"Group-based" medical assistance allows the masses to have "medical support"

Dong Zhichao, deputy chief physician of the Third Department of Coronary Heart Disease, the First Affiliated Hospital of Dalian Medical University, is operating on patients.

Xihai all-media reporter Lu Jinwu correspondent Shi Yanshou Wen/map

"On May 20th, the interventional catheter room of Minhe County People’s Hospital was opened with the help of the First Affiliated Hospital of Dalian Medical University. On May 26th, the interventional catheter room of Minhe County People’s Hospital successfully performed the first coronary angiography and coronary stent implantation for cardiovascular patients, which filled the gap in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases in Minhe County medical institutions. Among them, the intervention of acute myocardial infarction without implant surgery and right heart catheterization was the first case in Haidong City … "On the subscription number of Haidong Citizen and Hui and Tu Autonomous County People’s Hospital, the successful cases obtained by the hospital in" group-type "assistance were recorded.

Since 2016, Binhu District, Wuxi City, Jiangsu Province, the First Affiliated Hospital of Dalian Medical University, and the Ninth People’s Hospital of Wuxi City have dispatched business backbones and department experts to Minhe County to carry out "group-style" health assistance work, so that the masses can enjoy high-quality and efficient medical and health services.

In the past, many patients in Minhe County could only be treated for cardiovascular diseases in Qinghai provincial hospitals. Li Wanfeng, president of Minhe County People’s Hospital, told the reporter that in 2010, Minhe County People’s Hospital added the Department of Cardiology. In 2011, 10 outstanding medical backbones were sent to anzhen hospital to receive a one-year training in cardiovascular disease treatment technology. After the training, due to the lack of coronary intervention treatment equipment, cardiovascular disease treatment only stayed on simple diagnosis and thrombolysis technology.

And this "stay" lasted for nearly 10 years.

The management of Minhe County People’s Hospital began to think about the solution.

Li Wanfeng said that with the strong support of the Minhe County Party Committee and the county government and the matchmaking of the temporary leaders in Binhu District of Wuxi City, Minhe County People’s Hospital won more than 6 million yuan from the east and the west, purchased medical equipment such as digital subtraction angiography, and prepared an interventional catheter room, equipped with domestic advanced ceiling-mounted large flat-panel C-arm machine, multifunctional ECG pressure monitor, defibrillator, high-pressure syringe and other medical equipment.

The establishment and operation of interventional catheter room in Minhe County People’s Hospital brings hope to patients with cardiovascular diseases.

Dong Zhichao, deputy chief physician of the Third Department of Coronary Heart Disease in the First Affiliated Hospital of Dalian Medical University, said that on May 20th, he came to Minhe County People’s Hospital from the First Affiliated Hospital of Dalian Medical University to carry out medical assistance. On the 6th day of his arrival, he completed the first case of coronary angiography+coronary stent implantation in Minhe County People’s Hospital. On the 14th day of arrival, the first emergency coronary intervention was completed. With the support of the Department of Cardiology, the First Affiliated Hospital of Dalian Medical University, Dalian Cardiology Society donated a surgical teaching and remote consultation system worth 1 million yuan to Minhe County People’s Hospital, which provided a platform for patients to seek medical treatment efficiently and quickly. The hospital has carried out surgical trial teaching, special lectures, remote consultation, etc. by using the platform, which has improved the diagnosis and treatment ability of common cardiovascular diseases of medical staff.

Li Wanfeng said that since 2016, the First Affiliated Hospital of Dalian Medical University has sent 47 experts to help, and has carried out assistance work for departments such as cardiovascular medicine, general surgery, urology, gastroenterology, and critical care medicine.

Especially since the beginning of this year, the First Affiliated Hospital of Dalian Medical University has sent seven high-quality, competent, professional and hard-working help experts, bringing new ideas and new technologies to Minhe County People’s Hospital, and cultivating a group of local talents for the hospital by mentoring. Since the interventional catheter room was put into use, Minhe County People’s Hospital has treated nearly 140 patients with cardiovascular diseases, reducing the medical burden of local people.

I’ll give you all the technical points of badminton entry!

Little friends who can’t play badminton or those who can’t play badminton around, forward them at will, pick up the racket quickly, and learn how to get started badminton correctly with Xiaobian!

