Huawei Yunhong Fangming: A small step for enterprises to go to the cloud, a major leap for industrial clusters

2021 is the first year of the "14th Five-Year Plan". Facing the topic of "adhering to innovation-driven development, accelerating the construction of a new development pattern of a modern industrial system, improving the quality of economic development, and maintaining sustainable and healthy economic development", how can new infrastructure service providers represented by cloud computing better play the role of technology platforms, empower industrial economic innovation, and promote regional sustainable development? How to improve enterprise efficiency, promote regional enterprise cooperation, and consolidate the elements of enterprise development and innovation? Hong Fangming, president of Huawei Cloud China, expressed his views on the above issues in an interview with China Business News.

From a manufacturing power to a "smart" manufacturing power

After a year of unparalleled changes in a century, how enterprises can cope with difficulties and how to transform and upgrade has become an urgent proposition to be solved. The state has launched new infrastructure, and enterprises have accelerated their digital transformation. In the past year, we have seen a phenomenon. Those companies that can actively embrace digitalization and actively invest in online have shown a good development trend as a whole. On the contrary, those companies that use traditional methods and do not change the offline model, whether in sales or supply chain, are facing huge challenges as a whole. As people say, the SARS epidemic in 2003 accelerated the development of the consumer Internet, and the sudden COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 will accelerate the process of enterprises going to the cloud.

Today, our country is transforming from a manufacturing power to a "smart" manufacturing power. Enterprises need to transform and upgrade through digital means and digital empowerment in all aspects, such as research and development, production and manufacturing, supply chain, marketing, and service. This is also the key to how to change the current situation and how to take the next step under the current economic development situation. By visiting more than 30 provinces and cities across the country in 2020, we found that the technology gathered on the cloud is bringing great changes to the industry and society.

Urban industrial clusters need to move from small, scattered, and low-energy to high, refined, and cutting-edge

The development stage and state of a local industrial cluster determine the active level of a region’s economic development, and also reflect the situation of people’s livelihood and employment. It can be said that the regional industrial cluster determines the development, people’s livelihood and employment of a region, which is a very important development indicator.

In a conference held by Huawei Cloud in early January 2020, the director of the Bureau of Industry and Information Technology of a certain place said that although the local area has been ranked among the top 100 industrial zones in the country, the internal and external challenges in the past year have made him deeply feel the difficulties of the entire manufacturing industry: the cost of factory labor and land has been rising, the export situation has changed, the industrial structure is in urgent need of reorganization, and entrepreneurs have also expressed their urgent desire for transformation and upgrading.

Due to the limitations of formation conditions, industrial clusters in our country mostly focus on traditional processing fields, developing in the form of small workshops, and lack scientific and technological innovation. At present, traditional industrial clusters are facing challenges such as increasing labor costs, increasing social costs, and shortage of talents. Relying on simple replication for scale expansion, the form of spreading big cakes cannot achieve sustainable development. Industrial clusters need to move from small, scattered, and low-energy to high, refined, and cutting-edge development. How to complement R & D, market, supply chain, and service capabilities, realize supply chain elongation, and integrate upstream and downstream supply chains to obtain higher profits is the core appeal of industrial cluster development.

It is undeniable that there are many excellent enterprises in our industrial clusters that are doing very well and have reached a very top position in the world, but there are still a considerable number of small and medium-sized enterprises that have not reached this level. To evaluate the active level of an economy, it is not to have a few large enterprises, but more importantly to look at the activity of thousands of small and medium-sized enterprises. It is a key response for the country to solve employment and improve the overall economic active level. And the cloud platform that brings together various technologies and ecosystems just provides the technical business means needed for change.

Moving from simple connections to deeply empowering

Huawei has amassed a wealth of experience in the field of electronic information manufacturing over the past 30 years, whether it is from supply chain research and development, marketing, service, or in the industry precipitation of technology and marketing capabilities, Huawei hopes to use the cloud to bring its accumulated experience to empower various industries, empower society, and realize the company’s vision of bringing the digital world into everyone, every family, and every organization to build a smart world connected to all things.

In the process of business expansion, Huawei Cloud has learned about the characteristics of China’s economy itself and the characteristics of industrial clusters, and put forward the concept of "industrial cloud". Based on cloud infrastructure, an urban industry empowering platform that integrates industrial ecological resources to provide technologies, solutions, and industrial practice services provides a core driving force for promoting the integration of urban production and number, industrial innovation and upgrading, and reshaping the new industrial pattern. In essence, the demand for informatization and digitalization in today’s economic development has given birth to the concept and model of industrial cloud. At the same time, industrial cloud also responds to the question of where and how to transform and upgrade the industry in the process of supply, marketing, and service.

Different from the industrial Internet, which focuses on connecting various data and production materials of enterprises, so as to provide enterprises with the kinetic energy for transformation and upgrading; in addition to the connection function, the industrial cloud also provides enterprises with industrial empowerment and rich offline services, including the best experience of the industry, while combining a variety of advanced technical means.

Manufacturing cannot be simply defined by the production process. R & D and sales are actually key links in serving the manufacturing industry. Only with an enterprise system that completes research, sales, supply, production, and service can it be a true modern manufacturing industry. However, born out of domestic manufacturing enterprises such as processing with incoming materials, it is urgent to transform to modern manufacturing. Take the United States as an example. The proportion of manufacturing in the United States is relatively low, but if you look at the entire GDP of the United States, you will find that a very large part of the industry serves the manufacturing industry. This kind of manufacturing service industry accounts for about 50% of the overall manufacturing industry. If our country wants to move from a manufacturing power to a smart manufacturing power, it must work hard on this. In the face of the unclear concept of China’s industrial upgrading, the current situation of "hard" and "soft" is not simply to provide a cold technology to solve, but also to empower, to have a team to serve the industry, to teach these original traditional manufacturing industries how to achieve the next jump.

Huawei’s own industry is relatively wide, from the original service to operators, to government and enterprises, and then to consumer BG, you can think of Huawei as a traditional manufacturing industry, a high-tech enterprise, and a retail enterprise. Therefore, Huawei Cloud has rich accumulation in the above fields, including technology, marketing, supply chain, service and other aspects. Huawei Cloud will export these capabilities through the form of industrial cloud to empower the industry, which is also the biggest value point and difference point of Huawei Cloud.

A small step for enterprises to go to the cloud, a major leap for industrial clusters

At present, Huawei Cloud has landed in more than 120 innovation centers and industrial cluster bases across the country, and has joined more than 300 partners including MES, CAD, supply chain management, production management, software suppliers, etc., to provide digital transformation services for 17,000 enterprises.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, an electronic information enterprise in Dongguan, based on Huawei Cloud Industrial Internet, the big data platform created by the platform FusionPlant helped it to achieve an orderly resumption of work and production, ensuring the occurrence of 0 epidemic cases. At the same time, the efficient and convenient management brought by the visualization of the big data platform has also solved the remote control problem that many foreign employees cannot resume work in many process production links, and manages the production quality control of the entire production line. This is what we think is a very typical use case of an enterprise.

Facing the characteristics of China’s industrial economy and the key nodes facing the industry, how can its next jump be realized? For each industry, where is the future going and where is the next jump? This is the most concerned issue in the upstream and downstream industrial chains of urban industrial clusters.

The automotive industry, ICT industry, medical apparatus and pharmaceutical industry are the three pillar industries of the global economy. In the automotive industry, Huawei Car BU proposes to help car companies "build and sell good cars", use its own capabilities in research and development, manufacturing, marketing, etc., to drive the development of the upstream and downstream industrial chain of intelligent networked vehicles, and do some exploration and innovation work around automobile companies to help car companies transform and upgrade from the traditional fuel vehicle industry to the electric vehicle industry; in the electronic information industry, which is facing the pressure from low-end to high-end, Huawei helps the electronic information industry to achieve the next leap through its own practice; in the materials and pharmaceutical industries, many studies currently rely on a lot of laboratory experimental work, which is time-consuming and labor-intensive. Huawei Cloud makes use of its vast computing and IOT capabilities, combined with previous research and development achievements, to enhance the entire process of drug and material research and development.

With the industrial cloud empowering transformation and upgrading, through the continuous progress of technology, the continuous development of industry, and the continuous improvement of partner capabilities, we will provide the kinetic energy for the industry to upgrade and leap, and consolidate the "black land" of the intelligent world. We must embrace talents and continue to move forward, drive Chinese enterprises to take a small step in the cloud, lead industrial upgrading, and realize a big step in the leap of China’s industrial clusters, and truly realize a leap in the industry!

Scan the code to watch the topic to learn the details of Mr. Hong Fangming's speech and the full video of the program.

Wang Jianlin’s New Direction: "Abandon the Heavy and Reduce the Light", Reconstructing the Cultural Tourism Map

Image source: ICphoto

Although there is still uncertainty about the listing at the end of the year, it has not affected the normal operations within Wanda Group.

Blue Whale Finance found through the official website of Wanda Group that since the beginning of this year, Wanda Group Chairperson Wang Jianlin has led a team to reconstruct the cultural tourism map in many places across the country, and has signed strategic cooperation with the governments of Luoyang, Henan, Deyang, Sichuan, Zhangjiajie, Shanxi Datong, Yichun, Heilongjiang, and other places to cooperate around the cultural tourism industry.

On August 3 this year, Wanda Group announced through its official website that it would rename its Wanda Cultural Group to Wanda Cultural Tourism Group. Blue Whale Finance recently learned from people close to Wanda that, unlike previous cultural tourism projects, the future Wanda Cultural Tourism will "abandon the weight and lighten the weight". Like Wanda Plaza, asset-light cultural tourism is the main direction.

Restart the cultural tourism industry

According to Wanda Group’s official website, Wanda currently includes business management groups, cultural tourism groups and investment groups. Among them, the business sectors of the cultural tourism group, in addition to film and television, sports, and baby king, there are also four cultural tourism projects and cultural tourism planning and design institutes. The four cultural tourism projects are Changbai Mountain International Resort, Wuhan Central Cultural District, Lanzhou Wanda City, and Yan’an Red Street.

The above-mentioned sources told Blue Whale Finance that Wanda Cultural Tourism is a business sector that Wang Jianlin has always wanted to do. After selling Wanda Cultural Tourism to Sunac, Wanda has not stopped expanding its cultural tourism projects.

