Important notice! Working hours have changed.


The Spring Festival holiday is coming to an end.

While everyone is enjoying the holiday life.

Don’t forget.

February 18th is a working day.

According to the general office of the State Council.

Notice on Some Holiday Arrangements in 2024

The Spring Festival is on holiday from February 10th to 17th.

A total of 8 days

February 18th (Sunday)

Going to work!

Friends who usually set the working day alarm clock.

Don’t forget to set the alarm clock.

In case of being late

Original title: "Important notice! Working hours have changed.

Read the original text

(This article is from The Paper, please download the "The Paper" APP for more original information)

Six questions about snowfall forecast! What is the difficulty in judging whether it is raining or snowing?

On January 20, during the cold season, Beijing and other places ushered in the first snowfall in 2022! As the first round of large-scale rain and snow in the New Year, there are small to medium snow or sleet in Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, Northwest China, North China, Huanghuai and western Hubei, and there are heavy snow and local snowstorms in eastern Shaanxi, southwestern Shanxi, southern Hebei, Henan, western Shandong and southern Tibet. On the other hand, there is rainfall in many places in the south.
However, compared with rainfall forecast, snowfall forecast is much more complicated! People want to know,Also affected by a strong cold air, is it rain or snow?Can the depth of newly added snow be predicted? What is the difficulty of snowfall forecast? Therefore, China Meteorological News reporter interviewed meteorologists to find out!
What’s the difference between forecasting snowfall and forecasting rainfall?
First of all, it needs to be clear that rain and snow are different phases of water, so in meteorology,Snowfall forecast and rainfall forecast can be collectively called precipitation forecast.
We know that no matter whether it rains or snows, we need to meet the basic conditions for precipitation, and most of the snowfall occurs in the precipitation weather under the winter climate background.
Similarities:Meteorological factors such as large-scale circulation background, water vapor conditions and dynamic conditions that need to be paid attention to in rainfall forecasting are also important in snowfall forecasting. At this point, the forecasting methods and techniques of the two are also consistent.
Differences:Winter precipitation is often accompanied by the phase transformation process of rain and snow. Accurate phase prediction is the basis of snowfall and snow depth prediction, which are not available in rainfall prediction.
When we pull the angle of view to the vertical altitude of several kilometers, we can find that the temperature at different heights of the atmosphere is not evenly distributed, and the morphology of precipitation particles has various changes at different heights and in different temperature and humidity States.The precipitation phase will also undergo a very complicated transformation.
Schematic diagram of atmospheric temperature changing with height. Snowfall only occurs in the troposphere.
When ice crystals or snowflakes fall down in the clouds, it’s like an unknown adventure.
Only when the whole floor is cold (for example, below 0℃) will snow fall to the ground. If the temperature of the whole layer is higher than 0℃, it will turn into rain.In fact, the temperature change between layers of atmosphere is often more complicated than imagined:
Case 1: If the temperature in the upper and lower floors is lower than 0℃, but there is a shallow warm layer in the middle, and the snow in the upper floors melts in the middle warm layer and then freezes in the middle and lower cold layers, then it is ice particles.
Case 2: If the warm layer in the middle is thick, it will rain if the snowflakes in the upper layer are too late to freeze after melting in the warm layer in the middle.
Situation 3: If the ground temperature is high or the water content of snowflakes is high, sometimes snow falls, and it is difficult to form obvious snow on the ground, but it is wet.
In reality, the real vertical atmospheric temperature, influenced by the atmospheric circulation system and complex dynamic environmental conditions, is not so simple stratification, and the surface temperature near the ground is different, which makesWhen and in what form will the "naughty child" of precipitation enter the public’s sight? Need a complex comprehensive judgment.
The national precipitation forecast map released by the Central Meteorological Observatory at 6 o’clock on January 20, 2022.
What is the difficulty in judging whether it is raining or snowing?
Rain, sleet, snow, freezing rain, ice particles, snow, snow, etc …There are many forms of precipitation in winter, and the transition between phases has a very complicated mechanism. The core is the vertical change of temperature and water vapor in the atmosphere.
Snow-covered landscape
At first glance, there are four necessary conditions for the formation of snowfall: low temperature, water vapor saturation, upward movement and condensation nuclei in the air. To integrate these four factors, it is also necessary that the ascending motion must be extended to the temperature layer conducive to the development of ice crystals, which is usually at least -10℃.
Carefully, the vertical distribution of temperature and humidity in the atmosphere is very complicated, including the height from -10℃ to 0℃, the thickness difference between related temperature layers, the temperature from the ground to the condensation height of water vapor, the height of cloud bottom, and the path, intensity and moving speed of cold air, as well as the underlying surface conditions such as topography.The key factors affecting the phase transition of precipitation are mutually restricted and have a non-fixed relationship with the formation of rain and snow phases.
In short, it is a scientific and technological problem to predict when and where it will rain or snow, which needs the support of three-dimensional meteorological comprehensive observation data, corresponding numerical forecasting model and objective forecasting method.
The hourly rain and snow situation in China reflects the evolution of precipitation.
At present, the prediction of ground precipitation phase model is mainly obtained by the vertical distribution of water content in the cloud combined with the vertical profile diagnosis of ambient temperature, and the subjective phase prediction is also mainly based on the temperature threshold at key levels. However, the actual precipitation phase is related to the complex cloud microphysical process, and the phase distribution described by the temperature profile model or threshold is still quite different from the phase characteristics in the actual cloud.
Therefore, phase prediction has always been a difficult point in winter precipitation prediction, and it is a long way to go to clearly explain the complex mechanism behind this change.
Is it easy to predict the depth of snow?
How high can 1 mm snowfall accumulate? This is closely related to ice crystal structure, temperature layer and humidity layer structure, vertical movement of atmosphere, surface temperature and snow moisture content.
According to statistics,The ratio of snow depth to snowfall in winter in China is about 0.75 cm/mm,It means that for every 1 mm of snowfall, about 0.75 cm of snow is formed.
However, this ratio tends to decrease obviously with the increase of temperature, and there are significant regional differences.For example, the snowfall caused by the same cold wave, due to the influence of surface temperature, wind and other conditions, the amount of snow in the south is often not as much as that in the north, and the amount of snow in cities is not as much as that in mountainous areas. thereforeSnow forecast not only needs to pay attention to the "stories" in the atmosphere, but also to the complex situation on the ground, and the difficulty of forecast is increasing.
It can be said that snow depth prediction is an international problem.
At present, global models such as EC (european centre for medium-range weather forecasts) and NCEP (National Center for Environmental Forecasting) all provide snow forecast products, but they are all instructive and have some differences with business requirements.
The staff of the observation field of Tongliao Meteorological Bureau in Inner Mongolia carried out intensive snow depth observation
In recent years, China has also carried out a lot of work in snow depth forecasting, and gradually promoted the snow depth forecasting business. However, due to the limitation of observation data in winter for a long time, forecasters have insufficient understanding of the characteristics, influencing factors and forecasting techniques of snow depth during snowfall, which makesSnow depth prediction is still a difficult problem.
What factors will lead to blizzard?
The formation of blizzard needs abundant water vapor, strong lifting power, cold enough temperature and suitable temperature layer structure. In addition, the above conditions need to last for a certain period of time to form a blizzard.
For example, a nationwide cold wave that started on the evening of November 20, 2021 brought snowstorms and heavy snowstorms to Northeast China.
The cold air of this cold wave comes from Siberia, and in the process of moving eastward and southward, on the one hand, it meets the warm and humid air in the southern region to form precipitation; On the other hand, warm and humid air currents from the northeast and the sea surface form extratropical cyclones. The cyclone not only continuously transports warm and humid air to the north, but also provides lifting power for the convergence of cold and warm air. As a result, cold and warm air meet in the northeast where the temperate cyclone front is located, forming a blizzard.
True color monitoring map of FY-4A meteorological satellite
What meteorological products can the general public refer to to predict the approaching snowfall?
Weather radar can see the information of precipitation, but compared with summer, the precipitation in winter is less in magnitude, so even if it is a blizzard (precipitation is more than 10 mm), strong radar echoes such as "tomato scrambled eggs" are rarely seen on the radar map. Therefore, to understand the snowfall process, it is best to pay attention to the latest weather information released by the meteorological department.
What is the current snowfall forecasting ability in China?
What other shortcomings are there?
Quantitative precipitation forecast is the most traditional and core forecast business of the Central Meteorological Observatory.At present, the Central Meteorological Observatory has produced and released a gridded quantitative precipitation forecast product with a spatial resolution of 5km, with an interval of 1 hour in the next 3 days and an interval of 3 hours in the next 10 days.
In the aspect of precipitation phase prediction, it has been upgraded from rain and snow prediction to rain, sleet, freezing rain and snow prediction. For the snowfall forecast, there are not only the snowfall forecast but also the snow depth, including the new snow depth forecast.
Today, the short board of snowfall forecast still exists.Li Zechun, an academician of China Academy of Engineering, once put forward four points around the difficult breakthrough of snowfall forecast:
First of all, improve the ability of extending short-term and medium-term forecasting and short-term climate forecasting, and improve the prediction level of cumulative effects of continuous snowfall.
Secondly, by building automatic weather stations, carrying out intensive observation and other measures, the fine degree of snowstorm forecast will be improved.
Third, strengthen the grasp and research on the mechanism of precipitation phase change.
Fourthly, make full use of microwave radiometer, temperature profiler, wind profiler, dual polarization radar and laser raindrop spectrometer to monitor and physically analyze the local atmospheric structure and changes.
The meteorological departments have already carried out research on the mechanism of occurrence and development of snowstorms in the north, and constantly encouraged meteorological departments at all levels to carry out research on snowfall forecasting techniques and methods suitable for local conditions.
up to this day
With that improvement of numerical forecast model
Improvement of forecasting technical ability
Aiming at the influence of rain and snow freezing disaster
Risk assessment and decision-making service
But also play a greater role in emergency response.
(Source: China Meteorological Bureau)

