"Mission: Impossible 7" staged "Fight for Your Life" Atango street racing

1905 movie network news On June 26, the new series released a "life-and-death pursuit" preview, and an unpredictable and deadly mission has begun, and Tom and his IMF team are once again in danger of life and death. In the preview, Tom and the newly joined team staged an extremely fast race on the streets of Rome, fighting for a chance of survival in a critical situation! The violent killers who are pressing step by step, the many plans of the mysterious villains… Numerous dangers gradually revealed, how will this unpredictable mission journey in the future eventually develop? Can Tom and the IMF team escape the "fatal reckoning" smoothly?


Tom’s extreme speed car is full of excitement, and the thrilling speed makes the adrenaline rush

In the preview of "Chasing for Life", in the face of the front and rear attacks of the police and the killer, Ethan, played by Tom, and the new character Grace (Hayley Atwell, played) start the extreme drag racing mode on the streets of Rome. Seeing that the police car behind him is about to catch up, Ethan says: "We are going to throw this car away", so he takes out his mobile phone and tries to find the "safety vehicle" arranged in advance. As his fingers move, a cute "little yellow car" appears in front of the two, and the sharp contrast in the thrilling moment detonates the joke. In addition, the mysterious words "Ethan, the whole world is chasing you" are secretly heard, accompanied by the female killer (played) who has already been waiting in the alley. Seeing Tom running over, the female killer suddenly attacked, agile and ruthless as never before. At the same time, the words of the "old boss" IMF Director Kitteridge (played) who returned again, "Your so-called days of fighting for the big picture are over" rang in Ethan’s ears. Forced to choose the "second plan", he had to put aside his concerns and drive his motorcycle to jump off the cliff, and the thrilling moment will explode! Unknown conspiracies are sweeping in, and the shocking real-life scene is bound to bring a completely immersive movie viewing experience. The subtle reversal plot makes the global audience look forward to this deadly mission even more!


The "most authentic" fighting drama is staged in real life, and all staff are full of skills and hand-to-hand combat

As the latest masterpiece of the classic Mission Impossible series, Mission Impossible 7: Deadly Reckoning (Part 1) insists on "real action scenes" throughout! Whether it is the intense desert gunfight in the trailer, hand-to-hand combat, street racing or the most thrilling 4,000-foot cliff racing and other plots, its realistic and shocking picture effect is breathtaking. In order to create such a realistic and impactful picture effect, the film crew traveled to many countries for on-the-spot shooting. From Abu Dhabi in the United Arab Emirates to Italy, Norway and other countries in Europe, Atango and the IMF team fought fiercely in the sands, the streets of Rome, and the lanes of Venice in order to complete the task. In addition, the previously released live footage of Atango driving a motorcycle down a cliff is heart-shaking! In order to show 100% of the tension of this shot, the crew had specially built a motorcycle track in the UK in the early stage for Atango to repeatedly practice the motorcycle take-off, and record the trajectory and speed of each movement, so as to ensure that the real shot is foolproof. Then in the field shooting stage, he went to Norway to spend a few months to build a special ramp. Such an excellent shooting spirit makes the film have an unparalleled shocking effect!