Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development: Cities can adjust their real estate policies according to local conditions

Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development: Cities can adjust their real estate policies according to local conditions

According to china construction news, on the morning of January 26th, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development held a meeting to deploy the coordination mechanism of urban real estate financing. Party Secretary and Minister Ni Hong attended the meeting and stressed that the spirit of the Central Economic Work Conference should be thoroughly implemented, the coordination mechanism of urban real estate financing should be accelerated to be effective, the development and construction of real estate projects should be supported, the reasonable financing needs of real estate enterprises with different ownership systems should be met equally, and the stable and healthy development of the real estate market should be promoted.

The meeting pointed out that the establishment of urban real estate financing coordination mechanism is an important measure to implement the decision-making arrangements of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, meet the reasonable financing needs of real estate enterprises with different ownership equally, and promote a virtuous circle of finance and real estate. The people’s governments of cities at or above the prefecture level should effectively play a leading and coordinating role, quickly establish and operate this important mechanism, timely judge the local real estate market situation and real estate financing needs, strengthen overall planning, refine policies and measures, build a communication platform between government, banks and enterprises, promote the accurate docking of real estate enterprises and financial institutions, and coordinate and solve the difficulties and problems existing in real estate financing.

The meeting emphasized that the orderly development and construction of the project is the basis for the stable and healthy operation of the real estate market and is related to the vital interests of the people. In view of the current financing problems of some real estate projects, all localities should focus on projects, study and put forward a list of real estate projects that can be given financing support, coordinate the issuance of loans by financial institutions within their respective administrative regions, and accurately and effectively support reasonable financing needs. Credit funds should be ensured to be operated in a closed way and used in compliance, and misappropriation should be resolutely prevented. At the provincial level, it is necessary to track and monitor the implementation and strengthen supervision and guidance. At the national level, an information platform for urban real estate financing coordination mechanism projects will be established, and weekly scheduling and monthly notification will be implemented. The Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development has made great efforts to implement the mechanism. It is understood that before the end of this month, the first batch of projects can win loans after landing.

The meeting demanded that we should adapt to the new situation that the relationship between supply and demand in the real estate market has undergone major changes, speed up the construction of a new model of real estate development, combine the long and short, treat both the symptoms and the root causes, and promote the stable and healthy development of the real estate market. It is necessary to adhere to the policy of the city, precise policy, one city and one policy, make good use of the policy toolbox, and fully give urban real estate regulation and control autonomy. Cities can adjust their real estate policies according to local conditions. It is necessary to work out the housing development plan, improve the housing supply system of "guarantee+market", establish a new linkage mechanism of people, housing, land and money, improve the basic system of housing life cycle, implement the construction of affordable housing, the construction of public infrastructure for emergency use and the transformation of villages in cities, and build a green, low-carbon, intelligent and safe house. It is necessary to rectify the order of the real estate market, rectify the chaos in real estate development, trading, intermediary and property, expose typical cases of violations of laws and regulations, and earnestly safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the people.

Xiaoxiang morning herald reporter Niu Rui comprehensive report


Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development: Fully Giving Urban Real Estate Control Autonomy

Beijing Daily Client | Reporter Lu Yang
Good news in the real estate market. On January 26th, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development held the deployment meeting of urban real estate financing coordination mechanism. The meeting was clear,It is necessary to meet the reasonable financing needs of real estate enterprises with different ownership equally. In addition, local cities will be fully given the autonomy of real estate regulation and control, and real estate policies can be adjusted according to local conditions.
The orderly development and construction of real estate projects is the basis for the stable and healthy operation of the property market and concerns the vital interests of the people. In view of the current financing difficulties of some real estate projects, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development proposed that all localities should focus on projects, pay close attention to research and put forward a list of real estate projects that can be given financing support, coordinate financial institutions in their respective administrative areas to issue loans, and accurately and effectively support reasonable financing needs.
It is more important to manage the funds well. The Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development proposed that credit funds should be ensured to be operated in a closed way and used in compliance, and misappropriation should be resolutely prevented. At the provincial level, it is necessary to track and monitor the implementation and strengthen supervision and guidance; At the national level, an information platform for urban real estate financing coordination mechanism projects will be established, and weekly scheduling and monthly notification will be implemented. The reporter learned that,Before the end of this month, loans can be obtained after the first batch of projects are listed.
"It is a major measure to meet the reasonable financing needs of real estate enterprises with different ownership and promote a virtuous circle of finance and real estate." The Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development said that for this,The people’s governments of cities at or above the prefecture level should play a leading and coordinating role, quickly establish and operate this important mechanism, timely judge the local real estate market situation and real estate financing needs, build a communication platform between government, banks and enterprises, promote the accurate docking of real estate enterprises and financial institutions, and coordinate and solve the difficulties and problems existing in real estate financing.
Nowadays, the relationship between supply and demand in the real estate market has undergone major changes. The Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development proposed that all localities should adhere to the policy of the city, precise policy, one city and one policy, and make good use of the policy toolbox. Cities around the world will be fully given the autonomy of urban real estate regulation, and cities can adjust their real estate policies according to local conditions. At the same time, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development said that it is necessary to rectify the order of the real estate market and correct the chaos in real estate development, transactions, intermediary and property.
Li Yujia, chief researcher of the Housing Policy Research Center of Guangdong Urban Planning Institute, said that in practice, banks are often worried about risks and have low trust in housing enterprises. Therefore, today’s policy focus has shifted to the optimization of the coordination mechanism, that is, pushing the list of qualified loan projects to financial institutions and financing these projects, thus supporting the development and construction of real estate projects and promoting the stable and healthy development of the real estate market.

Pan Shiyi: Diwang will face financial risks and buy a house to resist inflation.

Topic: picture channel


  As a leading enterprise in China’s real estate industry, Wang Shi, chairman of Vanke Group, is still at the cusp of fierce controversy, and Pan Shiyi, president of SOHO China, recently declared that many real estate companies in China will have drastic changes within 100 days and enter an unprecedented financing difficult period.

  Once the viewpoint of "Hundred Days Drama Change" was thrown out, it immediately aroused unprecedented repercussions. What kind of tomorrow will China real estate industry face? Will housing prices fall in the "drastic changes" predicted by Pan Shiyi? How many housing enterprises will "die" in this cold?

  On March 25th, when Pan Shiyi attended the Sina Real Estate Innovation Summit, he accepted an exclusive interview with the reporter of China Times to explain in detail the "Hundred Days Drama Change" released by him.

  The sudden change of the situation leads to "a hundred-day drama change"

  China Times: Why do you put forward the view that the real estate industry will face a "hundred-day drama change" at this juncture?

  Pan Shiyi: At the end of November last year, the central government put forward a tight monetary policy, but the formulation at that time was still relatively general, and the international situation was still unclear at that time, and China’s monetary policy still had operational flexibility.

  But this year, especially since February, the CPI has increased by 8.7% year-on-year, and the inflationary pressure is enormous. When answering a reporter’s question, Premier Wen Jiabao said that the first thing for the government this year is to control the CPI index to around 4.8% and GDP growth to 8%. To control inflation, we must implement a tight monetary policy.

  The day after the Prime Minister made these remarks, the reserve ratio of the central bank was raised to 15.5%, which is already very high. At this time, the domestic situation has become clear, and the tight monetary policy is very clear.

  Let’s take a look at the international environment. In the past two months, there have been some events and current situations, such as the Bear Stearns incident and the stock market crash, including the stock crash of overseas listed real estate companies, the failure of real estate enterprises to issue bonds and shares. There are more than 40 real estate enterprises that want to list this year.

  However, led by Evergrande Real Estate, its IPO has been shelved. At this juncture, any IPO will go wrong. This is a landmark event, and the pipeline between the international capital market and China real estate is basically blocked.

