He was a classmate with Xu Guanghan and had worked for Edison Chen. Now, he had finally become popular!

Sun Yang was on fire. Many people may not have known this actor before the release of "All in All Out", but who would have thought that he quickly came out of the circle with the role of Ah Cai in the film, and occupied the hot list of Weibo and other platforms. Many netizens said that "watching anti-fraud movies fell in love with fraudsters".

Why did Sun Yang become so popular? Without a doubt, he made Ah Cai a very three-dimensional character, which left a deep impression on the audience. Ah Cai was a thug of the fraud group, ruthless and ruthless, but he also had another side. When he faced Anna, he showed an innocent side that made many audiences sink into this character.

He would hand over the sanitary napkin when Anna came to his aunt, pick his finger when punishing Anna because he couldn’t bear and felt sorry for her, and finally create the illusion of Anna’s fake death to help her escape. Many people expressed that "all idol dramas were weak in an instant" when he finally undressed and waved goodbye to Anna. Of course, the premise of all this must be that Sun Yang’s appearance is eye-catching. Born in Hong Kong, China, his own Hong Kong-style temperament makes the audience shout "It is my destiny to fall in love with Hong Kong boy".

As Sun Yang became popular, his past was also exposed by netizens. Born in Hong Kong, studied in Taiwan, and was a classmate of Xu Guanghan, both of whom attended China Culture University. After finishing high school, Sun Yang did not expect to go down the road of acting. At that time, he went to a clothing school, worked everywhere, distributed flyers, worked as an errand at a relative’s company, and interned at the trendy store founded by Edison Chen. While in college, Sun Yang joined the school’s drama club, which inspired his interest in acting.

Sun Yang entered the entertainment industry at the age of 25, and his first work "Dadaocheng" starred in a small role. In the years since then, he has also been playing supporting roles and small roles. Of the works he has starred in in these four years, perhaps the most well-known is "Late Night Canteen", in which he plays the "regular" of the late-night canteen, a small staff member, Sun Jian, in the play. The appearance of the middle-parted hair and suit in the play may make it difficult to associate with him in "desperate".

Sun Yang’s first male lead role was in the movie "Over Spring", and it was this movie that made Sun Yang gradually seen. Sun Yang plays a social youth Ah Hao in this film. Maybe Sun Yang’s natural ruffian spirit makes him handy when playing such roles. Whether it is Ah Hao in "Over Spring" or Ah Cai in "All in All," Sun Yang performs very well. The film was also shortlisted for several film festivals such as Berlin and Pingyao, and was well received in the industry. Although it only received 10 million at the box office after its release, Sun Yang’s acting skills have been recognized by the industry. During the selection of the male lead in "Over Spring", the famous director Li Shaohong interviewed him and was deeply impressed by Sun Yang, which also made Sun Yang play the role of Ding Xianrong in the costume drama "Song Dynasty Palace Ci" directed by him.

"All or nothing" will be followed in September by "The Eighth Suspect," another film by Sun Yang, which was filmed four years ago. At the time, Sun Yang was photographed during an audition for the role of Chen Xinnian in the film.

Sun Yang also appeared on the variety show "Actors Please Take Place." Dapeng, who was the founder of "Actors Please Take Place," invited Sun Yang to appear on the show because he and Sun Yang were filming "The Eighth Suspect." In the show, Sun Yang played Cheng Fengtai, Hong Shixian and other roles, and was eliminated in the third stage.

Ah Cai and Anna in "All in All Out" made many viewers drink candy, and this was not the first time Sun Yang and Jin Chen had collaborated. As early as in "Great Girl", the two had collaborated, but their relationship in the play was not a couple, but a relationship between superiors and subordinates. Sun Yang’s official role in the play was Lu Ke, played by Li Yitong, and Shen Siyi, played by Jin Chen, was his best friend, so some audience members joked, "No wonder I let Jin Chen go, it turned out to be my girlfriend’s best friend."

Sun Yang’s fire has also become the flow code of "All in All", as the crew roadshows everywhere, helping "All in All" box office continues to rise, less than half a month of the box office will exceed 2 billion, surpassing the film fault released in the same period First, the total box office is currently ranked fourth in the 2023 film box office list, and in September Sun Yang starred in "The Eighth Suspect" will also be released, in the recent official publicity said that Chen Xinnian, who starred in it, is a "cold madman", let’s look forward to what kind of performance Sun Yang will bring.

Deng Chao demonstrates how to face child fans: speak well and say nutritious words

  From "Breakup Master" and "Villain Angel" to the "Running Man" captain, people may think more of Deng Chao’s "snake spirit" side when mentioning him. The day before yesterday, at the launch of the movie "Passing Through Your World", Deng Chao also became a "funny responsibility" as always, doing selfie gymnastics, playing gourd babies, exploding selfies, and acting cute. However, Deng Chao revealed that in the movie "Passing Through Your World", he put away his usual funny side, turned into a radio DJ Chen Mo, and quietly listened to everyone’s stories.

  "Runway film"?

  I am a romantic radio DJ.

  In the trailer, Deng Chao’s DJ Chen Mo appears on camera, wearing headphones and sitting in front of a recording microphone, reading "I wish there was someone like you." Deng Chao said that he actually spent a lot of time shaping the voice of the radio DJ. "Chen Mo is divided into two stages, the peak and the decline, and Chen Mo is already in the decline period at the beginning of the story."  

  Guangzhou Daily: Why are you so interested in the role of Chen Mo?

  Deng Chao: First of all, he is very popular with everyone. I have heard of this book for several years before, and I didn’t expect to be able to act it myself. Then I usually listen to the radio and especially want to see the face behind the radio. He may not match your imagination at all. I feel that through this movie, I seem to have fulfilled a wish I had many years ago, because I also like listening to music in the car and listening to the radio DJ talk.

  Guangzhou Daily: Can you tell me the story of this character?

  Deng Chao: Because there is a time span in the movie, Chen Mo’s style is different from his heyday to his state of decline and abandonment, and his voice will be different at each stage.

  Guangzhou Daily: You have always been very funny. Now that you are doing such an affectionate performance, will you be worried that the audience will play?

  Deng Chao: I understand what you mean, just like I always hoped that "Burning Sun" would be a particularly great comedy, but it didn’t succeed. I thought the radio station, Chen Mo, and Zhang Jiajia’s novel were quite interesting, so I quickly went to that world to play.

