Kipchogg’s 10 Running Secrets


On October 12, 2019, Kipchogg completed the whole horse challenge in 1 hour, 59 minutes and 40 seconds at the Platte Park in Vienna, becoming the first person to run the marathon for 2 hours.

"I don’t know where the limit is, but I will keep running towards it."


After the race, he said, "I hope more people can understand the importance of running. If everyone runs together, the world will become better." When he was interviewed by The Telegraph, he talked about 10 running suggestions. Now let’s review them together, hoping to help everyone.


Step 1 keep a training diary

"I have been writing a training diary to record my training plan and my feelings and emotions. Before the London Marathon in 2019, I can look back on last year’s feelings, which is very helpful to me. "


In the past 10 years, he has been writing a training diary, and he can even show the training he did in 2003.??


2. Never stop running for fun.

"I have been running for a long time, but I still remember running mountains and going to school when I was a child. When I was young, I would run for fun. At that time, I didn’t know it would be my career. I like and remember that feeling. “

Your mind and your heart are the driving force to push you forward, and your thoughts will drive your legs.


3. Let yourself have a good training partner.

"I train with first-class athletes (in Kaptagat near the Great Rift Valley in Kenya), and when you train with many other people, it will inspire you. If you train with fast athletes, it will keep you improving. “

Getting ready is more important than anything else.


4. Don’t always run at the same speed

"I run about 200 kilometers to 220 kilometers a week. 42 kilometers is the longest I have run in a day. I think short-distance running (sometimes training at the intensity of 13 x 3 minutes) and long-distance running are both good. If you run 5 kilometers, it will also help your marathon. “

Long-distance running can improve your endurance, but shorter interval running can improve your speed. For long-distance runners, they are mutually beneficial.


Step 5 go up the hill


6. Improve resilience

"Some days I train twice-once at 6 am and once at 4 pm. When you do training twice a day, it will tell you that your body, your heart and your lungs need to be repaired quickly to become healthier. "


Step 7 keep your feet on the ground

"One of the most important things about running is modesty. I am very happy to live in a small house with other athletes, work with the team, wash clothes and cut vegetables. "


I like to help young athletes and become role models.


8. Ukari is the best supply

"On training day, I will drink tea and eat bread in the morning. At lunch or dinner, I like to eat ugali, a Kenyan staple food rich in starch and energy, and some protein from eggs or meat. On the night before the game, I will eat rice, pasta or black curries.


During the competition, I will use isotonic energy gel and caffeine gel. On the day before the race, we also prepared 8 bottles of drinks, which my support team will give me every 5 kilometers. "


9. Monitor with smart watches

"I use my watch to monitor my pace in the race and record the kilometers. This is a good way to know my speed and keep the correct speed throughout the race without running too fast or too slow. "

HUAWEI WATCH Ultimate estimates the end of the race.

10. Don’t stay up late

"When you train hard, it is important to take time to relax and recover. I like listening to music and reading books after training. Now I am reading Seven Habits of Highly Effective People by Dr. Steven Covey, and I enjoy it very much. During the day, I will sleep between training classes and go to bed before 9 o’clock every night. "


There are many factors affecting the marathon track, and anything can happen. What we can do is to get ready and adjust in time, and look forward to Joe’s next game.

Published in Hongkong, China

Off-campus training and examination places depend on "grabbing" pre-school training. Super-class teaching and training institutions kidnap parents with "early training"

CCTV News:In recent years, the momentum of the rapid expansion of off-campus training courses has not diminished, with students ranging from middle school students, primary school students to preschool children, among which subject training courses are particularly popular. In some big cities, more and more parents are involved in a battle called "Chicken Baby".

Here, "chicken" has changed from a noun to a verb, which means to "give the child chicken blood""Keep arranging extracurricular classes for children and keep taking off-campus exams. It seems that everything has naturally moved from school to off-campus. What is the original intention of parents?

In recent days, a series of exams from an off-campus training institution are being rolled out in some cities all over the country. The exams are aimed at students from kindergarten middle class to fifth grade in primary school. The subjects are Chinese, mathematics and English, and the exam methods are mainly online.Students who register for their summer and autumn classes this year should be selected and stratified. According to their grades, they will enter different classes from low to high difficulty.

Staff of an off-campus training institution:Our system is divided into three parts: excellent system, innovative system and interest system. In the preliminary round, diligence and sensitivity can be offered to every child in front of the screen.

This exam has aroused parents’ increasing concern and heated discussion. In some parents’ groups, everyone exchanged experiences and lamented the difficulty of the topic to see whose child was admitted to the highest class, and its fiery degree even far exceeded any in-school exam.

Mr. Wang, the candidate’s parents: My child took the exam from grade four to grade five. I can still do it at the initial test. I can’t answer many questions in the second test for a short time. I doubt how I got into the university myself.

Mr. Wang said that it is such an exam that the test difficulty is much higher than the school level. When the registration was released in early March this year, it was necessary to grab the quota.

Candidates’ parents, Mr. Wang:I grabbed the opportunity when I made up the second batch of newspapers, and I set the alarm clock at 12 noon.

Some parents told reporters in the interview that the reason why they want to participate in the selection of training courses is that they hope to skip the "allocation" and enter their favorite quality schools.

Reporter:What is the original intention and purpose of giving classes to children?

Parents of primary school students:I can’t help it. It’s like this now. If you don’t learn Olympic Mathematics, you will have no choice at the beginning of your junior high school!

Reporter:Isn’t it assigned?

Parents of primary school students:Yes, it is, but it will be too late for you to wait until you are assigned, and the selection has already been made before.

"early training" grabs opportunities, and the institution "going to school" creates anxiety.

As early as 2014, the Ministry of Education initiated the reform of compulsory education, and clarified the principle of "school enrollment and students’ enrollment nearby". But at the same time, a small number of high-quality schools are still allowed to carry out the "experimental project of early training of extraordinary children", that is, "early training". In the investigation, the reporter found that these training paths, which were originally designed for a very small number of truly gifted children, have become business opportunities for off-campus training institutions, and parents and children have been dragged in one after another.

Staff of an off-campus training institution:Now, the Education Commission has explicitly banned participation in that kind of cup, but there are still some. The cup that used to be a show has now become this camp, that camp, camp events and so on. Going to the camp is to take this kind of exam.

Staff of an off-campus training institution:Moreover, they sometimes refer to our grades when they are "trained early" and when they take exams.They will look at this when they choose, so I told you that no matter whether we think high or learn to think, you must take the large-scale exam as long as you are notified.

Some parents report that staff of off-campus training institutions often teach them "the classics of entering a higher school", suggesting that some schools have expanded the scope of "early training" or "recruit" high-quality students in their eyes, so long as they participate in their various "selections", they may be selected by middle schools. Because public schools reduce the burden, students’ test scores are not well differentiated, so their scores can be used as a basis.

Staff of an off-campus training institution:Look at your resume. Is it beautiful or not? If your resume is beautiful, you are nothing more than taking part in any cup and any exam. For example, both children got 100 points in the exam, but in English, he got the FCE (Cambridge First English Certificate Examination) certificate, and you got the PET (Cambridge English Elementary Examination) certificate. People will definitely want FCE. Now if you take English classes after class, you don’t have to learn school English.

