Read a good book for you and read with filmmakers such as Huang Xiaoming and Elaine Zhong.

Special feature of 1905 film network April 23rd is World Reading Day.

Talking about the significance of reading, Gorky once said: The more books I read, the closer I get to the world, the more I understand the meaning of life, and the more important I feel about life.

Helen Keller once wrote: "A book is like a ship, which leads us from a narrow place to the infinite ocean of life."


Reading enlightens the mind, and so does movies. In the school, the sea of books is the source of childhood happiness. "I read this text as if I were lying on a boat."



In school, reading carries the mission of saving the nation from extinction. In the arduous The National SouthWest Associated University, there are "masters" instead of "buildings".

In school, reading is the way to protect our thoughts. "We must learn to read in order to resist ignorance."

In the world, the power of words is also the brilliance of human nature. "The difference between us and the soil is words." 

Reading is the cheapest "luxury". No matter young or old, male or female, poor or rich, people can draw strength from books, enrich themselves and nourish their souls.


On the occasion of World Reading Day, China Film Report also launched the theme planning — — The special program "Reading Good Books for You" takes you into the spiritual world of filmmakers through a good book and a sentence.


"World Book Day, let’s read a good book together."

Acting predecessors: reading to be clear-cut

Xie Fang: Write a Song of Youth.


"Is this selling musical instruments? Passengers pay attention to the owner of this luggage. Not a businessman, but a girl student of seventeen or eighteen years old, guarding these elegant things lonely. This female student is wearing a white cheongsam, white socks and white sneakers, holding a plain white handkerchief in her hand, — — Everything is white. "— —Yang MoSong of youth

This girl, as pure as snow, is a writer Yang Mo and Lin Daojing created by Xie Fang in Youth Like a Song.


Xie Fang recalled that in 1958, on the train from Wuhan to Beijing, she was reading two books along the way, one was the novel Song of Youth written by Yang Mogang, and the other was the movie story board.


"There is a saying in reading novels that Lin Daojing is a pale and handsome girl. I thought at that time, am I that handsome? I don’t think I am handsome, and I am not a person who likes to look in the mirror. "In this way, Xie Fang, who doesn’t like looking in the mirror by studying the original works and trying to figure out the characters, makes Lin Daojing, a beautiful, quiet, independent and progressive woman, extraordinarily vivid and becomes a classic in film history.


Red Rock has established my world view.


"There is a heavy iron chain at your feet, and you can hold the whip high; I don’t need any confession, even if my chest is facing a bloody bayonet! People can’t lower their noble heads, but only beg for "freedom" for fear of death; What is torture? Death can’t make me speak! I laughed at death, and the devil’s palace shook in laughter; This is me — — Confessions of a Communist party member, singing a song of triumph to bury the Chiang family dynasty. "— — Luo Guangbin and Yang Yiyan’s Red Rock

The famous actor Lu Qi created one great man image after another in Armageddon. In 1988, he also won the Best Actor Award in the 10th Golden Rooster Award for his vivid interpretation of Deng Xiaoping in the baise uprising.

Lu Qi believes that "in addition to being close in appearance, it is more important to grasp the spirit of the characters, that is, their origins, knowledge, experiences, thoughts, demeanor and ideological connotations."By repeatedly reading classic books such as Red Rock, Lu Qi constantly improved his spiritual realm. "It is a lifelong thing to read wisely and remember your heart."


: Never too old to read.


"The vice squad leader said that after the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, the superior asked me to stay in the army, so I took a vacation and took her back. She is very capable and she can plant seedlings and grass."— —ShiyanThe Story of Liubao

In the movie, the second sister who sang "Sunny Days in 1999" while working became an enduring screen classic.

Outside the play, 86-year-old Tao Yuling bluntly said that his favorite is reading: reading stanislav’s "Self-cultivation of Actors" is the perfection of acting skills; Reading the classic works such as Sunrise and Thunderstorm, you will be amazed at the fate of the characters in the book."I really want to play our country’s famous works. The four phoenixes and fanyi in Thunderstorm are really classics." 

Zhang Yongshou:Full of revolutionary romance


"Wan Ma Jun is a little girl, and her face looks like a dew."— —Quboimmense forestSnowfield

Zhang Yongshou is well known to the audience for his role as chief of staff Shao Jianbo in the film "Lin Hai Xue Yuan". In the process of shaping the role, the original novel is an important source of inspiration for him.


Qu Bo’s "Lin Hai Xue Yuan" depicts the arduous fighting life of the PLA scouts with colorful pen and ink, and also shapes a series of heroic images such as Yang Zirong and Shao Jianbo. The hazy love between Shao Jianbo and "Little White Dove" is more permeated with revolutionary romanticism.Zhang Yongshou said that in order to make the characters full and three-dimensional, he read the novel more than three times. "Comrade Qu Bo wrote the love story into the bandits."ChengzhiHow difficult it is! Love and friendship forged in hard struggle are inseparable for life. "

: Favorite "Mao Zedong Poetry"


"The rain falls deep and remote Yan, whitewater monstrous, fishing boat outside Qinhuangdao. We can’t see a piece of Wang Yang, so who can we turn to? The past more than one thousand years, Wei Wu brandished a whip, and Jieshi left a legacy in the east. The autumn wind is blowing again today, and it has changed the world. "— — Mao Zedong’s Langtaosha Beidaihe

In founding ceremony, Armageddon and A Mao Zedong in China, Liu Zhibing played Mao Anying, the son of Chairman Mao, for many times, which won wide acclaim from all walks of life.Liu Zhibing, 58, still keeps the habit of reading more than a dozen books a year, and knows Chairman Mao’s poems by heart.I tried to read Chairman Mao’s majestic poem from the perspective of Mao Anying, which is like a spiritual dialogue between their father and son. "


The younger generation: reading enriches themselves.


Celina Jade:Psychology books make me understand roles better.


"Life has never been such a simple dream and tribulation. It is not a simple so-called ideal and conspiracy. Life is not such a simple concept. What real life is like is what we complete and answer ourselves."— —Cai Chongda’s Skin

"I hope this sentence can bring you free souls and the power to pursue your dreams." This is the reason why Celina Jade recommended Skin.


In life, Celina Jade loves psychology books. These good books can not only help her understand her cognitive self, but also be part of the actor’s self-cultivation. "We can understand the role only by understanding psychology, so as to better interpret the role."Performance is the process of the integration of the actor’s self and the role psychology, just as she is inWolf Warriors 2.The aid doctor played in, inGhost Blowing the Lantern’s Star ArtShirley Yang, portrayed in the novel, "Only by putting in your concepts and ideas on the basis of the original work will this role become’ your own’."

: favoriteoriginal work

"Nothing is more painful than loneliness in my heart."— — Anne babyT.a. 

"The literary imagination and the interpretation of human nature in the novel words touched me the most." For Elaine Zhong, who was born after 1990s, Anne Baby’s novels bear the feelings of her schooldays, and they are in harmony with the soul of Weiyang, which made her decide to star in the film t.a.


Although the overall reputation of the film is not good, Elaine Zhong’s interpretation of Weiyang has won the recognition of Anne Baby. She wrote: "The shape and temperament of Weiyang played by Elaine Zhong are currently the most in line with the prototype of women in the book. Several opposite plays between Elaine Zhong and show a rare and delicate expression of emotion in domestic films. "


Apart from youth literature, Elaine Zhong, who was crazy about reading when he was a child, was once a "small library" among his classmates. He is very familiar with world famous works such as Gorky Trilogy, Childhood, My University, On Earth, The Count of Monte Cristo, Gone with the Wind and Jane Eyre.

"Little Ear" loves suspense reasoning.  


"As God is my witness, I am a good girl, I have excellent grades, I am helpful, hardworking and respectful to my elders, and I am willing to live day after day."— —Rao Xuemanthe left ear

Rao Xueman’s novel is obviously of special significance to Chen Douling because she starred in the youth film Left Ear and entered the entertainment circle. Gentle but stubborn "small ears" have many similarities with Chen Douling in appearance and personality.But in daily life, what Chen Douling likes to read most isKeio DongyeWaiting for the writer’s suspense and reasoning novels, "When reading such novels, I will bring myself, and I also hope to be able to appear in film and television works adapted from such novels, such as the policewoman in detective films."


