Master these three dressing skills, fashionable and versatile! Ordinary people can also easily wear a sense of advanced.

Fashion and decent modeling should not only care about the design of clothes, but also consider whether the look and feel of their combination are harmonious and eye-catching. This is the most important link to test women’s collocation ability. For ordinary people, there is no need to care too much about whether the design can keep up with the trend. As long as the dressing skills are used reasonably, the basic items can also be dressed in a foreign style.

Skill 1: Appropriate use of pattern elements in modeling

In the vibrant summer, many interesting patterns will frequently appear in the public’s field of vision, and whether it is printed elements or stripe design, don’t forget to balance the shape with solid colors.

For those women who love to dress up, nothing can set off a romantic atmosphere better than flowers, just like a printed coat with yellow and purple tulip flowers on the surface, which is not saturated enough and looks shallow and soft, and will not make people have too much control pressure.

Printed patterns can certainly enhance the fashion temperament of the appearance, but not all patterns are pleasing to the eye. You’d better choose some light colors with white as the base, so as not to look cumbersome or boring.

The shirt is printed in fine blue, which looks very small and fresh. The bottom is combined with jeans in the same color, which not only echoes, but also superimposes a more stylish and advanced feeling.

The unique versatile advantage of white shirt can combine many different patterns, among which stripes are the most classic, especially the thin stripe design, which can create a more delicate feeling.

Striped shirts are not as romantic as printed designs. On the contrary, stripes can reflect the professional sense of shirts, making them look more capable and stylish, which is very suitable for women in the workplace.

Compared with tops with rich patterns, some female friends prefer to arrange the patterns in the bottoms to reduce the impact on the face.

In the process of wearing, the white shirt is matched with the printed skirt, and the combination of simplicity and complexity is full of harmony without losing the fashion charm.

Tip 2: Pay more attention to fashion design.

If you want to make the shape fit your own style, then clothing design can’t be ignored. For example, the neckline shape and the width of the version are all important factors that affect the appearance.

Women with excellent physical conditions can easily control all kinds of clothes, but ordinary people’s bodies will always have some shortcomings, such as a short neck is a key point to weaken their temperament. At this time, we should pay more attention to the neckline design of the jacket, pay attention to whether there is an appropriate exposed area, and avoid the narrow neckline to create a more formal and unnatural feeling.

The U-neck design used in the T-shirt can show the graceful clavicle, and at the same time, it can also pull down the neck line, thus modifying the face or shoulder line.

V-neck is also an effective design to improve the neck lines. Compared with U-neck or square face, it will have a stronger sense of extension of lines and it is easier to wear a stretched and elegant image.

For example, a white shirt uses the V-neck design to create a more outstanding temperament, while the bow ribbon design can also highlight a lighter atmosphere with white and enhance the interpretation of intellectual style.

The purpose of effective wearing is to foster strengths and avoid weaknesses. Compared with the flaws in the upper body, the leg shape can not be ignored. If there is fat in the legs or the leg shape is not popular enough, women can wear wide-leg pants, which are simple and beautiful, fashionable and casual.

Tip 3: Pay attention to proportion when dressing.

Clothing with a narrow outline will easily expose body defects, and loose clothing is not so good to wear. If you don’t pay attention to highlighting the waistline, you may feel crushed. Wide-leg pants are especially popular in summer, which makes people comfortable and cool to wear, and can accommodate the lack of legs, and contains a lazy and casual atmosphere.

However, this kind of clothing with too wide and loose version will strengthen the sense of volume in the horizontal direction, so we must pay attention to the vertical division of modeling in order to avoid the problem of being fat and heavy. We can learn from the classic wearing method and stretch the proportion by "short on the top and long on the bottom".

The cost of fashion: the "sweatshop" behind fast fashion, which has always been ignored by us.

"Every piece of clothing is behind a life."

Behind the fast fashion clothing brands that are popular all over the world today are "sweatshops", the British documentary BBC quoted the interviewees as saying.

A professor at the Chinese University of Hong Kong once put forward the concept of "low-end globalization", which means that the raw materials behind a cup of coffee, a piece of clothing and a mobile phone are actually quite cheap.

Those developed countries that master the upstream technology independently complete the relevant design work, but they rely on workers in some underdeveloped areas to grow cotton, process clothes and assemble mobile phones, and then pay these workers extremely low remuneration, and finally sell their products at high prices, thus making a lot of profits.

This seems to be exaggerated, but in fact it is an out-and-out fact.

So, what kind of secret is hidden behind the fast fashion brand?

ZARA, Uniqlo … Since the 21st century, such fast fashion brands can be seen everywhere. They marched into major shopping malls all over the country, attracting the eyes of girls or men, which made them excited.

The reason why these fast fashion brands can last for a long time is that they can constantly innovate and design styles that are more popular and more popular with consumers.

At the same time, its low price is particularly "close to the people" for some college students with low consumption level and young people who go in and out of the workplace. Therefore, based on the above two reasons, fast fashion brands have become the main force in low-end shopping malls and even high-end shopping malls.

But I wonder if readers have ever wondered why these fast fashion brands can win the market with low prices. Is it because other clothing brands have too much premium? Or because of other unknown reasons?

(There are countless fast fashion brands)

Compared with fast fashion brands, some clothing brands are expensive, but the layout they design seems to be no different from other ordinary brands.

Especially in the current street fashion of luxury goods, a white shirt printed with the logo of luxury brands can be priced at several thousand yuan.

Presumably, some readers will also wonder, when the eye-catching logo disappears, how many consumers will the luxury goods with ordinary but expensive design attract?

This is actually directly related to the positioning of luxury goods. The main crowd of fast fashion brands is young people. The consumption level of 90% of young people can’t afford expensive luxury goods, and luxury goods are essentially customized for the rich.