  China Times: Last year, you were still refuting Wang Shi’s "inflection point theory", and now you are proposing "a hundred-day drama change". Is it inconsistent?

  Pan Shiyi: Up to now, my point of view has changed, because the situation changes every day, and I am constantly revising my point of view as the situation changes.

  Last year, when I talked to Wang Shi about the inflection point, I listed the data to refute him. At that time, I didn’t expect the American economy to be so bad. I didn’t expect Bear Stearns to have an accident. I didn’t expect the subprime mortgage crisis to be endless. I didn’t expect the CPI index to rise to 8.7%.

  Including the current point of view, I am not necessarily right. The real estate industry is 200 billion yuan a year. The domestic and international situation of such a big industry and market has changed too fast.

  Diwang developers will be greatly adjusted.

  China Times: Which real estate enterprises do you think will face the most severe challenges in this upcoming great change? Is it possible for small and medium-sized real estate enterprises in China to be integrated?

  Pan Shiyi: The year before last, especially last year, many developers were irrational and bought many landlords. However, the real estate industry cannot do without the support of the financial industry and the capital market. If this support is disconnected or weakened, the real estate industry will face great adjustments. And the first to be adjusted are those real estate enterprises that expanded extremely last year and the year before, and they will face the biggest problem.

  Some people say that I want to merge small and medium-sized enterprises, which is a wrong misinterpretation of my point of view. Some small and medium-sized real estate enterprises in China have not expanded, and the capital chain has been well arranged. When the winter comes, they will naturally not encounter problems. On the contrary, it is the developers who have expanded extremely in previous years who are most prone to problems.

  China Times: Do you think that the real upheaval is those Diwang enterprises that emerged last year?

  Pan Shiyi: It is an indisputable fact that the financial situation at home and abroad is tense, which leads to the lack of money in the real estate industry. But even for Diwang enterprises, every situation is different. There are pains, only you know.

  Buying a house can resist inflation.

  China Times: Do you think the house price will drop because of the "100-day drama change"?

  Pan Shiyi: When it comes to "dramatic changes in a hundred days", this is a general concept, maybe two months, maybe four months. Speaking of this view, people are most concerned about the problem of housing prices, that is, the impact of drastic changes on housing prices-is it rising or falling? But we can’t look at the price for the sake of the price. Behind the price is the relationship between supply and demand.

  We need to see if it has an impact on demand, and the control of mortgage loans will definitely have an impact on demand; Whether it has an impact on supply, if you have land, you can’t build a house without money, and supply also has an impact; Whether house prices are rising or falling depends on which is more affected, demand and supply, and whether the state of supply and demand can still be in a balanced state.

  China Times: When developers encounter drastic changes, will they withdraw funds by reducing prices?

  Pan Shiyi: Price reduction is not only a problem in the land market, but also a problem in the real estate market. From the perspective of the real estate market, in January and February this year, because of the turning point, the cold weather and weak demand, the transaction volume was falling, but from the end of February to March, the sales volume increased greatly, which proved that the demand was still strong.

  Under this demand, developers will not reduce prices, but also see whether inflation can be controlled. If it can’t be controlled, I suggest that everyone should buy a house quickly. Only by buying a house can we resist inflation. This is a particularly simple truth. I think we should buy something valuable, and the house is the most valuable and valuable.

  It will only develop in Beijing’s Third Ring Road.

  China Times: How do you think real estate enterprises should cope with the coming challenges?

  Pan Shiyi: For some enterprises that are short of money, when winter comes, they will either find a hole to drill down like frogs or fly away like migratory birds. The subprime mortgage crisis in the United States and China’s tight monetary policy are the signs of winter. At this time, we should adopt a strategy, transfer the land we have in hand, and exchange the projects in our hands for money to save our lives.

  China Times: In this drastic change, will SOHO China use its 15 billion yuan to make a series of acquisitions?

  Pan Shiyi: We still focus on acquiring land, not real estate companies. Because the management style and business model of other real estate companies are different from ours, it is difficult to integrate.

  China Times: Where will your 15 billion cash be spent? Qianmen project?

  Pan Shiyi: With the coming of winter, our cash of 15 billion yuan is not abundant, so we should do some projects with high profit rate, high return rate and good market foundation.

  In November and December last year and January this year, we talked about some land projects in seven or eight cities across the country. In February, when winter came, we all withdrew to Beijing.

  With 15 billion cash and 500 employees, according to our strategy, we should spend our limited resources on ideas. Where is the point? Just within the Third Ring Road in Beijing, Qianmen Project is one of them.


Editor: Zhang Toya

The pattern of real estate supply will change next year. Will the inflection point of housing prices become a hot spot?

    The latest issue of China News Network News? Wang Newsweek reported that the rising house prices in 2007 finally faltered towards the end of the year: Beijing, Shenzhen, Shanghai and other cities with soaring house prices began to see different degrees of decline in transaction volume, and the discussion about whether the house prices have turned an inflection point under a series of macro-control began to be lively.

    The article writes that the real estate market in 2008 will face two major problems: First, since the housing system reform in 1998, the real estate market in China has experienced an upward trend for nearly ten years. Under the accumulation of years of regulatory policies, will 2008 be the turning point of adjustment?

    Secondly, regarding how to solve the real estate problem in China, Premier Wen said in a speech in Singapore that under the premise of strictly observing the "red line" of 1.8 billion mu of cultivated land, three ways should be adopted to expand supply: low-rent housing, affordable housing and market regulation. Some media interpret this policy as "it is possible to free most urban residents from high housing prices". The Ministry of Construction, the competent department, has also said that in the next three years, the investment in low-rent housing and affordable housing will double. If so, it will completely change the current supply pattern of the real estate market.

    According to the article, from a realistic point of view, it is far from enough to change the supply pattern of the real estate market in the near future in terms of affordable housing with the current investment quota accounting for less than 5% of the total investment in residential and commercial housing. It is a necessary condition to make clear the details of the actual operation of low-rent housing and affordable housing, such as the source of funds, supply methods and supply targets, to ensure that the limited funds of the country are used in the cutting edge. Therefore, Bao Zonghua, executive vice president of China Real Estate and Housing Research Association, believes that the construction and improvement of the housing system will be the theme in 2008.

    Judging from the current situation in China, on the one hand, the national income level is not up to the level that most people can realize market-oriented housing purchase; On the other hand, it is impossible for the financial resources of the government to meet the desire of all housing difficulties groups to realize government security in a short period of time. Therefore, for the future housing system in China, experts believe that it will be composed of three parts, that is, some people will completely solve the housing problem by the government, some will solve it by market means, and the middle part will be combined with market and government subsidies, thus covering all the people in China’s housing system and security system.

    Bao Zonghua pointed out that at present, it has reached a consensus that housing security is the responsibility of the government, and the key is how to do it. In his view, at this stage, we should focus on the middle, low and lowest income people and expand the coverage of low-rent housing, affordable housing and other affordable housing. At the same time, the government should strictly control its Taoxing, housing prices and supply targets.

    First, vigorously develop low-rent housing. The proportion of low-rent housing in housing stock in the world generally does not exceed 5%. However, China’s current situation is far below this ratio, so in 2008, China will accelerate the pace of improving the low-rent housing system.

    The second is to vigorously build affordable housing. Starting from 2008, the government should strive to increase the supply of low-priced and medium-sized ordinary commodity housing.

    Third, high-grade housing adopts market regulation. The high-grade housing market will mainly rely on market regulation, but we must proceed from China’s national conditions of large population and small land and insufficient economic strength, vigorously curb the excessive expansion of housing investment demand, and rationally regulate the proportion of large-scale high-priced housing construction. Bao Zonghua suggested charging high land transfer fee, high real estate development tax and high property tax for the construction and purchase of large-sized high-priced housing in the future, and "increasing" tax on the sale and purchase of second homes. By collecting "high" property tax, it not only increases government revenue, but also inhibits investment demand, reduces the proportion of large-sized high-priced housing construction, and finally realizes the stability of housing prices.

