As early as after the Double Eleven in 2020, China Consumers Association wrote in the report.

    In Pan Helin’s view, there are many problems in the development of online celebrity live broadcast. For example, through the way of water army drainage, improperly gain traffic attention; False propaganda, wrong goods and poor after-sales service; Virtual standard pricing, merchants and anchors raise the price first and then give discounts. Consumers actually do not get benefits, but pay a lot of time costs; Pit fees and withdrawal make the channel cost rise, which is either borne by suppliers or passed on to consumers; Give up the lower limit for traffic, break through the boundary of content creation and so on.

    "These behaviors have undermined the market economic order, affected the user experience and infringed on the rights and interests of consumers. In addition, with the emergence of Matthew effect and 28 phenomena in the live broadcast industry, anchors with head traffic have further raised the threshold for live broadcast, and the increased cost has put some pressure on merchants. " Pan Helin’s view is supported by figures: although the types of anchors are increasingly diversified, the Matthew effect of anchors with goods is prominent, and Li Jiaqi and other head anchors attract most of the traffic. According to the survey and calculation, the Top10′ s head anchor has a market share of nearly 55.75%.

    Zhao Ping said that these problems have sounded the alarm for the development of China’s digital economy. Although the development prospect of digital economy is broad, anchors and enterprises should be upright and innovative, and jointly create a fair market order and a consumer-friendly consumption environment to promote the healthy development of digital economy.

  Regulatory measures: multi-departments tighten the "reins" to make the industry develop healthily.

    After Viya was punished for tax evasion, the tax authorities in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangdong and other places issued notices, requiring celebrity artists and network anchors to pay taxes by self-examination as soon as possible.

    This is not the first time that the regulatory authorities have taken action. In the past two years, the management methods and professional norms of online marketing such as live broadcast and delivery have gradually landed. In November 2020, the General Administration of Market Supervision issued the Interim Provisions on Regulating Promotion Behavior, and then issued the Guiding Opinions on Strengthening the Supervision of Webcast Marketing Activities to strictly regulate the Webcast marketing behavior. On March 15, 2021, the General Administration of Market Supervision issued the Measures for the Supervision and Administration of Online Transactions, which restricts online transactions such as live broadcast from four aspects: online transaction operators, online trading platform operators, supervision and management, and legal responsibilities. In April, seven departments jointly issued the "Management Measures for Webcast Marketing (Trial)", which clarified the behavior red line for the practitioners of live broadcast marketing activities; In September, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism issued the "Administrative Measures for Network Performance Brokers", which included all the subjects of live broadcast activities in the scope of management. Undoubtedly, the regulatory authorities are tightening the "reins" of online celebrity’s economy, such as regulating live broadcasts.

    When answering a reporter’s question about Viya’s tax evasion case, the Inspection Bureau of Hangzhou Taxation Bureau said that the platform economy is a new format of economic development, which has played a positive role in better meeting the needs of consumers, promoting the transformation of old and new kinetic energy, and promoting high-quality economic development. In the process of rapid development of platform economy, some network anchors’ illegal tax behaviors have disturbed the order of tax collection and management and destroyed the market environment of fair competition. The tax authorities will investigate and deal with the illegal tax acts of network anchors according to laws and regulations, which is conducive to the long-term standardized and healthy development of the platform economy. State Taxation Administration of The People’s Republic of China also expressed his firm support for the Hangzhou tax authorities to seriously deal with Viya’s tax evasion cases according to law. At the same time, tax authorities at all levels are required to strictly investigate and punish all kinds of tax evasion, resolutely safeguard the authority of the national tax law and promote social fairness and justice; It is required to conscientiously implement various preferential tax and fee policies, continuously optimize tax and fee services, and promote the standardization and development of new economy and new formats in development.

    This statement made by the tax authorities reflects the consistent attitude of various regulatory authorities: We never deny the contribution of online celebrity anchor to promoting the development of platform economy and the contribution of platform economy to China’s economic and social development. However, whether it is the live broadcast industry or the platform economy, in order to develop healthily for a long time, we must bid farewell to chaos, standardize in development and develop in standardization.

    Zhao Ping believes that in order for online celebrity to grow in a healthier way, it is necessary to bring the economy of online celebrity, such as live broadcasting with goods, into the legal development track, so that it can keep the legal bottom line while developing rapidly and conduct business and innovation activities legally and legally. It is necessary to strengthen the compliance supervision of online celebrity’s economic entities and related behaviors, starting from all aspects of online celebrity’s economic supply chain, from product production, online sales to after-sales service, to meet the requirements of product quality and safety law, advertising law, anti-unfair competition law, anti-monopoly law, consumer rights protection law and other relevant laws and regulations, so as to maintain fair competition market order and protect consumers’ legitimate rights and interests.

    "Yes ‘ The problem of water army ’ , to find together, investigate together, can’t let consumers be ‘ False flow ’ Guide, so as not to undermine the fairness of market competition. Quality and after-sales issues require the relevant departments to strengthen supervision, and organizations such as the Consumers Association need to take action to help consumers protect their rights. In view of the pit parking fee and drawing, industry organizations should issue an initiative to limit the drawing ratio and not excessively increase the cost of merchants. In view of the problem of tax evasion, the tax authorities should crack down on this illegal act on the one hand, and build a normalized tax monitoring system on the other. For the marketing behavior dominated by traffic and abundant, the e-commerce platform should find it early and dispose of it in time through algorithms. The company where the live e-commerce is located should also do a good job in compliance education for the anchor with goods and constrain the anchor behavior. " Pan helin suggested.

    Gao Baohua, a researcher at the Institute of International Trade and Economic Cooperation of the Ministry of Commerce, said that it is necessary to strengthen the key management and compliance inspection of head live broadcast rooms, head anchors and accounts, high-flow or high-turnover live broadcast activities, guide all kinds of subjects engaged in webcasting marketing activities, strengthen industry self-discipline, and build a standardized live broadcast supply chain system from multiple dimensions such as commodity supply, consumer rights protection and platform construction.

    Pan and Lin bluntly said that whether the live e-commerce will ultimately benefit the society depends on two points: First, whether the live e-commerce promotes the circulation and consumption of goods. Second, whether the live e-commerce has reduced the cost of sales channels while maintaining compliance operations, so that both suppliers and consumers can benefit.

    With the tightening of the "reins" of supervision, we expect that after the shock and adjustment, online celebrity’s cargo-carrying industry can really benefit more merchants and consumers and can go more steadily and for a long time.

    (Reporter chenchen)

Director New Gods: Nezha Reborn’s Airborne Comic Exhibition unveiled hand-painted posters.

1905 movie network news Recently, animated film director Evonne and Li Yunxiang voice actor Yang Tianxiang Airborne Bilibili World (hereinafter referred to as "BW") exhibited, revealing the "invincible" hand-painted poster of the mysterious masked man in the film and interacting with the audience enthusiastically.

In addition, Li Yunxiang, the "new Nezha", the third prince and four Coser, Xiaobai and Xiaoqing, made a surprise appearance at the exhibition. The "embarrassing" incident of being punished for fighting in the street was hilarious, and the fairy dance with mixed days was even more attractive. This series of interactive links in the film made the audience on the spot and watching the live broadcast feel high and cool, and added more expectations to New Gods: Nezha Reborn.

Zhao Zhiyang Tian Xiang airborne scene Yang Tianxiang partner A passer-by reverse dubbing Xiaobai "has an inner taste"

At the BW exhibition, director Zhao Ji and Yang Tianxiang, the voice actor of "New Nezha" Li Yunxiang, were present, causing fans to scream at high decibels. Everyone loves to brush and brush the "White Snake: The Origin" co-authored by the two masters before, and they are extremely looking forward to their co-operation with New Gods: Nezha Reborn. Yang Tianxiang was asked by the host about the difference between "New Nezha" Li Yunxiang and A Xuan. He said: "A Xuan is a gentle and warm man, while Li Yunxiang is a warm-blooded and cool guy. Today, he deliberately wore sunglasses on stage, hoping that he could be cooler and closer to the role." Director Evonne said with a smile: "There is a Nezha in Tian Xiang’s heart."

Passers-by A from UP who claimed to be "brainwashing cycle" and watched White Snake: Origin for many times took the stage, and staged a sound show with Yang Tianxiang on the highlights of White Snake: Origin. What is refreshing is that this time, a passer-by was paired with Xu Xuan, while Yang Tianxiang, the original Xu Xuan, needed to cross-dress, making him sigh, "It’s too difficult for me to cross both races and genders". However, in the end, the presentation received unexpected results, and was affirmed by director Evonne as "having an inner flavor", which attracted the audience to raise their mobile phones to record this rare moment and give applause.

New Nezha Li Yunxiang and Santaizi Xiti Penalty Station Xiaobai Xiaoqing gave leaflets on-site business.

New Gods: Nezha Reborn, as the only Guoman film exhibited in BW this year, showed its secondary attributes to the fullest, and once it appeared, it attracted a lot of attention. The exhibition hall with the theme of Oriental Punk Donghai City also became a popular punching place. The film and the four Coser of "White Snake: Origin" realized the offline linkage of light-chasing animation, which made the audience excited.

