Tell the story of China with a documentary to make the image of China brighter.

In recent years, under the vigorous promotion of Publicity Department of the Communist Party of China and the State Administration of Radio and Television, documentaries reflecting the current progress in China have attracted increasing attention, and a multi-theme and three-dimensional documentary creation and dissemination pattern in China is taking shape.

Author: Zhang Yanli

Source: People’s Daily (abridged original)

Documentary creation and dissemination is an important part of strengthening international communication capacity building. For a long time, documentaries with authenticity as their essential features, because of their credibility, appeal and artistry, are easy to gain people’s understanding and recognition under different cultural backgrounds, and then become cultural and artistic carriers to tell the story of China well, spread the voice of China and show the true three-dimensional and comprehensive image of China.


In terms of subject matter, documentaries on natural science and technology, history and culture are favored in the international community. In recent years, under the vigorous promotion of Publicity Department of the Communist Party of China and the State Administration of Radio and Television, documentaries reflecting the current progress of China have attracted increasing attention, such as the theme of building a century-old party, building a well-off society in an all-round way, tackling poverty and fighting the epidemic. A multi-theme, three-dimensional China documentary creation and dissemination pattern is taking shape.

Pay attention to international expression, co-production and cooperation into common forms.

The international dissemination of documentaries includes two ways: promoting domestic documentaries to "go global" and strengthening international cooperation in co-broadcasting.


Since 2021, Publicity Department of the Communist Party of China and the State Administration of Radio and Television have jointly implemented the China Documentary Promotion and Support Project, which supports and rewards outstanding domestic documentaries that have achieved good international communication effects every quarter, accelerates the "going out" of domestic documentaries, tells the story of China to the world, spreads Chinese culture well, and shows a true, three-dimensional and comprehensive China.

At present, some excellent domestic documentaries have brought international communication into their field of vision from the beginning of their creation. Qinghai Our National Park, which is directed by the State Administration of Radio and Television and focuses on the protection and construction of the first batch of national parks, pays attention to international expression. The documentary is broadcast on the international mainstream media platform and won the prize in the international documentary festival.

A series of documentaries "Remember Homesickness" organized by CCTV Chinese International Channel of the Central Radio and Television General Station launched an international edition, which refined the elements of Chinese excellent traditional culture and launched a new exploration of perceiving Chinese culture.

With the continuous updating of the concept of documentary international communication, appropriate international expressions have been used more effectively, and co-production and cooperative communication between China and foreign countries have become a common form of documentary "going out". The number of works created by this way of cooperation is increasing, the themes are increasingly rich, and the partners are increasingly diverse.


Producer of the State Council Information Office, the documentary "On Rice, Oil and Salt" about realizing a well-off society in an all-round way is broadcast simultaneously by domestic and foreign mainstream media platforms and market-oriented new media organizations by adopting the co-production and cooperative communication mechanism.

The documentary "The Great Poet Du Fu" filmed by CCTV in cooperation with the British media tells the story of China’s Tang Dynasty poet Du Fu. The whole film is told by British historians in the process of pursuing Du Fu’s life footprint, and Du Fu is compared with Shakespeare and Dante, which are familiar to western audiences, so that foreign audiences can understand the story of Du Fu, a poet in China.

Through the cooperation between China and foreign countries, the story is told from the audience’s perspective, the contextual barriers are broken, and the common empathy points are found, which makes the story easier to understand and accept, and the works are easy to obtain better communication effects.

Pay attention to effect orientation, realize quality and efficiency improvement by internal and external linkage

After the normalization of co-production and cooperative communication between China and foreign countries, there are higher and higher requirements for further improving the ability level of cooperative communication, strengthening the effect orientation of cooperation, and continuously enhancing and optimizing the effectiveness of domestic and international communication of China documentaries.


The second season of the documentary "From Chang ‘an to Rome", which was planned by the Central Radio and Television General Station and co-produced by China and Italy, uses the parallel perspective of "A Tale of Two Cities" and short video to tell the story of past lives, two ancient capitals, blending and learning from different civilizations in a simple way, which is an example of cooperative communication of national TV media platforms. Directed by Publicity Department of the Communist Party of China Foreign Promotion Bureau, the documentary "Return to the City of Thorn" takes the Oriental Travel Notes "The City of Light" written by Jacob D ‘Ancona as the lead, decoding the oriental color and influence of China’s marine civilization from a global perspective, and showing Quanzhou as a world cultural heritage to the world.

As the first English documentary showing the course of Wuhan’s fight against COVID-19 epidemic, China International Television, the general radio and television station of China Central, let netizens around the world know the real situation of China’s fight against COVID-19 epidemic in time.


Under the background of the rapid development of Internet industry and the deepening of media integration in China, documentaries have entered the "Internet Age". The network platform is not only a communication channel, but also an important emerging force to tell the story of China well with documentaries through highly market-oriented joint production, self-control and cooperation. Tencent video self-made series documentary "Flavor Origin" has won the favor of overseas streaming media platforms. The third part of this series, Flavor Origin Gansu, has been broadcast in more than 190 countries and regions around the world, providing a window for people all over the world to know and understand China culture.


"Borrowing the exhibition to the sea" is also an important channel for documentary international communication. By participating in international mainstream documentary festivals and exhibitions, we will take the opportunity of participating in the awards to attract potential partners. Excellent documentaries such as "Love in the Yangtze River" jointly produced by several provincial satellite TV stations along the Yangtze River under the guidance of the State Administration of Radio and Television and led by Shanghai Radio and Television Station have entered the international stage by participating in international mainstream documentary festivals and exhibitions.

Pay attention to humanistic care, and win the recognition of the people through emotional resonance.

Telling the story of a century-old party with a documentary has become a beautiful scenery for the documentary to spread abroad in 2021. The large-scale documentary feature film "Dare to Teach the Sun and Moon to Change the Sky" was carefully translated in a more acceptable way for the target audience. It was broadcast on six channels in five languages, namely English, Spanish, French, Arabic and Russian, and on various new media platforms at the Central Radio and Television General Station. While strengthening the global expression, the program paid attention to regional and differentiated expression, and achieved good external communication effects.

The "Vitality Code" produced by China International Television, the Central Radio and Television General Station, shows the Communist Party of China (CPC)’s unswerving spirit in an international narrative voice, and vividly depicts the historical leap of China’s development. The documentary Return to the Red Flag Canal, co-produced by China Education Television and other units in conjunction with France, explores the era significance of the Red Flag Canal through the eyes of two travelers, and presents the era glory of the Communist Party of China (CPC) people’s spiritual pedigree. The documentary "Journey of the Brave" focuses on the Communist Party of China (CPC)’s great party-building spirit, tells the real experience of revisiting Jiajin Mountains, Wujiang and Qiongya with the help of guests, and vividly explains the great party-building spirit.


On the basis of real records, documentaries bear the presentation and construction of human emotions and values, and shoulder the aesthetic pursuit and humanistic care that film and television art should have. Documentary creation should establish a sense of community of human destiny, focusing not only on China’s theme and China’s story, but also on the common concerns of human society, so as to open the channel of emotional resonance with genuine dialogue, thus realizing value recognition and promoting the common feelings of the people.


