China will hold another world-class competition in 2021, and the venue will be Shanghai!

  CCTV News:On October 13th, the general meeting of all members of World Skills Organization held in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates unanimously decided that the 46th World Skills Competition will be held in Shanghai, China in 2021.

  World Skills Competition is the highest-level world vocational skills competition, known as "World Skills Olympics", and its competitive level represents the world’s advanced level of vocational skills development in various fields. A country’s achievements in the World Skills Competition can reflect its technical skills development level to a certain extent.

  △ Shanghai successfully bid for the 46th World Skills Competition.

  Shanghai bid slogan: "New youth, new skills, new dreams"

  The bidding slogan put forward by China Shanghai this time is "New Youth, New Skills, New Dreams", which conveys the concept of "Skills Change Life and Realize Dreams" to the world. After Shanghai’s successful bid, Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security sent a congratulatory message, saying that holding the World Skills Competition in China is of great significance for strengthening the construction of skilled talents in China, promoting the spirit of artisans, and creating a good atmosphere of respecting labor and advocating skills in the whole society.

  Approved by the State Council, in October 2010, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security applied for and formally joined the World Skills Organization on behalf of the China Municipal Government. After that, China participated in three consecutive World Skills Competitions, and accumulated 5 gold medals, 8 silver medals, 7 bronze medals and 29 winning prizes. On October 7, 2016, China, the representative of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, announced his intention to bid for the 46th World Skills Competition in 2021 at the 2016 World Skills Organization Conference, and launched Shanghai as the host city.

  The World Skills Competition, currently held every two years, is called the "Olympics" in the field of skills. It is an important platform for members of the World Skills Organization to display and exchange their professional skills.

  The World Skills Competition is divided into six categories, namely, structure and building technology, creative art and fashion, information and communication technology, manufacturing and engineering technology, social and personal services, transportation and logistics, with a total of 46 competitions. Specifically, the competitions include aircraft maintenance, automobile maintenance, welding, painting, floral design, graphic design, offset printing, pastry making, jewelry processing, cooking and even hairdressing. For example, in this year’s skills competition, the average age of the contestants in China is less than 21 years old. The youngest is Pan Shenhan, an 18-year-old floral project player, and the oldest is Gao Yunan, a 25-year-old manufacturing team challenge project player.

  In the 43rd World Skills Competition in 2015, 32 Chinese athletes won 4 gold medals, 6 silver medals, 3 bronze medals and 12 winning prizes in 29 events, achieving a breakthrough in gold medals.

  "My dream is to win the gold medal in the World Skills Competition, and my efforts have not been in vain." Zeng Zhengchao, who won the welding project championship at the 43rd World Skills Competition, said.

  It is understood that the welding competition has heavy tasks and high intensity. During the four-day competition, four modules, namely, single piece welding, low carbon steel pressure vessel, aluminum alloy structural parts and stainless steel structural parts, need to be completed within 18 hours. This poses a great challenge to the physical strength and perseverance of the contestants.

  The organizing mechanism of the World Skills Competition is similar to the Olympic Games. After being applied by the members of World Skills Organization and approved, the World Skills Competition was held in cooperation with the organizers under the guidance of World Skills Organization.

   In 1946, in order to encourage young people to develop their vocational skills, Mr Olaso, president of the Spanish National Youth Organization, put forward the idea of gathering skilled workers from all walks of life to compete. In 1947, he successfully organized a competition in Spain with more than 4,000 apprentices, which became the embryonic form of the World Skills Competition. In 1950, the World Skills Organization was formally established, initiated by Spain and Portugal, and held the first World Skills Competition. At that time, only skilled workers from Spain and Portugal participated. Since then, the influence of the World Skills Competition has gradually expanded. In 1953, at the invitation of Spain, young people from Germany, Britain, France, Morocco and Switzerland also joined the competition. Since then, the World Skills Competition has been held in many countries. It first came to Asia in 1970 and was held in Tokyo, Japan. The influence of the World Skills Competition has further expanded.