Li Yunxiang, the "new Nezha", met the third prince and started fighting. As a result, both of them were punished. "White Snake: Origin" Xiao Bai and Xiao Qing were also pleasantly surprised. They not only handed out leaflets to call New Gods: Nezha Reborn, but also cooperated with "New Nezha" Li Yunxiang and the third prince to dance the fairy dance, which jumped out of the unexpected magical effect and was very interesting.

The linkage between the two films has aroused many people’s feelings about White Snake: The Origin. Director Evonne released a heavy news on the spot, and the official will hold a series of commemorative activities on the second anniversary of the release of White Snake: The Origin, which makes people cheer that "there is an after-sale service after watching the second anniversary of the film, which is so delicious". At the same time, the cool and handsome "New Nezha" Li Yunxiang and the Third Prince also fascinated the audience, saying "See you in the cinema on the first day of the New Year".

Hand-painted posters of masked people are stunning, exposing and innovating.

New Gods: Nezha Reborn was built by the original crew of "White Snake: The Origin" for four years. The story took place 3000 years after the battle of deities. Nezha was reborn as a young motorcycle Li Yunxiang, and his enemies made a comeback in his previous life. When the deities were rearranged, the war was on the verge. Director Evonne explained the inheritance and innovation of the new series of deities at BW. He said that the light-chasing animation has always attached great importance to the innovation of the country. "The classic inheritance and innovation can coexist. We put the essence of the traditional Nezha story into modern elements and put it under the brand-new world outlook of oriental punk temperament, hoping to bring you a different feeling of the country."

A "invincible" hand-painted poster of the national tide wind was also officially announced at the scene. The poster was created by Lao Gui, the artistic director of Zhuiguang Animation. The mysterious masked man’s posture is cool, the suit wears a mask, and the motorcycle is equipped with a flag. Not only is the unruly character unobstructed, but it also brings a unique visual impact of combining traditional and modern elements with innovation. In the sense of seeing that the throttle is rushing to the new battle of sealing the gods, the national tide is also coming.

Director Evonne revealed: "The mysterious masked man is inextricably linked with Li Yunxiang, and he is also very cinematic." Yang Tianxiang was attracted by the visual style conveyed by the poster. On the spot, Amway said: "With such a shocking vision and story, I believe everyone will easily be brought into the world of the new list of gods when they walk into the cinema. Seeing the colors of the national tide, they must feel very good."

Japan’s personal computer market suddenly caught fire, and home office gave birth to a huge market.

  The Japanese personal computer market, which has been silent for many years, has suddenly caught fire recently.

  BCN, a professional research company, conducted a survey on POS data of major home appliance stores and online stores in Japan, and found that the computer market has been booming for a long time. In the first week of April, the Japanese PC market showed a year-on-year growth rate of 109.0%, which climbed to 145.1% in the second week and rose to 164.7% again in the third week, showing an amazing growth trend.

  The reason behind this is that the epidemic continues to spread in Japan. Japanese primary and secondary schools were closed in early March. After the state of emergency was implemented in April, the government repeatedly called on enterprises to expand the proportion of home office workers. In many families, couples and children stayed Stay Home together, working and studying online. To this end, many families urgently acquire computers suitable for office use.

  As early as 1997, the working form of home office appeared in Japan. In order to enable families raising children to take care of both childcare and work, the Japanese government has been committed to improving diversified work systems such as home office. There is a company called CASTER in Japan, and more than 700 employees implement a thorough home office system. The company has no office space, and employees are scattered all over Japan and never meet each other at all.

  However, from a global perspective, the proportion of home office in Japan is not too high. A survey of home office in Japan from March 13th to April 13th showed that only 18% of Japanese office workers worked at home during the epidemic. This is the lowest proportion among the 26 respondents of the British survey company. This shows from another angle that the hardware and software of home office in Japan are not mature and have great room for development.

  This epidemic has made the Japanese home office system work quickly. More and more enterprises begin to work remotely by holding video conferences and other means, and use online business systems instead of business trips. Followed by the rapid growth of telecommuting related software development business, including various attendance management tools, video conferencing tools, business communication tools, task management tools, virtual office tools and so on.

  Not only that, all kinds of household goods manufacturers also took the opportunity to launch online activities and compete for marketing. The most obvious thing is that the number of food delivery brothers shuttled on the street has increased significantly. Many high-end restaurants have changed to lunch after stopping the in-house food business, and they have set up stalls at the door and distributed them to nearby merchants and households. Didi Japan has also provided food delivery service in Osaka since April.

  According to an investigation by NKB, an advertising agency, during the epidemic, home-based measures not only promoted food sales, but also significantly increased the sales of kitchen equipment, furniture, sports equipment and books, especially the contrarian growth of the game and video industries.

  According to the survey of Criteo, an online advertising agency, the sales of sportswear, training clothes, pajamas and other casual clothes have increased significantly in recent weeks. Due to the restriction of going out, the time at home has increased, and consumers will give priority to buying comfortable clothes.

  The sudden surge of home office has also spawned a large number of home improvement needs, and the home improvement industry has ushered in business opportunities. Since March, Hometech, a home improvement company, has launched the theme of "Workspace" renovation in official website to show customers various renovation schemes and cases. With the development of epidemic situation, the demand for setting up home delivery box without receiving express delivery in person, transforming touch-free home control equipment and updating antibacterial wallpaper has also increased greatly.

  After the chain fitness club Dongji Sports Oasis Company was forced to close the gym, it increased the online marketing of its own "fitness furniture", and its sales in March doubled from the previous month. The biggest feature of the company’s "fitness furniture" is that it can be used as furniture at ordinary times and become fitness equipment when exercising.

  With the extension of the state of emergency, home office and other measures tend to be long-term, and consumers stop snapping up after finding that the supply of materials is sufficient, and instead start chasing the fun of home life. According to statistics, the sales of snacks and snacks, as well as dumplings and spring rolls, have all increased significantly in the near future.

  This epidemic has also promoted the development of online diagnosis and treatment in Japan. The Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare revised relevant regulations in April, relaxing the restrictions on the scope of patients and diseases applicable to online diagnosis and treatment. (Le Shaoyan)

The Information Office of the Municipal Party Committee and Government held a press conference on the successful destruction of the "skinhead gang" criminal gang by the public security organs at the t

   The Information Office of the Municipal Party Committee (Government) held a press conference at 4 pm on Wednesday, February 3, 2010 to introduce to the press and the society through the press that the public security organs at the two levels in the city successfully smashed the criminal gangs of "skinheads". More than 20 journalists from 15 news media in the central, autonomous regions and municipal levels attended. Jia Yingxiang, Party Secretary and Director of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, attended the press conference, and Jia Jie, Vice Minister of Propaganda Department of the Municipal Party Committee, presided over the press conference..

Press conference site

Jia Jie, Vice Minister of Propaganda Department of Municipal Party Committee, presided over the press conference.

   Moderator Jia Jie: Hello, friends from the press! Thank you for attending today’s press conference. Today, a press conference was held here, mainly to invite comrades from public security organs at two levels in the city to introduce that a criminal gang involved in triad activities was successfully destroyed, most gang members were arrested, and a number of cases were cracked, which effectively safeguarded the social order in Linhe area, and the broad masses of the people applauded.

   Liu Jingang, director of the Public Security Bureau of Linhe District, is invited to introduce the case investigation.

Liu Jingang, director of the Linhe District Public Security Bureau, introduced the investigation of the case

   Published by Liu Jingang: According to the deployment of the Bayannaoer Public Security Bureau’s unified action of "cracking down on evils", with the great attention and support of the Linhe District Party Committee and the government, after more than three months of careful investigation by the public security organs at the city and district levels, the two were "bald" and "tattooed" as the main signs, and they were surrounded by Hu, lending money, illegally collecting debts, collecting protection fees, stealing and robbing money as their economic sources. Organized criminal gangs of black and evil forces who beat others at random, gathered in armed fights, raped women, illegally detained women and forced women to engage in prostitution were destroyed in one fell swoop. A total of 90 gang members were arrested and 169 criminal cases were cracked. A breakthrough was achieved in the special struggle against black and evil forces, which eliminated a "cancer" that affected the stability of social order in Linhe area, demonstrating the determination, confidence and ability of public security organs to crack down on black and evil.

   The Party Committee of Linhe District Public Security Bureau has always insisted on "cracking down on evil" as an important task for public security organs to safeguard people’s livelihood and maintain social stability. At the end of May, 2009, the Regional Bureau organized various police types to combine their daily work of handling cases, management and service, focusing on industries, places and regions that are easy to breed evil forces, and adopted methods such as thorough investigation and unannounced visits to understand and master deep-seated information. In the process of in-depth investigation and understanding of the public security situation in Linhe District, in early October, the Party Committee of the Bureau found that in the process of investigating many public security and criminal cases, there were a group of "bald-headed and tattooed" social youths, who were called "bald-headed gangs" by the masses, openly gathered in public casinos to fight, stir up trouble and collect protection fees, with a large number of people involved in the cases, and the circumstances of illegal crimes were bad. At that time, the public security organs all committed crimes as individual cases. The Regional Bureau attaches great importance to this situation. Through comprehensive analysis and judgment on many cases of affray, affray and intentional injury investigated and dealt with since 2008, the Party Committee of the Regional Bureau is keenly aware that these cases are likely to involve an organized criminal gang of black and evil forces, and immediately set up a task force with Director Liu Jingang as the team leader, Political Commissar Liu Ruiping, Deputy Director Zhang Yongping and Captain Tao Fazhi as the deputy team leader, and transferred elite police force from the Interpol Brigade to take charge of secret investigation and evidence collection. In view of the unusual complexity of the case and the vague internal structure of the organization, the task force went deep into the public entertainment places in Linhe District to secretly investigate and collect evidence, and went to several police stations in the city to collect the police records of each police station in recent years. The characteristics of the perpetrators are as followsIn all kinds of cases of baldness, the relevant cases have been carefully sorted out and investigated, and similar cases have been analyzed in series and parallel, and the basic situation and organizational structure of criminal suspects have been gradually grasped in the massive case information. The task force has also stepped up its efforts to detect and interrogate the existing cases in which the perpetrators are characterized as "bald heads", and investigated the composition of the gang and the characteristics of committing crimes.

