Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council: People’s power will eventually break the artificial obstacles on the way forward for cross-strait exchanges.

On December 19, 2023, Zhu Fenglian, spokesperson of the Taiwan Affairs Office, answered a reporter’s question.
Q: It is reported that 41 prefects in Taipei were accused of traveling to the mainland to receive hospitality from the mainland and returning to Taiwan to engage in propaganda and support for specific candidates. The Taipei District Prosecutor’s Office conducted a search on the grounds of violating the so-called "reverse osmosis law" and interviewed Li Changzhi. What’s your comment on this?
A: Recently, we have been receiving reports from Taiwan Province people and people from all walks of life that when they come to the mainland for normal exchanges and visits, they are often questioned, intimidated and obstructed by the relevant agencies of the DPP authorities, and some people are even investigated for trumped-up charges by Luo Zhi. Cross-strait personnel exchanges and exchanges in various fields have been carried out for more than 30 years. The chilling and chilling atmosphere created by the DPP authorities has made the Taiwan Province people strongly dissatisfied and questioned that the DPP has brought Taiwan Province back to the previous "martial law" period.
We deeply understand that the people of Taiwan Province have been wronged by autocratic repression, and the perverse actions of the DPP are unpopular. The general trend of cross-strait exchanges is unstoppable. No winter can stop the arrival of spring. The power of the people will eventually break the artificial obstacles on the way forward for cross-strait exchanges.

On Taiwan’s election and criticism of "Taiwan independence" remarks, the Taiwan Affairs Office responded to cross-strait hot spots

  BEIJING, April 24 (Xinhua) On the morning of the 24th, the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council held a regular press conference. Spokesperson Ma Guang Xiao answered reporters’ questions on the recent 2020 election in Taiwan Province, Tsai Ing-Wen’s "Taiwan independence" remarks, cross-strait exchanges, and the draft amendment to the Regulations on People’s Relations across the Taiwan Strait. Ma Xiaoguang said that the mainland has never intervened in the elections in Taiwan Province, and the DPP authorities have constantly obstructed and restricted the exchanges and contacts between compatriots on both sides of the strait, suppressed the calls for reunification on both sides of the strait, and raised cross-strait opposition, exposing its true features of seeking one-party interests and "Taiwan independence".

  Profile photo: Guo Taiming, chairman of Taiwan Province Hon Hai Group, decided to participate in the primary election of 2020. Zhongxin.com reporter Li Junshe

  [Talking about the 2020 election: the statement of "mainland intervention" is sheer nonsense]

  Tsai Ing-Wen said a few days ago that in the "general election" in 2020, Kuomintang candidates appeared in South Korea’s Yu and Guo Taiming successively. She did not believe that the mainland did not intervene. Ma Xiaoguang said that we have emphasized many times that we have never been involved in elections in Taiwan Province. The DPP authorities are used to spreading slanderous words and spreading rumors to discredit the mainland. The question of Taiwan Province is an internal affair of China, and no external interference is allowed. The so-called "mainland intervention" is sheer nonsense with ulterior motives.

  [criticizing tsai ing-Wen’s "Taiwan independence" remarks: undermining the peaceful development of the two sides of the strait]

  In an interview a few days ago, Tsai Ing-Wen declared that he did not accept the "1992 Consensus" and insisted on the so-called "sovereign independence", saying that "maintaining the status quo" means maintaining the so-called "independence" status quo. Ma Xiaoguang pointed out that the remarks made by the leader of the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) authorities are unprejudiced, exposing a political plot to overthrow the common political foundation of the "1992 Consensus" and undermine the peaceful development of cross-strait relations, which fully shows that the DPP authorities are the makers of cross-strait conflicts, the saboteurs of peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait and the injurers of the interests of the people of Taiwan Province.

  In addition, Li Yi, a mainland American scholar who was invited to visit Taiwan, was expelled from the country by the Taiwan authorities a few days ago. Tsai Ing-Wen said, "If people from mainland China come to Taiwan to promote ‘ One country, two systems ’ 、‘ Unification by force ’ Wait, control measures should be taken to refuse entry when necessary. " Ma Xiaoguang said that for some time, the DPP authorities have constantly obstructed and restricted the exchanges and contacts between compatriots on both sides of the strait, suppressed calls for reunification on both sides of the strait, raised cross-strait opposition, and exposed its true features of seeking one-party interests and "Taiwan independence".

  On April 14th, local time, South Korea Yu, Mayor of Kaohsiung, Taiwan Province, delivered a speech in Los Angeles, talking about his political career. China News Service reporter Zhang Yushe

  [Comment on South Korea’s remarks on Yu’s visit to the United States: Cross-strait affairs should be discussed by family members]

  South Korea Yu said during his visit to the United States a few days ago, "Taiwan Province ‘ National defense ’ Relying on the United States, technology depends on Japan, and the market depends on the mainland. " In this regard, Ma Guang Xiao emphasized that compatriots on both sides of the strait are a family, and cross-strait affairs are the family affairs of compatriots on both sides of the strait, which should be handled by family members through consultation. I hope all Chinese people, including Taiwan Province compatriots, will conform to the historical trend, share the national justice, firmly hold the national destiny in their own hands, and create a bright future for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

  [On the Draft Amendment to the Regulations on Cross-Strait People’s Relations: Ruining the Future of Taiwan Province]

  The "Draft Amendment to the Regulations on People’s Relations between the Two Sides of the Taiwan Strait" recently passed by Taiwan’s administrative authorities, in which it is proposed to add that "the signing of political agreements through cross-strait negotiations should be subject to double deliberation and referendum by the legislature" and stipulate that "it shall not be an item of agreement". Ma Xiaoguang pointed out that the DPP authorities violated the common aspiration of compatriots on both sides of the strait for peace and development for the sake of one party and one self-interest. The peaceful development of cross-strait relations is the common aspiration and common interest of compatriots on both sides of the strait. Everything that is beneficial to the interests of compatriots on both sides of the strait and the fundamental interests of the Chinese nation should be vigorously promoted.