(luxury shopping mall)

The physical store under the luxury line focuses on the noble service experience. Take Beijing as an example, in some high-end shopping malls, luxury stores will get the body size of the guests in advance, and then hire stars who are almost completely commensurate with the body size of the guests to try on the clothes, which saves the guests a lot of trouble. The guests only need to watch the whole process and do not need to try on the clothes in person-this is almost a high-end service with a 100% favorable rate.

In addition to the main quality service, what luxury goods do is to let the rich feel the fact that "I have money".

Therefore, even if it is a dress with a very common design style, its price will not be reduced. At this time, luxury goods are not only a piece of clothing, but also a symbol of consumption power and wealth level.

(Fast Fashion Brand)

Of course, there are also some luxury users who have a soft spot for luxury goods. Some fashion designers, after trying on a large number of luxury clothes, said that the clothes of luxury brands have a unique role in body modification, which ordinary brands can’t understand. Whether its words are true or not is only for readers to understand.

In fact, I have said so much to point out that the low pricing of fast fashion brands is actually decided by the merchants themselves, and it has little to do with the competition of other brands-all the competitors of fast fashion brands are other fast fashion brands.

The price of one company has become lower, and the other company has quickly launched preferential activities, which has led to a continuous decline in prices. But with the continuous reduction of the price, won’t it eventually lose money?

However, the prices of these fast fashion brand clothes seem to be beyond the bottom line. There are two 99 yuan and one 59 yuan brands everywhere in the shopping malls.

What is this? How can the price of fast fashion brands be so low? This has to start with the foundry of fast fashion brand clothing production.

Second, the origin of low prices of fast fashion brands

For ordinary people, there are four seasons in 365 days a year. But for fast fashion brands, there are 52 seasons in a year, and the main fashion style has only one week’s shelf life. After a week, your own style may be eliminated by the market.

(Female workers in outsourcing factories)

There is also a subtle meaning of this elimination, that is, fast fashion brands will find that other fast fashion brands have also made newer and cheaper clothes after imitating their own styles.

In addition, this week’s shelf life is also related to the design cycle of the fast fashion brand itself. In order to win a place among the fast fashion brands that have sprung up like mushrooms after rain, they must constantly update, and this update cycle is faster than the chip crisis that everyone was afraid of, and the whole process from design to sales is often completed every two weeks. After that, it will take another week to eliminate the latest clothing styles.

How to make your own brand design faster and produce faster has become the pursuit goal of all fast fashion brands.

In the design process, it must be handled by the designer who is in charge of himself, and the time must be relatively generous. If you rush, it may reduce the quality of the design style and thus lose a large number of customer groups.

(southeast Asian workers)

In this way, we can only compress the time as much as possible from the production process. For developed countries such as the United States and Japan, there are clear requirements for working hours in China. With the improvement of working intensity and the increase of overtime hours, factories must pay corresponding remuneration, which makes the cost of fast fashion brand production greatly increase, which is obviously not what manufacturers like.

Therefore, many fast fashion brands outsource their production to Southeast Asia in Asia, such as Bangladesh, Vietnam and Cambodia. These countries do not have strict labor protection laws and a relatively well-formed industrial system, and can only rely on external investment to earn foreign exchange. Therefore, the local government is even willing to help foreign enterprises "squeeze" their own workers.

The BBC once filmed a documentary called "The Real Cost" to show people what kind of working environment those squeezed groups are facing.

In Cambodia, there are 100 employees in a room of only 100 square meters. Everyone has a small space, and all food and drink must be solved in the seat. When overtime is the worst, you have to work for 12 hours a day.

What kind of 18 hours is this?

The factory is full of flying cotton wool, and the roar of machines is endless. All kinds of waste gas have been wandering in the factory without any filtration. They are not living, but living.

These workers have hardly learned any knowledge, only some experience in garment processing. They have become the cheapest labor products, repeating simple jobs day after day without any promotion.

In addition to this meaningless work, the safety environment of the factory is actually worrying.

In April 2013, a factory in Bangladesh suddenly collapsed. This factory is the outsourcing manufacturer responsible for the processing and production of fast fashion brands such as the United States, Spain and Denmark. A total of 4,000 people were killed or injured in this accident, which is shocking.

After the accident, the children of garment processing workers were crying on the ruins. Most of them lost their two most beloved relatives at once. No one knows how long they can last.

Just two months later, an accident happened at another outsourced garment factory in Cambodia, and hundreds of people were killed in the fire.

Even if they work overtime every day, the living environment is so bad every day, but the salaries of these workers are outrageous.

Let’s make a simple comparison: in the United States, a short skirt of a fast fashion brand is about $8, while the Cambodian worker who is responsible for processing and producing this short skirt may only earn $20 a month. No commission, no bonus, only dry dead wages.

In fact, in Cambodia, the minimum wage per month is around $60.

In the documentary, Cambodian workers held protests again and again, but they were all violently suppressed by the police, and their rights protection repeatedly failed.

After a period of protests, Cambodian workers quickly returned to their posts obediently.

Because they found that if they don’t do it themselves, there are more people who are willing to accept the job with a salary of only $20-countless people are willing to do this job.

Ironically, in 2013, various accidents occurred frequently in the history of clothing, but it was also a year full of fast fashion brands-the net profit of one year reached 3 trillion US dollars.

Until today, the status quo in Cambodia, Bangladesh and other places has not changed. Behind every piece of clothing are workers who bow their heads for life.

Therefore, there is no such thing as a low clothing price. Fast fashion brands can dare to mark the price so low because they are confident that the workers in the foundry must live on this job.

The price behind the seemingly low clothing price has long been marked: workers are on the one hand, and the environment is also on the other.

Because fast fashion brands rely on the word "fast", all kinds of raw materials are continuously transported into processing plants, and some discarded materials are discarded at will.

