Haval big dog shopping guide is only available for sale at 123,900.

The fuel consumption or endurance performance of a car is related to the later car cost, and many netizens pay attention to its performance. As for its advantages, please read on.

Let’s take a look at the appearance of the Haval big dog. The front face of the Haval big dog is simple and looks very sporty. Coupled with the headlights, the overall look has a certain sense of hierarchy. The car is equipped with LED daytime running lights, front fog lights, automatic opening and closing, adaptive far and near light, delayed closing and so on. Coming to the side of the car body, the size of the car body is 4620 mm * 1890 mm * 1780 mm. The car adopts avant-garde lines, and the car side looks very sharp. With large-sized thick-walled tires, the shape is quite clean and refreshing. In terms of the rear end, the overall shape of the rear end of the Haval Dog echoes the front face, and the taillights look very deep, coupled with the unique exhaust pipe, which is very domineering and stylish.

When you come to the Haval Big Dog, the interior of the Haval Big Dog looks very stable and easily touches the hearts of young consumers. The steering wheel of the car is very eye-catching, made of leather and has a high palm fit. Take a look at the central control. The car is equipped with a touch-sensitive LCD central control screen, which makes the interior design quite layered and looks simple and fashionable. The dashboard and seats give people a good feeling, too. Let’s take a look. The dashboard of this car presents a concise design style, and the information is easy to read and clear. The car adopts imitation leather seats, equipped with functions such as electric seat adjustment and seat proportion tilting, which improves the riding experience of drivers and passengers.

Haval Big Dog is matched with a wet dual clutch (DCT) gearbox, with a maximum power of 175KW and a maximum torque of 385N.m, and its power performance is good.

Equipped with car networking, driving mode selection, remote control key, rear wiper, engine start and stop, etc., it has rich functions and greatly improves its convenience.

To sum up: the model class introduced today is the most considered class when many people buy their first car, mainly because the model of this class is moderate in size and reasonable in price.

Guangzhou Exhibition "Curtain Restart"