In February this year, Wanda established a comprehensive strategic cooperative relationship with Luoyang, and took the Longmen Tourist Resort project in Luoyang as the first major cooperation project. On April 10, Wanda signed a contract with Sichuan Deyang for the Sanxing Lake Wanda five-star hot spring resort hotel and international cultural tourism project. On April 12, Zhangjiajie Tourism Group announced that it signed a strategic cooperation framework agreement with Wanda, and the two sides will cooperate on the Dayong Ancient City project. In June, Wanda signed a comprehensive strategic cooperation agreement with the Datong Municipal Government and Datong Cultural Tourism Investment Group respectively, mainly on the cooperation of Datong Ancient City. In August, Wanda signed a strategic cooperation agreement with the Yichun Municipal Government and Yichun Sengong Group to plan in-depth cooperation in the cultural tourism industry and other fields.

In addition, since the beginning of this year, Wang Jianlin has led a team to visit many places and exchanged discussions with local governments, including Pinggu District, Beijing, Changchun, Jilin, Libo County, Qiannan Buyi and Miao Autonomous Prefecture, Guizhou, and Suqian, Jiangsu. This year’s August-September is particularly concentrated.

According to the official website of the Yichun Municipal Government, on August 16 this year, Sui Hongbo, Secretary of the Yichun Municipal Party Committee, met with Wang Jianlin, Chairperson of Dalian Wanda Group, and the two sides exchanged ideas on cooperation in cultural tourism and other fields. Wang Jianlin said that Wanda will give full play to the successful experience in the development of the cultural tourism industry accumulated over the years. Relying on Yichun’s valuable resources and the upcoming high-speed rail era, it will actively plan for cooperation between the two sides, strengthen planning and design on the "ice and snow", and do a good job in innovative articles.

According to the official website of the Beijing Pinggu District Government, on August 26 this year, Pinggu District and Wanda Group held a symposium. Tang Hailong, Secretary of the Pinggu District Party Committee, hoped that Wanda would actively participate in the construction of the "Pingyu dual-use" rural revitalization Jinhai Lake core area. Wang Jianlin said that Wanda would give full play to its own advantages in cultural tourism, hotel operations, etc., and select a representative, exemplary and leading project group as soon as possible to study and formulate a planned operation plan to help the construction of the "Pinggu dual-use" core area with practical actions.

According to the official website of the Suqian Municipal Government, on September 5 this year, Chen Zhongwei, Secretary of the Suqian Municipal Party Committee, met with Wang Jianlin, Chairperson of Wanda Group, and Wang Jianlin said that Wanda Group will give full play to its own advantages, rely on Suqian’s superior ecological resources, and further increase cooperation in areas such as cultural tourism.

"Cultural tourism industry" is a common keyword mentioned by local governments and Wanda.

Wanda Tourism Industry was established in October 2013 and belongs to Wanda Culture Group. In 2014, Wanda Tourism revenue was only 7.50 billion yuan, but by 2016, Wanda Tourism revenue had reached 17.43 billion yuan, an increase of nearly 40% year-on-year.

Wanda’s tourism brand "Wanda City" has not only opened one after another across the country, but also began to enter overseas, signing two large-scale cultural tourism projects in India and Paris in 2016. Wang Jianlin said at the time that by 2025, 25 Wanda Cities will be opened worldwide, of which 5 will be opened overseas. "First, it is possible to gradually accumulate and become a leading brand in terms of business scale."

However, in 2017, due to financial problems, Wanda transferred 91% of the shares of 13 cultural and tourism projects to Sunac for 43.844 billion yuan, which was called "M & A of the Century".

It was the industry consensus at the time that Wanda would give up the cultural tourism industry, but Wanda said in a subsequent statement: "As China’s earliest pioneer in the cultural tourism industry, Wanda has always been optimistic about the development prospects of China’s cultural tourism industry. In the future, Wanda will continue to invest in the cultural tourism industry. Its cultural tourism group (including planning, construction and project management departments) will continue to be an important industrial group of Wanda for sustainable development."

Wanda said that it will continue to invest in the cultural tourism industry in the future, retain the backbone team of the cultural tourism industry, and reorganize the Cultural Tourism Planning Institute, Cultural Tourism Construction Center, and Cultural Tourism Management Company.

From the start of the Changbai Mountain cultural tourism project a decade ago, Wanda has never given up its ambition to expand the cultural tourism industry. The above-mentioned person familiar with the matter said that, unlike the previous "land acquisition-development" asset-heavy model, Wanda’s future cultural tourism industry will be mainly asset-light operation. "The land is still owned by the local government, and Wanda only manages and operates and exports brands."

It is reported that Wanda Neijiang Cultural Tourism City, located in Sichuan, is scheduled to open at the end of this year and will become an important tourist destination in Chengdu and Chongqing and a new business card for Neijiang City.

Whether it will go public at the end of the year is still up in the air

For enterprises, the asset-light model will undoubtedly greatly reduce the pressure on capital.

According to Wanda’s official website, as of December 31, 2022, 473 Wanda plazas have been opened across the country, and Blue Whale Finance has learned that half of them are asset-light projects. In addition, at the end of this month, Beijing will open two more Wanda plazas at the same time, both of which are asset-light projects.

On August 31, Wanda Commercial Management disclosed that the interim report of corporate bonds showed that the operating income in the first half of 2023 was 25.452 billion yuan, an increase of 4.30% year-on-year; the gross profit margin was 64.63%, an increase of 1.53 percentage points year-on-year.

Among them, the hotel operating business revenue rose the most significantly, up 103.84% year-on-year, with gross profit margin increasing by 17.67 percentage points. Other business revenue rose 3.05%, and gross profit margin increased by 2.1 percentage points.

Wanda Commercial Management plans to spin off the listed subsidiary Zhuhai Wanda Commercial Management’s total assets are 22.886 billion yuan, net assets are 7.233 billion yuan, the operating income during the reporting period is 27.12 billion yuan, and the main business profit is 12.984 billion yuan.

The net cash flow generated by Wanda Commercial Management’s operating activities in the first half of the year was 11.852 billion yuan, an increase of 41.6% year-on-year. The balance of cash and cash equivalents as of the end of the first half of the year was 14.692 billion yuan. As of the end of the first half of the year, Wanda Commercial Management’s consolidated interest-bearing liabilities were 141.283 billion yuan, of which the interest-bearing liabilities due within one year were 29.257 billion yuan.

After experiencing a period of debt repayment pressure, Wanda also ushered in good news. On September 12, a domestic debt "200,000 01" repo bond owned by Wanda Commercial Management has been repaid. The repo payment amount is 3.79 billion yuan, which is close to the full repurchase.

According to the announcement of Wanda Commercial Management, the bond code 175119, the issuance scale is 3.80 billion yuan, the bond maturity is 5 (3 + 2) years, the coupon rate is 5.58%, the issuance start date is September 7, 2020, and the maturity date is September 9, 2025 9 (postponed in case of holidays), but in the third year, that is, when it expires in 2023, the issuer has the option to adjust the coupon rate and the investor’s right to sell back.

The person close to Wanda said that after the completion of the bond sale and payment, Wanda Commercial Management has no public overseas debt maturity risk this year. "Wanda’s business model is very clear, the return on assets is expected to further improve, and there is little pressure on public market debt in the next few years."

However, whether Zhuhai Wanda Commercial Management can go public smoothly at the end of this year remains unresolved and remains the biggest hurdle facing Wanda.

Great Wall Gun’s large-scale high-performance luxury pickup truck will be unveiled at Chengdu Auto Show. 3.0TV6+9AT is worth looking forward to.

Great Wall Gun brand large-scale high-performance luxury pickup truck is about to debut at Chengdu Auto Show. 3.0TV6+9AT is worth looking forward to.

On August 26th, 2022 Chengdu Auto Show is about to kick off. China’s first large-scale and high-performance luxury pickup truck newly built by Great Wall Gun will be unveiled at this auto show, and the name of the new car will be announced according to the collection results of the whole network. Also on display on the same stage are innovative pickup truck models such as the New Farmer Edition of King Kong Gun, the Firebomb Rage Qingqi, and the Great Wall Gun RV, which fully demonstrate the charm of the Great Wall Gun pickup truck.

The upcoming large-scale high-performance luxury pickup truck is a masterpiece of category innovation in the era of Great Wall Gun 2.0. It will be equipped with a 3.0TV6+9AT high-performance power combination, with an ultra-luxurious advanced business cockpit and an ultra-fun and ever-changing expansion space. It is the most powerful and luxurious super pickup truck in China at present.

At the same time, POER-SPACE, the world’s first high-end pickup image experience store built by Great Wall Gun, will also be grandly opened on August 25th, the day before Chengdu Auto Show, to reshape the user experience through channel rejuvenation.

On August 18th this year, at the third anniversary of the Great Wall Gun brand and the Global Fan Festival, Great Wall Gun officially launched the brand 2.0 era, comprehensively TO C, and built a global user brand. It will promote market expansion with category innovation, reshape the user experience with channel rejuvenation, and put forward the concept of mountain and sea culture, leading the pickup truck culture to jump upward.

In the past three years, Great Wall Gun has continued to exert its strength to take advantage of leisure and fashion business, leading the innovation of pickup truck category, the development of pickup truck culture and the creation of users. At present, the Great Wall pickup truck has been the first in sales for 24 consecutive years, and the cumulative number of users worldwide has exceeded 2 million. Only two years and eight months later, Great Wall Gun became the first high-end pickup truck brand in China to break through 300,000 sets.

From August 26th to September 4th, the H101 Great Wall Gun booth in Hall 1 of China West International Expo City (Chengdu), a large-scale high-performance luxury pickup truck, is waiting for you to explore! Witness the product rejuvenation of the Great Wall Gun 2.0 era together!

Qin PLUS EV 2023 Champion Edition officially went on sale for 12.98-17.68 million.

  [Pacific Auto New Car Channel] On April 7, the EV 2023 Champion Edition was officially launched, and the price range of new cars was 129.8-176.8 million, with a total of 6 models launched. As a new model, the 2023 Champion Edition first adds a black jade blue appearance and a warm sun brown interior, and at the same time, it has also been upgraded in configuration and intelligence. The new car will adopt the core technology of BYD e platform 3.0, including eight-in-one powertrain, heat pump system and so on.

? ? ? ? In addition, the government also introduced multiple gifts for waiting for a car, including 15% low down payment, 60 or 24 interest-free, replacement subsidy of 2,500 yuan, lifetime warranty of the three power systems, lifetime free OTA system upgrade, free installation of charging piles, and free gift of continental tires within a limited time.

  Qin PLUS EV 2023 Champion Edition has not changed much in appearance design. Like the current model design, the new car also adopts the classic design language of "EV Dragon Face", with thick chrome trim, and the iconic elements such as "Qin" Chinese character logo are reserved. The headlight is designed with the shape of "arrow feather", which has good recognition after lighting.