Taking the test score scale officially released by Cambridge English General Test as a benchmark, we can see that KET corresponds to the domestic junior high school English level, PET corresponds to the domestic senior high school English level, and FCE is equivalent to IELTS score of 5.5— 7.0 points, reaching the level of studying abroad.

Staff of an off-campus training institution:A child came that day, anyway, he was very young, so he said that KET had passed, and then he had to prepare PET.

The introduction of other people’s children by training institutions is the most exciting thing for parents. In this way, many parents are involved in the ranks of English proficiency tests. In Shanghai, in order to compete for a KET/PET exam place, the registration fee for the exam was scrambled from 500 yuan to 4,000 yuan. In Beijing, it is a success to get an exam place in a foreign province and city.

Staff of an off-campus training institution:Last year, another one of us went to Hunan to take the exam.

Staff of an off-campus training institution:We still have people going to Yunnan here, so we’ll be satisfied if we grab them. Just take our children for a few days and take a two-day leave.

The chaos of off-campus training is frequent, and "shadow training" has a great influence.

Parents flooded into off-campus training and invested a lot of money and energy in order to win the "stepping stone" of a high-quality prestigious school with their beautiful resumes. The reporter learned that this "resume anxiety" has spread from the early stage of junior high school to preschool children in the early stage of junior high school.

Among some parents, there are many parents of preschool children sharing their experiences. I heard that some primary schools have also set up experimental classes for teaching reform, commonly known as "early training". They hope to enter this system through preschool training. The reporter’s investigation found that all major off-campus training institutions have launched advanced training for preschool children.

Customer service of an off-campus training institution:(Kindergarten small class) Mathematics is about learning seven abilities, learning mathematical sense, logical thinking ability, cultivating his spatial imagination, logical reasoning, etc. This is a mathematics subject, and then he will speak some reading comprehension of Chinese, learn simple articles for children to listen to, etc., as well as English, mainly starting from 26 English letters, and simple vocabulary.

Many parents will prepare resumes for their children to participate in the "early training". In a parent group, the reporter saw two resumes of preschool children. The first child can not only complete the mixed operation of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division within 100, but also attend the innovative class with the highest olympiad number in an institution. He also passed the English Cambridge KET exam and learned 2000 Chinese characters, even though he did not pass the sea election. Another child with a basic level passed the sea election, and the reason is that the latter one got 145 in the IQ test of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

According to the method of group friends’ guidance, the reporter found the WeChat WeChat official account of "Zhongke Extraordinary Children", clicked on the appointment, and saw that the number had been fully booked by the end of May.

Reporter:I want to ask how old children can we test?

Staff of Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences:Over 5 years old, 130 points is extraordinary. From March to July now, it is the peak season. Many parents made an appointment two or three months in advance. In the past two years, after the IQ test was approved by the early training, there were many people who made an appointment.

Behind all kinds of off-campus training chaos, a large number of brushing questions and exam-taking skills have also become one of the main aspects of criticism. For example, in a class of "cube dismantling", the teacher directly summed up the problem-solving skills of how to judge that "the unfolded diagram of a cube cannot be formed" as "there is no field, no concave and no big right angle". Students know why, but they don’t know why, so they can answer the questions by mechanical memory. In a Chinese class in a training institution, the teacher even stylized writing and summed up the writing skills of "having images".

Zhang Yu, Vice President of Tsinghua University Education Research Institute:Extracurricular remedial classes also have a name, which is called "shadow education" in academic circles. It is like the shadow of formal education, because the existence of extracurricular remedial classes exists for students to achieve better performance in formal education, but I think it is actually not a shadow, it is another system, and it has actually seriously affected our formal education.

As early as 2018, the state has made it clear that it is resolutely forbidden to take exams, exceed the standard, advance training and be linked to enrollment. However, we can see that under the various packages of training institutions, advanced training is still active, and more and more parents and children are involved. In order to end the chaos in the off-campus training market, the fundamental solution is to block the entrance selection of high-quality schools by disguised examinations and competitions, and cut off the connection between off-campus training institutions and enrollment in primary and secondary schools.

Under the expectation of huge profits, thousands of people in Zhengzhou lined up in the ice to catch up with the sales of fireworks and firecrackers.

On January 19th in Zhengzhou, the weather was very cold, and the water on the ground became ice. However, there was a long queue outside an office hall at the intersection of Jianshe Road and Xuancheng Road in zhongmou county, Zhengzhou.

They are all people who want to sell fireworks and firecrackers during the Spring Festival this year.

Li Xiaojun, who is waiting in line, said that he also sold fireworks and firecrackers in the local area during the Spring Festival last year. He sold more than 300,000 yuan in total, and finally earned 100,000 yuan. This year, as soon as he heard that he started to "apply for a certificate" again, he rushed over again.

"There are few people today," Li Xiaojun told the First Financial Reporter, pointing to a team of more than 30 meters long. If you want to come yesterday, there will be more people, and thousands of square meters of open space outside the service hall have been filled.

According to the official information released by zhongmou county, there are two "accreditation" locations in zhongmou county this year, one is the office hall where Li Xiaojun is located, and the other is near Tongcheng Avenue and Moxiang Street. Among them, a video of "Thousands of people queuing for fireworks and firecrackers licenses in Zhengzhou" spread on the Internet on January 18th was shot near Moxiang Street.

However, Lu Yan, a staff member of zhongmou county Emergency Management Bureau who is maintaining order at the scene, told CBN that the "accreditation" circulating everywhere on the Internet is actually a misunderstanding of the current policy in zhongmou county.

Lu Yan said that if you want to engage in the sales of fireworks and firecrackers, it is of course essential to apply for a fireworks and firecrackers business license, but what the local authorities are doing now is to conduct safety training for the potential fireworks sellers who have signed up first, and have not yet reached the step of "issuing a permit".

The local propaganda department also explained to the outside world that zhongmou county has not yet received the exact news about "banning and changing the restrictions" or "lifting the ban" in Zhengzhou.

This means that it is still unknown whether Zhongmou will finally allow fireworks and firecrackers to be set off this year. However, even so, the sales of fireworks and firecrackers were booming during the Spring Festival last year and the resulting huge profits in the industry. Many applicants flocked with the expectation of lifting the ban on fireworks and firecrackers this year.

The reporter noticed that among the people queuing at the scene, besides the fireworks distributor such as Li Xiaojun, who started to enter the business last year, there are also some new entrants.

A young man with a tender face told CBN that he was a freshman and was on winter vacation. He heard that selling fireworks could make a lot of money, so he signed up.

Standing behind this young man is a middle-aged man who is engaged in whole house customization. He said that he didn’t make any money this year and wanted to sell fireworks and firecrackers during the Spring Festival to earn some lucky money for his children.

Among this middle-aged population, a wealth story that he relishes is that one of his relatives sold fireworks and firecrackers in Zhengzhou last year. In many cases, his daily turnover was more than 200,000 yuan, which eventually became the biggest motivation for him to try to transform into a fireworks distributor this year.

However, some people are not optimistic about this year’s sales prospects. Li Xiaojun said that fireworks and firecrackers made more money last year, but there were fewer products and more demand. This year, with so many people signing up at once, the competition at the terminal will be fierce, and it is hard to say whether they can make money in the end.

But no matter whether you make money or not, the expenses you should pay and the process you should take are indispensable. Take Li Xiaojun as an example. The first fee he has to pay is the training fee 600 yuan.

