Fan Bingbing, Chen Bolin underwater lingering, wet body battle quite like a mermaid

Fan Bingbing, Chen Bolin poster

Fan Bingbing, Chen Bolin underwater lingering

Fan Bingbing Wet Hot Shot MV

    On the afternoon of the 12th, Fan Bingbing and Chen Bolin filmed the theme song MV for the film "Guanyin Mountain" that will be released on March 4th. In order to create the shocking beauty and emotional torn effect of the water MV, the two have been practicing nervously until the media visit. "Fan Ye", who has always been atmospheric, still seems very nervous. The two who are soaked all over the body bluntly said in an interview with the media that the water is not good, and they are not in the mood to talk about love. They just want to seize all the time to practice nervously. Fan Bingbing is doing enough insurance work for underwater shooting, chest stickers, swimwear and light gauze. In the next two or three days, Fan Bingbing will also challenge the high difficulty of singing in the water. The help of Han Han and Fan Xiaoxuan makes her confident. As for the song title director Li Yuhe and the producer Fang Li refused to disclose, and his blunt words were still being kept secret.
Fan Bingbing, Chen Bolin underwater lingering MV stills beautiful psychedelic 

    The help of Han Han and Fan Xiaoxuan makes the theme song of "Guanyin Mountain" full of mystery. In the latest set of underwater stills, the mermaid-like Fan Bingbing is dressed in pink tulle and lingers underwater with the male lead Chen Bolin. The picture is beautiful and romantic, full of psychedelic atmosphere. Due to the strict requirements of director Li Yu, the two can only dive into the water repeatedly to hold hands and move forward. The difficulty is too high, which causes the two to surface repeatedly for great ventilation, soaking in water for 10 hours. In order to have a super stunning MV for this work that has won him the award of the Tokyo Film Festival, and to thank his friends for their support, Fan Bingbing admits that hardship and fatigue are not the main problems. He hopes that the theme song and film can be recognized by young people.

    On the afternoon of February 12, Fan Bingbing secretly appeared in a studio in the suburbs of Beijing and went wet with Chen Bolin, the male star of the movie "Guanyin Mountain", to shoot the MV for the theme song of the film. Fan Bingbing’s later work "Guanyin Mountain" has been confirmed to be officially released in the mainland on March 4. The theme song of the film was also specially invited to Fan Xiaoxuan to compose the music, Han Han wrote the lyrics, and Fan Bingbing sang. At the filming scene of the MV, Fan Bingbing and Chen Bolin played in the artificially built ultra-deep swimming pool, fulfilling the requirements of director Li Yu. Fan Bingbing, who tried to shoot in the pool for the first time and had poor swimming skills, was unable to enter the play because of insecurity. However, in order for this work that won him the award of the Tokyo Film Festival to have a super stunning MV, Fan Bingbing can be said to have spared no effort, even if the skills are not good, even if the exhaustion of swimming is completely ignored. However, after entering the state, Fan Bingbing is quite like a mermaid, showing the noble and pure beauty of the movie queen.

Han Han and Fan Xiaoxuan dedicated songs to "Guanyin Mountain"

    As Fan Bingbing’s post-title work, "Guanyin Mountain" has given Fan Bingbing a deeper affection than previous films. This time, for the theme song of the film, he and director Li Yu jointly recruited friends Fan Xiaoxuan and Han Han to help out. The two shared the lyrics and songs, while Fan Bingbing sang. Fan Bingbing played a wild and rebellious bar singer-in-residence in the film "Guanyin Mountain", challenging Fan Xiaoxuan’s song in the film. In the process of discussing the creation of the theme song with director Li Yu, he once again thought of inviting Fan Xiaoxuan to help out. As for Han Han’s help process, the crew said it would not be disclosed for the time being.

Next page More wonderful pictures

Edison Chen, who was once deeply involved in "pornographic photography", what was his growth experience?

However, Edison Chen’s life did not stay in the comfortable American life forever. When he was a teenager, his parents decided to return to Hong Kong. This decision completely changed the course of his life. In Hong Kong, a place where Eastern and Western cultures blend, his talents were fully developed and displayed, and he began to become popular in the music and film industries.

His talent, combined with his perseverance and determination, made him quickly emerge in the entertainment industry. His singing was loud and emotional, and his acting was natural and engaging. His name began to appear on TV screens and radio stations, and his face began to appear on magazine covers and posters. He quickly became a teenage idol in Hong Kong, and his name began to move out of Hong Kong and into the bigger world.

Despite Edison Chen’s growing fame, his life did not get any simpler. Instead, he found himself trapped in the celebrity trap, with his every move under public scrutiny. This made him think about the impact of his identity and fame on him, and he began to reflect more deeply on himself and his life.

And deep down, he knew his journey was just beginning. He had more challenges ahead of him, more life experiences to explore and understand. His story went on, his life went on, his growth went on. And yet, he didn’t know it was going to take him in a direction he couldn’t have predicted, a direction that would push him to the center of the world.

Edison Chan’s early life and upbringing undoubtedly shaped his artistic path, but it did not foreshadow the joys and sorrows that would follow. His name began to make a splash in Hong Kong’s entertainment industry, and his music and film works were warmly received. But as his fame grew, he also began to face unprecedented pressure.

His youthful energy, his talent, and his personality all made him unique in the entertainment industry. His songs were fascinating, and his acting was eye-catching. His charisma and impeccable artistic talent quickly brought him to fame, and his name began to spread from Hong Kong to Asia and even the world.