  "Love triangle" with Zhang Tianai Rhododendron?

  It’s not just about love.

  Deng Chao’s role as Chen Mo has a tangled emotional entanglement with Zhang Tianai’s Yi Chicken and Du Juan’s Xiao Rong in the film. Deng Chao describes one as a current love and the other as a past love, while Chen Mo has been vacillating. The relationship between him and Zhang Tianai has an inverted "My Savage Girlfriend" feeling, and he describes Chen Mo as actually a "Savage Boyfriend".

  Guangzhou Daily: In the movie, you are torn between Yi Chicken and Xiao Rong?

  Deng Chao: Yang Yang and Xiao Yueyue are both love saints and are more persistent. But Chen Mo has always been wavering between the two women.

  Guangzhou Daily: How do you position your relationship with Zhang Tianai?

  Deng Chao: How to describe it, it’s simple and complicated. I’ve always felt like a savage girlfriend myself, but upside down, I’m a "savage boyfriend".

  Too busy to forget Qixi Festival?

  "Every day is Qixi Festival"

  When asked about his plans for the Qixi Festival, which was the day before, Mr. Deng said he had forgotten about it and was going to Wuxi to film on the same day. But when asked whether he would tell his wife, Sun Li, he declared that "every day is Qixi Festival".

  Guangzhou Daily: How do you plan to celebrate the Qixi Festival?

  Deng Chao: The Qixi Festival is going to be filmed on the spot, in Wuxi. I forgot about it, it’s great that you reminded me.

  Guangzhou Daily: Have you ever had the habit of Qixi Festival?

  Deng Chao: To be honest, I don’t, but I have to respond to the scene. Seeing everyone like that, I’m sorry.

  Guangzhou Daily: How are you going to tell Sun Li?

  Deng Chao: I am the Qixi Festival every day, no need for special expression, haha.

  Guangzhou Daily: After "Running Man", you have a lot of kid fans. Did you think of that?

  Deng Chao: Not at all. I was also very surprised. When we were filming this drama, there was a little girl and her mother waiting outside the studio. The little girl also held up a sign that said, "Uncle Deng Chao, I am your youngest fan." I was very touched. So I went back to educate Chen He to speak well, to say nutritious and positive words, and to convey positive energy to the children.

The price of "the most beautiful B-class hunting SUV" landing in Ice City is only 189,800 yuan.

  On December 25th, the launch conference of "Yue Xiang Pioneer" BYD "Song L" was held in Yintai City in Harbin. Dozens of mainstream media in the circle and many fans gathered at the scene to witness the "B-class pioneer hunting SUV"-"Song L" leading the tide in the ice city. The new car has launched four rear-drive models and one four-wheel drive model, with an official guide price of 189,800 yuan-249,800 yuan. In addition, there are six listed pet powder rights including the enjoyment of financial gifts and the enjoyment of new gifts!

  At the beginning of the conference, "Song L" came on stage with its unique avant-garde aesthetics. The unique hunting posture became the focus of the audience as soon as it appeared, which contributed a visual feast to the guests. At the press conference, Ren Jianjun, deputy director of the North Theater of BYD Dynasty Network, said in his speech: "As a high-end model of the Song family, the’ Song L’ is fully equipped at the beginning, and its face value, control, space, safety and intelligence are all full, plus the competitive listing price, the strength leads the new standard of the value of B-class pure electric SUV."

  In addition, in this release ceremony, Mr. An Yuning, the producer of Heilongjiang Metropolitan Channel, took the stage as a media representative to testify, which not only talked about the pioneering driving and control feelings brought by "Song L" from many angles, but also praised the pioneer of "Song L", saying that it lived up to the name of "the most beautiful B-class hunting SUV". At the same time, at the press conference, the first batch of car owners in Harbin also came to the scene at the request, and witnessed by all the staff, successfully concluded the delivery ceremony and officially became the pioneer partner of "Song L".

  With a full face value, you can enjoy the most beautiful hunting SUV.

  Yan value is justice! "Song L" won the reputation of "the most beautiful hunting SUV" as soon as it appeared. The moderately advanced style accurately hits the aesthetics of mainstream quality families.

  You want a low dive posture, yes! The dragon face design you want, there is! You have all the frameless doors, adaptive electric tail fins and wide tires! It is a visual feast!

  Too high a face value often makes people ignore the strength, but "Song L" perfectly combines pioneering design and functionality to truly achieve "beauty" and "material": the frameless door adopts double-layered laminated glass, and Fuyao’s top-grade steel glass technology brings better tightness and quietness; The adaptive electric tail can rise and fall with the speed, effectively reducing the drag coefficient, which is of great significance for improving endurance and handling performance; The standard tires with narrow front and wide back make it difficult for "Song L" to swing its tail when changing lanes at high speed, ensuring the safety of emergency avoidance.

  It is both a Yan value school and a strength school. Wherever "Song L" goes, it must be the focus of the audience!

  controlFull match,The three stars are full of "bottom" technology.?

  Song L "is based on E platform 3.0, with a maximum output power of 380kW, a peak torque of 670N·m, and a zero acceleration of 4.3 seconds; The efficient eight-in-one electric powertrain makes the energy consumption of "Song L" 100 kilometers as low as 12.8kW·h, and the longest cruising range can reach 662 kilometers, which not only drives fast, but also saves energy.

  What leaves the same class model far behind is its ultimate control. CTB battery body integration technology makes the body torsional stiffness reach 40,400 N m/,which is comparable to a million-level luxury SUV;; Yunqi -C breaks the long-standing monopoly of luxury brands on active body control system technology, allowing drivers and passengers to enjoy driving while taking into account comfort; Together with iTAC intelligent torque distribution system, it helps the upper limit of "Song L" to be further improved.

  Song L "meets the strict requirements of users" both want, want and want "with hard-core power, high efficiency and energy saving, and extreme control.

  Full space, luxury, width and five seats.

  Comfort is the "hard currency" of B-class cars, and "Song L" is also the ultimate.

  You want the big five seats, there are! The long wheelbase you want, there is! You want the soft interior, fragrance, massage chair, panoramic canopy, HiFi-class Dana audio, all of which are available!

  What is the concept of "Song L" 2930mm wheelbase? Better than the popular player Model Y, the vertical size can be called a B-class ceiling. The spacious and comfortable five-seat space supports 4:6 leveling in the back row, and the volume of the front trunk and trunk can be expanded to 1101L, which can hold the happiness of a quality family.