Grip mode

To learn badminton, of course, we should start with the racket. Without weapons, how can we "fight"!

Forehand grip: The tiger’s mouth faces the small edge of the narrow face of the racket handle, and the thumb and forefinger are attached to the two wide faces of the racket handle. The forefinger and middle finger are slightly separated, and the middle finger, ring finger and little finger are close together to hold the racket handle, and the palms are not close together. The end of the racket handle is flat with the thenar muscle near the wrist, and the racket face is basically vertical to the ground.

Backhand grip: On the basis of forehand grip, the thumb and forefinger turn the grip slightly outward, with the thumb vertex on the wide surface or the inner edge of the grip, the middle finger, ring finger and little finger close together to hold the grip, and the grip end is close to the root of the little finger, leaving a gap in the palm. The racket leans to the left of the body, and the racket face leans back later.

Serve technique

After learning the grip, let’s see how to serve. A good serve is the premise of winning, because a bad serve will directly make you miss the opponent’s return.

Serve techniques can be divided into forehand and backhand techniques. Generally speaking, forehand serve can be used for serve before serve, serve flat, serve flat high, serve flat and serve before serve net.

Serve a high ball: The so-called high ball is to serve the ball high and far, so that the ball flies above the opponent’s backcourt. The flight path of the ball forms an angle with the ground, which is greater than 45 degrees, so that the ball falls vertically near the bottom line of the opponent’s court.

Forehand serve: The forehand serve is to serve the ball near the foreserve line in the opponent’s service area. When the racket touches the ball, it hits the ball obliquely from right to left, so that the ball just crosses the net and falls near the opponent’s foreserve line.

Backhand low serve: Backhand serve is characterized by fast serve speed and tricky landing. In particular, if the skill is mastered, try to hit the ball against the net when serving, fast, low, far and wide, that is, it falls near the boundary, leaving the opponent helpless. When hitting the ball, the racket face forms a small inclination angle (acute angle) with the badminton, which is just the opposite of the flat high ball, so that the ball hit is a low flat ball with faster speed.

Power technology

When it comes to badminton technology, we have to talk about the core "power" technology. If you want to crush an egg with your hand, you should use the strength of your thumb, forefinger and middle finger, not the strength of your whole hand. In the same way, for badminton, if you hold the racket tightly and use the strength of the whole palm to hit the badminton, it will be difficult to control the ball delicately and make the force concentrate on one point.


Before playing ball, the body must relax and be in a state of readiness. In this relaxation, the most important thing is to relax the wrist, then the fingers will naturally relax, the racket will not be tightly held, and the swing action will not be stiff. In addition to the relaxation of the wrist, the waist and legs should be relaxed, and it is difficult to make strength when it is tightened. The body should also relax, so that the swing action can be achieved. Remember, the subtle differences in grip will also affect the force and swing speed.

Accelerated swing

The swing action must be a sudden action, and the swing process is an accelerated swing process, which must be explosive. The faster you swing out, the greater the impact on the ball. The process of playing the ball should be calm, the action should have a sense of rhythm, and the moment of hitting the ball suddenly accelerates.

Wrist flashing

This is the essence of badminton action, and it is also the most critical part of exerting strength. The so-called "flashing wrist" means that after throwing it out like a whip, the wrist should suddenly stop, instead of continuing to swing in the direction of the swing. This pause will make the initial speed of the ball extremely fast, but after passing the opponent, it will slow down and fall without going out of bounds.

As long as you can master these three points, you can play a quality ball even if the pace is not in place, the swing is not sufficient, the hitting point is not high enough, and so on.

Ball killing technique

Killing the ball is one of the most offensive ways in badminton, which includes jumping, forehand and backhand. When killing the ball, there should be light and heavy, slow and urgent.

Jump kill: the location of the jump kill is about three-quarters of the site. Stand with your feet shoulder width apart, your body at a 45-degree angle with the net, and your grip foot back. When preparing to jump, you should move backwards. After jumping up, the racket has its head raised above its head, and the racket is held in the forehand to hit the ball quickly and forcefully.