However, these successes did not make his life easy. On the contrary, his life began to be closely watched by the public and the media. His private life became no longer private, and his every action and decision became the focus of media hype and public debate. He found that he had lost much of the freedom and privacy he once enjoyed.

In addition, he began to feel confused about his identity. Was he the American Edison Chan, a young man with a deep love for art, or the Hong Kong Edison Chan, a high-profile star? He was puzzled by this question, and he began to think more deeply about his identity and purpose.

Despite his growing fame in the entertainment industry, Edison Chen was not content with the status quo. He knew that he had to keep improving and learning in order to survive in this highly competitive industry. He began to look for new challenges, new opportunities, to showcase his talent and innovative spirit.

However, just as his career was at its height, his life was shattered by a scandal that not only threatened his career, but also left him questioning his identity and worth. Edison Chen’s life was turned upside down as a result. He was thrust into the center of the storm and his life entered a whole new phase.

Just as Edison Chan’s career was in full swing and his popularity was bursting, an unexpected storm swept through his life. In 2008, a scandal called "Pornography" instantly propelled him to the forefront of public trends. The scandal involved private photos of him and several famous Hong Kong actresses that were illegally leaked online. The scandal had a huge impact not only on Chen Edison’s career, but also on his personal life.

Since the scandal erupted, Edison Chen has become cannon fodder for the media and the public. His name has been almost everywhere, from headlines to TV talk shows to social media trending topics. There has been fierce condemnation and criticism of him, and his image has been instantly transformed from a popular star to a sinner in the public eye.

During this time of confusion and pain, Edison Chen chose to leave the public eye. He announced his temporary retirement from the entertainment industry and began a two-year journey of self-reflection and spiritual search. During this time, he reflected on his actions, took responsibility for his mistakes, and tried to find a way to make up for his mistakes.

After going through such tribulations and setbacks, Edison Chen embarked on his road of reconstruction. He knew that he could not change the past, but he could control his future. He began to work hard to reinvent his image and find his new role in the entertainment industry. He tried to win back the public’s trust and support by publicly apologizing, admitting his mistakes and expressing his remorse.

In the process, he did not forget his love of art. He began to gradually return to music and film, using his works to express his feelings and thoughts. His works are filled with his understanding of life, insight into human nature, and his hope for the future. His artistic creation became an important way for him to come out of the shadows and start again.

Edison Chen weathered a storm and gradually emerged from it, but he did not stop moving forward. Faced with the criticism of public opinion and the pressure of life, he chose to continue his artistic creation and seek a new direction in life and career. He is no longer the Edison Chen that people know. He has become more real, more tenacious, and more profound.

Edison Chen turned his own pain and frustration into creative power, expressing his understanding of life and hope for the future through music and film. His works are more deeply rooted, his music is more emotional, and his film performances are more powerful. His artistic expression has been widely praised, and his creative talent has been recognized again.

Not only that, but he also began to try new challenges. He founded his own fashion brand "Clot" and found a new stage in the fashion industry. His design philosophy combines elements of Eastern and Western cultures, showing his unique aesthetic and personality. His brand has been warmly welcomed around the world, and he has once again proved that he cannot be defined and trapped.

In addition, he also began to be active in social welfare causes. He threw himself into environmental protection activities, advocated environmental protection concepts, and influenced more people to pay attention to environmental issues through his influence. He also began to participate in charitable activities, donating money to students and helping those in need. His actions won the respect and praise of the public.

In the process, Edison Chen found his identity again. He is no longer the Edison Chen who has been plagued by scandal. He is an artist, a creator, a deep thinker, and a person who has the courage to accept challenges and take his own path.

From the teenage teenager to the scandal-plagued star to the current artist and philanthropist, Edison Chen’s life is a unique biography, full of setbacks and successes, pain and joy. His story is a true story, a story of growth, challenge and rebirth. As Edison Chen himself said, "My story is not over yet, I am still writing it."

Edison Chan’s life experiences provide a thoughtful perspective on how public figures face and deal with difficulties and setbacks, stay authentic, and find their place in life’s various stages. His story is a true and profound life journey, full of deep human insight and life wisdom.

Edison Chan’s story teaches us that we can’t let failure define our lives, but we should learn from it and grow from it. No matter how much challenges life throws at us, no matter where we are in life, we should stay true to ourselves and pursue our dreams. This love of life, this courage to face challenges, and this obsession with self-pursuit are the most infectious parts of Edison Chan’s story.

Edison Chan’s life experience also provides us with a new perspective on understanding public figures. His story reveals how public figures deal with and balance their private lives and careers, how they deal with and cope with scandals and pressures, and how they find their way through difficulties and setbacks in the public eye. This is a very valuable story for us to understand public figures, celebrities and ourselves.

Overall, Edison Chan’s story is a soulful, true, and challenging biography. His life story is for us a story of wisdom, revelation, and deep human insight. His story encourages us to embrace and challenge life, to pursue our dreams, and to become who we are. Because, as Edison Chan himself said, "My story is not over, I’m still writing it."

The price of "the most beautiful B-class hunting SUV" landing in Ice City is only 189,800 yuan.

  On December 25th, the launch conference of "Yue Xiang Pioneer" BYD "Song L" was held in Yintai City in Harbin. Dozens of mainstream media in the circle and many fans gathered at the scene to witness the "B-class pioneer hunting SUV"-"Song L" leading the tide in the ice city. The new car has launched four rear-drive models and one four-wheel drive model, with an official guide price of 189,800 yuan-249,800 yuan. In addition, there are six listed pet powder rights including the enjoyment of financial gifts and the enjoyment of new gifts!