Interview with President of Peking University Examinations Institute: Furniture made like a mold

  Dean of Peking University Examination and Research Institute interviewed Xueba.

  What is the life direction of these "cow children"?

  Author: Qin Chunhua

  □ Education has been simplified into a straight line for further studies. All the processes exist only for that final result: going to Peking University or Harvard. No one told these children what to do after going to Peking University or Harvard. Since then, life has been smooth, and we will never encounter all kinds of troubles, difficulties and hardships?

  -just busy looking for what kind of school for children, what kind of teachers to find, what kind of conditions to provide for children, how much knowledge to teach students, and how many marks to improve students are all lazy practices, and in fact they have given up their educational responsibilities as parents and teachers.

  □ Life is a journey of discovering yourself, and the road has to come out step by step. Realizing what kind of person you will become in the future is like a lighthouse in the distance, which can constantly illuminate the way forward.

  In the first half of this year, I went to Shanghai to interview students. The students have made very serious preparations, one by one, just like the application materials provided by them. Without exception, every student has excellent academic performance — — At least in the top 5% of the grade; Outstanding artistic expertise — — At least one musical instrument; Won awards for scientific and technological innovation at all levels — — At least the second prize at the municipal level; Enthusiastic about public welfare — — Go to the nursing home to wash the feet of the elderly at least once; Wait a minute. While lamenting the high comprehensive quality of Shanghai students, I also have a faint regret: they look so perfect that they don’t seem to see any shortcomings; They look so alike, just like a set of "furniture" made by a mold.

  Including their performance in the interview is also very similar. One by one, sitting in danger, smiling without showing teeth; Speak clearly and cadently, as if reciting a poem affectionately. A student came up and said, "Confucius said … …” I interrupted him and asked him what his name was. After he told me, he went on to say "Zi Yue". I interrupted him again and told him that I didn’t care how to say it, but what I cared about was what you wanted to say. He blushed and couldn’t say a word. Another student sat confidently in front of me, waiting for me to ask all kinds of possible questions, as if everything was under control. I said, I don’t have any questions for you. Do you have any questions for me? She didn’t expect me to ask such a question at all, and suddenly she panicked and was tongue-tied and almost cried.

  Obviously, all the students have received some interview training before coming, and at least have seen some "treasure books" on how to deal with the interview, but perhaps no one told them that I am not interested in who they are, but who they really are.

  What surprises me most is that when I ask them what kind of person you want to be in the future, few people can answer. The students told me that they didn’t think about it at all.

  Really never thought about it? Actually, it is not. He (she) once thought about this question, but it was a long time ago, so long that he (she) even forgot it.

  When I was a child, whenever an adult asked a child, what do you want to be when you grow up? Children always answer happily: scientists, astronauts, pilots, police uncles (aunts) … … However, when the children go to school, these problems are never mentioned again, as if they never appeared. Listening to lectures in class, doing homework at home and attending remedial classes are the whole life of students. As for what children’s interests are, what kind of people they want to be when they grow up and what kind of life they live, no one seems to care, even the children themselves don’t care. Almost all teachers, parents and students only care about one thing: how many points they got in the exam and what school they can go to.

  A growth track that is recognized as a good student, or a perfect education roadmap imagined by parents, looks like this: go to the best kindergarten in the local area; I knew a lot of Chinese characters before I went to primary school, I can do complex math problems, I can recite many classic articles in large paragraphs, and I speak fluent English. Then go to the best local primary and secondary schools; Admitted to the best university in China — — Peking University, Tsinghua; Go to the best university in the world after graduation — — Harvard, wait. Of course, many people have been aiming at famous schools such as Eton and Exeter since junior high school. Not to mention that not everyone can achieve these goals, even if all of them are achieved, then what? Where is the goal of life?

  I really want to ask: what will happen after being admitted to Peking University?

  This is not my imagination. Over the years, I have seen many excellent children all over the world. They are all talented, hardworking, and have never failed. They are always among the top groups of their peers, choosing the best schools and classes, and they are the envy of others. However, few people can observe their inner pain and confusion.

  Many students from Peking University or Harvard told me that going to Peking University or Harvard was their goal since childhood, but one day when they were really in the campus that appeared in their dreams for countless times, they often fell into deep anxiety: What should they do next? Like a mountaineer’s confusion on Mount Everest: Where is the next mountain?

  Life needs goals, but society, schools and families have not taught children how to find and set their own goals. Our understanding of life and education is too simple and lacking in imagination. We always ask our children to be successful, to be better than others, and to be admitted to the best school, but we rarely tell them what success means, where the happiness of life comes from, and what is best for them. Education has been simplified into a straight line for further studies. All the processes exist only for that final result: going to Peking University or Harvard. No one told these children what to do after going to Peking University or Harvard. Since then, life has been smooth, and we will never encounter all kinds of troubles, difficulties and hardships? In 1923, Mr. Lu Xun once thought-provoking asked: "What happened after Nora left?" I also want to ask: "What happened after I was admitted to Peking University?"

  Going to school is to get a good education, but just as savings can’t be automatically converted into investment, going to school doesn’t necessarily mean getting a good education. The reason why we send our children to school is not because they have to go to school, but because they have to be fully prepared for their future lives. Going to school is a process that a person must go through in order to achieve his life goals. In this process, the most important thing is to realize what kind of person you will become in the future.

  It is not easy to do this. Everyone comes to the world with a unique mission, which is the value of independent individuals. The difference is that some people can find their mission and finally achieve great things; Some people don’t find their mission, and they end up doing nothing and living a lifetime. Just like marriage, "a radish is a pit", and everyone has their own "uniqueness". Some people find the "only" that matches them, and their marriage is happy; Some people don’t find it, and marriage is not happy, at least not happy.

  Although a person’s life is long and there seem to be many things to do, there is only one thing that can really be done. This is a person’s mission to the world. Discover that the mission cannot rely on the "apocalypse" — — Although many people do suddenly realize their mission in their dreams or flashes of light — — Education is the most important and fundamental means. The value of education lies in awakening the potential in every child’s heart and helping them find the special mission hidden in the body and the thing they are destined to do.