  On April 17th, Chief Executive Chui Sai On (right) of the Macao Special Administrative Region met with James Soong, Chairman of the People First Party, at the government headquarters. The two sides exchanged views on deepening exchanges and cooperation between the two places and promoting Taiwan Province compatriots to participate in the construction of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area in the future. China News Agency issued Zhong Xin photo

  [The Taiwan authorities distorted James Soong’s delegation’s visit to Hong Kong and Macao: obstructing exchanges and cooperation]

  A few days ago, James Soong, Chairman of the People First Party, led a delegation to visit Hong Kong and Macao to enter the Liaison Office of the two places and met with the directors of the Liaison Office of the two places respectively. The Mainland Affairs Council claimed that the mainland arranged this trip with the intention of "united front" and eliminating the so-called "sovereignty of Taiwan Province". Ma Xiaoguang pointed out that James Soong led a delegation to visit Hong Kong and Macao, and the heads of the Liaison Offices in Hong Kong and Macao met with him respectively, which was a normal exchange. The DPP authorities distorted and slandered, fully exposing their attempts to obstruct cross-strait and Hong Kong and Macao exchanges and cooperation and harm the interests and well-being of compatriots.

  On September 13, 2018, Luo Tianhao, a Taiwan compatriot who worked in chengdu normal university for five years, took over the residence permit of Taiwan Province residents from the staff. China News Service reporter An Yuan photo

  [Taiwan people’s residence permit in the mainland has not been declared or the practice of being punished by the Taiwan authorities is unpopular]

  A few days ago, the Taiwan Province Affairs Council worked out to issue an administrative order in the second half of the year, stipulating that people who receive mainland residence permits must declare voluntarily, or they will be punished. Ma Xiaoguang said that the mainland issued residence permits to Taiwan Province compatriots in order to meet the needs of Taiwan Province compatriots, which was a good thing to benefit Taiwan and the people, and was also welcomed by the vast number of Taiwan Province compatriots. The DPP authorities, out of one-party selfishness, are everywhere against the interests of our compatriots in Taiwan Province and sabotage the good deeds of our compatriots in Taiwan Province. This is unpopular and will not succeed.

  [The mayor of Taixian County came to the mainland to communicate and meet the needs of the people]

  Recently, many county mayors in Taiwan Province visited the mainland for exchanges. Ma Xiaoguang pointed out that the mayor of Taiwan county came to the mainland to meet the needs of the people. We are willing to continue exchanges and cooperation with Taiwanese counties and cities in various fields on the basis of adhering to the "1992 Consensus" to enhance the well-being of Taiwan Province compatriots.

  [Encourage Taiwanese enterprises to invest in the mainland without discrimination]

  Want Want Group, a Taiwan-funded enterprise, has issued a statement to refute the report that it has received high government subsidies in the mainland and tried to "smear and discredit" the enterprise. Ma Xiaoguang said, over the years, we have encouraged and supported Taiwan-funded enterprises to invest and start businesses in the mainland, and taken active measures to provide them with various conveniences and equal treatment, so as to share the opportunities for development in the mainland and help them achieve greater and better development in the mainland. Our policy is inclusive, in accordance with laws and regulations, and all Taiwan Province enterprises are treated equally.

  The 2019 China Beijing World Horticultural Exposition will be held in Yanqing, Beijing from April 29th to October 7th. China News Service reporter Hou Yushe

  [Introduction to two activities: the Straits Forum is well prepared, and the Taiwan Province Garden of the World Expo has its own characteristics]

  When introducing the situation of the Straits Forum in 2019, Ma Xiaoguang said that the 11th Straits Forum will be held in Fujian Province on June 15th, and will continue to focus on and serve grassroots people and youth groups. At present, all preparations are progressing smoothly. Taiwan Province compatriots are welcome to actively participate in this forum, and media friends on both sides of the strait are also welcome to report.

  Regarding the 2019 China Beijing World Horticultural Exposition to be held in Yanqing District, Beijing on April 29th, Ma Xiaoguang said that at the invitation of the Beijing World Horticultural Exposition Bureau, Taiwan Province Garden covers an area of 2,000 square meters, which is divided into six landscape nodes: Xiangshan, Orchid, Time Road, Sun Moon Lake, farmland and mountain top. The garden is very attractive with Taiwan Province characteristics.

Who officials confirmed that COVID-19 could be infected twice and 150 million full-time jobs around the world would be lost?

  BEIJING, Aug. 27 (Xinhua) According to the latest statistics of Johns Hopkins University in the United States, as of 8: 28 on the 27th, Beijing time, there were more than 24.03 million confirmed cases and more than 822,000 deaths in COVID-19. According to WHO, there will be secondary infection in Covid-19, but it does not necessarily happen frequently; After the US "started school with an epidemic", there were confirmed cases in universities in at least 24 states. In view of the current situation, Germany, Ukraine and Nepal have extended epidemic prevention measures again; The global economy continued to slump, and the gross domestic product (GDP) of OECD members recorded the largest decline in the second quarter.

Data map: World Health Organization logo.

  WHO official: There will be a secondary infection in COVID-19.

  The intensity and duration of human immune response have not yet been determined.

  Recently, many places reported cases of secondary infection in rehabilitation patients in COVID-19. On 26th local time, Kokhov, technical director of WHO’s health emergency project, said that both asymptomatic infected patients and severe patients will have immune response after being infected with Covid-19, but the intensity and duration are not fully understood.

  It pointed out that, based on the research experience of other human coronaviruses, it is indeed possible to infect Covid-19 for the second time, and there may be other undiscovered cases of secondary infection, but it does not necessarily happen frequently.

  Kokhov stressed that the existing tools can avoid infecting Covid-19, such as keeping your body at a distance and wearing a mask. Even if you have been infected with Covid-19, you should still take these measures. This is a new normal life and will continue for some time.

Data map: the United States under the epidemic. China News Service reporter Liao Panshe

  Outbreaks occurred in colleges and universities in at least 24 States after the start of school in the United States.

  Cdc downplays the importance of virus detection, which leads to dissatisfaction.

  In the United States, where the epidemic is the most serious, the cumulative number of confirmed cases has exceeded 5.82 million and the number of deaths has reached nearly 180,000. At present, many universities in the United States have started school, and the spread of the epidemic on campus is not optimistic.