Editor: Liu Li

Plaid, the fashion in British blood.

Photo caption 1: Princess Kate’s style in plaid dress.
Photo caption 2: The late Princess Diana dressed in plaid.
Special correspondent of this newspaper Chen Jiacun
Recently, members of the British royal family "wore" the same plaid scarf in public activities. The designer of the scarf was Charles III, who hoped to show the "soft power" of the British royal family. When it comes to British clothes, many people will see a variety of plaid patterns, such as Scottish plaid with unique national characteristics, iconic plaid of luxury brand Burberry, and plaid of thousands of birds necessary for fashionistas … British people like to wear all kinds of plaid patterns on their bodies, which are traditional, trendy, elegant or everyday. It can be said that plaid patterns have become an important representative element of British fashion.
Scottish tartan is full of historical charm.
Perhaps the most distinctive plaid dress in Britain is the Scottish tartan skirt. Wearing a traditional Scottish knee-length plaid skirt, long wool socks, matching a vest and shawl of the same color, hanging a small pocket with exquisite workmanship on the waist, and then picking up an organ, the piano bag is relaxed and the piano sounds melodious …
In people’s impression, plaid is a crisscross of different color lines on wool fabric. These lines are divided into multiple rectangular patterns to form a multi-color plaid combination, showing the aesthetic feeling of interwoven color blocks. It is reported that the earliest tartan in Scotland appeared around the 3rd century AD, and was woven from two different types of wool.
With the development of the times, the plaid pattern on wool fabric becomes more and more complicated. According to statistics, at present, there are as many as 7,000 kinds of plaid patterns registered in Scotland, and more than 500 kinds can be woven. Each plaid has its own name, fixed color scheme and pattern combination, and some of them have interesting stories behind them.
According to records, Celts are good at dyeing and knitting wool. Historically, Celts have demonstrated a person’s status through the number of stripes on clothes. For example, a king’s clothes can have seven stripes, while farmers can only wear one stripe. Later, tartan was once introduced as the symbol of various families in Scotland. During the war, tartan on the battlefield was regarded as a symbol of unity, used to distinguish between the enemy and ourselves, and also used to convey the determination to defend their homes. Scottish tartan tells the development, history and culture of Scottish textile technology. No wonder some people call it "a British history".
British royal family, with fire plaid fashion
In thousands of years, tartan patterns have also been inextricably linked with the British royal family. The plaid patterns in Britain are mainly divided into general patterns and non-general patterns. The general patterns can be worn by anyone, but the production and use of non-general patterns need to be approved by the designer. For example, Barmor Lear Plaid, which came out in the 19th century, can only be worn on the body with the explicit permission of the British monarch for a long time. This plaid pattern was designed by Queen Victoria’s husband, and it is in three colors: gray, black and red. Almost all British monarchs after Queen Victoria have passed through the Barmor Lear plaid. At that time, the only non-royal member who was allowed to wear Barmor’s Lear Plaid was a bagpiper who served the British monarch.
Some tartan patterns have changed from strictly restricted non-universal to universal, such as Royal Stewart tartan. This pattern is Queen Elizabeth II’s "exclusive plaid". Apart from the Queen, many other members of the royal family have also appeared and taken photos in clothes with this pattern, making it one of the most famous plaid patterns in the world. Royal Stewart plaid patterns include red, blue, green and black, and there are many variations, representing different clan branches. Charles III also has his own plaid style.
The British royal family also carries many plaids, such as the famous Prince of Wales plaid. People often think that this plaid will be more elegant in suits. Charles III, Princess Diana, Princess Kate and even Beatles have worn clothes with Prince of Wales plaid. Prince of Wales Plaid is also called Glen Plaid, and its name is inspired by a manor in Scotland. This plaid is composed of three colors of black, white and gray, and the pattern is somewhat complicated-small plaids are intertwined with large plaids. King Edward VII of England first fell in love with this pattern of fabric, and Edward VIII completely brought it into the fashion circle. This pattern is suitable for outdoor scenes, can be paired with jeans, casual and chic, and is also suitable for more important occasions, and can be slightly decorated like a king.
Another plaid style favored by the royal family is the houndstooth plaid, which originated from Glenge, also known as the dog’s tooth plaid-two colors of "canine teeth" are interlaced and diagonally woven together, and the queen, princess, duchess and so on have all worn houndstooth plaid coats to attend public activities.
Living in England, plaid is everywhere.
The British people are still full of love for plaid. Apart from the Scottish plaid skirt worn by the guards of honor at the festival ceremony, plaid also goes deep into all aspects of British life, such as shirts, windbreakers, scarves, hats, gloves, sweaters, cloaks, slippers and handbags … Global Times reporters live in London and find that English or traditional or modern plaid can be found in almost all textiles, even to home decoration, floors and ceilings.
In order to better protect and count the traditional Scottish tartan patterns, in 2009, the Scottish tartan registry was officially put into operation, which was responsible for registering the information of existing tartan patterns and providing registration services for new patterns. Its database is constantly expanding. According to the website information of the registry, at the end of 2023, a newly registered plaid pattern was named "Light of Prism" to pay tribute to Newton and his book "Optics". The designer said that this work is not only a pattern, but also a story about light and discovery.
From classical to avant-garde, from tradition to trend, the love of plaid in British blood has flowed from the past to the present, and the inspiration from different cultures and eras has blended and gathered, allowing the British to wear more tolerance and diversity. ▲

Starting the real estate debt basket and accurately serving the real estate financing needs Zheshang Bank increased its support for real estate.