  At present, the World Skills Organization has 77 formal countries and regions. On October 7th, 2010, China officially joined the World Skills Organization, becoming the 53rd member of the organization.

"Japan’s blatant discharge of nuclear polluted water into the sea is extremely irresponsible for the future of mankind."

  On August 24th, the Japanese government ignored the opposition from home and abroad and unilaterally forced the Fukushima nuclear polluted water to be discharged into the sea. People from many countries and the media pointed out that the legitimacy, legality and safety of Japan’s plan to discharge nuclear polluted water into the sea have been questioned by the international community. The Japanese government ignored the legitimate concerns of all parties, violated its international obligations, and forced nuclear polluted water to be discharged into the sea, endangering the marine environment and human health and infringing on the legitimate rights and interests of neighboring countries. It was extremely selfish and irresponsible.

  "It will destroy the marine environment, damage the social economy and bring negative effects to the whole world."

  On the afternoon of August 22nd, the "National Action to Prevent Japan’s Radioactive Contaminated Water from Discharging into the Sea" and the Common Democratic Party, the largest opposition party in South Korea, held emergency press conferences in front of the Japanese Embassy in South Korea to protest against the Japanese government’s launching of nuclear contaminated water discharge into the sea. The delegates attending the rally held slogans such as "Swear to the death to oppose (nuclear polluted water) discharging into the sea" and "The sea is not a nuclear dump in Japan" and shouted slogans such as "Immediately withdraw the decision to discharge nuclear polluted water into the sea".

  The Common Democratic Party issued a statement on the 22nd, saying: "Japan, as a member of the international community, ignored the international laws and standards that should be respected and made destructive decisions, which violated the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea and the London Convention on Dumping." The statement on "National Action to Prevent Japan’s Radioactive Contaminated Water from Discharging into the Sea" said that under the circumstance that the safety of Fukushima nuclear contaminated water discharge into the sea could not be confirmed by experts, the Japanese government still pushed this plan, "which will destroy the marine environment, damage the social economy and bring negative effects to the whole world".

  On the 23rd, environmental groups and civil society groups all over Korea continued to hold protests. The Common Democratic Party held a rally in front of the main building of the National Assembly that night. More than 1,000 people attended the rally, and all parties demanded that the Japanese government immediately withdraw its plan to discharge nuclear polluted water into the sea. Li Zaiming, a representative of the Common Democratic Party, said that Japan had launched an imperialist war of aggression and threatened neighboring countries, but now it has once again brought irreparable disasters to South Korea and countries along the Pacific Ocean by discharging nuclear polluted water into the sea.

  The South Korean government said on the 24th that it will continue to maintain the import ban on aquatic products in Fukushima and other places in Japan. Yonhap News Agency reported that the start of the work of discharging nuclear polluted water into the sea will cause Korean people to worry about the safety of aquatic products. South Korea’s "Korean National Daily" published an editorial saying that the Japanese government decided to forcibly discharge Fukushima nuclear polluted water into the ocean. "This behavior is a crime against history." Japan’s move completely ignores the opposition and worries of many countries and people in the world.

  South Korea’s "Jingxiang News" published an editorial saying that the safety of nuclear polluted water discharged into the sea has not been scientifically verified. Japan concealed the fact that the multi-nuclide treatment system (ALPS) often broke down from the initial stage of its startup, and rejected the request of the International Atomic Energy Agency to collect samples to confirm the performance of ALPS. In the next few decades, it is difficult to ensure that accidents or wrong operations will not occur. Although experts have put forward methods such as concrete preservation of nuclear contaminated water, Japan has chosen the most economical method of discharging it into the sea. The discharge of nuclear polluted water into the sea harms people’s right to live safely and is an act of passing on the danger to the future generation. "Nuclear pollution will flow around the world along ocean currents. In case of problems, the responsibility will be entirely borne by Japan."