  Qin PLUS EV 2023 Champion Edition adopts a design similar to sliding back, and the car size is consistent with the current model, with the length, width and height of 4765/1837/1515mm and the wheelbase of 2718mm respectively. The rear part is equipped with a penetrating light belt, and the taillight group adopts the design of "the mark of the dragon’s paw", which echoes the headlights. In addition, Qin PLUS EV 2023 Champion Edition also added the appearance color of black jade blue.

  The interior shape of the car is basically consistent with the cash, and the warm sun brown interior color is added. In addition, Qin PLUS EV 2023 Champion Edition is equipped with an 8.8-inch floating dashboard, and provides 10.1-inch and 12.8-inch central control panels according to different models. The 12.8-inch central control panel also supports adaptive rotation function.

  All models of Qin PLUS EV 2023 Champion Edition are equipped with integrated sports seats as standard in the front row. Compared with the current models, the contact surface between the seat and the human body will be covered with perforated leather to improve comfort.

  In addition, the car will also be equipped with DiLink 4.0 intelligent network connection system, mobile phone NFC car key, remote driving and other functions, and equipped with electric sunroof, front electric seat adjustment, rear air outlet and other configurations.

  As for power, Qin PLUS EV 2023 Champion Edition will upgrade the core technology of E-platform 3.0, equipped with BYD’s latest eight-in-one electric powertrain. The maximum power of the motor is 150 kW, the cruising range of CLTC is 610 km, and the comprehensive power consumption per 100 km is 12.5 kWh.

  At the same time, the car will also be equipped with a wide temperature range efficient heat pump system and battery pack refrigerant direct cooling and direct heating technology to improve the vehicle’s low-temperature endurance performance. (Text: Pacific Auto Ke Kaiwen Photo: Ji Jipeng)

Deconstructing the logic of e-commerce live broadcast industry with a long word

Editor’s Note: This article comes from WeChat WeChat official account’s "Blue Whale Muddy Water" (ID:hunwatermedia), which was published by 36Kr with authorization.

Interview and Writing | Gemee

Content Master Plan | Guo Nan

Live, live, live ……

In 2020, live broadcast seems to be a universal antidote to solve the problem of traffic growth and realization, especially under the impact of the epidemic, all walks of life are generally online or e-commerce.

We have seen more new forms of content consumption, such as Cloud Watch Exhibition, Cloud Music Festival and Yunbengdi. On the other hand, e-commerce live broadcast with fire by Taobao has also ushered in new growth, and content platforms including Aauto Quicker and Tik Tok have gradually increased the realization mode of live broadcast with goods.

After the e-commerce platform with stronger supply chain capability, transaction guarantee and performance ability has occupied a dominant position, live selling has actually solidified into an important shipping channel for the retail industry. After the market cultivation is completed, the fundamentals of both supply and demand sides are stable.

On April 1st, 2020, Luo Yonghao completed his first live broadcast with goods in Tik Tok, and the controversy naturally existed. However, for Luo Yonghao, if more Weibo can be marketed, the high-profile benefits naturally outweigh the hardships.

Sell former friends’ mobile phones, bow down and apologize to the brand, and try razors with goods. ……

No matter how the outside world looks at it, the middle-aged online celebrity’s "re-starting a business" is obviously smoother than before, and he must have more confidence to pay off his debts.

On the same night of Lao Luo’s live broadcast, Viya sold a rocket with a price of 40 million yuan in the Taobao live broadcast room, and Simba’s apprentice "Dan Dan Xiao Pen You" sold a total of 2.78 million items in Aauto Quicker live broadcast, with a total transaction amount exceeding 480 million yuan.

Zhu Guangquan, the host of CCTV, and Li Jiaqi, the anchor of Taobao, partnered with "Xiao Zhu Pei Qi" to bring more than 40 million yuan to Hubei public welfare.

The head anchor is in the limelight, and there are naturally more and more businesses, anchors and MCN institutions that yearn to bring millions of goods once.

Zhaopin’s "Talent Report of Live Broadcasting Industry in Spring 2020" shows that the recruitment demand of live broadcasting industry increased by 132% year-on-year after the Spring Festival. The average monthly salary of Taobao live talent reached 9845 yuan.

In the economic era of online celebrity, e-commerce is an important way to realize cash. It is a natural thing to do some business with influence:

In the general trend, live broadcast will become the standard of e-commerce platform, and content platform will be the standard of e-commerce. 

After the "live broadcast fever" faded and the bottleneck of e-commerce growth, the e-commerce platform tried to drive traffic and revenue growth through live broadcast. This is a change from "live broadcast yearning for e-commerce" to "e-commerce yearning for live broadcast".

The problem is that e-commerce is a typical re-investment model, and the industrial chain involved is far more complicated than opening a Taobao store. Where will this platform and MCN continue to increase the live broadcast competition?

This paper will discuss the following issues:

"Either time for traffic or money for traffic."

An e-commerce anchor once introduced his own experience in this way. The platform allocated traffic to the live broadcast room, which can easily open the difference between the viewing volume and sales of the same anchor by ten times.

Pure e-commerce live broadcast actually lacks a fan base, and the traffic distribution on the platform side has a great influence, so online celebrity with its own traffic becomes a natural choice. Deepening cooperation with merchants and brands has also become another value export that MCN has found after content marketing.

Back to the live broadcast room, the core competitiveness of the anchor comes from two aspects, one is that the price is favorable enough, and the other is the professionalism of product selection and promotion.

Among them, the price comparison is dominant and the product selection is invisible. The former is directly related to the instant conversion rate of the live broadcast room, while the latter affects the consumer evaluation, repurchase and even the return rate.

According to the Online Survey Report on Consumer Satisfaction of Live E-commerce Shopping released by China Consumers Association on March 31st, the top four reasons why watching live broadcast turned into shopping were high cost performance (60.1%), favorite products (56.0%), price concessions (53.9%) and limited time concessions (43.8%).

Generally speaking, the main reason to attract consumers to decide to shop is the cost performance and price concessions of the goods themselves.

Among them, 37.3% of the consumers interviewed have encountered consumption problems in live shopping, and consumers’ false propaganda and concerns about the source of goods are relatively prominent.

E-commerce live broadcast is still a form of social promotion, and each live broadcast room can be regarded as a small promotion festival.

The common problems of e-commerce and promotion will also appear intensively on e-commerce live broadcast, such as high return rate and after-sales problems.

Wei Zhe, founder of Jiayu Fund and former president of Alibaba B2B, once said that taking clothing as an example, the return rate of clothing in traditional stores will not exceed 3%, but the return rate of e-commerce is as high as 30%. The return rate of this kind of shopping festival in double 11, and the return rate of live broadcast goods in Li Jiaqi and Viya are far greater than this ratio.

Promotion is actually a kind of centralized shipment. The so-called concentration lies in the concentration of different elements such as time, channel, category, brand and form, which is particularly obvious in Taobao live broadcast:

With the "Matthew effect" in the field of e-commerce live broadcast becoming more and more obvious, the channel value is constantly increasing, and the bargaining power of anchors has also changed. The anchors not only attract users with the "lowest price in the whole network", but also divide the hierarchy by pit fees and commission rates.

There are also some hidden worries about the direct users of consumer goods. For consumers, shopping is the content of life; For merchants, selling goods is a commercial activity; What consumers need is high quality and affordable, and businesses pay more attention to the efficiency of selling goods.

In this scenario, the demands of the two parties have come to a "hard landing" contact after eliminating the traditional "buffer" of contact between supply chain channels, dealer platforms and branded advertisements.

Therefore, most e-commerce live broadcast categories have very serious double-end appeal mismatch, and it is easy to achieve high sales and high volume in the short term, but the long-term cost of mismatch is the loss of brand value and consumer enthusiasm.

On the other hand, the gameplay of low-cost logic itself is limited.

Sunsink e-commerce represented by Pinduoduo and C2M e-commerce represented by Taobao Special Edition are also attracting price-sensitive consumers with replicable and higher efficiency by increasing subsidies and directly connecting factories.

Back in the live broadcast of e-commerce, the merchants who try to "make quick money" by bringing goods through online celebrity have no branding strategy, but can only constantly seek the purchase and transformation of traffic, and the traffic can even be called "lost volume".

It is inevitable that the industry’s general ROI will decrease. At that time, where will the e-commerce live broadcast go?

The key to channel price lies in the right to speak.

"Bringing users to make businesses", e-commerce live broadcast has raised the right to speak of the head anchor (organization) to a very high level. The anchor should give consideration to providing consumers with "low-priced" goods and the growth of its own income, which will inevitably squeeze the surplus of producers, that is, the profits of merchants and brands.

If the merchant’s profit from shipping through the anchor is lower than the commission fee, he will have to face the choice of whether to lose money to buy exposure.

According to the First Financial Report, the person in charge of Puxi E-commerce revealed that the link fee of Li Jiaqi "double 11" was 150,000 that day, accounting for 20%, and they lost three times in cooperation with Li Jiaqi for five times, and even lost 500,000 on the day of Double Eleven.

Only a few big brands can afford to spend money to change the volume of sound, and it does not constitute a long-term strategy.

Luo Yonghao’s statement that "live e-commerce is not a zero-sum game" is a problem that needs to be inferred again.

"The lowest price of the whole network" can be regarded as an alternative "wholesale" (not completely equivalent). The price is determined by supply and demand, while the formation of "wholesale price" is often determined by the game between manufacturers and distributors. Distributors guarantee the shipment volume, thus sharing the risks of manufacturers and reducing the marginal costs of manufacturers, which is the embodiment of channel value.

In traditional retail, "circulation is cost"-goods generally pass through secondary and tertiary wholesalers (distributors) and then to the final terminal retailer, and the intermediate price increase is easy to exceed 50%, or even multiple price increase;

In e-commerce (online retail), "channel is cost"-goods can reach consumers directly from the first-class warehouse, in which the e-commerce platform is drawn and the operating cost of e-commerce still exists, but the agglomeration effect, channel efficiency and price of e-commerce still have advantages compared with traditional retail;

The general e-commerce live broadcast is based on e-commerce, and the channel of live broadcast is continued. When the shipment volume of the live broadcast room is large enough to still cover the marginal cost of goods under the condition of "the lowest price in the whole network", the merchant is profitable.

From the perspective of game theory, "zero-sum game" is not a result for e-commerce live broadcast, but a trend. To understand with Krugman’s "impossible trinity", it is unrealistic to maintain a long-term balance among merchant benefits, anchor/platform benefits and consumer welfare.

In the link of live broadcast with goods, the beneficiaries of merchants’ profits include platforms, institutions, anchors and consumers, and the consumers have the lowest voice. Once the balance between channel efficiency and value is broken, the cost will eventually spread on consumers.

As a shipping channel, live delivery can only focus on pre-selection and product discount, and the anchor team’s binding force on merchants’ performance and after-sales in the later period of the transaction is actually not high.