Chao News Client Reporter Wu Enhui
Recently, the State Financial Supervision and Administration said that real estate is closely related to the lives of the broad masses of the people, and the financial industry is duty-bound and must be strongly supported. On January 26th, the General Administration of Financial Supervision held a meeting to deploy and promote the implementation of the coordination mechanism of urban real estate financing. The meeting stressed that it is necessary to thoroughly implement the spirit of the Central Financial Work Conference, accelerate the implementation of the coordination mechanism for urban real estate financing, more accurately support the reasonable financing needs of real estate projects, and promote the stable and healthy development of the real estate market.
Zheshang Bank actively responded to the national policy call, implemented the relevant requirements of the General Administration of Financial Supervision, took the lead in the interbank market, officially launched the real estate debt basket on January 25, 2024, and independently underwritten and issued the first asset-backed debt financing tool for real estate enterprises.
Through a series of innovative measures, the bank’s real estate bonds provide market liquidity, accurately support real estate enterprises, boost the market confidence of real estate enterprises and help their financing needs while meeting the trading needs of investment institutions.
Initial real estate corporate bond basket
Bond basket is an innovative product launched by China Foreign Exchange Trading Center for institutional investors. Market institutions can achieve strategic trading or index tracking by trading a basket of bond portfolios, aiming at enriching market-making means and improving trading efficiency.
The real estate bond basket (basket code: BBX026002) launched by Zheshang Bank this time has a trading unit of 30 million yuan, and the portfolio includes three real estate corporate bonds, each of which is 10 million yuan. All of them select high-quality real estate bonds with a remaining maturity of less than 5 years, which have both allocation value and market liquidity. The bonds in the portfolio will be adjusted according to the actual market situation.
According to reports, this basket is the only one in the whole market that provides bilateral quotations for real estate bonds. Zheshang Bank prefers real estate corporate bonds to provide effective click quotations for market investment institutions to help realize the batch trading of real estate bonds.
The relevant person in charge of the fund operation center of Zheshang Bank said that the launch of this basket is a brand-new attempt of Zheshang Bank in the financial services real estate industry, and it has also fulfilled the obligations of market makers and has been widely supported by market institutions. On the first day of the listing of this basket, banks, brokers, funds and other institutions actively inquired about this basket, and on the same day, funds clicked on the quotation to realize the first landing transaction.
Independently underwriting asset-backed debt financing instruments of real estate enterprises.
While launching the real estate debt basket, Zheshang Bank also innovatively launched the asset-backed debt financing tool for real estate enterprises.
On January 25th, Zheshang Bank independently underwritten and issued the asset-backed debt financing instrument (CB) of Huayuan Real Estate Co., Ltd., with a total scale of 290 million yuan and a term of 2 years.
As one of the earliest listed real estate enterprises engaged in real estate development in China, Huayuan Real Estate takes Beijing as the core and radiates Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, western China, central China and southern China. While doing the main business of excellent residential development, enterprises are constantly forging ahead, actively seeking change and testing new development models and industrial formats.
The asset-backed debt financing tool issued this time, with its unique asset guarantee model, has revitalized the assets of enterprises in Beijing, Changsha and Guangzhou and realized the effective dispersion of risks. All the funds raised are used for the construction of residential real estate projects, which plays a key role in completing the task of "guaranteeing the delivery of buildings". At the same time, it optimizes the capital structure of the enterprise and lays a solid foundation for the sustainable development and strategic transformation of the enterprise.
The relevant person in charge of Huayuan Real Estate Finance Department said that Zheshang Bank fully recognized the enterprise transformation and development strategy, accurately supported the financing needs of the enterprise at this stage, and with the professional financial team and rich industry experience, this innovative financing tool was tailored for the enterprise. With the joint efforts of all parties, it was successfully launched, demonstrating the professional level of the bank in financial innovation and service.
It is worth mentioning that this business is the innovative practice of Zheshang Bank to accurately support real estate enterprises through the investment banking toolbox, and it is the first asset-backed debt financing tool for real estate enterprises in China, which is expected to provide new financing ideas for the real estate industry.
It is understood that Zheshang Bank will continue to give full play to its professional advantages, actively respond to the call of the state, make good use of the policy toolbox, provide enterprises with more diversified and personalized financing services, more accurately support the reasonable financing needs of real estate enterprises, and further improve the liquidity of real estate bonds, promote the accurate docking between real estate enterprises and financial institutions, and contribute financial strength to the stable development and transformation of the real estate industry.
"Reprint please indicate the source"

In-depth evaluation of dating with Golf 7 1.4T Ultimate Edition

    As of September 2013, (|) Car Series has sold more than 340,000 cars in Europe, firmly occupying the top spot in European car sales. Not only is it sought after by consumers, but also by car media people. After winning the 2013 World Car Award and the 2013 European Car of the Year award, even the Japanese media, which has always protected the calf, awarded the 2013 Japanese Car Award to Golf 7.

    What is the charm that makes Golf 7 so sought after? Can the domestically produced Golf 7 maintain the same quality? How does the torsion beam suspension affect the handling and comfort of the vehicle? Today, we will find the answer through detailed experience and professional tests. Before entering the detailed evaluation, let’s take a quick look at some questions about Golf 7.

Home of the car

Where is Golf 7 new? What’s the difference with Golf 6?

1. New platform: upgrade from PQ35 platform to MQB platform (transverse engine modular platform).

    What benefits can the new platform bring? This starts with understanding the differences between the two platforms. Generally speaking, PQ35 platform is a platform that can only produce and develop compact cars (cars, SUVs, MPVs, etc.), while MQB platform can produce and develop small cars, compact cars and medium-sized cars (horizontal engine models).

Volkswagen FAW-Volkswagen Golf 2014 1.4TSI Automatic Basic Model

    Broader derivatives mean more spare parts can be shared. According to the official introduction, products from the same module platform of MQB can share the same specifications of engines, gearboxes and air conditioners, and the sharing ratio is about 60% of the whole vehicle parts, thus greatly saving the development cost of new cars.

2. New design: the game between inheritance and innovation

    For the public and golf, brand recognition and the retention of traditional elements are often paid great attention to in design. This creates a lot of difficulties for designers, not only to make it look new and beautiful enough, but also not to leave behind the necessary contents such as "public face" and "golf element".

Volkswagen FAW-Volkswagen Golf 2014 1.4TSI Automatic Basic Model

    Compared with the 6th generation, the lines of Golf 7 are tougher and sharper, and at the same time, the proportion of details of the body has been adjusted a lot. For example, lowering the car body and increasing the car width can make the golf 7 look more dynamic. Compared with the 6th generation, the interior of the vehicle has also added more sense of design. The introduction of asymmetric design and the addition of piano paint are all aimed at giving people a sense of freshness and grade.

3. new power: EA211 high-power version has excellent performance

    All the departments of Golf 7 will be equipped with EA211 engines, in which the parameters of 1.6L engine and 1.4T low-power engine are slightly improved compared with the current ones, while the EA211 high-power model we got has a maximum power of 150 HP and a peak torque of 250 Nm, which is not small improvement compared with the current 131 HP and 220 Nm.

Volkswagen FAW-Volkswagen Golf 2014 1.4TSI Automatic Flagship Type

    Our measured 0-100km/h acceleration time of Golf 7 1.4T high-power version is only 8.20 seconds, and its performance is comparable to that of (|) and (|) with 1.6T engine. Compared with the performance of the 6th generation of 9.22 seconds (measured in car home), it has improved by one second, and it is at the leading level in the same level. (Golf 6th Generation Test Link)

4. New suspension: The rear torsion beam suspension becomes a hot spot again.

    As soon as the domestic Golf 7 came out, the change of the rear suspension once again became the target of public criticism. First of all, it can be affirmed that this is indeed a practice to reduce costs, regardless of what space is saved, because the seating space of Golf 7 is exactly the same whether it is equipped with torsion beam suspension version or multi-link suspension version.

Volkswagen FAW-Volkswagen Golf 2014 1.4TSI Automatic Basic Model

    What really makes people feel uncomfortable is that the 1.4T high-powered version is not spared. You know, in Germany, this version is a genuine multi-link. Fortunately, from the actual driving experience, Golf 7 does not decline in sports, but rises. The tighter suspension has stronger toughness than the sixth generation when cornering, but the comfort is weakened a lot, especially when riding in the back row. The feeling of vibration is very obvious.

5. New configuration: electronic handbrake, automatic parking, engine start-stop and adaptive cruise set a new benchmark.

    The Golf 7 comes standard with an electronic handbrake and an AUTOHOLD automatic parking system. No matter in the configuration list or in use, there is a feeling that the competitors at the same level are superior. However, in actual use, the simultaneous starting and stopping of the engine and automatic parking will really affect some comfort, which will be discussed in the configuration part later. Let’s sell it here first.

Volkswagen FAW-Volkswagen Golf 2014 1.4TSI Automatic Basic Model

    Engine start-stop and adaptive cruise belong to the high-altitude configuration, whether it appears on high-equipped models or optional, and the manufacturer has not yet made it clear. There is nothing to say about starting and stopping, but the new version of the adaptive cruise system is eye-catching, and it basically realizes the "follow-up function". Not only can you stop with the front car when you encounter a red light, but you can also continue to follow the front car when you start again.

6. New entertainment system: MIB Standard Plus video details.

Volkswagen FAW-Volkswagen Golf 2014 1.4TSI Automatic Basic Model

    With the overall upgrade of the interior, the car entertainment system has also been replaced by the MIB Standard Plus. In fact, its sales are really average, because the screen size is only 5.8 inches, which is slightly larger than the 5.5-inch screen of Samsung Note2. Of course, the resolution is much worse. The function of the system is comprehensive, but the reaction speed is average.

What versions of Golf 7 will be available? What version is our test car?