According to the regulations of zhongmou county, a sales outlet must be equipped with at least two employees, namely, the sales director and the safety management personnel. The two employees must go through the unified training of a third-party company entrusted by the local government and pass the examination before they can qualify for sales. After the training is finished and the certificate of qualification is obtained, you have to find the booth quickly. After that, you have to check the safety and fire-fighting equipment of the booth by the street office and fire-fighting unit where the booth is located before you can get the business license and get the final sales qualification.

Moreover, even with the sales qualification, goods (fireworks and firecrackers) can’t be sold casually, and they must be purchased from designated fireworks and firecrackers wholesale enterprises. Moreover, goods are not allowed to be stored in warehouses and can only be sold on booths.

Interlocking, it seems to form a safe closed loop.

However, in the view of Zhou Jian, president of Henan Institute of Reform and Development, these security measures need to guard against another hidden danger, that is, will the market form a new gray industrial chain after the deep intervention of power?

"The so-called practice of issuing business licenses now is, in essence, actually franchising the market economy through power intervention." Zhou Jian said that the current measures to strengthen control over the sales of fireworks and firecrackers are of course conducive to safety, but the risk point of the whole fireworks and firecrackers should include not only the sales end, but also the consumer terminals with frequent safety accidents.

Zhou Jian said that in recent years, a background of fireworks ban is that many places have gradually implemented "global ban on burning" and "full-time ban on fireworks" because of the pressure of environmental assessment. Now, after the ban has been implemented for so many years, when the external environmental protection situation is still grim, it will suddenly "lift the ban" on fireworks, which will make some people confused about the introduction of policies, and it needs to be given a reasonable explanation.

The reporter noted that in the "Notice on the Setting of Fireworks and Firecrackers Sales Points in zhongmou county during the Spring Festival of 2023" issued by the local authorities in early 2023, the reason for "lifting the ban" was "to respond to the concerns of the masses, meet the spiritual needs of citizens and friends for the’ taste of the year’, create a happy and peaceful holiday atmosphere, and ensure the safety of the masses."

On the evening of January 19th, Zhengzhou issued the "Notice on Printing and Distributing the Implementation Plan of Fireworks and Firecrackers during the Spring Festival of 2024 in Zhengzhou" (hereinafter referred to as the "Notice"), and determined that the sales time of fireworks and firecrackers during the Spring Festival this year was from 7: 00 to 23: 00 every day from January 31st (the 21st day of the twelfth lunar month) to February 24th (the 15th day of the first lunar month), and the discharge time was limited to 7: 00 to 23: 00 on February 2nd (the 23rd day of the twelfth lunar month). From 7: 00 on February 9 (New Year’s Eve) to 1: 00 on February 10 (the first day of the first month); 7: 00 to 23: 00 every day from February 10th (the first day of the first month) to February 14th (the fifth day of the first month); February 24th (15th day of the first month) from 7: 00 to 23: 00.

It is mentioned that the goal of the notice issued by Zhengzhou City is to effectively reduce environmental pollution and ensure that fireworks accidents do not occur by guiding the general public to consciously abide by the regulations on fireworks and firecrackers.

"This notice shall come into force as of the date of promulgation. The "Regulations on the Prohibition of Fireworks and Firecrackers in Zhengzhou City" (Order No.217 of the Municipal Government) was suspended at the same time, and it will be resumed immediately after the discharge time stipulated in this notice. " Zhengzhou City said in another Notice on Strengthening the Safety Management of Fireworks and Firecrackers during the Spring Festival in 2024.

For a fireworks distributor like Li Xiaojun, the long-hanging heart can finally be put down. Next, he will make full efforts to raise funds to prepare for the next peak season of fireworks sales.

(Li Xiaojun and Lu Yan are pseudonyms in the text)

(Source: CBN)

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The real estate agent said that housing prices in first-tier cities are falling, and buyers said that they "can’t feel it"

  Cctv newsUnder the high pressure of policy, the property market continues to cool down. According to data released by real estate research institutions, the online signing volume of first-and second-tier cities such as Beijing declined in May. Among them, the number of second-hand housing contracts in Beijing in May hit a new low in 27 months. With the sharp decline in transaction volume, house prices are not so firm. Some real estate agencies even said that the second-hand housing prices in Tongzhou District and Yizhuang Development Zone in Beijing fell by 20%. Is it true?/You don’t say.

  Market:The number of second-hand housing contracts hit a new low in 27 months.

  It has been almost three months since this wave of the strictest property market regulation began in March this year. Under the impact of the combination of restricted purchases, restricted loans and restricted sales, the transaction volume of the property market in various places has declined in different degrees. Take Beijing and Guangzhou as examples:

  Statistics from a large real estate agency show that the actual signing volume of the second-hand residential market in Beijing in May decreased by 34.2% compared with the same period in April, and the number of new customer registrations also decreased by 11.9% compared with the same period in April, and the market transaction activity has fallen to the bottom. As of May 30th, a total of 10,236 sets of second-hand houses were signed in Beijing in the month, and it is estimated that the number of second-hand houses signed in the whole month will be less than 11,000, which is the lowest value in the last 27 months.

  In Guangzhou, the overall transaction volume of the property market in Guangzhou in May this year hit a new low in the past two years. As of May 29th, a total of 6,326 first-hand houses were sold in Guangzhou, which was the second lowest since May 2011, only higher than that in May 2014 (5,843).

  Focus:The price increase in first-and second-tier cities has dropped.

  The volume of transactions has fallen sharply. What is the trend of house prices?

  According to the latest data released by the National Bureau of Statistics, among the 70 large and medium-sized cities in China, 30 cities saw their house price increase decline in April, 6 more than in March. According to preliminary estimates, the year-on-year increase in housing prices in first-tier cities fell for seven consecutive months, while the year-on-year increase in second-tier cities fell for five consecutive months. The data for May has not yet come out, but the situation is not expected to be better than that in April.

  In terms of second-hand housing, the increase in house prices in most cities has dropped, and the price of second-hand housing in Beijing has stopped rising in April. And in May, according to a real estate agent statistics:

  In May 2017, the average transaction price of second-hand houses in Beijing decreased by 2.4% compared with the same period in April.

  Among the 12 regions with transactions, the average transaction price in 8 regions is falling, and the price in 4 regions is rising.

  The biggest drop was in Tongzhou District and Yizhuang Development Zone, both of which exceeded 20%.

  However, many Beijing buyers said that in terms of specific prices, there is still no obvious decline. In this regard, Li Wenjie, president of Beijing Real Estate Agency Association, said that the second-hand housing prices in Beijing have indeed dropped, but "down" means that compared with the high quotation of the owners listed this year, from the fourth quarter of last year to the end of the first quarter of this year, the second-hand housing prices are estimated to have increased by about 20%, so the current decline is still adjusted towards the level at the beginning of this year.

  For example, in Tianjin, the news from the intermediary said that the price reduction of many communities ranged from 5% to 28%, with the highest drop of 28%. And from the current point of view, there is no sign of loosening the regulation of Tianjin property market.

  In Shenzhen, since the introduction of a new round of control policies in Shenzhen last October, the transaction price of new commercial housing in Shenzhen has fallen for eight consecutive months. According to the data released by the Shenzhen Municipal Planning and Land Resources Committee on June 1, the average transaction price of new houses in Shenzhen in May was 54,512 yuan/square meter, down 0.2% from the previous month.