   After more than two months of secret investigation, the task force obtained some criminal evidence and members of the "skinhead gang". The gang has a large number of people. Usually, it is divided into several small gangs. The economic source is to surround Hu, lend money, illegally collect debts, and collect protection fees. The members of the gang collectively board and board, and gang up in groups to beat others at random, illegally detain, and force women to engage in prostitution around the campus and public entertainment places. The criminal arrogance is very arrogant. The secret investigation of the task force also learned that in January 2008, two groups of "skinheads" gathered more than 50 people with machetes, bayonets and pickaxes in a remote part of the development zone because of a "site" dispute, causing many injuries, two of whom were seriously injured. Later, neither side reported the case and left the scene. The activities of the "skinhead gang" evil forces have extended to Wuhai, Wuqianqi, Wuyuan and other places, posing a great threat to social security and people’s sense of security.

  After the task force reported the investigation to the project leading group, the regional bureau quickly reported the case to the leaders of the district party Committee, the government and the municipal public security bureau. The leaders of the district party Committee, the government and the municipal public security bureau attached great importance to the case and instructed the Linhe District Public Security Bureau to carefully organize and deploy, find the right time, and strive to catch all its key members. Immediately, the public security organs at the two levels in the urban area set up a task force on "Cracking down on Gangsters’ Crimes", with Jia Yingxiang, director of the urban area bureau, Su Yong, deputy director of the urban area bureau, and Liu Jingang, director of the regional bureau as deputy heads, Li Jun, political commissar of Linhe District Public Security Bureau, Zhang Yongping, deputy director, and Tao Fazhi, the police force at the two levels in the urban area, totaling more than 100 members, to fully solve the case.

  According to the instructions of the leaders, the task force organized a lean police investigation to master the activities and characteristics of the gang. On December 24, 2009, the investigation by the task force learned that the main leaders of the "skinhead gang" and most of the key members of the gang will meet in the two entertainment cities of "0478" and "San Diego" on Christmas Eve. After the district bureau reported the situation to Director Jia Yingxiang, the public security organs at the two levels in the city thought that the time had come to arrest, and resolutely decided to adopt the method of centralized police use to arrest the gang. In order to create conditions for the arrest, the Municipal Bureau specially deployed the "Winter Fox Hunting" to carry out a unified city-wide inventory operation on the same day, and the city’s police force carried out inventory and rectification of entertainment places. The regional bureau made detailed arrangements in accordance with the instructions of Director Jia Yingxiang. The task force secretly formulated the best arrest plan, surveyed the action route and refined the arrest measures. Under the condition of strict confidentiality, the task force scientifically divided more than 600 police officers at two levels in the urban area into arrest group, alert group, on-site standby group, peripheral control group, traffic control group and other working groups, and each group was clearly divided. At 9 o’clock that night, Director Jia Yingxiang of the Municipal Bureau and Director Liu Jingang of the Regional Bureau came to the scene to direct, and all the police officers who participated in the war arrived at the arrest position on time. In a lightning-fast manner, they quickly launched a centralized arrest operation, arresting 34 key members of the gang of "skinheads" in two entertainment cities, "0478" and "San Diego", and collecting 21 controlled knives such as daggers and machetes on the spot.

   After most of the main members of the gang were arrested, the task force immediately set up a hunting group, an interrogation group and an investigation and evidence collection group to refine their responsibilities and carry out their work. The pursuit team took many measures at the same time, fixed personnel, fixed time and fixed responsibility, carefully designed the pursuit action, and made full efforts to arrest. It successively traveled to Shanxi, Qinghai, Wuhai, Baotou, Ordos, Wuyuan, Hanghou, Dengkou and Qianqi, with a journey of more than 20,000 kilometers, and arrested 55 people involved in the organization’s escape, which laid a solid foundation for the smooth investigation and arrest of the case. After investigation, the task force learned that Zhao Guang, the leader of Haotianshe, might be hiding in Xining City, Qinghai Province, and sent a pursuit team to Xining to arrest him. After careful arrangement, the hunting team learned that there were several people from Inner Mongolia staying in this private room in the Sanhe Hotel on Gonghe Road, most likely Zhao Guang and others. The pursuit team immediately monitored the hotel and waited in the pit. At about 17 o’clock on January 21, 2010, the pursuit team found that one of the three men who went out was very similar in physical characteristics to Zhao Guang. After confirming his accommodation room, he requested the Qinghai Provincial Public Security Bureau to assist in the arrest. The Public Security Department of Qinghai Province sent 15 policemen armed with live ammunition and formed three encirclement circles with the pursuit team, and captured three "Haotianshe" principals, including Zhao Guang, who was ready to fight with a knife.
   After the case of the "skinhead gang" gang was transferred to the stage of public investigation, evidence collection and trial, the project headquarters insisted on special projects, increased the trial offensive and made every effort to tackle the problem. Relevant leaders at the two levels in urban areas have listened to case reports many times and made important instructions. Jia Yingxiang, director of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, and Su Yong, deputy director of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, came to the front line to directly guide the police participating in the war to carry out the trial. The People’s Procuratorate of Linhe District gave strong support to the investigation of the case. On the second day after the concentrated arrest of the members of the "skinhead gang", Procurator-General Qi Pingxiang personally rushed to the District Public Security Bureau to understand the case, and sent eight professional and experienced prosecutors to intervene in advance to participate in the investigation of the case, guide the investigation and guide the handling of the case.

   Because most of the members of these two gangs have been dealt with by the public security organs, they have strong anti-investigation and anti-interrogation capabilities. To this end, the task force adjusted the interrogation strategy and focus in time. According to the idea of "detention in different places, centralized interrogation, different people, highlighting key points, internal audit and external investigation, and overall promotion", the key members of the organization were taken as the focus of review, and interrogation strategies such as detention in different places, disintegration, policy attack, and sincere influence were used to break the offensive and defensive alliance of gang members and force them to truthfully confess the facts of the crime. The police of the investigation and evidence collection team went to Shanxi, Wuhai, Baotou, Ordos, Wuyuan, Hanghou, Dengkou, Qianqi and other places to carry out a lot of investigation and evidence collection, comprehensively and fully collecting fixed criminal evidence and forming an evidence chain.

   Through the above measures, the timeliness and quality of case investigation and crackdown were ensured, and more criminal facts of these gangs were dug up. After a lot of work, it was initially found that the "skinhead gang" in Linhe area was divided into two gangs, namely "Eagle Club" and "Haotian Club". The two gangs swaggered around in public places of entertainment, beating innocent people for no reason, causing troubles, openly abducting and raping women, and forcing women to engage in prostitution, taking protection fees, lending money around Hu, illegally collecting debts for others, stealing and robbing money as their economic sources. Among them, the number of "Eagle Club" is more than 70, and its members are marked by bald heads and tattoos. It has certain management regulations. The gang is divided into four levels, with unemployed Zhang Xiongying as the boss, seven backbone members under it, and several small leaders under the seven backbone members. The small leaders control several members respectively. All members are pyramid-shaped, the organizational system is tight, the superior controls the distribution of interests at the lower levels, and the personnel level and structure are clear.

   There are more than 30 members of the evil gang of Haotianshe, whose members are marked by baldness and tattoos. The gang is divided into four levels, headed by unemployed Zhao Guang and libing, with five backbone members on the second floor and several small leaders on the third floor. Under the small leaders, members are controlled separately and instructions are passed step by step. There are strict rules for Haotian Society to join: first, it must be introduced by the internal staff of Haotian Society; second, it must unconditionally obey Zhao Guang’s instructions; third, it must not contradict the internal staff of Haotian Society; fourth, it must be approved by Zhao Guang in person before joining.

   At present, the task force has arrested 90 members of the skinhead gang, and has approved the arrest of 57 people, criminal detention of 12 people, bail pending trial of 11 people, and other handling of 10 people. After the trial, gang members confessed that 169 crimes had been committed in Linhe, Wuhai, Erdos, Wuyuan, Wuqianqi, Zhongqi and Houqi since 2008. At present, the police have verified 111 cases involving ten crimes. Among them: 7 cases of intentional injury, 2 cases of affray, 56 cases of affray (16 cases verified), 6 cases of intentional damage to public and private property (4 cases verified), 2 cases of forced prostitution of women, 1 case of illegal detention, 5 cases of extortion, 63 cases of theft, 4 cases of robbery and 23 cases of rape (7 cases verified).
   In the 23 rape cases confessed by two gangs of evil forces, none of the victims reported the case to the public security organs because of the criminal suspects’ arrogance. However, in some cases of picking quarrels and causing troubles, some owners of entertainment places are afraid to take revenge and dare not report the case to the public security organs. Instead, they solve it by paying protection fees and settling it privately, which, to a certain extent, encourages the arrogance of these two criminal gangs. In view of this situation, the police of the task force patiently and meticulously did the ideological work of the victims under strict confidentiality, dispelled their ideological concerns and truthfully stated the case, which laid the foundation for severely punishing the crime.