  This is the real challenge that every school and every family faces in education. It is more important and fundamental to know what kind of person you will become in the future than which school you go to and how many points you get. Avoiding or ignoring this problem, just being busy with what kind of school to find for children, what kind of teachers to find, what kind of conditions to provide for children, how much knowledge to teach students, and how many marks to improve students are all lazy practices, and in fact giving up the educational responsibility as parents and teachers.

  In fact, once a child realizes what kind of person he will be in the future, he will inspire endless motivation from his heart to strive to achieve his goals. Numerous research results have proved that this endogenous driving force is far greater and more effective than the externally imposed force for human growth. We should be soberly aware that life is not a game designed by others. As long as we invest time and money and configure more powerful "equipment", we can get through customs. Once the customs clearance is completed and the game is over, life will immediately face a situation where there is no way out. Life is a journey of self-discovery, and the road depends on yourself step by step. Realizing what kind of person you will become in the future is like a lighthouse in the distance, which can constantly illuminate the way forward.

  Know what you like? Make a negative list first.

  So, how can we know what kind of person we will become in the future? In other words, how can we find the special potential in our life? Everyone’s methods may be different, but the most important thing is to listen to your inner voice, find your real interest and realize why your life will come, just like Steve Jobs who was born for Apple.

  Generally speaking, an excellent person will never do anything too badly. The real difficulty is to distinguish whether it is something you really like. The way to judge whether you really like it or not is very simple, that is, whether you are obsessed with it, whether you can willingly devote time and energy to it regardless of utility and stick to it all the time. True obsession is a state of lovesickness. I think about it during the day and at night, even dreaming. I can’t help laughing when I think of him (her). I will think of him (her) when I see anything, and all I talk to others is him (her). I am excited about it, crazy about it, and even crazy about it. It is a state of immersion in happiness. "If you don’t go crazy, you won’t survive." If you don’t reach this state, you won’t be obsessed, and you won’t be really interested.

  I suggest that every student, no matter how heavy his schoolwork is, must spare some time to be alone every day, leave a little gentle space for his mind, and listen to his deep desire in a completely relaxed state. Sometimes, you can take out a blank sheet of paper and write down your thoughts. No matter how naive, ridiculous or even shocking these ideas seem, it doesn’t matter. Anyway, they are written for themselves and have nothing to do with others.

  Some people say that I just don’t feel anything, I don’t know what I like or even what I don’t like. What should I do? A good way is trial and error. Keep trying everything, and get rid of things you don’t like in the process of trying. Make yourself a negative list. Don’t be afraid of failure. For students, the cost of failure is very small. As long as they are not expelled or dropped out of school, they can return to the classroom and start all over again.

  Be patient with yourself. Not everyone can find their "the only thrill", which takes time and effort. Don’t worry when you can’t find it, take your time, but you must keep looking for it. You may not find it if you look for it, but you won’t find it if you don’t look for it. At the same time, we should have confidence in ourselves. Since you are here for this matter, no one can steal it. It doesn’t matter if you find it earlier or later. The important thing is that you like it from your heart. Remember the American Grandma Moses who picked up a paintbrush at the age of 77? Her story tells us that as long as you really like to do something, you can start at any time, even if you are 80 years old.

  Life is not only a life, but also a quality life. Judging whether a life has quality depends on whether every day is the day you really want. "If you hear the Tao, you will die in the evening." As long as you find something you really like, even for one day, it is a happy and quality life.

  (The author is Dean of Peking University Examination and Research Institute)

Off-campus training and examination places depend on "grabbing" pre-school training. Super-class teaching and training institutions kidnap parents with "early training"

CCTV News:In recent years, the momentum of the rapid expansion of off-campus training courses has not diminished, with students ranging from middle school students, primary school students to preschool children, among which subject training courses are particularly popular. In some big cities, more and more parents are involved in a battle called "Chicken Baby".

Here, "chicken" has changed from a noun to a verb, which means to "give the child chicken blood""Keep arranging extracurricular classes for children and keep taking off-campus exams. It seems that everything has naturally moved from school to off-campus. What is the original intention of parents?

In recent days, a series of exams from an off-campus training institution are being rolled out in some cities all over the country. The exams are aimed at students from kindergarten middle class to fifth grade in primary school. The subjects are Chinese, mathematics and English, and the exam methods are mainly online.Students who register for their summer and autumn classes this year should be selected and stratified. According to their grades, they will enter different classes from low to high difficulty.

Staff of an off-campus training institution:Our system is divided into three parts: excellent system, innovative system and interest system. In the preliminary round, diligence and sensitivity can be offered to every child in front of the screen.

This exam has aroused parents’ increasing concern and heated discussion. In some parents’ groups, everyone exchanged experiences and lamented the difficulty of the topic to see whose child was admitted to the highest class, and its fiery degree even far exceeded any in-school exam.

Mr. Wang, the candidate’s parents: My child took the exam from grade four to grade five. I can still do it at the initial test. I can’t answer many questions in the second test for a short time. I doubt how I got into the university myself.

Mr. Wang said that it is such an exam that the test difficulty is much higher than the school level. When the registration was released in early March this year, it was necessary to grab the quota.

Candidates’ parents, Mr. Wang:I grabbed the opportunity when I made up the second batch of newspapers, and I set the alarm clock at 12 noon.

Some parents told reporters in the interview that the reason why they want to participate in the selection of training courses is that they hope to skip the "allocation" and enter their favorite quality schools.

Reporter:What is the original intention and purpose of giving classes to children?

Parents of primary school students:I can’t help it. It’s like this now. If you don’t learn Olympic Mathematics, you will have no choice at the beginning of your junior high school!

Reporter:Isn’t it assigned?

Parents of primary school students:Yes, it is, but it will be too late for you to wait until you are assigned, and the selection has already been made before.

"early training" grabs opportunities, and the institution "going to school" creates anxiety.

As early as 2014, the Ministry of Education initiated the reform of compulsory education, and clarified the principle of "school enrollment and students’ enrollment nearby". But at the same time, a small number of high-quality schools are still allowed to carry out the "experimental project of early training of extraordinary children", that is, "early training". In the investigation, the reporter found that these training paths, which were originally designed for a very small number of truly gifted children, have become business opportunities for off-campus training institutions, and parents and children have been dragged in one after another.

Staff of an off-campus training institution:Now, the Education Commission has explicitly banned participation in that kind of cup, but there are still some. The cup that used to be a show has now become this camp, that camp, camp events and so on. Going to the camp is to take this kind of exam.

Staff of an off-campus training institution:Moreover, they sometimes refer to our grades when they are "trained early" and when they take exams.They will look at this when they choose, so I told you that no matter whether we think high or learn to think, you must take the large-scale exam as long as you are notified.

Some parents report that staff of off-campus training institutions often teach them "the classics of entering a higher school", suggesting that some schools have expanded the scope of "early training" or "recruit" high-quality students in their eyes, so long as they participate in their various "selections", they may be selected by middle schools. Because public schools reduce the burden, students’ test scores are not well differentiated, so their scores can be used as a basis.

Staff of an off-campus training institution:Look at your resume. Is it beautiful or not? If your resume is beautiful, you are nothing more than taking part in any cup and any exam. For example, both children got 100 points in the exam, but in English, he got the FCE (Cambridge First English Certificate Examination) certificate, and you got the PET (Cambridge English Elementary Examination) certificate. People will definitely want FCE. Now if you take English classes after class, you don’t have to learn school English.

Taking the test score scale officially released by Cambridge English General Test as a benchmark, we can see that KET corresponds to the domestic junior high school English level, PET corresponds to the domestic senior high school English level, and FCE is equivalent to IELTS score of 5.5— 7.0 points, reaching the level of studying abroad.

Staff of an off-campus training institution:A child came that day, anyway, he was very young, so he said that KET had passed, and then he had to prepare PET.

The introduction of other people’s children by training institutions is the most exciting thing for parents. In this way, many parents are involved in the ranks of English proficiency tests. In Shanghai, in order to compete for a KET/PET exam place, the registration fee for the exam was scrambled from 500 yuan to 4,000 yuan. In Beijing, it is a success to get an exam place in a foreign province and city.