Huang Xiaoming: Excellent works are read repeatedly.


"Recently, I will turn over the books I have read before and read them again. For example, kazuo inamori’s Living Method, Dry Method and Heart Method, and Amway gave them to all my colleagues, and one person bought them a set."

Argentine writer Bill Hess once said: If there is a heaven, it should be like a library.To enjoy reading, "World Book Day" is just the beginning.Go and read the book you want to read, while the breeze blows gently, the spring is just right.

Tell the story of China with a documentary to make the image of China brighter.

In recent years, under the vigorous promotion of Publicity Department of the Communist Party of China and the State Administration of Radio and Television, documentaries reflecting the current progress in China have attracted increasing attention, and a multi-theme and three-dimensional documentary creation and dissemination pattern in China is taking shape.

Author: Zhang Yanli

Source: People’s Daily (abridged original)

Documentary creation and dissemination is an important part of strengthening international communication capacity building. For a long time, documentaries with authenticity as their essential features, because of their credibility, appeal and artistry, are easy to gain people’s understanding and recognition under different cultural backgrounds, and then become cultural and artistic carriers to tell the story of China well, spread the voice of China and show the true three-dimensional and comprehensive image of China.


In terms of subject matter, documentaries on natural science and technology, history and culture are favored in the international community. In recent years, under the vigorous promotion of Publicity Department of the Communist Party of China and the State Administration of Radio and Television, documentaries reflecting the current progress of China have attracted increasing attention, such as the theme of building a century-old party, building a well-off society in an all-round way, tackling poverty and fighting the epidemic. A multi-theme, three-dimensional China documentary creation and dissemination pattern is taking shape.

Pay attention to international expression, co-production and cooperation into common forms.

The international dissemination of documentaries includes two ways: promoting domestic documentaries to "go global" and strengthening international cooperation in co-broadcasting.


Since 2021, Publicity Department of the Communist Party of China and the State Administration of Radio and Television have jointly implemented the China Documentary Promotion and Support Project, which supports and rewards outstanding domestic documentaries that have achieved good international communication effects every quarter, accelerates the "going out" of domestic documentaries, tells the story of China to the world, spreads Chinese culture well, and shows a true, three-dimensional and comprehensive China.

At present, some excellent domestic documentaries have brought international communication into their field of vision from the beginning of their creation. Qinghai Our National Park, which is directed by the State Administration of Radio and Television and focuses on the protection and construction of the first batch of national parks, pays attention to international expression. The documentary is broadcast on the international mainstream media platform and won the prize in the international documentary festival.

A series of documentaries "Remember Homesickness" organized by CCTV Chinese International Channel of the Central Radio and Television General Station launched an international edition, which refined the elements of Chinese excellent traditional culture and launched a new exploration of perceiving Chinese culture.

With the continuous updating of the concept of documentary international communication, appropriate international expressions have been used more effectively, and co-production and cooperative communication between China and foreign countries have become a common form of documentary "going out". The number of works created by this way of cooperation is increasing, the themes are increasingly rich, and the partners are increasingly diverse.


Producer of the State Council Information Office, the documentary "On Rice, Oil and Salt" about realizing a well-off society in an all-round way is broadcast simultaneously by domestic and foreign mainstream media platforms and market-oriented new media organizations by adopting the co-production and cooperative communication mechanism.

The documentary "The Great Poet Du Fu" filmed by CCTV in cooperation with the British media tells the story of China’s Tang Dynasty poet Du Fu. The whole film is told by British historians in the process of pursuing Du Fu’s life footprint, and Du Fu is compared with Shakespeare and Dante, which are familiar to western audiences, so that foreign audiences can understand the story of Du Fu, a poet in China.

Through the cooperation between China and foreign countries, the story is told from the audience’s perspective, the contextual barriers are broken, and the common empathy points are found, which makes the story easier to understand and accept, and the works are easy to obtain better communication effects.

Pay attention to effect orientation, realize quality and efficiency improvement by internal and external linkage

After the normalization of co-production and cooperative communication between China and foreign countries, there are higher and higher requirements for further improving the ability level of cooperative communication, strengthening the effect orientation of cooperation, and continuously enhancing and optimizing the effectiveness of domestic and international communication of China documentaries.


The second season of the documentary "From Chang ‘an to Rome", which was planned by the Central Radio and Television General Station and co-produced by China and Italy, uses the parallel perspective of "A Tale of Two Cities" and short video to tell the story of past lives, two ancient capitals, blending and learning from different civilizations in a simple way, which is an example of cooperative communication of national TV media platforms. Directed by Publicity Department of the Communist Party of China Foreign Promotion Bureau, the documentary "Return to the City of Thorn" takes the Oriental Travel Notes "The City of Light" written by Jacob D ‘Ancona as the lead, decoding the oriental color and influence of China’s marine civilization from a global perspective, and showing Quanzhou as a world cultural heritage to the world.

As the first English documentary showing the course of Wuhan’s fight against COVID-19 epidemic, China International Television, the general radio and television station of China Central, let netizens around the world know the real situation of China’s fight against COVID-19 epidemic in time.


Under the background of the rapid development of Internet industry and the deepening of media integration in China, documentaries have entered the "Internet Age". The network platform is not only a communication channel, but also an important emerging force to tell the story of China well with documentaries through highly market-oriented joint production, self-control and cooperation. Tencent video self-made series documentary "Flavor Origin" has won the favor of overseas streaming media platforms. The third part of this series, Flavor Origin Gansu, has been broadcast in more than 190 countries and regions around the world, providing a window for people all over the world to know and understand China culture.


"Borrowing the exhibition to the sea" is also an important channel for documentary international communication. By participating in international mainstream documentary festivals and exhibitions, we will take the opportunity of participating in the awards to attract potential partners. Excellent documentaries such as "Love in the Yangtze River" jointly produced by several provincial satellite TV stations along the Yangtze River under the guidance of the State Administration of Radio and Television and led by Shanghai Radio and Television Station have entered the international stage by participating in international mainstream documentary festivals and exhibitions.

Pay attention to humanistic care, and win the recognition of the people through emotional resonance.

Telling the story of a century-old party with a documentary has become a beautiful scenery for the documentary to spread abroad in 2021. The large-scale documentary feature film "Dare to Teach the Sun and Moon to Change the Sky" was carefully translated in a more acceptable way for the target audience. It was broadcast on six channels in five languages, namely English, Spanish, French, Arabic and Russian, and on various new media platforms at the Central Radio and Television General Station. While strengthening the global expression, the program paid attention to regional and differentiated expression, and achieved good external communication effects.

The "Vitality Code" produced by China International Television, the Central Radio and Television General Station, shows the Communist Party of China (CPC)’s unswerving spirit in an international narrative voice, and vividly depicts the historical leap of China’s development. The documentary Return to the Red Flag Canal, co-produced by China Education Television and other units in conjunction with France, explores the era significance of the Red Flag Canal through the eyes of two travelers, and presents the era glory of the Communist Party of China (CPC) people’s spiritual pedigree. The documentary "Journey of the Brave" focuses on the Communist Party of China (CPC)’s great party-building spirit, tells the real experience of revisiting Jiajin Mountains, Wujiang and Qiongya with the help of guests, and vividly explains the great party-building spirit.


On the basis of real records, documentaries bear the presentation and construction of human emotions and values, and shoulder the aesthetic pursuit and humanistic care that film and television art should have. Documentary creation should establish a sense of community of human destiny, focusing not only on China’s theme and China’s story, but also on the common concerns of human society, so as to open the channel of emotional resonance with genuine dialogue, thus realizing value recognition and promoting the common feelings of the people.


The documentary "The Frozen Kingdom of Snow Leopard", initiated by the Central Radio and Television General Station and co-produced by several international teams, tells the story from an anthropomorphic perspective and endows the work with strong feelings and humanistic care. After the program was broadcast on the opening day of the 15th meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity, it attracted the attention of the international community and showed the natural beauty and cultural charm of China in winter to overseas audiences. The China News Agency of China Foreign Languages Bureau interprets the documentary "Approaching Daliangshan" produced by China Studio and Japanese documentary director Takeuchi Ryo, and tells the story of getting rid of poverty in Daliangshan based on a Japanese director’s personal travel experience in Daliangshan. After the film was launched in mainstream media at home and abroad, it touched many Chinese and foreign netizens.