There are not a few such things. The reason why Li Jiaqi’s "rollover" looks more is that he is the head, and these things happen during the live broadcast and are more easily seen by everyone on social media.

What needs special explanation is that, although there are many so-called phenomena of "county magistrate selling goods live" and farmers carrying goods live, in essence, both Taobao live and Aauto Quicker, Tik Tok and other platforms are based on the e-commerce model.

A very simple truth is that I sell specialty products live in the village head, not to sell to fellow villagers, but to complete the transaction with someone thousands of miles away through a mature e-commerce platform, channels and after-sales system.

Therefore, what the live broadcast needs to measure is whether it can further improve the operational efficiency in the traditional e-commerce model, rather than comparing it with the traditional offline store operation.

Even from the retail point of view, there is a big difference between online and offline sales and consumption. Many business behaviors that changed from offline to online during the epidemic will eventually return to the original track.

Clean out treasure to train, taobao guest, Beijing Zhuntong, etc., as well as brushing and grading (although they are gray products), are all common buying methods. Live delivery is not only a new form of e-commerce agency operation, but also has the function of "buying quantity".

In addition to "small profits but quick turnover", many merchants and brands can also accept "trading at a loss". In this case, more consideration is given to exposure and brand awareness. Fast and large-scale shipment through live broadcast will also help some new products and stores to improve the recommendation weight of e-commerce platforms.

After the rise of e-commerce, in the process of many traditional brands transforming into online channels, there has been a demand for e-commerce to operate on their behalf. In the traditional e-commerce agency operation, how to balance online and offline business is also critical, such as whether online and offline are the same? Is the same paragraph the same price and homogeneity?

For the retail industry, it is a delicate job to maintain the balance of the price system of each channel. After the popularization of e-commerce, all goods can be compared, but "price is not everything", which ultimately determines consumers’ buying behavior, and it is the common effect of different reasons such as differences in consumer goods, urgency and cultural additional attributes.

On the night of the first broadcast in Tik Tok, Luo Yonghao, e-commerce and price comparison platforms launched special zones such as "Lao Luo Live with the same paragraph" and "Lower than Lao Luo". The "lowest price of the whole network" itself is a comparative discount rather than an absolute discount, and the enthusiasm is obvious.

However, it also reflects a problem that has not been solved by live e-commerce. Will the preferential price of live broadcast have an impact on the price system of manufacturers and brands?

On the industrial side, the regular price (price tag) of standardized brands is generally the actual selling price (often seasonal), in addition to discount prices, promotional prices, activity prices, and hook products (special prices).

The regular prices of more commodities, especially those sold online, are generally confusing. For example, in Luckin Coffee, the regular prices and competing products are all against Starbucks, and after 1.8 and 3.8 discounts, they are actually similar to convenience store coffee. So what gradient is Ruixing’s product itself?

From the consumer’s point of view, the only thing that can be evaluated in the end is the terminal channel price, that is, the difference of the "hand-to-hand price", and "where can the buyer have the seller’s essence" will not change.

Looking back at the e-commerce live broadcast, it is a common measure to give special prices to the goods in the live broadcast room through special channels. For many brands, they want to gain exposure and user growth through this "hook product", but there are also many merchants who are purely for the purpose of fast shipment.

Anson, who is engaged in digital marketing, provided a case. Before that, he met a customer of a traditional manufacturer who wanted to transform. They made a brand positioning plan and a launch plan for the customer and provided a set of digital marketing plans. But the customer said: "The brand is useless. Now online celebrity can sell it with goods."

"You don’t need to be a brand, it’s good to be able to sell goods." Many merchants who blindly enter the live broadcast with goods may think so, but without a brand, there will be no premium, and the profit of bringing goods to online celebrity will not go up.

Merchants want to choose anchors, and anchors are also picking brands and goods. The first-line brands have lower commissions, which is also a manifestation of brand premium.

Anson’s customer has his own factory, which does processing for some high-end brands in Europe and America, so he doesn’t understand "why can’t you take it easy and not make a brand?"

There is a saying that live broadcast is a "what you see is what you get" mode. Is this good for the brand?

From the perspective of exposure and brand, the effectiveness of live broadcast also needs to be fully evaluated, and exposure has advantages and disadvantages. Whether in Li Jiaqi, Viya or Lao Luo, the "rollover" brand is often the most widely spread after the live broadcast.

From the perspective of branding, live broadcast is actually not as good as graphic and short video content. As a part of asset management, brand strategy should be a long-term strategy, and the immediacy of live broadcast is contrary to the long-term demand of brand.

For example, people often say "Ins with the same paragraph", "Little Red Book with the same paragraph" and "Tik Tok with the same paragraph". These contents (which are also commodities) can withstand the spread, consumption and reproduction, and finally form cultural and brand recognition. However, the instant nature of live broadcast makes it difficult for them to have the ability of "planting grass" with pictures, texts and short videos.

Of course, Li Jiaqi has also boosted L ‘Oreal, Guerlain and other brands, which is the embodiment of the anchor’s fit with commodities and brands, and is also directly related to the professional ability of the anchor team. The brand needs to spend money on the right anchor for a long time, and it is hard to say that this income is cost-effective.

Selling goods by live broadcast is not omnipotent. Finding a suitable platform, anchor and pricing can make profit from selling goods. Blind pursuit of "live broadcast effect" can’t do a good job in cost control and income evaluation, not necessarily making money, and it is likely to overturn.

On January 9th, 2020, Yujiahui, the parent company of "Royal Nifang", received an inquiry letter from the management department of the Growth Enterprise Market Company of Shenzhen Stock Exchange, asking about its cooperation mode and content with online celebrity anchor, and its influence on the company’s operating performance, and whether there was any situation of exaggerating the influence of cooperation with online celebrity.

Qingyan (Beauty Media) reported that on January 14th, Yujiahui issued an announcement in reply to the inquiry letter, saying that it cooperated with Li Jiaqi Live 47 times, Viya Live more than 30 times, and cooperated with more than 1,500 online celebrity anchors such as Kiki and Lieer Baby in Jie Chen, and the total number of live broadcasts exceeded 8,000.

In the first three quarters of 2018 and the first three quarters of 2019, the sales of products involved in online celebrity anchor cooperation accounted for 0.99% and 4.02% of the company’s operating income respectively.

Yujiahui said that more than 8,000 live broadcasts with goods have not yet constituted the main source of sales and have little impact on the company’s operating performance.

In addition, Yujiahui also announced the proportion of its promotion and sales in 2018 and January-September 2019. Yujiahui’s brand promotion expenses decreased significantly in January-September 2019, but the proportion of platform promotion service fees in sales expenses further increased to 38.51% (35.49% in 2018).

The platform promotion service fee in Yujiahui’s announcement is mainly the commission, technical service fee, promotion service fee or software service fee and rebate paid to the e-commerce platform or the brand promotion service, which shows that Yujiahui still has a high platform promotion expenditure.

The reason why Shenzhen Stock Exchange inquired about Yujiahui was that Yujiahui released the facts about the cooperation with online celebrity to investors, but did not explain the specific impact of the business on the company’s operation. In this regard, the Shenzhen Stock Exchange requires it to explain whether there are situations such as actively catering to market hotspots, speculating the company’s share price, and cooperating with shareholders to reduce their holdings.

It can be seen from the contents of Yujiahui’s announcement that it is a fact to cooperate with online celebrity, and it is also a fact that the level of cooperation with online celebrity is not low and the proportion of sales is not high.

Coincidentally, the storm of live broadcast with goods as an emerging concept in the capital market is not an isolated case.

On February 11th, Xiamen Sanwu Internet announced a major asset restructuring announcement, intending to acquire Shanghai Wanrui (Netstar DreamWorks), a MCN company with more than 700 online celebrity IPs and 500 million fans. At present, Shanghai Wanrui has also increased its investment in live broadcast.

After the announcement, the share price of Sanwu Interconnect continued to limit. Later, Sanwu Interconnect received two inquiries from Shenzhen Stock Exchange, and was asked to answer several major questions in the acquisition: whether the disclosure of the plan was prudent, whether there was insider trading, whether the actual controller had a reduction plan, the core competitiveness and going concern ability of the target company, etc.

In the second inquiry letter, the question about Shanghai Wanrui, the target company, is particularly acute:

Please disclose the statistical caliber of "more than 500 million fans", and whether there is "buying fans" and double counting the number of fans;

Please disclose more than 700 online celebrity, and list the number of small and medium-sized incubation online celebrity IP, big coffee online celebrity IP, and head online celebrity IP by classification;

Please disclose the integrated marketing case completed by the target company and the amount of the customer bill;

The Sanwu Internet responded to the inquiry letter of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange and disclosed that Shanghai Haorui’s revenue in 2019 was 120 million; Among the 500 million fans, Weibo fans are 260 million, and the active fans of the company’s Weibo account account account only account for 12.61%, which is about 32.78 million.

Regarding the statistical caliber of "more than 500 million fans" in the inquiry letter, Shanghai Wanrui denied the situation of "buying fans" and admitted the problem of double counting. The double counting mainly includes that a fan pays attention to the same online celebrity on multiple platforms and multiple online celebrity IPS on the same platform are paid attention to by the same fan.

It is impossible to effectively count the data of fans. This problem is actually a common problem in the whole field of online marketing and MCN. Especially for the form of live delivery, which emphasizes the purchase and transformation, there is still a lack of transparency about the net value of customers brought by fans.

In recent years, online celebrity and MCN-related concept stocks have experienced capital speculation, and they are also faced with doubts about their business models in the capital market.

After Ruhan Holdings went public, although it is trying to cultivate new head celebrities, more than 50% of the company’s revenue is still created by Zhang Dayi alone; Mei ONE relies on Li Jiaqi, Qian Xun relies on Viya, and it is a common disease in the industry to rely on head talents.

After being inquired about the acquisition case, Sanwu Interconnect also received warning letters from Xiamen Securities Regulatory Commission to its controlling shareholder and actual controller, letters of concern from the Growth Enterprise Market of Shenzhen Stock Exchange, and public condemnation of its controlling shareholder and chairman for alleged violations.

The process that Sanwu Internet wants to acquire Shanghai Wanrui will be difficult to smooth.

On the other hand, live delivery, which relies more on the trust relationship between anchors and fans, needs to cultivate a new business model with stable user base, and also needs to answer the question of industry standardization and large-scale growth.

As a form of e-commerce agency operation, live delivery should return to live delivery to measure its value.

As we said before, live broadcast is just a tool, and the field it builds depends on the existing identities of the recipients at both ends of the screen and the field characteristics of the live broadcast platform.