The documentary "The Frozen Kingdom of Snow Leopard", initiated by the Central Radio and Television General Station and co-produced by several international teams, tells the story from an anthropomorphic perspective and endows the work with strong feelings and humanistic care. After the program was broadcast on the opening day of the 15th meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity, it attracted the attention of the international community and showed the natural beauty and cultural charm of China in winter to overseas audiences. The China News Agency of China Foreign Languages Bureau interprets the documentary "Approaching Daliangshan" produced by China Studio and Japanese documentary director Takeuchi Ryo, and tells the story of getting rid of poverty in Daliangshan based on a Japanese director’s personal travel experience in Daliangshan. After the film was launched in mainstream media at home and abroad, it touched many Chinese and foreign netizens.


The story of China told by documentary makes the lovely and respectable image of China brighter. Documentary creation has a broader vision, is closer to the times, tells a more peaceful tone, and pays more attention to touching people’s hearts with human empathy.

Editor | Rao Wenyuan Xu Lei

"Japan’s blatant discharge of nuclear polluted water into the sea is extremely irresponsible for the future of mankind."

  On August 24th, the Japanese government ignored the opposition from home and abroad and unilaterally forced the Fukushima nuclear polluted water to be discharged into the sea. People from many countries and the media pointed out that the legitimacy, legality and safety of Japan’s plan to discharge nuclear polluted water into the sea have been questioned by the international community. The Japanese government ignored the legitimate concerns of all parties, violated its international obligations, and forced nuclear polluted water to be discharged into the sea, endangering the marine environment and human health and infringing on the legitimate rights and interests of neighboring countries. It was extremely selfish and irresponsible.

  "It will destroy the marine environment, damage the social economy and bring negative effects to the whole world."

  On the afternoon of August 22nd, the "National Action to Prevent Japan’s Radioactive Contaminated Water from Discharging into the Sea" and the Common Democratic Party, the largest opposition party in South Korea, held emergency press conferences in front of the Japanese Embassy in South Korea to protest against the Japanese government’s launching of nuclear contaminated water discharge into the sea. The delegates attending the rally held slogans such as "Swear to the death to oppose (nuclear polluted water) discharging into the sea" and "The sea is not a nuclear dump in Japan" and shouted slogans such as "Immediately withdraw the decision to discharge nuclear polluted water into the sea".

  The Common Democratic Party issued a statement on the 22nd, saying: "Japan, as a member of the international community, ignored the international laws and standards that should be respected and made destructive decisions, which violated the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea and the London Convention on Dumping." The statement on "National Action to Prevent Japan’s Radioactive Contaminated Water from Discharging into the Sea" said that under the circumstance that the safety of Fukushima nuclear contaminated water discharge into the sea could not be confirmed by experts, the Japanese government still pushed this plan, "which will destroy the marine environment, damage the social economy and bring negative effects to the whole world".

  On the 23rd, environmental groups and civil society groups all over Korea continued to hold protests. The Common Democratic Party held a rally in front of the main building of the National Assembly that night. More than 1,000 people attended the rally, and all parties demanded that the Japanese government immediately withdraw its plan to discharge nuclear polluted water into the sea. Li Zaiming, a representative of the Common Democratic Party, said that Japan had launched an imperialist war of aggression and threatened neighboring countries, but now it has once again brought irreparable disasters to South Korea and countries along the Pacific Ocean by discharging nuclear polluted water into the sea.

  The South Korean government said on the 24th that it will continue to maintain the import ban on aquatic products in Fukushima and other places in Japan. Yonhap News Agency reported that the start of the work of discharging nuclear polluted water into the sea will cause Korean people to worry about the safety of aquatic products. South Korea’s "Korean National Daily" published an editorial saying that the Japanese government decided to forcibly discharge Fukushima nuclear polluted water into the ocean. "This behavior is a crime against history." Japan’s move completely ignores the opposition and worries of many countries and people in the world.

  South Korea’s "Jingxiang News" published an editorial saying that the safety of nuclear polluted water discharged into the sea has not been scientifically verified. Japan concealed the fact that the multi-nuclide treatment system (ALPS) often broke down from the initial stage of its startup, and rejected the request of the International Atomic Energy Agency to collect samples to confirm the performance of ALPS. In the next few decades, it is difficult to ensure that accidents or wrong operations will not occur. Although experts have put forward methods such as concrete preservation of nuclear contaminated water, Japan has chosen the most economical method of discharging it into the sea. The discharge of nuclear polluted water into the sea harms people’s right to live safely and is an act of passing on the danger to the future generation. "Nuclear pollution will flow around the world along ocean currents. In case of problems, the responsibility will be entirely borne by Japan."

  Kim Hyun-cheol, Dean of the School of International Studies at Seoul National University, told this reporter that after the defeat of the Pacific War, Japan has always stressed that it was a victim of the nuclear explosions in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, avoiding the introspection and apology needed as a war victim. Now, Japan has begun to discharge nuclear polluted water into the sea again, which has undoubtedly become an injurer threatening the safety of all mankind.

  "The Japanese government’s actions, regardless of the safety and worries of neighboring countries, endanger the food chain of all mankind and are tantamount to criminal acts."

  Matai Serimaya, Vanuatu’s Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister, called on the 23rd for the Pacific region to take strong actions to resist Japan’s actions. "Unless it can be proved beyond dispute that the nuclear polluted water is safe, Japan cannot discharge it into the sea".

  The Fiji NGO Human Rights League issued a statement saying that Japan’s discharge of nuclear polluted water into the Pacific Ocean violated the human rights of all people in the Pacific region, which would pose a great threat to marine life and the livelihood of people in the Asia-Pacific region who depend on marine resources.

  "Japan’s actions are undoubtedly selfish, irresponsible and arrogant, which will cause permanent damage to marine ecology." Joseph Matthews, a senior professor at Bertai International University in Cambodia, said that in the next few decades, radioactive substances in nuclear polluted water will remain in Japanese waters and even the entire Pacific Ocean, which will greatly affect the global seafood trade. "The Japanese government’s actions, regardless of the safety and worries of neighboring countries, endanger the food chain of all mankind and are tantamount to criminal acts."

  "Japan’s blatant discharge of nuclear polluted water into the sea is extremely irresponsible for the future of mankind, and radioactive substances in the ocean will always affect the development of mankind." Laurel, founder of the Philippine BRICS Policy Research Association, said that there are a large number of fishermen living by the sea in the Philippines, and the nuclear polluted water will affect the livelihood of these fishermen and the global seafood production and trade. "Will the Japanese government compensate for these losses?"

  Alfred Welissa Gonzaga, editor-in-chief of Solomon Islands’ mainstream media, the Solomon Star, said that in the implementation of the whole plan of discharging nuclear polluted water into the sea, Japan did not focus on protecting the interests of the Pacific Ocean, but tried its best to achieve the purpose of discharging the sea.

  Daryl Guppy, a well-known Australian political commentator, said in an interview with this reporter that discharging nuclear polluted water into the sea is not an ideal option. "If the Japanese side really has confidence in the safety statement, it may be necessary to discharge the nuclear polluted water into its own land water source."

  "This is an atrocity that violates the human rights of people in Fukushima, other neighboring counties and the Asia-Pacific region."

  Greenpeace issued a statement on the 22nd, criticizing the Japanese government for ignoring scientific evidence and violating the human rights of people in Japan and the Pacific region.