Forehand kill: generally, you should stand back, but don’t exceed the back sideline, sideways to the net, with your feet shoulder-width apart, your right arm bent upward to spread your chest and your left arm straight to keep your body balanced. Hit the ball simply and quickly. When killing the ball on the top of your head, lean back and contract your abdominal muscles to balance your body and return quickly.

Backhand killing: Choose the backhand killing position to be three-quarters of the court. When you are ready to hit the ball, turn your body to the left from the middle of the court, and turn your shoulders at the same time so that your elbow points downwards. Take the racket arm on the right side to make a good stroke, and swing your left arm backwards to keep your body balanced. When killing the ball reversely, turn your body to the right, push down the ground to increase your strength, shrink your back at the same time, turn your upper body and shoulders, turn your elbow upside down, and then stretch your elbow and forearm to hit the ball quickly. If you want to kill a straight ball, your shoulders should point to the center line at the moment of hitting the ball. After hitting the ball, quickly reverse your body and prepare for defense.

In badminton, the combination of killing the ball and controlling before the net will produce greater effect. It feels good to kill your opponent with one beat, but never think about killing your opponent with one beat. You should regard killing the ball as a means to attack your opponent and create better opportunities.

If you want to practice killing the ball well, you must first keep up with your wrist strength.

The position of the force should be correct, and it depends on the strength of the wrist "shaking" and "throwing".

You can find a rope to tie the ball to a high place and practice fixed click and smash. Experience the point of grabbing when killing the ball, and the point of shooting should be before the center of gravity.

Adjustment of landing point of killing ball

Try to straighten your arm to kill the ball, and the hitting point is slightly ahead, which can help you to exert enough force and make the angle sharper. Try to take off and kill the ball if possible, so that the hitting point is higher and the psychological threat to the opponent is greater.

Kill the ball with variety.

More changes make it easier to score goals without blindly pursuing the speed of killing the ball. Try not to kill if the opponent returns the ball in place.

Be good at finding each other’s killing habits.  

For an opponent who likes to catch and kill with his right hand all the time, he often subconsciously gives up a position to the left before catching and killing. At this time, it is necessary to kill the ball in advance and directly kill it under his left shoulder, which can be exactly what he wants.

Ball picking technique

Pick the ball must be in place, so that defense can achieve "twice the result with half the effort." So what should we do?

Forehand pick: Hold the racket in the forehand and hold it on your chest. Take a big step forward with your right foot, backward with your left foot, sideways with your center of gravity on your right foot. At the same time, the right arm swings backwards, naturally stretching the wrist to make the racket pull back. Then, take the elbow joint as the axis, bend your arm and rotate inward, hold the racket tightly, and hit the ball forward and upward with the strength of your index finger and wrist.

Backhand pick: Hold the racket on your chest with your backhand. Take a big step forward to the left with your right foot, and focus on your right foot. At the same time, the right shoulder is facing the net, and the elbow is flexed to lead the racket to the left shoulder. Then, with the elbow as the axis, hold the racket warp from bottom to top, press the wide surface of the racket handle with the first knuckle of the thumb, and hit the ball hard.

(Source: Badminton Teaching)

Antique beauty cosmetics are neither ancient nor beautiful.

Once Guofeng Beauty is solidified into a revised copy, a concept and a face value of "changing the soup without changing the medicine", how long can consumers buy it?

Even if you haven’t bought Guofeng beauty cosmetics, you must have heard of Forbidden City makeup, Huaxizi carved lipstick, Mao Geping Guofeng series …

Following the "national tide" fever, domestic beauty brands have been rising in recent years.

According to the report of CBNData, in 2020, the growth rate of domestic brands in the beauty care industry is much higher than that of foreign brands. At the same time, during Tmall’s "Double Eleven" in 2020, domestic beauty products went to sea and increased by more than 10 times.

Many domestic beauty brands make good use of China elements to create product differences. Among them, the makeup of the Forbidden City made the "national beauty" fire out of the circle.

Even international brands are jealous to join in the fun. L ‘Oré al, Chanel, Estee Lauder, Givenchy, YSL, etc. are all playing the national beauty in the China market.