The story of China told by documentary makes the lovely and respectable image of China brighter. Documentary creation has a broader vision, is closer to the times, tells a more peaceful tone, and pays more attention to touching people’s hearts with human empathy.

Editor | Rao Wenyuan Xu Lei

China will hold another world-class competition in 2021, and the venue will be Shanghai!

  CCTV News:On October 13th, the general meeting of all members of World Skills Organization held in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates unanimously decided that the 46th World Skills Competition will be held in Shanghai, China in 2021.

  World Skills Competition is the highest-level world vocational skills competition, known as "World Skills Olympics", and its competitive level represents the world’s advanced level of vocational skills development in various fields. A country’s achievements in the World Skills Competition can reflect its technical skills development level to a certain extent.

  △ Shanghai successfully bid for the 46th World Skills Competition.

  Shanghai bid slogan: "New youth, new skills, new dreams"

  The bidding slogan put forward by China Shanghai this time is "New Youth, New Skills, New Dreams", which conveys the concept of "Skills Change Life and Realize Dreams" to the world. After Shanghai’s successful bid, Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security sent a congratulatory message, saying that holding the World Skills Competition in China is of great significance for strengthening the construction of skilled talents in China, promoting the spirit of artisans, and creating a good atmosphere of respecting labor and advocating skills in the whole society.

  Approved by the State Council, in October 2010, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security applied for and formally joined the World Skills Organization on behalf of the China Municipal Government. After that, China participated in three consecutive World Skills Competitions, and accumulated 5 gold medals, 8 silver medals, 7 bronze medals and 29 winning prizes. On October 7, 2016, China, the representative of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, announced his intention to bid for the 46th World Skills Competition in 2021 at the 2016 World Skills Organization Conference, and launched Shanghai as the host city.

  The World Skills Competition, currently held every two years, is called the "Olympics" in the field of skills. It is an important platform for members of the World Skills Organization to display and exchange their professional skills.

  The World Skills Competition is divided into six categories, namely, structure and building technology, creative art and fashion, information and communication technology, manufacturing and engineering technology, social and personal services, transportation and logistics, with a total of 46 competitions. Specifically, the competitions include aircraft maintenance, automobile maintenance, welding, painting, floral design, graphic design, offset printing, pastry making, jewelry processing, cooking and even hairdressing. For example, in this year’s skills competition, the average age of the contestants in China is less than 21 years old. The youngest is Pan Shenhan, an 18-year-old floral project player, and the oldest is Gao Yunan, a 25-year-old manufacturing team challenge project player.

  In the 43rd World Skills Competition in 2015, 32 Chinese athletes won 4 gold medals, 6 silver medals, 3 bronze medals and 12 winning prizes in 29 events, achieving a breakthrough in gold medals.

  "My dream is to win the gold medal in the World Skills Competition, and my efforts have not been in vain." Zeng Zhengchao, who won the welding project championship at the 43rd World Skills Competition, said.

  It is understood that the welding competition has heavy tasks and high intensity. During the four-day competition, four modules, namely, single piece welding, low carbon steel pressure vessel, aluminum alloy structural parts and stainless steel structural parts, need to be completed within 18 hours. This poses a great challenge to the physical strength and perseverance of the contestants.

  The organizing mechanism of the World Skills Competition is similar to the Olympic Games. After being applied by the members of World Skills Organization and approved, the World Skills Competition was held in cooperation with the organizers under the guidance of World Skills Organization.

   In 1946, in order to encourage young people to develop their vocational skills, Mr Olaso, president of the Spanish National Youth Organization, put forward the idea of gathering skilled workers from all walks of life to compete. In 1947, he successfully organized a competition in Spain with more than 4,000 apprentices, which became the embryonic form of the World Skills Competition. In 1950, the World Skills Organization was formally established, initiated by Spain and Portugal, and held the first World Skills Competition. At that time, only skilled workers from Spain and Portugal participated. Since then, the influence of the World Skills Competition has gradually expanded. In 1953, at the invitation of Spain, young people from Germany, Britain, France, Morocco and Switzerland also joined the competition. Since then, the World Skills Competition has been held in many countries. It first came to Asia in 1970 and was held in Tokyo, Japan. The influence of the World Skills Competition has further expanded.

  At present, the World Skills Organization has 77 formal countries and regions. On October 7th, 2010, China officially joined the World Skills Organization, becoming the 53rd member of the organization.

2023 FISU Football World Cup: Beijing Normal University won the women’s football championship.

On October 31st, in the women’s final of the 2023 FISU Football World Cup held in Jinjiang, Fujian, China’s Beijing Normal University team beat Brazil’s paulista University team by a total score of 7-6 in a penalty shootout and won the championship.

↑ The starting players of Beijing Normal University team took a group photo before the game.

↑ Beijing Normal University team players celebrate the championship.

Zhou Xinyu, a women’s football player from Beijing Normal University, celebrated the goal.

Zhou Xinyu (right), a player of Beijing Normal University team, shot in the game.

Zou Mengyao (left), a player from Beijing Normal University, competes with Diovanna, a female football player from paulista University.

Photography: Lai Jincai

Source: Xinhua News Agency

Cassano: Football has developed, Mourinho is out of date, and Lu Kaku makes me feel sorry.

As an old general of Rome and Inter Milan, Cassano talked about the contest between the two former clubs in this round of Serie A, and finally the focus battle ended with the Nerazzurri winning 1-0 at home.

"Inter played a good game and they deserved to win the game. Thuram has scored nine goals and assists, and he started the season very strongly, which surprised me, of course in a positive way. Besides, I’m also happy for Aslani. He did well after coming off the bench. Varela also played a good game and he began to recover. Inter didn’t encounter any difficulties, only Sommer blocked Cristante’s great header once. Inter played well and they played in their comfort zone. This is Inter Milan, they have a strong team, have their own ideas and confidence, and they are the biggest favourites for the Serie A championship. Cassano said on Bobo TV, a live program in vieri.

"Mourinho Ideally, there is only one difference: if Eto ‘o, Milito and Sneijder are present, he will do more, but his first consideration is not to concede a goal, and then if you have strong players, you will score sooner or later. When I said he was not a good coach, I meant that Mourinho would not give you anything. When he has a champion player, he is excellent, and he will make you feel important. He is very strong in this respect, but today’s football is no longer like this. Football has developed, and strong teams no longer buy his tricks. Manchester United sent him away, Tottenham also sent him away, and Rome will send him away in the future. It is easy to coach a champion player. "

"Lu Kaku made me feel sorry for him: he was already in trouble, and everyone booed him in this game, but Inter fans didn’t need to boo him at all. Where did you expect Rome to play like that? Mourinho is very cunning, he changed the subject, and his communication style is suitable for those who follow him. None of the reporters asked him what he thought of the game and how he organized it. Why did you play so badly? Are you scared? People like Mourinho have a good life in Italy. Luck will end sooner or later, just like allegri. He won’t let the team pass the three-legged ball in a row. Only when the team he coached is strong can he win the championship. He has strong players in Porto and a super team in Inter Milan. He put two buses in front of the door when he played against Barcelona. Of course, that’s no problem. At home against Barcelona, he won the game by an offside goal and his opponent’s failure to blow a penalty, but his luck will end sooner or later. I don’t care that he took Rome to the finals twice. De Zerbi and Belsa may not have won the championship, but you will be excited when you see their teams. I’d rather not win, but play good football and make people happy. Mourinho is like this, I have said so for a long time. Inter gave him a dance music, but you didn’t even shoot straight through the goal. You just played for 0-0. What are you talking about? "

Trump’s police reform has made it difficult for the United States, the police and the people to stand in opposition.

  On June 16, local time, US President Trump signed an executive order to adjust the US police practice and qualification standards. The executive order made a statement on the large-scale protests by the American people against police brutality and racial discrimination in the past month, which meant that the government would "conform to public opinion" and make police reform.