广州会展 “大幕重启”23日,华南国际车展;25日,智慧物业博览会;30日,广州车展……  自动提供消杀服务的机器人、统一制服的工作人员、有序排队进场的客户和参展商……近日,琶洲重新热闹起来。12月25日,疫情防控“新十条”发布后广州的首个展会——“2022华南国际车展暨新能源汽车展览会”在琶洲顺利落幕。同时,“第三届广州国际智慧物业博览会”也接力启幕,广州各大展馆正逐渐恢复生机。  短短半个月内,广州会展行业便展现出复苏态势。作为“会展之都”,广州会展经济的回温不仅在一定程度上提振广州乃至粤港澳大湾区会展行业的信心,也将为岁末广州社会经济的发展注入会展能量。  现场 展会人头攒动 广交会展馆渐渐恢复生机  作为疫情防控“新十条”发布后,琶洲首个复展的展会,12月23日开展的2022华南国际车展暨新能源汽车展览会吸引了广大参展企业的支持。12月25日接力开展的第三届广州国际智慧物业博览会同样受到了各界关注。  据悉,广州国际智慧物业博览会今年曾两次延期,而此次火速复展,也并不是“小打小闹”。主办方介绍,此次物博会展览面积超过20000平方米,吸引了来自全国各地300多家上下游优质参展商。纵然展览面积和参展商数量与往届博览会相比略有缩水,但在业内同样引起了不小的关注。记者了解到,12月26日当天展会现场人头攒动,广交会展馆逐渐恢复了往日的热闹。广州各大展会现场人头攒动,恢复了往日的热闹  “这款高空玻璃幕墙清洗机器人,可以爬上摩天大楼外墙,对玻璃幕墙进行清洗,解决‘蜘蛛人’高空作业存在的不安全、招工难等行业痛点!”在凌度智能的展位前,一款长相酷似扫地机器人的机器引起了不少观展者的好奇。据介绍,这款凌空K-3高空平面幕墙清洗机器人是针对写字楼、酒店等高空玻璃幕墙专门研发设计,凭借立面移动底盘技术,机器人可稳固贴合墙面、玻璃幕墙等垂直空间自由行走,能在12级风力条件下进行作业。不但解决了高空玻璃幕墙清洁工作危险性大的难题,更提高了效率。这款机器人单机日均清洗量能达到1200至2000平方米,是正常工人清洗效率的3倍。  在汽车充电桩和电动车充电设备的展位前,同样挤满了前来咨询的从业者。电梯加装和维保企业展位前,同样吸引了不少前来寻求合作的客户……据主办方介绍,今天展会吸引了北京、上海、天津、重庆、武汉等全国各地的政府、物业协会、物业培训单位等专业组织机构组团参观。不少投资商、集团大客户在内的大型采购团体前来参观、洽谈,贸易合作洽谈氛围热烈。  参展商 对广州有信心 来参展安心又放心  “12月初,广州市有关商务部门便与我们联系,询问是否能够在12月底重开展会。在得到肯定的答复后,12月9日商务部门便明确表示支持我们重启展会。”说起“破冰首展”的来龙去脉,广州旭阳国际展览有限公司总经理夏凌旭至今仍然记忆犹新。她表示,过去一年对于广州会展行业从业者而言“颇为困难”,其中就包括他们参与主办的第三届广州国际智慧物业博览会先后2次延期。听说能够重启展会时,夏凌旭与团队第一时间立下了“军令状”——“一定按时重启”!  在立下这道“军令状”之时,团队的担忧并未完全消除:除了担心疫情防控政策的持续性之外,他们也担心展会效果是否能达到预期。  “这些担忧,我当然也有”,但夏凌旭表示,在与有关政府部门的沟通中,她感受到了政府部门对提振经济、恢复经济的决心和信心,这份坚定,也打消了她的顾虑,给了她极大的信心,让鼓足了勇气,接下了这份重任。“这份信心,既是我作为一名在广州奋斗了多年的从业者,对于广州市疫情防控政策持续性的信心,也是我对于广州会展行业和物业管理行业的信心。”  于是,从12月9日开始,夏凌旭和团队全身心投入到了这场展会的筹备中来。在此期间,广州市商务部门不仅关心展会筹备情况,不时询问进展,还以实际行动积极协助复展。“比如在展会的报批过程中,通过优化流程,开通绿色通道,流程手续特事特办等方式,为展会的筹备提供了诸多便利,确保了展会如期开幕。”展位现场吸引了前来寻求合作的客户  记者在展会现场注意到,不少来自全国各地的参展商纷纷前来捧场。一名来自山东的参展商告诉记者:“过去一年,物业行业受到的冲击很大,但是我们仍然充满信心,也愿意以实际行动响应政府号召。当然,我们对广州、对主办方也有信心,来参展我们安心又放心。”  进展 展会接力重启 大项目陆续落地 各行业逐步回暖  随着疫情防控措施更加优化完善,广州的城市经济也迸发出韧性和活力,各行业也逐步向暖。  12月,产业项目动作不断,全市最大动力电池项目因湃电池科技有限公司在番禺动工、世界500强企业采埃孚百亿级汽车电子工厂落户花都、广汽丰田新能源汽车产能扩建项目二期正式投产……一批大项目开工、投产之外,招商、展会活动也纷至沓来。  12月21日,2022粤港澳大湾区全球招商大会开幕,与全球投资者共享粤港澳大湾区投资机遇和发展红利;作为广州落实“新十条”、全面开启复工复产后的首场大型时尚活动,12月23日晚,为期5天的2022广州国际时尚产业大会暨广州时尚消费节在天河体育中心南广场正式启动,拉开了“粤造粤强 粤贸全球”广货促消费的大幕。  当然,一直以来在广州社会经济发展中扮演着重要作用的会展行业,重启的大幕也已经缓缓拉开。首展破冰的同时,广交会展馆四期扩建项目也跃跃欲试准备亮相,这个总建筑面积约56万平方米的大项目建成后,将为广州新增展位6000多个。投入使用后,广交会展馆将成为全球规模最大、功能和配套设施完善、各类会展活动最活跃的会展综合体。而继广州国际智慧物业博览会之后,12月30日,第二十届广州国际汽车展览会也将在广交会展馆“接力”开幕,最新落成的广交会展馆D区届时也将亮相。  《中国展览指数报告(2021)》显示,广州在中国城市会展发展指数综合排名中位居第4位,展会专项要素排名第2位;2021年,广州共举办展会117场,展会总面积达到856.9万平方米。作为现代服务业的重要组成部分,刚刚获批开展服务业扩大开放综合试点的广州也在推进会展行业更上一层楼。《广州市服务业发展“十四五”规划》提出,“十四五”期间,广州将继续提升会展业国际化、专业化、数字化水平,加强高水平展会场馆供给,优化会展业空间布局,建设具有国际影响力的会展之都。今年8月,海珠区发布的《广州市海珠区会展业高质量发展扶持办法》鼓励会展企业落户海珠,新落户海珠区的会展企业,在该区年度主营业务收入首次超过1000万元的,一次性给予最高30万元奖励。计划到2035年,琶洲地区围绕会展经济、数字经济、总部经济实现地区营业收入总额超过1.2万亿元。  广州市商务局相关负责人表示,广州将牢牢把握建设服务业扩大开放综合试点的重大机遇,和粤港澳大湾区建设叠加推进,稳步推进制度型开放,重点促进服务业重点领域、重点区域开放创新,落地实施一系列创新政策和创新举措,切实担负起为全国服务业开放积累经验、探索路径、先行先试的使命任务。  社会经济领域频频响起的“冲锋号”,市民生活逐渐回归正轨。备受期待的第十一届广州国际灯光节也将在12月27日线上亮灯;广州多个行政区的线下花市摊位也已经开始招租……一个个大项目、一场场展览论坛,一项项市民活动,即将在广州接下来一段时间里落地,The vibrant Guangzhou has returned.

Exposure of panda death file: informant creates "panda black market"?


  The number of giant panda cases is staggering.

  After the first page of the last issue of this newspaper published the "Suspected Cloud of the Giant Panda Hunting Case", many senior officials of the State Forestry Administration immediately gave instructions on the report, demanding that "no matter who is involved, it must be thoroughly investigated and resolutely dealt with according to law". Now the State Forestry Administration has sent working groups to Sichuan and Chongqing to supervise the case.