  Kim Hyun-cheol, Dean of the School of International Studies at Seoul National University, told this reporter that after the defeat of the Pacific War, Japan has always stressed that it was a victim of the nuclear explosions in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, avoiding the introspection and apology needed as a war victim. Now, Japan has begun to discharge nuclear polluted water into the sea again, which has undoubtedly become an injurer threatening the safety of all mankind.

  "The Japanese government’s actions, regardless of the safety and worries of neighboring countries, endanger the food chain of all mankind and are tantamount to criminal acts."

  Matai Serimaya, Vanuatu’s Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister, called on the 23rd for the Pacific region to take strong actions to resist Japan’s actions. "Unless it can be proved beyond dispute that the nuclear polluted water is safe, Japan cannot discharge it into the sea".

  The Fiji NGO Human Rights League issued a statement saying that Japan’s discharge of nuclear polluted water into the Pacific Ocean violated the human rights of all people in the Pacific region, which would pose a great threat to marine life and the livelihood of people in the Asia-Pacific region who depend on marine resources.

  "Japan’s actions are undoubtedly selfish, irresponsible and arrogant, which will cause permanent damage to marine ecology." Joseph Matthews, a senior professor at Bertai International University in Cambodia, said that in the next few decades, radioactive substances in nuclear polluted water will remain in Japanese waters and even the entire Pacific Ocean, which will greatly affect the global seafood trade. "The Japanese government’s actions, regardless of the safety and worries of neighboring countries, endanger the food chain of all mankind and are tantamount to criminal acts."

  "Japan’s blatant discharge of nuclear polluted water into the sea is extremely irresponsible for the future of mankind, and radioactive substances in the ocean will always affect the development of mankind." Laurel, founder of the Philippine BRICS Policy Research Association, said that there are a large number of fishermen living by the sea in the Philippines, and the nuclear polluted water will affect the livelihood of these fishermen and the global seafood production and trade. "Will the Japanese government compensate for these losses?"

  Alfred Welissa Gonzaga, editor-in-chief of Solomon Islands’ mainstream media, the Solomon Star, said that in the implementation of the whole plan of discharging nuclear polluted water into the sea, Japan did not focus on protecting the interests of the Pacific Ocean, but tried its best to achieve the purpose of discharging the sea.

  Daryl Guppy, a well-known Australian political commentator, said in an interview with this reporter that discharging nuclear polluted water into the sea is not an ideal option. "If the Japanese side really has confidence in the safety statement, it may be necessary to discharge the nuclear polluted water into its own land water source."

  "This is an atrocity that violates the human rights of people in Fukushima, other neighboring counties and the Asia-Pacific region."

  Greenpeace issued a statement on the 22nd, criticizing the Japanese government for ignoring scientific evidence and violating the human rights of people in Japan and the Pacific region.

  The statement stressed that scientists warned that the radioactive risk of these nuclear polluted waters has not been fully assessed. This emission plan failed to conduct a comprehensive environmental impact assessment in accordance with the requirements of international legal obligations.

  Sean Bernie, a senior nuclear expert in Greenpeace’s East Asia region, said: "The Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant is still in crisis, which has caused unprecedented serious harm, and there is no credible reactor scrapping plan at present. The Japanese government did not give an honest explanation on this issue, but deliberately polluted the marine environment by radioactivity for decades. This is an atrocity that violates the human rights of people in Fukushima, other neighboring counties and the Asia-Pacific region. "

  On the 22nd, the website of Russian Viewpoint quoted experts as saying that once Japan starts discharging nuclear polluted water into the sea, it will cause serious harm to marine life and human beings. Japan is conducting the largest experiment of deliberately polluting the ocean in human history. It is completely reasonable for neighboring countries in Japan to oppose the discharge of nuclear polluted water into the sea. Japan’s behavior of ignoring disputes and focusing on its own short-term interests will threaten the ecological environment in the Asia-Pacific region.

  CNN reported that there is no technology to remove tritium, a radioactive isotope of hydrogen. Some scientists worry that even if the nuclear polluted water is diluted, it may cause harm to marine life, and pollutants may accumulate in the already fragile ecosystem.