  The statement stressed that scientists warned that the radioactive risk of these nuclear polluted waters has not been fully assessed. This emission plan failed to conduct a comprehensive environmental impact assessment in accordance with the requirements of international legal obligations.

  Sean Bernie, a senior nuclear expert in Greenpeace’s East Asia region, said: "The Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant is still in crisis, which has caused unprecedented serious harm, and there is no credible reactor scrapping plan at present. The Japanese government did not give an honest explanation on this issue, but deliberately polluted the marine environment by radioactivity for decades. This is an atrocity that violates the human rights of people in Fukushima, other neighboring counties and the Asia-Pacific region. "

  On the 22nd, the website of Russian Viewpoint quoted experts as saying that once Japan starts discharging nuclear polluted water into the sea, it will cause serious harm to marine life and human beings. Japan is conducting the largest experiment of deliberately polluting the ocean in human history. It is completely reasonable for neighboring countries in Japan to oppose the discharge of nuclear polluted water into the sea. Japan’s behavior of ignoring disputes and focusing on its own short-term interests will threaten the ecological environment in the Asia-Pacific region.

  CNN reported that there is no technology to remove tritium, a radioactive isotope of hydrogen. Some scientists worry that even if the nuclear polluted water is diluted, it may cause harm to marine life, and pollutants may accumulate in the already fragile ecosystem.

  The New York Times issued a document saying that the incident of Japanese nuclear polluted water being discharged into the sea set a "wrong example". Japan’s decision-making is "neither transparent nor inclusive", which is bound to trigger decades of debate in the future.

  According to the website of the British magazine Nature, Robert Richmond, a member of the nuclear expert group of the Pacific Island Forum and director of the Kevalo Marine Laboratory at the University of Hawaii, Manoa, USA, asked whether people who promoted the process of discharging nuclear polluted water into the sea proved that it was safe for the marine environment and human health. "The answer is no". Richmond said that several of their scientists have reviewed all the data provided by TEPCO and the Japanese government and visited the Fukushima nuclear power plant, but the questions about tritium and carbon 14 have not been answered.

  According to Deutsche Bahn, German environmental organizations criticized Japan’s forced launch of nuclear pollution water discharge into the sea. The German Federation for Environment and Nature Conservation said that "the ocean is not a garbage dump".

  (Reporter Shine Wong, Ma Fei, Zhao Yipu, Chen Xiaowei, Li Zhiwei, Xiao Xinxin, Guo Ziyun, Shang Kaiyuan, Liu Hui)

Today’s rain | How to keep full of vitality in a good rainy season? Here comes the secret of health →

  Rain WaterAs the second of the twenty-four solar terms, it marks the beginning of awakening nature from the deep sleep in winter. With the gradual warming of the temperature, the ice and snow began to melt and the precipitation increased day by day, so it was named "rain". The ancient book Yizhoushu recorded in detail the phenological changes after solar terms such as "Hongyan Lai" and "Vegetation Germination".

  During the rain, the metabolism of the human body is becoming more and more active, and the yang begins to rise, which will lead to the emptiness of some people, especially children, and may show physical weakness.

  Therefore, there are rainy seasons."A hundred herbs come back to life, and all diseases are prone to occur."The characteristics of. During this period, people can follow the principle of "nourishing yang in spring and summer, invigorating spleen and eliminating dampness" to prevent and treat diseases.

  In this season, how to adjust diet, routine and exercise habits can achieve the purpose of nourishing yang and strengthening spleen, eliminating dampness and preventing diseases?Sun Yixian Memorial Hospital of Sun Yat-sen UniversityDirector and deputy chief physician of medical acupuncture specialtyYi WeiminWill combine the theory of traditional Chinese medicine and many years of clinical experience for everyone.

  01 spring cover to prevent "cold in spring"

  In rainy season, the climate is changeable, and there is often a serious phenomenon of "late spring cold"."On the news of taking pictures" said: "The weather in spring is cold and warm, so you can’t take off your cotton-padded clothes. The old people are weak and weak, and the air is cold and easy to hurt the film. When you are ready, it is easy to warm up, and you can’t go violently."

  This means that in spring, you should not take off your thick clothes too early, but increase or decrease your clothes as the temperature fluctuates.Especially for the elderly, it is particularly important to pay attention to keeping warm. There is also a folk saying that "spring covers autumn and freezes, and no miscellaneous diseases are born", which emphasizes the importance of maintaining proper warmth in spring. It can be seen that in the chilly spring season, we still need to wear more clothes and cover them properly, which is not only to meet the needs of yang, but also to resist evil and prevent diseases.

  So, how and where should spring cover?Lao Lao Heng Yan tells us the answer: "Spring is freezing and half a pan, the lower body is too warm, and the upper body is slightly reduced, so it nourishes the yang." Similarly, Sun Simiao, a medical sage, also advocated that clothes should be "thick under and thin on" in spring. For those who suffer from joint pain, the importance of spring covering is self-evident.More attention should be paid to the warmth of joints such as shoulders, waist and legs to prevent diseases caused by the invasion of cold and dampness.

  02 when the liver is strong and the spleen is weak, it should be reconciled

  Spring corresponds to the liver, and the liver qi is vigorous and rising, which makes people refreshed. However, if the hair rises excessively, it may lead to bad symptoms such as blushing, irritability, impatience and irritability; On the other hand, if the liver qi stagnates, it will lead people to fall into depression and depression. Therefore,In spring, nourishing and regulating the liver becomes the core of health care.

  The rise and stagnation of liver qi are closely related to personal emotions. Maintaining optimism and peace of mind is not only excessive but also not stagnation to ensure the rise and stagnation of liver qi. In addition, according to the five elements theory of traditional Chinese medicine, the liver blocks the spleen, and the liver is prosperous and the spleen is weak in spring. Spleen weakness may affect the normal operation of digestive system, leading to abdominal distension, abdominal pain and other uncomfortable symptoms.Therefore, in the rainy season, the diet should pay attention to invigorating the spleen.

  Sweet food has the effect of invigorating the spleen, while sour food enters the liver, and its sexual convergence. Excessive consumption is not conducive to the growth of yang in spring and the release of liver qi, and even makes the already prosperous liver qi more prosperous, causing greater harm to the spleen and stomach.

  Therefore, the diet in rainy season should follow the principle of "saving acid and increasing sweetness to nourish spleen". Appropriate intake of sweet food, such asChinese yam, jujube, carrot, taro, sweet potato, potato, pumpkin, longan and chestnut.At the same time, reduce the intake of sour food, such as dark plum and sour plum.

  Besides,Avoid eating too much cold and greasy things.To protect the spleen and stomach yang. Porridge is a digestible food, and the porridge cooked with the above ingredients has a good effect on harmonizing the spleen and stomach and nourishing the body.

  In the rainy season, the climate gradually warms up, but it is windy and dry, and the skin, mouth and tongue are often dry, and the lips are chapped. Therefore, it should beIncrease the intake of fresh vegetables and juicy fruits., in order to supplement human body water and nourish yin and body fluid.