  At the beginning of the conference, "Song L" came on stage with its unique avant-garde aesthetics. The unique hunting posture became the focus of the audience as soon as it appeared, which contributed a visual feast to the guests. At the press conference, Ren Jianjun, deputy director of the North Theater of BYD Dynasty Network, said in his speech: "As a high-end model of the Song family, the’ Song L’ is fully equipped at the beginning, and its face value, control, space, safety and intelligence are all full, plus the competitive listing price, the strength leads the new standard of the value of B-class pure electric SUV."

  In addition, in this release ceremony, Mr. An Yuning, the producer of Heilongjiang Metropolitan Channel, took the stage as a media representative to testify, which not only talked about the pioneering driving and control feelings brought by "Song L" from many angles, but also praised the pioneer of "Song L", saying that it lived up to the name of "the most beautiful B-class hunting SUV". At the same time, at the press conference, the first batch of car owners in Harbin also came to the scene at the request, and witnessed by all the staff, successfully concluded the delivery ceremony and officially became the pioneer partner of "Song L".

  With a full face value, you can enjoy the most beautiful hunting SUV.

  Yan value is justice! "Song L" won the reputation of "the most beautiful hunting SUV" as soon as it appeared. The moderately advanced style accurately hits the aesthetics of mainstream quality families.

  You want a low dive posture, yes! The dragon face design you want, there is! You have all the frameless doors, adaptive electric tail fins and wide tires! It is a visual feast!

  Too high a face value often makes people ignore the strength, but "Song L" perfectly combines pioneering design and functionality to truly achieve "beauty" and "material": the frameless door adopts double-layered laminated glass, and Fuyao’s top-grade steel glass technology brings better tightness and quietness; The adaptive electric tail can rise and fall with the speed, effectively reducing the drag coefficient, which is of great significance for improving endurance and handling performance; The standard tires with narrow front and wide back make it difficult for "Song L" to swing its tail when changing lanes at high speed, ensuring the safety of emergency avoidance.

  It is both a Yan value school and a strength school. Wherever "Song L" goes, it must be the focus of the audience!

  controlFull match,The three stars are full of "bottom" technology.?

  Song L "is based on E platform 3.0, with a maximum output power of 380kW, a peak torque of 670N·m, and a zero acceleration of 4.3 seconds; The efficient eight-in-one electric powertrain makes the energy consumption of "Song L" 100 kilometers as low as 12.8kW·h, and the longest cruising range can reach 662 kilometers, which not only drives fast, but also saves energy.

  What leaves the same class model far behind is its ultimate control. CTB battery body integration technology makes the body torsional stiffness reach 40,400 N m/,which is comparable to a million-level luxury SUV;; Yunqi -C breaks the long-standing monopoly of luxury brands on active body control system technology, allowing drivers and passengers to enjoy driving while taking into account comfort; Together with iTAC intelligent torque distribution system, it helps the upper limit of "Song L" to be further improved.

  Song L "meets the strict requirements of users" both want, want and want "with hard-core power, high efficiency and energy saving, and extreme control.

  Full space, luxury, width and five seats.

  Comfort is the "hard currency" of B-class cars, and "Song L" is also the ultimate.

  You want the big five seats, there are! The long wheelbase you want, there is! You want the soft interior, fragrance, massage chair, panoramic canopy, HiFi-class Dana audio, all of which are available!

  What is the concept of "Song L" 2930mm wheelbase? Better than the popular player Model Y, the vertical size can be called a B-class ceiling. The spacious and comfortable five-seat space supports 4:6 leveling in the back row, and the volume of the front trunk and trunk can be expanded to 1101L, which can hold the happiness of a quality family.

  Not only the space is large, but also the materials are sufficient. Electronic unlock door button, double-layer silver-plated panoramic canopy, ventilation and heating of front seats become standard, which is easy to get started and full of advanced feeling; The leather steering wheel is equipped with heating function, the main and co-pilot seats are integrated with electric adjustment and massage function, and the intelligent interactive atmosphere lights can change colors according to different scenes, creating a unique riding experience; In addition, high-end configurations such as dual-temperature zone automatic air conditioning, co-pilot boss key, active fragrance system, 12-speaker HiFi-class customized Dana audio and 50W mobile phone wireless fast charging have also reshaped consumers’ expectations and cognition of this price segment.Safe and fully equipped, protection goes deep into the "bone"

  "Safety is the greatest luxury of electric vehicles". When the industry is still addicted to simple stacking and rolling, "Song L" not only does a good job of active and passive safety, but also starts from the structure and engraves safety into the "bone" to provide a real all-round protection.

  Blade battery, yes! CTB, yes! High-strength materials, yes! DiPilot intelligent driver assistance system, too!

  CTB technology combines the blade battery with the body floor, and the battery is both an energy body and a structural part, which provides natural "structural safety" and gives the underlying logic of "Song L" structural safety; "Song L" is built according to the global five-star safety standards, with ultra-safe cage-type passenger cabin structure, three-stage body design, 11 airbags and 83.5% of "high-strength steel, high-strength aluminum and composite materials" to ensure the safety of the passenger cabin to the greatest extent; The active safety of "Song L" is also online. DiPilot intelligent driver assistance system has up to 24 sensors in the whole vehicle, and has more than 30 safety assistance functions such as DMS driver monitoring assistance to prevent problems before they happen.