  The New York Times issued a document saying that the incident of Japanese nuclear polluted water being discharged into the sea set a "wrong example". Japan’s decision-making is "neither transparent nor inclusive", which is bound to trigger decades of debate in the future.

  According to the website of the British magazine Nature, Robert Richmond, a member of the nuclear expert group of the Pacific Island Forum and director of the Kevalo Marine Laboratory at the University of Hawaii, Manoa, USA, asked whether people who promoted the process of discharging nuclear polluted water into the sea proved that it was safe for the marine environment and human health. "The answer is no". Richmond said that several of their scientists have reviewed all the data provided by TEPCO and the Japanese government and visited the Fukushima nuclear power plant, but the questions about tritium and carbon 14 have not been answered.

  According to Deutsche Bahn, German environmental organizations criticized Japan’s forced launch of nuclear pollution water discharge into the sea. The German Federation for Environment and Nature Conservation said that "the ocean is not a garbage dump".

  (Reporter Shine Wong, Ma Fei, Zhao Yipu, Chen Xiaowei, Li Zhiwei, Xiao Xinxin, Guo Ziyun, Shang Kaiyuan, Liu Hui)

My mother spent 35 yuan to buy a sword and got a perfect response from my brother. The netizen bluntly said: "This wave of children directly fills the emotional value!"

Your children actually love you very much.

Children really provide emotional value!

On February 16th, a mother in Xi ‘an took her 7-year-old son shopping.

Mother and son passed a shop, and the son saw a sword and liked it very much.

When my mother saw the price of 69 yuan, she discussed it with him and went home to buy it online. It will arrive in a few days.

The child agreed, but he was still a little sad.

Later, when my mother saw the same sword selling 35 yuan in the alley, she bought it directly when her son was not looking, hoping to surprise him.

Sure enough, the child was very excited after receiving the sword.

"Buy it for me! Ah, ah, ah, ah! ! ! Thank you, Mom! "

The child’s response directly filled the emotional value.

Mom is very happy and cured when she sees the child’s reaction!

Netizens have left messages:

"This child’s emotional value is really good!"

"It’s a kid’s brother, and I am happy to watch it across the screen."

Otherwise, how can we say that children are cured?

They are really good at providing emotional value to others. Okay!

When the mother dresses up and wears a beautiful skirt to pick up her children from school.

On the way home, the boy looked at his mother excitedly and said:

"You didn’t even know that you were glowing, and I saw you at a glance!"

Then proudly said:

"All the other children are picked up by grandparents, only I am the mother!"

Every sentence provides mom with full emotional value.

After listening, his mother asked him, if he spends time dressing up every day, he will have no time to cook. What should he do?

The little boy smiled and gently asked:

"Mom, are you beautiful and happy or happy to cook?"

Mom said that of course it was beautiful and happy, and then the child’s words were super warm.

He said:

"Beautiful and happy, then we can go to grandpa’s house for dinner, eat out, or order takeout. I may not be able to grow taller by eating your food,But I hope you are happy.. "

After listening to the little boy’s words, netizens bluntly said:

This is the angel baby!

He is the most emotional child I have ever seen!

Let’s just say that having such a warm baby at home will greatly enhance happiness!

A netizen in Jilin met the social cow "Brother Kid" in the elevator.

Brother Xiao praised him as handsome when he came up.

One sentence after another, "You are a handsome boy" makes people feel better instantly.

So, after getting out of the elevator, the netizen also smiled and said to the child,’ Bye-bye, handsome boy ~’

When the little brother heard this, he immediately responded: "Bye-bye, handsome boy!"

Although the elevator ride is very short, the child brother directly filled the emotional value of this netizen.

Although the child is young, he really knows the power of praise.

Can bring happiness to strangers in a short time, who says children don’t know anything?

They are great!

The girl went home for the New Year and got a manicure.

Adults at home saw it and said, "It’s as long as a monster."

After listening to this, the girl went back to her room in low spirits.

Unexpectedly, my brother came over before dinner.

He smiled and said to his sister, "Your nails are so beautiful!"