Staff of an off-campus training institution:Last year, another one of us went to Hunan to take the exam.

Staff of an off-campus training institution:We still have people going to Yunnan here, so we’ll be satisfied if we grab them. Just take our children for a few days and take a two-day leave.

The chaos of off-campus training is frequent, and "shadow training" has a great influence.

Parents flooded into off-campus training and invested a lot of money and energy in order to win the "stepping stone" of a high-quality prestigious school with their beautiful resumes. The reporter learned that this "resume anxiety" has spread from the early stage of junior high school to preschool children in the early stage of junior high school.

Among some parents, there are many parents of preschool children sharing their experiences. I heard that some primary schools have also set up experimental classes for teaching reform, commonly known as "early training". They hope to enter this system through preschool training. The reporter’s investigation found that all major off-campus training institutions have launched advanced training for preschool children.

Customer service of an off-campus training institution:(Kindergarten small class) Mathematics is about learning seven abilities, learning mathematical sense, logical thinking ability, cultivating his spatial imagination, logical reasoning, etc. This is a mathematics subject, and then he will speak some reading comprehension of Chinese, learn simple articles for children to listen to, etc., as well as English, mainly starting from 26 English letters, and simple vocabulary.

Many parents will prepare resumes for their children to participate in the "early training". In a parent group, the reporter saw two resumes of preschool children. The first child can not only complete the mixed operation of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division within 100, but also attend the innovative class with the highest olympiad number in an institution. He also passed the English Cambridge KET exam and learned 2000 Chinese characters, even though he did not pass the sea election. Another child with a basic level passed the sea election, and the reason is that the latter one got 145 in the IQ test of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

According to the method of group friends’ guidance, the reporter found the WeChat WeChat official account of "Zhongke Extraordinary Children", clicked on the appointment, and saw that the number had been fully booked by the end of May.

Reporter:I want to ask how old children can we test?

Staff of Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences:Over 5 years old, 130 points is extraordinary. From March to July now, it is the peak season. Many parents made an appointment two or three months in advance. In the past two years, after the IQ test was approved by the early training, there were many people who made an appointment.

Behind all kinds of off-campus training chaos, a large number of brushing questions and exam-taking skills have also become one of the main aspects of criticism. For example, in a class of "cube dismantling", the teacher directly summed up the problem-solving skills of how to judge that "the unfolded diagram of a cube cannot be formed" as "there is no field, no concave and no big right angle". Students know why, but they don’t know why, so they can answer the questions by mechanical memory. In a Chinese class in a training institution, the teacher even stylized writing and summed up the writing skills of "having images".

Zhang Yu, Vice President of Tsinghua University Education Research Institute:Extracurricular remedial classes also have a name, which is called "shadow education" in academic circles. It is like the shadow of formal education, because the existence of extracurricular remedial classes exists for students to achieve better performance in formal education, but I think it is actually not a shadow, it is another system, and it has actually seriously affected our formal education.

As early as 2018, the state has made it clear that it is resolutely forbidden to take exams, exceed the standard, advance training and be linked to enrollment. However, we can see that under the various packages of training institutions, advanced training is still active, and more and more parents and children are involved. In order to end the chaos in the off-campus training market, the fundamental solution is to block the entrance selection of high-quality schools by disguised examinations and competitions, and cut off the connection between off-campus training institutions and enrollment in primary and secondary schools.

The Olympic record holder of the modern pentathlon men’s swimming event only ranks fifth.

  Good Luck Beijing Sports Official Website On September 15th, the world’s top modern pentathlon athletes once again gathered in Yingdong Swimming Pool to start the third event-swimming competition. Some athletes were shouldering high expectations. To the excitement of the audience, China’s Cao Zhongrong achieved the best result in the 200m freestyle in 2 minutes 0.87 seconds. Moiseev, the Olympic record holder who was considered as one of the popular swimmers before the competition, was only ranked fifth.

  In the first group competition, Sebastian Dietz of Germany, who is in the fourth lane, won the first place with a score of 2: 08.26,1264. The second place was Stefano Pecci of Italy in the eighth lane, one length behind the first one, with a score of 2 minutes, 20 seconds and 91 seconds. His teammate Federico Simonetti won the third place.

  With the whistle at the beginning of the second group, the audience’s eager eyes focused on China’s Qian Zhenhua, who also tried to give back to the audience with his best results. The speed of the second group was obviously faster than that of the first group. The French player took the lead after the final turn-back, and finally won the first place with a score of 2: 07.33,1272. To the excitement of the audience, Qian Zhenhua also achieved unexpectedly good results, ranking second with 1268 points.

  Because three Hungarian athletes hope to improve their ranking through excellent performance, the result of the third group is better than that of the first two groups. Polish Marcin Horbacz took the lead in the 100m, but Lithuanian Andrejus Zadneprovskis caught up and finished first in 2 minutes, 03.55 seconds. Horbatsch finished second in 2: 05.04, ahead of the fastest Hungarian player, Robert Nemeth (2: 06.12).

  After the ranking of the players in the first three groups was settled, the last nine players in the fourth group stood on the starting platform. This is the last chance for the athletes to break the modern pentathlon world record, that is, Egypt’s Amor El Geziry achieved a good result of 1 minute 54.44 seconds (1,428 points). Many people think that moiseev andrey, a Russian swimmer in the sixth lane, is the most likely to break the record, but China’s Cao Zhongrong kept the lead after 100 meters, which made the audience’s performance almost carnival.

  Cao Zhongrong finished the swimming competition with the fastest result of 2 minutes 0.87 seconds, and got 1352 points. Nicholas Woodbridge of Britain came in second with a time of 2: 01.45, followed by Eric Walther (2: 01.75). Moiseev, the Olympic record holder who was considered as one of the popular swimmers before the competition, was only ranked fifth. At the Athens Olympic Games, he set an Olympic record for swimming in the modern pentathlon-1 minute, 58.88 seconds, or 1,376 minutes.

Editor: Xu Guimei

Recalling the Year | Wang Shuixiong: The "Year Taste" I experienced in those years

[Editor’s note]

North and south of the great river, inside and outside the Great Wall, the customs of different regions are very different. What is displayed behind the Year is an epic of the life of China people. The Paper, please speak column launched a special topic of "Remembering the Year", telling about those years, that city, that village, and those people and things related to the Year.

The Paper Gongwei Cartography

First, the "taste of the year" and the year

When this article is published, my daughter will be three years old. Yes, she was born in January 2016.

My daughter is now attending a nursery near her home and can sing "Happy New Year, Happy New Year, Happy New Year to everyone".

Come to think of it, during the New Year, except for the one in its infancy, the other two Spring Festivals she spent were not at home, so she could not feel the "flavor of the year" of family reunion in a larger family; In fact, I have done the same in recent years, because I am more than forty years older than her, and I have failed to feel the "flavor of the year" more times than her.

I failed to feel the "flavor of the year". On the one hand, I failed to return to my hometown and was in a different place. On the other hand, as far as personal experience is concerned, the "taste of the year" in the Spring Festival itself has also faded.

Second, Nian is a monster.

As a male, in the childhood concept, celebrating the New Year in the countryside has a series of benefits, the first of which is to set off firecrackers in a big way. Unlike girls, they seem to pay too much attention to new clothes and wear red and green.

Adults set off firecrackers in the hall house (the house of the older generation in our village is usually shared by two households, and later it gradually became an independent hall house for each household), and the little boys in the neighborhood will step on it. At that time, firecrackers were not as violent as they are now, and many urchins stepped on them together. After a hanging firecracker was trampled out, they could pick up a lot of unfinished firecrackers. Take them apart and set them off one by one, so they can play for a longer time.

Such behavior, of course, is dangerous, and it is not pleasing-the incomplete setting off of firecrackers is not always auspicious; But firecrackers are scarce, and boys are eager for them, so adults can’t stop them, and they are not likely to stop them. The reason should not be that adults are ashamed of their own pockets; More likely, during the Chinese New Year, especially on the first day of New Year’s Day, adults are afraid of children’s crying. In this way, the only thing they can do for such "urchins" is to warn them in advance.