  Trend:The property market is changing to a buyer’s market.

  With a series of strict and strict regulation of the property market, the down payment and interest rate of loans for house purchase have both increased, and many buyers have suspended the pace of buying houses and are gradually turning from radicalism to wait and see, and the phenomenon of real estate speculation has been curbed. Experts said that at present, panic-grabbing houses, owner’s jumping prices and breaking contracts are basically gone, and the game relationship between buyers and sellers has gradually reversed and is changing to the buyer’s market.

  According to industry insiders, in Beijing, the transaction volume of second-hand houses may be close to the bottom of the market. In terms of price, due to the excessive increase in the previous period, especially in some areas with double or multiple increases in the previous period, the decline may be further expanded.

  Nationally, more than 30 cities, including Chengdu, Xiamen, Fuzhou, Qingdao, etc., have initiated the property market regulation policy of restricting the sale for a certain number of years after buying a house for the first time in history. It is widely predicted in the industry that with the continuation of regulatory policies, the overall housing prices in the country will be further adjusted back in the future. However, some insiders believe that the late trend of the property market still depends on the trend of credit interest rates and policy changes. If credit is loose, it does not rule out that house prices will continue to rise.

Pan Shiyi: Diwang will face financial risks and buy a house to resist inflation.

Topic: picture channel


  As a leading enterprise in China’s real estate industry, Wang Shi, chairman of Vanke Group, is still at the cusp of fierce controversy, and Pan Shiyi, president of SOHO China, recently declared that many real estate companies in China will have drastic changes within 100 days and enter an unprecedented financing difficult period.

  Once the viewpoint of "Hundred Days Drama Change" was thrown out, it immediately aroused unprecedented repercussions. What kind of tomorrow will China real estate industry face? Will housing prices fall in the "drastic changes" predicted by Pan Shiyi? How many housing enterprises will "die" in this cold?

  On March 25th, when Pan Shiyi attended the Sina Real Estate Innovation Summit, he accepted an exclusive interview with the reporter of China Times to explain in detail the "Hundred Days Drama Change" released by him.

  The sudden change of the situation leads to "a hundred-day drama change"

  China Times: Why do you put forward the view that the real estate industry will face a "hundred-day drama change" at this juncture?

  Pan Shiyi: At the end of November last year, the central government put forward a tight monetary policy, but the formulation at that time was still relatively general, and the international situation was still unclear at that time, and China’s monetary policy still had operational flexibility.

  But this year, especially since February, the CPI has increased by 8.7% year-on-year, and the inflationary pressure is enormous. When answering a reporter’s question, Premier Wen Jiabao said that the first thing for the government this year is to control the CPI index to around 4.8% and GDP growth to 8%. To control inflation, we must implement a tight monetary policy.

  The day after the Prime Minister made these remarks, the reserve ratio of the central bank was raised to 15.5%, which is already very high. At this time, the domestic situation has become clear, and the tight monetary policy is very clear.

  Let’s take a look at the international environment. In the past two months, there have been some events and current situations, such as the Bear Stearns incident and the stock market crash, including the stock crash of overseas listed real estate companies, the failure of real estate enterprises to issue bonds and shares. There are more than 40 real estate enterprises that want to list this year.

  However, led by Evergrande Real Estate, its IPO has been shelved. At this juncture, any IPO will go wrong. This is a landmark event, and the pipeline between the international capital market and China real estate is basically blocked.

  China Times: Last year, you were still refuting Wang Shi’s "inflection point theory", and now you are proposing "a hundred-day drama change". Is it inconsistent?

  Pan Shiyi: Up to now, my point of view has changed, because the situation changes every day, and I am constantly revising my point of view as the situation changes.

  Last year, when I talked to Wang Shi about the inflection point, I listed the data to refute him. At that time, I didn’t expect the American economy to be so bad. I didn’t expect Bear Stearns to have an accident. I didn’t expect the subprime mortgage crisis to be endless. I didn’t expect the CPI index to rise to 8.7%.

  Including the current point of view, I am not necessarily right. The real estate industry is 200 billion yuan a year. The domestic and international situation of such a big industry and market has changed too fast.

  Diwang developers will be greatly adjusted.

  China Times: Which real estate enterprises do you think will face the most severe challenges in this upcoming great change? Is it possible for small and medium-sized real estate enterprises in China to be integrated?

  Pan Shiyi: The year before last, especially last year, many developers were irrational and bought many landlords. However, the real estate industry cannot do without the support of the financial industry and the capital market. If this support is disconnected or weakened, the real estate industry will face great adjustments. And the first to be adjusted are those real estate enterprises that expanded extremely last year and the year before, and they will face the biggest problem.

  Some people say that I want to merge small and medium-sized enterprises, which is a wrong misinterpretation of my point of view. Some small and medium-sized real estate enterprises in China have not expanded, and the capital chain has been well arranged. When the winter comes, they will naturally not encounter problems. On the contrary, it is the developers who have expanded extremely in previous years who are most prone to problems.

  China Times: Do you think that the real upheaval is those Diwang enterprises that emerged last year?

  Pan Shiyi: It is an indisputable fact that the financial situation at home and abroad is tense, which leads to the lack of money in the real estate industry. But even for Diwang enterprises, every situation is different. There are pains, only you know.

  Buying a house can resist inflation.

  China Times: Do you think the house price will drop because of the "100-day drama change"?

  Pan Shiyi: When it comes to "dramatic changes in a hundred days", this is a general concept, maybe two months, maybe four months. Speaking of this view, people are most concerned about the problem of housing prices, that is, the impact of drastic changes on housing prices-is it rising or falling? But we can’t look at the price for the sake of the price. Behind the price is the relationship between supply and demand.

  We need to see if it has an impact on demand, and the control of mortgage loans will definitely have an impact on demand; Whether it has an impact on supply, if you have land, you can’t build a house without money, and supply also has an impact; Whether house prices are rising or falling depends on which is more affected, demand and supply, and whether the state of supply and demand can still be in a balanced state.

  China Times: When developers encounter drastic changes, will they withdraw funds by reducing prices?

  Pan Shiyi: Price reduction is not only a problem in the land market, but also a problem in the real estate market. From the perspective of the real estate market, in January and February this year, because of the turning point, the cold weather and weak demand, the transaction volume was falling, but from the end of February to March, the sales volume increased greatly, which proved that the demand was still strong.

  Under this demand, developers will not reduce prices, but also see whether inflation can be controlled. If it can’t be controlled, I suggest that everyone should buy a house quickly. Only by buying a house can we resist inflation. This is a particularly simple truth. I think we should buy something valuable, and the house is the most valuable and valuable.

  It will only develop in Beijing’s Third Ring Road.

  China Times: How do you think real estate enterprises should cope with the coming challenges?

  Pan Shiyi: For some enterprises that are short of money, when winter comes, they will either find a hole to drill down like frogs or fly away like migratory birds. The subprime mortgage crisis in the United States and China’s tight monetary policy are the signs of winter. At this time, we should adopt a strategy, transfer the land we have in hand, and exchange the projects in our hands for money to save our lives.

  China Times: In this drastic change, will SOHO China use its 15 billion yuan to make a series of acquisitions?