  Not only the space is large, but also the materials are sufficient. Electronic unlock door button, double-layer silver-plated panoramic canopy, ventilation and heating of front seats become standard, which is easy to get started and full of advanced feeling; The leather steering wheel is equipped with heating function, the main and co-pilot seats are integrated with electric adjustment and massage function, and the intelligent interactive atmosphere lights can change colors according to different scenes, creating a unique riding experience; In addition, high-end configurations such as dual-temperature zone automatic air conditioning, co-pilot boss key, active fragrance system, 12-speaker HiFi-class customized Dana audio and 50W mobile phone wireless fast charging have also reshaped consumers’ expectations and cognition of this price segment.Safe and fully equipped, protection goes deep into the "bone"

  "Safety is the greatest luxury of electric vehicles". When the industry is still addicted to simple stacking and rolling, "Song L" not only does a good job of active and passive safety, but also starts from the structure and engraves safety into the "bone" to provide a real all-round protection.

  Blade battery, yes! CTB, yes! High-strength materials, yes! DiPilot intelligent driver assistance system, too!

  CTB technology combines the blade battery with the body floor, and the battery is both an energy body and a structural part, which provides natural "structural safety" and gives the underlying logic of "Song L" structural safety; "Song L" is built according to the global five-star safety standards, with ultra-safe cage-type passenger cabin structure, three-stage body design, 11 airbags and 83.5% of "high-strength steel, high-strength aluminum and composite materials" to ensure the safety of the passenger cabin to the greatest extent; The active safety of "Song L" is also online. DiPilot intelligent driver assistance system has up to 24 sensors in the whole vehicle, and has more than 30 safety assistance functions such as DMS driver monitoring assistance to prevent problems before they happen.

  Enjoy full intelligence, and the whole department is equipped with an intelligent cockpit.

  In the digital age, technology is a must for pioneers to travel. "Song L" is equipped with three intelligent systems: DiLink intelligent cockpit, DiPilot intelligent driving assistance system and intelligent entry system. With mature technology and pragmatic functions, it creates a more mature and convenient intelligent travel experience for users.

  The advanced chip you want, there is! You want to rotate the big screen and head-up display, there is! You have all the continuous voice calls, automatic parking and UWB keys you want!

  "Song L" adopts the industry-leading 6nm process chip and integrates 5G baseband technology, with a running score of over 550,000, and its comprehensive performance is far ahead, allowing the car to experience "longitudinal silky"; 15.6-inch high-definition central control panel, 10.25-inch full LCD instrument, 50-inch head-up display and 5.8-inch rear air conditioning control panel form a "2+1+1" smart multi-screen, allowing users to enjoy intellectual convenience; Full-scene intelligent voice integrates more than 1000 vehicle control functions, which can be said as soon as it is visible, and the wake-up response time is as fast as 400 milliseconds, which can realize accurate recognition of four-tone zone and continuous multi-command recognition, greatly improving driving convenience; Automatic parking, so that the "dilemma" of narrow parking spaces and the "dilemma" of crowded alleys can be removed with one button; Equipped with UWB digital key, it realizes non-inductive entry and completely liberates hands. FACE ID facial recognition, 3D holographic transparent images and other functions have also enabled "Song L" to gain the scientific and technological charm of the digital age.

  As a high-end model of "Song Family", "Song L" has beautiful appearance, large space, strong technology, stable control and excellent intelligence. With its excellent quality and outstanding performance, it has handed in an impeccable answer sheet, allowing users to get a high-value pioneer experience from 189,800 yuan.

  China brand leads Pioneer Technology, BYD has taken the shot, and the deep-water bomb has been dropped. What kind of reshuffle will the B-class SUV market usher in? Let’s wait and see!

Takeaway brother upgrade: from "bronze" to "king" to send orders against the clock

  Lane 41, Sanyuan Road, Putuo District, Shanghai, is a commercial and residential building where the blue-and-white "Ele.me" logo hangs. He Shengsheng, 28, is the webmaster of the food delivery platform Ele.me in Shanghai.

  "In December 2014, I came to Shanghai to work hard and saw that Ele.me was recruiting a large number of riders, and the salary was not bad, so I came here." He Shengsheng told First Financial Reporter that in May 2015, due to his outstanding work performance, he was promoted to become a stationmaster, mainly responsible for helping riders solve problems encountered in daily work and life.

  Ele.me Hummingbird Delivery released the "2018 Takeaway Riders Group Insight Report" shows that there are more than 3 million registered riders in Hummingbird Delivery, of which 77% of Hummingbird riders are from rural areas, the average age is about 29 years old, and the proportion of post-95s has exceeded 20%. Riders deliver 48 orders per day on average, and travel nearly 150 kilometers.

  With the accelerated pace of life, people are increasingly concerned about the value of time, and instant delivery has come into being. Nowadays, instant logistics distribution platforms have entered the field of intra-city, small-scale, and takeaway, and gradually expanded to the field of fresh food, supermarket delivery, and even a wider range of express terminal areas.


  As a young man who came to Shanghai from Lu’an, Anhui Province to work hard, making money is He Shengsheng’s top priority.

  "Joined Ele.me as a rider on December 22, 2014. At that time, the order volume was not very large. The overtime salary was more than 8,000 yuan, and the unit helped pay five insurances and one housing fund." He Shengsheng told reporters that there are now 65 riders (full-time + part-time) under his own management. Every month, the company will settle the salary according to its own control of the site and performance. Generally, if you do a good job, the monthly salary is more than 10,000 yuan; if you do a little worse, 6,000 to 8,000 yuan.

  The reporter learned that almost all the instant delivery fields such as Ele.me, Meituan, and Dada use the agent model. Take Ele.me as an example. Ele.me has dozens of agents in Shanghai, each agent has multiple sites, and the maintenance of the site is jointly managed by the channel manager dispatched by Ele.me and the area manager dispatched by the agent. And He Shengsheng’s site belongs to Jiangxi Hummingbird Supply Chain Management Co., Ltd.

  When He Shengsheng first took over the position of stationmaster, most of his time was occupied by manual orders, such as the same rider arranging several orders in the same direction for him. "At that time, it was still manual, and there was no intelligent order like now."