   After the organized criminal gangs of the "skinhead gang" were smashed, the number of cases in Linhe City dropped significantly, especially the cases of fighting, trouble-making and extortion in the society decreased significantly. Netizens were very supportive of the actions taken by the public security organs and posted highly praises. Some owners of entertainment venues sent pennants and thank-you letters to the task force specially. The people applauded the smashing of the "skinhead gang" and thanked the public security organs for killing the people. The successful destruction of the gang of "skinheads" and evil forces fully demonstrated the position and ability of public security organs to crack down on evil forces and protect the people, deterred and contained crimes, stabilized the people’s hearts, purified the social security environment in the whole region, demonstrated fairness and justice, and achieved good legal and social effects.

   The case is still under further investigation. The police are telling the fugitive suspects to rein in from the brink and surrender themselves, and the political and legal departments will be lenient in accordance with the law. If you persist in absconding and endanger society, you will be severely punished by law. At the same time, the police called on the people and insiders to actively report and expose the illegal and criminal facts of the "skinhead gang" and the hidden clues of the fugitives. The police will reward those who have made meritorious deeds in strict confidentiality.

   Moderator Jia Jie:Next, please invite Jia Yingxiang, secretary of the Party Committee and director of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, to introduce the ideas and ideas of cracking down on evil in our city in the coming period.

Jia Yingxiang, Party Secretary and Director of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, made a press release.

   Publisher Jia Yingxiang: Hello everyone! First of all, on behalf of the Party Committee of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, I would like to extend a warm welcome to all the guests and friends in the press who came to attend the press conference, and express my heartfelt thanks to all of you for your long-term concern and support for the city’s public security work!

   Just now, Liu Jingang, director of the Public Security Bureau of Linhe District, gave a briefing on the detection of the gang of "skinheads" and evil forces. After listening to it, it was really shocking. The number of people involved in the gang was as high as 126, and violence was the main means. They fought with open fire, ran roughshod over, committed crimes, oppressed the people and harmed one side. For the benefit of the gang, even for a small matter, they go to war, fight bloody battles, resort to brutal means, recklessly, openly challenge the law and undermine social order. The gang has committed 169 crazy crimes, including more than 10 charges of intentional injury, rape, robbery, forcing women to engage in prostitution, illegal detention, theft, affray, extortion, intentional destruction of property, etc. The nature is bad, the means are brutal, and some plots are simply insane. The gang’s serious crimes not only disrupt the social production and life order in our city, but also pose a serious threat to social security, and seriously endanger the safety of the people and the peace and stability of society. The people hate this, and the victims hate them even more, but they are afraid of arrogance, violence, and fear of being hurt and retaliated. They dare to be angry and dare not speak, dare to be angry and dare not argue, often talk about black and hate, and even dare not report the case.

   The detection of the case was carried out with the strong leadership support of the Party committees, governments and political and legal committees at the two levels in urban areas, the joint efforts of public security organs at the city and district levels, and the close cooperation of various police types. After more than three months of hard work and careful investigation, the police handling the case destroyed the "Eagle Society" headed by Zhang Xiongying and the "Haotian Society" headed by Zhao Guang, which is also known as the "skinhead gang". This is the largest organized crime case with underworld characteristics successfully investigated by the public security organs in our city, and it is also the case in which the public security organs in our city have destroyed the most members of criminal gangs, involved the most cases and committed the most kinds of crimes over the years. The successful cracking of the case and the arrest of key members can be said to be a great joy to the people and a great boost to their hearts. The people clapped their hands and told each other, giving firm support and high praise through the internet and thank-you letters. The success of the case has dealt a severe blow to the arrogance of the evil forces, severely deterred all kinds of illegal and criminal acts, effectively curbed the breeding and spread of the evil forces and many public security problems caused by them, played a groundbreaking role in the long-term stability of the city, and demonstrated the majesty of the law and the strong strength and strong determination of the public security organs to crack down on crimes and protect the people.

   In the process of detecting the case, the police handling the case at the two levels of public security organs in urban areas hold high the banner of loyalty and victory, sharing common enemy and being selfless and fearless; Hard work, no regrets, always with high fighting spirit, full enthusiasm, rigorous style, fighting day and night in the workplace, for nearly three months without rest, made extraordinary efforts and outstanding contributions, laying a solid foundation for the detection of the "skinhead gang" criminal gang case. In order to further boost morale, inspire fighting spirit and arouse vigilance, we will hold a special summary and commendation meeting to reward those who have made meritorious deeds in solving crimes.

   By detecting the criminal gang case of "skinhead gang", we are soberly aware that the criminal harm degree and social harm consequences of black and evil forces are much more serious than those of ordinary criminal crimes, and we have accumulated a lot of valuable experience and gained many useful inspirations in the detection of the case, which has strengthened our confidence and determination to fight against black and evil forces. At present, we are still in a period of prominent social contradictions, high incidence of criminal cases and complicated struggle against the enemy. Crimes committed by evil forces, economic crimes involving stakeholders, Internet crimes, crimes against intellectual property rights, and crimes of producing and selling fake and inferior agricultural materials have intensified, which has brought new challenges to public security organs in maintaining social order and stability. We should always maintain the trend of cracking down on serious criminal crimes, further deepen the special struggle to crack down on gangs and eliminate evil, continue to adhere to the principle of "cracking down early and cracking down on small crimes and eliminating evil", adopt effective methods such as combining key investigations with unannounced visits, combining special intelligence with mass reports, comprehensively collect clues about all kinds of gangs and evil-related crimes, put them into the line of sight of cracking down on investigation in time, include them in the target of cracking down, and continuously carry out accurate and effective strikes. In order to further intensify the crackdown on evil forces and other criminal crimes, we should do a good job in the following tasks:

   First, strengthen coordination and linkage, and truly form a joint force. Under the strong leadership of the municipal party Committee and the government, we should mobilize all sectors of society and the broad masses of the people to take courageous actions to fight against evil forces and all kinds of illegal crimes, actively provide all kinds of clues and evidence, and support public security organs in investigating and solving cases. All departments and police of public security organs should cooperate with each other and work hard to form a joint force to crack down.

   Second, we must adhere to both the symptoms and the root causes. We should seriously study and grasp the trends and laws of crimes committed by evil forces, correctly analyze the evolution process and characteristics of crimes committed by evil forces, and take targeted countermeasures and measures in time to eliminate them in the bud at the first time. And fundamentally eradicate the breeding ground of evil forces, stifle their space for survival and development, and never let the evil forces that dominate one side exist in our city.

   Third, I sincerely hope that the broad masses of the people, especially the victims, will take the initiative to expose the illegal and criminal facts and evidence of the criminal gang of the "skinhead gang" and give strong support to the public security organs to severely punish these criminals. I solemnly promise here that the public security organ will keep the informer confidential and resolutely protect your safety.

   4. Through today’s press conference, on behalf of the public security organs, I am here to severely warn criminals who dare to break the law, immediately stop from the brink, stop committing crimes and voluntarily surrender. Severely tell the criminal suspect who is at large in this case to surrender to the public security organ as soon as possible, and strive for leniency, otherwise we will take hell to pay. 

   If evil is not eliminated, the people will be uneasy and the society will be unstable. It is a great historical mission and lofty political responsibility of public security organs to severely crack down on and eradicate crimes committed by evil forces to protect the fundamental interests of the people and maintain social harmony and stability. Here, on behalf of the city’s public security police, I solemnly promise to the people of the city: No matter how strong the economic foundation of the evil forces is, who is the backstage, and how crazy and vicious the criminal means are, we will give a devastating blow, completely destroy the soil where the evil forces grow and spread, and eradicate the survival foundation of the evil forces. Resolutely achieve the "three never allow": that is, the evil forces will never be allowed to act rashly and run amok; Never allow evil forces to take root and spread; The evil forces will never be allowed to sit on their feet and form a climate. I also sincerely hope that friends and guests in the press can, as always, care about and support the public security work in our city, publicize the achievements made by public security organs in cracking down on evil, mobilize people from all walks of life to expose clues about black and evil crimes, and actively create a good public opinion atmosphere in which the whole society participates in cracking down on evil.

   I believe that with the correct leadership of the Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government, the full cooperation of the procuratorial organs and the relevant departments of the courts, the support of the people of the whole city, and the extensive participation and supervision of all sectors of society, especially friends from the press, we have the determination, confidence and ability to maintain the long-term stability of Bayannaoer City and ensure the people’s livelihood and happiness!

   The Spring Festival is coming. On behalf of the Party Committee of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, I would like to take this opportunity to pay my respects to the people of the city, friends in the news media and the public security police in the city. I wish you good health, smooth work, happy family and all the best!

   Thank you!

   Moderator Jia Jie: Today’s press conference is over, thank you!