  03 emotional management does not ignore

  Attention should be paid to emotional health care in rain and solar terms. Because the weather is changeable, people’s mood is easy to fluctuate, which leads to mental depression and constant worries, which has a great negative impact on physical and mental health. Especially for people with chronic diseases such as hypertension, heart disease and asthma, this effect is more obvious. Chinese medicine believes that worry hurts the spleen. In other words, excessive anxiety will damage the spleen and stomach, leading to dysfunction of the spleen and stomach.

  For example, if you have an argument or other unpleasant things before eating, you will often feel "full of gas". If you force yourself to eat at this time, you will probably have symptoms such as nausea and vomiting.Because depressed and negative emotions will inhibit the central nervous system and excite the sympathetic nerves.In turn, it leads to a decrease in the secretion of various digestive juices and a disorder of muscle activity in the digestive system, thereby reducing appetite and causing symptoms such as nausea and vomiting.

  Therefore,Rainy season. We should actively adjust our mentality, keep our mood calm, cheerful and open-minded, and be kind to others.When things go wrong, don’t get bogged down and get rid of negative emotions in time. The liver likes smoothness.And depression, only by maintaining a calm state, can make the liver qi stable and the spleen and stomach calm.

  04 When the weather is sunny, go to bed late and get up early.

  During this period, the days are quietly lengthened, while the nights are gradually shortened. In order to conform to the natural rhythm changes, people should adjust their work and rest, appropriately shorten the length of sleep, go to bed late and get up early, so as to facilitate the growth of yang.Specifically, it is suggested to fall asleep before 11 o’clock every night and wake up before 7 o’clock in the morning to welcome the new day.

  At the time of spring birth, it is the time when shaoyang is born, and the gallbladder belongs to shaoyang and is connected with the liver. According to the meridian theory of traditional Chinese medicine, the gallbladder meridian runs on both sides of the head, so you can comb both sides of the head with a comb every day, and by evacuating the gallbladder meridian, you can reach the yang qi and follow the trend of hair growth. This method of keeping in good health, just as the theory of keeping in good health said: "In spring and March, comb your hair one or two hundred times every morning, and you will live a long life."Through simple grooming, you can promote health and prolong life.

  05 Chunyang Shengfayi Exercise

  After winter’s silence and dormancy, the arrival of rain and solar terms marks the arrival of vibrant spring.At this time, everything on the earth is reviving, which is a good time for outdoor exercise.

  The human body should follow the natural rhythm and actively participate in outdoor activities, such asWalking, jogging, playing Tai Ji Chuan and other light sports., make the body and mind into nature. Through soothing exercise to mobilize the yang of the human body and adjust the mood. There is a saying in "On the News of Photographing Life": "When the spring is harmonious, you should look at the garden pavilions and empty places, and use your arms to stay in the air, so as to be angry and not to sit upright, so as to be depressed." This statement just emphasizes the importance of outdoor sports in spring.

  howeverAttention should also be paid to the control of exercise intensity during exercise.. Excessive exercise will lead to excessive consumption of qi in the body, which will weaken the control of liver qi, make liver qi overflow and leak out, and eventually cause symptoms such as fever and excessive internal heat.

  Source: "Guangzhou Health and Health Commission" WeChat WeChat official account

Thousands of cities and counties see China-Hebei Jize: cherry blossoms are busy pollinating.

In the early spring, cherry flowers are blooming in the cherry shed of Yuyin Farmers’ Professional Cooperative in Jize County, Handan City, Hebei Province. Fruit farmers shuttle between cherry trees, busy pollinating and thinning flowers to ensure a bumper harvest of cherries. In recent years, Jize County has vigorously developed modern agriculture with fruits and vegetables in greenhouses, which has driven local villagers to increase their income and help rural revitalization.

Source: Xinhua News Agency

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The picture of "sad grandpa with unsalable fruit" was abused, and the official accused it of inaccurate marketing.

  Recently, a statement issued by Linyi County Government of Shanxi Province on the improper marketing method of "Linyi Apple is unsalable" has aroused concern. According to the statement, a number of e-commerce companies released the marketing plan of "Linyi Apple is unsalable" and used the "sad card" to market Linyi Apple, which had a serious impact on the brand image of the local fruit industry, and the marketing content was exaggerated and inaccurate.

  Beijing Youth Daily reporter saw that in WeChat official account and e-commerce platforms, there are still merchants who sell apples by slow sales as a marketing propaganda method. In addition to Linyi apples, there are also many businesses selling goods on the grounds of "apples are unsalable", "fresh bamboo shoots are unsalable" and "pineapples are unsalable", all of which use photos of the same old man as propaganda maps. In this regard, e-commerce customer service said that merchants may be suspected of infringing portrait rights, and the platform will also supervise the sales behavior of merchants.


  "Linyi apples are unsalable"? Local claims exaggerate the facts.

  On May 7th, Linyi County Government of Yuncheng, Shanxi Province issued a statement on the improper marketing method of "Linyi Apple is unsalable". According to the statement, recently, several e-commerce platforms released the marketing plan of "Linyi Apple is unsalable", and used the "sad card" to market Linyi Apple, which had a serious impact on the overall brand image of Yuncheng Fruit Industry. After comprehensive and in-depth verification, there are many exaggerations and inaccuracies in this information.

  According to the investigation of Linyi county government, the videos and pictures selected for the report were all taken before 2016, and some of them also used the "posing" method to deliberately create a poor image of fruit farmers. In addition, in order to win the sympathy of consumers to the greatest extent, e-commerce deliberately creates the ugly characteristics of Linyi apples, and the apples presented are all inferior fruits with rust scars, pockmarks, black spots and cracks. These apples are the residual apples left after merchants screen and purchase high-quality apples, accounting for only a small proportion.

  Linyi county government also said in the statement that some platforms have obtained materials with official seals of local townships, villages and fruit industry departments by improper means, and the contents of the statement are seriously inconsistent with the facts; Most platforms deliberately exaggerate the severity of slow sales of fruits, resulting in unreasonable fluctuations in apple prices.

  According to the survey, the main sad brand is a common marketing method, and agricultural products such as pineapple in Xuwen, Guangdong Province and tangerine in Anhui Province have also been marketed in this way. The purpose is to attract people’s attention and gain consumers’ sympathy, which is convenient for fruit farmers to sell their fruits in a short-term and partial way, but it will damage the overall brand image and the overall interests of all fruit farmers in the long run.

  Yesterday, the reporter of Beiqing Daily searched on an e-commerce platform and found that there are still many businesses selling Linyi apples in the name of "caring for farmers" and "40 million kilograms of apples are unsalable in Shanxi". One of the merchants who claimed to sell unsalable apples in Linyi sold 8.5 kg of apples at a price of 28.7 yuan, while the place of delivery was Shenzhen, Guangdong. On its publicity page, an old man wiped his eyes with his arm, holding several banknotes from 10 yuan and 5 yuan in his hand. In other pictures, there are a lot of moldy or damaged apples piled on the ground, and some elderly farmers are standing in the village with apples in their hands. There are many words in the propaganda, such as "fruit farmers are in a hurry" and "want to cry without tears". Commodity reviews show that many buyers are buying for the promotion of helping farmers. The seller admitted to the reporter of Beiqing Daily that the store address was in Shenzhen, but claimed that the photo was taken by "friends who arranged for employees to go to the place of origin".