  The intelligent dispatching system He Shengsheng mentioned is the "Ark" of Ele.me intelligent dispatching system, which is the core link in the field of instant delivery of takeout. The system replaces most of the work of webmasters, reduces the degree of human intervention, and realizes automated and intelligent dispatching.

  The first financial reporter saw in the computer background of the Ele.me site that the Ark system can display the intelligent scheduling order link: user order, merchant order, intelligent scheduling (rider order/robot order), delivery to users, etc. Through big data and machine learning, user orders are matched with the optimal path under the optimal decision to ensure delivery efficiency.

  In addition, the system can also display the location of the rider in real time, as well as the number of orders in his hand and the number of orders to be completed. "The location is mainly based on the rider’s exclusive app loaded in the rider’s mobile phone. Generally, the rider who completes the order delivery task will return to the business district where he is located, which is convenient for the system to send orders. The longest straight line distance from the food pickup point to the customer is 3.5 kilometers." The business district He Shengsheng is in charge of is the Centennial Central Shopping Plaza and 118 Square in Putuo District. How far is 3.5 kilometers? If you use a 1 yuan coin (25mm diameter) to spread in a straight line, you need 140,000 pieces.

  In the current situation of intelligent ordering, He Shengsheng no longer dispatches orders manually, but also needs to manage the riders, such as the problems encountered by the riders need to be dealt with in a timely manner; in terms of orders, there are merchants who need to be solved, and riders who need to come to him to solve. In addition, it depends on whether the distribution of system orders is reasonable.

He Shengsheng is checking the working status of the rider.

  "The factors to judge whether an order is reasonable are based on a rider’s ability to carry orders in the past period of time, the timeliness of orders, the timeliness of riders’ delivery, etc. Only in this way can we determine the amount of riders’ orders and the shortest time he can deliver orders to customers." He Shengsheng revealed that under normal circumstances, riders with strong ability have no problem going out to receive 12 to 15 orders at a time. If they encounter peak delivery periods, such as going to the same office building for food delivery, they can also reach 18 orders at a time.

  The Ark system will combine nearby orders from the same street and the same building, and deliver them to one rider in a unified manner, which is called "chasing orders" in the industry. He Shengsheng said: "Although it doesn’t matter if the pickup point is different, as long as the customer is in the same building, the delivery efficiency is quite high. This is why so many orders are sent to capable riders, because he knows which restaurant is fast and which is slow, and he will go to the restaurant with the fast meal first."

  From "bronze" to "king"

  This is an industry where every second counts, and riders need to consider two factors: the speed of the restaurant’s delivery, and whether the customer is in the same location. They need a path plan.

  For a rider who has been in the job for a long time and has strong ability, after he receives the order, he has a plan, such as which restaurant to drop by, where to pick up the meal, the speed of the restaurant’s delivery, etc., and then deliver it to the customer. Which orders are delivered first or some customers urge orders to be delivered first, there is a reasonable plan.

  He Shengsheng said: "For a new rider, he doesn’t know where the restaurant is, so the Ele.me platform will tell him where the food pickup point is and where the delivery point is, and he can follow the prompts given to him by the system. In this case, it is more suitable for him to give one or two orders at a time."

  Ark learns the rider’s food delivery data, delineates the rider’s level, and ladders the rider’s target order quantity at all levels, so as to make a ability portrait for each rider, and assigns the waybill to the most suitable rider.

  During the midday and evening peaks of takeout, Ark will prioritize orders to high-level riders during peak periods based on waybill efficiency to improve delivery efficiency. According to data provided by Ele.me, the Ark system can process orders at a peak of more than 80 orders per second. During the peak period of takeout, Ark will emphasize fairness on the basis of considering efficiency. Through big data analytics, the order volume of riders is balanced to ensure that the order volume allocated by riders of the same level and team is roughly the same within a certain time span.

  The Ele.me platform divided Hummingbird’s riders into different levels, and the Honor of Kings game was divided into 6 levels, followed by bronze, silver, gold, platinum, diamond, and king. "The more orders a rider gives, the better, the higher the level will be."

  "Different agents may pay riders different salaries in different cities. The salary of riders on our site consists of three parts: 1. Performance commission, the standard is less than 600 orders, according to 7 yuan/order; more than 600 orders, according to 8 yuan/order. 2. Subsidies are made according to the weight, distance, weather, rider level, etc. of each order. 3. There are praise rewards and rush orders rewards every month." He Shengsheng said that the average monthly income of full-time riders at his site is 7,000-9,000 yuan, and the KPI assessment indicators for riders are similar, basically changing once a month. At present, the main assessment is the cancellation of riders’ delivery and T12 timeout.

  T12 timeout refers to a timeout of 12 minutes. For example, the assessment time of the rider’s order T is 10:30. If the rider arrives after 10:42, it has exceeded the time value of the rider’s order assessment.

  How to determine what time is the expectation of the booking customer? He Shengsheng said that under normal circumstances, it is divided into pre-orders and instant orders, and pre-orders can be booked to a certain time period; for instant orders, the system will determine the time expected by the customer of the order according to the timeliness of the restaurant, order memory and other factors, and then give a time.

  Not only Ele.me, but also its competitors Meituan and Dada have long integrated AI and big data into their business development.

  The reporter learned that there are many entrants in the field of instant delivery at present, mainly divided into three categories: one is established in 2014, flash delivery, Dada, UU errands and other established intra-city courier companies, the other is the instant delivery originating from the takeaway model, such as Ele.me’s Hummingbird delivery, Meituan’s Meituan special delivery team, Dada-JD Daojia’s new Dada, etc.; the third is SF Express, Yuantong, Yunda and other traditional logistics companies, SF Express’s instant delivery business, Yuantong’s timing, Yunda’s cloud delivery. The players on the track are gathered, all intending to get a share of this emerging market.

  For the future, He Shengsheng expressed the hope that he can seize the opportunity and grow with the takeaway platform. (Wang Hai)

Tiggo 8 big price cuts in Dongguan! The lowest price is 89,900, and the promotion is limited.

In the preferential promotion channel in Dongguan, car home, we are pleased to announce that Chery’s flagship SUV is being promoted! As a medium-sized SUV, Tiggo 8 has always been favored by consumers because of its excellent cost performance and spacious space. Now, consumers in Dongguan can enjoy a maximum discount of 20,000 in our preferential promotion! The minimum starting price is 89,900 yuan, which will make Tiggo 8 an excellent choice for you to buy a car. If you want to know more about the discount details of Tiggo 8, please click the "Check Car Price" button in the quotation form to get a higher discount!