Win the game and get the bonus? Gambling trap under legal cloak

  □ Our reporter Luo Shasha □ Our correspondent Ding Jin

  In recent years, with the continuous development of the e-sports industry, some lawless elements have set their eyes on e-sports and surrounding derivative projects in order to gain high illegal interests. A 14-member criminal gang headed by Gong and Liu set up an e-sports company, developed an e-sports game App, and opened a casino in the name of "Bounty Tournament". In just three months, the gambling money involved was as high as 8.6 million yuan.

  On June 14th, 2023, the People’s Procuratorate of gusu district, Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province filed a public prosecution, and the court sentenced 14 people, including Gong, Liu, Deng and Li, to prison terms ranging from five years and three months to one year and six months, and fined them ranging from 50,000 yuan to 20,000 yuan. Some of them were suspended. He was ordered to withdraw more than 1 million yuan of illegal income and confiscated more than 100 tools such as computers and mobile phones. At present, the judgment has come into effect.

  In August, 2021, Xiao Liu, a college student who lives in gusu district, Suzhou, got a short live video of "Bounty Tournament". According to the anchor, this game App called "Meet Me" contains all kinds of popular mobile games. If you win in the random pairing game, you can win the bonus, and you can withdraw it through the App.

  Not only can you play games, but you can also get money if you win? Xiao Liu, who was very excited, quickly downloaded, registered and logged in, and found that to participate in the "prize-winning battle", he had to recharge the diamond in the App as an "admission fee". Xiao Liu has recharged 100 diamonds and transferred to the entrance of a shooting mobile game that he often plays through the platform to participate in the battle. The so-called "bonus" is the sum of the "admission fees" of him and other players. Although he won 100 diamonds in the end, 30 diamonds were automatically taken away by the platform. Under the reminder of a friend, Xiao Liu realized that the platform was involved in gambling, so he immediately uninstalled the App and called 110.

  After receiving the report, the public security organ filed a case for investigation. The police found that Xiao Liu’s recharge funds flowed to an e-sports company in Chengdu, and a total of 14 suspects including the company’s head Gong, management Liu, App development and promotion and financial personnel were locked up. In September 2021, with the cooperation of the Chengdu police, the police arrested all the suspects and brought them to justice, and the "Mutual Help" App was immediately forced to stop.

  After investigation, Gong and his friend Liu partnered to open a network technology company, which faced losses due to poor operation. One day, when Gong accidentally saw an e-sports game advertisement of "winning the game and earning a bonus", he wanted to develop an App to explode the popularity of mobile games and use the "bonus" gimmick to attract traffic. The company only needed to sit and enjoy the draw.

  Later, Gong persuaded five people, including Liu, to use the state’s support policies for the e-sports industry to register and establish Encounter E-sports Co., Ltd. and obtain the e-sports business license. The business scope includes sports competition organization, animation game development, sports event planning and other e-sports related content. Gong is the actual controller of the company, and Liu and other five people are the shareholders of the company. After joint discussion, they instructed five technicians, including Li and Ma, to develop the "Mutual Help" App, which was officially launched in June 2021. The company’s employees, Deng Mou and Huang Mou, used the online platform to promote the "Bounty Tournament" as a gimmick to attract players to download the App. After registration, they recharged through WeChat and Alipay and bought diamonds as virtual coins. After the user pays the prescribed equivalent virtual currency, the platform randomly pairs into the game, and the winner wins all the rewards and cashes out through App. The company draws profits according to the proportion of shooting mobile games 30% and pushing tower mobile games 20%, and financial staff Xu is responsible for fund settlement. After verification, the App has been in operation for 3 months, and the registered users have reached 2.6 million, and the user’s recharge amount has exceeded 10 million yuan.

  In November 2021, six management personnel, including Gong Mou and Liu Mou, were arrested by the gusu district Procuratorate on suspicion of opening a casino, and eight technical, promotion and financial personnel, including Li Mou, Deng Mou and Xu Mou, were criminally compulsory on bail pending trial. It was found through trial that from June to September, 2021, 14 people, including Gong and Liu, organized players to participate in online gambling through App. The gambling money involved was as high as 8.6 million yuan, and the profit from it was more than 1 million yuan, which constituted the crime of opening a casino.

  "The company has a legal e-sports license, ‘ Meet each other ’ App is similar to JJ landlord, how can it be regarded as opening a casino? " In January 2022, the case was transferred for review and prosecution. Gong and Liu tried to cover up the facts of the crime and insisted that they were engaged in legal and compliant e-sports business.

  According to the review of the procuratorate, the "Mutual Encounter Help" App provides users with a recharge channel for converting cash into virtual currency and a withdrawal channel for converting virtual currency into money again. Users can bet virtual currency as a chip, and the companies involved are drawn from the amount bet by each game player. The resulting user recharge and withdrawal are drawn from the companies involved, which correspond to the "up and down" links of gambling respectively, and belong to online gambling activities.

  "In fact, as long as it meets ‘ Money goes in and money goes out, winning or losing is random ’ This gambling feature can constitute the crime of opening a casino, ‘ E-sports ’ Camouflage is just self-deception. " Undertaking the introduction of prosecutor Liu Ben. In fact, along with the bloody e-sports competition, there were criminals who developed the e-sports quiz App, which allowed players to recharge and bet, and the platform settled and cashed out. In essence, it opened an online casino under the banner of e-sports quiz, which once attracted many players to indulge in it. In contrast, the "mutual encounter" App uses "playing games and winning bounty" as a cover and puts on a "legal coat", which is more confusing and tempting. Young people who love e-sports games, especially students at school, have weak discrimination ability, and are easy to fall into this kind of well-disguised trap, breaking the law without knowing it, so we should take a warning and be vigilant.

  How can we stay away from this kind of online gambling trap? The procuratorate reminded that buying chips to bet, winning or losing determines the income and can be exchanged for cash. As long as these three characteristics are met, whether it is chess, mobile games or other forms, it is already suspected of gambling violations. The masses must improve their discriminating ability, put an end to luck, download and log in games through official platforms and formal channels, don’t trust online advertisements and private recommendations, and don’t click on links that come from unknown sources. Once illegal activities such as gambling are found, they should take the initiative to refuse and report them immediately. Never believe gimmicks such as "generous bonuses" and "one-second cash withdrawal", otherwise they may be bankrupt, heavily in debt, and may be investigated for legal responsibility.

At this COVID-19 traceability conference, some scientists said that they were "surprised" and "sad"

Adhere to the scientific spirit and oppose political manipulation.

At this COVID-19 traceability conference, some scientists said that they were "surprised" and "sad"

On the afternoon of April 8, the State Council Press Office held a press conference. Shen Hongbing, deputy director of the National CDC and director of the China CDC, and relevant experts introduced the traceability research of COVID-19 in China and answered questions from reporters.

Politicize the origin of the new crown

Is intolerable to the scientific community in China.

Shen Hongbing, deputy director of the National CDC and director of the China CDC.It is said that more than three years have passed since the COVID-19 epidemic was discovered at the end of 2019. During this period, we have been continuously promoting the related traceability research. Tracing the source of Covid-19 is a very professional issue. The China government and China scientists have always maintained a scientific attitude, and they all hope to find out the source of Covid-19, which is of great significance to prevent similar epidemics from happening again.

First of all, as an open country, after the outbreak, we have always adhered to a scientific attitude on the scientific issue of traceability and actively communicated and cooperated with the World Health Organization. In response to the resolution of the 73rd World Health Assembly,Take the initiative to invite WHO to send an international expert group to China twice to carry out joint research on traceability.Adhering to the principle of "jointly working out the work plan, jointly conducting analysis and research, jointly writing the research report and jointly publishing the research results", the first phase of the joint traceability research was successfully completed in Wuhan, and the resulting "Tracing Research of SARS-CoV-2 in COVID-19 convened by the World Health Organization: China Part-WHO Joint Research Report" was fully recognized by domestic and foreign experts and WHO who participated in the research at that time.

Throughout the first phase of joint research,China provided the Joint Expert Group with all the traceable information at that time, and did not conceal any cases, samples and their testing and analysis results.Recently, some WHO officials and experts have expressed their opinions at will and rashly denied the results at that time, which is totally contrary to the scientific spirit, rude and disrespectful to scientists from all over the world who participated in the early traceability work, and a manifestation of politicizing the traceability of the new crown, which is intolerable to the scientific community in China and unacceptable to the global scientific community.

Second, on the basis of the huge human, material and financial resources invested in the first phase of joint research, we have not stopped tracing the source of Covid-19, but still pooled resources to continue to carry out comprehensive scientific investigation and research work in epidemiology, molecular epidemiology, animals and environment and even laboratory inspection. The relevant progress and conclusions have also been shared with the international scientific community and peers by Chinese scientists through the exchange of reports with WHO and SAGO, or by publishing articles. Numerous research findings have further confirmed the results of the first phase of joint research.

Shen Hongbing said,We advise the people concerned in the World Health Organization to return to a scientific and just position, and not to take the initiative or be forced to become a tool for individual countries to politicize the origin of COVID-19.

Respond to the accusations of individual WHO officials

Scientists say they feel "surprised" and "sad"

In response to the accusation of individual WHO officials that the China government’s release of COVID-19 data has not been open and transparent, which has affected the global traceability research of COVID-19,Zhou Lei, researcher of China CDC.He said that as a Chinese scientist who personally experienced the first phase of joint traceability research, "I personally feel quite surprised."