  Pan Shiyi: We still focus on acquiring land, not real estate companies. Because the management style and business model of other real estate companies are different from ours, it is difficult to integrate.

  China Times: Where will your 15 billion cash be spent? Qianmen project?

  Pan Shiyi: With the coming of winter, our cash of 15 billion yuan is not abundant, so we should do some projects with high profit rate, high return rate and good market foundation.

  In November and December last year and January this year, we talked about some land projects in seven or eight cities across the country. In February, when winter came, we all withdrew to Beijing.

  With 15 billion cash and 500 employees, according to our strategy, we should spend our limited resources on ideas. Where is the point? Just within the Third Ring Road in Beijing, Qianmen Project is one of them.


Editor: Zhang Toya

Central Meteorological Observatory: A new round of cold air strikes, and the south will welcome the strongest rainfall since the flood season.

Source: Xinhuanet
Although it has been in long summer, the cold air in China is still active recently. The reporter learned from the China Meteorological Bureau that from May 9 to 13, the north was disturbed by cold air, but the southern part of the Yangtze River and southern China will experience the strongest rainfall since the flood season this year. This process has the characteristics of long duration, large accumulated rainfall and fierce local rainfall.
The heavy rainfall in the south is ready to go, and the north is full of coolness. How to strengthen disaster risk prevention? Does it have an adverse effect on spring ploughing and sowing? Chen Tao, chief forecaster of the Central Meteorological Observatory, interpreted this.
Long-term confrontation between cold and warm air leads to long rainfall time and heavy rainfall.
According to the forecast of the Central Meteorological Observatory, it is predicted that the rainfall in the southern region will increase in the coming week. Among them, from May 9 to 13, southern Jiangnan and southern China will experience the strongest rainfall since the flood season this year. There will be heavy rain in most areas south of the Yangtze River, heavy rain in parts of South China and South Jiangnan, and heavy rain in Guangdong and Guangxi. These areas are accompanied by strong convective weather such as short-term heavy precipitation, thunderstorms or hail.
Chen Tao said that the strongest rainfall period in the process will occur from 10th to 12th, with precipitation concentrated in southern Jiangnan and southern China, and the daily rainfall at individual stations in Guangdong and Guangxi may reach historical extremes.
The main reasons for the heavy rainfall process in the south are: first, the subtropical high in the western Pacific is stable, the warm and humid airflow at its western edge and the cold air in the north continue to meet in Jiangnan and South China, and the cold and warm air confront each other for a long time, which leads to the long duration of the rainfall; Second, the southwest water vapor transport in the lower atmosphere in southern China has been significantly enhanced recently. Affected by the cyclone storm in the Bay of Bengal, it is more conducive to the water vapor transport to the south of China and provides sufficient water vapor conditions for this rainfall.
When the south enters rainy season, the risk of disaster is increased and attention is paid to prevention.
Affected by continuous heavy rainfall, the meteorological risk of mountain torrents and geological disasters in eastern and northern Guangxi, central Guangdong, southwestern Fujian, southwestern Jiangxi and southern Hunan is high; The meteorological risk of floods in small and medium-sized rivers in central Guangdong and eastern Guangxi is high. Chen Tao suggested that the above areas should pay attention to prevent the meteorological risks of mountain torrents, geological disasters and floods in small and medium-sized rivers that may be caused by heavy rainfall.
In addition, according to the forecast of the National Climate Center, this year’s South China Sea summer monsoon will break out in the third season (10th to 15th) in May, slightly earlier than normal (4th season in May), and its intensity is close to normal to weak. Under normal circumstances, within two weeks after the onset of the South China Sea summer monsoon, the monsoon airflow will carry more abundant southwest warm and humid water vapor from the tropical Indian Ocean and the South China Sea to the East Asian continent, and the convective heavy precipitation in the southern region will increase significantly, and the southwest rainy season and plum rain will begin one after another.
Therefore, when the south enters a rainy period, the risk of disaster increases, and extreme weather may occur, so preparations for disaster prevention and relief should be made in advance. Chen Tao said that the public should pay attention to the rolling meteorological forecast and early warning information released by various places and try to avoid going out during periods of heavy rainfall and strong convective weather.
Cold air affects frequently, and many places in the north are full of coolness.
Although long summer has passed, cold air is still active recently. Under the influence of cold air, the temperature in many places in North China Plain in these two days was obviously lower than that in the same period of normal years. On the morning of May 8, affected by cold air and rainfall, the temperature in Beijing, Shijiazhuang, Hebei and other places hovered at 10 degrees Celsius, and the body felt cold.
The Central Meteorological Observatory predicts that there will be a strong cold air activity in northern China from 10th to 12th. By then, the temperature in Inner Mongolia and most parts of northwest, northeast and north China will drop by 4 to 8 degrees Celsius, and the local temperature will drop by more than 10 degrees Celsius, accompanied by northerly winds of 4 to 6, and gusts of 7 to 9. Chen Tao said that due to the frequent influence of cold air, the temperature in many places in the North China Plain will continue to be low in the coming week, reminding the public to appropriately increase clothes according to the temperature forecast.
In addition to the strong wind cooling, some areas in the north will be accompanied by precipitation weather, and there will be small to moderate rain or thunderstorms and local heavy rain in Inner Mongolia and northwest, north China and northeast China. Low temperature combined with rainfall leads to lower somatosensory temperature.
Spring ploughing and spring sowing are generally smooth, and cooling and precipitation temporarily hinder the process.
Since spring sowing, the weather has been good in most parts of the country, which is conducive to the development of spring ploughing and spring sowing. At present, the progress of spring sowing of grain crops in China has been more than half, faster than the same period last year; Among them, the sowing and planting of early rice has ended, with more than 80% of spring wheat, 70% of spring corn and 20% of soybeans, and the overall progress is smooth. Cotton, spring corn, soybean and one-season rice in Xinjiang, North China, Huanghuai and other places are still being planted.
The process of precipitation cooling in central and eastern China from 9 to 13 is beneficial to supplement soil moisture in northern China, but the spring sowing operation will be temporarily blocked due to precipitation. The average temperature in the northern part of Northeast China, northern part of North China, eastern Gansu, central Shaanxi and other places is below 8 degrees Celsius, and the sowing of dryland crops such as corn and soybeans is suspended, and the germination rate of sown crops is slowed down.
Chen Tao suggested that the northeast region should avoid cooling and windy periods as much as possible, and plant seeds in time according to moisture and temperature changes. In areas with wet soil, pay attention to stepping up moisture removal after the weather improves; For the sown crops in dry land, attention should be paid to field inspection, and remedial measures should be taken in time once powder seeds are found; It is not advisable to transplant rice seedlings early in rice planting areas, pay attention to regulating the temperature and humidity in the seedling shed, and do a good job of wind protection and reinforcement. Areas that have not yet completed the sowing plan should seize the favorable weather, sow while the soil moisture is growing, and speed up the progress of spring sowing. Do a good job in seedling management of sown fields, and check and replenish seedlings in time.
For the southern region, heavy rainfall and strong convective weather are easy to cause rice lodging and short-term waterlogging in farmland, which is not good for harvesting and drying rape in southern Jiangnan. All localities need to clean ditches in time to ensure smooth drainage and reduce the impact of waterlogging.
Producer: Zhu Yonglei and Qiu Xiaomin
Planning: Li You
Reporter: Yu Ziru Wang Meili
Video shooting and production: Chen Zheng Zhang Yubo
Editor: Yang Liu
Xinhuanet and China Meteorological Network jointly produced.