Among all countries in the world, India is one of the countries that undertake the most garment processing and manufacturing. In order to meet the production needs of some first-line sports brands and fast fashion brands, the Indian government has taken the initiative to plant a large number of genetically modified cotton in its own country.

But this kind of cotton is genetically modified, which means that they have no seeds. Every time they are planted, farmers must re-select seeds and buy pesticides again, otherwise the good land will be abandoned.

As a result, the cost of planting cotton is rising every time, because each kind of cotton needs more fertilizer once.

In the end, the cost of planting even far exceeds the income of harvest. What else can farmers rely on to make a living?

The most famous event is that in the past few years, hundreds of thousands of migrant workers in India committed suicide because of land problems. The murderer behind it, one is the Indian government, and the other is the fast fashion brands in various countries.

However, the harm is far more than that.

As a result of spraying a lot of pesticides, the fields in rural India are full of all kinds of stench, and the drainage ditches are also mixed with all kinds of residual pesticides. Every day, tens of thousands of tons of toxic wastewater flows into the domestic water of the city, killing people.

Some Indians suffer from strange skin diseases because of drinking poisonous river water, and some even have symptoms of hemiplegia. Toxic waste water is harmful to people.

In addition to these manufacturers who are responsible for clothing outsourcing, some countries that buy fast fashion consumer brands on a large scale are also facing various cloth pollution problems.

In the United States, 120 million tons of cloth waste will not be properly treated every year, and it will take at least 200 years for these wastes to degrade naturally.

So, how to deal with this rubbish? Americans choose to discard them in Southeast Asia and reprocess them in developing China countries. In the not-too-distant past, China was once the largest import market for "foreign garbage" in the world.

But for those countries where the industrial system has not been completely built, it is a big problem to deal with garbage.

Garbage transportation, garbage classification, garbage landfill treatment … Every link must have enough money to support and enough technology to guarantee.

Those Southeast Asian countries that blindly accept the garbage produced by European and American countries have gradually realized that "foreign garbage" is a bottomless pit, and all kinds of garbage are continuously transported, but the total amount of global garbage has not decreased at all-the more garbage those countries in Southeast Asia handle, the more garbage produced by European and American countries, and there is no end in sight.

In fact, the definition of fast fashion is not limited to the clothing industry, but the influence of the clothing industry is too great for people to pay attention to. Like coffee industry, IT industry and aquaculture, there are more or less behaviors of squeezing the bottom workers.

In the spring of 2022, Starbucks, an internationally renowned coffee giant, substantially raised the prices of its products. In addition to young people in the city, farmers who grow coffee beans in Yunnan also paid special attention to this news.

According to common sense, the price increase of products is often the price increase of raw materials. But in fact, farmers in Yunnan will not earn a penny more, or even benefit from it.

Yunnan’s coffee production accounts for almost 100% of China’s total coffee production, and spring is the time when coffee plantations are in full swing. Starbucks announced the price increase at this time, but all the farmers still can’t make money.

Starbucks sells a cup of coffee for 40 yuan, and farmers can only earn 20 cents. Some foreign coffee merchants bought coffee beans from Yunnan at a low price, then transported them abroad for deep processing, and finally resold them to China consumers at a high price-realizing the goal of eating them all, and ultimately, not only coffee farmers, but also young people in the city were damaged.

Farmers in Yunnan, like the bottom-level laborers in Southeast Asian countries, seem to be in the trend of rapid growth of fast fashion brands, but in fact they can only be reduced to the bottom part, earning the meager profits and making the hardest efforts.

Jiang Shiying, Li Suicheng. Green supply chain game model and revenue sharing contract considering product greenness [J]. China Management Science, 2015,23(6):169-176.

He Yong, Qian Tingting, Liao Nuo. Decision analysis of emission reduction of green supply chain led by brand under outsourcing situation [J]. Industrial Engineering, 2022,25(1):37-44+143.

He Ju, Zhou Yongsheng, Zhou Linyun. Research on the Optimal Ordering Pricing of Fast Fashion Brand Retailers under the New Retail Background [J]. Industrial Engineering, 2021,24(1):132-139.

Xinhua News Agency. Fast fashion may aggravate global warming [N].2019.

Chengdu Business Daily. Behind the "Buy in buy buy" carnival, "Fast Fashion" made the global "clothing waste" a disaster [N].2021.

today in history

1. On November 25th, 1944, War of Resistance against Japan, China entered the stage of strategic counter-offensive, and China troops fought fiercely with Japanese troops in Changde and Hengyang.

2. On November 25th, 1965, China successfully conducted the flight explosion test of the first surface-to-surface missile with a nuclear warhead.

On November 25th, 1978, China and the United States issued the Joint Communiqué on the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations between the People’s Republic of China and the United States of America, announcing that the two countries formally established diplomatic relations the next day.

4. In 1984, the first carbon monoxide leakage accident that killed three tourists occurred, and many people were missing; Liaoning’s "Marshal’s Hometown", Laoting, Hebei, once again showed a series of related cases and past events that sounded the alarm for female cadres of supply and marketing cooperatives; It also caused a special report by Xinhua News Agency: It is this person who is now engaged in corruption and bribery-the disclosure form of all property of state public officials in May 4th, and we should be alert to this phenomenon!

The following are other important events that happened on November 25th in history:

5. In 1967, China carried out the first mechanized coal mining in Datong Coal Mine, which marked the great progress of coal mining technology in China.

6. In 1977, Queen Elizabeth II visited China, which was the first visit by a member of the British royal family to China since 1949.

7. In 1987, former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher visited China, which was her last visit to China during her term of office.

Exercise and no exercise, the original difference is so big!

Academician Zhong Nanshan said in the online open class: Since he was young, he has always insisted on physical exercise, taking physical exercise as a part of his life like eating and sleeping, so that he can undertake his daily work normally, and the growth of his age is only a number.