    In terms of power, the future Golf 7 will be divided into 1.6 and 1.4T displacement, of which the 1.4T engine is divided into high-power version (110 kW) and low-power version (96 kW). Among them, the 1.6L and 1.4T low-power versions will become the main sales force, while the 1.4T high-power version may only have 1-2 models.

Comparison between new and old golf engines displacement  1.6L group 1.4T group car make and model Golf 6 Golf 7 Golf 6 Golf 7
Low power version
Golf 7
High power version
Maximum power (kW) 77 81 96 96 110 Maximum torque (n m) 155 155 220 225 250 Officially provided
Acceleration time (s)
11.9 10.9 9.5 8.9 8.2 Officially provided
Hundred kilometers
Comprehensive fuel consumption (L)
6.9 6.1 6.0 5.8 5.4

    Judging from the known information given by the government, the future Golf 7 can be divided into fashion type, comfort type, luxury type and flagship type, which is similar to the layout of the current six generations. Fashion models should only be available in 1.6L models, while the configuration of the flagship model is prepared for the 1.4T high-power version. According to the experience of the 6th generation, comfort and luxury will still be the main sales force. Before the price is announced, you can make a calculation according to the configuration.

Analysis of Golf 7 Configuration Configuration vehicle type Fashion type Comfort type luxurious Flagship type Electronic handbrake ● ● ● ● Automatic parking ● ● ● ● Keyless entry – – ● ● 4 probe rear reversing radar ● ● ● –

8 probe front and rear reversing radar

OPS simulation visual reversing

– – – ● Automatic skylight – ● ● ● Xenon headlight – – ● ● Automatic headlight – – ● ● LED taillight ● ● ● ●

rearview mirror power folding

Yingbin floor lamp

– – – ● Automatic anti-glare rearview mirror – – ● ● Cruise control – ● ● ● Front and rear row central armrest – ● ● ● Fatigue reminder – ● ● ●

    Our test car is a 1.4T high-power version of the flagship, which represented the strongest strength of domestic Golf 7 before the 7th GTI went on the market. Can Golf 7 set a new benchmark? In the next evaluation, we analyze them one by one.

FAW Group Corporation

  Faw-Volkswagen’s golf has added two new models, namely, Le Xiang Edition and Da Ren Edition, of which the official guide price of Pro280TSI Le Xiang Edition is 151,300 yuan, and the official guide price of Pro280TSI Da Ren Edition is 153,300 yuan. The two new models have been further upgraded in terms of comfort and technology configuration. At present, the official guidance price range of the eighth generation digital golf is 129.8 ~ 165.8 thousand yuan. In order to further meet the needs of consumers, FAW-Volkswagen added Golf Pro280TSI Lexiang Edition and Daren Edition, which further improved the comfort and technology configuration. Among them, Lexiang Edition was equipped with an electric seat bag, and Daren Edition was equipped with an electric seat bag and a smart interconnection bag. In addition, the purchase of any golf model also provides two digital package configurations free of charge for a limited time: digital key 2.0 and AR real navigation system (including driving recorder).

FAW-Volkswagen Golf Enjoy Edition/Talent Edition listed _fororder_image001

  During the event, FAW-Volkswagen Golf upgraded the digital key 2.0 and AR real-life navigation system (including driving recorder). The digital key 2.0 can realize remote car control by mobile phone, including more than 10 practical functions, such as remote start and stop, one-button cold car hot car, remote air conditioning temperature control, remote door lock release, GPS navigation and car search, which greatly improved the convenience for users to interact with their cars. AR real-life navigation system (including driving recorder), through panoramic AR display, drivers can obtain navigation information and driving images more easily and intuitively, reduce misjudgment caused by unclear, and improve driving safety. The navigation can also be seamlessly integrated with the ADAS system of the vehicle, and provide more accurate navigation guidance and driving advice by obtaining the data of vehicle sensors in real time.

Faw-Volkswagen Golf Enjoy Edition/Talent Edition listed _fororder_image002

  In terms of technological value-added, Golfers Edition is specially equipped with smart interconnection package and upgraded to a new interactive CNS3.0 intelligent car navigation infotainment system with a 10-inch touch color screen, which integrates rich infotainment functions and brings a minimalist and intelligent operation experience; Moreover, you can send navigation maps and share mobile music through the mobile APP. In addition, the instrument has also been upgraded to a 10.25-inch high-end full liquid crystal digital instrument (FPK Medium), and a car networking system with intelligent car control, intelligent navigation, intelligent voice and intelligent entertainment has been added.

Faw-Volkswagen Golf Enjoying Edition/Talent Edition listed _fororder_image003

  The overall style of the interior inherits the driver-centered design concept of golf. The design of the double screen is separated from the central control area, which makes the screen form more free and the size further expanded. The strong sense of suspension generated by the independent screen forms a brand-new Floating Design framework. The full-touch control mode not only greatly enhances the technological sense of the interior, but also conforms to the humanized design, so that all the operations of the driver are within reach. Both the Golf Enjoyment Edition and the Daren Edition are equipped with electric seat bags, and the main driver’s seat has 10-way electric adjustment (with 4-way lumbar support) and memory function, in which the seat memory function can be SET by the set button or bound with the car account, so that every driver can easily enjoy convenient and personalized service.

FAW-Volkswagen Golf Enjoy Edition/Talent Edition listed _fororder_image004

  Golf Enjoy Edition and Talent Edition also retain the original all-weather LED headlight design, and the luminous LED headlights cooperate with the tension shape connected with the grille to break the conventional layout form and highlight a stronger sporty atmosphere. At the same time, a large number of intelligent technologies are applied to meet the needs of users in appearance. For example, a multifunctional rearview mirror integrating electric folding, electric adjustment, heating and defrosting, and LED turn signal is adopted, which automatically folds when parking, and the passenger’s side exterior rearview mirror automatically turns over when reversing, and the downward turning position and angle can be set individually, presenting a better view for drivers and passengers. (Source: FAW-Volkswagen)

The world’s first permanently preserved ski jumping platform "Feitian" appeared!

  On October 31, 2019, Shougang ski jumping platform was completed as the first new competition venue in Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics.

  The track structure of Shougang Ski Jumping Platform is 164 meters long, the track width varies from 10 meters to 30 meters from top to bottom, the highest point of modeling is 60 meters, and the height of athletes’ starting area is 48 meters. The track is mainly divided into four parts: the sliding aid area, the take-off platform, the landing slope and the terminal area. The main structure of the platform is steel frame, with about 4,100 tons of steel, all of which are made by Shougang. Among them, the fire-resistant and weather-resistant steel independently developed by Shougang and complete sets of technology are applied to the referee tower structure for the first time, and the steel plates, supporting welding materials and bolts used have strong fire resistance, weather resistance and corrosion resistance.

  On October 12, 2021, officials of the International Snow Federation made the last site inspection on Shougang ski platform before the Winter Olympics, and inspected the venue safety protection system, snowmaking system, competition organization function room, general sports equipment, etc., and evaluated the venue streamline design, regional division, technical support, mountain operation and secondary molding preparation. After the inspection, officials of the International Snow Federation spoke highly of the construction and preparation of the venue.

  Song Jiaye, deputy director of the Urban Venue Construction Department of the Beijing Major Project Construction Headquarters Office, said that Shougang Ski Platform is the first newly-built venue completed in the Beijing Division of the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics, and it is also the only snow competition venue. It will host the ski platform competition of the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics, and four gold medals will be produced here during the Beijing Winter Olympics. After the Winter Olympics, it will become the world’s first permanently reserved and used ski platform venue, a professional sports competition and training venue, and open to the public for mass leisure and fitness activities.

  The image of the world’s first permanently preserved ski jumping platform "Flying" was officially unveiled.