She explained that, because in fact, in Wuhan at that time, we jointly studied scientists, including foreign and domestic joint expert working groups, and in the process of joint traceability research, Chinese scientists shared all the data and materials we had, including the early case information, and the case information of more than 76,000 people with possible and suspicious Covid-19 infection in Wuhan at that time, in a scientific, open, objective and transparent working principle.

In addition, at that time, more than 38,000 samples of poultry and livestock and more than 41,000 samples of wild animals collected in China from 2018 to 2020 were tested for antibodies or nucleic acids. These results suggest that Covid-19 is not positive. We also investigated the upstream and downstream supply chains of all animal products in South China seafood market at that time, and found no evidence of virus spreading among animals. These research results were shared with the international expert team selected by WHO at that time, and everyone recognized them.

In the first stage of joint traceability research, we also considered the possibility of laboratory leakage in the design stage with a scientific and comprehensive attitude. In order to study this aspect, during our stay in Wuhan, we organized a joint team of experts to investigate and study in many laboratories in Wuhan, and conducted in-depth exchanges. Moreover, we also investigated and analyzed all the health monitoring data and possible clinical data of laboratory staff, including students who were in the laboratory at that time. In every way,In the first stage of joint traceability research, we fully shared our research results and data without any concealment or reservation.

Zhou Lei also said that after the release of the traceability report of the first phase of the early joint research, it was widely recognized, including WHO and international counterparts. But I don’t know why there is a questioning voice now. "This is also what makes me feel sad."

She emphasized that both Chinese scientists and top international experts selected by WHO worked very hard in the first phase of joint research, working day and night. We have got such a joint research report with great scientific value, which deserves due respect, and should not be denied or blamed. So I suggest that you still adhere to the attitude of scientific traceability, orWe should continue to adhere to scientific traceability, and we should devote ourselves to the next stage of work together, and stop blaming and suspecting each other, which will not help us to find out the origin of the virus.

Zhou Lei bluntly said that WHO is very important. It is an authoritative professional organization recognized by the international community, and its scientificity, rigor and impartiality are beyond doubt. Now I put forward the view that "if we make such accusations, especially if we want to deny the results of our first-stage joint traceability investigation, I am afraid it will damage the credibility of WHO."

There is not enough evidence to prove that raccoons are the source of virus transmission!

According to the viewpoint that raccoons or Covid-19 are the intermediate hosts in South China seafood market in China,Tong Yigang, Dean and Professor of beijing university of chemical technology Life College.In response, he said that some new experimental data recently found the raccoon dog, but now there is far from enough evidence to prove that it is the source of the virus. Many people hope to find the chain and evidence (the source and spread of Covid-19), but we are the same. We very much hope to find out where the source of the virus really is. Scientists in China and many parts of the world are doing this. But just from the data in this article, it is not enough, it is far from it.

Tong Yigang said that there was an article in China earlier that some animal samples were found in the early environmental samples of COVID-19, which were more human samples, as well as other samples of chickens, pigs, dogs, cats and various birds. In fact, these animal samples were far more than raccoon dogs. From this point of view alone, it is not enough.

In addition, at that time, a large number of specimens were measured in South China seafood market, including hundreds of animal specimens, and no animals were found to carry Covid-19. It is not enough to infer evidence from the environment to find animal samples. In addition, for example, the virus sequence we found in the environment is actually almost 100% identical to the sequence of the patient who was ill at that time, which also suggests that the samples in the environment are likely to come from people, not animals, and there is a lot of evidence.

At that time, the sequence of raccoon dog existed in many negative specimens in the environment, and even the sequence of raccoon dog in this specimen was more than that of the positive raccoon dog, but there was no sequence of this virus in the negative specimens, and it was difficult to explain why the virus must have originated from raccoon dog. Besides, even if raccoons are infected, there are many people infected with this disease in the seafood market in South China. It is entirely possible that people have polluted the environment or infected raccoons. Even if raccoons are positive, there is still this possibility. Therefore, I think it is not rigorous and scientific enough to draw such a conclusion based on the current little data.

Now Chinese scientists and experts believe that

What is the most likely origin of COVID-19?

Zhou Lei explained that regarding the origin of Covid-19, we had reached a conclusion during the first phase of joint research, and this conclusion was fully displayed in the joint research report jointly published by us and WHO at that time. In the report, we clearly put forward the results of hypothesis research on several aspects of the origin of the COVID-19 epidemic. Let me reiterate this conclusion: the possibility of zoonotic diseases spilling directly is "possible to probable", and we think it is "probable to very probable" to introduce them through intermediate hosts, "possible" to introduce them through cold chains, and "extremely impossible" to introduce our research judgment through laboratories.

After finishing the first phase of joint traceability research in Wuhan, we did not stop studying, but continued to carry out a lot of research work according to the work plan and suggestions for the next phase formulated in Wuhan at that time. All kinds of research results also confirmed our research conclusions in the first phase in Wuhan, and we have not changed our judgment until now.

Tong Yigang said,At present, there is no scientific basis to clarify the real origin of Covid-19.There are positive samples in the seafood market environment in South China, and most of the host information detected in these samples is human information, as well as other animals’ information, which also suggests that the cases in the seafood market in South China are probably from people, not from animals in the seafood market. How, where and how did Covid-19 infect people? This needs further study.

A series of press conferences on the theme of "Jiangxi this decade" (comprehensive deepening reform topic) recorded by the People’s Government of Jiangxi Province were held in Nanchang.

Press conference site (photo by Li Sui)

On September 27th, the Propaganda Department of Jiangxi Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Party Committee Reform Office jointly held a series of press conferences on the theme of "Jiangxi this decade" (comprehensive deepening reform topic). Li Jizhong, Deputy Secretary-General of the Provincial Party Committee, Director of the Political Research Office of the Provincial Party Committee and Deputy Director of the Provincial Party Committee Reform Office, released and introduced relevant information. Chen Qiang, full-time deputy director of the Provincial Party Committee Reform Office, Zhang Xiaoyong, full-time deputy director of the Provincial Party Committee Reform Office, Zhong Shifu, deputy secretary of Xinyu Municipal Committee, and Sun Min, member of the Standing Committee and Secretary General of Ganzhou Municipal Committee, attended the press conference and answered questions from reporters. Wang Yihua, the second inspector of the Propaganda Department of the Provincial Party Committee, presided over the press conference.

Wang Yihua, the second inspector of the Propaganda Department of the Provincial Party Committee (photo by Li Sui)


Dear journalists and friends,

Good morning everyone! Welcome to the press conference on the theme of "This Decade in Jiangxi".

Now, the 29th series of press conferences will be held. The theme of the press conference is: deepening reform, breaking new paths, striving to overcome difficulties and strive for the first place. We are very pleased to invite Mr. Li Jizhong, Deputy Secretary-General of the Provincial Party Committee, Director of the Political Research Office of the Provincial Party Committee and Deputy Director of the Provincial Party Committee Reform Office, Mr. Chen Qiang, Deputy Director of the Provincial Party Committee Reform Office, Mr. Zhang Xiaoyong, Deputy Secretary of Xinyu Municipal Committee, Mr. Zhong Shifu, and Mr. Sun Min, Member of the Standing Committee of Ganzhou Municipal Committee and Secretary-General of the Municipal Party Committee, and ask them to introduce our province’s achievements in comprehensively deepening reform since the 18th CPC National Congress and to answer your questions.

Next, please introduce Mr. Li Jizhong first.

Li Jizhong, Deputy Secretary-General of the Provincial Party Committee, Director of the Political Research Office of the Provincial Party Committee and Deputy Director of the Provincial Party Committee Reform Office (photo by Li Sui)


Ladies and gentlemen, friends of the news media,

Good morning everyone!

On the occasion of the celebration of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, I am very happy to participate in the press conference on the theme of "Jiangxi this decade" organized by the Propaganda Department of the Provincial Party Committee, and introduce the comprehensive deepening of reform in Jiangxi around "deepening reform, breaking new trails, and striving for the first place". First of all, on behalf of the Reform Office of the Provincial Party Committee, I would like to express my heartfelt thanks and high respect to all news media friends who have long cared for and supported Jiangxi’s comprehensive deepening of reform!



这十年,全面深化改革为江西推动高质量发展注入了强劲动力。我们牢记习近平总书记关于“推动经济高质量发展”的殷殷嘱托,坚持发挥经济体制改革的牵引作用,聚焦进一步解放和发展社会生产力,系统推进基础性、关键性改革,为推动高质量跨越式发展聚势赋能。深入推进“五型政府”建设,大力实施营商环境优化升级“一号改革工程”,在全国率先开启“一网选中介”新模式,推行“一照通办”改革,推广“一件事一次办”集成审批改革,“赣服通、掌上办”“政务服务365天不打烊”等改革获得广大市场主体和人民群众高度赞誉,“江西办事不用求人、江西办事依法依规、江西办事便捷高效、江西办事暖心爽心”的营商环境品牌全面打响。加快推进市场体系改革,深化要素市场化配置、市场准入负面清单、公平竞争审查制度改革,着力打造国企改革“江西样板”,全面落实支持非公有制经济发展改革措施,各类市场主体活力持续迸发。创新实施产业链“链长制”,推行重大科研项目“揭榜挂帅”和“赛马争先”制度,推进重点产业链科技创新联合体改革,全省综合科技创新水平指数实现“七连进”。扎实推进江西内陆开放型经济试验区建设,深化开发区体制机制创新,Copy and promote the pilot experience of the reform of the Pilot Free Trade Zone, and make new breakthroughs in cross-border trade reform. We will steadily push forward the reform of the fiscal and taxation financial system, improve the budget management and financial transfer payment systems, and the comprehensive index of green financial development ranks fourth in the country. Take the lead in basically completing the registration and certification of rural land contractual management right, pilot the reform of rural collective property right system in the whole province, prudently promote the pilot reform and standardized management of rural homestead system, actively explore the market entry system of rural collective management construction land, and continue to deepen the comprehensive reform of supply and marketing cooperatives, water conservancy project management system and agricultural water price. "yujiang county House Reform" has become a national model, and Shangrao’s reforms of standardizing the management of farmers’ houses and changing customs in Shicheng have been affirmed by the Central Reform Office. The surging momentum of reform has promoted Jiangxi’s economic strength and innovation ability to leap sharply, and social productivity, core competitiveness and development influence have reached a new level.