In the field of live broadcast with goods, anchors and consumers are the main recipients at both ends of this field. No matter whether the live broadcast room is poor, teasing dogs or talking cross talk, it will finally return to a series of problems such as product price, quality and after-sales.

So, how to understand the value of live broadcast as a tool?

Baharat Anand quoted Craig Mo Feite’s "Dumb Tube Paradox" in the fuse to discuss the pipeline role played by cable TV companies in the streaming media era. The image metaphor of "pipeline" can also be used to understand the value of live broadcast.

The paradox of "dumb tube" reveals the reality that American cable TV service providers, under the impact of the Internet, have abandoned their content lines and transformed into information infrastructure providers, and have also fundamentally changed their existence value in the digital age, so they will not be stifled by the rise of online media.

The domestic example is the communication service providers represented by the three major operators. Traditional communication services such as telephone and SMS have been increasingly replaced by network communication software, but as infrastructure providers, operators’ income has been increasing.

According to the data of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the growth rate of telecom business revenue still increased steadily from January to November in 2019, and the telecom business revenue totaled 1,203.9 billion yuan, up 0.5% year-on-year, and the growth rate increased steadily. Looking at the operators’ income again, the operating income of China Mobile in 2019 was 745.9 billion yuan, that of China Unicom in 2019 was 290.51 billion yuan, and that of China Telecom in 2019 was 375.734 billion yuan.

Correspondingly, Alibaba Group’s revenue in fiscal year 2019 (April 2018 to March 2019) was 376.844 billion yuan, and Tencent’s annual revenue in 2019 was 377.289 billion yuan.

Only from the perspective of revenue, the two giants of the Internet can add up to be comparable to an operator of China Mobile.

Even though many people have long lost the habit of texting, during the period from January to November 2019, the revenue of domestic mobile SMS business still reached 35.8 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 2%.

If Internet companies such as Tencent and Ali are cars, communication service providers are the way. This is the value of the pipeline, which is the embodiment of the "channel is king" in the communication industry.

For Internet platforms such as Taobao, Tik Tok and Aauto Quicker, the principle of pipeline value also applies.

What the platform needs to take into account is the growth of its entire traffic market. It is a very realistic stage growth strategy to encourage short videos when short videos are on fire and stimulate live broadcasts when live broadcasts are on fire.

As far as the field of live broadcast is concerned, an obvious problem is that although the platform side has said a lot to encourage the development of the industry and issued a lot of policies, it is still a few head anchors.

It is enough for the platform to stimulate the participation enthusiasm of the industry through the demonstration effect of the head anchor.

Another question worth thinking about is, will the platform really spare no effort to support live delivery?

The live e-commerce research report of China Merchants Securities pointed out that the essence of live e-commerce is the embodiment of the brand’s desire for private domain traffic. The research report also believes that live e-commerce reshapes the people’s goods yard: 1. People change from active consumption to passive consumption; 2, the goods go to middlemen, and the origin of the products is brought closer; 3. The function of "clairvoyance+clairvoyance" has become a reality.

In 2017, after Jack Ma put forward the concept of "new retail", Zhang Yong, then CEO of Alibaba, continued to interpret the new retail from the concept of "people, goods and fields", pointing out that the key is the reconstruction of all commercial elements and the efficiency improvement brought by element reconstruction.

In the following years, the theory of "people’s goods yard" continued to be widely used in the retail and consumption fields, such as social e-commerce, community group buying, fresh e-commerce and other fields, and even appeared in smart homes, e-cigarettes and other industries.

In the meantime, the theory of "people’s goods yard" has undergone obvious marketing conceptualization, from the relatively complex and macro level of new retail, to more vertical fields and industries, and even to a specific product and function, and at the same time, it emphasizes methodology and quick results.

It can realize a live broadcast of e-commerce with over 10 million goods and over 100 million goods, which seems to perfectly fit the efficiency improvement of the so-called "people and goods yard" reconstruction. However, can the considerable sales ability of an anchor and a live broadcast with goods really verify the "people’s freight yard" theory?

Looking back at the retail industry, there are still too many uncertainties about whether the scale, stability and controllable efficiency necessary for factor reconstruction can be popularized and verified in the industry for a long time:

As we mentioned above, the live broadcast has a head effect and goes further; For another example, even for the head MCN, the research report of China Merchants Securities also said that such institutions are currently small, and their business models and profitability have yet to be verified.

In recent years, whether it is new retail or social e-commerce, the mode innovation of the so-called "people’s goods yard" often falls on the innovation and change of consumption scenes.

In the evolution of consumption scenarios, we can use the concepts of online celebrity economy, sinking market and private domain in recent years to establish a simple analysis framework to further discuss the e-commerce live broadcast:

As we all know, Li Jiaqi was a BA (Beauty Consultant for Cosmetics Counter) of L ‘Oré al in his early years and won the sales champion. At the end of 2016, MCN Institutional Beauty ONE cooperated with L ‘Oré al Group in the Taobao live broadcast project of "BA online celebrity". After Li Jiaqi entered the competition, she signed Beauty ONE to become a beauty expert. Since then, she has accumulated a large number of fans in Taobao live broadcast. After selling lipstick with Jack Ma "PK" in double 11 in 2018, "Lipstick One Brother" has gradually come out of the circle.

Has Li Jiaqi proved the success of the project of "BA online celebrity"?

As of March 29, 2020, the Taobao list shows that the Taobao Live Talent Index ranks in the top 100, and the signing talents of US ONE are only Li Jiaqi and Hu Yueming _demi; In addition, as early as February 2018, Hu Yueming _demi’s Taobao fans reached 850,000. At present, she ranks 18th on the list of people with just over 1.15 million Taobao fans.

There are various accidental and inevitable factors for Li Jiaqi’s popularity. "BA online celebrity" is an opportunity for Li Jiaqi, but the project itself is far from success. It can even be said that Li Jiaqi is an accident of this project, and until now, US ONE still relies too much on Li Jiaqi.

The modest search of the first list of Taobao institutions reflects the other side of e-commerce live broadcast in the operation of Daren:

Although it is not as out of the circle as Li Jiaqi, Viya is still another peak in Taobao anchor, including the accumulation of long-term offline retail and online stores in Viya, and the help of institutionalized operation after the establishment of Qianxun.

In the same period, Taobao Live Talent Index ranked in the top 100, and 14 talents were Qianxun’s artists. Besides Viya, Qianxun was more active in signing talents, such as famous beauty bloggers such as late-night xu teacher and Zhang Mofan, and online celebrity.

Qianxun’s strategy of signing a top talent is in line with the natural trend of "BA-ization in online celebrity" after the outbreak of e-commerce live broadcast, that is, more and more online celebrity and stars with voice want to enter this industry.

This also reflects that MCN institutions such as Midea ONE, Qianxun, Ruhan and Worry-Free still can’t realize the vision of "cultivating online celebrity in batches". In terms of the incubation and liquidity of online celebrity, MCN institutions have hardly changed or improved in recent years.

MCN itself has become a outlet by outlet. Whether it is a content production organization or a service provider with content marketing as its core is a "strange circle" that MCN has not walked out of.

When it comes to online celebrity, Aauto Quicker and Tik Tok, as important platforms for live broadcast of goods in online celebrity, have obvious differences from Taobao live broadcast.

According to the data of China Merchants Securities, the daily average transaction volume of live broadcast goods in Aauto Quicker in 2019 is 100 million, and it is expected to be 40-50 billion for the whole year; Everbright Securities predicts that the narrow-caliber transaction scale of Aauto Quicker live broadcast will be 25 billion (the transaction scale within the platform) and 150 billion (the transaction scale led by the anchor to WeChat).

The limelight of Aauto Quicker live broadcast is not so much the emergence of "e-commerce live broadcast" as the exposure of Aauto Quicker live broadcast itself.

Aauto Quicker’s long-term accumulation of users in the sinking market, anchor trust foundation and live broadcast selling habits are the basis for Aauto Quicker to become the second platform for live broadcast.

As for the sinking market, we have said in previous reports that the "Internet going to the countryside" represented by the sinking market is actually a continuation of the "information equality" movement, and the greatest significance lies in the reconstruction of information elements. Third-and fourth-tier cities, small towns and vast rural markets are related to more intertwined channels, interpersonal patterns and differences in consumption concepts, but they are fundamentally urbanization problems.

From the perspective of urbanization, the sinking market and private domain are actually highly compatible:

Due to the more thorough transformation of commercial culture, cities have typical characteristics of consistent consumer culture, such as consumer brands such as Haidilao and Xicha, and commercial real estate brands such as Vanke Center and wanda plaza, which are very popular in first-and second-tier cities, and even in some third-and fourth-tier cities.

In small towns, rural areas and other areas, the more traditional business model is still very competitive. Even online car rental and take-out services with prominent Internet platform may not compete with local car rental and take-out services in these areas. As for the differences of consumer brands, from the early store sinking strategy of vivo and OPPO, the traditional dealer stores such as VIP Bird and Elcon operated in franchise mode, and the brand recognition in the sinking market was also high.

Another example is that some special fields and specialized services are based on the different needs of different markets, which is the embodiment of the "ten miles of different sounds" in the consumer field.

To put it simply, the difference in lifestyle between first-line and second-line residents is far less than that between county towns and rural areas. Urban culture is consistent, so online celebrity stores can be opened all over the country; Sinking market, city, town and village, each level is a layer, and consumer goods are very different.

The popularity of the term "sinking market" appeared around the time of listing in Pinduoduo, and the term "sinking big three" also appeared. By the end of 2019, the saying of sinking the market was more replaced by private domain.

Because the whole sinking market, in fact, is a collection of countless small private areas, with the characteristics of mutual connection and division. There is a sinking market, but the sinking market is not a big market.

In 2019, Aauto Quicker made great efforts to enter the first and second tier, and Tik Tok adopted a sinking strategy to break down the so-called "inside and outside the Five Rings" based on information services. The actual effect is actually drawing to a close.

Looking back at live delivery, the reason why "online celebrity BA" will become the mainstream is because online celebrity is a shortcut to private domain.

However, online celebrity’s popularity and consumer trust are based on long-term content and social maintenance, and it is not really possible to maintain a good popularity by bringing goods. The artistry of Li Jiaqi is also an example.

With regard to e-commerce live broadcast, the stakeholders, business model and retail reform involved are a very complicated and unsystematic issue. This article is not complete, and there are still many problems that have not been included, such as:

The following are some fragmented thoughts, but I think they have certain reference value:

1, whether Taobao or Tik Tok Aauto Quicker live broadcast with goods, can not break through their own platform positioning. It can be inferred that Aauto Quicker live delivery will encourage self-built and external e-commerce modes, and at the same time strengthen advertising share; Tik Tok’s short video marketing is stronger than live broadcast, and it is still an advertising growth strategy for a long time; Taobao live APP must rely on Taobao’s continuous diversion, and it is difficult to make a separate consumption platform, but it can be made into a tool.