The picture comes from the National Healthy Lifestyle Action.

Is there really such a big difference between exercising and not exercising?


Long-term exercise leads to slow aging.

A mouse study conducted in 2020 found that aerobic exercise improved the muscle repair ability of old mice and improved muscle stem cells. The study published in Nature Metabolism mentioned that the exercised mice did not produce more muscle stem cells, but the "old cells" recovered their vitality. In this way, exercise is the most reliable way of "reverse growth".


Exercise can fight against vascular aging

Studies have found that running for six months can make blood vessels 4 years younger. This foreign study has trained people who have no previous running experience for six months and participated in the marathon. After such a process, it was found that six months of exercise significantly reduced their blood pressure and arteriosclerosis, which was equivalent to aging blood vessels.


Exercise "brakes" skin aging.

It is said that exercise is the best skin care product. Domestic studies have found that exercise can promote microcirculation and increase the ability of skin to inhale oxygen. At the same time, with the secretion of sweat during exercise, it will help the waste in the skin to be discharged, which can clean the skin and make the skin smoother.


Long-term exercise can slow down muscle loss.

In the research progress of muscle attenuation syndrome published in the international journal of gerontology in 2012, it is mentioned that after 30 years old, muscles lose 1% ~ 5% every year; After the age of 60, the muscle strength decreases by 3 ~ 5% every year; After 70 years old, the muscle strength of elderly women will drop by 50%~70%. The loss of 30% muscle will affect normal function, and the loss of 40% will be life-threatening. Muscles decrease with age, but exercise can delay this process.


Exercise can slow down heart and lung aging.

Breathless climbing stairs? It’s time to add some exercises to improve heart and lung function. Cardiopulmonary endurance is a person’s ability to continue physical activities. A lot of aerobic exercise can help us exercise cardiopulmonary function and slow down cardiopulmonary aging. The easiest exercise: brisk walking, jogging, cycling and so on.


People who exercise will be in a better mood

A study published in The Lancet Psychiatry found that the average person always has a few unhappy days every month, and those who actively exercise have 1.5 fewer depressed days than those who don’t participate in any exercise. It can be seen that exercise is good for people with mild depression and a history of depression, and depressed days are much less.


It’s better to keep exercising and sleeping.

For people who often suffer from insomnia, exercise is one of the effective ways to regulate sleep. Insomnia people can play a certain role in regulating the excitement and inhibition of the nervous system if they take physical exercise for a period of time, and establish a good cycle for sleep.


People who exercise are less sick.

Most people still stay in exercise to lose weight. In fact, when the weight is controlled, it will promote the regulation of blood pressure and blood lipid, so as to better control diabetes, improve physical condition and reduce the probability of disease.


Exercise makes people digest well.

It feels comfortable to take a walk after dinner. This is because exercise shortens the time of intestinal transmission, is conducive to defecation, and also helps to promote digestion and absorption. Sticking to long-term regular exercise is more beneficial to digestion. For example, when walking, our internal organs tremble slightly, and the diaphragm will move up and down during breathing, which will massage the gastrointestinal tract, accelerate gastrointestinal peristalsis and promote digestion and absorption.


It is better to insist on exercising bones.

Does exercise harm bone health? Improper exercise will affect bone health, but proper exercise will also stimulate the secretion of cytokines and mobilize bone reconstruction units. Especially in sports, under the proper stress, the bones are deformed, and the "bone reconstruction project" of the body begins to start!


Exercise makes people smarter.

Studies have found that even low-intensity exercise can have a significant impact on expanding brain capacity and delaying brain aging. Compared with those who walk less than 5,000 steps a day, it reaches 5,000 ~ 7,499 steps, 7,500 ~ 9,999 steps, 10,000 steps or more, which is equivalent to delaying brain aging for 0.45 years, 1.45 years and 1.75 years respectively.

The text is synthesized from Health Times.


Transfer from: Healthy Yunnan Action

Source: Traffic Police Brigade of Wenshan Public Security Bureau

Today’s SMG football recommendation: How to use ChatGPT to balance the director: Las Palmas vs Atletico Madrid

A new version of AI analysis, real-time update of the latest data, such as Poisson distribution method, Margin model, Bernoulli’s law of large numbers and other big data analysis, high efficiency, accurate algorithm!

In football analysis, no one can guarantee a 100% winning rate. However, AI can increase its chances of winning by continuous learning, improvement and adaptation. Focus on long-term analysis strategies and treat every decision with a steady and firm attitude.

Have you done all your daily exercises correctly? Poke in and have a look

To maintain a healthy weight

Don’t want to carve (koo) meaning (negative) festival (beauty) food.

There is only one trick, that is-regular exercise.

The benefits of regular exercise

Reduce weight and reduce fat accumulation;

Improve blood sugar and blood lipid, and increase cardiopulmonary function;

Reduce the incidence of coronary heart disease, stroke and other diseases;

Improve bone mineral density and prevent falls and injuries;

Maintain or increase the range of joint physiological activities;

Exercise can also bring more energy and make people full of confidence;


Life lies in movement

But sports should also pay attention to science.

Follow the 16-character principle of sports

Exercise is beneficial. Breaking the state of "sitting still and moving less", a person’s life, work, travel and fitness activities can consume physical strength. Climbing several flights of stairs and walking for ten minutes will add up to good health.

It’s about persistence. Only by developing the habit of more activities and regular exercise can health benefit for a long time.

Moderate strength. You can’t eat hot tofu if you are impatient. Exercise should adhere to the principle of moderation. Personal physique is different, the same speed, some people are struggling, some people are too slow; Find the right intensity and amount of activity, and exercise will be safer and more effective.

It is better to move more. Moderate exercise can protect health and reduce the risk of many chronic diseases.