  However, the American media pointed out that the administrative order did not explicitly prohibit some violent law enforcement methods that the people strongly demanded to abolish, and the police system it proposed to improve law enforcement standards was actually "encouragement" rather than restraint. Public opinion believes that the reform of the executive order signed by Trump is weak, and it supports the reform in the open, but it is still a supporter of the police’s tough law enforcement in the dark.

The Washington Post pointed out that the administrative order of police reform signed by Trump is full of formalism.

  The executive order is to encourage, not to require, the law enforcement of throat lock has not been abolished.

  Trump told reporters that this executive order will help the police departments in the United States adopt the highest standards to serve their communities. The order stipulates "practice and qualification examination" and "information sharing of police behavior" to avoid employing police officers with bad records and to track down police officers who have committed misconduct in law enforcement.

  However, the media pointed out that the executive order failed to clearly respond to some key issues, such as the standard and justification of the use of force mentioned in the executive order, but only "encouraged" its implementation; In addition, regarding the law enforcement means of throat lock, the administrative order has not explicitly abolished it, but indicated that it is generally unavailable, but it can be used in the case that "the law allows the use of lethal force".

  The police surrounded Trump and called him "selfless" and "brave"

  A number of media pointed out that although the signing of this executive order was caused by African-American Freud’s violent law enforcement by white police, the families of the victims were not invited to attend Trump’s signing ceremony. On the contrary, many military officers and police union personnel were surrounded by Trump. This seems to mean that Trump will never touch these law enforcement officers on which he relies, and how to reconcile the "social problems that deeply split the country" is still far away.

  In the signing ceremony speech that day, after Trump mentioned the pain experienced by the relatives of the victims, he immediately began to praise the American police for being "brave and selfless" and said that "Americans all know that if there is no police, chaos will occur." The media pointed out that Trump’s signing of this executive order is full of formalism, and he obviously does not want to risk angering law enforcement departments, because these are an important part of his conservative political foundation.

The Washington Post pointed out that Trump "does not want to risk angering law enforcement because it is an important part of his conservative political foundation."

  Serious problems minimize the police’s mental illness

  Public opinion generally pointed out that Trump’s executive order made no mention of how to solve the systematic racism problems among law enforcement personnel and comprehensive policy changes. However, these issues are crucial to criminal justice reform. Kendall Thomas, a law professor at Columbia University, believes that Trump did not mention any commitment to serious changes in his executive order, but only focused on police training rather than community safety. Thomas believes that the purpose of Trump’s executive order is only to maintain the status quo, and the moderate reform in accordance with the new provisions of the executive order will only make the police force stronger.

  Trump has always stressed that police misconduct is a "case" and the number is "very small". Rachel Bako, professor and vice president of criminal law at new york University Law School, believes that this shows that Trump fundamentally refused to admit the existence of the problem in the first place. Bako said that the entire law enforcement system is supportive of those police officers who use violence excessively. Trump has neglected this systematic problem, and the executive order has completely ignored or even mentioned the morbid psychology in the police system and the opposition between the police and the people.

USA-Today pointed out that Trump’s executive order made no mention of how to solve the systematic racism problem among law enforcement personnel and the need for comprehensive reform.

  The reform of "thin soup and little water" must be intensified by administrative order.

  On the day Trump signed the executive order, Schumer, the minority leader and Democrat of the Senate, immediately said that Trump’s executive order was "scanty soup and scanty water" and "unable to bring the comprehensive and meaningful changes and accountability required by the American people to American law enforcement agencies."

  Earlier, the Police Justice Law submitted by the Democratic Party on June 8 called for a major reform of the police system, which explicitly required that police officers be prohibited from using frequently abused methods of law enforcement and arrest, such as lock throat and "no knocking at the door", and at the same time required local police departments to send data on the use of force to the federal government, and made a funding plan to allow state attorneys general to conduct independent procedures to investigate police misconduct or excessive law enforcement. In addition, the proposal will abolish the legal principle called "conditional immunity", and the police can no longer be exempted from civil litigation. These contents are not reflected in the newly signed administrative order.

USA-Today pointed out that there are a large number of people in the United States who can’t stand what the police have done.

  David Kennedy, a professor of criminology at john jay College of the City University of new york, said that the current executive order is far from enough to make practical changes. Kennedy said: "People think it may be a little helpful, and now it is not enough to provide just a little help." Kennedy said that the emotions and resistance expressed by the American people in the past few weeks are unprecedented, and their attitude towards American law enforcement departments has also changed dramatically, which shows that a large number of people in the United States can no longer stand what the police are doing.

"Japan’s blatant discharge of nuclear polluted water into the sea is extremely irresponsible for the future of mankind."

  On August 24th, the Japanese government ignored the opposition from home and abroad and unilaterally forced the Fukushima nuclear polluted water to be discharged into the sea. People from many countries and the media pointed out that the legitimacy, legality and safety of Japan’s plan to discharge nuclear polluted water into the sea have been questioned by the international community. The Japanese government ignored the legitimate concerns of all parties, violated its international obligations, and forced nuclear polluted water to be discharged into the sea, endangering the marine environment and human health and infringing on the legitimate rights and interests of neighboring countries. It was extremely selfish and irresponsible.

  "It will destroy the marine environment, damage the social economy and bring negative effects to the whole world."

  On the afternoon of August 22nd, the "National Action to Prevent Japan’s Radioactive Contaminated Water from Discharging into the Sea" and the Common Democratic Party, the largest opposition party in South Korea, held emergency press conferences in front of the Japanese Embassy in South Korea to protest against the Japanese government’s launching of nuclear contaminated water discharge into the sea. The delegates attending the rally held slogans such as "Swear to the death to oppose (nuclear polluted water) discharging into the sea" and "The sea is not a nuclear dump in Japan" and shouted slogans such as "Immediately withdraw the decision to discharge nuclear polluted water into the sea".

  The Common Democratic Party issued a statement on the 22nd, saying: "Japan, as a member of the international community, ignored the international laws and standards that should be respected and made destructive decisions, which violated the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea and the London Convention on Dumping." The statement on "National Action to Prevent Japan’s Radioactive Contaminated Water from Discharging into the Sea" said that under the circumstance that the safety of Fukushima nuclear contaminated water discharge into the sea could not be confirmed by experts, the Japanese government still pushed this plan, "which will destroy the marine environment, damage the social economy and bring negative effects to the whole world".

  On the 23rd, environmental groups and civil society groups all over Korea continued to hold protests. The Common Democratic Party held a rally in front of the main building of the National Assembly that night. More than 1,000 people attended the rally, and all parties demanded that the Japanese government immediately withdraw its plan to discharge nuclear polluted water into the sea. Li Zaiming, a representative of the Common Democratic Party, said that Japan had launched an imperialist war of aggression and threatened neighboring countries, but now it has once again brought irreparable disasters to South Korea and countries along the Pacific Ocean by discharging nuclear polluted water into the sea.

  The South Korean government said on the 24th that it will continue to maintain the import ban on aquatic products in Fukushima and other places in Japan. Yonhap News Agency reported that the start of the work of discharging nuclear polluted water into the sea will cause Korean people to worry about the safety of aquatic products. South Korea’s "Korean National Daily" published an editorial saying that the Japanese government decided to forcibly discharge Fukushima nuclear polluted water into the ocean. "This behavior is a crime against history." Japan’s move completely ignores the opposition and worries of many countries and people in the world.

  South Korea’s "Jingxiang News" published an editorial saying that the safety of nuclear polluted water discharged into the sea has not been scientifically verified. Japan concealed the fact that the multi-nuclide treatment system (ALPS) often broke down from the initial stage of its startup, and rejected the request of the International Atomic Energy Agency to collect samples to confirm the performance of ALPS. In the next few decades, it is difficult to ensure that accidents or wrong operations will not occur. Although experts have put forward methods such as concrete preservation of nuclear contaminated water, Japan has chosen the most economical method of discharging it into the sea. The discharge of nuclear polluted water into the sea harms people’s right to live safely and is an act of passing on the danger to the future generation. "Nuclear pollution will flow around the world along ocean currents. In case of problems, the responsibility will be entirely borne by Japan."