2, Taobao data, about half of merchants have used Taobao live broadcast to sell goods. From an operational point of view, gradually improving the form of self-broadcast by merchants will become an important means to balance costs and operational growth.

In fact, whether it’s live broadcast of Taobao or live broadcast of other content platforms and brands, this kind of "de-online celebrity" live broadcast sales has become more common. From the point of view of employment, the sales model of shop assistants going to online celebrity is traditional BA online, and the ceiling is not very high, but it is sustainable.

In addition, don’t be too superstitious about the effect of live broadcast with goods. taobao guest, Taobao Alliance, Beijing Zhuntong, etc. still have good channel effects, and even lead WeChat and small programs to make deals. The key is cost control and comprehensive efficiency improvement.

3, based on the differences in urbanization, lifestyle and popular culture, the impact on the consumption field can not be ignored. Even in the city, since there are constantly business and brand innovations hidden, such as Modern China Tea Shop, which has not yet left Changsha. The birth and development of a new consumer brand should bring vitality to the consumer market and enrich our urban culture.

4. The efficiency of e-commerce live broadcast matching people’s freight yard should be evaluated on the basis of e-commerce. Many industries in the current epidemic stage are online, which is a last resort. We are still waiting for an opportunity to return to the offline consumption space, not for "retaliatory consumption" but for a more real life.

5, the low-cost strategy of e-commerce live broadcast is hidden in the connotation of promotion, so it is difficult to change. Platform-led low-cost, the other end is C2M, but it is difficult to get through the C2M model.

In the not-too-long history of retail development, "factory goods" often refer to "tail goods" (the sound of factory closure in Wenzhou, Zhejiang Province is still there). C2M still needs to be verified by consumer culture, which may lead to the differentiation of consumer groups and categories.

For example, clothing C2M is basically difficult to make, even if it is a basic model, different brands have their own connotations; Another example is Uniqlo’s stolen joint money. Consumption is not only a purchase, but also a kind of self-expression.

From this point of view, C2M may not be as good as OEM, ODM and OBM’s pseudo-factory model.

6, two fundamentals of consumer business, one is manufacturing, and the other is retail. The innovation of retail model is inseparable from the progress of manufacturing industry. Only a more efficient and benign development of manufacturing industry can bring real consumer surplus.

"Consumer surplus is an important indicator to measure consumer welfare."


"The little red book of 250 million users began to broadcast live-e-commerce temptation? Or content anxiety? Blue Whale Muddy Water June 21, 2019

Farewell to 2010s, Past and Future of "Traffic Commerce" Blue Whale Muddy Water December 24, 2019

"Eleven Years Changed by double 11" Blue Whale Muddy Water November November 2019

China Merchants Securities: Live E-commerce Kill in Three Kingdoms, from "Cats Fighting Dogs" to "Cats Shaking Fast" China Merchants Securities 2020.01.05

"Li Jiaqi, Viya with goods in the end? Yujiahui handed over the answer to Shenzhen Stock Exchange.

Tik Tok is restricting online celebrity’s goods-carrying behavior, which is an inevitable choice. Internet and entertainment thieves group January 23, 2020.

"Aunt" is back. What has she experienced after being away from the screen for many years?

Carman Lee’s Classic Stills of The Condor Heroes

1905 movie network news There have been many versions of the TV series "The Condor Heroes". If someone asks you which version of "The Condor Heroes" is your favorite, what would you say?

Eight versions of The Condor Heroes

In 1976, Li Tongming played the little dragon girl, and Luo Lelin played Yang Guo. This is the oldest edition, and most young people have never seen it, but the old play of bones is still worth remembering. Come on! Feel a wave of old play bones when I was young.

Li Tongming plays the little dragon girl, and Luo Lelin plays Yang Guo (right: TVB’s old play bone Luo Lelin).


The second edition, starring Andy Lau and Chen Yulian in 1983, once set a record in Hong Kong, but Andy Lau was buried in the snow after refusing to sign TVB’s five-year contract. Chen Yulian, the "little dragon girl", and Chow Yun Fat had a love affair for five years, which ended in nothing.

At that time, Andy Lau was really tender.

In the third edition of The Condor Heroes in 1984, Pan Yingzi played the little dragon girl and Meng Fei played Yang Guo. Maybe you haven’t heard their names, but the photos below may have been seen.

 Pan Yingzi and Meng Fei in golden couple (right: Pan Yingzi)

In 1998, The Condor Heroes was also the most questioned version, starring Jacklyn Wu and Richie Jen. This edition has more modern elements and less charm of costume films, so the audience’s evaluation is not high.

 Jacklyn Wu has worked with stars such as Leslie Cheung, Andy Lau, Jacky Cheung and Stephen Chow.

Fan Wenfang and Li Mingshun starred in The Condor Heroes in 1998. At that time, Fan Wenfang had the reputation of "the first beauty in Singapore", and her little dragon girl surprised many people. In 2009, she married Li Mingshun, the actor of Yang Guo, and got married outside the play. Their love became a much-told story.

In 2009, the marriage of Fan Wenfang and Li Mingshun became a story.

In 2006, many people have seen The Condor Heroes starring Liu Yifei and Huang Xiaoming. Liu Yifei’s face value and Huang Xiaoming’s acting skills won the hearts of many audiences.

 Classic stills of The Condor Heroes by Liu Yifei and Huang Xiaoming.

The latest 2014 version of The Condor Heroes, starring Chen Xiao and Michelle Chen, is written by the screenwriter. This version of Michelle Chen’s style has been vomited by the audience, and her name of "Xiaolongbao" comes from the style of this play.

Michelle Chen’s "Xiaolongbao" shape vomited by the audience

There are so many editions of The Condor Heroes introduced earlier, and I think everyone has found that one edition has been missed. This edition is the most acclaimed and recognized classic, and the 1995 edition of The Condor Heroes starring Carman Lee and Louis Koo will bring back many people’s memories now. Douban scored 8.9, and it is not difficult to see that this edition is still very popular with everyone.

I just want to say that the "Guo Er" at that time was so naughty.

The theme song of this edition of "The Condor Heroes" is also well-known and can be called a classic.

Continental theme song: "Return to Come"

Some lyrics:

Ah, you can pick up the afterglow of ups and downs

Ah, keep the moment open for you forever

Ah, you can pick up the afterglow of ups and downs

Ah, keep the moment open for you forever

China Hong Kong Edition Theme Song:Myth and love story

Some lyrics:

Love is happy, sad, intoxicated and emotional.

Or as a legend in the future.

Love is a Covenant, a habit, time and white hair.

I’m surprised and happy to call you, too.

When you hear these two songs, which scene of The Condor Heroes will remind you of? Look at the reply from netizens:

The response of netizens when they heard "Return to Come"

The response of netizens when they heard "Fairy Tales"

Review the image of being "disgusted" by netizens. Did mom and dad cover your eyes when you saw Yin Zhiping "defile" your aunt?

Yin Zhiping "defiled" her aunt’s picture.

On 15th, Carman Lee, which has been keeping a low profile, suddenly opened Weibo, and wrote: "I finally opened Weibo! Ha ha ha … ". Let’s talk in detail about what happened to my "aunt" who has been away from the screen for many years. 

Carman Lee opens Weibo account.

Carman Lee, a Hong Kong actress in China, whose father is a worker and her mother is a full-time wife. She ranks seventh among ten children. When she was a child, her neighbors would gossip because she looked like a hybrid. When she was a child, Carman Lee once thought that she was picked up by her parents.

Carman Lee family photo

Carman Lee childhood photo

Carman Lee did well when she grew up, but she didn’t go to college for love. Before becoming an actress, she was a flight attendant. (The picture below shows Carman Lee’s uniform of the same year, please fill it by yourself. ) She had never studied acting, and was discovered by a talent scout by chance. At that time, scouting was popular. Ruby Lin, Gao Yuanyuan, Liang Yongqi, Ehan Juan, Chun Wu, Michele Monique Reis, Maggie Cheung, Cherie Chung, Guan Zhilin and Chen Huixian were all discovered by scouting in the street.

It is reported that Carman Lee wore this uniform when she was a flight attendant.

After being discovered by a talent scout, Carman Lee shot his first advertisement in 1990, and in the same year, he made a guest appearance as a classmate of Joey Wong in the movie "Romantic Killing Freemen" starring Yam Tat-wah and Joey Wong. While filming this movie, Carman Lee hurt his knee and cried while taking a shower. At that time, Carman Lee was still a little "baby fat", but she once admitted on the show that she missed herself very much.

Carman Lee made a guest appearance as a classmate of Joey Wong in "Romantic Killing Freemen".

In 1992, Carman Lee was discovered by director Tsui Hark, and after some tests, she was chosen to play the role of Erzi Luo in the film. With distinctive facial features and outstanding temperament, she left a deep impression on people, and it seems that she will be open-minded in the future. But at that time, Carman Lee was not interested in being a star. He didn’t want to be an actor, but wanted to be a nurse, but he couldn’t realize this wish for fear of blood. On the other hand, now, how many people are determined to be stars with the determination of "breaking their heads and bleeding". In the past, actors acted because they loved drama, but now some stars act because of "money".

Carman Lee’s stills in the movie Monster City.

In 1993, there was a reversal. The airline in Carman Lee refused to let her rest when she was ill. Then she resigned and entered the entertainment industry. In the same year, she signed a contract with Du Qifeng Company to shoot a film in the mainland for four months. The film "Burning Red Lotus Temple" made her formally enter the entertainment industry. At that time, she chose to leave Hong Kong for another reason, that is, she was lovelorn. Carman Lee, who just entered the entertainment circle, had a hard time. She once recalled: "Nobody cares about you when you are injured. Nobody cares about you when you are injured. You have to do whatever I tell you to do. I feel uncomfortable and I feel unfair. I didn’t do anything wrong, because you may have to find someone to take the blame, so you will find me, and you will find this new person. You also have something unclear. I feel very bitter and I feel very wronged. "

Carman Lee officially entered the entertainment industry with "Burning Red Lotus Temple"

Carman Lee, who had been filming for four months, didn’t want to act because she was too bitter, but her friend told her that she should give herself another chance and try again. If she really didn’t like it, she wouldn’t do it. Carman Lee tried again. In 1994, he starred in the movie "An Ordinary Sunday", and in the same year.

After 1994, Carman Lee liked acting.