Preventing and resolving financial risks has achieved initial results, and city commercial banks are stable and far-reaching

CCTV News:Preventing and resolving financial risks is the top priority of China’s financial supervision in recent years. Some city commercial banks, which are based in cities and mainly provide loan support for small and medium-sized enterprises, once experienced a situation of high non-performing loan ratio and unsustainable operation due to insufficient financial strength and low market risk tolerance. Local governments and financial supervision departments took a series of innovative measures in time, which successfully resolved the risks.

Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture, located in the southwest of Sichuan Province, is rich in local mineral resources and has nearly 1,000 large and small mining enterprises. In 2014, in the last round of market volatility, the price of iron ore once dropped by 50%, and local mining enterprises were in trouble, and this risk was also transmitted to the financial system.

Lu Ningyuan, head of Liangshan Branch of Sichuan Bank and former vice president of Liangshan Commercial Bank:The vast majority of mining-related enterprises are in trouble, the interest on bank loans cannot be paid, the loans due cannot be repaid, and a large number of non-performing loans (loans) have also appeared in the loans of mining-related enterprises of the former Liangshan Commercial Bank.

Established in 2007, Liangshan Commercial Bank covers 17 local counties and cities. Among its total loans, loans from mining-related enterprises account for a relatively high proportion. This kind of loan structure is in western Sichuan, not only Liangshan Commercial Bank. Almost at the same time, Panzhihua Commercial Bank also experienced a crisis. As a shareholder of Panzhihua Commercial Bank, Luo Yangyong keenly felt that there were problems in bank operation.

Luo Yangyong, Chairman of Anning Iron and Titanium Co., Ltd.:When dividends were gone, bad debts and bad debts gradually increased. Other indicators have also deteriorated seriously, and we feel that the investment will fail, and it is estimated that we will lose all our money. All the shareholders are worried, but they are helpless and don’t know how to do it.

It never rains but pours. The guarantee company, which should have provided guarantee for the mine-related enterprises in the loan process, has not played its due role.

Today, many parties admit that in this process, banks themselves also had problems such as inadequate risk management and control. When the risks were exposed, even though Liangshan Commercial Bank and Panzhihua Commercial Bank, two city commercial banks, took various measures to deal with non-performing assets to resolve the risks, the non-performing assets continued to climb. By 2019, the total balance of non-performing assets of the two banks will be nearly 30 billion yuan. Among them, the non-performing loan ratio of Panzhihua Commercial Bank was as high as 53.4%, while the average non-performing loan ratio of 134 city commercial banks nationwide was only 2.3% in the same period.

Nearly 30 billion yuan of non-performing assets and more than 50% of non-performing loan ratio, once not properly disposed of, the consequences are unimaginable. Faced with such a huge challenge, the Sichuan provincial government and financial supervision departments decisively intervened, merged two high-risk municipal city commercial banks and established a new provincial bank.

As the chairman of Sichuan Bank, Lin Gang participated in the risk resolution of Liangshan Prefecture Commercial Bank and Panzhihua Commercial Bank and the establishment of Sichuan Bank. He told reporters that the working group faced many difficulties as soon as it was established in 2019.

Chairman of Sichuan Bank Lin Gang, former director of Sichuan Bank’s preliminary work promotion group office:The first is the problem of how to resolve and digest the bad assets of these institutions on such a large scale.

After a thorough investigation of non-performing assets, in February, 2020, the Working Group launched a 60-day battle to clear and close non-performing assets in Panzhihua, Chengdu and Liangshan.

Zheng Ye, President of Sichuan Bank and former Deputy Director of the Office of the Pre-work Promotion Group of Sichuan Bank:It is very, very difficult to collect interest from one household, collect the bad loans they owe, and increase the collateral of loans from one household to another.

While collecting and transforming some non-performing assets, the working group adopted the strategy of digesting part of the old shareholders’ equity at a discount, keeping part of the books, packaging and stripping part, and the new shareholders taking part. With the decrease of non-performing assets, a more intractable problem has surfaced.

Zheng Ye, President of Sichuan Bank and former Deputy Director of the Office of the Pre-work Promotion Group of Sichuan Bank:In the bank, the shareholder himself has a record of breaking the law and needs to be cleaned up. If the shareholders have non-performing loans in the bank, you can either pay off the principal and interest of your non-performing loans or pay off your shares to repay the non-performing loans. There is another problem: the shareholder’s loan exceeds the requirement of regulatory concentration, and he should also bear the responsibility and correct it.

With the vigorous promotion of local government departments, the two banks cleaned up and rectified 258 old shareholders. In order to prevent the same problem from appearing again, the supervision of the new shareholder team must also keep up. The working group hired external professional institutions to formulate strict plans for the bank’s internal processes and governance structure.

Wu Weijun, Vice Chairman of Deloitte China:As a shareholder of a bank, I have a responsibility, not to say that this bank is mine, so I can trade at will. Any shareholder’s transaction with the commercial bank he has invested in is a related party transaction from the perspective of our accounting, and it should be disclosed. In this risk prevention, we signed an agreement with shareholders to follow the regulatory requirements.

The newly established Sichuan Bank has a registered capital of 30 billion yuan, and the share price is 1.3 yuan/share, of which 1 yuan/share is the share capital and 0.3 yuan/share is the premium fund, and the premium part is specially used for the disposal of non-performing assets. At that time, the valuation P/B ratio of listed banks in China was around 0.8, and the P/B ratio of Sichuan Bank was 1.3. It was a great challenge for the working group to raise enough funds.

Chairman of Sichuan Bank Lin Gang, former director of Sichuan Bank’s preliminary work promotion group office:At that time, to be honest, we were all worried about the uneven fundraising. In the end, the capital raised was about 34.8 billion yuan, and 4.8 billion yuan was returned. Some shareholders did not come in. Sichuan Financial Holdings, as the main sponsor, holds a lot of 20%, a few percent and a few percent. Therefore, from the perspective of the market dispersion of shareholders, it should be said that it is more reasonable.

On November 7, 2020, Sichuan Bank opened its doors for business. After two years of risk mitigation, it achieved initial results.

Chairman of Sichuan Bank Lin Gang, former director of Sichuan Bank’s preliminary work promotion group office:From the quality of its assets, the non-performing (loan ratio) has dropped from the original high to about 2.08% at the end of April, and our goal is to drop below 2%, so I think this is a very, very good thing.

The establishment and steady operation of Sichuan Bank has explored a new path for the regulatory authorities and local governments to resolve the operational risks of city commercial banks, and Shanxi and other places are also resolving the risks of city commercial banks through similar models.

On April 28th this year, Shanxi Bank officially opened to the public. Shanxi Bank was formed by the merger of five original city commercial banks: Datong Bank, Changzhi Bank, Jincheng Bank, Jinzhong Bank and Yangquan City Commercial Bank.

Ceng Gang, Deputy Director of National Finance and Development Laboratory:It is not a simple merger. During the merger process, it has a lot of institutional mechanism optimization to enhance its long-term development ability. In fact, it is not only capital injection, but also wisdom injection, so as to improve the management ability and management concept.