Flexible choice of various sports forms

There are many forms of exercise:

(Click on the picture to enlarge)

For healthy adults, it is recommended that:

Aerobic exercise every day.

Resistance exercise 2~3 times a week.

Flexibility exercises are done at any time.

To achieve the appropriate recommended amount of exercise

At least 3-5 days a week, 30min minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise every day;

2-3 days a week, do 8-10 different kinds of strength exercises every day (repeat each action no more than 5 times at the beginning, and gradually increase it to 10 times in two weeks).

Pay attention to the intensity of exercise

Different physical fitness can bear different exercise loads. Three methods for measuring exercise intensity are recommended:

Talk test method

Low intensity exercise. Be able to sing while doing sports.

Moderate intensity exercise. Be able to talk comfortably while exercising.

High intensity exercise. You can’t talk because you are short of breath during exercise.

Target heart rate test method (maximum heart rate =220- age)

Moderate intensity exercise. When the target heart rate is 50~70% of the maximum heart rate

High intensity exercise. When the target heart rate is 70~85% of the maximum heart rate

For example ↓↓↓↓

A man of 50 years old

Its maximum heart rate is



That is, when the target heart rate is 85~119

It belongs to moderate intensity exercise.


That is, when the target heart rate is 119~145

Belongs to high-intensity exercise.

Self-feeling test method

As far as possible, it should include three stages

A complete set of movements should include three stages as far as possible.


warm up

Warm-up exercise includes flexibility and strength strengthening exercise. At this stage, the exercise intensity is slowly and gradually increased.

For patients with severe exercise restrictions, warm-up exercise is the best exercise choice.

The familiar radio exercise is a very good warm-up exercise.


Endurance exercise (aerobic exercise)

Gardening, weeding and housework are all good endurance sports.

Please remember that every endurance exercise should last for more than 10min minutes before you can get the effect of exercise.


Relax and tidy up exercise

After finishing endurance exercise, do a short relaxation exercise for 5-10 minutes.

So, know how to exercise?

Then put down the phone.

Brushing bowls is also a physical activity.

Source: Guangdong CDC

Disclaimer: This article is reproduced for the purpose of transmitting more information. If the source is marked incorrectly or infringes on your legitimate rights and interests, please contact this website with the ownership certificate, and we will correct and delete it in time. Thank you.

Source: National Healthy Lifestyle Action

23141 Football Quiz: brentford vs West Ham United

Traditional football 14 quiz games.

Welcome to the 23141 football quiz game:

Brentford vs West Ham United is stronger than brentford. Brentford’s performance in the near future is average, and West Ham United may win or draw; Sheffield United VS Wolves, the current state and strength of Wolves are better than Sheffield United, and they are more likely to win this game.

Everton VS Brighton, although Brighton has certain strength, there is still a gap compared with Everton, and Everton has a greater chance of winning or drawing. Manchester City VS Bournemouth, Manchester City is a strong team in the Premier League, and its strength is obviously higher than Bournemouth. In this game, Manchester City wins, Burnley VS Crystal Palace, and the strength of the two teams in this game is relatively close. Burnley has performed well recently, while Crystal Palace has some ups and downs, but considering Burnley’s situation, it is possible to win or draw.

Newcastle United VS Arsenal, Newcastle United performed in general, Arsenal has a strong lineup and good offensive ability, and Arsenal has a greater chance of winning or drawing.

Frejborg VS M? nchengladbach, although Frejborg also has certain strength, M? nchengladbach is more prominent in attack and midfield control.

Meng Xing wins or draws. Hoffenheim VS Leverkusen, a strong Leverkusen with outstanding offensive and defensive abilities. Although Hoffenheim has certain strength, there is still a certain gap.

Leverkusen wins. Clone VS augsburg, Cologne and augsburg are similar in strength, but Cologne has performed slightly better recently. Augsburg has a lot of ups and downs, and this game is a draw or Cologne wins. Berlin United VS Frankfurt, the Berlin United lineup is poor, and there are problems in attack and defense. Frankfurt wins or draws. Mainz VS Leipzig Red Bull, Leipzig has advantages in attack and defense recently.

Red Bull Leipzig won this game. Dortmund VS Bayern Munich, although Dortmund has certain strength, there is still a certain gap compared with Bayern, and Bayern won the game. Atlanta VS Inter Milan, despite Atlanta’s remarkable offensive ability, Inter Milan has an advantage in lineup and defense.

Inter Milan won the game. AC Milan VS Udinese, the strength of AC Milan, a strong Serie A team, is obviously stronger than Udinese. AC Milan won this game, and the charm of football lies in its passion and unpredictability. Welcome to my sports lottery store to present you with a wonderful football feast.

Pay attention to salary and think about things, and analyze more exciting football games for you.

World Cup+Golden Ball! In just one year, Messi opened Ronaldo: the era of double arrogance officially ended.

Chatelet Opera House, Golden Globe Festival. When Beckham handed the Golden Globe Award to Messi, the audience stood up and gave applause!

This is a tribute to the ball king. During the performance inspection period of the 2023 Golden Globe Awards (from August 1, 2022 to July 31, 2023), Messi contributed 42 goals and 26 assists, as well as the World Cup champion, World Cup MVP and Ligue 1 champion trophy. The 8 th Golden Globe Award is in hand, and Messi leads alone in the century-old football.

Messi smiles and accepts the award, and we will think of Cristiano Ronaldo, one of the peerless double arrogance.

38-year-old Cristiano Ronaldo, will he feel "injured"? Cristiano Ronaldo is really a little injured-Cristiano Ronaldo, who played successfully in Riyadh, suffered a slight bruise on his ankle, which did not affect his play. The Golden Globe Award is 5-8 behind Messi, and Cristiano Ronaldo, who is competitive, is hard to quiet inside.