  Shougang ski jumping platform consists of three parts: the track, the referee tower and the stand area. The 164-meter-long track is 34 meters wide at its widest point and 60 meters high at its highest point. The form of the competition is as follows: the players rapidly descend from a height, take off from a big platform, and perform high-altitude somersaults, gyrations and other technical actions.

  The design of the ski jumping platform of Shougang incorporated the element of "flying" in Dunhuang murals, a very famous world cultural heritage in China. The meaning of "flying" and the English word "Big Air" in the ski jumping platform project both have the meaning of leaping and flying into the air, and the curve of flying ribbon is very consistent with the curve of Shougang ski jumping platform, and the shape of the building is very beautiful and smooth. Therefore, Shougang ski jumping platform is named after "Snow Flying". The design of the gradient color of the big platform is inspired by the emblem of the Winter Olympics, and there are 24 colors from blue to yellow.

  Shougang ski jumping platform started in December 2018 and was completed on October 31, 2019. The construction period is less than one year, and the renovation time is very urgent. In just over 300 days, the builders turned it from a drawing into a physical object, from a design concept into a reality, which not only met the needs of the competition, but also took into account many factors such as space, function, structure and safety, and built an unprecedented ski jumping platform that was permanently reserved and used.

  Perfect Transformation of Industrial Heritage The concept of "sustainability" runs through the Olympic Games.

  Shougang ski jumping platform is located in the north area of Shougang old industrial park. The original Shougang power generation main building, cooling tower and original Shougang oxygen plant are distributed in turn from north to south. Adhering to the concept of "sustainable development" of Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics, choosing the address of ski jumping platform in Shougang Park is to make full use of the old factory buildings and industrial structures in Shougang around the big jumping platform for repair and transformation, so as to meet the functions of competition, broadcast and audience service in the Winter Olympics.

  It is understood that the original cooling pump station in Shougang’s old factory area will be transformed into a ticket inspection and security hall and an event management office area during the Winter Olympics, and will be transformed into a multi-functional comprehensive building after the games to provide supporting services for the future Shougang Ski Jumping Platform Sports Park; The old main oxygen plant was transformed into a comprehensive service building during the Winter Olympics.

  The relevant person in charge of Beijing Shougang Construction Investment Co., Ltd. introduced that Shougang ski jumping platform fully considered the industrial heritage value of the old factory building, reformed and reused the original industrial factory building of Shougang, and carefully designed and built it into a supporting service facility for the Beijing Winter Olympics, realizing the effective transformation and perfect combination of industrial heritage and the Winter Olympics venue.

  Shougang Ski Jumping Platform is backed by an attached building transformed from an industrial cooling tower, with Shijingshan and Yongding River as the natural background, which will become a representative landscape of the perfect integration of Beijing’s old industrial site culture and Olympic culture. At the same time, it will also promote the landscape integration of the surrounding areas, which will become a wonderful landscape center in the western part of the city both during and after the games. This practice has been unanimously affirmed by the International Olympic Committee and the International Snow Federation, and it is also a vivid practice of the sustainable concept of the Beijing Winter Olympics.

  Innovating and breaking through variable profile technology to help all-season utilization

  Shougang and Tsinghua Architectural Research Institute jointly carried out the national key R&D plan "Technology Research on Track Conversion, Sharing and Facilities Utilization in All Seasons", and conducted in-depth research on the sustainable utilization of the big platform track after the game. The track variable profile is in the inclined platform area of Shougang platform — — An area with a length of about 36 meters, a width of about 14 meters and a maximum height difference of about 3.5 meters is built with about 1,100 modules, so that the curved surface of the track is changed, and the rapid switching between the snowboarding platform and the freestyle skiing aerial skill track is realized. According to the conversion requirements, it can be built repeatedly, saving costs and practicing the concept of sustainable use of venues.

  Shougang ski platform is the world’s first permanently reserved platform competition venue and the only snow venue in Beijing. In order to expand the influence of the big platform project, the International Olympic Committee confirmed in July 2018 that the freestyle ski platform competition was added to the Shougang ski platform. Therefore, during the Beijing Winter Olympics, there will be two competitions, snowboarding and freestyle big air, in Shougang ski platform, which will produce four gold medals, two for men and two for women. Beijing Winter Olympics is the second Olympic Games to host this event and the first permanent track for this event.

  After the game, we will serve the mass movement and dedicate a "sports theme park" to the Winter Olympics.

  The relevant person in charge of Beijing Shougang Construction Investment Co., Ltd. told the reporter that the ski jumping platform is the most popular sport among young urban groups in the Winter Olympics and the World Skiing Championships. The venue for the Beijing Winter Olympics was selected in the central city of Beijing and settled in Shougang Park, hoping to perfectly combine this unique event with our urban culture and further promote urban renewal and development through the Olympics. However, the utilization of the ski platform in Shougang was fully considered at the beginning of design and construction. After the Winter Olympics, the ski platform can realize rapid transformation.

  It is understood that the Shougang ski jumping platform started construction at the end of December 2018, and was officially delivered in November 2019. In December of the same year, the International Class A World Cup was held, which perfectly completed the first show after the completion of the venue and won unanimous praise from the International Snow Federation and athletes from all over the world. In 2020, Shougang Ski Jumping Platform held the "2021 Winter Olympics Global New Year’s Ice and Snow Festival" and BTV New Year Countdown. After the Winter Olympics, the venue can host sports competitions of big platform events at home and abroad, and become a training venue for professional athletes and sports teams, a training base for young reserve talents, and a training base for event managers, which will directly serve the promotion of ice and snow sports in China.

  At the same time, the water outlet was reserved during the construction of the track, and the big platform can not only ski, but also be transformed into more projects such as water skiing and grass skiing according to demand in the future. In the sports square and audience area under the ski jumping platform, the builder has specially set up an "atmosphere lighting" system, which will bring the audience a completely different experience from traditional events in the future, and at the same time, it can also hold large-scale activities such as concerts … … A development model of urban renewal driven by Olympic heritage is being popularized.

  (CCTV reporter Xu Mengzhe Zheng Xinyu Ren Shengyuan)

Why did the top ski instructor die in the snow field?