  As of the 25th local time, since students returned to school, colleges and universities in at least 24 states in the United States have reported relevant cases, and the cumulative number of confirmed cases of college students and faculty has exceeded 3,300, which has brought no small challenge to the resumption of classes and epidemic prevention and control in the United States.

  Among them, the University of Alabama has reported more than 500 confirmed cases of COVID-19 since 19th, and school officials said that the growth rate of confirmed cases in the university has reached an "unacceptable level". At present, the university has announced that social gatherings are prohibited inside and outside the school, and those who violate relevant regulations will be punished.

  In addition, the University of Southern California said that just after the first week of school in autumn, there was an "amazing increase" in the number of infected people in our school. Since the 10th, 90 students and 10 faculty members have been infected with Covid-19. Only one week after the opening of Iowa State University, 130 people tested positive for the virus. Texas A&M University also reported more than 400 confirmed cases.

  With the outbreak in many universities in the United States, many universities have been forced to resume online teaching. However, when the epidemic situation is so severe, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) revised its COVID-19 guidelines on 26th local time, and the revised guidelines played down the importance of Covid-19 testing for people without symptoms.

  In this regard, New York Governor Cuomo said that "the latest guidelines of CDC are essentially self-contradictory, which is completely contrary to what he said before". He also said that "updating the guidelines is for political purposes" and that New York State will not follow the latest guidelines. New York State Health Commissioner Zach also revealed, "I have talked with CDC scientists, and they said that this change is related to politics."

The busiest Tegel airport in Berlin, Germany, is now deserted, and many shops in the business district of the terminal have closed down. China News Service reporter Peng Dawei photo

  German travel warning extended to mid-September

  Ukraine will ban foreigners from entering the country in the next month.

  At present, the epidemic situation in many countries around the world has not improved. In this regard, some countries and regions have decided to extend epidemic prevention measures.

  On the 26th, the German government announced that it would extend the travel warning to more than 160 countries and regions except most EU member countries and Britain, Switzerland, Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein until September 14th, and residents should cancel all unnecessary travel to these countries and regions.

  The Ukrainian Cabinet recently decided to ban foreigners from entering the country from August 29th to September 28th. Ukrainian Prime Minister megal said that the resolution will be officially released on August 27th.

  The official of Kathmandu Valley in Nepal decided on 26th to extend the existing blockade policy to midnight on September 2nd in order to continue to prevent and control the epidemic. During the blockade, all personnel and vehicles are not allowed to go out and general shops are not allowed to open unless there is an urgent need.

  Kenyan President Kenyatta made his 11th televised speech since the outbreak of the epidemic on 26th. At the meeting, he announced that the current national curfew from 9 pm to 4 am the next day would be extended for another 30 days.

Data Map: Davos Forum venue in 2019. China News Service reporter Yu Haiyang photo

  The GDP of OECD members fell the most in the second quarter.

  The 2021 annual meeting of Davos Forum was forced to be postponed for half a year.

  The "cloud" of the epidemic has been lingering for a long time, and the global economic situation is hard to see.

  The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) issued a press release on the 26th, saying that according to a preliminary assessment, its members’ real GDP in the second quarter fell by 9.8% month-on-month, the largest decline on record.

  On the same day, the International Labour Organization also said that due to the epidemic, 150 million full-time jobs were lost in the first quarter of 2020, and millions of people will lose their livelihoods in the coming months.

  At a time when the world economic situation is in urgent need of a "prescription", the World Economic Forum was also forced to postpone due to the epidemic. The organization announced on the 26th that it decided to postpone the 2021 annual meeting scheduled to be held in Davos, Switzerland in January 2021 to the early summer of 2021.

  The World Economic Forum said on the same day that it was not easy to make a decision to postpone the meeting, because "we urgently need global leader Qi Xin to work together to discuss the road to revitalization and realize the world’s rejuvenation in the post-epidemic era".

World Taekwondo Federation Team World Cup Finals, China mixed team team went straight to the Paris Olympics.

On December 19th, the finals of the 2023 World Taekwondo Team World Cup Championship officially started in Wuxi Economic Development Zone, with nine teams including China. After a day of fierce competition, China won the championship, Uzbekistan won the runner-up, and Brazil and Daejeon City Hall won the third place. As this competition is a straight-through qualification trial for the mixed team exhibition of the Paris Olympic Games, according to the pre-competition regulations, the champion China and the runner-up Uzbekistan took the lead in locking in the qualification for the mixed team exhibition of Taekwondo in the Paris Olympic Games. The two third-place teams were judged according to the total score advantage of the audience, and Brazil won the last place to go straight to Paris.
The World Taekwondo Team World Cup Championship is an event founded in Wuxi, and the World Taekwondo Federation will settle in Wuxi for the annual World Cup finals. The rules and competition system of mixed team events have also been explored and shaped in this event. At present, Taekwondo mixed team events have been an Olympic performance event for two consecutive years (Tokyo and Paris), and have become an official event in the Asian Games and Youth Olympic Games. At this year’s Hangzhou Asian Games, China won the championship of this event.
China team sent Jay Song, Zhou Zeqi, Xing Jiani, Cui Yang, Xiang Qizhang and Meng Mingkuan to participate in this tournament. According to the rules of mixed team competition, athletes can only be composed of two men and two women in each competition. Two women generals, Jay Song and Zhou Zeqi, and two men, Cui Yang and Meng Mingkuan, will form the final team against Uzbekistan. According to the principle of male before female, from light to heavy, the four athletes were numbered from 1 to 4 respectively.
The game is divided into three games. The first game lasts for 4 minutes, and the traditional team competition form is adopted. Athletes should compete with athletes of the same number from the other side in the order of light to heavy, and each pair of competitions lasts for 1 minute. The last two games are 3 minutes each. The competition is played in the form of free rotation confrontation. In the battle, the sexes of the athletes of both sides should match. There is no limit to the number of substitutions, but before proposing a replacement, one’s own player should play for at least 15 seconds.
In the first game, Jay Song, who took the lead in the game, scored points in a row, helping the China team to start at 9:0. However, Uzbekistan, with good strength, continued to chase after points, and once overtook at 14:10. Cui Yang scored a precious 3 points at the last moment of his game, followed by Meng Mingkuan, and China led at 16:14 in the first game. In the second game, the two teams played very closely, and the score was alternately ahead. The two games were tied to 20.
After the third game was tied at 24, the China team made a sudden effort, and several players performed extremely well, scoring 11 points in a row to lay the foundation for victory. In the end, China won the championship with 36:30. After the game, Zhou Zeqi said that the game could be won mainly by uniting with everyone and implementing the tactics arranged by the coach. Meng Mingkuan, who participated in the team competition for the first time, said that his task was not to let the other team score. "The performance was ok." Finally, according to the cumulative scores obtained by the two teams in the third game, the outcome was judged.
From December 13th, the 2023 World Taekwondo Grand Slam Championship Series, the 2023 World Taekwondo Grand Slam Series and the 2023 World Taekwondo Team World Cup Championship Finals were held one after another. The three important international competitions are all through cards for the Paris Olympic Games. Among them, the first two competitions produce eight through qualifications for individual taekwondo events and the latter one produces three through qualifications for mixed team events. A total of five competition days, in Wuxi Economic Development Zone, a blessed place, the China team got a full harvest, including the through cards for men’s 68kg class, women’s 57kg class, 67kg class and over 67kg class, and obtained a through Olympic quota for a mixed team Olympic exhibition.
Seize the opportunity, take the tournament as an opportunity, and rely on the World Taekwondo (Wuxi) Center, Wuxi will further improve the operation mode of the whole industry chain of Taekwondo, promote the further flourishing of Taekwondo in China, and actively contribute to the development of global Taekwondo.
Source: China Daily.