Tiggo 8 is a medium-sized SUV with stylish and modern design. The front face adopts the Tiggo family design language, and the air intake grille is decorated with a large area of chrome, which looks very luxurious. The body lines are smooth, the overall style is tough, and the front of the car is full of power. Smooth lines are used on the side of the car body, which highlights the sense of movement and strength of the whole car. The tail design is simple and lively, and the popular through taillight design is adopted, which has high recognition at night. Generally speaking, the design of Tiggo 8 is excellent, with high visual impact, which leaves a deep impression on people.


Tiggo 8 is a medium-sized SUV with a body length, width and height of 4700*1860*1746mm, a wheelbase of 2710mm, a front track of 1582mm and a rear track of 1604mm respectively. The body lines are smooth, the side lines are simple and smooth, and the roof lines are tilted backwards, forming a perfect arc with the body, showing a sense of movement and strength. The front and rear tyre size are both 235/55 R18, and the rim design is fashionable, which complements the overall style of the car body. The overall shape is fashionable and elegant, and the details are exquisite. It is a very attractive model.


The interior style of Tiggo 8 is simple and generous, and the overall tone is mainly black, with silver decoration, creating a sense of luxury and technology. The steering wheel is made of leather material, which feels comfortable and the position can be manually adjusted up and down and back and forth, which is convenient for the driver to operate. The size of the central control screen is 10.25 inches, with clear display and simple operation. The front row has two USB/Type-C interfaces, and the rear row is equipped with a USB interface to meet the charging needs of passengers. The seat is made of imitation leather, and the front and rear seats, backrest and height can be adjusted. The front seats are also equipped with heating function, so that drivers and passengers can feel warm in cold weather. The backrest of the second row of seats can be adjusted, and the rear seats support proportional reclining, which increases the flexibility of the interior space.


The Tiggo 8 is powered by a 1.5T 156 horsepower L4 engine with a maximum power of 115kW and a maximum torque of 230N·m, and is equipped with a 6-speed manual transmission. The engine has excellent power performance and high efficiency and energy saving, which can provide excellent driving experience for drivers. At the same time, the configuration of the 6-speed manual gearbox also enables the driver to control the vehicle more accurately and get better driving pleasure.

In the evaluation of car home car owners, we can see that the Tiggo 8 has performed quite well in appearance, space, steering and high-speed stability. In addition, the owner also mentioned the high practicality and intelligence of the electronic parking brake. These advantages will undoubtedly make the Tiggo 8 a model that has attracted much attention. It is worth mentioning that the price/performance ratio of the Tiggo 8 in the same class is also very high. If you are looking for an SUV with stable performance, rich configuration and atmospheric appearance, then Tiggo 8 will be a good choice.

Xiaomi car big news!

  There is new news from Xiaomi Automobile, which has received much attention!

  On the 15th, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology released the list of "Announcement of Road Motor Vehicle Manufacturers and Products" (the 377th batch), and Xiaomi Automobile was among them. Xiaomi Auto also boarded the hot search in Weibo, which attracted attention.

  "Xiaomi" Car Debut

  BYD and Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited "supply power"

  The announcement shows that there are two Xiaomi brand pure electric cars in the list, the models are BJ7000MBEVA1 and BJ7000MBEVR2, and the company name is Beijing Automotive Group Off-road Vehicle Co., Ltd. This also means that Beiqi off-road vehicle company has become the OEM of Xiaomi Automobile. Beiqi off-road vehicle company is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Beijing Automobile Group Co., Ltd., and the actual controller is Beijing SASAC.

  The biggest difference between the two models is the power. The former has a peak motor power of 275KW or a high-performance version, while the latter has a peak motor power of 220KW. Correspondingly, the power batteries used by the two are also different. The former uses Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited ternary lithium battery, while the latter uses lithium iron phosphate battery produced by Xiangyang Foday battery, which belongs to BYD.

  According to the car-making process, enterprises need to obtain the approval of the motor vehicle project approved by the National Development and Reform Commission, and the motor vehicle of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology can only have the qualification of automobile production after being granted the "double license". The listing in the declaration catalogue of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology also means that Xiaomi Automobile has obtained the "birth certificate".

  Invest 10 billion dollars to build a car in 10 years.

  Officially listed in the first half of next year

  On October 25th, Lei Jun, founder, chairman and CEO of Xiaomi Group, revealed in Weibo that Xiaomi Automobile is progressing smoothly and will be officially listed in the first half of 2024.

  Another source said that Xiaomi Automobile will start mass production next month (December) and go on sale in the first year of 2024 (February).

  On March 30, 2021, Lei Jun announced that Xiaomi had officially entered the smart electric vehicle market. He said that 10 billion US dollars will be invested in the next 10 years, with an initial investment of 10 billion RMB. On September 1, 2021, Xiaomi Automobile Co., Ltd. was incorporated with a registered capital of 10 billion yuan.

  Since Lei Jun announced Xiaomi’s entry into the smart car industry, the dynamics of Xiaomi’s car have been receiving much attention. Previously, some insiders of Xiaomi Automobile said that in the research, production, supply and sales, Xiaomi Automobile will use its previous experience in the ICT industry to greatly improve its operational efficiency.

Wildlife conservation experts call for a global ban on wildlife trade

  [Editor’s Note]: On January 26th, the State Administration of Market Supervision of China, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs and the National Forestry and Grassland Administration issued a notice saying that in order to prevent the pneumonia epidemic in novel coronavirus and block the possible sources of infection and transmission routes, wildlife trading activities were banned nationwide from the 26th until the national epidemic was lifted. After the announcement, all provinces and cities actively responded and adopted corresponding management measures. Recently, Neil D&rsquo, director of global wildlife research for the World Society for the Protection of Animals; Dr. Cruze also published a document expressing the professional views and opinions of scientists.

  In response to the deadly novel coronavirus outbreak, China took action at an unprecedented speed and made a commendable and brave decision — — Impose a temporary ban on all wildlife trade nationwide. It is estimated that 70% of all emerging diseases are originated from wild animals. Undeniably, in recent decades, the growth of global wildlife trade (whether legal or illegal) has also become one of the disease transmission mechanisms that the world is increasingly concerned about.