  Kim Hyun-cheol, Dean of the School of International Studies at Seoul National University, told this reporter that after the defeat of the Pacific War, Japan has always stressed that it was a victim of the nuclear explosions in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, avoiding the introspection and apology needed as a war victim. Now, Japan has begun to discharge nuclear polluted water into the sea again, which has undoubtedly become an injurer threatening the safety of all mankind.

  "The Japanese government’s actions, regardless of the safety and worries of neighboring countries, endanger the food chain of all mankind and are tantamount to criminal acts."

  Matai Serimaya, Vanuatu’s Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister, called on the 23rd for the Pacific region to take strong actions to resist Japan’s actions. "Unless it can be proved beyond dispute that the nuclear polluted water is safe, Japan cannot discharge it into the sea".

  The Fiji NGO Human Rights League issued a statement saying that Japan’s discharge of nuclear polluted water into the Pacific Ocean violated the human rights of all people in the Pacific region, which would pose a great threat to marine life and the livelihood of people in the Asia-Pacific region who depend on marine resources.

  "Japan’s actions are undoubtedly selfish, irresponsible and arrogant, which will cause permanent damage to marine ecology." Joseph Matthews, a senior professor at Bertai International University in Cambodia, said that in the next few decades, radioactive substances in nuclear polluted water will remain in Japanese waters and even the entire Pacific Ocean, which will greatly affect the global seafood trade. "The Japanese government’s actions, regardless of the safety and worries of neighboring countries, endanger the food chain of all mankind and are tantamount to criminal acts."

  "Japan’s blatant discharge of nuclear polluted water into the sea is extremely irresponsible for the future of mankind, and radioactive substances in the ocean will always affect the development of mankind." Laurel, founder of the Philippine BRICS Policy Research Association, said that there are a large number of fishermen living by the sea in the Philippines, and the nuclear polluted water will affect the livelihood of these fishermen and the global seafood production and trade. "Will the Japanese government compensate for these losses?"

  Alfred Welissa Gonzaga, editor-in-chief of Solomon Islands’ mainstream media, the Solomon Star, said that in the implementation of the whole plan of discharging nuclear polluted water into the sea, Japan did not focus on protecting the interests of the Pacific Ocean, but tried its best to achieve the purpose of discharging the sea.

  Daryl Guppy, a well-known Australian political commentator, said in an interview with this reporter that discharging nuclear polluted water into the sea is not an ideal option. "If the Japanese side really has confidence in the safety statement, it may be necessary to discharge the nuclear polluted water into its own land water source."

  "This is an atrocity that violates the human rights of people in Fukushima, other neighboring counties and the Asia-Pacific region."

  Greenpeace issued a statement on the 22nd, criticizing the Japanese government for ignoring scientific evidence and violating the human rights of people in Japan and the Pacific region.

  The statement stressed that scientists warned that the radioactive risk of these nuclear polluted waters has not been fully assessed. This emission plan failed to conduct a comprehensive environmental impact assessment in accordance with the requirements of international legal obligations.

  Sean Bernie, a senior nuclear expert in Greenpeace’s East Asia region, said: "The Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant is still in crisis, which has caused unprecedented serious harm, and there is no credible reactor scrapping plan at present. The Japanese government did not give an honest explanation on this issue, but deliberately polluted the marine environment by radioactivity for decades. This is an atrocity that violates the human rights of people in Fukushima, other neighboring counties and the Asia-Pacific region. "

  On the 22nd, the website of Russian Viewpoint quoted experts as saying that once Japan starts discharging nuclear polluted water into the sea, it will cause serious harm to marine life and human beings. Japan is conducting the largest experiment of deliberately polluting the ocean in human history. It is completely reasonable for neighboring countries in Japan to oppose the discharge of nuclear polluted water into the sea. Japan’s behavior of ignoring disputes and focusing on its own short-term interests will threaten the ecological environment in the Asia-Pacific region.

  CNN reported that there is no technology to remove tritium, a radioactive isotope of hydrogen. Some scientists worry that even if the nuclear polluted water is diluted, it may cause harm to marine life, and pollutants may accumulate in the already fragile ecosystem.

  The New York Times issued a document saying that the incident of Japanese nuclear polluted water being discharged into the sea set a "wrong example". Japan’s decision-making is "neither transparent nor inclusive", which is bound to trigger decades of debate in the future.

  According to the website of the British magazine Nature, Robert Richmond, a member of the nuclear expert group of the Pacific Island Forum and director of the Kevalo Marine Laboratory at the University of Hawaii, Manoa, USA, asked whether people who promoted the process of discharging nuclear polluted water into the sea proved that it was safe for the marine environment and human health. "The answer is no". Richmond said that several of their scientists have reviewed all the data provided by TEPCO and the Japanese government and visited the Fukushima nuclear power plant, but the questions about tritium and carbon 14 have not been answered.

  According to Deutsche Bahn, German environmental organizations criticized Japan’s forced launch of nuclear pollution water discharge into the sea. The German Federation for Environment and Nature Conservation said that "the ocean is not a garbage dump".

  (Reporter Shine Wong, Ma Fei, Zhao Yipu, Chen Xiaowei, Li Zhiwei, Xiao Xinxin, Guo Ziyun, Shang Kaiyuan, Liu Hui)

Today’s rain | How to keep full of vitality in a good rainy season? Here comes the secret of health →

  Rain WaterAs the second of the twenty-four solar terms, it marks the beginning of awakening nature from the deep sleep in winter. With the gradual warming of the temperature, the ice and snow began to melt and the precipitation increased day by day, so it was named "rain". The ancient book Yizhoushu recorded in detail the phenological changes after solar terms such as "Hongyan Lai" and "Vegetation Germination".

  During the rain, the metabolism of the human body is becoming more and more active, and the yang begins to rise, which will lead to the emptiness of some people, especially children, and may show physical weakness.

  Therefore, there are rainy seasons."A hundred herbs come back to life, and all diseases are prone to occur."The characteristics of. During this period, people can follow the principle of "nourishing yang in spring and summer, invigorating spleen and eliminating dampness" to prevent and treat diseases.

  In this season, how to adjust diet, routine and exercise habits can achieve the purpose of nourishing yang and strengthening spleen, eliminating dampness and preventing diseases?Sun Yixian Memorial Hospital of Sun Yat-sen UniversityDirector and deputy chief physician of medical acupuncture specialtyYi WeiminWill combine the theory of traditional Chinese medicine and many years of clinical experience for everyone.

  01 spring cover to prevent "cold in spring"

  In rainy season, the climate is changeable, and there is often a serious phenomenon of "late spring cold"."On the news of taking pictures" said: "The weather in spring is cold and warm, so you can’t take off your cotton-padded clothes. The old people are weak and weak, and the air is cold and easy to hurt the film. When you are ready, it is easy to warm up, and you can’t go violently."

  This means that in spring, you should not take off your thick clothes too early, but increase or decrease your clothes as the temperature fluctuates.Especially for the elderly, it is particularly important to pay attention to keeping warm. There is also a folk saying that "spring covers autumn and freezes, and no miscellaneous diseases are born", which emphasizes the importance of maintaining proper warmth in spring. It can be seen that in the chilly spring season, we still need to wear more clothes and cover them properly, which is not only to meet the needs of yang, but also to resist evil and prevent diseases.

  So, how and where should spring cover?Lao Lao Heng Yan tells us the answer: "Spring is freezing and half a pan, the lower body is too warm, and the upper body is slightly reduced, so it nourishes the yang." Similarly, Sun Simiao, a medical sage, also advocated that clothes should be "thick under and thin on" in spring. For those who suffer from joint pain, the importance of spring covering is self-evident.More attention should be paid to the warmth of joints such as shoulders, waist and legs to prevent diseases caused by the invasion of cold and dampness.

  02 when the liver is strong and the spleen is weak, it should be reconciled

  Spring corresponds to the liver, and the liver qi is vigorous and rising, which makes people refreshed. However, if the hair rises excessively, it may lead to bad symptoms such as blushing, irritability, impatience and irritability; On the other hand, if the liver qi stagnates, it will lead people to fall into depression and depression. Therefore,In spring, nourishing and regulating the liver becomes the core of health care.