  Abused "slow-moving grandfather"

  The reporter of Beiqing Daily learned that in addition to "Linyi apples are unsalable", there are many businesses selling goods by "promoting unsalable", including pineapple, fresh bamboo shoots and other foods, as well as blankets and other supplies. Surprisingly, many businesses use photos of the same old man, and this old man is also named "unsalable grandfather" on the Internet.

  In one of the shops selling apples, the publicity picture shows the old man on the left, a large number of apples on the right and the words "Apples for sale, love and help" in the lower right corner. The price of apples is 27.9 yuan for 10 Jin, and the freight is 20 yuan.

  Merchants said in the propaganda, "The local natural environment is only suitable for growing apples, and the economic income is very limited. The blocked traffic makes the fruit harvested every year rotten and can’t be sold. " Merchants are also equipped with photos of local fruit farmers, simple houses and a large number of apples.

  In the publicity, the merchant said that the unsalable apples were produced in Yucheng County, Shangqiu, Henan Province, and the delivery place was Dashahe Town, Fengxian County, Xuzhou.

  In this regard, the reporter of Beiqing Daily contacted the Yucheng county government. The government staff said that there are indeed many apples planted in the local area, but this year I have not heard of slow sales. "This is a marketing method, which exaggerates marketing." The staff of Dashahe Town Government said that there was unsalable agricultural products last year, but the inventory should have been processed by now. Even if there are still apples left, it is not recommended to buy them. At the same time, there is no traffic jam in Dashahe Town.

  Another store selling "wild bamboo shoots" also used photos of "slow-moving grandfathers". The image of the old man in the propaganda picture remains the same, except that the picture on the right side is replaced by bamboo shoots, which are also accompanied by the words "seeking help".

  The store told the reporter of Beiqing Daily that bamboo shoots came from Lingui District, Guilin, and he didn’t know the "slow-moving grandfather". He used this photo only because "he is good at pulling business", and many different businesses are also using the photos of the grandfather to attract customers. The store also said that because this kind of "wild bamboo shoots" only has a one-month listing period, it really helps the sales after using the photos of "slow-moving grandfather". "Fruits and rice noodles are used a lot, and we are not a family."

  Later, the reporter of Beiqing Daily called the Lingui District Government of Guilin City. A staff member said that it was past the bamboo shoot digging season and had never heard of unsalable agricultural products. "Bamboo shoots are generally dug around Qingming, and now they are very old, and the local planting bases are not so large. Most of them are wild and it is impossible to produce unsalable products."

  Through the image recognition search, after the reporter of Beiqing Daily entered the head photo of "slow-moving grandfather", he identified more than ten kinds of goods, and the types and origins of goods were different. In addition to apples and bamboo shoots, there were lemons, melons, loquats and other foods, even including rose seedlings, lamps and other commodities. The words "seek help" or "help us" were written on the lower right of the publicity map.


  The platform called "slow-moving grandfather" photos or suspected infringement.

  Yesterday, the reporter of Beiqing Daily contacted the customer service of the online e-commerce platform. For the merchants to sell goods in the name of "slow sales", the customer service said that users can make complaints if they find that the situation is inconsistent, and the staff will handle it.

  In addition, the company also has a large database, which will supervise the merchants. In addition, after seeing the photo of "slow-moving grandfather", the customer service staff said that many shops have used the photo of this grandfather as propaganda, which has been suspected of infringing on the right to portrait. "The shop owner has the right to protect his rights and interests if he finds it. The platform will definitely be responsible for him."


  Shops should bear corresponding administrative responsibilities for false propaganda.

  Lawyer Han Xiao of Beijing Kangda Law Firm said that the store sells Linyi apples and other commodities in the name of unsalable sales, and the statement is seriously inconsistent with the facts, deliberately exaggerating the severity of unsalable fruit, which has been suspected of false propaganda as stipulated in the People’s Republic of China (PRC) Anti-Unfair Competition Law. According to relevant regulations, the operator may be fined more than 200,000 yuan and less than 1 million yuan; If the circumstances are serious, a fine of not less than 1 million yuan but not more than 2 million yuan may be imposed, and the business license may be revoked.

  Regarding the issue of consumer rights protection, Han Xiao introduced that the false propaganda behavior of online stores violated consumers’ right to know. Apple and other commodities do not belong to the category of "seven days without reason to return", but consumers and stores can ask for a refund after consultation.

  In addition, based on the intention of fraud, the store has carried out fraudulent acts of false propaganda, which has caused consumers to have a wrong understanding and bought their fruits based on the wrong understanding. If it has caused losses to consumers’ property (for example, consumers spend a high price to buy back inferior fruits with scars, pits and cracks), their actions are suspected of fraud.

  Text/reporter Guo Linlin Intern Zhang Yaolin

Ten Customs of Lantern Festival "Network China Festival Lantern Festival"

As the saying goes, "Lantern Festival is held on the fifteenth day of the first month". As another major traditional folk festival after the Spring Festival, the main theme of the Lantern Festival holiday atmosphere is the word "noisy".

Lantern Festival viewing began in the period of Emperor Han Ming in the East. When Emperor Wen was in the Han Dynasty, the government ordered the 15th day of the first month to be officially designated as the Lantern Festival. The Lantern Festival in the Han Dynasty lasted for one day, which became three days in the Tang Dynasty and five days in the Song Dynasty. In the Ming Dynasty, the lights were lit from the eighth day until the night of the seventeenth day of the first lunar month, for ten days. In the Qing dynasty, the festival was shortened to four or five days.

During the Lantern Festival, festivals and customs all over the country are colorful and numerous. Here are 10 famous ones:

First, walk on stilts

Walking on stilts is a very old folk performance, which appeared as early as the Spring and Autumn Period. On the Lantern Festival, this kind of folk activity of walking on stilts is popular in many places. Stilts are usually made of wood. Make a support point in the planed wooden stick to put your feet, and then tie them to your legs with ropes. Performers can not only walk freely on stilts, but also do various difficult movements such as splitting forks, jumping on benches, dancing yangko, dancing knives and making guns.


Second, the lion dance

Lion dance is an excellent folk art in China. During the Lantern Festival or other assembly ceremonies, the folk will entertain by dancing lions. This custom originated in the Three Kingdoms period and was popular in the Northern and Southern Dynasties. It has a history of more than 1000 years.


Third, the flower viewing lamp

The custom of viewing lanterns on the Lantern Festival originated from the period of Emperor Han Ming. During the Yongping period, Emperor Hanming strongly advocated Buddhism and ordered "burning lamps for Buddha" in palaces and temples on the fifteenth night of the first month. Later, the custom of putting lights on Lantern Festival spread to the people in the court. Every time during the Lantern Festival, no matter the gentry or civilians, every household will hang lanterns and the streets will be brightly lit.


Fourth, playing dragon lanterns

Playing dragon lanterns, also known as "dragon dancing", has a history of more than two thousand years. Playing with dragon lanterns originated from people’s worship of dragons. In ancient times, people prayed for the blessing of dragons by dancing dragons, in order to have good weather and abundant crops in the coming year. The custom of dragon dancing has also been carried forward by overseas Chinese. Whenever China people have traditional festivals or major celebrations, they will dance lions and play dragon lanterns, showing a strong oriental atmosphere.