The end of the trail should not be orthopedics.
On November 10, the news that "the only female coach in China died in a ski resort" was posted on the hot search. A number of media reports said that the accident occurred on the afternoon of November 7, and Zhou Moping, a well-known ski instructor in China, had an accident while skiing in the Cocoto Sea Snow Resort in Xinjiang Autonomous Region. He was unfortunately killed that night because of ineffective rescue.
It is understood that after the accident, the Cocoto Sea Snow Resort also urgently installed a protective net on the whole line. As of press time, the local police are still investigating the cause of the accident. The staff of Fuyun County Government said that the official announcement on the process and details of the accident will be publicly released on the website of Fuyun County People’s Government.
What is puzzling is that a professional ski instructor with strong skiing ability and rich skiing experience will lose his life in the ski resort. What is wrong with the management and medical safety of the ski resort?
Zhou Moping’s skiing map/Zhou Moping Zoye video screenshot
It’s all because of the follow-up?
China Newsweek learned that on the morning of November 8, the news of Zhou Moping’s unfortunate death had already spread in the ski circle.
Huai Wei, the deputy chief physician of the emergency department of the Third Hospital of Beijing Medical University, who once undertook and carried out the rescue mission of the alpine skiing field in the Beijing Winter Olympics, told China Newsweek that he was shocked and very sad after learning the news of Zhou Moping’s death.
Huai Wei once received professional skiing training under the guidance of Zhou Moping in the early stage of the competition because of performing the medical security task of the Winter Olympics. "We have a lot of ski doctors in the same batch who have been trained by her, and they all feel too sorry, because coach Zhou is a very good person. She is currently the only female coach in China who has passed the certification of the New Zealand Ski System, and the only woman in China who has achieved this achievement. There is no problem with her skiing ability. "
Huai Wei recalled: "Our group of Winter Olympics doctors began to assemble in 2018, and they spent four weeks in Chongli for training every winter. One of the training contents is the training of medical first aid skills in skiing events, and the other is the training of skiing skills. Because for ski doctors, it is very important to adapt to different snow conditions, different slopes and different terrains in snow rescue and reach the injured in the first time. The Beijing Winter Olympics Organizing Committee has very high requirements for our training, and has arranged a group of high-level coaches for us. Coach Zhou is one of them. "
In Huai Wei’s impression, Zhou Moping has rich teaching experience and outstanding foreign language ability, and can directly be a translator for foreign ski instructors. "Her character is gentle and gentle, and her voice is very light, but she is very serious about teaching, such as the angle of the vertical edge of the ankle, the timing of the shift of the center of gravity, the adjustment of the power part and other sliding skills, and she will also make video recordings for each of us, and resume the training after the training, patiently correcting the wrong actions for each student one by one." Huai Wei said.
The specific cause of death of Zhou Moping has not been officially announced by the local authorities and their families. According to the information from the Internet, "At 14: 10 on November 7, Zhou Moumou slid with Xueyou at Qinggeli Road in Cocotohai International Ski Resort and followed the shot, and slipped to the intersection of Qinggeli Road and Tianhe Stone Road. Because of avoiding shooting Xueyou, he slipped out of control and was injured outside the road. At 19: 25, he died after being rescued by Fuyun County People’s Hospital. "
After the accident, the relevant personnel of Xinjiang Altai Tourism Development Group voiced to the media, saying: "At the time of the incident, male skiers skied behind and female skiers filmed in front of them, and then the female skiers rushed out of the snowy road to avoid male skiers."
This remark proves that Zhou Moping did have a follow-up behavior before the accident.
Nan Chao, a ski instructor at a ski resort in Beijing, also provides a part-time follow-up service. He told China Newsweek that he had attended the course of Zhou Moping, and he also received the news of Zhou Moping’s death in the early morning of November 8, and he was sad for a long time.
For the follow-up shooting with different opinions on the Internet, Nan Chao introduced the current mainstream business form: "At present, the mainstream way of skiing and shooting is to hold miniature panoramic shooting equipment, which is small and convenient. Specifically, the follower can install the micro device on the’ racket pole’, hold the’ racket pole’ to slide with the target object and record it, or take a selfie. The follower skies almost at the same speed as the target object, and can slide in the back, on both sides or even around the front. "
"Some people will tie a motion camera to their head or chest to follow the target object, or ask someone to follow the drone remotely. These two methods are also used by some people. The former does not need a hand-held device, but can’t see the real-time picture. The picture is accompanied by jitter, and the latter can take a spectacular panorama, and the photographer does not necessarily follow the slide, which is relatively safe."
In Nan Chao’s view, the highest level but relatively dangerous method is to hold a pan-tilt stabilizer with a SLR camera to follow. "Because it is a SLR camera, its advantage lies in its very high definition and film quality, which is suitable for some skiers who have high requirements for image quality. However, due to the fact that the PTZ stabilizer and the SLR camera are relatively heavy, and the photographer needs to face the skier and slide backwards, the requirements for skiing technology are extremely high, and the balance direction and shooting quality should be taken into account. "
"Most of the skiers here buy the follow-up service, and generally there are not many requirements. As long as there is a complete and smooth video that can be sent to a circle of friends, they will be very happy, but some people want to show off and improve the coolness of short videos, so they pursue some more difficult follow-ups." Nan Chao revealed that he had been asked by some skiers who bought services. During the sliding process, he extended the "racket pole" to the vicinity of his snowboard and deliberately captured the effect of "lifting a piece of snow" on his snowboard.
"Although this kind of follow-up is not inoperable, it is also difficult. When the photographer slides, he takes care of the position of both of them, and also finds the right time to extend the’ racket pole’ and put it in the right position, so the photographer can’t keep his eyes on the front at all times and is easily distracted. In addition, because the distance between the two is very close, the follower and the subject are easy to collide and wrestle, and the shooting equipment is also easy to be damaged. " Nan Chao said: "The most important thing is that both skiers and photographers should pay attention to avoiding other skiers in time, which is also difficult."
Nan Chao stressed that according to the existing information disclosure, it is not certain that the cause of Zhou Moping’s accident must be related to the filming behavior, and the local conclusions should prevail. But it is almost certain that major accidents in ski resorts are generally related to excessive speed. "In the outdoor snow field, senior experts generally slide very fast, and the speed can reach 80-90 kilometers per hour, which is equivalent to the speed of cars on the highway. Once the speed is too fast, the probability of accidental loss of control may increase whether there is a follow-up behavior or not. "
Ski-following hand-held stabilizer and SLR camera reverse sliding map/video screenshot
The helicopter didn’t participate in the rescue?
According to public information, Keketuohai International Ski Resort is located in the national 5A scenic spot of Keketuohai in Fuyun County, with the highest elevation of 3,100 meters and the maximum vertical drop of 1,350 meters. The ski resort has the longest ski trail "Gemstone Avenue" in China, which can slide for 9 kilometers, and the steepest "Black Diamond Trail" in China, with a height difference of 227 meters and an average gradient of 71.28%, and the "Diamond Trail" which can meet the international competition of downhill skiing in the mountains in China, with a maximum drop of 900 meters. It has been certified by Guinness Headquarters of Shanghai World as the ski resort with the largest drop in altitude of snow trails in China.
"When it comes to the rescue of the Cocoto Sea Snow Resort, it is actually very reliable in my experience." Wang Rui, who went skiing in Cocotohai Ski Resort not long ago, shared two experiences called rescue with China Newsweek.
"First of all, there are many places outside the snowy road of Cocoto Sea where the telephone number of the rescue team is written. At that time, my friend snow goggles, who came to play with me, was foggy. Because it was too cold, my eyes couldn’t see the frozen lenses, so we called for help. Just before we even took off our skis, help arrived. The second time, I fell to my ribs. I felt very painful and called for rescue. At that time, I couldn’t describe my specific location. The rescue team took a video call with me and took me to the infirmary in 2 minutes. I remember that it was a Kazakh eldest brother who came to pick me up. Seeing that I was too painful to walk, he deliberately put the speed of the snowmobile very slowly and carefully avoided those bumpy places. "
The rescue map of the patrol rescue team of Cocotohai Ski Resort/Cocotohai Ski Resort WeChat official account
The video of Zhou Moping’s on-site rescue spread on the Internet shows that there is a team of about 10 people at Keketuohai Ski Resort to handle Zhou Moping’s rescue and transshipment. After that, the rescue team lifted Zhou Moping onto the special stretcher for snow, and a rescue team member slid and dragged the snowy road with two boards. In the process, the snowmobile driver was responsible for evacuation and opening the road.