This short sentence made the girl’s eyes red.

The girl said, "no one can understand the mood at that moment."

The expression of children is immature, but it is full of emotional value.

Sister because host put on the evening dress, sister saw and said:

"Sister, you are as beautiful as a princess!"

The girl wore braces and went to the amusement park. Some children braved the stars and said to her:

"Sister, you have pearls on your teeth. How beautiful!"

The girl who thought wearing braces was not good-looking was instantly cured.

Mengwa will be unhappy when she sees her grandmother say "big beauty"!

Baby, if you can speak, let’s talk more!

Look, this is the child!

Their eyes can always see the little beauty in life!

There was such a warm scene in a hotel in Henan:

As soon as Dad came back from the delivery, the 2-year-old daughter in the store stepped forward and said "Thanks" to Dad.

While talking, I gave my father a warm hug.

Dad, who was hugged by his daughter, was cured all the way in an instant.

A little hug, a lot of love.

The daughter is so lovely, for the sake of the children and a better life, it is worthwhile for parents to work hard.

In life, some parents always say that their children are still young and not sensible enough.

But the child who always grows up in the eyes of his parents has been providing emotional value to his parents and alleviating their fatigue and anxiety.

No fancy words, no exaggerated manners, just love as much as you can.

Do you feel better after reading these lovely children?

Children really provide emotional value.

Their casual words and actions have added a touch of warmth and bright color to many people’s lives.

This is the unique healing ability of children.

Maybe sometimes they are naughty, but everyone who has a cute baby knows that children are cute more often.

Their innocence, kindness and bravery bring us a lot of happiness and beauty.

By the way, have you ever been cured by children?

Welcome to leave a message to share ~

This article was originally written by Mi Xiaoquan WeChat official account (ID: Beimaogege). The author Quan Ma, a second-born mother with a male treasure and a female treasure, attentively shared a great deal of parenting knowledge with you in words and interpreted the emotional life of marriage. Accompany the growth of millions of parents and children.

Click "Watching" and work hard together!

Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development: Fully Giving Urban Real Estate Control Autonomy

Beijing Daily Client | Reporter Lu Yang
Good news in the real estate market. On January 26th, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development held the deployment meeting of urban real estate financing coordination mechanism. The meeting was clear,It is necessary to meet the reasonable financing needs of real estate enterprises with different ownership equally. In addition, local cities will be fully given the autonomy of real estate regulation and control, and real estate policies can be adjusted according to local conditions.
The orderly development and construction of real estate projects is the basis for the stable and healthy operation of the property market and concerns the vital interests of the people. In view of the current financing difficulties of some real estate projects, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development proposed that all localities should focus on projects, pay close attention to research and put forward a list of real estate projects that can be given financing support, coordinate financial institutions in their respective administrative areas to issue loans, and accurately and effectively support reasonable financing needs.
It is more important to manage the funds well. The Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development proposed that credit funds should be ensured to be operated in a closed way and used in compliance, and misappropriation should be resolutely prevented. At the provincial level, it is necessary to track and monitor the implementation and strengthen supervision and guidance; At the national level, an information platform for urban real estate financing coordination mechanism projects will be established, and weekly scheduling and monthly notification will be implemented. The reporter learned that,Before the end of this month, loans can be obtained after the first batch of projects are listed.
"It is a major measure to meet the reasonable financing needs of real estate enterprises with different ownership and promote a virtuous circle of finance and real estate." The Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development said that for this,The people’s governments of cities at or above the prefecture level should play a leading and coordinating role, quickly establish and operate this important mechanism, timely judge the local real estate market situation and real estate financing needs, build a communication platform between government, banks and enterprises, promote the accurate docking of real estate enterprises and financial institutions, and coordinate and solve the difficulties and problems existing in real estate financing.
Nowadays, the relationship between supply and demand in the real estate market has undergone major changes. The Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development proposed that all localities should adhere to the policy of the city, precise policy, one city and one policy, and make good use of the policy toolbox. Cities around the world will be fully given the autonomy of urban real estate regulation, and cities can adjust their real estate policies according to local conditions. At the same time, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development said that it is necessary to rectify the order of the real estate market and correct the chaos in real estate development, transactions, intermediary and property.
Li Yujia, chief researcher of the Housing Policy Research Center of Guangdong Urban Planning Institute, said that in practice, banks are often worried about risks and have low trust in housing enterprises. Therefore, today’s policy focus has shifted to the optimization of the coordination mechanism, that is, pushing the list of qualified loan projects to financial institutions and financing these projects, thus supporting the development and construction of real estate projects and promoting the stable and healthy development of the real estate market.