  Enjoy full intelligence, and the whole department is equipped with an intelligent cockpit.

  In the digital age, technology is a must for pioneers to travel. "Song L" is equipped with three intelligent systems: DiLink intelligent cockpit, DiPilot intelligent driving assistance system and intelligent entry system. With mature technology and pragmatic functions, it creates a more mature and convenient intelligent travel experience for users.

  The advanced chip you want, there is! You want to rotate the big screen and head-up display, there is! You have all the continuous voice calls, automatic parking and UWB keys you want!

  "Song L" adopts the industry-leading 6nm process chip and integrates 5G baseband technology, with a running score of over 550,000, and its comprehensive performance is far ahead, allowing the car to experience "longitudinal silky"; 15.6-inch high-definition central control panel, 10.25-inch full LCD instrument, 50-inch head-up display and 5.8-inch rear air conditioning control panel form a "2+1+1" smart multi-screen, allowing users to enjoy intellectual convenience; Full-scene intelligent voice integrates more than 1000 vehicle control functions, which can be said as soon as it is visible, and the wake-up response time is as fast as 400 milliseconds, which can realize accurate recognition of four-tone zone and continuous multi-command recognition, greatly improving driving convenience; Automatic parking, so that the "dilemma" of narrow parking spaces and the "dilemma" of crowded alleys can be removed with one button; Equipped with UWB digital key, it realizes non-inductive entry and completely liberates hands. FACE ID facial recognition, 3D holographic transparent images and other functions have also enabled "Song L" to gain the scientific and technological charm of the digital age.

  As a high-end model of "Song Family", "Song L" has beautiful appearance, large space, strong technology, stable control and excellent intelligence. With its excellent quality and outstanding performance, it has handed in an impeccable answer sheet, allowing users to get a high-value pioneer experience from 189,800 yuan.

  China brand leads Pioneer Technology, BYD has taken the shot, and the deep-water bomb has been dropped. What kind of reshuffle will the B-class SUV market usher in? Let’s wait and see!

Avita 12 demonstrates a sense of strength and future, and its comprehensive strength is quite resilient

  At present, young people tend to choose new energy vehicles. The more advanced intelligence and modernization of new energy vehicles have become the choice of many riders. In today’s market environment, our country’s new energy smart vehicle technology is also quite in place. For example, Avita has recently set off a lot of waves in the new energy market.

  In order to enable everyone to enjoy a more perfect travel experience while driving, Avita aspires to become more intelligent and modern. On July 14, MIIT officially announced the information of Avita’s first medium and large sedan in the 373rd batch of new car announcements – Avita 12.

  From the information disclosed at this stage, the appearance of the Avita 12 shows a sense of power and futurism, and the pure coupe design concept uses lines to outline the suspension of the coupe posture. Combined with the front face design of the Avita gene and the unique sports back design of the coupe GT model, the pure sensibility can’t help but be intoxicated. Create a cushioned induction cockpit for the owner, allowing users to enjoy an emotionally intelligent space experience.

  Its details are also in place. At this stage, only a very small number of brands can achieve mass production of electronic exterior rearview mirrors, and Avita 12 is one of them. It perfectly interprets the "futuristic feeling" of smart new cars with innovative design and intelligent technology. With the blessing of high definition image technology, electronic exterior rearview mirrors can provide a good and clear vision environment in harsh environments such as rain at night, ensure driving safety, and provide users with a sense of security. At the same time, it also reflects the humanistic care of its brand.

  The Avita 12 power system will be the same as the Avita 11. The Avita 12 provides two sets of power systems with rated output power of 230kW and 425kW respectively. From the data, it can be basically determined that this is the rear-drive version and four-wheel drive version of the Avita 12. Referring to the Avita 11’s acceleration performance of 3.98 seconds, the Avita 12 has the same level of power parameters, coupled with the low drag coefficient brought by the coupe shape, it can be seen that the Avita 12 has better performance output levels.

  Avita Motors’ OTA upgrade speed is also the fastest. Basically, every time the OTA system is upgraded, the experience of Avita Motors is very smooth. Avita 12, as a new high-end intelligent coupe GT model car under Avita Motors, will also show an unprecedented level of intelligence. Stay tuned!

Andy Lau’s old lawsuit was awarded a million dollars, and China Star will apply for an appeal.


  Andy Lau’s scene of jumping out of a helicopter in Black Gold is stylish and powerful, but he didn’t expect to get into a lawsuit.


  Making a movie 11 years ago damaged the helicopter.

  After Andy Lau filmed Black Gold in Taiwan Province in 1997, he was accused of damaging the helicopter rented for filming. De ‘an Airlines, which rented the helicopter, went to court and sued Hua Zi, Yongsheng Entertainment Production Company (predecessor of China Star Group) and producer Wang Zhongzheng, demanding compensation of about 3 million Hong Kong dollars. The case was finally decided yesterday, and Hua Zi had to compensate about 1.3 million Hong Kong dollars for helicopter maintenance expenses. China.

  According to Hong Kong media reports, Andy Lau and China Star were sued by Taiwan Province’s De ‘an Airlines for damaging the rented helicopter, demanding compensation of NT$ 12 million (about HK$ 3 million). The case was opened in the Shilin District Court of Taiwan Province in March 2004, and the lawsuit lasted for four years. The helicopter involved in the incident crashed before Penghu. During this period, the representative lawyer of De ‘an Airlines asked to summon Hua Tsai to Taiwan Province to appear in court, but the judge thought that other evidence was sufficient, so Hua Tsai never appeared in court for this purpose.