In 1995, Carman Lee starred in the costume drama "The Condor Heroes", which became popular all over the country, and the title of "Aunt" accompanied her all her life. At that time, the producer showed Mr. Jin Yong a photo of Carman Lee. After seeing the photo, Jin Yong said that she (Carman Lee) was the little dragon girl in her mind. It is reported that at that time, Carman Lee read the script all night, read the novel several times, and found the materials of The Condor Heroes to study. During filming, she was often injured and bruised because of many action scenes, but Carman Lee persisted and created the most classic "aunt" image.

Stills of Louis Koo and Carman Lee in The Condor Heroes

In 1996, Carman Lee cooperated with Tony Leung Chiu Wai and Jordan chan, and in the same year, he played another play of Jin Yong, Tian Long Ba Bu, in which he played Wang Yuyan who dared to love and hate. Later, Carman Lee appeared in such works as Face-to-Face, Fate to the Family, Strange Tales, Young Women, Chou-heung, and Returning home like a rainbow.

Carman Lee plays Wang Yuyan who dares to love and hate in "Dragon"

After 2004, Carman Lee faded out of the screen for love. In 2009, Carman Lee’s father suffered a stroke, and he lost his ability to take care of himself. He couldn’t walk or eat. However, under her careful care, his father was successfully discharged from the hospital. Unfortunately, it was not long before his father died, and Carman Lee spent the last time with him. After his father’s death, Carman Lee often went home and put his experience and time on his family. Carman Lee’s mother likes playing mahjong, and once joked about recruiting a son-in-law to find someone who can play mahjong.

Carman Lee and mother.

At the same time, Carman Lee’s boyfriend Guo Yingquan, who had been in love for ten years, broke up with her, and Carman Lee, who was "love first", suffered a double blow. At that time, Carman Lee suffered from depression for a time, and it took two and a half years of medication to recover. The recovery of illness is inseparable from the care of Carman Lee’s mother. My mother once wrote a letter to Carman Lee: "Dear daughter, it is my happiest to have you as a daughter in my life. Thank you for always taking care of my parents and family, including taking care of my aunt’s daughter as your own, and never letting up. You only want to pay for your life without asking for anything. I am really proud to have your daughter. I have no regrets in my life. I hope you are healthy and happy. This is my only one."

Carman Lee cried when she heard her mother’s letter.

Carman Lee’s boyfriend, Guo Yingquan, is a businessman. They started dating in 1998. In 2008, Guo Yingquan asked for a breakup, and their ten-year relationship ended. Up to now, Carman Lee, who is single, revealed that she had been in love, but all of them ended in failure.

Carman Lee and her boyfriend Guo Yingquan.

Carman Lee, who loves acting, returned to the screen in 2013 and made a TV series. In 2014, Carman Lee said that Guo Er and his aunt had not seen each other for 16 years in The Condor Heroes. In real life, she and Louis Koo had not seen each other for 16 years. When they met again at the airport, Louis Koo called her "aunt" and she replied "Ah, Guo Er". It’s still you who’s going around. Coincidentally, you haven’t seen it in 16 years in and out of the play.

Carman Lee Louis Koo took a group photo at the time.

Carman Lee Louis Koo’s plays have not been seen for 16 years.

In 2015, Carman Lee participated in the movie "The Tomb of the Butterfly", and in 2017, he also appeared in the TV series "Breaking the Sky" and "Hitom Through the Rain and Rouge".

Carman Lee stills of "Butterfly Tomb"

Such a video circulated on the Internet is a variety show jointly attended by Carman Lee and Kimi. At that time, Kimi was blindfolded and guessed the goddess next to her by the guest’s prompt, and Carman Lee was standing next to her. Kimi also joked: "Aunt, I have an exam tomorrow. Please call me twice and let me pass." Now things are man-made, and people can’t help feeling.

Carman Lee and Kimi participated in the variety show.

It’s been three days since Carman Lee opened Weibo. The number of her fans has exceeded 200,000, the number of the first Weibo comments has reached 27,000, and the number of likes has reached 280,000. The popularity of "Aunt" Carman Lee can be seen. Today, she also sent her own fitness photo in Weibo, saying, "The gym is the place where I have signed in for many years, and it has been a habit for more than ten years."

Screenshot of Carman Lee Weibo

Carman Lee fitness photo

From Carman Lee’s Weibo, it is not difficult to see that she is a person who likes Xiao Zhenxing. As she said, what she yearns for is a quiet and happy life. After many years, "Aunt" came back, and the fans didn’t forget her, and she didn’t forget us. This is really something to be thankful for.

Today’s rain | How to keep full of vitality in a good rainy season? Here comes the secret of health →

  Rain WaterAs the second of the twenty-four solar terms, it marks the beginning of awakening nature from the deep sleep in winter. With the gradual warming of the temperature, the ice and snow began to melt and the precipitation increased day by day, so it was named "rain". The ancient book Yizhoushu recorded in detail the phenological changes after solar terms such as "Hongyan Lai" and "Vegetation Germination".

  During the rain, the metabolism of the human body is becoming more and more active, and the yang begins to rise, which will lead to the emptiness of some people, especially children, and may show physical weakness.

  Therefore, there are rainy seasons."A hundred herbs come back to life, and all diseases are prone to occur."The characteristics of. During this period, people can follow the principle of "nourishing yang in spring and summer, invigorating spleen and eliminating dampness" to prevent and treat diseases.

  In this season, how to adjust diet, routine and exercise habits can achieve the purpose of nourishing yang and strengthening spleen, eliminating dampness and preventing diseases?Sun Yixian Memorial Hospital of Sun Yat-sen UniversityDirector and deputy chief physician of medical acupuncture specialtyYi WeiminWill combine the theory of traditional Chinese medicine and many years of clinical experience for everyone.

  01 spring cover to prevent "cold in spring"

  In rainy season, the climate is changeable, and there is often a serious phenomenon of "late spring cold"."On the news of taking pictures" said: "The weather in spring is cold and warm, so you can’t take off your cotton-padded clothes. The old people are weak and weak, and the air is cold and easy to hurt the film. When you are ready, it is easy to warm up, and you can’t go violently."

  This means that in spring, you should not take off your thick clothes too early, but increase or decrease your clothes as the temperature fluctuates.Especially for the elderly, it is particularly important to pay attention to keeping warm. There is also a folk saying that "spring covers autumn and freezes, and no miscellaneous diseases are born", which emphasizes the importance of maintaining proper warmth in spring. It can be seen that in the chilly spring season, we still need to wear more clothes and cover them properly, which is not only to meet the needs of yang, but also to resist evil and prevent diseases.

  So, how and where should spring cover?Lao Lao Heng Yan tells us the answer: "Spring is freezing and half a pan, the lower body is too warm, and the upper body is slightly reduced, so it nourishes the yang." Similarly, Sun Simiao, a medical sage, also advocated that clothes should be "thick under and thin on" in spring. For those who suffer from joint pain, the importance of spring covering is self-evident.More attention should be paid to the warmth of joints such as shoulders, waist and legs to prevent diseases caused by the invasion of cold and dampness.

  02 when the liver is strong and the spleen is weak, it should be reconciled

  Spring corresponds to the liver, and the liver qi is vigorous and rising, which makes people refreshed. However, if the hair rises excessively, it may lead to bad symptoms such as blushing, irritability, impatience and irritability; On the other hand, if the liver qi stagnates, it will lead people to fall into depression and depression. Therefore,In spring, nourishing and regulating the liver becomes the core of health care.

  The rise and stagnation of liver qi are closely related to personal emotions. Maintaining optimism and peace of mind is not only excessive but also not stagnation to ensure the rise and stagnation of liver qi. In addition, according to the five elements theory of traditional Chinese medicine, the liver blocks the spleen, and the liver is prosperous and the spleen is weak in spring. Spleen weakness may affect the normal operation of digestive system, leading to abdominal distension, abdominal pain and other uncomfortable symptoms.Therefore, in the rainy season, the diet should pay attention to invigorating the spleen.

  Sweet food has the effect of invigorating the spleen, while sour food enters the liver, and its sexual convergence. Excessive consumption is not conducive to the growth of yang in spring and the release of liver qi, and even makes the already prosperous liver qi more prosperous, causing greater harm to the spleen and stomach.

  Therefore, the diet in rainy season should follow the principle of "saving acid and increasing sweetness to nourish spleen". Appropriate intake of sweet food, such asChinese yam, jujube, carrot, taro, sweet potato, potato, pumpkin, longan and chestnut.At the same time, reduce the intake of sour food, such as dark plum and sour plum.

  Besides,Avoid eating too much cold and greasy things.To protect the spleen and stomach yang. Porridge is a digestible food, and the porridge cooked with the above ingredients has a good effect on harmonizing the spleen and stomach and nourishing the body.

  In the rainy season, the climate gradually warms up, but it is windy and dry, and the skin, mouth and tongue are often dry, and the lips are chapped. Therefore, it should beIncrease the intake of fresh vegetables and juicy fruits., in order to supplement human body water and nourish yin and body fluid.

  03 emotional management does not ignore

  Attention should be paid to emotional health care in rain and solar terms. Because the weather is changeable, people’s mood is easy to fluctuate, which leads to mental depression and constant worries, which has a great negative impact on physical and mental health. Especially for people with chronic diseases such as hypertension, heart disease and asthma, this effect is more obvious. Chinese medicine believes that worry hurts the spleen. In other words, excessive anxiety will damage the spleen and stomach, leading to dysfunction of the spleen and stomach.

  For example, if you have an argument or other unpleasant things before eating, you will often feel "full of gas". If you force yourself to eat at this time, you will probably have symptoms such as nausea and vomiting.Because depressed and negative emotions will inhibit the central nervous system and excite the sympathetic nerves.In turn, it leads to a decrease in the secretion of various digestive juices and a disorder of muscle activity in the digestive system, thereby reducing appetite and causing symptoms such as nausea and vomiting.

  Therefore,Rainy season. We should actively adjust our mentality, keep our mood calm, cheerful and open-minded, and be kind to others.When things go wrong, don’t get bogged down and get rid of negative emotions in time. The liver likes smoothness.And depression, only by maintaining a calm state, can make the liver qi stable and the spleen and stomach calm.

  04 When the weather is sunny, go to bed late and get up early.

  During this period, the days are quietly lengthened, while the nights are gradually shortened. In order to conform to the natural rhythm changes, people should adjust their work and rest, appropriately shorten the length of sleep, go to bed late and get up early, so as to facilitate the growth of yang.Specifically, it is suggested to fall asleep before 11 o’clock every night and wake up before 7 o’clock in the morning to welcome the new day.