I’ll give you all the technical points of badminton entry!

Little friends who can’t play badminton or those who can’t play badminton around, forward them at will, pick up the racket quickly, and learn how to get started badminton correctly with Xiaobian!

Grip mode

To learn badminton, of course, we should start with the racket. Without weapons, how can we "fight"!

Forehand grip: The tiger’s mouth faces the small edge of the narrow face of the racket handle, and the thumb and forefinger are attached to the two wide faces of the racket handle. The forefinger and middle finger are slightly separated, and the middle finger, ring finger and little finger are close together to hold the racket handle, and the palms are not close together. The end of the racket handle is flat with the thenar muscle near the wrist, and the racket face is basically vertical to the ground.

Backhand grip: On the basis of forehand grip, the thumb and forefinger turn the grip slightly outward, with the thumb vertex on the wide surface or the inner edge of the grip, the middle finger, ring finger and little finger close together to hold the grip, and the grip end is close to the root of the little finger, leaving a gap in the palm. The racket leans to the left of the body, and the racket face leans back later.

Serve technique

After learning the grip, let’s see how to serve. A good serve is the premise of winning, because a bad serve will directly make you miss the opponent’s return.

Serve techniques can be divided into forehand and backhand techniques. Generally speaking, forehand serve can be used for serve before serve, serve flat, serve flat high, serve flat and serve before serve net.

Serve a high ball: The so-called high ball is to serve the ball high and far, so that the ball flies above the opponent’s backcourt. The flight path of the ball forms an angle with the ground, which is greater than 45 degrees, so that the ball falls vertically near the bottom line of the opponent’s court.

Forehand serve: The forehand serve is to serve the ball near the foreserve line in the opponent’s service area. When the racket touches the ball, it hits the ball obliquely from right to left, so that the ball just crosses the net and falls near the opponent’s foreserve line.

Backhand low serve: Backhand serve is characterized by fast serve speed and tricky landing. In particular, if the skill is mastered, try to hit the ball against the net when serving, fast, low, far and wide, that is, it falls near the boundary, leaving the opponent helpless. When hitting the ball, the racket face forms a small inclination angle (acute angle) with the badminton, which is just the opposite of the flat high ball, so that the ball hit is a low flat ball with faster speed.

Power technology

When it comes to badminton technology, we have to talk about the core "power" technology. If you want to crush an egg with your hand, you should use the strength of your thumb, forefinger and middle finger, not the strength of your whole hand. In the same way, for badminton, if you hold the racket tightly and use the strength of the whole palm to hit the badminton, it will be difficult to control the ball delicately and make the force concentrate on one point.


Before playing ball, the body must relax and be in a state of readiness. In this relaxation, the most important thing is to relax the wrist, then the fingers will naturally relax, the racket will not be tightly held, and the swing action will not be stiff. In addition to the relaxation of the wrist, the waist and legs should be relaxed, and it is difficult to make strength when it is tightened. The body should also relax, so that the swing action can be achieved. Remember, the subtle differences in grip will also affect the force and swing speed.

Accelerated swing

The swing action must be a sudden action, and the swing process is an accelerated swing process, which must be explosive. The faster you swing out, the greater the impact on the ball. The process of playing the ball should be calm, the action should have a sense of rhythm, and the moment of hitting the ball suddenly accelerates.