  At the same time, many insiders accused that Chongqing Rongchang police instructed informants to induce local villagers to hunt giant pandas, with the aim of solving crimes and making meritorious deeds. Our reporter learned from many sources that the report has attracted great attention from the Ministry of Public Security, and some files of the case of hunting giant pandas have been transferred by the Ministry of Public Security.

  The number of giant panda cases is staggering.

  In the follow-up investigation, Southern Weekend reporter found that the number of giant panda cases has been amazing in the past two decades.

  According to the third national panda survey conducted by the State Forestry Administration, in the two years from 1987 to 1988, Baoxing County, Sichuan Province handled 37 cases of hunting giant pandas and selling smuggled skins, and collected 38 new and old giant panda skins.

  The situation in Pingwu County, Sichuan Province is also not optimistic. According to statistics, from 1987 to 1990, the county put on record 78 cases of giant pandas and collected 85 pieces of giant panda skins.

  Since then, the case of giant pandas has been declining year by year after being severely cracked down by the Supreme Court and the State Council. In 1991, there were 22 criminal cases against giant pandas in Sichuan province, which decreased to 8 in 1993. Only the museum in Wolong Nature Reserve has collected more than 300 captured panda skins.

  Cui Xuezhen, the former director of Baoxing Forestry Bureau, the former director of Sichuan Baoxing Fengtongzhai National Nature Reserve Administration and a giant panda expert, did not fully count that 20 giant pandas were hunted in Baoxing County in the past 20 years. (See attached table)

  Our reporter was informed that since December 14th, Ya ‘an, Sichuan Province has also made statistics on giant pandas hunted in the past, and the current data has been reported to the State Forestry Administration.

  Informants create a "giant panda black market"?

  Is it because there is a black market that so many giant pandas have been hunted?

  "There is no black market for giant pandas! Giant panda skin has no economic value, and many pandas are’ murdered’. " Cui Xuezhen, former director of Baoxing County Forestry Bureau, said.

  Cui Xuezhen recalled that in the 1970s and 1980s, the forestry department collected a large number of panda skins from farmers’ homes in Baoxing.

  However, some people still believe that giant panda skin can be sold for money and refuse to hand it in. Cui Xuezhen said that in order to lure these giant panda skins out, the case handlers used a lot of "informants" and even made the police pretend to be "southern bosses" and "foreign merchants", and spread the word everywhere that someone bought giant panda skins at a high price. "The boss was carrying a box of money, with a layer of money on top and paper on the bottom, so people could take a look and close it quickly."

  At that time, Cui Xuezhen felt that this temptation was wrong, and he was suspected of "murder". "In the end, it was sold to the case handlers." The substantial panda skin transaction did not happen.

  The former official of the Wild Protection Department of the State Forestry Administration agreed with the two officials of the former Sichuan Wild Protection Department: "I have never heard of a buyer who really paid a big price, and there is no black market at all."

  The former official of the Department of Wildlife Conservation analyzed that the concept of "panda skin is valuable" in people’s minds is misleading: the verdict and media reports after the judgment often make people imagine such a "panda skin black market".

  To this end, the above-mentioned interviewees called for resolutely putting an end to the phenomenon of informants buying panda skins.

  Who is manipulating the informant?

  Gan Hailong, a police informant mentioned in Southern Weekend’s last issue of "The Mystery of Hunting Giant Panda", is similar to the situation that interviewees accused the informant of inducing villagers to hunt giant pandas.

  Judicial litigation materials show that in Sun Shiqun’s case of selling giant panda skins this year, it was Gan Hailong, an informant of Rongchang County Public Security Bureau, who induced them to commit crimes.

  On June 16th this year, after Li Qijun’s murder, He Yong, the criminal police captain of Rongchang Public Security Bureau, explained in his materials to Rongchang County Court that Gan Hailong was the pseudonym of Gan Liejian, an informant of the Public Security Bureau.

  At present, the whereabouts of the informant Gan Liejian is a mystery. There are two stories circulating in Rongchang. One is that he has been controlled by the relevant state departments, and the other is that he is on the road to escape.

  According to a person familiar with Rongchang, the panda case file of Rongchang has been transferred by the investigation team of the Ministry of Public Security.

  Li Qijun’s defense lawyer Ma Lifang said that Rongchang police cracked the above-mentioned case of selling giant panda skins and relied on the activities of informants in Ya ‘an for many years. "The police informant is tempted first, and the hunting and selling are behind, and the informant’s behavior is suspected of breaking the law."

  Ma Lifang said that China’s laws only allow "informants" to come forward to seduce drugs and national security, and wildlife cases are not included in the scope of "informants".

  A person familiar with Rongchang said that the informant Gan Liejian had lured a couple in Sichuan to participate in a counterfeit dollar reselling case in the same way.

  Ma Lifang suspects that the informant Gan Liejian is probably a professional informant. The relationship between the informant and the police is a cooperative relationship, and naturally there is a relationship of interest. In Ma Lifang’s eyes, the case of giant panda skin forced the judicial department to think: if this is the work of an informant alone, it must be punished by law and the case should be re-examined; If this is the joint action of the informant and others, then more people should be held accountable.