Five, yangko dance

In the Lantern Festival, simple northerners like to celebrate by dancing yangko. The style of yangko varies from place to place, including northern Shaanxi yangko, northeastern yangko, Hebei yangko, Shandong yangko and so on. Among them, the Northeast Yangko has the widest spread and the highest artistic level.


Sixth, solve riddles on the lanterns

"solve riddles on the lanterns", also called "playing riddles", is an activity added after the Lantern Festival. Lantern Festival is decorated with lanterns and colorful decorations, and solve riddles on the lanterns adds a lot of elegance to the festive day. Some people write riddles on paper, stick them on colorful lanterns for people to guess, and hang riddles with lights, so they are called "riddles".


Seven, rowing a dry boat

According to folklore, rowing a dry boat is to commemorate Dayu’s flood control. Rowing a dry boat is also called running a dry boat, which is to imitate the action of boating on land. The performers are usually girls, putting fake boats on their bodies and rowing, singing some local tunes and dancing while running. This is rowing a dry boat.

Eight, Ying Zigu

Zigu is a poor and kind girl in folklore. It is said that she is a concubine of a large family. Because the housewife was jealous, she was killed in the toilet on the fifteenth day of the first month. People sympathize with her and miss her, and in some places, the custom of "welcoming Zigu on the fifteenth day of the first month" appeared conveniently.


Nine, walking away from all diseases

In addition to celebrations, there are also some religious activities in the Lantern Festival, that is, "walking away from all diseases", also known as "dispersing all diseases", "baking all diseases" and "eliminating all diseases". The participants are mainly women, who walk together, or cross the bridge, or walk by the wall, or walk in the suburbs, with the aim of driving away diseases and disasters.

Ten, eat Yuanxiao

"Yuanxiao" is the name of northerners, while southerners call it "Tangyuan" and "Tangtuan". According to our traditional folk custom, every family eats glutinous rice balls on the 15th day of the first month every year. Because these names are similar to the pronunciation of "reunion", they go to the meaning of reunion, and hope that the whole family will be round and round, harmonious and happy on the night of the full moon in May.


The comparison table of children’s height and weight standard shows the height development of children at a glance.

Original title: Comparison table of children’s height and weight standards. The development of children’s height is clear at a glance

Parents, don’t worry! By understanding the child’s height and weight standards, we can better pay attention to the child’s growth process. Take 6.5-year-old boys as an example. According to the international standards for children’s growth and development, their average height is 120.7 cm and their weight is 22.45 kg. These data can help us understand the growth and development of children at the same age, thus avoiding unnecessary worries. At the same time, we also need to pay attention to the individual differences of each child. If the child’s height or weight is obviously lower or higher than this level, it may be necessary to further check and consult professional doctors. In short, understanding children’s height and weight standards will help us to pay more attention to and promote children’s growth and development.

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Topic | China volleyball set off the "tide of studying abroad" by relying on real skills, reputation and achievements.

On February 11th, the Gdansk Club of Polish Men’s Volleyball announced that Zhang Jingyin, a player from China, will play in the Polish Men’s Volleyball League wearing the same No.22 jersey as the national team. Zhang Jingyin has also become another China player to join a high-level overseas league after Jiangchuan and Zhu Ting. China players are being recognized by overseas clubs and awarded overseas league contracts by virtue of their outstanding performance in the national team and league. Zhang Jingyin hopes that she can play abroad and bring back good experience, so that China volleyball can make progress.

The local team of the Association recommended overseas league recognition.

Recently, China’s men’s and women’s volleyball national teams have assembled in Fujian and Zhejiang training bases to start a new year’s training. Different from previous years, many main players did not appear in the training base. Under the recommendation and operation of China Volleyball Association and local teams, men’s volleyball team captain Jiang Chuan, women’s volleyball team captain Zhu Ting, men’s volleyball league popular king Zhang Jingyin and other players have landed in overseas leagues.

This is a gratifying step for China Volleyball to improve its volleyball level by sending high-level athletes to join high-level leagues. On the other hand, the level of men’s and women’s volleyball in China has also been recognized by overseas leagues. Zhu Ting, the captain of China Women’s Volleyball Team, won an annual salary of one million euros in the Turkish Women’s Volleyball League. Zhu Ting’s performance in the previous national team conquered the top overseas leagues. At the beginning of this year, Yao Di, a setter who just won the China Women’s Volleyball Super League championship on behalf of Tianjin Women’s Volleyball Team, also got a contract with Scandi odd team in Serie A and became a teammate with Zhu Ting.

Zhang Jingyin, a Zhejiang player who performed well in the China Men’s Volleyball Super League, arrived in Gdansk, Poland on the 11th with his coaching team, and will soon join the Polish Men’s Volleyball Super League. Zhang Jingyin’s jersey number in the club is still the number 22 of the national team. The Polish Men’s Volleyball Super League is one of the three top men’s volleyball leagues in the world. As the first China player to play in Bochao, Zhang Jingyin is facing a lot of challenges. First of all, the number of foreign aid players in Bo Chao League is limited to three, and secondly, Zhang Jingyin will also face the test of strong blocking in Europe. In this regard, Zhang Jingyin said that she is going to participate in the competition with a learning attitude.

Serie A welcomed the third foreign aid from China this season. Born in 2000, she served as the main attack and response of Sichuan women’s volleyball team in the past two seasons. As the absolute core of the team, Miao Yiwen averaged 6.59 and 5.86 in the current China Women’s Volleyball League, ranking first in both rankings. In the ranking of effective scoring index of main attack players, Miao Yiwen’s effective scoring index reached 4.37. Second only to Li Yingying. It can be said that Miao Yiwen is a Serie A team impressed by the excellent performance of the League.

There is bitterness and sweetness in studying abroad, and fame and position are played out.

Playing in overseas leagues is both an opportunity and a challenge for China players. Overseas club leagues gather masters from all over the world and various styles of play. On the one hand, China players need to compete with opponents across the net, but also compete with teammates for playing opportunities. Just like Zhu Ting, her fame and position are based on competition and achievements.

With the active operation and recommendation of China Volleyball Association and local teams, China men’s volleyball players set off a climax of "studying abroad". Before the start of the Chinese Men’s Volleyball League, Beijing Auto Men’s Volleyball Team has sent many players, including captain Jiang Chuan, Wang Dongchen and Zhang Binglong, to compete overseas and other teams. At present, Peng Shikun, Yu Yuantai and Yu Yaochen have joined Japanese and Qatari Asian clubs to play. At present, Jiangchuan stands firm in Japan Men’s Volleyball League with his skill and hard work. He won the title of scoring champion in a single game in the Japanese league for many times, and was also selected for the All-Star team. On the other hand, in addition to training and playing ball in Hiroshima Club, Jiangchuan is only responsible for two meals a day on training day and competition day. Other necessities of life must be purchased by yourself. Jiangchuan needs to do it personally in diet and daily life to ensure that his body is in the best condition.

When the China Women’s Volleyball Super League came to an end, Beijing Auto Women’s Volleyball Team helped Jin Ye go through the formalities and joined the Jakarta BIN team of Indonesian League together with Chen Peiyan of Guangdong Women’s Volleyball Team. This shows that Beijing Women’s Volleyball Team supports players to play abroad. In the debut of Jin Ye and Chen Peiyan joining the Indonesian League, they helped the team beat the six-time champion national electric women’s volleyball team in the Indonesian League. Unfortunately, after that, the team terminated the contract with Jin Ye, and the national player failed to play the complete Indonesian league.