  On January 29th, citizens passed the Wuhan South China Seafood Wholesale Market, which had been closed. Xinhua News Agency reporter Xiong Qishe

  After all, in a typical vegetable market, animals suffer terrible pain, and there are no proper biological safety measures, which provides an excellent opportunity for pathogens (such as viruses) to mutate and spread. In the market, animals with weak immunity are subjected to the pressure and trauma caused by wild capture or intensive artificial reproduction, and can only sit in their own urine and waste. This is a very common phenomenon, and close contact with humans may cause disasters.

  In modern society, as people capture wild animals from natural habitats and transport and trade dead or alive wild animals to different parts of the world by land, sea and air, such threats have expanded to a global scale. There are many factors that can affect a country’s risk of transmitting zoonotic diseases from wild animals and its ability to cope with the consequences. For example, according to the number of animals traded, our recent review of the trade database of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora identified many countries worthy of attention. As the largest exporter of live mammals, China only traded 98,979 live mammals between 2011 and 2016, accounting for 58.7% of the total global trade listed in this international treaty.

  However, this is not just a number. A new deadly disease, such as coronavirus, can appear from an animal, and it can also be hidden in wild animal markets like Wuhan all over the world. There is a great possibility that this situation will continue and it is a real threat.

  One green planet map of a wildlife market in Myanmar

  So what should I do? Instead of simply treating wild animals as "disease bags", trying to eliminate pathogens or selectively hunting wild animals with pathogens, trying to reduce the contact between wild animals and people may prove to be the most practical and lowest-cost method to reduce the global human health risks.

  In the long run, we need to meet consumers’ demand for wild animals and their body parts. In the short term, a trade ban, such as the one currently implemented in China, will help to reduce the spread of diseases. However, if they are to be fully effective, these bans should be global and based on demand reduction.

  China’s national ban on wildlife trade will save millions of wild animals from suffering, and they will no longer be regarded as exotic pets, traditional medicines and meat. Crucially, this will also stop the harsh treatment they suffer in transportation and markets, where the living environment is a hotbed of deadly diseases. It remains to be seen whether the ban will be made permanent and whether appropriate measures will be taken to protect the welfare of animals that have been caught in the wildlife trade. However, in the short term, it will undoubtedly protect wildlife and human beings.

  Wild birds rescued from Miami’s black market were put into clean cages.

  The regulation of wildlife trade involves many issues, from animal welfare to protection and ethics, but as we have seen so far, the risks posed by pathogens (and emerging zoonoses) may not be underestimated and need to be solved urgently.


  Can E, D’ Cruze N, Macdonald DW. Dealing in deadly pathogens: Taking stock of the legal trade in live wildlife and potential risks to human health. Glob Ecol Conserv. 2019; 17. doi:10.1016/j.gecco.2018.e00515

Interview with President of Peking University Examinations Institute: Furniture made like a mold

  Dean of Peking University Examination and Research Institute interviewed Xueba.

  What is the life direction of these "cow children"?

  Author: Qin Chunhua

  □ Education has been simplified into a straight line for further studies. All the processes exist only for that final result: going to Peking University or Harvard. No one told these children what to do after going to Peking University or Harvard. Since then, life has been smooth, and we will never encounter all kinds of troubles, difficulties and hardships?

  -just busy looking for what kind of school for children, what kind of teachers to find, what kind of conditions to provide for children, how much knowledge to teach students, and how many marks to improve students are all lazy practices, and in fact they have given up their educational responsibilities as parents and teachers.

  □ Life is a journey of discovering yourself, and the road has to come out step by step. Realizing what kind of person you will become in the future is like a lighthouse in the distance, which can constantly illuminate the way forward.

  In the first half of this year, I went to Shanghai to interview students. The students have made very serious preparations, one by one, just like the application materials provided by them. Without exception, every student has excellent academic performance — — At least in the top 5% of the grade; Outstanding artistic expertise — — At least one musical instrument; Won awards for scientific and technological innovation at all levels — — At least the second prize at the municipal level; Enthusiastic about public welfare — — Go to the nursing home to wash the feet of the elderly at least once; Wait a minute. While lamenting the high comprehensive quality of Shanghai students, I also have a faint regret: they look so perfect that they don’t seem to see any shortcomings; They look so alike, just like a set of "furniture" made by a mold.

  Including their performance in the interview is also very similar. One by one, sitting in danger, smiling without showing teeth; Speak clearly and cadently, as if reciting a poem affectionately. A student came up and said, "Confucius said … …” I interrupted him and asked him what his name was. After he told me, he went on to say "Zi Yue". I interrupted him again and told him that I didn’t care how to say it, but what I cared about was what you wanted to say. He blushed and couldn’t say a word. Another student sat confidently in front of me, waiting for me to ask all kinds of possible questions, as if everything was under control. I said, I don’t have any questions for you. Do you have any questions for me? She didn’t expect me to ask such a question at all, and suddenly she panicked and was tongue-tied and almost cried.

  Obviously, all the students have received some interview training before coming, and at least have seen some "treasure books" on how to deal with the interview, but perhaps no one told them that I am not interested in who they are, but who they really are.

  What surprises me most is that when I ask them what kind of person you want to be in the future, few people can answer. The students told me that they didn’t think about it at all.

  Really never thought about it? Actually, it is not. He (she) once thought about this question, but it was a long time ago, so long that he (she) even forgot it.

  When I was a child, whenever an adult asked a child, what do you want to be when you grow up? Children always answer happily: scientists, astronauts, pilots, police uncles (aunts) … … However, when the children go to school, these problems are never mentioned again, as if they never appeared. Listening to lectures in class, doing homework at home and attending remedial classes are the whole life of students. As for what children’s interests are, what kind of people they want to be when they grow up and what kind of life they live, no one seems to care, even the children themselves don’t care. Almost all teachers, parents and students only care about one thing: how many points they got in the exam and what school they can go to.

  A growth track that is recognized as a good student, or a perfect education roadmap imagined by parents, looks like this: go to the best kindergarten in the local area; I knew a lot of Chinese characters before I went to primary school, I can do complex math problems, I can recite many classic articles in large paragraphs, and I speak fluent English. Then go to the best local primary and secondary schools; Admitted to the best university in China — — Peking University, Tsinghua; Go to the best university in the world after graduation — — Harvard, wait. Of course, many people have been aiming at famous schools such as Eton and Exeter since junior high school. Not to mention that not everyone can achieve these goals, even if all of them are achieved, then what? Where is the goal of life?