Sports media all over the world gave the front page headline of the cover to Messi, who was holding the Golden Globe Award, and the praise was overwhelming. At this time, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia is already late at night, and Cristiano Ronaldo may have fallen asleep, preparing for the quarter-final of Saudi Arabia’s "Guardian Cup of Two Holy Temples" on the second day, or the quarter-final of Saudi Arabia’s King’s Cup, without much attention.

At this moment, we can feel the fact more: the dispute between the peerless and arrogant has ended.

On December 10, 2022, Portugal was eliminated in the quarter-finals, and Cristiano Ronaldo said goodbye with tears; On December 18, 2022, Messi won the sacred World Cup under the crowd, and the global media all exclaimed that "the new ball king was born". In just 8 days, the peerless double pride has embarked on a different track, and its historical position has been frozen.

In the twilight of his football career, Messi made a great leap to lift the World Cup and achieve the greatest goal. C Ronaldo left regrets and explained disappointment and unwillingness with tears. On the night of the Golden Globe, Messi was crowned with the Golden Globe Award for the eighth time-this is the continuation of Messi’s joy and Cristiano Ronaldo’s sadness in the World Cup, which really ended the dispute between the two arrogance.

The era of double arrogance PK has ended, and the era of Messi and Ronaldo has also ended.Messi in Miami and Cristiano Ronaldo in Riyadh are veterans running in the afterglow of sunset, and the direction of sunset is the time to hang up your boots. This day will come eventually, and watch and cherish it.

The future belongs to Bellingham and Harland. Premier League, Champions League, La Liga, this is the sun-like stage, the center of world football. The dispute between Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo is no longer the mainstream-although the two veterans can still contribute to the monopoly level of heat and topic, the gods also have the end of the day, and next year’s Golden Globe Award is likely to completely turn over the page of double arrogance.

1. Baseball is a very interesting sport, which significantly improves physical fitness, IQ and EQ.

Hello, everyone, I am a vast ocean science, and welcome netizens to watch today’s headlines. < Baseball is a very interesting sport, which significantly improves physical fitness, IQ, EQ and cooperation spirit > Netizens, knowledge is a vast ocean. People are like a small fish in the ocean, and it is impossible to swim to every corner of the vast ocean. There are still many mysterious and unknown things around us waiting for us to examine, think and explore, so that we can realize that the world is so wonderful and knowledgeable. Without further ado, let’s start studying together!

Hey! Children, let’s learn how to play baseball together!

Baseball is a tense and interesting sport. It originated in the United States, and now it has spread in more than 60 countries on five continents. At the end of 19th century, this kind of movement was introduced to China by the United States and Japan.

Although baseball is small, it is changeable and wonderful to play, and unexpected things often happen. Whether you participate in the competition or watch it, it will be fascinating.

At present, baseball is not very popular in our country, and children must be very strange to this sport, but please don’t worry, I will tell you something about baseball now.

The baseball field is a right-angled fan, which is divided into infield and outfield. The infield is square, and there are three corners with bases, which are called first base, second base and third base. The last corner is the top of the court called home plate. There is no bag at home plate, only a pentagonal board is placed, which is called home plate.

Home plate is the starting point and the end point of the offensive players. The attacking team members hit the pitcher’s ball at home plate in turn, and then ran to the next base. When the next player plays ball, he can also take the opportunity to run to the next base. If an offensive player can run the first, second and third bases at one time and finally return to home plate, he will get 1 point.

The defender should wear gloves for catching the ball with one hand and try to catch the ball that the batter can hit. If he can catch the ball, the batter will be robbed and killed. If you can’t catch the ball, you should pick it up quickly, and then immediately pass it to the place where you need it, so that your partner can pass and kill the attacker who hasn’t had time to Jin Lei. If a total of three players on the attacking side are killed out, then the two sides will exchange offensive and defensive positions. The two teams attack and defend once each, making it a game. Adults have to play nine games, and children can play five games. In the end, which team scores more points will win.

Let’s share it with you today. Friends are welcome to leave me messages, comments and forward them to interact with me. Let’s come to today’s headlines to learn science, solve the problems of this ever-changing and colorful world, face many mysterious and unknown things, and face those strange and various natural phenomena. Pay attention to me, the next episode will be more exciting!

The list of the top 100 future medical care in 2023 is released: but the road ahead, no questions asked.

"What is the ultimate goal of medical innovation?" This is a question that every medical person will ponder, but it is almost unsolvable. Whenever the concept of new technology sets off a wave of medical innovation, countless pioneers will emerge in every possible direction. Although medical innovation faces many uncertainties and complicated external environment, they still insist on pursuing the 0.01% certainty with 99.99% efforts. As a result, the source of innovation in life science can spring up and rush in all directions.

Looking back on the road of medical innovation since 2022, the development of technology integration is still the main theme. Companies in various subdivisions of AIGC, brain science, synthetic biology, genomics, organoid and biochip are active. Judging from the barometer of medical industry innovation and investment and financing data, despite the overall economic downturn in 2022, 1,439 medical and health enterprises completed a new round of financing in 2022. Among them, more than 250 companies have applied for the main list of this year’s top 100 list, and finally more than 140 companies have successfully listed. In addition, the last listed companies, UIH Medical, Huada Zhizao and Zhiyun Health, successfully IPO in 2022 respectively, and successfully "graduated" from the list with excellent performance appraisal.

"Unity of knowing and doing" is the wisdom of walking, and "no question about the west and the east" is the courage of walking.Looking back at the leader’s route, we can see that the trendsetter in the medical industry "respects life" at the beginning, and with the help of the driving force of policies and technology, bravely shoulders the responsibility of industrial structure change, further broadening the way forward.