Wrist flashing

This is the essence of badminton action, and it is also the most critical part of exerting strength. The so-called "flashing wrist" means that after throwing it out like a whip, the wrist should suddenly stop, instead of continuing to swing in the direction of the swing. This pause will make the initial speed of the ball extremely fast, but after passing the opponent, it will slow down and fall without going out of bounds.

As long as you can master these three points, you can play a quality ball even if the pace is not in place, the swing is not sufficient, the hitting point is not high enough, and so on.

Ball killing technique

Killing the ball is one of the most offensive ways in badminton, which includes jumping, forehand and backhand. When killing the ball, there should be light and heavy, slow and urgent.

Jump kill: the location of the jump kill is about three-quarters of the site. Stand with your feet shoulder width apart, your body at a 45-degree angle with the net, and your grip foot back. When preparing to jump, you should move backwards. After jumping up, the racket has its head raised above its head, and the racket is held in the forehand to hit the ball quickly and forcefully.

Forehand kill: generally, you should stand back, but don’t exceed the back sideline, sideways to the net, with your feet shoulder-width apart, your right arm bent upward to spread your chest and your left arm straight to keep your body balanced. Hit the ball simply and quickly. When killing the ball on the top of your head, lean back and contract your abdominal muscles to balance your body and return quickly.

Backhand killing: Choose the backhand killing position to be three-quarters of the court. When you are ready to hit the ball, turn your body to the left from the middle of the court, and turn your shoulders at the same time so that your elbow points downwards. Take the racket arm on the right side to make a good stroke, and swing your left arm backwards to keep your body balanced. When killing the ball reversely, turn your body to the right, push down the ground to increase your strength, shrink your back at the same time, turn your upper body and shoulders, turn your elbow upside down, and then stretch your elbow and forearm to hit the ball quickly. If you want to kill a straight ball, your shoulders should point to the center line at the moment of hitting the ball. After hitting the ball, quickly reverse your body and prepare for defense.

In badminton, the combination of killing the ball and controlling before the net will produce greater effect. It feels good to kill your opponent with one beat, but never think about killing your opponent with one beat. You should regard killing the ball as a means to attack your opponent and create better opportunities.

If you want to practice killing the ball well, you must first keep up with your wrist strength.

The position of the force should be correct, and it depends on the strength of the wrist "shaking" and "throwing".

You can find a rope to tie the ball to a high place and practice fixed click and smash. Experience the point of grabbing when killing the ball, and the point of shooting should be before the center of gravity.

Adjustment of landing point of killing ball

Try to straighten your arm to kill the ball, and the hitting point is slightly ahead, which can help you to exert enough force and make the angle sharper. Try to take off and kill the ball if possible, so that the hitting point is higher and the psychological threat to the opponent is greater.

Kill the ball with variety.

More changes make it easier to score goals without blindly pursuing the speed of killing the ball. Try not to kill if the opponent returns the ball in place.

Be good at finding each other’s killing habits.  

For an opponent who likes to catch and kill with his right hand all the time, he often subconsciously gives up a position to the left before catching and killing. At this time, it is necessary to kill the ball in advance and directly kill it under his left shoulder, which can be exactly what he wants.

Ball picking technique

Pick the ball must be in place, so that defense can achieve "twice the result with half the effort." So what should we do?

Forehand pick: Hold the racket in the forehand and hold it on your chest. Take a big step forward with your right foot, backward with your left foot, sideways with your center of gravity on your right foot. At the same time, the right arm swings backwards, naturally stretching the wrist to make the racket pull back. Then, take the elbow joint as the axis, bend your arm and rotate inward, hold the racket tightly, and hit the ball forward and upward with the strength of your index finger and wrist.

Backhand pick: Hold the racket on your chest with your backhand. Take a big step forward to the left with your right foot, and focus on your right foot. At the same time, the right shoulder is facing the net, and the elbow is flexed to lead the racket to the left shoulder. Then, with the elbow as the axis, hold the racket warp from bottom to top, press the wide surface of the racket handle with the first knuckle of the thumb, and hit the ball hard.

(Source: Badminton Teaching)