  Ma Lifang further analyzed that at present, only the internal regulations of the public security department regulate informers in China, and the external supervision of informers, police and their relationship is still a blank area. "I hope that from the death of the giant panda, the state will legislate to regulate informers and the use of informers."

  Rongchang a judicial personage agrees with the above viewpoint. In this person’s view, the police also have their difficulties: on the one hand, it is the bottom line of the detection rate explicitly required, and on the other hand, it is the meritorious reward for solving the giant panda case, which is the deep-seated reason for the giant panda case. (Source: Southern Weekend reporter Chao Ge)

Related news:

Police informant accused of luring villagers to hunt giant pandas.
The Forest Public Security Bureau sent a team to supervise the killing of giant pandas in Sichuan.
Forestry Bureau: The police have sent a supervision team to investigate the killing of giant pandas in Sichuan.
Investigation on the case of hunting giant pandas: there is no terminal market for giant panda skins at all.
The national treasure giant panda was successively hunted and profiteered in Sichuan to confuse the villagers (Figure)

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Editor: Zhu Zhen

Chery Fengyun T9: Perfect combination of luxury and performance to start your intelligent driving journey.

In the era of fierce competition in the automobile market in China, consumers’ psychology of buying a car has already evolved from "I choose and I love" to "both want and want". In this context, Chery came into being, with its excellent performance and luxurious configuration, meeting the diversified car demand. It is not only a car, but also the key to the lifestyle of "access to luxury". Today, let’s walk into Chery Ruipeng Store of Noveland Group Automobile Park to learn more about this exciting model.

Design: a flowing work of art

Fengyun T9′ s design is like a flowing work of art. Its closed front face and sharp headlights are ingeniously integrated, showing the perfect balance between futuristic feeling and strength aesthetics. On the side of the car body, smooth lines outline an elegant outline. The design of hidden door handles and suspended roofs not only reduces wind resistance, but also adds a touch of technological charm. The penetrating taillights at the tail and the exquisite rear surround make this car emit a unique light in the night and become a beautiful landscape on the street. The beauty of all this comes from the ingenuity of Chery Qingdao Super Factory. The combination of technology and quality makes every Fengyun T9 as perfect as a work of art.

Interior: luxurious and comfortable private space

Once you step into Fengyun T9′ s car, you will find yourself stepping into a carefully arranged private space. The three-position steering wheel with double colors not only has a comfortable grip, but also adds a luxurious atmosphere to the car. The seamless connection between the digital instrument panel and the suspended central control large screen makes the driving information clear at a glance, and the sense of technology comes to the fore. In detail, the ingenious combination of leather coating and metal wire drawing creates a warm and elegant ride atmosphere. The addition of high-end configurations such as the Queen’s co-pilot, HUD head-up display and 8155 high-computing chip has raised comfort and convenience to a new height. The introduction of the C-PURE clean cubic health cockpit provides passengers with a fresh and healthy breathing environment, making every trip a pleasure.

Power system: strong and environmentally friendly

In the wave of new energy, Fengyun T9 is equipped with a leading C-DM hybrid system, which demonstrates Chery’s profound understanding of sustainable development with its excellent power performance and environmental protection concept. This system not only provides strong power output, but also significantly improves fuel economy. While experiencing speed and passion, drivers can also contribute a green force to the earth, truly achieving a win-win situation of enjoying driving and environmental protection travel.

A profound interpretation of the new luxury

The listing of Fengyun T9 marks an important leap in the development of Chery Automobile, and it is also a profound interpretation of the concept of "new luxury". With excellent design, comfortable space and leading technology, it brings unprecedented luxury experience to consumers all over the world. On the future road, Chery Fengyun T9 will work hand in hand with everyone who pursues quality life, start a series of wonderful journeys, and make "new luxury" a reality within reach.

Whether you are a driver who pursues performance or a passenger who yearns for comfort and technology, Chery Fengyun T9 will be your ideal choice and take you to a better future.

Changan Yidong PLUS official map was released, and the power of appearance upgrade remained unchanged.

[Cheyou Headline-CheyouNo.-Cheba] Recently, we learned that the new official map of Changan Yidong PLUS was officially released. The new car will optimize and adjust its appearance, interior and some configurations, and will have a dual design, which will be officially listed in May.

From the official map, we can see that the appearance of the new car has not changed much, but the details have been improved. The appearance of one car is consistent with the cash. In terms of appearance, the front face of the new car still adopts the design of large mouth air intake grille. The organic combination of grille and headlights adds a lot of sporty atmosphere to the front face of the whole car.

In addition, the new car has another design, which is more sporty, mainly optimized for the grille, plus the design of larger air inlets on both sides and a penetrating red plaque, which is more advanced.

As for the rear of the car, the new car adopts the styling design of the currently popular penetrating taillight group, and adopts the blackening treatment. Not only that, the styling design of the spoiler is also added to the trunk of the car, which is more sporty with the bilateral exhaust layout.

For the interior, this upgrade is not big. The new car is still equipped with full LCD instrument, central control dual screen, three-position steering wheel and electronic gear lever.