Training+Studying in China Volleyball requires walking on two legs.

In the 2023 season, both men’s and women’s volleyball teams in China will face the test of competition. In addition to the World League and the Asian Championship, the China Men’s Volleyball Team also has the Asian Games and the Paris Olympic Qualifiers. The three-month training of China Men’s Volleyball Team hopes to strengthen basic skills, further polish skills and tactics, and prepare for the qualification of the Paris Olympic Games. China women’s volleyball team shouted the slogan that the Asian Games must win the championship. At that time, the players who will fight overseas are bound to become an important part of the national team. From training to studying abroad, China volleyball began to walk on two legs.

In late May this year, China women’s volleyball team will soon go to the World Women’s Volleyball League. The 2024 Paris Olympic Qualifying Tournament held from September 16th to 24th and the Hangzhou Asian Games held from September 28th to October 7th are the most important. Head coach Cai Bin said that the goal of China women’s volleyball team in the Asian Games must be a gold medal. In addition, China women’s volleyball team should get tickets for the Paris Olympic Games in the qualifying round at the first time.

China men’s volleyball training, because many players such as Jiang Chuan and Zhang Jingyin participated in overseas leagues, the number of China men’s volleyball players participating in the training was reduced from 25 to 18. Zhang Jingyin said: "We can broaden our horizons and recognize a different level of league. In high-level clubs, learn how others train and compete. I hope that we can play abroad and bring back their good things, and then we can study together and make progress together. "

The number of women’s volleyball training in China was also reduced from 23 to 18 because Ding Xia, Zhu Ting and others did not participate in the training. At present, Zhu Ting and Yao Di are fighting fiercely in the Italian Women’s Volleyball League. Zhu Ting’s performance is stable, maintaining a success rate of about 50% in many competitions. Yao Di also began to enter the starting list and found his place in the team.

Overseas leagues also give young players a chance to attack the position of China women’s volleyball team in the future. Sun Jie, an assistant from Shandong, has joined Maccabi Club in Haifa, Israel League until the end of the 23rd season. She is the first player from China in the history of Israel Women’s Volleyball League. Sichuan meets Miao Yiwen and becomes the third China player to land in Serie A this season after Zhu Ting and Yao Di. If these players perform well in overseas leagues, they may be able to impress China women’s volleyball coach Cai Bin.

Since she was promoted to the adult group, Miao Yiwen has not had many opportunities to represent China women’s volleyball team in international competitions. Last year, she was selected for the China Women’s Volleyball Team by virtue of her outstanding performance in the League, and participated in the World Women’s Volleyball League sub-competition. Unfortunately, Miao Yiwen only appeared as a substitute in the match with the Thai women’s volleyball team. Since then, she has failed to be selected for the China Women’s Volleyball World Championships. This time, Miao Yiwen impressed Serie A clubs through league performance, and Miao Yiwen also got another chance to prove herself.

Whether these players studying abroad can become the main force of China volleyball national team in the future depends on their own abilities and the needs of the team. Since the pace of volleyball training+studying abroad in China has been taken, we should boldly move forward. As Zhang Jingyin said when talking about his communication with Wu Sheng, head coach of China Men’s Volleyball Team, "Coach Wu also hopes that I can have a good exercise when I go abroad this time, make a major breakthrough in serving and bring back good experience. In the future, I will play well in the national team competition. "

Text/Beijing Youth Daily reporter Yan Peng

Editor/Wang Haozhou


Interview with President of Peking University Examinations Institute: Furniture made like a mold

  Dean of Peking University Examination and Research Institute interviewed Xueba.

  What is the life direction of these "cow children"?

  Author: Qin Chunhua

  □ Education has been simplified into a straight line for further studies. All the processes exist only for that final result: going to Peking University or Harvard. No one told these children what to do after going to Peking University or Harvard. Since then, life has been smooth, and we will never encounter all kinds of troubles, difficulties and hardships?

  -just busy looking for what kind of school for children, what kind of teachers to find, what kind of conditions to provide for children, how much knowledge to teach students, and how many marks to improve students are all lazy practices, and in fact they have given up their educational responsibilities as parents and teachers.

  □ Life is a journey of discovering yourself, and the road has to come out step by step. Realizing what kind of person you will become in the future is like a lighthouse in the distance, which can constantly illuminate the way forward.

  In the first half of this year, I went to Shanghai to interview students. The students have made very serious preparations, one by one, just like the application materials provided by them. Without exception, every student has excellent academic performance — — At least in the top 5% of the grade; Outstanding artistic expertise — — At least one musical instrument; Won awards for scientific and technological innovation at all levels — — At least the second prize at the municipal level; Enthusiastic about public welfare — — Go to the nursing home to wash the feet of the elderly at least once; Wait a minute. While lamenting the high comprehensive quality of Shanghai students, I also have a faint regret: they look so perfect that they don’t seem to see any shortcomings; They look so alike, just like a set of "furniture" made by a mold.

  Including their performance in the interview is also very similar. One by one, sitting in danger, smiling without showing teeth; Speak clearly and cadently, as if reciting a poem affectionately. A student came up and said, "Confucius said … …” I interrupted him and asked him what his name was. After he told me, he went on to say "Zi Yue". I interrupted him again and told him that I didn’t care how to say it, but what I cared about was what you wanted to say. He blushed and couldn’t say a word. Another student sat confidently in front of me, waiting for me to ask all kinds of possible questions, as if everything was under control. I said, I don’t have any questions for you. Do you have any questions for me? She didn’t expect me to ask such a question at all, and suddenly she panicked and was tongue-tied and almost cried.

  Obviously, all the students have received some interview training before coming, and at least have seen some "treasure books" on how to deal with the interview, but perhaps no one told them that I am not interested in who they are, but who they really are.

  What surprises me most is that when I ask them what kind of person you want to be in the future, few people can answer. The students told me that they didn’t think about it at all.

  Really never thought about it? Actually, it is not. He (she) once thought about this question, but it was a long time ago, so long that he (she) even forgot it.

  When I was a child, whenever an adult asked a child, what do you want to be when you grow up? Children always answer happily: scientists, astronauts, pilots, police uncles (aunts) … … However, when the children go to school, these problems are never mentioned again, as if they never appeared. Listening to lectures in class, doing homework at home and attending remedial classes are the whole life of students. As for what children’s interests are, what kind of people they want to be when they grow up and what kind of life they live, no one seems to care, even the children themselves don’t care. Almost all teachers, parents and students only care about one thing: how many points they got in the exam and what school they can go to.

  A growth track that is recognized as a good student, or a perfect education roadmap imagined by parents, looks like this: go to the best kindergarten in the local area; I knew a lot of Chinese characters before I went to primary school, I can do complex math problems, I can recite many classic articles in large paragraphs, and I speak fluent English. Then go to the best local primary and secondary schools; Admitted to the best university in China — — Peking University, Tsinghua; Go to the best university in the world after graduation — — Harvard, wait. Of course, many people have been aiming at famous schools such as Eton and Exeter since junior high school. Not to mention that not everyone can achieve these goals, even if all of them are achieved, then what? Where is the goal of life?