  When the captain who was in charge of flying the helicopter testified in court, he said that he had told Hua Tsai not to touch the steering rod, but Hua Tsai still accidentally touched his ass during the filming, which led to the helicopter sinking and the rotor blades hit the curtain of the ground spotlight and were damaged.

  The judge thinks that it can be concluded from the captain’s testimony that it was Andy’s negligence that caused the damage to the helicopter, so he only ruled that Andy had to pay more than NT$ 5.1 million (about HK$ 1.3 million) for the maintenance of the helicopter. However, because the helicopter was rented from Dean Airlines by Yongsheng Entertainment Production Company and Wang Zhongzheng, the agent of Johnny Mak Production Company, they did not fulfill their custody responsibilities. If they are willing to pay compensation on behalf of Andy, it is acceptable.

  Miss Li, a spokeswoman for China Star, said on the phone: "The company is puzzled by this judgment. When shooting a scene that day, I hired a helicopter rental company to give guidance. I did everything on the helicopter and there is no reason to ask me to pay for it. This matter has nothing to do with the actors. I think the verdict is unreasonable and I will appeal. " Hua Tsai said through his assistant yesterday that he would not respond to the incident.

  In addition, the new play "See the Dragon in the Three Kingdoms" starring Hua Tsai has exceeded HK$ 10 million in the box office less than a week after its release in Hong Kong, while China Mainland, China Taiwan Province and South Korea all ranked among the top three in the box office in the first weekend after the painting was opened. Director Li Rengang specially gave a banquet to celebrate the success, and Hua Tsai, VanNess Wu and Tommy Tam all attended. Hua Zai said that he had suggested to the director that he should play a number of characters from the Three Kingdoms, first playing Zhao Zilong, then Liu Bei and Guan Gong, to see how many he could play.

Editor: Zhou Zhongxiao

Yang Mi arrives in Hong Kong to reveal the first video of "Dawudang", claiming to be paralyzed

Fan Shaohuang’s live show of real kung fu caused screams

Yang Mi assumes the martial arts pose in the film

Fan Shaohuang, Yang Mi, director Liang Baijian

Click to watch the high definition video:Yang Mi starred in the debut film of "Da Wudang"   Yang Mi’s "virgin fight" is brilliant  

"Dawudang" meeting Yang Mi showed off his martial arts on the spot, revealing that his limbs were not coordinated

    Movie Network News(Graphic Video/Hong Kong International Film Festival Report Team) Yang Mi and Zhao Wenzhuo starred in the film "The World Code of Great Wudang" (hereinafter referred to as "Great Wudang") on March 19 at the Hong Kong International Film and Television Exhibition. Yang Mi played a heavy role in the film, and his performance was quite eye-catching. On the same day, director Liang Baijian, Yang Mi and Fan Shaohuang attended the scene to tell the behind-the-scenes of the film.

Fan Shaohuang, Yang Mi

Yang Mi has a lovely smile

Fan Shaohuang, director Liang Baijian, Yang Mi toast 


Yang Mi Daxiu Wushu POSE exposes to crazy "beating" with Zhao Wenzhuo for 20 days

    In the video behind- the-scene, I saw Yang Mi hanging Weiya with a whirlwind kick, the posture was quite professional and cool, and the director Liang Baijian also praised Yang Mi for his brilliant play, "The first time I saw Yang Mi do the action, I knew that she had no problem filming the play, and this time she played very well. Not to mention Fan Shaohuang, he is real kung fu, not acting."

    Regarding the director’s praise, Yang Mi, who was filming a scene for the first time, modestly expressed his disdain, "In fact, my limbs are not very coordinated. I practiced for a long time, and I only achieved the current results with everyone’s help." Yang Mi also confessed that he was bruised all over his body, "The fight was really hard, and even the last leg could not move, but it was a small injury." Referring to the most impressive fight scene, Yang Mi said with a smile, "The fight with Zhao Wenzhuo, we played for 20 days, and there were many difficult places, and we had to fly down the stairs." Then, Yang Mi also played the POSE of a martial arts master.

Next page:Fan Shaohuang shows real kung fu on the spot, Yang Mi brings four movies to Hong Kong to become the "film king"

Director New Gods: Nezha Reborn’s Airborne Comic Exhibition unveiled hand-painted posters.

1905 movie network news Recently, animated film director Evonne and Li Yunxiang voice actor Yang Tianxiang Airborne Bilibili World (hereinafter referred to as "BW") exhibited, revealing the "invincible" hand-painted poster of the mysterious masked man in the film and interacting with the audience enthusiastically.

In addition, Li Yunxiang, the "new Nezha", the third prince and four Coser, Xiaobai and Xiaoqing, made a surprise appearance at the exhibition. The "embarrassing" incident of being punished for fighting in the street was hilarious, and the fairy dance with mixed days was even more attractive. This series of interactive links in the film made the audience on the spot and watching the live broadcast feel high and cool, and added more expectations to New Gods: Nezha Reborn.

Zhao Zhiyang Tian Xiang airborne scene Yang Tianxiang partner A passer-by reverse dubbing Xiaobai "has an inner taste"

At the BW exhibition, director Zhao Ji and Yang Tianxiang, the voice actor of "New Nezha" Li Yunxiang, were present, causing fans to scream at high decibels. Everyone loves to brush and brush the "White Snake: The Origin" co-authored by the two masters before, and they are extremely looking forward to their co-operation with New Gods: Nezha Reborn. Yang Tianxiang was asked by the host about the difference between "New Nezha" Li Yunxiang and A Xuan. He said: "A Xuan is a gentle and warm man, while Li Yunxiang is a warm-blooded and cool guy. Today, he deliberately wore sunglasses on stage, hoping that he could be cooler and closer to the role." Director Evonne said with a smile: "There is a Nezha in Tian Xiang’s heart."