The movie "The Addams Family", there are such dark families in the world?

Original sharing the inspiration of life Voicer

I believe everyone has an answer to what a perfect family looks like, but nine times out of ten, it won’t be the Addams family: the whole family is eccentric, living in a gloomy castle, parents are addicted to SM, and their children love to play death games …

In 1991, the film "The Addams Family" entered the popular culture with a Gothic family whose personality and dress were as dark as before.

What is even more puzzling is that a story that seems to be incompatible with a beautiful family was chosen to be shown on Thanksgiving Day to promote family love. Is it black humor? Or does it actually know what "home" is better than many family movies?

This Thanksgiving, why don’t you visit Addams’s family and find out!

There is a love family living in the cemetery.

Addams’ family lives in an old Gothic house, next to the family cemetery and swamp. Walk into an iron gate that loves to pinch people, pass through the gloomy hall covered with dust and cobwebs, and avoid the biting bearskin carpet. The legendary family is opening its arms and welcoming you ~

The heir of Addams family is simple and willing to spend a lot of money on strange interests.

Addams is the real head of the family, with witch blood, and will be resurrected after death.

Addams’ daughter, who is keen on Das Experiment, got her name from the old song "Wednesday’s children are full of sadness".

Addams’ son, Wednesday’s experimental tool, can eat more than five cakes at a time and likes to steal road signs to decorate the room.

The witch’s mother-in-law knows how to concoct potions, cast spells and divination with crystals, but she is not very clever.

My hairless uncle, who loves his niece and nephew very much, has developed the ability to conduct electricity because he was not killed by electric shock.

An inarticulate but loyal housekeeper, although his huge size is not suitable for housework.

The Addams family’s pet/universal servant, whose interest is holding hands.

Don’t be afraid, coward. What happened here is not the horror story you imagined. The Addams Family was originally a satirical cartoon published in The New Yorker in 1938, written by the eccentric cartoonist Charles Addams.

Legend has it that Charles has a strange personality, specializes in collecting crossbows, and also uses the little girl’s tombstone as a coffee table. However, according to his colleagues, Charles is polite and amiable, and he specifically clarified that "he doesn’t eat babies."

The original work of The Addams Family; Charles Addams Memorial Cover of The New Yorker

When Charles was a child, his hobby was visiting cemeteries. I used to sneak into someone’s house just to draw a skeleton with chalk. He once told others regretfully, "If I had a terrible childhood, it might be more interesting to be locked in an iron bed and eat canned food every day, but I am the kind of weirdo who really has a happy childhood."

Charles is a distant relative of John Adams, the second president of the United States. His father encouraged him to paint since he was a child and worked as a freelance cartoonist until his death. He has no dark history at all. Generally speaking, he is just born with a different sense of humor from others.

In 2012, Google Doodle commemorated the centenary of Charles Addams’ birth.

The Addams family he wrote, like himself, may be scary, but they are not evil. Not only has he never hurt anyone, but he is also very kind to others.

Even the film director Barry Sonnenfeld couldn’t help waving flags and shouting for this lovely family: "I remember when this film was released, all the critics said that the Addams family was the most problematic family in history. It’s not! Addams and his wife love each other passionately and unconditionally, allowing children to make mistakes. They are the best family! "

Love preservation of Gothic couples

The screen roles in the 1990s have not escaped the stereotype that dad earns money and mom keeps the house. No wonder they have long lost their passion, but Addams and his wife are not.

Director Barry Sonnenfeld said, "Addams and his wife can be regarded as perfect parents."

Mrs Morticia is a witch who really combines beauty and wisdom. She is bent on lofty ideals. "I just wish I had more time to see the dark forces and join the infernal jihad."

Romance of Addams and his wife

Mr. Gomez is willing to crawl at his wife’s feet and be the most loyal slave of love. Uncle Fester once asked him how to chase girls. His advice was: "Pursue her, praise her, appreciate her, and make her feel that she is the noblest and most beautiful person on earth."

After years of marriage, the couple still have no shame. When he woke up in the morning, Gomez would fall for his wife’s beauty as usual and sigh, "I can kill for her or die for her!" "

When the moon is dark and the wind is high, they will secretly go to the cemetery for a date. "Imagine that one day we will lie here side by side, the same coffin, the nether world, and our cold bodies will rot together until eternity."

Gomez loves to call his wife "my beauty", while Morticia always calls his husband "my prodigal son", and the couple’s lines are so disgusting that the tombstones tremble at night.

However, compared with most parents whose love is hard to open and who are embarrassed by a hug, a couple who perform their first love 50 times a day is really enviable in the cold winter.

Wednesday’s children are full of pride

Wednesdays and Wednesdays of Prada FW 2019

Addams’ family has a unique style, but her daughter Wednesday is really famous in the history of fashion.