In April 2020, Wang Yifan, who "restored" China’s ancient cosmetics, was in Hangzhou, Zhejiang. /vision china

However, if you play too many routines, aesthetic fatigue is inevitable. After the makeup of the Forbidden City and the Summer Palace, netizens ridiculed that "Tiantan lipstick is ready to go", "Great Wall eye shadow is gearing up" and "Xiangshan socks are stepping up production".

Once Guofeng Beauty is solidified into a revised copy, a concept and a face value, how long can consumers buy it?

Beauty cosmetics are rubbing against the national style.

The Forbidden City Wenchuang, which was raging around, set off a wave of national marketing as soon as it entered the beauty industry.

Take the Forbidden City Taobao as an example. In 2018, it launched "Floating Sky, Canghai, Forbidden City Crane Series" and "Dark Night Streamer, Forbidden City Mother-of-pearl Series" (hereinafter referred to as "Crane Series" and "Mother-of-pearl Series" respectively).

In terms of design elements, these two series of items include their designs, which are from different collections of cultural relics in the Forbidden City. For example, the design inspiration of the mother-of-pearl series comes from the "Mother-of-pearl Hua Niaowen Bed with Black Paint" in the Palace Museum.

In terms of name, the mouth red number of the crane series is added with three major colors: "Palace Wall Red", "Lang Yaohong" and "carmine". According to the sales data of Taobao in 2018, this new gameplay made the Xianhe series lipstick sell 80,000 pieces on the day of "Double Twelve".

On September 6, 2020, Beijing, the cultural service area of the 2020 Service Trade Fair, the Forbidden City lipstick was launched by the Forbidden City. /people’s vision

Such a marketable idea soon attracted a group of followers.

M.A.C, who is good at "copying homework", immediately launched the "New Year Limited Series" jointly with the Forbidden City. Not only international brands, but also Xie Fuchun, one of the founders of Guofeng beauty brand, refused to accept the old age and jointly launched the "ancient perfume" with the Forbidden City.

Other "students" can’t sit still, so they join hands with other cultural and creative IPS. The most representative is the joint make-up of Kating and the Summer Palace, which is called "A Hundred Birds Face the Phoenix". The Summer Palace co-branded makeup was once a hot spot in the Forbidden City makeup: who is the official lipstick?

Kazilan asked Dunhuang Museum for a co-branded makeup, and L ‘Oré al asked China National Museum for a co-branded lipstick. Finding a joint name of the museum has become the standard of the hot spot of the national wind for a time.

We don’t engage in co-branded Huaxizi, but take the opportunity to bring out "carved lipstick", that is, we present ancient elements on lipstick with the ancient embossed process of re-engraving.

Other brands that don’t engage in co-branding have also racked their brains to find China elements to launch their own national beauty series. When the brand Hua, a new domestic product, knew about it, she gave the six blush colors of the new series names such as "slow voice", "qingpingle", "fairy", "recalling the youth", "Sauvignon Blanc" and "seeing each other".

European and American brands are also in line with the Chinese style: Armani produced a simple and rude limited high-gloss powder for the Year of the Dog, Givenchy produced a limited edition cosmetics for the Year of the Monkey, and Chanel once again launched an oriental screen series of cosmetics.

In fact, it is not new to play with national beauty. The master is here to play Guofeng Beauty Makeup-Dai Chunlin, who has been in existence since the Ming Dynasty, and Xie Fuchun, who inherited the tradition of Yangzhou powder in the Ming and Qing Dynasties, are the two founders of Guofeng Beauty Makeup.

On August 22, 2017, in Changzhou, Jiangsu Province, citizens passed the Chinese time-honored brand Xie Fuchun Cosmetics Commercial Retail Store. /vision china

Duck egg powder, which ancient celebrities competed for, has always been the top product of Dai Chunlin and Xie Fuchun. Rouge, as the overlord of ancient makeup, and the thrush tool "snail Dai" favored by ancient nobles are also the star products of these two companies.

The classic four-piece set of Xie Fuchun Town Store is rouge, powder, hair oil and fragrant parts. The royal makeup series of Dai Chunlin Palace, which became famous in the Ming and Qing Dynasties, continues to this day; Dai Chunlin also launched a Dream of Red Mansions, a series of twelve women in Jinling.

Things will develop in the opposite direction when they become extreme.

It didn’t take long for Guofeng beauty cosmetics to be lively, and the problem came.