According to industry insiders, there are currently three main modes for risk resolution of city commercial banks — — Bankruptcy, short-term rescue and merger and reorganization have indeed played a role in stabilizing local economic development and maintaining the stable operation of the financial system.

Xing Guijun, Director of China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission City Banking Department:After more than three years of efforts, the risk preference of city commercial banks has been gradually revised, the extensive business model has been gradually reversed, the business behavior has become increasingly standardized, the risk level has continued to converge, and it has gradually changed to high-quality development.

In addition to resolving risks of city commercial banks, rural commercial banks and high-risk trust institutions, China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission has made positive progress in dismantling high-risk shadow banks and strengthening credit risk prevention and control. From 2017 to 2020, the cumulative disposal of non-performing loans was 8.8 trillion yuan, exceeding the sum of the previous 12 years, and the scale of shadow banking dropped by about 20 trillion yuan compared with the historical peak.

Liang Tao, Vice Chairman of China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission:A number of city commercial banks and rural commercial banks have made positive progress in risk resolution. At the end of the first quarter (2021), the balance of non-performing loans in the banking industry was 3.6 trillion yuan, and the non-performing loan ratio was 1.89%, down 0.02 percentage points from the beginning of the year.

World Taekwondo Federation Team World Cup Finals, China mixed team team went straight to the Paris Olympics.

On December 19th, the finals of the 2023 World Taekwondo Team World Cup Championship officially started in Wuxi Economic Development Zone, with nine teams including China. After a day of fierce competition, China won the championship, Uzbekistan won the runner-up, and Brazil and Daejeon City Hall won the third place. As this competition is a straight-through qualification trial for the mixed team exhibition of the Paris Olympic Games, according to the pre-competition regulations, the champion China and the runner-up Uzbekistan took the lead in locking in the qualification for the mixed team exhibition of Taekwondo in the Paris Olympic Games. The two third-place teams were judged according to the total score advantage of the audience, and Brazil won the last place to go straight to Paris.
The World Taekwondo Team World Cup Championship is an event founded in Wuxi, and the World Taekwondo Federation will settle in Wuxi for the annual World Cup finals. The rules and competition system of mixed team events have also been explored and shaped in this event. At present, Taekwondo mixed team events have been an Olympic performance event for two consecutive years (Tokyo and Paris), and have become an official event in the Asian Games and Youth Olympic Games. At this year’s Hangzhou Asian Games, China won the championship of this event.
China team sent Jay Song, Zhou Zeqi, Xing Jiani, Cui Yang, Xiang Qizhang and Meng Mingkuan to participate in this tournament. According to the rules of mixed team competition, athletes can only be composed of two men and two women in each competition. Two women generals, Jay Song and Zhou Zeqi, and two men, Cui Yang and Meng Mingkuan, will form the final team against Uzbekistan. According to the principle of male before female, from light to heavy, the four athletes were numbered from 1 to 4 respectively.
The game is divided into three games. The first game lasts for 4 minutes, and the traditional team competition form is adopted. Athletes should compete with athletes of the same number from the other side in the order of light to heavy, and each pair of competitions lasts for 1 minute. The last two games are 3 minutes each. The competition is played in the form of free rotation confrontation. In the battle, the sexes of the athletes of both sides should match. There is no limit to the number of substitutions, but before proposing a replacement, one’s own player should play for at least 15 seconds.
In the first game, Jay Song, who took the lead in the game, scored points in a row, helping the China team to start at 9:0. However, Uzbekistan, with good strength, continued to chase after points, and once overtook at 14:10. Cui Yang scored a precious 3 points at the last moment of his game, followed by Meng Mingkuan, and China led at 16:14 in the first game. In the second game, the two teams played very closely, and the score was alternately ahead. The two games were tied to 20.
After the third game was tied at 24, the China team made a sudden effort, and several players performed extremely well, scoring 11 points in a row to lay the foundation for victory. In the end, China won the championship with 36:30. After the game, Zhou Zeqi said that the game could be won mainly by uniting with everyone and implementing the tactics arranged by the coach. Meng Mingkuan, who participated in the team competition for the first time, said that his task was not to let the other team score. "The performance was ok." Finally, according to the cumulative scores obtained by the two teams in the third game, the outcome was judged.
From December 13th, the 2023 World Taekwondo Grand Slam Championship Series, the 2023 World Taekwondo Grand Slam Series and the 2023 World Taekwondo Team World Cup Championship Finals were held one after another. The three important international competitions are all through cards for the Paris Olympic Games. Among them, the first two competitions produce eight through qualifications for individual taekwondo events and the latter one produces three through qualifications for mixed team events. A total of five competition days, in Wuxi Economic Development Zone, a blessed place, the China team got a full harvest, including the through cards for men’s 68kg class, women’s 57kg class, 67kg class and over 67kg class, and obtained a through Olympic quota for a mixed team Olympic exhibition.
Seize the opportunity, take the tournament as an opportunity, and rely on the World Taekwondo (Wuxi) Center, Wuxi will further improve the operation mode of the whole industry chain of Taekwondo, promote the further flourishing of Taekwondo in China, and actively contribute to the development of global Taekwondo.
Source: China Daily.

The movie "The Addams Family", there are such dark families in the world?

Original sharing the inspiration of life Voicer

I believe everyone has an answer to what a perfect family looks like, but nine times out of ten, it won’t be the Addams family: the whole family is eccentric, living in a gloomy castle, parents are addicted to SM, and their children love to play death games …

In 1991, the film "The Addams Family" entered the popular culture with a Gothic family whose personality and dress were as dark as before.

What is even more puzzling is that a story that seems to be incompatible with a beautiful family was chosen to be shown on Thanksgiving Day to promote family love. Is it black humor? Or does it actually know what "home" is better than many family movies?

This Thanksgiving, why don’t you visit Addams’s family and find out!

There is a love family living in the cemetery.

Addams’ family lives in an old Gothic house, next to the family cemetery and swamp. Walk into an iron gate that loves to pinch people, pass through the gloomy hall covered with dust and cobwebs, and avoid the biting bearskin carpet. The legendary family is opening its arms and welcoming you ~

The heir of Addams family is simple and willing to spend a lot of money on strange interests.

Addams is the real head of the family, with witch blood, and will be resurrected after death.

Addams’ daughter, who is keen on Das Experiment, got her name from the old song "Wednesday’s children are full of sadness".

Addams’ son, Wednesday’s experimental tool, can eat more than five cakes at a time and likes to steal road signs to decorate the room.

The witch’s mother-in-law knows how to concoct potions, cast spells and divination with crystals, but she is not very clever.

My hairless uncle, who loves his niece and nephew very much, has developed the ability to conduct electricity because he was not killed by electric shock.

An inarticulate but loyal housekeeper, although his huge size is not suitable for housework.

The Addams family’s pet/universal servant, whose interest is holding hands.

Don’t be afraid, coward. What happened here is not the horror story you imagined. The Addams Family was originally a satirical cartoon published in The New Yorker in 1938, written by the eccentric cartoonist Charles Addams.

Legend has it that Charles has a strange personality, specializes in collecting crossbows, and also uses the little girl’s tombstone as a coffee table. However, according to his colleagues, Charles is polite and amiable, and he specifically clarified that "he doesn’t eat babies."