In 2023, the 7th Top 100 Future Medical Conference will take the theme of "No Questions about the West and the East" to explain the pioneering spirit of medical innovation pioneers. The conference officially kicked off on May 5, and released the list of the top 100 future medical enterprises in 2023 and the growth analysis report of the top 100 future medical enterprises in 2023 at the top 100 awards dinner on the evening of May 6. The following is the contents of this list and excerpts from the report.

List release

Founded in 2015, the Top 100 Future Medical Care List is the first list of innovative medical care fields for unlisted enterprises in China, which is launched by VB100, Arterial Network and Eggshell Research Institute. It aims to select innovative medical care providers in China who truly represent future medical care, discover the core strength of China’s future medical care industry, and promote the innovation and reform process of health care industry. In the past seven years, the selection system of the top 100 future medical institutions has been continuously enriched, and a global innovative medical health evaluation ecology for enterprises, investment institutions and industrial parks has been gradually built, and it has been expanded to the selection of innovative products and innovative technologies.

The list of top 100 future medical care in 2023 consists of: top 100 future medical care master list, top 100 future medical care innovation list of listed companies, Peng Orange Award of top 100 future medical care, Weilan Award of top 100 future medical care and value field award of top 100 future medical care.

2023 Top 100 Future Medical Care Main List

This selection is aimed at non-listed enterprises in the medical and health field. The selection is based on the VB100 value evaluation model, and through the processes of self-declaration by enterprises, evaluation by VB100 evaluation committee, cross-evaluation by supporting institutions, and final review by expert committees, innovative enterprises with TOP100 valuation rankings are selected from five major fields (medical devices/biomedicine/digital medical care/medical services/commerce and supply chain services). In addition to the valuation, the growth and annual performance of the candidate enterprises in terms of human resources, knowledge resources, important partner resources and market performance will be supplemented, with a total of 17 secondary indicators.

For the complete list of winners and the report, click to view."2023 Top 100 Future Medical Care List Released: But Go Ahead, Don’t Ask West and East"

Top 100 Future Healthcare Companies in 2023: Innovation Ranking of Listed Companies

As the backbone of China’s economic development, the innovation of listed companies is not only the core engine of enterprise development, but also of great practical significance to the national innovation strategy and industrial upgrading. This selection is based on the annual report data of listed companies in the current year, supplemented by more than 30 related index data of listed companies in four dimensions: innovation input, innovation output, innovation benefit and innovation activity, and combined with the evaluation method of arterial network for the analysis of innovation trend and space of listed companies’ track, the selection is produced.

Peng Orange Award, Top 100 Future Medical Care in 2023

"Peng Orange" means Pengcheng Wan Li, and the exclusive color of the prize is orange. Orange is the main color of yolk technology, a symbol of prosperity, strength, wisdom and vitality, and represents the style and posture of the participants in the field of medical and health care. Peng Orange Award, the Top 100 Future Medical Companies, is selected for investment institutions, enterprises and parks in the medical and health field, focusing on the annual performance and breakthroughs of candidate units during the review period.

Weilan Award, Top 100 Future Medical Care in 2023

"Wei Lan" means that the future can be expected, and the exclusive color of the award is blue. Blue is the main color of VB100, a symbol of courage, calmness, reason and never giving up, representing the quality and spirit of innovative medical professionals, investors and entrepreneurs. The Future Top 100 Medical Care Weilan Award selects investors and entrepreneurs who are innovative and pioneering in the medical and health field, focusing on the candidates’ annual innovation, team leadership and industry influence during the review period.

2023 Top 100 Future Medical Care Value Field Award

Every year, through multi-directional and all-round insight and exploration such as investor interviews, reporter interviews, and industry report reading, this selection takes capital attention as the benchmark, supplemented by three considerations: media focus, annual performance data of medical and health enterprises, and future development prosperity of the medical and health industry, and makes an inventory of the 60+ sub-sectors of the four major tracks, namely, medical devices, biomedicine, digital medical care, and medical services, and selects the most representative value areas of the year and the most representative value areas in each value field.

For the complete list of winners and the report, click to view."2023 Top 100 Future Medical Care List Released: But Go Ahead, Don’t Ask West and East"

Report release

The Top 100 Future Medical Care Companies of Arterial Network will launch the growth report of the top 100 enterprises every year according to the list of the Top 100 Future Medical Care Companies of that year. On the occasion of the 2023 TOP100 Future Healthcare Conference, the Growth Analysis Report of TOP100 Future Healthcare Enterprises in 2023 was released again, which comprehensively analyzed the data of the five major enterprises in China TOP100 Innovative Medical Devices List, China TOP100 Innovative Biomedical List, China TOP100 Innovative Digital Healthcare List, China Top 100 Innovative Medical Services List and China Top 100 Innovative Business and Supply Chain Service List. We expect to summarize the growth law and industrial change trend of enterprises with the help of multi-dimensional analysis of the enterprises listed in the top 100 medical care list every year, and provide reference for medical and health enterprises and entrepreneurs.

The cumulative valuation of listed companies exceeded RMB 1 trillion for four consecutive years, and the average valuation of TOP10 companies reached RMB 23.326 billion.In this year’s list, there are five lists of medical devices, biomedicine, digital medical care, medical services, commerce and supply chain services, totaling 500 enterprises, with a total valuation of about 1.5 trillion yuan. The average valuation of listed companies was RMB 3.068 billion, down about 16% compared with 2022 (with an average valuation of RMB 3.657 billion). Similar to the previous list, 75% of the listed companies are valued in the range of RMB 1-6 billion, and enterprises in this valuation range constitute the main group of unlisted companies in the big health industry. In addition, a total of 17 companies have a valuation exceeding 10 billion, and 5 companies have a valuation of more than 20 billion. The average valuation of the TOP10 companies has reached 23.942 billion yuan, of which 6 companies are digital medical enterprises.