In terms of power, there is no upgrade this time. The new car is still equipped with 1.4T and 1.6L engines, of which the 1.4T engine has a maximum power of 161 HP and a maximum torque of 260 Nm. The transmission system is matched with a 7-speed dual-clutch gearbox, and the 1.6L naturally aspirated engine has a maximum power of 128 HP and a maximum torque of 161 Nm. The transmission system has five-speed manual and CVT continuously variable gearbox options. (Text/Cheyou car)

Biden said he would choose Michelle as his running mate: she will be a strong vice president.

  China Daily Online, April 21st (Sun Ruonan) According to a report by CBS on the 20th, former US Vice President Biden expressed his willingness to choose Michelle Obama as his running mate in the 2020 presidential election.

  The potential Democratic presidential candidate said that former First Lady Michelle would be a strong vice president if she accepted the nomination.

  Biden said on the 20th: "I am willing to choose her (as a partner). She’s smart. She knows the road. She is a great woman, and the Obamas are my good friends. I don’t think she wants to live near the White House any more. " However, Biden also said that it is still too early to choose a vice presidential candidate.

  He said: "As far as candidates are concerned, we have just begun this process. We will soon let the Committee examine it and begin to investigate the background of potential nominees. Everything has just begun. "

  In addition, Biden said: "I promise that (the vice president) will be a woman, because it is very important that my government should be as diverse as the composition of society and the country. We promise that there will be a woman of color in the Supreme Court, which does not mean that there will not be a similar vice president. "

  "I think we must establish this system once and for all. In my opinion, we could have had a female president before, that is Hillary Clinton," Biden said. "Besides, there are many suitable women."

48-hour orders broke 5000, Geely+Baidu joined hands, exceeding 4.9 meters+smart driving.

On September 10th, the second model of the company was officially launched. The new car has three configuration models, and the official guide price range is 209,900-299,900 yuan. During the listing period, the limited-time preferential price is 199,900-289,900 yuan, which is equivalent to a discount of 10,000 yuan for each model.


As a medium-sized and large-scale pure electric car, the standard version and the long-life version of the Extreme Yue 07 are built on the 400V platform, and only the top performance version is the 800V platform, so the price is not too surprising, but it is not too high. Recently, the extreme Yue officially claimed that the order for new cars exceeded 5,000 units within 48 hours of listing, and the 880km long-life version accounted for 75% of these 5,000 orders, and the ASD high-end smart driving option rate was 75%.

1400x0_1_q95_autohomecar__Chtk2WarjfOAU5OFACYD775dbhk922Extreme Yue 07 is a new model jointly launched by Geely and Baidu. It is based on the vast architecture of Geely SEA, focusing on intelligent technology, equipped with a brand-new end-to-end perception model, and optionally equipped with the official version of advanced intelligent driving 2.0. This is a pure visual intelligent driving scheme, and Baidu has polished a lot of time on this intelligent driving scheme.

After the ASD(Apollo Self Driving) Apollo advanced intelligent driving assistance system is installed, the forward AEB can stop at a maximum speed of 100 km/h, and the curve AEB function is added, which can also stop in the face of the disappearance of the preceding vehicle, supporting the navigation assistance of national high-speed or urban elevated sections. It is expected that the national urban navigation assistance driving will be realized by the end of 2024. In addition, in the parking part, this system supports the functions of voice parking outside the car, narrow parking in dark light and ASD parking service.

The original price of this system is 29,900 yuan. At present, the optional price is 4,999 yuan, which is really not high. You can also subscribe on a monthly basis. The standard price is 599 yuan/month, and the right to use the car is given free of charge for 3 months.

f17032cf8deb87b3c1cc1f8eb17ed54d~2508x0Adhering to the design concept of Less is more, the shape of the new car is really good. The front of the car is a closed grille with a penetrating LED daytime running light strip, and the light groups on both sides are designed in an inverted T shape. The upper and lower parts are designed with intelligent interactive light groups, while the middle is a horizontally arranged LED light source with lenses. The trapezoidal air intake is below the front of the car. The whole front face is simple but not simple, and it has a good sense of movement with the clamshell cover.

63421fe6896337d93eb973abda8279e9~2508x0The side of the car body is designed with a sliding back coupe style, and the roof line is smooth, with no door handle (pressing the button to open the electric door), hidden water tangent and hidden B-pillar, no obvious waist line, and the door cambered transition, which brings a low drag coefficient of 0.198Cd. The rear part is designed with a hatchback tailgate and a super-running wide-body rear shoulder, with a through taillight group, and the two sides are made into a split style, which is very recognizable.

The new car offers six body colors to choose from, including: Aurora Green, Deep Space Black, Technical White, Titanium Crystal Grey, Galaxy Purple and Space Silver, etc. The optional cost of Titanium Crystal Grey and Galaxy Purple is 6000 yuan, which is free during the listing period.