The name Wednesday comes from an old nursery rhyme "Wednesday’s child is full of woe". However, in the movie, it is full of sadness to meet the children on Wednesday.

Looking around, it is difficult to find such a figure in the history of movies. Not only does this girl carry a knife with her, but she seldom smiles once a year. Her hobby is studying killing tools, but also because she is very smart and independent, and she doesn’t bother to please anyone, nor will she be controlled by the rules of adults.

Even the screenwriter said that she loved Wednesday very much. She didn’t lose her temper and was not spoiled. She was a very powerful child.

Girls of the same age all wear colorful skirts, and Wednesday loves black alone, and has icon potential since childhood. At the summer camp, the nosy child asked her why she was dressed like a funeral. Did anyone die? She responded indifferently: I’m waiting.

Where are you from?

Hypocritical teachers don’t like Wednesday’s uniqueness, so they try their best to transform her, put her in a "friendly cabin", force her to watch Disney cartoons continuously, and force her to repent. "I’m not lively enough, I want to smile, sing and dance."

Did you and I encounter this kind of thing less when we were growing up? Too quiet, too noisy, too withdrawn, too precocious, too disobedient, too naive … Usually, we just listen to these accusations, rub ourselves round and flat, put them in the mold carved by others, and try our best to be lovable ideal children.

Wednesday will never obey. She led the students who were squeezed out and planned an amazing riot, beating the overbearing teachers, students and parents to the pulp.

A real Thanksgiving dinner!

Later, Wednesday also met a lovely boy who liked her, but her unmarried creed remained unshakable.

Is it a pity to lose love? It’s hard to say. But what is certain is that without this calm self-confidence that does not shake herself for anyone, Wednesday will no longer be herself.

The great Mrs. Addams

Morticia, probably the cool mom that every family dreams of. Other mothers told their children to be obedient and clever and study hard. She was more concerned about whether the children had achieved what they wanted to do.

The school published a blackboard newspaper, asking everyone to draw the person they admire most. Wednesday painted a great-aunt who was burned to death as a witch. The teacher was so scared that she talked to her mother and wanted her to take care of the children. But Morticia looked at the politicians who were disloyal to other children and asked the teacher, did you find their parents?

Wednesday’s painting

Like mother, like daughter

Later, the simple Addams family was occupied by bad people and driven out of the house. Dad is depressed, or mom has taken on the heavy responsibility of supporting the family.

Who says Mrs. Addams is not the best kindergarten teacher?

During the interview, someone asked if your husband was a daydreamer who idled around. Morticia sighed and said regretfully, not anymore.

Indeed, Mr. Gomez is too childish. He always breaks the neighbor’s glass when playing ball games. Once he is angry, he will crash the train model, and he has no ambition to make great achievements.

Children worry, but older children don’t worry.

As for a pair of children, they usually play the guillotine or test the electric chair. These strange ways are bound to be criticized.

Just as Morticia never forces her family to change herself, her family also accepts all of her-moving dark dishes, planting roses but keeping the stems, and knitting sweaters always has three feet. But so what? After all, what is conditional love?

Nothing is better than going home.

Uncle Fester looks scary, but in fact he is a fool at heart. Life is as barren as his head.

When I was young, I quarreled with my brother, ran away from home, and met a bad-hearted foster mother who used him as a tool to make money. When I grow up, I long for love and meet a serial killer black widow who pretends to love him, but actually wants to kill him and occupy the inheritance.

Being kidnapped by the wrong love seems to be the unlucky fate of Fester.

The foster mother always uses "I love you too much" to force Fester to do something he doesn’t like. The golden sentence of PUA "As your mother, you don’t owe me anything except your life" is suffocating.

His wife was even worse. She forced him to cut off contact with his family with sweet words, while trying to electrocute him and blow him up.

Bad parents, bad friends and bad lovers are all bad things that we will inevitably encounter when we grow up. But fortunately for Fester, there are always family members who miss him and wait for him to come home.

No matter how many misunderstandings and contradictions there are, at the end of the story, Uncle Festival will always return to Addams Mansion, and the family will always let go of their sad past and welcome him with love.

At this time, you will know that because of love, a gloomy old house and a group of weird family members are actually warmer than anything else.

The Addams family exudes dark energy in every pore, and it is difficult to become a model family in the eyes of the world in any case, but it is not necessary. The screenwriter said that the story of the Addams family is a humorous counterattack against the perfect family defined conservatively.

If you seem to love each other, you actually need a lot: to be excellent, to be glamorous, to be positive, and to obey the rules. Love is conditional. What is a perfect family? On the contrary, the Addams family must know better how to tolerate those strange and different people in the world.

You may not like eating toad soup or living next to a cemetery, but it’s probably hard to refuse to have such a family, always loving and always proud of you, not because of what great achievements you have made, but because you are family.


Original title: "Thanksgiving! There are such dark families in the world! 》

It’s enough to read this article, which is a quick cheat sheet for World Cup fans.

At 0: 00 Beijing time on November 21st, 2022, FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 will officially kick off in 2022. As a large-scale sports event in the world every four years, the World Cup always attracts many people’s attention.

However, most netizens may not always pay attention to football matches, watching people around them talk about the World Cup in full swing, but they don’t know how to join the topic. What should I do? Don’t panic,CCTV News World Cup series feature "Come and watch the ball! 》Take you for 10 minutes to learn something about football.

A few things you need to know about football and the World Cup.

one There are 11 players from each side in the football match, and these 11 players also bear different responsibilities. The goalkeeper is mainly responsible for guarding the goal; The defender is mainly responsible for the team’s defense; The midfielder is mainly responsible for organizing and dispatching, intercepting the ball and making offensive; The striker is mainly responsible for attacking the city and pulling out the village for the team.

2 The regular time of a football match is 90 minutes, and the first half is 45 minutes each.

three If the two sides are tied in the regular time and the winner must be decided, it will take 30 minutes of overtime.

four After the overtime, if the two sides are still tied, a penalty shootout is needed. The players on both sides decided the outcome of the game by shooting penalties at each other.