  I really want to ask: what will happen after being admitted to Peking University?

  This is not my imagination. Over the years, I have seen many excellent children all over the world. They are all talented, hardworking, and have never failed. They are always among the top groups of their peers, choosing the best schools and classes, and they are the envy of others. However, few people can observe their inner pain and confusion.

  Many students from Peking University or Harvard told me that going to Peking University or Harvard was their goal since childhood, but one day when they were really in the campus that appeared in their dreams for countless times, they often fell into deep anxiety: What should they do next? Like a mountaineer’s confusion on Mount Everest: Where is the next mountain?

  Life needs goals, but society, schools and families have not taught children how to find and set their own goals. Our understanding of life and education is too simple and lacking in imagination. We always ask our children to be successful, to be better than others, and to be admitted to the best school, but we rarely tell them what success means, where the happiness of life comes from, and what is best for them. Education has been simplified into a straight line for further studies. All the processes exist only for that final result: going to Peking University or Harvard. No one told these children what to do after going to Peking University or Harvard. Since then, life has been smooth, and we will never encounter all kinds of troubles, difficulties and hardships? In 1923, Mr. Lu Xun once thought-provoking asked: "What happened after Nora left?" I also want to ask: "What happened after I was admitted to Peking University?"

  Going to school is to get a good education, but just as savings can’t be automatically converted into investment, going to school doesn’t necessarily mean getting a good education. The reason why we send our children to school is not because they have to go to school, but because they have to be fully prepared for their future lives. Going to school is a process that a person must go through in order to achieve his life goals. In this process, the most important thing is to realize what kind of person you will become in the future.

  It is not easy to do this. Everyone comes to the world with a unique mission, which is the value of independent individuals. The difference is that some people can find their mission and finally achieve great things; Some people don’t find their mission, and they end up doing nothing and living a lifetime. Just like marriage, "a radish is a pit", and everyone has their own "uniqueness". Some people find the "only" that matches them, and their marriage is happy; Some people don’t find it, and marriage is not happy, at least not happy.

  Although a person’s life is long and there seem to be many things to do, there is only one thing that can really be done. This is a person’s mission to the world. Discover that the mission cannot rely on the "apocalypse" — — Although many people do suddenly realize their mission in their dreams or flashes of light — — Education is the most important and fundamental means. The value of education lies in awakening the potential in every child’s heart and helping them find the special mission hidden in the body and the thing they are destined to do.

  This is the real challenge that every school and every family faces in education. It is more important and fundamental to know what kind of person you will become in the future than which school you go to and how many points you get. Avoiding or ignoring this problem, just being busy with what kind of school to find for children, what kind of teachers to find, what kind of conditions to provide for children, how much knowledge to teach students, and how many marks to improve students are all lazy practices, and in fact giving up the educational responsibility as parents and teachers.

  In fact, once a child realizes what kind of person he will be in the future, he will inspire endless motivation from his heart to strive to achieve his goals. Numerous research results have proved that this endogenous driving force is far greater and more effective than the externally imposed force for human growth. We should be soberly aware that life is not a game designed by others. As long as we invest time and money and configure more powerful "equipment", we can get through customs. Once the customs clearance is completed and the game is over, life will immediately face a situation where there is no way out. Life is a journey of self-discovery, and the road depends on yourself step by step. Realizing what kind of person you will become in the future is like a lighthouse in the distance, which can constantly illuminate the way forward.

  Know what you like? Make a negative list first.

  So, how can we know what kind of person we will become in the future? In other words, how can we find the special potential in our life? Everyone’s methods may be different, but the most important thing is to listen to your inner voice, find your real interest and realize why your life will come, just like Steve Jobs who was born for Apple.

  Generally speaking, an excellent person will never do anything too badly. The real difficulty is to distinguish whether it is something you really like. The way to judge whether you really like it or not is very simple, that is, whether you are obsessed with it, whether you can willingly devote time and energy to it regardless of utility and stick to it all the time. True obsession is a state of lovesickness. I think about it during the day and at night, even dreaming. I can’t help laughing when I think of him (her). I will think of him (her) when I see anything, and all I talk to others is him (her). I am excited about it, crazy about it, and even crazy about it. It is a state of immersion in happiness. "If you don’t go crazy, you won’t survive." If you don’t reach this state, you won’t be obsessed, and you won’t be really interested.

  I suggest that every student, no matter how heavy his schoolwork is, must spare some time to be alone every day, leave a little gentle space for his mind, and listen to his deep desire in a completely relaxed state. Sometimes, you can take out a blank sheet of paper and write down your thoughts. No matter how naive, ridiculous or even shocking these ideas seem, it doesn’t matter. Anyway, they are written for themselves and have nothing to do with others.

  Some people say that I just don’t feel anything, I don’t know what I like or even what I don’t like. What should I do? A good way is trial and error. Keep trying everything, and get rid of things you don’t like in the process of trying. Make yourself a negative list. Don’t be afraid of failure. For students, the cost of failure is very small. As long as they are not expelled or dropped out of school, they can return to the classroom and start all over again.

  Be patient with yourself. Not everyone can find their "the only thrill", which takes time and effort. Don’t worry when you can’t find it, take your time, but you must keep looking for it. You may not find it if you look for it, but you won’t find it if you don’t look for it. At the same time, we should have confidence in ourselves. Since you are here for this matter, no one can steal it. It doesn’t matter if you find it earlier or later. The important thing is that you like it from your heart. Remember the American Grandma Moses who picked up a paintbrush at the age of 77? Her story tells us that as long as you really like to do something, you can start at any time, even if you are 80 years old.

  Life is not only a life, but also a quality life. Judging whether a life has quality depends on whether every day is the day you really want. "If you hear the Tao, you will die in the evening." As long as you find something you really like, even for one day, it is a happy and quality life.

  (The author is Dean of Peking University Examination and Research Institute)

Pan Shiyi: Diwang will face financial risks and buy a house to resist inflation.

Topic: picture channel


  As a leading enterprise in China’s real estate industry, Wang Shi, chairman of Vanke Group, is still at the cusp of fierce controversy, and Pan Shiyi, president of SOHO China, recently declared that many real estate companies in China will have drastic changes within 100 days and enter an unprecedented financing difficult period.