When I was very young, I seemed to cry once on New Year’s Day because I didn’t get the firecrackers I wanted, and my demands were soon satisfied. This surprised me. At that time, I thought, maybe adults are afraid that the monster "Nian" will be attracted by my crying.

I saw the power of this monster on New Year’s Eve. On the morning of New Year’s Eve, my mother had an important job. She filled a sea bowl (a big bowl) with almost stewed pork and chicken, walked to the shrine with incense sticks in the hall, faced it, and held the sea bowl high above her forehead, mumbling something. After reading in front of the shrine, I went to the gate of the hall house (the gate of the hall house is usually opened when I get up and lasts until I go to bed) and repeated it in the middle. After that, pour the meat from the sea bowl back into the pot.

At that time, I thought it was probably to use the aroma of meat to feed the monster Nian. Later, I learned that my mother was "worshipping God" and praying for the blessings of our ancestors. Before "respecting God", people can’t touch the meat in the pot, not even taste the salty soup. The priority of commanding his ancestors at this time made me misunderstand the power of the monster "Nian" when I was young, so that I could control my desires with fear even though my mouth was full of saliva.

At that time, many people in the village still had the standard portraits of Chairman Mao and Chairman Hua above the shrines of their halls! Later, it was worn out, leaving only white traces that were not cleaned. I don’t know whether the mother’s "mumbling" content, in addition to the blessing of the ancestors, will bring the protection of the two chairmen.

After the portraits of the two chairmen, the position above the shrine has been vacant for so many years, but people’s lives are getting better day by day.

Third, New Year’s Eve "Group annual lunch"

Hot air fills the air, red candles are flourishing, and after setting off firecrackers, every household has lunch on New Year’s Eve.

Unlike many places where we eat "New Year’s Eve", the lunch at noon on New Year’s Eve in my hometown is a grand family reunion dinner (the dinner at night is a simple meal for small families themselves). This lunch is cooked by the brother who is the best cook in the family, and the women help. The cooked dishes can be served all over the table. Brothers (whether separated or not), sisters (unmarried), sisters-in-law and sisters-in-law, including grandchildren, all come to the appointed place for dinner, usually the "living room" of their parents’ house (let’s use this name). After the death of their father, the place for the reunion dinner is often chosen at the brother’s house who cooks the reunion dinner.

The so-called "living room" is directly connected with the living room, which has the functions of kitchen, dining room and small living room at the same time (large banquet guests are usually in the living room). In the corner near the window, there are often large benches that are basically fixed against the wall on both sides, and the center of the square they enclose is a kitchen stove. Ground stoves can be used to keep warm at ordinary times; When cooking, you can go to the iron pot; When eating, put the table on one side directly above the kitchen stove, with a wide bench on the edge and parallel to it, and then put a smaller bench on the remaining two sides of the table, so that the family can sit down and eat around the table.

When eating this meal, my father and brothers go to the table together, sit on the first wide bench against the wall, and drink some wine; Women and grandchildren, on the other hand, have to squeeze into the next narrow bench. When there are many people, they can’t even sit in a fixed seat. They can only stand by and eat, and sometimes they have to help their uncles who have finished drinking on the big bench.

This "Group annual lunch" will set off firecrackers when it is eaten. Apart from being serious, it may have a special function now: it is to prevent others from visiting at this time-visitors only need to look at the firecrackers set off in the hall to know that the family is eating "Group annual lunch".

The reason why it is a "group annual lunch" is that after lunch, you have to work until you fall asleep at night. After cleaning the front and back of the house, we should also clean the inside of the house. After that, the family has to take turns to take a shower, so they are often busy until eleven or twelve at night.

The cleaning in front of and behind the house needs the cooperation of the neighbors, and it is often started the day before New Year’s Eve. The focus is on road cleaning and dredging of ditch silt; After cleaning, you need to rinse it with water. Everyone swept, picked, rushed, and worked hard.

Fourth, killing pigs and smashing.

Similarly, uncles, brothers and sisters-in-law need to work together, as well as the preparation of Chinese New Year food and important food that can still be eaten for a long time after the spring of next year; This started as early as the off-year period.

What is particularly lively in my impression is killing pigs and smashing rice cakes.

These two characteristics of adults’ collective labor are: high labor intensity; High technical requirements; It involves a wide range-in addition to uncles, brothers and sisters-in-law in the extended family, it also involves children.

Before killing pigs, the pigs should be driven from the pigsty to the front of the main house. This matter needs the cooperation of a number of able-bodied laborers. In addition to the surgeon controlling the pig’s head, two or three people are needed to control the pig’s front legs, waist and hind legs, lift the pig and move it to the bench placed in advance in the hall. The pig will bark extremely bitterly at this time; After the surgeon tied its mouth with hemp rope, its cry became muffled.

When the housewife or her children are signaled, they have to set off firecrackers in the hall (which may be intended to cross the soul of the pig), and the butcher leans over and takes out the pig-killing knife from the basin with clear water placed under the bench in advance, aiming at the pig’s throat, and the white knife enters and the red knife exits. Blood spurts out and falls into the basin under the control of the surgeon.

The pig’s muffled sound will slowly sink and gradually become quiet. The surgeon loosens the rope at the right time and shakes the pig’s front leg. Occasionally, a sound or two can be made in the pig’s throat, and the residual blood flows out with the shaking of the front leg, which tends to be sporadic. The housewife stepped forward again and opened the basin of steaming blood. When the men released their hands, the pig fell over the bench. On one side is pig blood spilled out of the basin.

Then, the dead pig was moved to the gate of the hall. At first, it was scalded with boiling water (the saying "dead mouse feels no cold" may have originated from a wise man’s personal observation of this real life), and then it was shaved. After that, the pig’s two hind feet were hooked up with a shelf, hung upside down, cut open, and finally split in half.

Its meat is first "divided" among several uncles and brothers at preferential prices, and when it is spare, it is sold in the market. After each family is given the meat, it will be divided into several portions according to seven or eight pounds, and sent to the relatives’ homes such as their grandfathers, uncles and uncles. These families will either transfer the meat they received (sometimes the same piece of meat will even return to the original transferor after several transfers) or cook directly for guests. Or cut into pieces the size of a fist, fry them thoroughly, put them in an urn, sprinkle salt layer by layer, cover them and put them in a cool place, so that they can be stored for months at room temperature without deterioration.

In the case of killing pigs years ago, my father was often the mastermind of the big family. One year, when he was helping one of my cousins to kill pigs, he bit one end of hemp rope with his mouth in order to tie the pig’s screaming mouth. As a result, the pig’s head swung and brought out a few of his teeth. However, he still insisted on killing the pigs. As a result, while he made the pig bleed, the pig also made him bleed a lot.

Afterwards, although my cousin apologized deeply, my father didn’t ask this cousin for any compensation for medical expenses.

Killing pigs is a potential safety hazard, and the dazzling pig-killing knife makes me a little psychologically stressed as a bystander.

It’s much better to pound Ciba-while watching the collective work, you can also taste glutinous rice and soft Ciba with the smell of glutinous rice steaming. At this time, it’s really delicious to put some sugar in my mouth.

When making Ciba, a large amount of glutinous rice must be washed with clear water in advance, soaked for at least one night, taken out and drained, and then steamed in a large steamer to make glutinous rice; Then put it in a stone trough and pound it into mud; Then press it into a round cake with the size of palm open; Finally, several small red flowers are printed on it, dried and put away.

Among them, steaming glutinous rice in a big pot and mashing it into mud are all men’s jobs; After that, the women are in charge.

When ramming Zanba, it is necessary to place the washed stone trough in the center of the hall. The stone trough is very heavy, and the outside is round-the inside is a hemispherical groove, which often needs two lean men to hold it with hemp rope before it can be carried into the hall.