△ Penalty shootout-one of the most exciting links in football match

five In FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022, each team can change five players in a game at regular time. In the knockout stage, if you enter overtime, each team can get an extra substitution quota.

six However, the replaced players can no longer play, which is different from basketball and volleyball. So, if you see a player playing badly, don’t angrily accuse him: "Why don’t someone else go up quickly?" After all, substitution is a technical job, and the head coach of the team may be more worried than you.

seven There are no players such as Ronaldinho, Kaka, Beckham and Rooney in this World Cup. They used to be the stars of the shining World Cup, but now they have hung up their boots and retired.

eight There are no Jordan, James, Curry and Durant on the American team. They are all basketball players. Don’t confuse them.

nine There are no clubs such as Real Madrid, Barcelona, Manchester United and Bayern in the World Cup. Players only represent the associations of their countries or regions.

10 In addition to Italy’s regret, teams familiar to everyone, such as Brazil, Argentina, France, Germany, Spain and England, all came to Qatar. Cristiano Ronaldo, Lionel Messi, Neymar and Mbappé are not absent. The group list of the World Cup finals is listed by Xiaobian for you:

Do you still use "staying up late to explode your liver" in this World Cup?

A bad news and a good news.The bad news is that there are still many wonderful games in this World Cup that kick off at 3:00 am Beijing time. The strong dialogue in the group stage (for example, Spain VS Germany) and almost half of the competitions in the knockout stage are arranged at this time. The good news is that the kick-off time of the final is 23: 00 on December 18th, Beijing time, and the finish time is about 1: 00 on December 19th. In this final, you don’t need to set an alarm clock at two or three o’clock at night to watch the whole game with sleepiness.

I wonder which one to watch. Xiaobian helps you with your ideas.

France is the defending champion of the World Cup, with many stars, while Denmark ranks 10th in the world. In last year’s European Cup, it also reached the top four, with strong strength. It is worth mentioning that in the last three encounters between the two sides, the Danish team remained unbeaten against France with 2 wins and 1 draw. This game is a strong dialogue worth looking forward to.

Two traditional strong teams, both of which have won the World Cup, will stage a "Mars hit the earth"-like confrontation in the group stage. Although the two teams are close in world ranking and paper strength, Spain beat Germany 6-0 in the last European League match. In this World Cup, there is no shortage of highlights in the contest between the two teams.

Both teams are led by the world’s top strikers. Who can lead the team to victory, lewandowski of the Polish team or Messi of the Argentine team, deserves attention.

In the 2002 World Cup in Korea and Japan, the two teams competed for qualifying in the final round of the group stage. In that game, two players of Portugal were sent off by red cards, while South Korea scored a goal in the dominant position, which knocked Portugal out of the group. Now, 20 years later, what will be the result of the second match between the two sides in the history of the World Cup? The game is worth watching.

For many people, when watching a football match, if you don’t know any of the 22 players on the field, you may be sleepy before you see half of the 90-minute game. How to choose when you don’t watch the ball and face 32 strange teams and players?

If you only know Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo …

For those who rarely watch football and only know Ronaldo and Messi when it comes to football, choose to watch.Portugal, ArgentinaThe match between the two teams is a good choice. Of course, in addition to these two core players, the two teams also have many world-class stars in other positions.

Portugal has a luxurious lineup, with midfielder Fernandez and defender Diaz having great strength in their respective positions. Cristiano Ronaldo, who is 37 years old, has not been in a satisfactory state recently. This World Cup is also the last chance for the star who has been playing for Portugal for nearly 20 years to realize his dream of winning the World Cup.

Similar to Cristiano Ronaldo, this tournament is also likely to be the 35-year-old Messi’s last World Cup. Unlike Cristiano Ronaldo, Messi has been in relatively good shape recently. In addition to Messi, lautaro Martinez is a stable attack point for Argentina, while Romero and other players can provide Argentina with defense protection.

If you are keen on enjoying the feeling of victory …

Brazil and France, the two favourites to win the World Cup, can pay attention.

Brazil has a team that can hit the championship. In many positions, there are excellent players in the team, even substitutes, who can reach world-class standards. The only fly in the ointment is the position of full-back, and the relatively short talent pool may become Brazil’s weakness.

The French team has the world’s top player Mbappé, the young midfield star Chuameni, and the defensive line with a talent blowout. However, the football match has never been a competition of paper strength. In this year’s European League, France lost to Denmark twice, and it is hard to win in the face of Croatia. The strength of the players in the French team can be said to be the top 32, but how to arrange a suitable starting lineup and let the players exert their greatest strength is also a problem that coach Deschamps needs to consider.

If you want to chase an unpopular team …

If you don’t like conformity, then Xiaobian recommends it to you.Senegal, DenmarkTwo teams that are expected to make great achievements in this World Cup.

Senegalese, the African champion, has world-class stars such as coulibaly and Eduardo Mendi in the team, and the team members basically play in the five major leagues in Europe, so their strength cannot be underestimated. The withdrawal of the top star, Mane, due to injury will affect the strength of the team to some extent, but in the group stage, Senegal still has strong competitiveness.

Denmark ranks 10th in the FIFA world rankings. In last year’s European Cup, the team reached the top four without Eriksson, the core of the team. Today, Eriksson has recovered from injury, and players such as Heibel are in the prime of their careers, which makes Denmark a team worth looking forward to in this tournament.

If you pay more attention to face value …

For fans who are concerned about players’ face value, Xiaobian recommends several "drop-dead gorgeous" in their respective teams.

Of course, the judgment of face value varies from person to person. In the one-month competition, I believe you will also find your own football star.

As a true fan, if you see beautiful passes and goals, you can only say "this ball is awesome!" " It would be unprofessional. Xiaobian has prepared a set of necessary terms for you to watch the ball, turning the commentator’s "heavenly book" into an easy-to-understand language and chatting happily with friends.


In a game, we often hear commentators mention 4-4-2, 4-3-3, 4-2-3-1, 3-5-2 and other formations. In most cases, the number at the top of the formation name represents the number of guards, the number at the bottom represents the number of strikers, and the number in the middle is the number of midfielders, excluding the goalkeeper. As shown in the figure below

According to the team’s staffing, tactics and opponents’ situation, the head coach may arrange various formations. "Changing the array" can often become a magic weapon for a team to defeat the enemy.