  The rise and stagnation of liver qi are closely related to personal emotions. Maintaining optimism and peace of mind is not only excessive but also not stagnation to ensure the rise and stagnation of liver qi. In addition, according to the five elements theory of traditional Chinese medicine, the liver blocks the spleen, and the liver is prosperous and the spleen is weak in spring. Spleen weakness may affect the normal operation of digestive system, leading to abdominal distension, abdominal pain and other uncomfortable symptoms.Therefore, in the rainy season, the diet should pay attention to invigorating the spleen.

  Sweet food has the effect of invigorating the spleen, while sour food enters the liver, and its sexual convergence. Excessive consumption is not conducive to the growth of yang in spring and the release of liver qi, and even makes the already prosperous liver qi more prosperous, causing greater harm to the spleen and stomach.

  Therefore, the diet in rainy season should follow the principle of "saving acid and increasing sweetness to nourish spleen". Appropriate intake of sweet food, such asChinese yam, jujube, carrot, taro, sweet potato, potato, pumpkin, longan and chestnut.At the same time, reduce the intake of sour food, such as dark plum and sour plum.

  Besides,Avoid eating too much cold and greasy things.To protect the spleen and stomach yang. Porridge is a digestible food, and the porridge cooked with the above ingredients has a good effect on harmonizing the spleen and stomach and nourishing the body.

  In the rainy season, the climate gradually warms up, but it is windy and dry, and the skin, mouth and tongue are often dry, and the lips are chapped. Therefore, it should beIncrease the intake of fresh vegetables and juicy fruits., in order to supplement human body water and nourish yin and body fluid.

  03 emotional management does not ignore

  Attention should be paid to emotional health care in rain and solar terms. Because the weather is changeable, people’s mood is easy to fluctuate, which leads to mental depression and constant worries, which has a great negative impact on physical and mental health. Especially for people with chronic diseases such as hypertension, heart disease and asthma, this effect is more obvious. Chinese medicine believes that worry hurts the spleen. In other words, excessive anxiety will damage the spleen and stomach, leading to dysfunction of the spleen and stomach.

  For example, if you have an argument or other unpleasant things before eating, you will often feel "full of gas". If you force yourself to eat at this time, you will probably have symptoms such as nausea and vomiting.Because depressed and negative emotions will inhibit the central nervous system and excite the sympathetic nerves.In turn, it leads to a decrease in the secretion of various digestive juices and a disorder of muscle activity in the digestive system, thereby reducing appetite and causing symptoms such as nausea and vomiting.

  Therefore,Rainy season. We should actively adjust our mentality, keep our mood calm, cheerful and open-minded, and be kind to others.When things go wrong, don’t get bogged down and get rid of negative emotions in time. The liver likes smoothness.And depression, only by maintaining a calm state, can make the liver qi stable and the spleen and stomach calm.

  04 When the weather is sunny, go to bed late and get up early.

  During this period, the days are quietly lengthened, while the nights are gradually shortened. In order to conform to the natural rhythm changes, people should adjust their work and rest, appropriately shorten the length of sleep, go to bed late and get up early, so as to facilitate the growth of yang.Specifically, it is suggested to fall asleep before 11 o’clock every night and wake up before 7 o’clock in the morning to welcome the new day.

  At the time of spring birth, it is the time when shaoyang is born, and the gallbladder belongs to shaoyang and is connected with the liver. According to the meridian theory of traditional Chinese medicine, the gallbladder meridian runs on both sides of the head, so you can comb both sides of the head with a comb every day, and by evacuating the gallbladder meridian, you can reach the yang qi and follow the trend of hair growth. This method of keeping in good health, just as the theory of keeping in good health said: "In spring and March, comb your hair one or two hundred times every morning, and you will live a long life."Through simple grooming, you can promote health and prolong life.

  05 Chunyang Shengfayi Exercise

  After winter’s silence and dormancy, the arrival of rain and solar terms marks the arrival of vibrant spring.At this time, everything on the earth is reviving, which is a good time for outdoor exercise.

  The human body should follow the natural rhythm and actively participate in outdoor activities, such asWalking, jogging, playing Tai Ji Chuan and other light sports., make the body and mind into nature. Through soothing exercise to mobilize the yang of the human body and adjust the mood. There is a saying in "On the News of Photographing Life": "When the spring is harmonious, you should look at the garden pavilions and empty places, and use your arms to stay in the air, so as to be angry and not to sit upright, so as to be depressed." This statement just emphasizes the importance of outdoor sports in spring.

  howeverAttention should also be paid to the control of exercise intensity during exercise.. Excessive exercise will lead to excessive consumption of qi in the body, which will weaken the control of liver qi, make liver qi overflow and leak out, and eventually cause symptoms such as fever and excessive internal heat.

  Source: "Guangzhou Health and Health Commission" WeChat WeChat official account

Strive to be small farmers and grow potatoes together. The natural labor practice activities of primary and middle school students in Wuhan started

Hubei Daily News (reporter Li Xianhong, correspondent Zhang Wei, Wang Lu and Lu Wei) strives to be small farmers and grow potatoes together. On March 8th, Wuhan Agriculture and Rural Bureau sent 1000 Jin of virus-free potato seeds to Wuhan Foreign Language School, and officially launched the natural labor practice activities for primary and middle school students in 2024. On the same day, students planted potatoes in the school labor practice base under the leadership of agricultural experts, spreading the hope of spring.

Zhu Hua, an agricultural expert and senior agronomist, told the children the story of potato introduced to China, demonstrated the growth pictures of potatoes in different periods, explained the skills of potato planting and maintenance, and led the children to dig, dig pits, plant seedlings and water … The students carefully planted potato seedlings in the soil, and they will grow under the careful care of the children.

According to the relevant person in charge of Wuhan Foreign Language School, since 2021, the school has carried out a series of labor ecological education courses with the theme of "practicing labor education and creating an ecological campus" to let children experience labor and gain happiness.

According to reports, Wuhan Education Bureau and Wuhan Agriculture and Rural Bureau organized 20 pilot schools, including Wuhan Foreign Language School, Wuhan Qiyi Huayuan Middle School, Jianghan District Wansongyuan Primary School, Wuhan No.4 Junior High School, Wuhan Erqiao Middle School, Hubei Wuchang Experimental Primary School and Optics Valley No.15 Primary School, to carry out labor practice activities of planting potatoes. Next, Wuhan will expand the labor practice of planting common crops to 100 pilot schools in the city. The education department will also work with the agricultural department to build a number of off-campus bases for natural labor practice. Through these activities, children can learn about "five grains" and practice "four bodies", cultivate patience and perseverance, learn to cooperate with others, and improve teamwork ability.

Wuhan Agriculture and Rural Bureau will give full play to the advantages of Academician Deng Zixin’s popular science studio team, agricultural technology experts and professional growers, and jointly promote a series of natural labor practice activities for primary and secondary school students with the education department, and guide primary and secondary school students to work and love labor through practical projects such as crop planting, maintenance, processing, picking, cooking, handicrafts and intangible skills.

Zhu Hua said: "Nature is the best teacher. Every child can release his nature here and know the natural laws of spring, summer, autumn harvest and winter storage through labor. The agricultural and rural departments are willing to care for the growth of children like watering crops."

Ma Huailong’s busy year: Go to the Spring Festival Evening with special products, and help after returning! The New Year’s Eve dinner arranged with the old people was arranged after the Lantern Festiv

Sun Guidong, all-media reporter on the Peninsula, Jiang Kai, Mao Ziquan

  Bring Wang Gezhuang’s big steamed bread and other Qingdao specialties to the Spring Festival Evening, and CALL; Qingdao for extra points; During the rehearsal, the phone kept on, and every old man’s New Year’s Eve dinner was arranged. A family of three celebrated the New Year in three places respectively. After the Spring Festival Evening in anxious to return, the gifts bought for the elderly can no longer fit, and the dinner arranged with the elderly has been arranged after the Lantern Festival … As a representative of the most beautiful grass-roots police in China, Ma Huailong, a policeman from Xinglong Road Police Station, Shibei Branch of Qingdao Public Security Bureau, was invited to watch CCTV Spring Festival Evening. I am busy in the process of attending the Spring Festival Gala. What are your feelings at the Spring Festival Gala? On the eve of the Spring Festival, our reporter went to CCTV to participate in the Spring Festival Gala exclusively with the policeman Ma Huailong, and recorded the story in this different kind of Spring Festival.