In Wang Rui’s view, there is no problem with the response speed of the rescue in Keketuohai Ski Resort, but the fast response speed does not mean that it can reach a higher professional rescue level. "The accident that Zhou Moping encountered was sudden and too serious. I think it is beyond the handling capacity of the snow rescue team."
After Zhou Mouping was killed, some netizens questioned why the Cocotohai Ski Resort was far away from Fuyun County People’s Hospital, and why helicopters were not urgently used for rescue.
According to public information, there are indeed helicopters at Cocotohai Ski Resort. China Newsweek has learned from many sources that it is mainly used for tourists’ sightseeing, but it is difficult to undertake the medical treatment and transshipment functions of sudden major crises.
Cocoto Sea Ski Resort Helicopter Service Price List/Tailv Group Official Weibo
Huai Wei told China News Weekly: "Skiers encounter extreme accidents in the snow field. The most ideal, fastest and highest standard rescue method can refer to the guarantee requirements of large-scale ice and snow sports events, but it is difficult to benchmark the daily operation and medical security of the snow field at present."
According to Huai Wei, according to the requirements of the International Skiing Federation, when an athlete falls to the ground in a skiing event, the skier should bring all the first-aid equipment and medicines, carry a rescue bag weighing 15 kilograms, and rely on skilled skiing skills close to professional level to reach the athlete within 4 minutes, and make a preliminary assessment and rapid treatment of the injury in a cold environment, such as fixation of the fracture, dressing of the bleeding part, analgesic treatment, etc., and quickly transfer the injured person off the track on the premise of ensuring the stability of the injury. After that, it needs to be determined as soon as possible and accurately whether to transfer to the athletes’ medical station quickly or call the helicopter to participate in the rescue transfer.
"If it is a helicopter rescue, according to the requirements, in alpine skiing, ski jumping and other projects, the helicopter needs to reach the patient within 5 minutes after the athlete is injured, and deliver the patient to the nearest designated hospital within 15 minutes. A well-equipped medical helicopter is still different from a rescue helicopter. It will be equipped with first-aid equipment such as oxygen cylinders, vacuum stretchers, sputum aspirators, ventilators and defibrillation monitors. "
Ren Hongxiang, director of the Medical Committee of Beijing Ski Association and deputy chief physician of neurosurgery department of China-Japan Friendship Hospital, who also has medical support experience in the Winter Olympics, told China Newsweek: "The cost of helicopter rescue is very high. At present, although the economic level of China has been greatly improved, there is still a certain gap compared with the ski tourism countries in Europe and America. At present, it is impossible to realize free helicopter rescue of public welfare nature. This requires the whole society, relevant departments and institutions to establish and improve relevant mechanisms for commercial insurance in the field of special high-risk sports. "
Ren Hongxiang pointed out: "From the practical experience of ski resorts and sports events around Beijing in recent years, because the expressway networks in Beijing and Zhangjiakou are relatively developed and convenient, assuming that there is an accident in Chongli’s ski resorts, ambulances can be transported to local hospitals nearby or sent back to Beijing. Theoretically, most emergency treatments can be handled in time and effectively."
"However, some ski resorts in other provinces and cities are generally located in remote areas, or because of special topography, or because highways are vulnerable to extreme weather closures, etc., resulting in long transshipment time. Therefore, in terms of the application of helicopter rescue in the future, the relevant departments of provinces and cities where such ski resorts are located really need to make some relevant considerations. "
Huai Wei added that under the current objective conditions, some "upgrades" and "reinforcements" should be considered for both personnel and first aid equipment. "On the one hand, the medical training of rescuers in the snow field needs to be strengthened, and the first-aid materials in the infirmary need to be further enriched, which is very important for the accurate assessment and initial disposal of the injured."
For example, Huai Wei said, "If a skier is injured, it is necessary to make local fixation before transport, but the snow clinic may not be equipped with neck brace, sternum strap and other equipment, and the operation of rescuers may not be professional and skilled. In this case, the injured person is prone to secondary injury during transport."
"In addition, in terms of transshipment, in the absence of air transshipment, in addition to promoting safe and fast ground transshipment as much as possible, relevant parties can also consider establishing a remote consultation mechanism for seriously injured patients. In case of sudden major accidents, through modern technologies such as 5G, some experts in big cities will be connected for remote online video consultation, and relevant experienced experts will provide remote guidance to avoid serious adverse consequences caused by some serious injuries and hidden injuries."
Ren Hongxiang also called on the relevant parties to consider establishing a set of national standards for medical rescue in snow as soon as possible, and relying on this standard, extensively carrying out the training of relevant medical rescue personnel nationwide and setting up the examination and certification work, and promoting the continuous increase of the reserve of medical rescue talents is the fundamental and core to solve this problem.
Skiing in wild snow is more dangerous.
Jeff, a skier who also visited Cocoto Sea not long ago, told China Newsweek: "There are more dangerous places near Cocoto Sea Ski Resort than this accident."
"There are almost no skiers who come to Cocoto Sea who don’t go’ skiing wild snow’." Wang Rui also agreed.
The so-called "skiing in wild snow" means skiing in mountains, Woods, rocky forests and other places outside the jurisdiction of ski resorts. Jeff said: "Cocoto Sea Snow Resort is one of the two or three largest snow resorts in China. Because of its terrain, it is famous in two aspects. First, its skiing cycle can be said to be the longest in the country, generally from October to May next year, and the snow period spans about 6 months, while the snow field in the northeast is generally 4 months; The second famous place is the regular and wild snow trails inside and outside the snow field, which are many and long. "
Jeff further explained: "The geographical location of Cocoto Sea is very partial, close to the border line between Mongolia and Kazakhstan, 6 hours’ drive from Urumqi, 2 hours’ drive from downtown Altay and 1 hour’s drive from Fuyun County, so the traffic is not very convenient. Moreover, apart from skiing, Cocoto Sea has almost no leisure, entertainment and catering services. Therefore, the’ Little White’ with a low position generally does not come to experience Coco Tuohai in the beginner’s stage, and almost all of them have grown into talents with certain experience and technology to play. "
"Skiing in the snow field is definitely forbidden, and the safety tips are in place, including both sides of the road, service halls, hilltop cabins, cable car broadcasts, etc., which will constantly remind you of the danger of wild snow." Jeff said, "But the skiers who come to play are tacitly aware of each other. Everyone’s general mentality is that it will take so much time to come here, and if you don’t ski, you will lose. In addition to the regular ski trails, the wild ski trails are also not available in most ski resorts in China, so many skiers who want to experience the excitement basically only come to Cocoto to experience the wild snow. "
Ski lovers take selfies and slide wild snow in the Cocoto Sea/video screenshot
Jeff recalled that he was not very worried and scared when he went skiing in the wild snow. "I think so many people have experienced it, and the online strategy is so full, and there is no reason why I can’t succeed."
"But looking back now, I have a lingering fear." Jeff said, "After all, the wild snow trail has not been developed by the standard of the snow field, and the water is very deep. First of all, it will take a long time to slide on the wild snow trail, and people may be exhausted in the process, and the terrain of the wild snow trail is chaotic. For example, there are some rocky piles, big pits and unpressed snow, and once people get stuck, they may not stand up at all, and there are often wolves in the wild snow trail. "
According to public reports, there are frequent cases in Cocotohai Ski Resort where skiers go skiing in wild snow and lose contact, which requires a lot of manpower to rescue them. "As far as my experience of skiing in the wild snow is concerned, perhaps one of the few things that I did correctly was to buy a walkie-talkie with my friends and take care of each other, because during the skiing in the wild snow, there may be no signal on the mobile phone." Jeff said, "But I didn’t buy insurance before I came. I saw the footprints of wolves during skiing, and I was scared to death. In the future, I guess I won’t go skiing again except normal skiing."
In Ren Hongxiang’s view, many skiers don’t listen to dissuasion to ski in wild snow. Once an accident occurs, it will only cause greater difficulties to the rescue work. "After all, it is very difficult for medical rescuers to get up to these wild snow trails in snowy areas with a relatively large geographical gap, not to mention effective rescue. In addition, there are some forests, even if helicopters can be enabled, it is difficult to stop. "
In the circle of skiers, there is a saying that at the end of the ski trail is orthopedics. However, in the eyes of professionals, as a sport with good participation and appreciation, the end should never be orthopedics, which also requires participants and service providers to constantly improve safety awareness and safeguard measures, fear this sport and respect life.
(At the request of the respondents, Nan Chao, Wang Rui and Jeff are pseudonyms.)
Author: Ye Everest
Source: China Newsweek