Passers-by A from UP who claimed to be "brainwashing cycle" and watched White Snake: Origin for many times took the stage, and staged a sound show with Yang Tianxiang on the highlights of White Snake: Origin. What is refreshing is that this time, a passer-by was paired with Xu Xuan, while Yang Tianxiang, the original Xu Xuan, needed to cross-dress, making him sigh, "It’s too difficult for me to cross both races and genders". However, in the end, the presentation received unexpected results, and was affirmed by director Evonne as "having an inner flavor", which attracted the audience to raise their mobile phones to record this rare moment and give applause.

New Nezha Li Yunxiang and Santaizi Xiti Penalty Station Xiaobai Xiaoqing gave leaflets on-site business.

New Gods: Nezha Reborn, as the only Guoman film exhibited in BW this year, showed its secondary attributes to the fullest, and once it appeared, it attracted a lot of attention. The exhibition hall with the theme of Oriental Punk Donghai City also became a popular punching place. The film and the four Coser of "White Snake: Origin" realized the offline linkage of light-chasing animation, which made the audience excited.

Li Yunxiang, the "new Nezha", met the third prince and started fighting. As a result, both of them were punished. "White Snake: Origin" Xiao Bai and Xiao Qing were also pleasantly surprised. They not only handed out leaflets to call New Gods: Nezha Reborn, but also cooperated with "New Nezha" Li Yunxiang and the third prince to dance the fairy dance, which jumped out of the unexpected magical effect and was very interesting.

The linkage between the two films has aroused many people’s feelings about White Snake: The Origin. Director Evonne released a heavy news on the spot, and the official will hold a series of commemorative activities on the second anniversary of the release of White Snake: The Origin, which makes people cheer that "there is an after-sale service after watching the second anniversary of the film, which is so delicious". At the same time, the cool and handsome "New Nezha" Li Yunxiang and the Third Prince also fascinated the audience, saying "See you in the cinema on the first day of the New Year".

Hand-painted posters of masked people are stunning, exposing and innovating.

New Gods: Nezha Reborn was built by the original crew of "White Snake: The Origin" for four years. The story took place 3000 years after the battle of deities. Nezha was reborn as a young motorcycle Li Yunxiang, and his enemies made a comeback in his previous life. When the deities were rearranged, the war was on the verge. Director Evonne explained the inheritance and innovation of the new series of deities at BW. He said that the light-chasing animation has always attached great importance to the innovation of the country. "The classic inheritance and innovation can coexist. We put the essence of the traditional Nezha story into modern elements and put it under the brand-new world outlook of oriental punk temperament, hoping to bring you a different feeling of the country."

A "invincible" hand-painted poster of the national tide wind was also officially announced at the scene. The poster was created by Lao Gui, the artistic director of Zhuiguang Animation. The mysterious masked man’s posture is cool, the suit wears a mask, and the motorcycle is equipped with a flag. Not only is the unruly character unobstructed, but it also brings a unique visual impact of combining traditional and modern elements with innovation. In the sense of seeing that the throttle is rushing to the new battle of sealing the gods, the national tide is also coming.

Director Evonne revealed: "The mysterious masked man is inextricably linked with Li Yunxiang, and he is also very cinematic." Yang Tianxiang was attracted by the visual style conveyed by the poster. On the spot, Amway said: "With such a shocking vision and story, I believe everyone will easily be brought into the world of the new list of gods when they walk into the cinema. Seeing the colors of the national tide, they must feel very good."

Drop! Drop! Drop! From July, your life will change because of these new laws and regulations.

  CCTV News:Since July, a number of new policies and regulations have been implemented. Let’s take a look.

  Central adjustment of endowment insurance fund


  On July 1st, China officially implemented the central adjustment system of endowment insurance funds. Prior to this, the basic old-age insurance for enterprise employees in China was coordinated at the provincial level, and the income and expenditure and balance of each coordinated area were very unbalanced. The implementation of the central adjustment system of endowment insurance funds can increase the overall anti-risk ability of the endowment insurance system and make the timely and full payment of pensions in various places more secure. 

  Import tariffs on daily necessities have been greatly reduced. 


  From July 1st, the import tariffs on consumer goods will be lowered to a large extent. The average import tariff rate of clothing, shoes, hats, kitchens and sports and fitness products decreased from 15.9% to 7.1%; The average import tariff rate of household appliances such as washing machines and refrigerators was reduced from 20.5% to 8%; The average import tariff rate of processed foods such as aquaculture, fishing aquatic products and mineral water decreased from 15.2% to 6.9%; The average import tariff rate of washing products, cosmetics such as skin care and hairdressing, and some medical and health products decreased from 8.4% to 2.9%. The downward adjustment is basically above 50%.

  Import tariffs on automobiles have been considerably reduced. 


  From July 1st, China will reduce the import tariffs on automobiles considerably. Reduce the tariffs on automobiles with tax rates of 25% and 20% respectively to 15%; Reduce the tariffs on auto parts with tax rates of 8%, 10%, 15%, 20% and 25% to 6%.

  The maximum discount for railway fare readjustment is 6.5%.