Buy gifts for the elderly between cars.

Qingdao specialty "not enough points" and "dragon" big steamed bread are too bright

  On February 8, policeman Ma Huailong took a box full of Qingdao specialties and set foot on the train to Beijing. In his suitcase, he bought Wanggezhuang big steamed bread, Laoshan coke, Laoshan white snake grass water and green calcium milk biscuits in advance.

  Ma Huailong said that in the backstage of the rehearsal of CCTV Spring Festival Evening, there are guests and actors from all over the country. Bringing these Qingdao specialties for them to taste is also to promote our Qingdao characteristics.

  "It’s too popular, and there are staff members who come to the background to find these specialties." Ma Huailong said that the most eye-catching is Wanggezhuang Big Steamed Bread with the theme of year of the loong. People in many places have never seen such a big and creative steamed bread. Many guests came to ask about the production method, and they were full of praise after tasting it.

After coming back from the Spring Festival Evening, I will send gifts to help the people’s homes.

  Laoshan coke, white snake grass water and calcium milk biscuits were quickly eaten in the background of the rehearsal. Ma Huailong lamented that it is not enough to take a few more boxes. The key point is to let more people know about our Qingdao characteristics. At the same time, in the warm-up video before the official start of the Spring Festival Evening, CCTV also introduced Wang Gezhuang’s big steamed bread.

  "With the help of a big stage like CCTV, let more people know about Qingdao specialties," Ma Huailong said. Many people also came to ask for specific details and asked about the purchase.

Bo Huang and Lao Ma celebrate the New Year together, and the number of views in Weibo exceeds 10 million

  On the stage of this year’s CCTV Spring Festival Gala, Qingdao star Bo Huang is also highly anticipated by people all over the country. As early as before the Spring Festival Gala began, Bo Huang repeatedly forwarded reports about police officer Ma Huailong.

  This year’s China People’s Police Festival, Bo Huang wrote in his Weibo, "Like Ma Huailong, the most beautiful grass-roots policeman in Qingdao! Pay tribute to every people’s policeman and wish you a happy Police Day! "

  In the gap between rehearsals, Bo Huang also specially gave the old horse a surprise. Bo Huang deliberately found the old horse, and together they used Qingdao dialect to pay a New Year call to the people of the whole country. "Bo Huang is the star of Qingdao, and many people who help others are his die-hard fans," said Ma Huailong. After learning that he was going to participate in the Spring Festival Evening program, many old people asked Lao Ma to help Bo Huang find a photo instead of them.

  "Success helped them realize their wishes," said Ma Huailong, who also shared the good news with the people who helped them. And the video of two people paying New Year’s greetings together quickly became a hot topic in Weibo, and the number of views soon exceeded 10 million.

  Bo Huang sang "Pinyin" live in the Spring Festival Evening, singing the love between father and son. Ma Huailong said that after listening to this song, he actually felt deeply in his heart and sang it in his heart. It is also such a family relationship between him and helping the elderly. When listening to songs, many pictures with the old people come to mind.

A family of three is busy with their wives and daughters’ "happy reunion"

  Even if I attend the Spring Festival Evening, the old horse is most concerned about the elderly who need help in the community. During the follow-up visit, the old horse’s mobile phone almost never stopped. He told the volunteers and the old people in every detail, and told them not to burn the old people even when they cooked dumplings.

  During the Spring Festival, he was most concerned about helping the elderly eat dumplings. Under the influence of Ma Huailong, his wife and daughter have already joined the volunteer team. On the night of New Year’s Eve, my daughter went to a helping family to pack jiaozi with the elderly and watch the Spring Festival Gala. The wife is at home, and invites another helper to come home to have dinner together.

  Sacrifice little reunion, have a happy ending. Ma Huailong said that he has become a relative with the object of help, and even though his family of three is in different places, he still feels very warm in his heart.

  At the same time, he also carefully selected gifts for the old people. Towels for the rehearsal of the Spring Festival Evening and some mascots were carefully received in the suitcase and ready to be taken back to the elderly. "The red envelopes brought back in the Spring Festival Evening will be brought back, and some cash will be put in them to celebrate the New Year for the old people," Ma Huailong said. Although some old people didn’t say anything, they always thought about what gifts the old horse would bring back.

The gift for the old man can’t fit in the suitcase.

The gift for the old man can’t fit in the suitcase.

  When I returned to the hotel where I lived, the suitcase of the old horse was full of gifts except my own clothes. While waiting for the train in the morning, he saw that there was still half an hour before leaving the train. He hurried to the store of the railway station and bought some Beijing specialty products such as snacks.

  "These authentic products may not be eaten by the old people at ordinary times, so take them back and try them." Ma Huailong said that the old people in the community kept calling and asking when they would go home and wanted to have a reunion dinner together. In the eyes of the old man, he has been regarded as a relative. Although jiaozi has eaten, the old horse is not here, even if the year is not really over.

After returning, "non-stop" ran between helping the elderly.

  At 3: 10 pm on February 10th, Ma Huailong returned to Qingdao from Beijing after attending the Spring Festival Gala. When he went home and put down his luggage, Ma Huailong hurried to the home of Wang Zexie, a disabled old man living alone at No.1 Dasha Branch Road, because when he was in Beijing years ago, Ma Huailong learned that the old man was suddenly hospitalized due to illness, which made Ma Huailong worried at that time.

On the way back, I’m still sorting out the things that need attention to help the masses.

  "Aunt Wang, why didn’t you tell me earlier that you weren’t feeling well?" At 6 o’clock in the evening, Ma Huailong, who saw the old man Wang Zexie, asked some reproachfully. "Officer Ma, you are so busy attending the Spring Festival Gala. I’m sorry to trouble you. I just felt a little uncomfortable. I went to the hospital for observation for 2 days, and now it’s okay. " The old man Wang Zexie said with some apologies. "I am a community policeman. It is my job to take care of you. What’s embarrassing? If you don’t say it, it will make me more worried. You must tell me if you are unwell in the future." Ma Huailong said slowly. Wang Zexie, the old man, nodded and agreed like a child who did something wrong.

  Ma Huailong was relieved to see that the old man was in good health. He took out a red scarf and said with a smile, "I specially chose this for you from CCTV. I hope you will be prosperous and healthy in the future." The old man Wang Zexie took the scarf and immediately brought it up for himself. "Officer Ma has a good eye. This scarf looks good." The old man said to himself happily. Ma Huailong took out a "little dragon claw" from his bag and handed it to the old man, letting him pass through the dragon claw with his hand and hold it tightly. "This year is year of the loong, and we are grasping at the dragon’s claws and touching the dragon’s spirit." Ma Huailong said with a smile. Wang Zexie, an old man holding a "little dragon claw", was smiling. When Ma Huailong turned to take back the Beijing specialty, the old man quickly wiped his eyes and put away his happy tears …

  On the morning of the second day of February 11th, Ma Huailong rushed to the home of Wang Deting, a lonely old man, to pack jiaozi for the old man, accompany the old man to make up for the New Year’s Eve, and tell the old man about his participation in the Spring Festival Evening. In the afternoon, I went to Wei Ruiqing’s home, a disabled family, to have dinner with the elderly. "I go from house to house to eat with these old people every New Year. For so many years, the old people have also developed a habit. I always feel that I didn’t meet me during the New Year. This year is not counted. Therefore, during the Chinese New Year, I will try my best to find opportunities to meet, talk and have dinner with every old man. It usually starts from the 23 rd day of the twelfth lunar month and is arranged until the eighth day of the first month. " Ma Huailong smiled and explained to reporters.

After coming back from the Spring Festival Gala, I will send gifts to help the people to visit and eat jiaozi together.