Steaming glutinous rice was put into the stone trough, and four lean men each took tamping tools and began to work around the stone trough. These four tamping tools are all made of wood, two straight and two curved. "Straight" is thick at both ends and small in the middle (easy for two hands to hold), like an elongated and enlarged circular seal; The "bent" person, like an enlarged mallet, has a thick and deep head. After hitting the glutinous rice in the stone trough, the handle can still be a lot higher than the edge of the stone trough.

When operating, stand on the four sides of the stone trough and strike the head of the tamping tool against the glutinous rice in the stone trough in turn in a counterclockwise direction. At the moment of hitting the glutinous rice, the hitter also shouted "Hey!" At this time, the sound of pounding and shouting came one after another, which merged into a busy scene of harvest.

The glutinous rice was pounded more and more sticky, so that when it was taken out by the pounder again and again, the beating work could almost stop. At this time, the people holding the "curved" tamping tools retreated to one side, and the people holding the "straight" tamping tools stepped forward and put the top of their respective tamping tools into the stone trough. While the people turned counterclockwise around the stone trough, the tamping tools were constantly twisted in their hands.

In this way, the quickly rammed and sticky "Ciba" was "scooped" out of the stone trough by two rammers and placed on a plastic cloth sprinkled with oil on the table against the wall. At this time, the women hurried forward and took the "Ciba" from the tamping tool with their oiled hands and piled it into a ball.

After that, the hall was filled with the laughter of women and children. Women will knead the rice cake into the shape of a round cake and dot some "flowers" on it with red ink. In this process, some scraps will be picked up for the children. Children usually can’t wait to eat some, and when they have a bottom, they will pinch out various shapes to play with, and then eat them after playing to a certain extent.

Ciba is dried, stacked together and placed in a vat. It needs to be soaked in water before beginning of spring, covered (it is said that it will not crack), placed in a cool place, and then covered. When the water smells a little, change it again. Ciba preserved in this way can be eaten until almost the Dragon Boat Festival!

Five, that year’s "booming"

On New Year’s Eve, there is another activity called "Sticking Red" (writing and pasting Spring Festival couplets). Compared with killing pigs and smashing rice cakes, the neighborhood involved is limited to the cousin’s house in the same room.

At first, my cousin was in charge of writing and pasting. My cousin was the headmaster of the primary school in our village at that time, and he wrote well in calligraphy. This work is not too tiring, because there are not many Spring Festival couplets to be posted: two doors running through the hall, two doors directly facing the outside of the two "living rooms", plus the door facing the outside of the hall and the shrine; A total of five pairs of small couplets, one pair of big couplets, plus one horizontal batch each, will be done.

Probably after I went to high school, I took on the task of writing and posting Spring Festival couplets for my extended family. At that time, my eldest brother, second brother and third brother were all married and moved out to live in a newly built house. The new house is connected together and divided into three buildings, one for each person, with its own hall, living room, bedroom connecting the hall, and so on. The number of doors that need to be pasted with Spring Festival couplets will also increase greatly.

Therefore, "writing and posting Spring Festival couplets" is enough for me to be busy all day on New Year’s Eve.

"Sticking red" means that the new year is booming, and the memory is also booming, as well as the fire of the kitchen stove in the "living room" on New Year’s Day.

Although I go to bed the latest on New Year’s Eve, my father always gets up the earliest on New Year’s Day. All the vents of the stove are opened, and the coal inside will be burned very brightly, reflecting my father’s bright smile. It is rare to waste coal like this at other times.

The year before my college entrance examination, my father got up early and got greedy for the dark even harder, regardless of his nose cancer. After he married his daughter (my sister) with great prosperity, he was busy planning the tuition fees for me and my little brother (who took the college entrance examination with me that year because he was repeating his studies).

Later, according to the second brother, my father picked a load of cabbage in the early morning of autumn and winter, took a dirt road of five or six miles, and waited for the bus by the asphalt road; Later, I got on the stopped dump truck with the young people and went to the market twenty or thirty miles away. There was no shelter in the car, and when the cold wind blew, his sweat became ice. I caught a cold when I came back from selling vegetables, and my nose cancer turned into liver cancer.

In the early morning of the New Year’s Day in the year of the college entrance examination, I heard firecrackers ringing in my own hall for two or three times, thinking that it was difficult for my father to get up. It is estimated that the firecrackers were set by my little brother except my cousin.

When I opened the door, I still saw my father sitting by the fire. Although the smile on his thin face was no longer bright, his eyes were full of warmth.

"I wish my father a happy new year and good health!"

"good! I wish Xiongxiong a high promotion! "

After a simple conversation, my father took out a hanging 1000 rings and asked me to set them off in the hall.

Stop! Recalling "Nian" was an easy topic. How can I write more and more heavily? At this point, my eyes are full of tears.

I remember that Mr. Jiang Xueliang, the head teacher who had some knowledge of my father’s situation that spring, also asked me during an evening inspection of the dormitory: "Shuixiong, is there any news about your father’s health at home?"

"No news!" I went on to say, "No news is the best news!"

However, about two months before the college entrance examination, the situation of "no news" was broken, and the news from home was brought to school by my second brother.

The second brother said that the reason why he didn’t keep secrets from my little brother and me and risked affecting our college entrance examination was to tell us the "news from home" and take us home for fear that we would blame them for not giving us a chance to give our father a ride in the future.

As for whether this "news from home" has affected my college entrance examination, I think it still has some influence.

After I finished the first course, Chinese, I knew I didn’t do well. Because after writing the composition and checking the answer sheet repeatedly, it was not until 3 minutes before the end of the exam that I found that there were two whole pages, and about 30 points of reading comprehension questions were blank, and I didn’t do them … Finally, I could only fill them out at random while holding my urine!

The inner remorse can be imagined! Sitting in an empty classroom before lunch, my mood fell into a trough. After the silence, there was a strong heat flow in my heart: my father died, and I didn’t have the opportunity to repeat my studies like my little brother. This college entrance examination is my only opportunity, and it may also be the only opportunity to leave my hometown to study. At present, the only thing I can do is to do well in every course behind.

Such an idea may help me seize the only opportunity. In fact, this college entrance examination has indeed become the only college entrance examination in my life-because I was admitted to Jilin University.

According to the second brother, "at that time, some people in the village said sarcastically:’ I passed the exam, but I still can’t afford it!’" It means: after I die, my brother and sister-in-law may not pay for you to study, so wait and see a joke. I told my family at the time that we must fight for this tone. "

As a result, my three brothers and sisters, my mother and my sister’s brother-in-law, each went out of 400 yuan, totaling 2,000 yuan, which was enough for my school year’s expenses (including tuition and fees in 800 yuan each year). My little brother went to a local teachers’ college that year (later upgraded to a university) and spent a lot of money.

This is 1994.

Six, Nian and "Nian Wei Er"

Originally, it was an article recalling "Year", but Lala was miscellaneous, and actually wrote a lot of "heaviness" under the name of "lively" and "prosperous". I hope I won’t leave you with the impression of "sadness and sorrow".

To sort out my thoughts, in fact, I think what I want to express is that in my heart, and possibly in the hearts of people my age, the "taste of the year" is precipitated in the communication between people. It is not only a "human taste", but also a "human touch" for people to communicate and communicate with each other.

This kind of "human touch" of neighborhood cooperation and family reunion embodies and strengthens a small social trust and support system in the form of "reciprocity" to a certain extent, which constitutes a kind of social capital in the countryside-a social relationship that can be used as a resource by people, thus bringing benefits to people.

Of course, "reciprocity" doesn’t mean that there is no "friction", no "war", no "haggle over every ounce" and no "clear accounts with brothers"; Moreover, this "human touch" will change with the general trend of society.

When there is more and more money, people’s lives are getting better and better, when fresh pork can be bought in the village at any time, and when the machine can easily mash glutinous rice into glutinous rice, the lively collective labor at the end of the year has turned into a noisy individual market at ordinary times, and the small social exchange system of "neighborhood watching each other" in rural areas has been replaced by a larger market trading system.

No wonder the old people in the countryside say that nowadays, every day is like Chinese New Year!