"Forbidden area", bottom line and sideline

Look at the picture ↓↓↓↓


The defender kicked (touched) the ball out of his own baseline and the attacker got a corner kick.

△ Corner kick should be taken from a specific corner kick area (data map)

penalty kick

The defender fouls or intentionally handballs in his own restricted area, and the attacker gets a penalty.

wave of the world

It means a wonderful goal. If you see a shocking and unforgettable goal in the game, you can say, "This is a world wave!" "

"Score twice", "hat trick" and "Big Four Happiness"

A player who scores two goals in a game is called "scoring twice", scoring three goals is called "hat trick" and scoring four goals is called "big four happiness".

own goal

Our players kick (throw) the ball into their own goal to help their opponents score.

△ There is no doubt that this is indeed an own goal that has appeared in the official competition.


Video Assistant Referee (video assistant referee). Through video playback technology, they help the referee to correct mistakes and omissions and improve the accuracy of the penalty.

△ In the last World Cup, VAR already appeared in the competition.

yellow card

When a player commits a relatively serious foul, the referee will show a yellow card to warn him. Some commentators also call it the "Golden God of War Card".

red card

If a player commits a serious foul or gets two yellow cards in total, the referee will show a red card. Players who get a red card must leave the stadium, which some commentators also call "the Ruby God of War Card".


Offside is one of the most complicated rules in football. To put it simply, the commentator said that the ball was offside, so nine times out of ten it was offside …

Seeing this, you must have known something about football and this World Cup. Tomorrow at 0: 00 am, prepare fried chicken for drinks, or put a hot pot on the shelf, and watch and talk about the ball together!

Source of this article: CCTV News WeChat WeChat official account

Producer/Li Zhe

Editor/Jiang Anqi

Cartography/Meng Xianglong Huang Xutian Gao Mengru

Proofreading/Gao Shaozhuo

Where have all the leftovers from the original "Life I yearn for" gone? Have they all been thrown away? What a waste

Original title: Where have all the leftovers in "The Life I yearn for" gone? Have they all been dumped? What a waste

"The Life I yearn for" received a lot of attention and praise when it was broadcast in the first season. In such a fast-paced life, the life in the mushroom house is very leisurely, and almost all the guests who went to be guests praised this life. Now, "The Life I yearn for" has been broadcast in the fourth season. In this latest season, the mushroom house has also welcomed many guests and friends.

Stills of "The Life I yearn for"

In addition to this laid-back, quiet and harmonious living atmosphere, what impressed everyone should be the dishes cooked by teacher Huang Lei. I have to say that the dishes cooked by teacher Huang Lei really feast your eyes on many viewers in front of the screen, and the saliva can’t stop. In the previous issue of the Water-sprinkling Festival, just in time for the local year of 2022, Mr. Huang Lei made a full-fledged Manchu-Chinese dish, which made Seven and Allen Timmy Xu all let go of their bellies, leaving their bodies behind. Indeed, who can control the temptation of this table?

Stills of "The Life I yearn for"

But what should I do if I can’t finish the rest of the dishes on such a big table? Dump it all? Wouldn’t that be a waste? For these leftovers, when everyone was clearing the table, Teacher Huang Lei said, "The salted duck eggs are kept, as well as ribs and fish." Later, Orfila also said, "The same dishes are put together." Later, Zifeng Zhang also covered these dishes with plastic wrap and put them in the refrigerator. It seems that these dishes will still be eaten later.

Huang Lei said that the remaining duck eggs were kept.

In this way, waste is avoided. Although they are stars, they are also doing programs, but they are also very frugal. Like ordinary people, they also have a touch of family temperament and are more warm.

"Life I yearn for" photo

Editor in charge:

Announcement on the Transaction Results of the Service Procurement Project of the Theme Media Research Bank of "2024 Good Life Season" of Shandong Branch of Postal Savings Bank of China

  Announcement on the Transaction Results of the Service Procurement Project of the Theme Media Research Bank of "2024 Good Life Season" of Shandong Branch of Postal Savings Bank of China

  Project Name: Service Procurement Project of Theme Media Research Bank of Shandong Branch of Postal Savings Bank of China "2024 Good Life Season"

  Purchaser: Shandong Branch of Postal Savings Bank of China Limited

  Procurement content: Providing the services of "2024 Good Life Season" theme media research bank for Shandong Branch of Postal Savings Bank of China, including but not limited to inviting media, organizing research, publishing manuscripts, coordinating relations, etc.

  Procurement method: open competitive consultation

  Candidate supplier: Shaoyuan Culture Media (Shandong) Co., Ltd.

  The successful supplier: Shaoyuan Culture Media (Shandong) Co., Ltd.

  Transaction price (including tax): 218,800.00 yuan.

  Contact person: Manager Zhang

  Tel: 15965900085

  E-mail address: hyhatt@126.com

  Purchaser: Shandong Branch of Postal Savings Bank of China Limited

  Procurement agency: Haiyi Hengan Project Management Co., Ltd.

  December 19, 2023             

(Sports International Football) FIFA: Saudi Arabia is the only bidder for the 2034 Football World Cup.

Xinhua News Agency, Geneva, October 31 (Reporter Shan Lei) On October 31, FIFA announced that Saudi Arabian Football Association was the only football association to submit an application for hosting the 2034 Football World Cup before the deadline.

FIFA confirmed that it has received an application from Saudi Arabia to host the 2034 World Cup, and Saudi Arabia is the only country that has expressed its interest in hosting the 2034 World Cup.

Previously, FIFA had announced that the only application for hosting the 2030 World Cup was jointly submitted by the Football Associations of Morocco, Portugal and Spain. At present, these three countries have confirmed their willingness to bid. As the centenary celebration of the World Cup will be held in 2030, FIFA plans to hold a World Cup in Uruguay, Argentina and Paraguay, and these three countries have also confirmed their willingness to host the World Cup.

Like Morocco, Portugal and Spain, Saudi Arabia still needs to pass the FIFA audit. If these bidding countries can meet the requirements of FIFA and go through the whole bidding process, then FIFA will determine its right to host at the FIFA General Assembly at the end of 2024. (End)

China’s complete historical dynasties, pioneers and years of existence, remember to collect them for your children after reading them.