  Three months after the last map adjustment, the railway department will implement the train diagram adjustment in the second phase of this year from July 1, and at the same time, from July 5, optimize the published fares of some high-speed trains, with a maximum discount of 6.5 fold. Compared with the current situation, the adjusted executive fare has generally increased and decreased.

  Mobile phone traffic roaming will be cancelled.


  China Mobile, China Unicom and China Telecom announced that the roaming fee (excluding the traffic from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan) will be cancelled from July 1st, and the traffic of mobile phone users in the province will be upgraded to domestic traffic, and the mobile phone traffic will no longer be divided into provincial, provincial/local and national. Since the "long-distance" call fee was completely abolished in September last year, there will be no difference in the main fees generated by the use of mobile phone numbers in all parts of the country (except Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan) except the difference in attribution.

  Fees for higher education degree certification are cancelled.

  From July 1st, China will completely cancel the fees for domestic higher education degree certification services. In the next step, the Ministry of Education will vigorously promote the electronic inquiry authentication service to better meet the social needs such as data inquiry of domestic higher education degree certificates.

  The central bank will targeted cuts to required reserve ratios by 0.5 percentage points. 

  From July 5, the central bank will reduce the RMB deposit reserve ratio of large state-owned commercial banks, joint-stock commercial banks, postal savings banks, city commercial banks, non-county rural commercial banks and foreign banks by 0.5 percentage points, further promote the marketization and legalization of "debt-to-equity swaps" and increase support for small and micro enterprises.

  Foreign investment access list is smaller and more open.


  From July 28, a series of restrictions on foreign investment in banking, securities, automobile manufacturing, power grid construction, railway trunk road network construction and chain gas station construction will be lifted. The National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Commerce recently released the negative list of foreign investment access in 2018, and launched a new round of opening-up measures in 22 fields including finance, infrastructure, transportation and trade circulation. 

The picture of "sad grandpa with unsalable fruit" was abused, and the official accused it of inaccurate marketing.

  Recently, a statement issued by Linyi County Government of Shanxi Province on the improper marketing method of "Linyi Apple is unsalable" has aroused concern. According to the statement, a number of e-commerce companies released the marketing plan of "Linyi Apple is unsalable" and used the "sad card" to market Linyi Apple, which had a serious impact on the brand image of the local fruit industry, and the marketing content was exaggerated and inaccurate.

  Beijing Youth Daily reporter saw that in WeChat official account and e-commerce platforms, there are still merchants who sell apples by slow sales as a marketing propaganda method. In addition to Linyi apples, there are also many businesses selling goods on the grounds of "apples are unsalable", "fresh bamboo shoots are unsalable" and "pineapples are unsalable", all of which use photos of the same old man as propaganda maps. In this regard, e-commerce customer service said that merchants may be suspected of infringing portrait rights, and the platform will also supervise the sales behavior of merchants.


  "Linyi apples are unsalable"? Local claims exaggerate the facts.

  On May 7th, Linyi County Government of Yuncheng, Shanxi Province issued a statement on the improper marketing method of "Linyi Apple is unsalable". According to the statement, recently, several e-commerce platforms released the marketing plan of "Linyi Apple is unsalable", and used the "sad card" to market Linyi Apple, which had a serious impact on the overall brand image of Yuncheng Fruit Industry. After comprehensive and in-depth verification, there are many exaggerations and inaccuracies in this information.

  According to the investigation of Linyi county government, the videos and pictures selected for the report were all taken before 2016, and some of them also used the "posing" method to deliberately create a poor image of fruit farmers. In addition, in order to win the sympathy of consumers to the greatest extent, e-commerce deliberately creates the ugly characteristics of Linyi apples, and the apples presented are all inferior fruits with rust scars, pockmarks, black spots and cracks. These apples are the residual apples left after merchants screen and purchase high-quality apples, accounting for only a small proportion.

  Linyi county government also said in the statement that some platforms have obtained materials with official seals of local townships, villages and fruit industry departments by improper means, and the contents of the statement are seriously inconsistent with the facts; Most platforms deliberately exaggerate the severity of slow sales of fruits, resulting in unreasonable fluctuations in apple prices.

  According to the survey, the main sad brand is a common marketing method, and agricultural products such as pineapple in Xuwen, Guangdong Province and tangerine in Anhui Province have also been marketed in this way. The purpose is to attract people’s attention and gain consumers’ sympathy, which is convenient for fruit farmers to sell their fruits in a short-term and partial way, but it will damage the overall brand image and the overall interests of all fruit farmers in the long run.

  Yesterday, the reporter of Beiqing Daily searched on an e-commerce platform and found that there are still many businesses selling Linyi apples in the name of "caring for farmers" and "40 million kilograms of apples are unsalable in Shanxi". One of the merchants who claimed to sell unsalable apples in Linyi sold 8.5 kg of apples at a price of 28.7 yuan, while the place of delivery was Shenzhen, Guangdong. On its publicity page, an old man wiped his eyes with his arm, holding several banknotes from 10 yuan and 5 yuan in his hand. In other pictures, there are a lot of moldy or damaged apples piled on the ground, and some elderly farmers are standing in the village with apples in their hands. There are many words in the propaganda, such as "fruit farmers are in a hurry" and "want to cry without tears". Commodity reviews show that many buyers are buying for the promotion of helping farmers. The seller admitted to the reporter of Beiqing Daily that the store address was in Shenzhen, but claimed that the photo was taken by "friends who arranged for employees to go to the place of origin".