1400x0_1_q95_autohomecar__Chtk2WarmOuADmGiACY6LrJSH7o275The interior is made in a minimalist style. The center console is equipped with a 35.6-inch penetrating screen, with a D-shaped dual-spoke, and a U-shaped semi-spoke is optional for a limited time. All the buttons and knobs in the car are simplified, and only two rollers and four button indicators are reserved on the steering wheel, which are used to control the left and right turn signals, wipers and lighting functions respectively. Just like Tesla, the gears are integrated in the screen, and the sliding shift mode is adopted.

1400x0_1_q95_autohomecar__Chtk2WarmJWAVq5bADBdOstQ2sk955At present, this design is a trend, but whether it is good or not, for drivers who are used to dialing the lever to light, it will be unaccustomed to suddenly changing to the button type, especially when the steering angle of the steering wheel is larger in the turning state, so it is difficult to distinguish the left and right control of the light. If it is changed to a semi-spoke steering wheel, it will not be difficult to use it without turning back, but this kind of steering wheel also needs to be adapted, especially when the vehicle is moving at low speed or turning around.

1400x0_1_q95_autohomecar__ChxkPWarmkuAMiRmAC_fObBHsfc983The length of the car is 4,953 mm, the width is 1,989 mm, the height is 1,480 mm, and the wheelbase of the new car is 3,013 mm. Although it is a coupe body posture, there is no problem in the interior space. Passengers with a height of 175 cm have more than one punch in the front and rear rows, and more than two punches in the leg space when sitting in the second row.

The hatchback tailgate design is adopted, which has a large opening and is convenient to take things. The trunk has a small conventional volume and a general width, and the back of the rear seat is supported in proportion, with a maximum volume of 1573 liters.

1400x0_1_q95_autohomecar__ChxkPWarlduAUjXOADe_9cfOdTY748In terms of power, the new car has two single-motor models and one dual-motor model. The maximum power of a single motor is 200 kW, and the zero-hundred acceleration is 6.9 seconds and 6.5 seconds respectively, so the power is sufficient. The version uses the first 230 and the last 300 kW motors, and the fastest zero-hundred acceleration is 3.5 seconds. It is equipped with 71.4/100/93.4 kWh battery packs, and the corresponding cruising range is 660/880/770 respectively. Support fast charging, but all models do not provide slow charging port, which is a bit inappropriate and supports external discharge.

The chassis suspension adopts front double wishbone and rear multi-link independent suspension, and the top model is equipped with iRTD real-time damping adjustable vibration reduction system, which can monitor the road surface to adjust the damping at a speed of 500 times per second in real time, bringing more comfortable driving experience.

Red flag EH7 price reduction news in Zhongshan area! Special offer 179,800, act quickly

On Autohome’s Zhongshan Premium Promotion Channel, we bring you exciting news! High-profile models are going on an unprecedented price reduction promotion in the Zhongshan area. This offer is unprecedented, with a car purchase subsidy of up to 50,000 yuan, which has reduced the starting price of this luxury sedan to a very competitive 179,800 yuan. This undoubtedly provides an excellent opportunity for consumers who are interested in purchasing the Hongqi EH7. Want to take advantage of this offer and explore more specific car pickup prices and preferential policies? Be sure to click "Check the car price" in the quotation form to get this real discount.



The side-body design is the unique charm of the Hongqi EH7. The body size of this luxury sedan is 4980mm x 1915mm x 1490mm, and the wheelbase is up to 3000mm, which shows a solid and spacious interior layout. The side lines are smooth and delicate, and with the front and rear tires of 245/50 R18, it not only enhances the driving stability, but also gives the body an elegant dynamic sense. The front and rear wheel tracks are 1645mm and 1655mm respectively, which further ensure the balance and stability of the vehicle during driving.


[Interior Introduction] The interior design of the Hongqi EH7 fully reflects the perfect fusion of luxury and technology. It adopts an exquisite leather steering wheel, which not only feels comfortable to the touch, but also supports manual up and down + front and rear adjustment to meet the individual needs of the driver. The 15.5-inch large screen design on the center console is full of technology, integrating multimedia, navigation, telephone and air conditioning control, which is convenient and fast. In terms of seats, imitation leather and leather/fur materials are mixed and matched to provide a good riding experience. The main driver seat has 4-way adjustment, waist support and heating/ventilation functions, and is equipped with power seat memory, which takes into account comfort and convenience. The front USB/Type-C interface and mobile phone wireless charging function meet the needs of passengers’ electronic devices and make travel more convenient. The overall interior design fully reflects the Hongqi brand’s attention to detail and commitment to comfort.


The Hongqi EH7 is equipped with a powerful engine with a maximum power of 253 kilowatts, providing abundant power support for the vehicle. At the same time, its peak torque reaches 450 Nm, ensuring stability and response speed during driving. The outstanding performance of this engine not only meets the needs of daily driving, but also shows Hongqi’s in-depth understanding and pursuit of driving experience.

To sum up, the Autohome owner’s evaluation of the Hongqi EH7 was full of admiration. He particularly mentioned its stylish and dynamic exterior design, which shows the unique charm of the vehicle from the smooth lines on the side to the through taillights at the rear. The owner’s love for the front closed design and new car logo, as well as the recognition of the body length, undoubtedly strengthened the status of the Hongqi EH7 as a model that attracts young people. The dynamic light effect when locking the car every night adds a sense of technology and ritual to this new energy model, making the owner feel full of satisfaction and pride. Under the new energy logo of the Qimiao wings, the Hongqi EH7 is not just a car, but also a symbol of the owner’s taste and lifestyle.