  Once the viewpoint of "Hundred Days Drama Change" was thrown out, it immediately aroused unprecedented repercussions. What kind of tomorrow will China real estate industry face? Will housing prices fall in the "drastic changes" predicted by Pan Shiyi? How many housing enterprises will "die" in this cold?

  On March 25th, when Pan Shiyi attended the Sina Real Estate Innovation Summit, he accepted an exclusive interview with the reporter of China Times to explain in detail the "Hundred Days Drama Change" released by him.

  The sudden change of the situation leads to "a hundred-day drama change"

  China Times: Why do you put forward the view that the real estate industry will face a "hundred-day drama change" at this juncture?

  Pan Shiyi: At the end of November last year, the central government put forward a tight monetary policy, but the formulation at that time was still relatively general, and the international situation was still unclear at that time, and China’s monetary policy still had operational flexibility.

  But this year, especially since February, the CPI has increased by 8.7% year-on-year, and the inflationary pressure is enormous. When answering a reporter’s question, Premier Wen Jiabao said that the first thing for the government this year is to control the CPI index to around 4.8% and GDP growth to 8%. To control inflation, we must implement a tight monetary policy.

  The day after the Prime Minister made these remarks, the reserve ratio of the central bank was raised to 15.5%, which is already very high. At this time, the domestic situation has become clear, and the tight monetary policy is very clear.

  Let’s take a look at the international environment. In the past two months, there have been some events and current situations, such as the Bear Stearns incident and the stock market crash, including the stock crash of overseas listed real estate companies, the failure of real estate enterprises to issue bonds and shares. There are more than 40 real estate enterprises that want to list this year.

  However, led by Evergrande Real Estate, its IPO has been shelved. At this juncture, any IPO will go wrong. This is a landmark event, and the pipeline between the international capital market and China real estate is basically blocked.

  China Times: Last year, you were still refuting Wang Shi’s "inflection point theory", and now you are proposing "a hundred-day drama change". Is it inconsistent?

  Pan Shiyi: Up to now, my point of view has changed, because the situation changes every day, and I am constantly revising my point of view as the situation changes.

  Last year, when I talked to Wang Shi about the inflection point, I listed the data to refute him. At that time, I didn’t expect the American economy to be so bad. I didn’t expect Bear Stearns to have an accident. I didn’t expect the subprime mortgage crisis to be endless. I didn’t expect the CPI index to rise to 8.7%.

  Including the current point of view, I am not necessarily right. The real estate industry is 200 billion yuan a year. The domestic and international situation of such a big industry and market has changed too fast.

  Diwang developers will be greatly adjusted.

  China Times: Which real estate enterprises do you think will face the most severe challenges in this upcoming great change? Is it possible for small and medium-sized real estate enterprises in China to be integrated?

  Pan Shiyi: The year before last, especially last year, many developers were irrational and bought many landlords. However, the real estate industry cannot do without the support of the financial industry and the capital market. If this support is disconnected or weakened, the real estate industry will face great adjustments. And the first to be adjusted are those real estate enterprises that expanded extremely last year and the year before, and they will face the biggest problem.

  Some people say that I want to merge small and medium-sized enterprises, which is a wrong misinterpretation of my point of view. Some small and medium-sized real estate enterprises in China have not expanded, and the capital chain has been well arranged. When the winter comes, they will naturally not encounter problems. On the contrary, it is the developers who have expanded extremely in previous years who are most prone to problems.

  China Times: Do you think that the real upheaval is those Diwang enterprises that emerged last year?

  Pan Shiyi: It is an indisputable fact that the financial situation at home and abroad is tense, which leads to the lack of money in the real estate industry. But even for Diwang enterprises, every situation is different. There are pains, only you know.

  Buying a house can resist inflation.

  China Times: Do you think the house price will drop because of the "100-day drama change"?

  Pan Shiyi: When it comes to "dramatic changes in a hundred days", this is a general concept, maybe two months, maybe four months. Speaking of this view, people are most concerned about the problem of housing prices, that is, the impact of drastic changes on housing prices-is it rising or falling? But we can’t look at the price for the sake of the price. Behind the price is the relationship between supply and demand.

  We need to see if it has an impact on demand, and the control of mortgage loans will definitely have an impact on demand; Whether it has an impact on supply, if you have land, you can’t build a house without money, and supply also has an impact; Whether house prices are rising or falling depends on which is more affected, demand and supply, and whether the state of supply and demand can still be in a balanced state.

  China Times: When developers encounter drastic changes, will they withdraw funds by reducing prices?

  Pan Shiyi: Price reduction is not only a problem in the land market, but also a problem in the real estate market. From the perspective of the real estate market, in January and February this year, because of the turning point, the cold weather and weak demand, the transaction volume was falling, but from the end of February to March, the sales volume increased greatly, which proved that the demand was still strong.

  Under this demand, developers will not reduce prices, but also see whether inflation can be controlled. If it can’t be controlled, I suggest that everyone should buy a house quickly. Only by buying a house can we resist inflation. This is a particularly simple truth. I think we should buy something valuable, and the house is the most valuable and valuable.

  It will only develop in Beijing’s Third Ring Road.

  China Times: How do you think real estate enterprises should cope with the coming challenges?

  Pan Shiyi: For some enterprises that are short of money, when winter comes, they will either find a hole to drill down like frogs or fly away like migratory birds. The subprime mortgage crisis in the United States and China’s tight monetary policy are the signs of winter. At this time, we should adopt a strategy, transfer the land we have in hand, and exchange the projects in our hands for money to save our lives.

  China Times: In this drastic change, will SOHO China use its 15 billion yuan to make a series of acquisitions?

  Pan Shiyi: We still focus on acquiring land, not real estate companies. Because the management style and business model of other real estate companies are different from ours, it is difficult to integrate.

  China Times: Where will your 15 billion cash be spent? Qianmen project?

  Pan Shiyi: With the coming of winter, our cash of 15 billion yuan is not abundant, so we should do some projects with high profit rate, high return rate and good market foundation.

  In November and December last year and January this year, we talked about some land projects in seven or eight cities across the country. In February, when winter came, we all withdrew to Beijing.

  With 15 billion cash and 500 employees, according to our strategy, we should spend our limited resources on ideas. Where is the point? Just within the Third Ring Road in Beijing, Qianmen Project is one of them.


Editor: Zhang Toya