人民网记者(黎穗 摄)






Fourth, adhere to a sound mechanism and pay close attention to reform and implementation. The provincial party committee strengthened its leadership in comprehensively deepening the reform, set up the Committee for Deep Reform of the provincial party committee, and coordinated the comprehensive deepening of the reform in the whole province. Since 2014, the Provincial Committee for Deep Reform has held 47 meetings in a normal and high-quality manner, deliberated 325 topics, and formulated a "four beams and eight pillars" reform plan in major areas. Establish a system of leading major reform projects by members of the Provincial Committee for Deep Reform, and lead the implementation of 120 major reform tasks, forming a demonstration effect of grasping reform at the above rate. Give full play to the role of the "headquarters" of the Provincial Committee for Deep Reform, the "main force" of the reform leading department, the reform special group and the "general staff" of the reform office, build a pragmatic and efficient reform decision-making mechanism, a coordinated mechanism linked from top to bottom, and a strong and orderly supervision implementation mechanism, so as to form a reform implementation pattern with clear responsibilities, separate troops and full tracking, and promote Jiangxi’s comprehensive deepening reform to go deep and practical.

China News Service reporter (photo by Li Sui)

China News Service reporter: The 15th Provincial Party Congress proposed that we should vigorously implement comprehensive and deepening reform and tackling key problems. What progress has the province made in comprehensively deepening the reform and tackling key problems? What are you going to do next?

Chen Qiang, full-time deputy director of the Provincial Party Committee Reform Office (photo by Li Sui)

Chen Qiang:Vigorously implementing the action of comprehensively deepening the reform is a major decision-making arrangement made by the provincial party Committee to profoundly grasp the need of comprehensively deepening the reform into a new stage of systematic, holistic and reconstructive reform, and to promote the deepening of the reform. It is the "main grasp" of the reform work in our province at present and in the future. Since the beginning of this year, under the strong leadership of the provincial party Committee, this work has been fully launched and is being vigorously and orderly promoted.

The first is to benchmark the central government and make overall plans. Accurately benchmark the requirements of the Central Committee for Deep Reform on "increasing breakthroughs in reforms in important areas and key links", formulate and issue the "Action Plan for Comprehensively Deepening Reform in Jiangxi Province (2022-2024)", and clearly put forward the overall goal of "one-year comprehensive roll-out, two-year key breakthroughs and three-year overall improvement". We studied and introduced ten implementation plans for tackling key problems such as optimizing the business environment reform, deepening the reform of science and technology system and mechanism, deepening the reform and innovation of state-owned and state-owned enterprises, deepening the reform of rural revitalization system and mechanism, creating a beautiful "Jiangxi model" reform in China, improving and perfecting the reform of people’s livelihood security system, deepening the modernization reform of municipal social governance, deepening the reform of talent development system and mechanism, deepening the reform of cultural system, and deepening the reform of "three noes" system and mechanism, and refined the specific targets, measures and measures for each action.

The second is careful organization and coordinated promotion. All the top ten reforms will be included in the list of major reform projects led by the members of the Provincial Committee for Deep Reform in 2022, and will be included as the core content in the Work Points of the Provincial Committee for Deep Reform in 2022, and a work account will be established. Every time the liaison meeting of the provincial party Committee reform special group will be specially scheduled and accurately guided. Up to now, a number of key reform projects, such as the "No.1 Reform Project" to optimize and upgrade the business environment, the reform of the scientific and technological innovation consortium of key industrial chains, the pilot reform of rural residential land in the province and standardized management actions, the deepening of the reform of ecological protection compensation system, the reform of provincial cultural enterprises, the "three mechanisms" reform of provincial talent policy, and the reform of home community pension services, have been vigorously promoted, progressed in an orderly manner, and achieved remarkable results.

The third is to improve the mechanism and pay close attention to landing. The "special supervision on comprehensively deepening the reform and tackling key problems" will be included in the supervision work plan of the provincial party Committee in 2022, and the completion of the top ten reform and tackling key problems will be taken as an important assessment content, which will be included in the newly revised "Assessment Measures for Comprehensively Deepening the Reform in Jiangxi Province". The Reform Office of the Provincial Party Committee has established a counterpart liaison service mechanism, with full docking, full tracking and comprehensive service to ensure the orderly progress of comprehensively deepening the reform and tackling key problems. According to the actual situation, all cities and counties have introduced the local overall plan and sub-item implementation plan for "tackling difficulties through reform", explored and implemented many pragmatic and effective promotion mechanisms, and formed a good situation and work pattern of linkage from top to bottom and joint efforts to tackle difficulties.

In the next step, we will carry forward the reform spirit of daring to be the first, try first, anchor "be the first to demonstrate", adhere to "dare to encounter difficulties and make breakthroughs", step up efforts to promote the comprehensive deepening of the reform and take effect, focus on solving a number of pain points, blocking points and difficult development problems, focus on forming a number of institutional, mechanism and institutional innovations, and focus on creating a number of original, fresh and distinctive reform experiences.

Jiangxi Daily reporter (photo by Li Sui)

Jiangxi Daily reporter:It is an important method of reform to grasp the typical examples of reform and promote the reform from point to area. What innovative measures does Jiangxi province have to play a leading role in the typical demonstration of reform? What results have been achieved?

省委改革办专职副主任张晓勇(黎穗 摄)



The second is to vigorously promote the reform of the brand. Intensify the propaganda of reform, create a strong atmosphere of striving for Excellence and catching up with learning in the whole province, and continuously expand the radiation and influence of reform. Improve the media publicity mechanism, tell the story of Jiangxi’s reform well, and publicize and report a number of "standing and screaming" reform models in the central and provincial major media every year. We will improve the information exchange mechanism, rely on the internal magazine of Jiangxi Reform Trends and the WeChat WeChat official account of Jiangxi Reform, publish new experiences and practices of reform exploration in various localities and departments in a timely manner, and create a platform of "learning from each other" to enlarge the coordinate system and identify the reference objects. A number of typical experiences and practices of reform in our province have been affirmed by the Central Reform Office and promoted to the whole country. Improve the case selection mechanism, and successively organize the selection of "40 typical cases of Jiangxi’s reform since the Third Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee" and "Top Ten Cases of Comprehensive Deepening Reform in 2021", showing a number of influential reform brands. The practice of selecting reform cases in our province has been fully affirmed by the Central Reform Office.

The third is to vigorously promote the reform experience. Constantly improve the replication and promotion mechanism of reform experience, and promote the expansion of typical reform experience from "one place and one domain" to "starting a prairie fire". Since the beginning of this year, combined with the implementation of the comprehensive deepening of the reform and tackling key problems, the provincial party Committee has clearly requested that each city, county (city, district) should explore a reform experience that can be used for reference by other cities and counties every year, and each provincial lead unit of the reform and tackling key problems should promote a reform practice that has been tested by practice and is worthy of promotion throughout the province every year. The Reform Office of the Provincial Party Committee has identified 112 reform exploration projects and 33 promotion projects this year, and issued a list of project implementation. We will strengthen overall planning and coordination, do a good job in supervision and implementation, strive to explore more achievements in the reform system and practice, create a number of "new business cards" and "golden business cards" for Jiangxi reform, and give better play to the typical demonstration and leading role of reform.

Phoenix Net reporter (photo by Li Sui)

Phoenix Network reporter:Improving people’s livelihood and well-being is the fundamental purpose of development and the starting point and foothold of comprehensively deepening reform. What are the explorations and achievements of Xinyu City in the system integration reform in the field of people’s livelihood? What are your plans for the next step?

Zhong Shifu, Deputy Secretary of Xinyu Municipal Committee (photo by Li Sui)

Zhong Shifu:Over the past ten years, Xinyu has resolutely implemented the decision-making and deployment requirements of the Central Committee and the Provincial Party Committee, firmly established the people-centered development thought, took the lead in proposing the goal of building a socialist modern and happy city in an all-round way in the province, insisted on systematic integration and promoted the reform in the field of people’s livelihood, and was selected as one of the top 30 most happy cities in China with the warm image of "small city and great people’s livelihood". Not long ago, we held a high-level seminar on national livelihood system integration reform and "Xinyu Practice" with china society of economic reform, which received wide attention and good response.