Lynk & Co 08 EM

  On January 28, the 4th "China Automobile Festival" Award Ceremony of China Central Radio and Television was grandly held at the National Stadium in Beijing. The luxury smart super SUV Lynk & Co 08 EM-P stood out from the fierce competition after an all-round comprehensive performance inspection and won the "Best Comfort Car" award. It is also the only product to win the award, confirming the strength of luxury new energy SUVs.

  "China Automobile Festival" is sponsored by the Central Radio and Television Station, jointly selected by five industry authorities, and supported by the China Automotive Technology Research Center as the exclusive technical support unit. It is the most authoritative and influential top-level automobile selection in China.

  The selection scope of this year’s awards covers more than 600 passenger car models listed in the Chinese market in 2023. Lynk & Co 08 EM-P won the "Best Comfort Car" award. It has not only undergone rigorous and professional fully enclosed subjective and objective tests, but also passed 12 indicators through comprehensive consideration with solid technical strength and luxury product strength. It has comprehensively advanced in design, intelligent technology, luxury driving control, global safety, etc., accurately cutting into the multiple needs of today’s young and advanced home users, providing a better choice for advanced home users.

Lynk & Co 08 EM-P won CCTV's "Best Comfort Car" _fororder_image001

Luxury Smart Enjoy Superelectric SUV Lynk & Co 08 EM-P won the "Best Comfort Car" Award at the 4th "China Automobile Festival"

  Travel without anxiety, making driving more comfortable

  All-round anxiety-free is the foundation for comfortable travel in the new energy era. The Lynk & Co 08 is equipped with the Lynk & Co EM-P super range extension electric solution, which is an intelligent series-parallel power combination that can be charged, mixed and extended range, bringing users the optimal solution for comfortable travel. The comprehensive cruising range of up to 1400km truly realizes "worry-free battery life"; at high speed, when feeding or accelerating rapidly, the electric drive and the engine can be directly driven in parallel, with strong speed increase and worry-free performance; the advanced 3 DHT Evo electric drive transmission ensures that the engine always runs efficiently, not only with worry-free fuel consumption, but also with better NVH performance.

  The "2023 China Top Ten Chassis" based on the CMA Evo architecture has won the "Best Handling Award", enabling Lynk & Co 08 EM-P to achieve breakthroughs in driving and riding as a new energy SUV, and to face the ever-changing road conditions with smooth and stable performance.

Lynk & Co 08 EM-P won CCTV's "Best Comfort Car" _fororder_image002

Equipped with Lynk & Co EM-P Super Range Extension Electric Solution, it combines high performance and long battery life with a luxurious super electric driving feeling

  First class for all, more comfortable immersion

  Each row can be comfortably enjoyed is the standard of Lynk & Co 08 EM-P for new energy luxury spaces. The Lynk & Co 08 EM-P has a leapfrog size and wheelbase, achieving a 71% room rate. The shallow Nappa seat for the whole car adopts a 7-layer zero-pressure comfort design, and has the unique front and rear four-seat massage function of the same class, making it a comfortable mobile "big flat floor" for the whole family.

  The 23-speaker audio from Harmanka, combined with the projection giant screen of the largest 92-inch unbounded AR-HUD avatar in mass production, can be turned on anytime, anywhere for audio and video enjoyment.

Lynk & Co 08 EM-P won CCTV's "Best Comfort Car" _fororder_image003

New luxury, comfort and equality, opening the first-class experience for all

  Smart cabin ceiling, smart and more comfortable

  As the first model to ride China’s first self-developed car-grade 7nm mass-produced chip, the Lynk & Co 08 EM-P is the first to ride the LYNK Flyme Auto Lynk & Co smart cockpit system, which is rich in application ecology and has the first in-vehicle smart end point smooth performance certification of Thiel Laboratory. Ruran air conditioning, small window mode, smart navigation bar and other original designs in many industries have realized a user-friendly interactive experience as simple and easy to use as a mobile phone.

  Flyme Link handcar interconnection realizes automatic direct "non-sensory" handcar connection, close-to-unlock "non-sensory" boarding, and "non-sensory" applications that seamlessly connect across end points. Open non-sensory connection, borderless desktop, hardware sharing, and Inter-App communications anytime, anywhere. Visible handcar interconnection experience.

Lynk & Co 08 EM-P won CCTV's "Best Comfort Car" _fororder_image004

First LYNK Flyme Auto intelligent cockpit system, leading the industry in cross-end point intelligent experience

  Global protection, safety and comfort

  Global safety is the basic standard of comfort and luxury. Lynk & Co 08 EM-P spares no effort to build a user’s all-round travel safety experience. It not only won the first "New Energy Passenger Car 60km/h Side Collision Superimposed Side Column Collision Protection Class A" certification issued by China Automotive Research, but also won the industry’s first "Zero Formaldehyde" car award for the environmentally friendly cockpit. The ultra-high standard body protection design and the four-proof battery that far exceeds the national standard safety jointly protect the safety and comfort of every occupant on every journey.