The original work of The Addams Family; Charles Addams Memorial Cover of The New Yorker

When Charles was a child, his hobby was visiting cemeteries. I used to sneak into someone’s house just to draw a skeleton with chalk. He once told others regretfully, "If I had a terrible childhood, it might be more interesting to be locked in an iron bed and eat canned food every day, but I am the kind of weirdo who really has a happy childhood."

Charles is a distant relative of John Adams, the second president of the United States. His father encouraged him to paint since he was a child and worked as a freelance cartoonist until his death. He has no dark history at all. Generally speaking, he is just born with a different sense of humor from others.

In 2012, Google Doodle commemorated the centenary of Charles Addams’ birth.

The Addams family he wrote, like himself, may be scary, but they are not evil. Not only has he never hurt anyone, but he is also very kind to others.

Even the film director Barry Sonnenfeld couldn’t help waving flags and shouting for this lovely family: "I remember when this film was released, all the critics said that the Addams family was the most problematic family in history. It’s not! Addams and his wife love each other passionately and unconditionally, allowing children to make mistakes. They are the best family! "

Love preservation of Gothic couples

The screen roles in the 1990s have not escaped the stereotype that dad earns money and mom keeps the house. No wonder they have long lost their passion, but Addams and his wife are not.

Director Barry Sonnenfeld said, "Addams and his wife can be regarded as perfect parents."

Mrs Morticia is a witch who really combines beauty and wisdom. She is bent on lofty ideals. "I just wish I had more time to see the dark forces and join the infernal jihad."

Romance of Addams and his wife

Mr. Gomez is willing to crawl at his wife’s feet and be the most loyal slave of love. Uncle Fester once asked him how to chase girls. His advice was: "Pursue her, praise her, appreciate her, and make her feel that she is the noblest and most beautiful person on earth."

After years of marriage, the couple still have no shame. When he woke up in the morning, Gomez would fall for his wife’s beauty as usual and sigh, "I can kill for her or die for her!" "

When the moon is dark and the wind is high, they will secretly go to the cemetery for a date. "Imagine that one day we will lie here side by side, the same coffin, the nether world, and our cold bodies will rot together until eternity."

Gomez loves to call his wife "my beauty", while Morticia always calls his husband "my prodigal son", and the couple’s lines are so disgusting that the tombstones tremble at night.

However, compared with most parents whose love is hard to open and who are embarrassed by a hug, a couple who perform their first love 50 times a day is really enviable in the cold winter.

Wednesday’s children are full of pride

Wednesdays and Wednesdays of Prada FW 2019

Addams’ family has a unique style, but her daughter Wednesday is really famous in the history of fashion.

The name Wednesday comes from an old nursery rhyme "Wednesday’s child is full of woe". However, in the movie, it is full of sadness to meet the children on Wednesday.

Looking around, it is difficult to find such a figure in the history of movies. Not only does this girl carry a knife with her, but she seldom smiles once a year. Her hobby is studying killing tools, but also because she is very smart and independent, and she doesn’t bother to please anyone, nor will she be controlled by the rules of adults.

Even the screenwriter said that she loved Wednesday very much. She didn’t lose her temper and was not spoiled. She was a very powerful child.

Girls of the same age all wear colorful skirts, and Wednesday loves black alone, and has icon potential since childhood. At the summer camp, the nosy child asked her why she was dressed like a funeral. Did anyone die? She responded indifferently: I’m waiting.

Where are you from?

Hypocritical teachers don’t like Wednesday’s uniqueness, so they try their best to transform her, put her in a "friendly cabin", force her to watch Disney cartoons continuously, and force her to repent. "I’m not lively enough, I want to smile, sing and dance."

Did you and I encounter this kind of thing less when we were growing up? Too quiet, too noisy, too withdrawn, too precocious, too disobedient, too naive … Usually, we just listen to these accusations, rub ourselves round and flat, put them in the mold carved by others, and try our best to be lovable ideal children.

Wednesday will never obey. She led the students who were squeezed out and planned an amazing riot, beating the overbearing teachers, students and parents to the pulp.

A real Thanksgiving dinner!

Later, Wednesday also met a lovely boy who liked her, but her unmarried creed remained unshakable.

Is it a pity to lose love? It’s hard to say. But what is certain is that without this calm self-confidence that does not shake herself for anyone, Wednesday will no longer be herself.

The great Mrs. Addams

Morticia, probably the cool mom that every family dreams of. Other mothers told their children to be obedient and clever and study hard. She was more concerned about whether the children had achieved what they wanted to do.

The school published a blackboard newspaper, asking everyone to draw the person they admire most. Wednesday painted a great-aunt who was burned to death as a witch. The teacher was so scared that she talked to her mother and wanted her to take care of the children. But Morticia looked at the politicians who were disloyal to other children and asked the teacher, did you find their parents?

Wednesday’s painting

Like mother, like daughter

Later, the simple Addams family was occupied by bad people and driven out of the house. Dad is depressed, or mom has taken on the heavy responsibility of supporting the family.

Who says Mrs. Addams is not the best kindergarten teacher?

During the interview, someone asked if your husband was a daydreamer who idled around. Morticia sighed and said regretfully, not anymore.

Indeed, Mr. Gomez is too childish. He always breaks the neighbor’s glass when playing ball games. Once he is angry, he will crash the train model, and he has no ambition to make great achievements.

Children worry, but older children don’t worry.

As for a pair of children, they usually play the guillotine or test the electric chair. These strange ways are bound to be criticized.

Just as Morticia never forces her family to change herself, her family also accepts all of her-moving dark dishes, planting roses but keeping the stems, and knitting sweaters always has three feet. But so what? After all, what is conditional love?

Nothing is better than going home.

Uncle Fester looks scary, but in fact he is a fool at heart. Life is as barren as his head.

When I was young, I quarreled with my brother, ran away from home, and met a bad-hearted foster mother who used him as a tool to make money. When I grow up, I long for love and meet a serial killer black widow who pretends to love him, but actually wants to kill him and occupy the inheritance.

Being kidnapped by the wrong love seems to be the unlucky fate of Fester.

The foster mother always uses "I love you too much" to force Fester to do something he doesn’t like. The golden sentence of PUA "As your mother, you don’t owe me anything except your life" is suffocating.

His wife was even worse. She forced him to cut off contact with his family with sweet words, while trying to electrocute him and blow him up.

Bad parents, bad friends and bad lovers are all bad things that we will inevitably encounter when we grow up. But fortunately for Fester, there are always family members who miss him and wait for him to come home.

No matter how many misunderstandings and contradictions there are, at the end of the story, Uncle Festival will always return to Addams Mansion, and the family will always let go of their sad past and welcome him with love.

At this time, you will know that because of love, a gloomy old house and a group of weird family members are actually warmer than anything else.

The Addams family exudes dark energy in every pore, and it is difficult to become a model family in the eyes of the world in any case, but it is not necessary. The screenwriter said that the story of the Addams family is a humorous counterattack against the perfect family defined conservatively.

If you seem to love each other, you actually need a lot: to be excellent, to be glamorous, to be positive, and to obey the rules. Love is conditional. What is a perfect family? On the contrary, the Addams family must know better how to tolerate those strange and different people in the world.

You may not like eating toad soup or living next to a cemetery, but it’s probably hard to refuse to have such a family, always loving and always proud of you, not because of what great achievements you have made, but because you are family.


Original title: "Thanksgiving! There are such dark families in the world! 》