  Abused "slow-moving grandfather"

  The reporter of Beiqing Daily learned that in addition to "Linyi apples are unsalable", there are many businesses selling goods by "promoting unsalable", including pineapple, fresh bamboo shoots and other foods, as well as blankets and other supplies. Surprisingly, many businesses use photos of the same old man, and this old man is also named "unsalable grandfather" on the Internet.

  In one of the shops selling apples, the publicity picture shows the old man on the left, a large number of apples on the right and the words "Apples for sale, love and help" in the lower right corner. The price of apples is 27.9 yuan for 10 Jin, and the freight is 20 yuan.

  Merchants said in the propaganda, "The local natural environment is only suitable for growing apples, and the economic income is very limited. The blocked traffic makes the fruit harvested every year rotten and can’t be sold. " Merchants are also equipped with photos of local fruit farmers, simple houses and a large number of apples.

  In the publicity, the merchant said that the unsalable apples were produced in Yucheng County, Shangqiu, Henan Province, and the delivery place was Dashahe Town, Fengxian County, Xuzhou.

  In this regard, the reporter of Beiqing Daily contacted the Yucheng county government. The government staff said that there are indeed many apples planted in the local area, but this year I have not heard of slow sales. "This is a marketing method, which exaggerates marketing." The staff of Dashahe Town Government said that there was unsalable agricultural products last year, but the inventory should have been processed by now. Even if there are still apples left, it is not recommended to buy them. At the same time, there is no traffic jam in Dashahe Town.

  Another store selling "wild bamboo shoots" also used photos of "slow-moving grandfathers". The image of the old man in the propaganda picture remains the same, except that the picture on the right side is replaced by bamboo shoots, which are also accompanied by the words "seeking help".

  The store told the reporter of Beiqing Daily that bamboo shoots came from Lingui District, Guilin, and he didn’t know the "slow-moving grandfather". He used this photo only because "he is good at pulling business", and many different businesses are also using the photos of the grandfather to attract customers. The store also said that because this kind of "wild bamboo shoots" only has a one-month listing period, it really helps the sales after using the photos of "slow-moving grandfather". "Fruits and rice noodles are used a lot, and we are not a family."

  Later, the reporter of Beiqing Daily called the Lingui District Government of Guilin City. A staff member said that it was past the bamboo shoot digging season and had never heard of unsalable agricultural products. "Bamboo shoots are generally dug around Qingming, and now they are very old, and the local planting bases are not so large. Most of them are wild and it is impossible to produce unsalable products."

  Through the image recognition search, after the reporter of Beiqing Daily entered the head photo of "slow-moving grandfather", he identified more than ten kinds of goods, and the types and origins of goods were different. In addition to apples and bamboo shoots, there were lemons, melons, loquats and other foods, even including rose seedlings, lamps and other commodities. The words "seek help" or "help us" were written on the lower right of the publicity map.


  The platform called "slow-moving grandfather" photos or suspected infringement.

  Yesterday, the reporter of Beiqing Daily contacted the customer service of the online e-commerce platform. For the merchants to sell goods in the name of "slow sales", the customer service said that users can make complaints if they find that the situation is inconsistent, and the staff will handle it.

  In addition, the company also has a large database, which will supervise the merchants. In addition, after seeing the photo of "slow-moving grandfather", the customer service staff said that many shops have used the photo of this grandfather as propaganda, which has been suspected of infringing on the right to portrait. "The shop owner has the right to protect his rights and interests if he finds it. The platform will definitely be responsible for him."


  Shops should bear corresponding administrative responsibilities for false propaganda.

  Lawyer Han Xiao of Beijing Kangda Law Firm said that the store sells Linyi apples and other commodities in the name of unsalable sales, and the statement is seriously inconsistent with the facts, deliberately exaggerating the severity of unsalable fruit, which has been suspected of false propaganda as stipulated in the People’s Republic of China (PRC) Anti-Unfair Competition Law. According to relevant regulations, the operator may be fined more than 200,000 yuan and less than 1 million yuan; If the circumstances are serious, a fine of not less than 1 million yuan but not more than 2 million yuan may be imposed, and the business license may be revoked.

  Regarding the issue of consumer rights protection, Han Xiao introduced that the false propaganda behavior of online stores violated consumers’ right to know. Apple and other commodities do not belong to the category of "seven days without reason to return", but consumers and stores can ask for a refund after consultation.

  In addition, based on the intention of fraud, the store has carried out fraudulent acts of false propaganda, which has caused consumers to have a wrong understanding and bought their fruits based on the wrong understanding. If it has caused losses to consumers’ property (for example, consumers spend a high price to buy back inferior fruits with scars, pits and cracks), their actions are suspected of fraud.

  Text/reporter Guo Linlin Intern Zhang Yaolin

The comparison table of children’s height and weight standard shows the height development of children at a glance.

Original title: Comparison table of children’s height and weight standards. The development of children’s height is clear at a glance

Parents, don’t worry! By understanding the child’s height and weight standards, we can better pay attention to the child’s growth process. Take 6.5-year-old boys as an example. According to the international standards for children’s growth and development, their average height is 120.7 cm and their weight is 22.45 kg. These data can help us understand the growth and development of children at the same age, thus avoiding unnecessary worries. At the same time, we also need to pay attention to the individual differences of each child. If the child’s height or weight is obviously lower or higher than this level, it may be necessary to further check and consult professional doctors. In short, understanding children’s height and weight standards will help us to pay more attention to and promote children’s growth and development.

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