Lynk & Co 08 EM-P won CCTV's "Best Comfort Car" _fororder_image006

Ultra-high standard body-in-white structural design enhances body protection and safety

  As the first new energy strategic model based on the CMA Evo architecture, the Lynk & Co 08 EM-P has been selected and recognized by more than 40,000 users since its launch, and has also pulled the luxury experience of the new energy era to a new height. The Lynk & Co 08 EM-P, which won the "Best Comfort Car" award in the 4th "China Automobile Festival", will also create more surprises and infinite possibilities during travel. For families who understand family but insist on self-pursuit, it will bring a new energy comfortable and luxurious travel experience that delights themselves and their families. (Source: Lynk & Co Automotive)

Lantu pure electric model bosom friend will be launched in the third quarter, and it is planned to be produced by Dongfeng Yunfeng factory

  On June 18th,The reporter learned exclusively from Lantu insiders that Lantu plans to launch a pure electric household SUV Lantu confidant in the third quarter of this year. This model does not have a plug-in hybrid or extended range version, and is the first Lantu brand to launch a pure electric version.

  According to the product announcement previously disclosed by MIIT, the production address of this pure electric SUV is No. 8 Yunfeng Avenue, Junshan Street, Wuhan Economic and Technological Development Zone, Hubei. The reporter found that this address is where Dongfeng Nissan Yunfeng Factory is located.

  Image source: MIIT

  "To be precise, the Yunfeng factory belongs to the () group, and Dongfeng Nissan belongs to the operator. Lantu’s confidant is using the existing production line in the Dongfeng system to improve production efficiency." The above insider told reporters exclusively.

  Production is planned at the Yunfeng factory

  At present, Lantu has three models on sale, namely the pure electric car Lantu Chaser, the extended-range SUV Lantu FREE, and the PHEV MPV Lantu Dreamer. And Lantu’s existing production line needs to produce the above three models at the same time. Some people believe that in order to meet the production of the current models on sale, Lantu’s existing factory production line needs to open up more production lines in order to further expand the product matrix.

  According to the product announcement disclosed by MIIT, Lantu’s confidant will be produced at Dongfeng Nissan’s Yunfeng factory. In this regard, the reporter also checked with Dongfeng Nissan, but as of press time, there was no reply.

  From the public information, the factory is currently one of the four most intelligent vehicle production plants under Dongfeng Motor Group, and it officially passed the completion acceptance in August 2023. When the reporter read the official website of Wuhan Municipal People’s Government, he found that the factory has flexible hybrid capacity of fuel, hybrid, pure electric and other models, and the annual production capacity can reach 300,000 vehicles.

  At present, the Yunfeng factory has launched Qijun, Qijun e-Power, and Aliya and other Dongfeng Nissan models. In terms of sales, the sales of these models in 2023 are about 57,000.

  Image source: official website of Wuhan Municipal People’s Government

  According to the reporter, the Yunfeng factory is currently the latest production factory under Dongfeng Group. Lantu Zhiyin produces in this factory to better revitalize the group’s new energy production line and to ensure the delivery speed of new cars. Lantu Zhiyin was able to put into production at the Yunfeng factory after the coordination of Dongfeng Motor Group, and decided to release the best quality production capacity in Wuhan to Lantu.

  Competitors target Model Y

  According to the reporter’s understanding, "Friend", as the fourth model of Lantu, will be launched in the third quarter of this year.

  For Lantu, this model will bear an important volume task. Lu Fang, CEO of Lantu Automobile, has also emphasized many times before that Lantu’s bosom friend will have strong market competitiveness in Sandian, cockpit, smart driving, etc., and will help Lantu Automobile sales increase, from the "second generation" to the first camp in the market.

  According to the previous plan of Lantu Automobile, the "new target" of 100,000 cars will be achieved in 2024. In the first five months of this year, the cumulative sales of Lantu Automobile 24,900, an increase of 107% year-on-year. To achieve this goal, the pressure of Lantu’s confidant is not easy.

  According to the information disclosed by MIIT, the longest cruising range of Lantu’s confidant is 901 kilometers, the length, width and height are 4725/1900/1636 (1653) mm, and the wheelbase is 2900mm.

  Image source: MIIT

  From the known product performance and size, Lantu’s confidant may enter the medium-sized pure electric SUV market, which is currently the most competitive market.

  According to the above-mentioned sources, the main competitor of Lantu’s soulmate will be Tesla Model Y. In terms of sales, Tesla sold more than 600,000 vehicles in the Chinese market last year, of which Model Y was the main model. This year, in Quarter 1, Model Y sold more than 100,000 vehicles in the Chinese market.

  In addition, Xiaopeng G6, NIO L60, Zhiji LS6 and other models are all focused on this track, and it is not easy to grab a share in this market segment. For Landscape’s bosom friend, entering the mainstream household pure electric SUV market requires excellent product strength. At the same time, Landscape’s bosom friend is the first global car after Let’s VOYAH’s "Common Landscape" overseas strategy, which means that Landscape’s product strategic positioning is not only in the domestic market.