The landmark event is that the Forbidden City makeup is in a crisis of production suspension. In January 2019, the Forbidden City Taobao issued an official statement: the original series of makeup of the Forbidden City Taobao still has a lot of room for improvement from appearance to quality, and decided to stop production across the board.

At this time, it was less than a month before Taobao, the Forbidden City, launched makeup.

The rush to stop production is directly related to insufficient production capacity. According to national business daily, a few days after Taobao put on make-up in the Forbidden City, some consumers reported that the products that had been purchased before were refunded. The customer service responded that the pre-sale quantity of makeup has reached the production capacity saturation, so the pre-sale is suspended.

However, the most fundamental reason is the poor quality of the products. Weibo, the official Taobao official of the Forbidden City, responded to the shutdown event, saying that "the lipstick appearance feedback is not high enough, and there is room for improvement in the smoothness and color of the paste. Eye shadow pearlescent particles are not fine enough, and some colors have flying powder phenomenon. Blush, pink, and orange are acceptable. The practicality of the emerald blue is not good. "

To put it bluntly, the creativity of Guofeng beauty cosmetics is good, but it is not easy to cooperate with the production end.

The "2020 Domestic Makeup Market Research Report" released by Yiou think tank and Tmall Beauty (hereinafter referred to as "Yiou 2020 Domestic Makeup Report") points out that low-price competition and high marketing expenses restrict the investment in product research and development. In order to enter the market quickly, most domestic make-up brands rely on OEM production. This has led to a situation that a foundry works for multiple brands at the same time and the products of different brands converge.

The report also pointed out that due to the low barriers to entry in the beauty industry, brands without independent product design and innovation capabilities are keen to copy or imitate popular categories and styles, and then sell them at lower prices, further intensifying competition in the same category and depressing overall industry profits.

National business daily once reported that Hua Xizi officially released the recruitment information of "high-paid anti-counterfeiting officials" to the outside world in March 2020. After only one month (June), the anti-counterfeiting officer complained about nearly 2,000 fake information on various e-commerce platforms and prosecuted more than 300 cases.

From the perspective of consumption, many European and American brands’ "Chinese style restrictions" have been repeatedly ridiculed. Armani’s limited high-gloss powder in the Year of the Dog was ridiculed as "the biggest killer in the beauty industry". Givenchy’s limited make-up in the Year of the Monkey also caused netizens to ask: "Do European and American big names have any misunderstandings about Chinese style?"

Moreover, the common routines such as changing the copy, putting together the concept, and spelling the face value are much more played, which is also easy to cause aesthetic fatigue. If there is no more core product innovation, the enthusiasm of consumers will be difficult to sustain.

In contrast, the century-old brand of neighboring Japan, excellent product strength is fundamental.

Shiseido in Japan, the brand name comes from the Book of Changes. Shiseido’s brand symbol "Toona sinensis", that is, a gorgeous and elegant camellia, symbolizes the Japanese cultural tradition of appreciating nature. The treasure of its town store is a product with real vitality for a hundred years, such as EUDERMINE red honey dew lotion developed on the basis of western pharmaceutical prescriptions in 1890.

Difficult to be high-end

"Big-name flat replacement", that is, a cheap substitute for big names, is the key for some domestic beauty brands to rely on the national wind elements.

Imagine, if the price of the Forbidden City Xianhe series lipstick is not within 150 yuan, but 300-500 yuan, will it still sell so well? In the long run, if you want to be stable and strong in the whole market, it is almost a consensus of domestic beauty brands to hit the high end.

Forbidden City lipstick. /vision china

This is because there is a "1 billion curse" in new consumer brands, that is, when the brand grows to an annual sales of 1 billion yuan, it will encounter growth bottlenecks. If we don’t transform at this time, once the traffic dividend fails, the profit model of the whole enterprise will collapse. It is at this stage that the perfect diary vigorously promotes the transformation of the brand to "high-end".

On the one hand, Perfect Diary invited Zhou Xun and Poke Ye (Troye Sivan) as brand spokespersons; On the other hand, the perfect diary quickly laid offline stores. By September 2020, Perfect Diary had opened 200 stores in just 20 months.