First, we will do whatever the masses expect. Focusing on the people’s urgent difficulties and worries, we changed the government’s "problem" into the people’s "order", integrated more than 300 reform measures, and created 40 brands of people’s livelihood reform. We pioneered the "Party Building+Home for the Aged" model in China, and built a home for the aged by using idle houses in rural areas. As long as the elderly over 70 pay 200 yuan every month and the cities and counties support 150 yuan, they can enjoy three meals a day, daily care and leisure and entertainment services. We pay attention to the relevance of reform measures. When promoting the "Xiaokang Clinic" in rural areas, the location should be as close as possible to the home for the elderly, so that the elderly can see a doctor at their doorstep. At present, the city has built 736 homes for the aged in urban and rural areas, benefiting more than 12,000 elderly people. The brand of "Party Building+Home for the Aged" was selected as one of the top ten cases of China’s reform in 2019 and an excellent case of the pilot reform of home and community care services in China.

The second is to integrate idle capital resources and do more with less money. We strengthen the integration of funds, improve the efficiency of use, increase cost control, and promote the sustainable development of livelihood projects. Ten million yuan was integrated from the special surcharge for education to promote the Xiaohe project, so that more than 50,000 rural boarders could eat nutritious meals, take hot baths and put on clean clothes, and be selected as a typical case of basic education in China in 2020. Open a lotus garden in qualified schools, and realize self-sufficiency in vegetables while children receive labor education, saving millions of yuan every year. Our "Splash Action" adopts the methods of social purchase of services and resource integration, and has enabled more than 60,000 students in the city to master swimming skills without building a new gymnasium, a new swimming pool and a new teacher.

Third, the "four-level secretary" grasps people’s livelihood and forms a joint force for people’s livelihood reform. We have established a working mechanism of unified leadership of the Municipal Party Committee, with the "four-level secretaries" in cities, counties and villages taking their respective responsibilities, grasping the first level and implementing it at different levels, transforming the party’s political advantages into governance efficiency and converging into a powerful synergy to promote people’s livelihood reform. We pay attention to activating the grassroots "peripheral nerve" of the village party secretary, so that they can make a charge and show their talents in promoting the home for the elderly, tearing down three houses and building three parks. We also pay attention to mobilizing the forces of the society and other parties, actively guide the members of the Chamber of Commerce to participate in social governance, and donate nearly 900 million yuan for the establishment of a home for the elderly, poverty alleviation, and school aid.

People’s livelihood work has no end, only a continuous new starting point. In the next step, we will further deepen the "Xinyu practice" of people’s livelihood reform and promote the people’s sense of acquisition, happiness and security to be more substantial, secure and sustainable. First, adhere to the leadership of party building. Leading the reform in the field of people’s livelihood with party building, and promoting the tangible and project-oriented work of party building. The second is to adhere to integrated thinking. Adhere to the integration of policies, measures and methods, consolidate and upgrade the existing brands of people’s livelihood, speed up the filling of shortcomings and omissions in people’s livelihood, and promote the transformation and overall improvement of the reform system in the field of people’s livelihood. The third is to respect the grassroots initiative. Encourage the grassroots to try first, summarize, refine, copy and promote the good experiences and practices of people’s livelihood reform in a timely manner, and strive to provide more reform and innovation experience for the whole province and even the whole country.

江西广播电视台都市频道(黎穗 摄)


赣州市委常委、市委秘书长孙敏(黎穗 摄)



Second, vigorously implement the "No.1 Reform Project" to optimize and upgrade the business environment, and strive to build a bridgehead that will be integrated into Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. Take the lead in setting up administrative examination and approval bureaus at the city and county levels in the province, and carry out reforms such as "the same power in the city and county", "the whole industry runs in one chain" and the policy of benefiting enterprises "enjoy without applying, enjoy immediately after applying"; Strive to cooperate with Shenzhen counterparts, "make something out of nothing" to build a combined port of land port and Ganshen in Ganzhou, and strive to create a business environment comparable to that of Greater Bay Area. Well-known enterprises such as Gree, Geely and Foxconn have successively settled down, and the number of listed companies has increased from 3 to 16, forming 4 industrial clusters with 100 billion yuan and 5 enterprises with revenues of over 10 billion yuan.

The third is to build a more effective regional coordinated development mechanism and focus on enhancing the radiation of provincial sub-center cities. Solidly promote the construction of the national inclusive financial reform pilot zone, the education reform and development pilot zone jointly established by the Ministry and the province, and the national logistics hub of business service, jointly establish the national regional medical center with Nanfang Hospital and Guangdong Provincial People’s Hospital, and vigorously build the provincial financial sub-center and the "six centers" of regional business logistics, education and medical care. Deepen the reform of fiscal, taxation, urban management and other systems in the central city, and accelerate the coordinated development of "five districts integration". The urbanization rate of the whole city reached 56.4%, which increased by 17 percentage points in ten years, and it was awarded as a national civilized city and a national health city.

The fourth is to explore and broaden the transformation channel of "two mountains" and strive to create a model area for beautiful Jiangxi construction. We made overall plans to do a good job in the pilot projects of ecological protection and restoration of lakes and grasses in landscape forests, experimental areas for soil and water conservation reform, and horizontal ecological compensation in the upper and lower reaches of Dongjiang River Basin, deepened the reform of the management system of national forest parks and key scenic spots, and innovated the mechanism for realizing the value of ecological products, such as accounting and evaluation of the value of ecological products, and trading of rights and interests of ecological resources. The comprehensive reform of collective forest rights took the lead in the country and was awarded the first batch of cities in China to create an ecological civilization.

Fifth, always adhere to the people-centered reform value orientation, and strive to improve the gold content of the comprehensive well-off society in the old areas of southern Jiangxi. Innovate and implement the "five ones" mechanism for industrial poverty alleviation, the "four guarantee lines" for health poverty alleviation, and the "precise poverty prevention insurance", and hand over excellent answers to poverty alleviation; Integratively promote the "three reforms in one" in rural areas, take the lead in carrying out the evaluation reform of professional farmers in the province, and promote the reform experience of "treating guests without accepting gifts and frugally hosting banquets" in the province. Constantly improve the social security system of employment and pension, take the lead in realizing the vertical management of medical insurance departments below the city level in the whole province, and solidly carry out the national pilot project of regional social governance modernization. It was awarded the "Demonstration City of Safe China Construction" for seven consecutive sessions and won the "Chang ‘an Cup" for five consecutive sessions.




The 10th anniversary of the establishment of naval carrier aviation unit, Naval Aviation University became the cradle of air and sea eagles.

CCTV News:Carrier-based aircraft is the main combat equipment of aircraft carrier, and carrier-based aviation unit is the core of aircraft carrier combat effectiveness construction. Tomorrow (May 10th) is the 10th anniversary of the establishment of the naval carrier-based aviation unit. At the beginning of today’s program, please follow the reporter and go to the only military school in the whole army that is responsible for training carrier-based aviation personnel — — Take a look at the Naval Aviation University.

What you see now is the daily picture of this university. It is a training base for aviation and coastal defense personnel, and has trained tens of thousands of technical personnel such as flight, command and staff officers. It is one of the 13 key construction colleges of the whole army. Soaring in the sky and dreaming of deep blue, we followed the reporter’s lens into the Naval Aviation University.

This is a base of Naval Aviation University. Among the flight students who graduate every year, only a few students meet the strict requirements for flying carrier-based fighters. Not long ago, a new group of flight students successfully completed the J -15 solo mission, adding new strength to the carrier-based fighter team. Next, they will carry out the qualification certification on the aircraft carrier and fly to the farther deep blue.

As an institution for training naval aviation talents, air crews with special aircraft are also the key direction in the talent training system of the school.

CCTV reporter Zhang Yixiao:Here is an airport of Naval Aviation University. Behind me is the air police 200H early warning aircraft. It can be seen that the graduating air combat cadets are about to practice in the cabin. By being familiar with the equipment operation process, they can improve their operation skills and enhance their post-holding ability in the future.

Air combat personnel are an important part of air information combat forces, and they mainly complete various reconnaissance and early warning tasks through airborne detection equipment.

Practice in learning, learn in practice. In the teaching system of Naval Aviation University, a number of clubs have been set up, and students can learn more about flight and understand it by making model airplanes and crossing planes themselves.

CCTV reporter Zhang Yixiao:At this moment, the flight students beside me are going to use these model planes they made to carry out flight tests. Although we seem to be just flying, they have applied the knowledge of flight principle, aircraft structure and system they learned in class in the design and production of these model planes.

Yang Zijiang, faculty member of Aviation Foundation College of Naval Aviation University:By making an airplane (model airplane), students’ cognition of the whole airplane will be raised to a higher level, and by flying an airplane, students’ cognition of flying will also be raised to a higher level. Compared with our college, the average success rate of all flight students is 20% higher than the average level of those who have participated in model airplane training.

Teach for war and walk for war. In addition to consolidating theoretical teaching, there are courses such as flight simulator and pilot three-degree-of-freedom rotation training in the syllabus.

Flight students will bring what they can’t understand in the theoretical class to the simulated flight classroom for simulated flight training, and solve the problem through practical operation.

In order to speed up the completion of the transformation task and build a perfect talent ability model, Naval Aviation University has formulated a talent training program for carrier-based fighters, helicopter pilots, air combat personnel, etc., which has delivered tens of thousands of outstanding talents to the navy and become the cradle for sea and air eagles to dream of the blue sky.