  I really want to ask: what will happen after being admitted to Peking University?

  This is not my imagination. Over the years, I have seen many excellent children all over the world. They are all talented, hardworking, and have never failed. They are always among the top groups of their peers, choosing the best schools and classes, and they are the envy of others. However, few people can observe their inner pain and confusion.

  Many students from Peking University or Harvard told me that going to Peking University or Harvard was their goal since childhood, but one day when they were really in the campus that appeared in their dreams for countless times, they often fell into deep anxiety: What should they do next? Like a mountaineer’s confusion on Mount Everest: Where is the next mountain?

  Life needs goals, but society, schools and families have not taught children how to find and set their own goals. Our understanding of life and education is too simple and lacking in imagination. We always ask our children to be successful, to be better than others, and to be admitted to the best school, but we rarely tell them what success means, where the happiness of life comes from, and what is best for them. Education has been simplified into a straight line for further studies. All the processes exist only for that final result: going to Peking University or Harvard. No one told these children what to do after going to Peking University or Harvard. Since then, life has been smooth, and we will never encounter all kinds of troubles, difficulties and hardships? In 1923, Mr. Lu Xun once thought-provoking asked: "What happened after Nora left?" I also want to ask: "What happened after I was admitted to Peking University?"

  Going to school is to get a good education, but just as savings can’t be automatically converted into investment, going to school doesn’t necessarily mean getting a good education. The reason why we send our children to school is not because they have to go to school, but because they have to be fully prepared for their future lives. Going to school is a process that a person must go through in order to achieve his life goals. In this process, the most important thing is to realize what kind of person you will become in the future.

  It is not easy to do this. Everyone comes to the world with a unique mission, which is the value of independent individuals. The difference is that some people can find their mission and finally achieve great things; Some people don’t find their mission, and they end up doing nothing and living a lifetime. Just like marriage, "a radish is a pit", and everyone has their own "uniqueness". Some people find the "only" that matches them, and their marriage is happy; Some people don’t find it, and marriage is not happy, at least not happy.

  Although a person’s life is long and there seem to be many things to do, there is only one thing that can really be done. This is a person’s mission to the world. Discover that the mission cannot rely on the "apocalypse" — — Although many people do suddenly realize their mission in their dreams or flashes of light — — Education is the most important and fundamental means. The value of education lies in awakening the potential in every child’s heart and helping them find the special mission hidden in the body and the thing they are destined to do.

  This is the real challenge that every school and every family faces in education. It is more important and fundamental to know what kind of person you will become in the future than which school you go to and how many points you get. Avoiding or ignoring this problem, just being busy with what kind of school to find for children, what kind of teachers to find, what kind of conditions to provide for children, how much knowledge to teach students, and how many marks to improve students are all lazy practices, and in fact giving up the educational responsibility as parents and teachers.

  In fact, once a child realizes what kind of person he will be in the future, he will inspire endless motivation from his heart to strive to achieve his goals. Numerous research results have proved that this endogenous driving force is far greater and more effective than the externally imposed force for human growth. We should be soberly aware that life is not a game designed by others. As long as we invest time and money and configure more powerful "equipment", we can get through customs. Once the customs clearance is completed and the game is over, life will immediately face a situation where there is no way out. Life is a journey of self-discovery, and the road depends on yourself step by step. Realizing what kind of person you will become in the future is like a lighthouse in the distance, which can constantly illuminate the way forward.

  Know what you like? Make a negative list first.

  So, how can we know what kind of person we will become in the future? In other words, how can we find the special potential in our life? Everyone’s methods may be different, but the most important thing is to listen to your inner voice, find your real interest and realize why your life will come, just like Steve Jobs who was born for Apple.

  Generally speaking, an excellent person will never do anything too badly. The real difficulty is to distinguish whether it is something you really like. The way to judge whether you really like it or not is very simple, that is, whether you are obsessed with it, whether you can willingly devote time and energy to it regardless of utility and stick to it all the time. True obsession is a state of lovesickness. I think about it during the day and at night, even dreaming. I can’t help laughing when I think of him (her). I will think of him (her) when I see anything, and all I talk to others is him (her). I am excited about it, crazy about it, and even crazy about it. It is a state of immersion in happiness. "If you don’t go crazy, you won’t survive." If you don’t reach this state, you won’t be obsessed, and you won’t be really interested.

  I suggest that every student, no matter how heavy his schoolwork is, must spare some time to be alone every day, leave a little gentle space for his mind, and listen to his deep desire in a completely relaxed state. Sometimes, you can take out a blank sheet of paper and write down your thoughts. No matter how naive, ridiculous or even shocking these ideas seem, it doesn’t matter. Anyway, they are written for themselves and have nothing to do with others.

  Some people say that I just don’t feel anything, I don’t know what I like or even what I don’t like. What should I do? A good way is trial and error. Keep trying everything, and get rid of things you don’t like in the process of trying. Make yourself a negative list. Don’t be afraid of failure. For students, the cost of failure is very small. As long as they are not expelled or dropped out of school, they can return to the classroom and start all over again.

  Be patient with yourself. Not everyone can find their "the only thrill", which takes time and effort. Don’t worry when you can’t find it, take your time, but you must keep looking for it. You may not find it if you look for it, but you won’t find it if you don’t look for it. At the same time, we should have confidence in ourselves. Since you are here for this matter, no one can steal it. It doesn’t matter if you find it earlier or later. The important thing is that you like it from your heart. Remember the American Grandma Moses who picked up a paintbrush at the age of 77? Her story tells us that as long as you really like to do something, you can start at any time, even if you are 80 years old.

  Life is not only a life, but also a quality life. Judging whether a life has quality depends on whether every day is the day you really want. "If you hear the Tao, you will die in the evening." As long as you find something you really like, even for one day, it is a happy and quality life.

  (The author is Dean of Peking University Examination and Research Institute)

800 people had dinner with 2,800 cooks at the annual banquet of the 1000-meter group in the ancient town (Figure)

Photographers are creating around the long street banquet.

  At noon, the rain stopped, and after the traditional sacrifice and blessing activities, the New Year’s dinner was officially opened in the sound of firecrackers for 20 minutes. 260 tables filled with dishes and thousands of tourists crowded the 1,132-meter-long old street. More than 10 ancient town specialties such as sesame balls, three-in-one mixed incense and smoked tofu have opened thousands of tourists’ eyes. Laughter, cheers, shouts of punching and drinking … turned the ancient town upside down.

  In yesterday’s old street, visitors with bowls and chopsticks could be seen everywhere. They shuttled between the tables, with a piece of pig’s head meat on this table and a piece of fish on that table. Yan Han, a photographer who rushed from the main city, simply put a pair of chopsticks in his camera bag, and when he met his favorite dish, he took out his chopsticks and took a bite. The residents of the old street are extremely hospitable. Whenever anyone passes by, they will warmly greet them: "Come, look at what you eat." They also invite guests to sit down, drink wine and chat at home. Diao Shukun, a 77-year-old resident of the ancient town, specially asked someone to write a couplet and stick it on the door, with the first couplet saying that "tea is not cold when people walk" and the second couplet saying that "the host and guest are always hot" and the second couplet saying "fragrant tea is good for water".