The valuation performance of enterprises in the medical device list is stable, and the data of medical robots on the list is bright.In 2022, medical device enterprises still achieved steady growth under the high base in 2021. Compared with the other four main lists, the total valuation of enterprises on the medical device list was stable, and the valuation and number of medical robot enterprises on the list increased significantly compared with last year. On the one hand, excluding the weakening effect of the listing of two super unicorns, Lianying Medical and Huada Zhizhi, on the total valuation of the device list, the number of financing events in the primary market of medical devices exceeded 400 in 22 years (surpassing innovative drugs to become the medical and health track with the largest number of financing events in 2022), and high-frequency and large-scale financing boosted the valuation of medical device enterprises. On the other hand, medical robots are currently one of the hottest tracks in the field of innovative equipment, which is favored by capital. Taking surgical robots as an example, the total number of financing in 22 years has exceeded 30 times, which makes the listed data of this track enterprise more competitive.

The innovative drug track has picked up, and 22 years of financing has accelerated, helping the biomedical list valuation to lead the main list.The development of frontier biotechnology tracks such as cell therapy, gene therapy and nucleic acid drugs is the main driving factor for the investment and financing in the biomedical field and the further growth of the valuation of the track enterprises. In 2022, the biomedical field has made outstanding financing achievements in the primary market at home and abroad. At the same time, the current domestic pharmaceutical industry is undergoing structural changes, bringing new growth points and ensuring that some innovative enterprises remain active. Based on the analysis of the enterprises listed in the current biomedical list, a number of innovative biomedical enterprises in China with international competitiveness began to emerge, leading the biomedical list in terms of valuation. In addition, under the investment strategy of paying attention to biotechnology and investing early and investing small, a large number of early biomedical enterprises have obtained high financing, with a valuation exceeding RMB 1 billion.

The digital medical unicorn has the best valuation performance, and the overall valuation level of the digital medical list is relatively optimistic.At present, the sub-fields clearly covered by digital medical care include digital therapy, medical informatization, AI+ medical care, etc., which are used to realize disease prevention and management, auxiliary diagnosis, auxiliary treatment, clinical workflow, rehabilitation, new drug research and development and other related applications. Generally speaking, the capital selection is more cautious when the investment and financing ebb, and the underlying technology of digital medical care is indeed developing continuously with the naked eye. Enterprises deeply involved in this field have very optimistic and certain growth potential at both B-end and C-end, and the innovation and foresight based on emerging digital technologies are the main reasons for the increase in valuation.

The valuation level of medical service, business and supply chain service enterprises is low. The valuation of unicorn enterprises with high growth medical services has made steady progress. However, the medical service enterprises represented by genetic testing services and specialized chain services were affected by the epidemic situation in the first half of 22 years and the adjustment of epidemic policy in the second half, and their valuation levels declined. In addition, due to the expansion of the newly established list, the overall valuation level of the companies listed in this new business and supply chain service list is the lowest compared with other lists.

Beijing and Shanghai have obvious geographical advantages, and they continue to rank TOP2 in the list of enterprises.In terms of distribution cities, the statistical results of the list data show that there are obvious advantages in the number of large health-related innovative enterprises in Shanghai, with a total of 121 listed enterprises. Among them, the number of enterprises in medical devices, biomedicine and commercial and supply chain services ranks in the top three. The cumulative valuation of listed companies in Shanghai is 337.267 billion RMB, with an average valuation of 2.787 billion RMB. The number of listed enterprises in Beijing ranks second, with a total of 116 enterprises on the list. Among them, the number of enterprises in the fields of digital medical care, medical services and biomedicine ranks in the top. The cumulative valuation of listed enterprises in Beijing is 311.915 billion RMB, with an average valuation of 2.683 billion RMB. Similar to the results of previous years’ list selection, the whole industrial chain of Great Health is concentrated in Shanghai and Beijing, with 237 listed enterprises in the two cities, with a cumulative valuation of nearly 650 billion yuan, accounting for 42.18% of the total valuation of listed enterprises.

Yangtze River Delta Economic Zone and Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao Economic Zone are still fertile ground for the growth of big healthy enterprises; Shenzhen and Hangzhou are the second echelon of large health enterprises; Guangzhou and Suzhou are the third echelon of large health enterprises.The medical and health industrial clusters generally follow the growth path of "local agglomeration-regional cooperation-global competition and cooperation" in space, and industrial clusters have become the new engine of regional development. In addition to Beijing and Shanghai, the Yangtze River Delta Economic Circle, represented by Hangzhou and Suzhou, and the Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao Economic Circle, represented by Shenzhen and Guangzhou, have built a highly competitive industrial environment for the development of the medical and health industry. In particular, business and supply chain enterprise services cover a wide range, including medicine and equipment CRO/CMO/CDMO/CSO, life science tools and services, innovative channels and marketing services, innovative payment services, logistics services, medical insurance and financial services. Therefore, paying attention to the distribution of commercial and supply chain service enterprises can further observe the industrial completeness of each city. More than half of the listed enterprises in Shanghai and Beijing are fertile ground for the growth of current commercial and supply chain service enterprises.

Chengdu continues to lead the new first-tier cities in the west and gather highlands for medical and health enterprises in the west.It is worth mentioning that the big health industry in the western economic circle with Chengdu as the core is rising rapidly. The listed companies in the city are all leaders in subdivided tracks, gaining competitive advantages in their respective fields of deep cultivation, pushing up the average valuation to 5.6 billion yuan, ranking first in all cities. Chengdu itself is an important economic center and scientific and technological innovation center in the western region, with a sound industrial base and talent advantages, which provides a good development environment for the big health industry. In addition, the government continues to adopt a full-cycle support policy for innovative enterprises in this field, attracting a large number of capital and talents to enter the big health industry in this region.

For the complete list of winners and the report, click to view."2023 Top 100 Future Medical Care List Released: But Go Ahead, Don’t Ask West and East"