Yiou 2020 Domestic Makeup Report also pointed out: Some insiders believe that domestic make-up is not high-end because "I dare not try, I dare not invest, I am afraid of failure, and I am afraid that the loss will outweigh the gain". On the one hand, domestic cosmetics that lack brand accumulation have to maintain sales at low prices; On the other hand, weak profits and lack of talents make it impossible for domestic cosmetics to further develop and innovate and differentiate products and brands.

However, even if the intensity of burning money is well-known in the industry, what kind of answer sheet can the perfect diary hand over in the high-end impact? Perhaps, everything has just begun.

On April 18th, 2021, Beijing Guangqu Road Business Circle, Heshenghui Shopping Center, Zhou Xun endorsed the PERFECT DIARY perfect diary beauty cosmetics chain store. /vision china

Mao Geping, another representative of the impact on high-end domestic products, has been positioned in high-end domestic cosmetics from the beginning. In addition to the big IP of founder Mao Geping, it also cooperated with the Forbidden City to produce a three-season makeup series. Even if it is praised by netizens as "the subversion of the value of Guofeng beauty", from the sales data, the joint makeup of the Forbidden City is far less than before.

After all, the price of the third season’s "rockhopper gold-plated stunning lipstick" jointly issued by the Forbidden City in Mao Geping reached 560 yuan. To fight the big names in Europe and America in this price range, it seems that the joint name of the Forbidden City in Mao Geping is not enough to rely on the IP of the Forbidden City and the beautiful face value.

In the high-end development of the brand, Shiseido in Japan provides another example.

According to the research report of Guojin Securities, Shiseido adheres to the strategy of "high-end priority" and gathers resources to high-end brands at the brand end; At the research and development end, many research results of "whitening", "sun protection" and "anti-wrinkle" have been created; On the channel side, let its high-end brands seize the most luxurious location; On the marketing side, Shiseido has always led the Japanese advertising design community; On the supply chain side, Shiseido’s global layout has achieved efficient production.

To this day, Shiseido is constantly updating its market strategy to keep up with the changes in the consumer market.

For the growing domestic beauty brands, there is still a long way to go to high-end and even globalization.

Author | Shu Shaohuan

Typesetting | Zhen mi Li

Original title | Antique cosmetics: After the "national wind fever" is on fire, what should beauty do next?

First published in issue 589 of New Weekly.

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Increasing the supply of medical services in various places to alleviate the pressure of seeing a doctor for respiratory diseases.

Cctv news(News Network): Recently, the epidemic periods of respiratory diseases in winter have overlapped in many parts of the country, and the demand for medical treatment of urban and rural residents, especially children, has increased significantly. The National Health and Wellness Commission has deployed various medical institutions at all levels to make overall arrangements for medical resources to facilitate people to seek medical treatment.

Since the beginning of winter, all localities have continuously increased the supply of medical services, improved service processes, and met the medical needs of the masses to the greatest extent. In Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin and other areas where medical resources are relatively concentrated, daily monitoring is carried out on the data of patients’ diagnosis and treatment within their jurisdiction. Major hospitals have increased consultation rooms, infusion places and patient rest areas, increased inspection windows, shortened the time for reporting medical images, and improved the efficiency of medical treatment. Major hospitals should mobilize qualified medical staff in the whole hospital to support the front line of pediatrics, extend the working hours of outpatient clinics and set up night clinics as needed.

In order to alleviate the problem of difficulty in registration and slow treatment in some large hospitals, all localities have given full play to the role of primary medical and health institutions, and timely released the list of primary medical and health institutions that can provide pediatric services within their jurisdiction, so as to facilitate the people to seek medical treatment in an orderly manner nearby. Dahongmen Community Health Service Center in Fengtai District, Beijing implements fast appointment triage, and children with fever, cough and other symptoms can first issue a laboratory test sheet, and then see a doctor after the results are issued.

In addition to further expanding medical strength, all localities have played the role of close urban medical associations, counterpart support and referral mechanisms, unblocked referral channels, and guided mild children to give priority to primary medical and health institutions.

The departments of health, education and civil affairs in Chongqing, Fujian and Jiangxi have joined forces to strengthen the prevention and control of respiratory diseases in key groups and places such as old-age care institutions and schools.

Source: CCTV