After coming back from the Spring Festival Evening, I will send gifts to help the people’s homes.

  This year’s participation in CCTV Spring Festival Gala affected the plan to spend the New Year with the elderly. In order not to disappoint the old people, Ma Huailong arranged his first month to the brim. At noon on the third day, I accompanied Wang Tianen, an elderly person living alone, and visited Tian Xuchang and Xu Xiuhua, disabled couples, in the afternoon. In the middle of the fourth day, I lived in the home of Zangmei, a lonely old man, and Zhao Guiqing, a lonely old man at night; Zou Yingkuan, a solitary old man, Zhu Huaying, a centenarian, and Fu Guizhen, a widowed old man … In the first month, Ma Huailong shuttled through these old people’s homes just to let them feel warm during the Spring Festival.

An exclusive dialogue between peninsula reporters and old horse daughters:

I never understood it until I took the initiative to integrate. When I grew up, I became you.

  It is easier to be his colleague and the people in his jurisdiction than his daughter and wife; From morning till night, there seems to be endless phone calls, and I didn’t understand the need to pay extra money and time to help others when I was a child. When I grew up, I gradually realized the significance and value of these little things, and took the initiative to join the volunteer service team … 46 keys are the concern of the old policeman for helping the masses in his jurisdiction, and the spirit behind them has also become an example for his daughter Ma Qingqing to learn. Recently, the reporter talked to Ma Qingqing, who works as an auxiliary police officer in the airport branch of Qingdao Public Security Bureau, and listened to how the old horse and kind and simple family style were passed down in her daughter’s eyes.

Ma Qingqing

Never attended a parent-teacher conference. It’s easier to be a colleague and the people in the jurisdiction than to be a daughter.

  In 2008, Ma Huailong transferred from the army to the police station to become a community policeman. At that time, my daughter Ma Qingqing was in Grade One.

  In my daughter’s impression, my father is always very busy, leaving early and returning late every day.

  At the beginning, my daughter was also full of incomprehension. There is a parent-teacher conference at school, and my father has never been there once. When I was in high school, I went home on weekends and saw that other students were all picked up by my father. "My dad never took it once and probably didn’t even know where my classroom was," Ma Qingqing said, filled with envy at that time, wishing his father could spend more time with his family.

  I feel a little sick, because my mother is busy before and after, and my father is always busy and has no time to take care of it.

  Sometimes I really feel that it is much easier to be a father’s colleague, friend and the people in the jurisdiction than to be a wife and daughter. "In Ma Qingqing’s memory, the number of times her father took care of her illness was almost zero, and her mother was pestering for her growth, while the lonely old man in the jurisdiction was ill and hospitalized, while her father accompanied her bed and delivered meals.

  "I go to work early now, and he is earlier than me," Ma Qingqing said. My father usually goes out after 6 o’clock in the morning. Before going to work, he will go to the home of the old people who help him, and some people who are inconvenient to buy food will buy some food and send it there.

  Even when I got home, my father kept calling, and it was often several times before I could finish a meal.

  "Once my dad was having dinner at home and received a phone call saying that he had a problem with his mother," Ma Qingqing said. At that time, the other party asked police officer Ma if he could go to our house for a walk. My father immediately agreed, and after dinner, he quickly went to the residents’ home to mediate.

Helping the object’s smile warms people’s hearts and takes the initiative to join.

  However, when you get in touch with his work and help the family together, you will feel what a meaningful thing it is.

  At first, my father was too busy and would ask her to help. Ma Qingqing said that he just wanted to help share some manual labor. My father is too old to be so tired.

  With more and more activities, the more I can understand my father’s work, and I can appreciate the happiness and happiness gained from these helping work.

I fell asleep because I was too tired, and I was still holding my mobile phone in my hand to prepare for sorting things out.

I fell asleep because I was too tired.

  The first time I went to a grandfather’s house, I helped cook and clean together. Grandpa will sit next to his father and talk about trivial things as if he were chatting with his own son. At this moment, the old man didn’t realize that his father was a helping policeman.

  Ma Qingqing said that at that moment, she realized that her father’s job was not just to help others, but to really treat each other as relatives. It is a very lucky thing to be able to turn strangers into relatives and gain their recognition and trust at the same time. Later, I went to my grandmother’s house and regarded myself as my granddaughter.

  When they saw their father’s death, there was a smile on their faces. This kind of smile made her unforgettable for a long time and felt incomparable warmth and healing.

  Slowly, she helped passively from the beginning and began to take the initiative to help the elderly clean up with her father. During the Chinese New Year holiday, they went to help the family have a reunion dinner. Now, as long as I have time, I will follow my father to help the object’s home for a while and chat with them like friends, so I will feel very comfortable and have a sense of accomplishment.

Time is divided into 46 families and they still feel that they are not taken care of enough.

  "Although my dad has done a lot, sharing it with so many people will leave everyone with little time," Ma Qingqing said. In the process of helping, they all regard each other as family and can chat and talk together. However, sometimes there are regrets.

  Ma Qingqing said that a grandfather met in 2013 and passed away a few days ago. The grandfather went out to work when he was young and didn’t get married. After coming back, only the household registration is here, and there is no file or house. Later, my father managed to arrange public rental housing for him and visited him every year.

The gift for the old man can’t fit in the suitcase.

  I left a few days ago, because the child was still young, and my father didn’t let her go to the hospital. Later, when I mentioned it, I was very sad, like my grandfather who had known me for many years died suddenly.

  "I had something to go out that weekend, and on the way back, I suddenly cried when my nose was sour." Ma Qingqing said that his grandfather regarded his family as his closest relatives, and his photo with them was always in the most conspicuous position. They will visit whenever they have time. When the old man died, she regretted not visiting more.

  "It is in every accumulation that I slowly understand his work." Ma Qingqing said with red eyes that it is a fate for them to know these people at work.

Family tradition, daughter and son-in-law all join in

Ma Qingqing

  "Under the influence of my dad, I feel that it is a very happy thing to help others, rather than simply as a commuting job, hoping to gain something.

  Like working in an airport, I can get in touch with many travelers, especially those who come to Qingdao for the first time. Sometimes they can’t find a network car, and their mood will be very upset. She hopes to help them solve their problems, calm their emotions and contribute to the safe operation of the airport.

  Under the influence of their father, they also slowly joined the team. Now, her partner will help to look after the elderly when she has time.

  "My partner is more supportive of my father’s work than I am," Ma Qingqing said. He felt that this was a meaningful thing, and the whole family should support Qi Xin.

  At the same time, this spirit of helping others is a family style. She also hopes to bring her son in in the future, pass on this kind heart from generation to generation, and help more people together.

Knowing your father better after becoming an auxiliary police officer is an example to learn from.

  In 2021, Ma Qingqing became an auxiliary police officer in the Airport Public Security Bureau.

  In the eyes of colleagues, since joining the auxiliary police force, Ma Qingqing has been diligent, willing to learn, dedicated and responsible. Although I am an office worker, I often go to the duty room to help, and my professionalism is relatively high.

  Previously, a child was lost at the airport. After receiving the alarm, she immediately helped to find the monitoring and helped her colleagues find the trace of the child in less than half an hour.

  Usually, the back office work is busy and always handled in a clear way.

  However, it was not until a few days ago that everyone knew that Ma Huailong was going to watch the Spring Festival Gala that colleagues discovered their father-daughter relationship from some video clips.

  Ma Qingqing himself has joined the public security team now, and his father has a great influence on himself. First of all, the execution is very strong. When the old man encounters any difficulties, he never hesitates and will solve them now.

  Secondly, I am very patient at work. Sometimes helping people with all kinds of things, all kinds of processes are complicated, but he solves them patiently. I have never felt that this is very troublesome and difficult, and I have always faced difficulties.

  "These are all worth learning," said Ma Qingqing, who is now engaged in the back office work of the police station, and things are rather complicated. From her father, she learned to be patient and meticulous, to do everything one by one, and not to give up easily.

  Since last year, she has participated in 12 Golden Shield volunteer service activities carried out by the police station, sent more than 300 leaflets to merchants, and served more than 600 merchants, and the number of passengers who have helped is even more difficult to count.