Today’s small families, in order to make "Year" look different from usual, will take advantage of annual leave to go out, travel and relax.

Society is becoming more and more modern, communication is becoming more and more transactional, support is becoming more and more systematic (non-interpersonal), family is becoming smaller and smaller, life is becoming more and more personalized, and Chinese New Year is becoming more and more tourist. Even in today’s rural hometown, it is rare to see big guys killing pigs and smashing rice cakes together.

"It is better to forget each other in the rivers and lakes"; Generally speaking, a year without "flavor of the year" means that people as social individuals have more space and greater freedom.

However, I think that the "flavor of the year" in my memory has its own value, especially when "it is necessary to hold a group to keep warm when the winter comes". After all, a systematic (non-interpersonal) social support system may not hold up one day or become a monster to bite itself.

Seven, "Happy New Year to everyone!"

My daughter is three years old. She was born in January 2016 and can already sing "Happy New Year to everyone".

Since she went to Sanya, Hainan for the Spring Festival when she was just one year old, I guess, in her mind, "Year" may mean the sea, beaches and waves.

But when I was her age, all I could think about was: "Nian" must be a "monster" that only adults were afraid of. If I was a little careless, the whole family would be punished by Nian.

I have to say that our days are getting better, although our memories are getting "old".

I wish that "the sea, the beach and the waves" will always accompany the memory of the new generation about "Year".

When Wang Shuixiong’s daughter just turned one year old, the whole family spent the New Year in Sanya.

(The author is a researcher at the National Development and Strategy Institute of Renmin University of China)

800 people had dinner with 2,800 cooks at the annual banquet of the 1000-meter group in the ancient town (Figure)

Photographers are creating around the long street banquet.

  At noon, the rain stopped, and after the traditional sacrifice and blessing activities, the New Year’s dinner was officially opened in the sound of firecrackers for 20 minutes. 260 tables filled with dishes and thousands of tourists crowded the 1,132-meter-long old street. More than 10 ancient town specialties such as sesame balls, three-in-one mixed incense and smoked tofu have opened thousands of tourists’ eyes. Laughter, cheers, shouts of punching and drinking … turned the ancient town upside down.

  In yesterday’s old street, visitors with bowls and chopsticks could be seen everywhere. They shuttled between the tables, with a piece of pig’s head meat on this table and a piece of fish on that table. Yan Han, a photographer who rushed from the main city, simply put a pair of chopsticks in his camera bag, and when he met his favorite dish, he took out his chopsticks and took a bite. The residents of the old street are extremely hospitable. Whenever anyone passes by, they will warmly greet them: "Come, look at what you eat." They also invite guests to sit down, drink wine and chat at home. Diao Shukun, a 77-year-old resident of the ancient town, specially asked someone to write a couplet and stick it on the door, with the first couplet saying that "tea is not cold when people walk" and the second couplet saying that "the host and guest are always hot" and the second couplet saying "fragrant tea is good for water".

Shanghai Sports Lottery issued a notice of closing for the Spring Festival holiday.

Recently, Shanghai Sports Lottery issued a notice of suspension during the Spring Festival. According to the notice, according to the Announcement of the Ministry of Finance on the Arrangements for the Closing of the Lottery Market in 2024 (Announcement No.73 of the Ministry of Finance in 2023), the closing time of the sports lottery in the Spring Festival of 2024 is from 0: 00 on February 8 to 24: 00 on February 17. During the closing period, except for instant lottery tickets, the sales, lottery and redemption of other lottery games in the country will be stopped.

The national networking lottery and digital games of sports lottery stopped selling at 0: 00 on February 8, 2024, and resumed selling at 0: 00 on February 18; The arrangement of quiz sessions, opening time, closing time and drawing time of traditional sports lottery football games shall be implemented in accordance with the relevant quiz sessions announced by the Lottery Center of the General Administration of Sports. The sales of national online single quiz football games and basketball games stopped at 22: 00 on February 7 and resumed at 11: 00 on February 18. The specific matters are subject to the announcement of SMG.

It is worth noting that the manual service of Shanghai 95086 Sports Lottery Customer Service Hotline Platform was suspended during the closing period and resumed at 9: 00 on February 18th.

In terms of redemption, during the closing period from February 8 to February 17, all sports lottery stores in Shanghai stopped paying small prizes of less than 20,000 yuan (including 20,000 yuan) for computer-based lottery tickets, and resumed redemption on February 18. The redemption time of CCB grand prize is from February 8 to February 17, when the market is closed, the redemption of grand prize will be suspended, and the redemption will be resumed from February 18.

In order to protect the rights and interests of lottery buyers, if the last day of the redemption period of various games falls during the Spring Festival holiday, the deadline for redemption will be postponed to the first day after the holiday (February 18); If the game redemption period includes 10 days (including February 17th) during the Spring Festival holiday, the deadline for redemption will be extended by 2 days. (From January 30th, China Sports Daily, 08 edition) 

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Under the expectation of huge profits, thousands of people in Zhengzhou lined up in the ice to catch up with the sales of fireworks and firecrackers.

On January 19th in Zhengzhou, the weather was very cold, and the water on the ground became ice. However, there was a long queue outside an office hall at the intersection of Jianshe Road and Xuancheng Road in zhongmou county, Zhengzhou.

They are all people who want to sell fireworks and firecrackers during the Spring Festival this year.

Li Xiaojun, who is waiting in line, said that he also sold fireworks and firecrackers in the local area during the Spring Festival last year. He sold more than 300,000 yuan in total, and finally earned 100,000 yuan. This year, as soon as he heard that he started to "apply for a certificate" again, he rushed over again.

"There are few people today," Li Xiaojun told the First Financial Reporter, pointing to a team of more than 30 meters long. If you want to come yesterday, there will be more people, and thousands of square meters of open space outside the service hall have been filled.

According to the official information released by zhongmou county, there are two "accreditation" locations in zhongmou county this year, one is the office hall where Li Xiaojun is located, and the other is near Tongcheng Avenue and Moxiang Street. Among them, a video of "Thousands of people queuing for fireworks and firecrackers licenses in Zhengzhou" spread on the Internet on January 18th was shot near Moxiang Street.

However, Lu Yan, a staff member of zhongmou county Emergency Management Bureau who is maintaining order at the scene, told CBN that the "accreditation" circulating everywhere on the Internet is actually a misunderstanding of the current policy in zhongmou county.

Lu Yan said that if you want to engage in the sales of fireworks and firecrackers, it is of course essential to apply for a fireworks and firecrackers business license, but what the local authorities are doing now is to conduct safety training for the potential fireworks sellers who have signed up first, and have not yet reached the step of "issuing a permit".

The local propaganda department also explained to the outside world that zhongmou county has not yet received the exact news about "banning and changing the restrictions" or "lifting the ban" in Zhengzhou.

This means that it is still unknown whether Zhongmou will finally allow fireworks and firecrackers to be set off this year. However, even so, the sales of fireworks and firecrackers were booming during the Spring Festival last year and the resulting huge profits in the industry. Many applicants flocked with the expectation of lifting the ban on fireworks and firecrackers this year.

The reporter noticed that among the people queuing at the scene, besides the fireworks distributor such as Li Xiaojun, who started to enter the business last year, there are also some new entrants.

A young man with a tender face told CBN that he was a freshman and was on winter vacation. He heard that selling fireworks could make a lot of money, so he signed up.

Standing behind this young man is a middle-aged man who is engaged in whole house customization. He said that he didn’t make any money this year and wanted to sell fireworks and firecrackers during the Spring Festival to earn some lucky money for his children.

Among this middle-aged population, a wealth story that he relishes is that one of his relatives sold fireworks and firecrackers in Zhengzhou last year. In many cases, his daily turnover was more than 200,000 yuan, which eventually became the biggest motivation for him to try to transform into a fireworks distributor this year.

However, some people are not optimistic about this year’s sales prospects. Li Xiaojun said that fireworks and firecrackers made more money last year, but there were fewer products and more demand. This year, with so many people signing up at once, the competition at the terminal will be fierce, and it is hard to say whether they can make money in the end.