We all know that China has a history of 5,000 years, but it is estimated that few people know which dynasties, founders and years have existed in these 5,000 years.

Xia Shang, Western Zhou and Eastern Zhou were divided into two halves; Spring and Autumn Period and Warring States Period unified Qin and Han Dynasties; Three-point Wei Shuwu, extended before and after the Jin Dynasty; The Northern and Southern Dynasties stood side by side, and the Sui, Tang and Five Dynasties passed;

After the Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties, the dynasty ended.

We should all recite this historical dynasty song, but it is a main framework and not comprehensive. Let’s take a look at the specific content together.

1. Xia Dynasty

The Xia Dynasty was founded by Yu, formed by his son Xia Qi, survived for 470 years by seventeen emperors, and finally died in Xia Jie.

2. Shang Dynasty

Shang Tang established the Shang Dynasty in about 1600 BC, and died in Shang Zhouwang in about 1046 BC, surviving for 554 years.

3. Western Zhou Dynasty

Zhou Wuwang Ji Fa was founded in about 1046 BC and died in 771 BC, totaling 275 years.

4. Eastern Zhou Dynasty

Ji Yijiu, Zhou Pingwang, was founded in 770 BC and died in 221 BC, surviving for 514 years, including the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period.

5. Qin Dynasty

Ying Zheng, the first Qin Emperor, unified the six countries and established the Qin Dynasty in 221 BC. He died in Hu Hai, Qin Ershi in 207 BC and lived for 15 years.

6. Western Chu Dynasty

The overlord Xiang Yu was founded in 207 BC, which nominally unified most of the territory in the late Qin Dynasty and lived together for four years.

7. Western Han Dynasty

Liu Bang, the emperor gaozu of Han Dynasty, defeated Xiang Yu, the overlord of Western Chu, and established the Western Han Dynasty in 202 BC. In 8 AD, he was usurped by his consort Wang Mang and survived for 210 years.

8. Wang Mang’s new dynasty

Wang Mang, the consort of the Western Han Dynasty, was founded in 8 AD and was overthrown by greenwood hero in 23 AD, with a total of 1 emperor and survived for 16 years.

9. Xuan Han

In 23 AD, Liu Xuan proclaimed himself emperor and restored the Han Dynasty, nominally restoring the rule of the Han Dynasty and recovering most of the territory in the late Western Han Dynasty. Xuanhan belonged to make a new start regime and only existed for two years.

10. Eastern Han Dynasty

Liu Xiu, Emperor Guangwu of the Han Dynasty, was founded in 25 AD and died in 220 AD, surviving for 195 years.

11. Three Kingdoms Period

Wei, Shu and Wu were the three kingdoms, represented by Cao Cao, Liu Bei and Sun Quan, for a total of 60 years.

12. Western Jin Dynasty

Sima Yan, Emperor Wu of the Jin Dynasty, established the Western Jin Dynasty in 265 AD, which ended the tripartite confrontation between the three countries and realized the unification of the country. A total of four emperors lived for 51 years.

13. Eastern Jin Dynasty

Si Marui, Emperor of the Jin and Yuan Dynasties, was founded in 317 AD and died in 420 AD, surviving for 103 years.

14. Sixteen Kingdoms Period

Sixteen countries are not one of the most chaotic periods in our history. For a total of 135 years, the sixteen countries were: Qianliang, Chenghan, Qianzhao, Houzhao, Beiliang, Xiliang, Houliang, Nanliang, Qianyan, Houyan, Southern Yan, Beiyan, Xia, Qianqin, Xiqin and Houqin.

15. Southern Dynasties

From 420 AD to 589 AD, the Southern Dynasties lasted for 169 years. There were four dynasties: Song Dynasty, Qi Dynasty, Liang Dynasty and Chen Dynasty.

16. Northern Dynasties

From 439 to 581 AD, there were five dynasties, namely Northern Wei, Eastern Wei, Western Wei, Northern Qi and Northern Zhou, which survived for 142 years.

17. Sui Dynasty

Emperor Wen of Sui, Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty, ended the division of the country and achieved reunification. The Sui Dynasty was established in 581 AD, with two emperors. Emperor Yangdi Yang Guang died in 618 AD.

18. Tang Dynasty

In 618 AD, Li Yuan proclaimed himself emperor and founded the Tang Dynasty, and he lived for 289 years.

19. Wu Zhou

Wu Zhou was a dynasty established by Wu Zetian and the only feminist dynasty in China. It existed from 690 to 705 A.D. for 15 years, with only one emperor.

20, Five Dynasties

From 907 to 960, there were three dynasties, namely, Houliang, Houtang, Houjin, Houhan and HouFriday, which survived for 53 years.

21. Ten countries

The ten countries are: Qianshu, Yangwu, wuyue, Machu, Min, Nanhan, Nanping, Houshu, Nantang, Beihan, etc., with a total survival of 88 years.

22. Northern Song Dynasty

Zhao Kuangyin, Song Taizu established the Song Dynasty and reunified the country. It survived for 167 years and died in 1127.

23. Southern Song Dynasty

The founder, Zhao Gou, Song Gaozong, existed from 1127 to 1279, with a total of 152 years.

24. Liao Dynasty

The founder, Yelu Abaoji, lived for 218 years from 907 to 1125.

25. Xixia

Li Yuanhao, the Emperor Jingzong of Xia Dynasty, was founded in 1038, experienced 189 years and died in 1227.

26, rulers

Akuta was founded in 1115-1234, with a total of 119 years.

27. Yuan Dynasty

The founder, Kublai Khan of Yuan Taizu, lived for 97 years from 1271 to 1368.

28. Ming Dynasty

Zhu Yuanzhang, the founder of the Ming Dynasty, was a real self-made emperor in the history of China. The Ming Dynasty existed for 276 years, was founded in 1368 and was destroyed in 1644.

29. Qing Dynasty

The founding emperor of the Qing Dynasty was Nurhachi. According to historical records, the real Qing Dynasty should be counted from the entry of Huang Taiji, and the former was called the later Jin Dynasty. From 1636 to 1912, it existed for 276 years and was the last feudal dynasty in China.