But no matter whether you make money or not, the expenses you should pay and the process you should take are indispensable. Take Li Xiaojun as an example. The first fee he has to pay is the training fee 600 yuan.

According to the regulations of zhongmou county, a sales outlet must be equipped with at least two employees, namely, the sales director and the safety management personnel. The two employees must go through the unified training of a third-party company entrusted by the local government and pass the examination before they can qualify for sales. After the training is finished and the certificate of qualification is obtained, you have to find the booth quickly. After that, you have to check the safety and fire-fighting equipment of the booth by the street office and fire-fighting unit where the booth is located before you can get the business license and get the final sales qualification.

Moreover, even with the sales qualification, goods (fireworks and firecrackers) can’t be sold casually, and they must be purchased from designated fireworks and firecrackers wholesale enterprises. Moreover, goods are not allowed to be stored in warehouses and can only be sold on booths.

Interlocking, it seems to form a safe closed loop.

However, in the view of Zhou Jian, president of Henan Institute of Reform and Development, these security measures need to guard against another hidden danger, that is, will the market form a new gray industrial chain after the deep intervention of power?

"The so-called practice of issuing business licenses now is, in essence, actually franchising the market economy through power intervention." Zhou Jian said that the current measures to strengthen control over the sales of fireworks and firecrackers are of course conducive to safety, but the risk point of the whole fireworks and firecrackers should include not only the sales end, but also the consumer terminals with frequent safety accidents.

Zhou Jian said that in recent years, a background of fireworks ban is that many places have gradually implemented "global ban on burning" and "full-time ban on fireworks" because of the pressure of environmental assessment. Now, after the ban has been implemented for so many years, when the external environmental protection situation is still grim, it will suddenly "lift the ban" on fireworks, which will make some people confused about the introduction of policies, and it needs to be given a reasonable explanation.

The reporter noted that in the "Notice on the Setting of Fireworks and Firecrackers Sales Points in zhongmou county during the Spring Festival of 2023" issued by the local authorities in early 2023, the reason for "lifting the ban" was "to respond to the concerns of the masses, meet the spiritual needs of citizens and friends for the’ taste of the year’, create a happy and peaceful holiday atmosphere, and ensure the safety of the masses."

On the evening of January 19th, Zhengzhou issued the "Notice on Printing and Distributing the Implementation Plan of Fireworks and Firecrackers during the Spring Festival of 2024 in Zhengzhou" (hereinafter referred to as the "Notice"), and determined that the sales time of fireworks and firecrackers during the Spring Festival this year was from 7: 00 to 23: 00 every day from January 31st (the 21st day of the twelfth lunar month) to February 24th (the 15th day of the first lunar month), and the discharge time was limited to 7: 00 to 23: 00 on February 2nd (the 23rd day of the twelfth lunar month). From 7: 00 on February 9 (New Year’s Eve) to 1: 00 on February 10 (the first day of the first month); 7: 00 to 23: 00 every day from February 10th (the first day of the first month) to February 14th (the fifth day of the first month); February 24th (15th day of the first month) from 7: 00 to 23: 00.

It is mentioned that the goal of the notice issued by Zhengzhou City is to effectively reduce environmental pollution and ensure that fireworks accidents do not occur by guiding the general public to consciously abide by the regulations on fireworks and firecrackers.

"This notice shall come into force as of the date of promulgation. The "Regulations on the Prohibition of Fireworks and Firecrackers in Zhengzhou City" (Order No.217 of the Municipal Government) was suspended at the same time, and it will be resumed immediately after the discharge time stipulated in this notice. " Zhengzhou City said in another Notice on Strengthening the Safety Management of Fireworks and Firecrackers during the Spring Festival in 2024.

For a fireworks distributor like Li Xiaojun, the long-hanging heart can finally be put down. Next, he will make full efforts to raise funds to prepare for the next peak season of fireworks sales.

(Li Xiaojun and Lu Yan are pseudonyms in the text)

(Source: CBN)

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Meteorologists analyze the typhoon "fireworks": they walk slowly and fickle, and may not be as "powerful" as Lichima.

Public Network Poster Journalist Liang Wen Jinan Report
Typhoon "Fireworks" has started to affect Shandong since yesterday. According to the forecast issued by Shandong Meteorological Bureau at 15: 00 on July 27th, the center of "Fireworks" will enter our province from Lunan in the early morning of 29th, and enter Bohai Sea from Binzhou to Dongying on 30th. Why does the "fireworks" travel slowly and the path changes again and again? Which areas of Shandong will be mainly affected by the transit of "fireworks"? On the afternoon of July 27th, the poster journalist of interviewed Hou Shumei, chief forecaster of Shandong Meteorological Bureau, and listened to meteorologists analyze the typhoon "fireworks".
Hou Shumei introduced that the biggest feature of the No.6 typhoon "Fireworks" this year is slow. Before landing at sea, the "fireworks" moved slowly, and the path changed again and again, and the path could be said to be "strange".
"At first, we thought it might come north or turn around and go south." Hou Shumei explained that this happened mainly because steering flow, the "fireworks", was not obvious, just between the offshore subtropical high and the inland continental high, and steering flow was very weak, so there was no obvious force to lead it, so sometimes the "fireworks" didn’t walk for a day in the early stage, and the distance was very small. "This situation is more difficult for forecasting." Hou Shumei said that the moving speed of "fireworks" is still relatively slow, but it may be faster than the previous speed after turning to the north in the future.
At present, the peripheral cloud system of "fireworks" has begun to affect Shandong and bring precipitation. According to the forecast of Shandong Meteorological Bureau at 15: 00 on July 27th, there will be heavy rainfall from south to north in our province from today’s night to 30th, and there will be heavy rain to heavy rain in southern Shandong, central Shandong and northwestern Shandong, and moderate to heavy rain in the peninsula. The heavy precipitation period is from the day of 28th to the night of 29th. The cumulative average precipitation in the whole province is 80 ~ 120mm, and the maximum rainfall intensity in Jining, Zaozhuang, Linyi, Rizhao, Jinan, Tai ‘an, Zibo, Weifang, Liaocheng, Dezhou, Binzhou, Dongying and Qingdao is 100 ~ 150mm, and the local area is more than 250mm, and the maximum rainfall intensity in one hour is 60 ~ 80mm. Heze, Qingdao, 50 ~ 80 mm in the east, more than 100 mm in some areas; Yantai and Weihai are 10 ~ 30 mm, and locally more than 50 mm (Figure 2). At the same time, the wind gradually increases from south to north, with 7-8 grades in the central Yellow Sea, Bohai Sea, Bohai Strait and northern Yellow Sea, 9-10 grades in gusts, 6-7 grades in inland areas and 8-9 grades in local gusts.
Through the real-time route map of "Fireworks", we can see that after the center of "Fireworks" moves into Shandong, it may go deep into southern Shandong, covering the whole of Shandong. Hou Shumei said that typhoons that went deep into southern Shandong were rare for many years, but they appeared more in the past two years. For example, the typhoons Capricorn and Wambia in 2018, and the typhoon Lichima in 2019. From the path, the moving path of "Lichima" in Shandong is eastward, and the path similar to that of "Fireworks" is "Wambia". Hou Shumei said that "Wambia" came in from Heze to Zaozhuang at that time and entered the sea from Dongying, which had a serious impact on Shandong.
Compared with "Wambia" and "Lichima", what is the influence of "fireworks" on Shandong? Hou Shumei said that it is impossible to rule out the possibility that the precipitation brought by "fireworks" will break through the historical extreme value at present, but from the analysis of the current situation, the conditions of "fireworks" are not as favorable as those of "Wambia". As the fireworks are gradually pushed northward in the later period, how the circulation evolves still needs attention. In addition, Hou Shumei said that "fireworks" is different from "Lichima". At present, there is no sign that the degree of rainfall caused by "fireworks" will exceed that of "Lichima", but this possibility cannot be ruled out. "With the approach of’ fireworks’, we need to continue to pay attention."