  At the time of spring birth, it is the time when shaoyang is born, and the gallbladder belongs to shaoyang and is connected with the liver. According to the meridian theory of traditional Chinese medicine, the gallbladder meridian runs on both sides of the head, so you can comb both sides of the head with a comb every day, and by evacuating the gallbladder meridian, you can reach the yang qi and follow the trend of hair growth. This method of keeping in good health, just as the theory of keeping in good health said: "In spring and March, comb your hair one or two hundred times every morning, and you will live a long life."Through simple grooming, you can promote health and prolong life.

  05 Chunyang Shengfayi Exercise

  After winter’s silence and dormancy, the arrival of rain and solar terms marks the arrival of vibrant spring.At this time, everything on the earth is reviving, which is a good time for outdoor exercise.

  The human body should follow the natural rhythm and actively participate in outdoor activities, such asWalking, jogging, playing Tai Ji Chuan and other light sports., make the body and mind into nature. Through soothing exercise to mobilize the yang of the human body and adjust the mood. There is a saying in "On the News of Photographing Life": "When the spring is harmonious, you should look at the garden pavilions and empty places, and use your arms to stay in the air, so as to be angry and not to sit upright, so as to be depressed." This statement just emphasizes the importance of outdoor sports in spring.

  howeverAttention should also be paid to the control of exercise intensity during exercise.. Excessive exercise will lead to excessive consumption of qi in the body, which will weaken the control of liver qi, make liver qi overflow and leak out, and eventually cause symptoms such as fever and excessive internal heat.

  Source: "Guangzhou Health and Health Commission" WeChat WeChat official account

Interview with President of Peking University Examinations Institute: Furniture made like a mold

  Dean of Peking University Examination and Research Institute interviewed Xueba.

  What is the life direction of these "cow children"?

  Author: Qin Chunhua

  □ Education has been simplified into a straight line for further studies. All the processes exist only for that final result: going to Peking University or Harvard. No one told these children what to do after going to Peking University or Harvard. Since then, life has been smooth, and we will never encounter all kinds of troubles, difficulties and hardships?

  -just busy looking for what kind of school for children, what kind of teachers to find, what kind of conditions to provide for children, how much knowledge to teach students, and how many marks to improve students are all lazy practices, and in fact they have given up their educational responsibilities as parents and teachers.

  □ Life is a journey of discovering yourself, and the road has to come out step by step. Realizing what kind of person you will become in the future is like a lighthouse in the distance, which can constantly illuminate the way forward.

  In the first half of this year, I went to Shanghai to interview students. The students have made very serious preparations, one by one, just like the application materials provided by them. Without exception, every student has excellent academic performance — — At least in the top 5% of the grade; Outstanding artistic expertise — — At least one musical instrument; Won awards for scientific and technological innovation at all levels — — At least the second prize at the municipal level; Enthusiastic about public welfare — — Go to the nursing home to wash the feet of the elderly at least once; Wait a minute. While lamenting the high comprehensive quality of Shanghai students, I also have a faint regret: they look so perfect that they don’t seem to see any shortcomings; They look so alike, just like a set of "furniture" made by a mold.

  Including their performance in the interview is also very similar. One by one, sitting in danger, smiling without showing teeth; Speak clearly and cadently, as if reciting a poem affectionately. A student came up and said, "Confucius said … …” I interrupted him and asked him what his name was. After he told me, he went on to say "Zi Yue". I interrupted him again and told him that I didn’t care how to say it, but what I cared about was what you wanted to say. He blushed and couldn’t say a word. Another student sat confidently in front of me, waiting for me to ask all kinds of possible questions, as if everything was under control. I said, I don’t have any questions for you. Do you have any questions for me? She didn’t expect me to ask such a question at all, and suddenly she panicked and was tongue-tied and almost cried.

  Obviously, all the students have received some interview training before coming, and at least have seen some "treasure books" on how to deal with the interview, but perhaps no one told them that I am not interested in who they are, but who they really are.

  What surprises me most is that when I ask them what kind of person you want to be in the future, few people can answer. The students told me that they didn’t think about it at all.

  Really never thought about it? Actually, it is not. He (she) once thought about this question, but it was a long time ago, so long that he (she) even forgot it.

  When I was a child, whenever an adult asked a child, what do you want to be when you grow up? Children always answer happily: scientists, astronauts, pilots, police uncles (aunts) … … However, when the children go to school, these problems are never mentioned again, as if they never appeared. Listening to lectures in class, doing homework at home and attending remedial classes are the whole life of students. As for what children’s interests are, what kind of people they want to be when they grow up and what kind of life they live, no one seems to care, even the children themselves don’t care. Almost all teachers, parents and students only care about one thing: how many points they got in the exam and what school they can go to.

  A growth track that is recognized as a good student, or a perfect education roadmap imagined by parents, looks like this: go to the best kindergarten in the local area; I knew a lot of Chinese characters before I went to primary school, I can do complex math problems, I can recite many classic articles in large paragraphs, and I speak fluent English. Then go to the best local primary and secondary schools; Admitted to the best university in China — — Peking University, Tsinghua; Go to the best university in the world after graduation — — Harvard, wait. Of course, many people have been aiming at famous schools such as Eton and Exeter since junior high school. Not to mention that not everyone can achieve these goals, even if all of them are achieved, then what? Where is the goal of life?

  I really want to ask: what will happen after being admitted to Peking University?

  This is not my imagination. Over the years, I have seen many excellent children all over the world. They are all talented, hardworking, and have never failed. They are always among the top groups of their peers, choosing the best schools and classes, and they are the envy of others. However, few people can observe their inner pain and confusion.

  Many students from Peking University or Harvard told me that going to Peking University or Harvard was their goal since childhood, but one day when they were really in the campus that appeared in their dreams for countless times, they often fell into deep anxiety: What should they do next? Like a mountaineer’s confusion on Mount Everest: Where is the next mountain?

  Life needs goals, but society, schools and families have not taught children how to find and set their own goals. Our understanding of life and education is too simple and lacking in imagination. We always ask our children to be successful, to be better than others, and to be admitted to the best school, but we rarely tell them what success means, where the happiness of life comes from, and what is best for them. Education has been simplified into a straight line for further studies. All the processes exist only for that final result: going to Peking University or Harvard. No one told these children what to do after going to Peking University or Harvard. Since then, life has been smooth, and we will never encounter all kinds of troubles, difficulties and hardships? In 1923, Mr. Lu Xun once thought-provoking asked: "What happened after Nora left?" I also want to ask: "What happened after I was admitted to Peking University?"

  Going to school is to get a good education, but just as savings can’t be automatically converted into investment, going to school doesn’t necessarily mean getting a good education. The reason why we send our children to school is not because they have to go to school, but because they have to be fully prepared for their future lives. Going to school is a process that a person must go through in order to achieve his life goals. In this process, the most important thing is to realize what kind of person you will become in the future.

  It is not easy to do this. Everyone comes to the world with a unique mission, which is the value of independent individuals. The difference is that some people can find their mission and finally achieve great things; Some people don’t find their mission, and they end up doing nothing and living a lifetime. Just like marriage, "a radish is a pit", and everyone has their own "uniqueness". Some people find the "only" that matches them, and their marriage is happy; Some people don’t find it, and marriage is not happy, at least not happy.

  Although a person’s life is long and there seem to be many things to do, there is only one thing that can really be done. This is a person’s mission to the world. Discover that the mission cannot rely on the "apocalypse" — — Although many people do suddenly realize their mission in their dreams or flashes of light — — Education is the most important and fundamental means. The value of education lies in awakening the potential in every child’s heart and helping them find the special mission hidden in the body and the thing they are destined to do.

  This is the real challenge that every school and every family faces in education. It is more important and fundamental to know what kind of person you will become in the future than which school you go to and how many points you get. Avoiding or ignoring this problem, just being busy with what kind of school to find for children, what kind of teachers to find, what kind of conditions to provide for children, how much knowledge to teach students, and how many marks to improve students are all lazy practices, and in fact giving up the educational responsibility as parents and teachers.

  In fact, once a child realizes what kind of person he will be in the future, he will inspire endless motivation from his heart to strive to achieve his goals. Numerous research results have proved that this endogenous driving force is far greater and more effective than the externally imposed force for human growth. We should be soberly aware that life is not a game designed by others. As long as we invest time and money and configure more powerful "equipment", we can get through customs. Once the customs clearance is completed and the game is over, life will immediately face a situation where there is no way out. Life is a journey of self-discovery, and the road depends on yourself step by step. Realizing what kind of person you will become in the future is like a lighthouse in the distance, which can constantly illuminate the way forward.

  Know what you like? Make a negative list first.

  So, how can we know what kind of person we will become in the future? In other words, how can we find the special potential in our life? Everyone’s methods may be different, but the most important thing is to listen to your inner voice, find your real interest and realize why your life will come, just like Steve Jobs who was born for Apple.

  Generally speaking, an excellent person will never do anything too badly. The real difficulty is to distinguish whether it is something you really like. The way to judge whether you really like it or not is very simple, that is, whether you are obsessed with it, whether you can willingly devote time and energy to it regardless of utility and stick to it all the time. True obsession is a state of lovesickness. I think about it during the day and at night, even dreaming. I can’t help laughing when I think of him (her). I will think of him (her) when I see anything, and all I talk to others is him (her). I am excited about it, crazy about it, and even crazy about it. It is a state of immersion in happiness. "If you don’t go crazy, you won’t survive." If you don’t reach this state, you won’t be obsessed, and you won’t be really interested.

  I suggest that every student, no matter how heavy his schoolwork is, must spare some time to be alone every day, leave a little gentle space for his mind, and listen to his deep desire in a completely relaxed state. Sometimes, you can take out a blank sheet of paper and write down your thoughts. No matter how naive, ridiculous or even shocking these ideas seem, it doesn’t matter. Anyway, they are written for themselves and have nothing to do with others.

  Some people say that I just don’t feel anything, I don’t know what I like or even what I don’t like. What should I do? A good way is trial and error. Keep trying everything, and get rid of things you don’t like in the process of trying. Make yourself a negative list. Don’t be afraid of failure. For students, the cost of failure is very small. As long as they are not expelled or dropped out of school, they can return to the classroom and start all over again.

  Be patient with yourself. Not everyone can find their "the only thrill", which takes time and effort. Don’t worry when you can’t find it, take your time, but you must keep looking for it. You may not find it if you look for it, but you won’t find it if you don’t look for it. At the same time, we should have confidence in ourselves. Since you are here for this matter, no one can steal it. It doesn’t matter if you find it earlier or later. The important thing is that you like it from your heart. Remember the American Grandma Moses who picked up a paintbrush at the age of 77? Her story tells us that as long as you really like to do something, you can start at any time, even if you are 80 years old.

  Life is not only a life, but also a quality life. Judging whether a life has quality depends on whether every day is the day you really want. "If you hear the Tao, you will die in the evening." As long as you find something you really like, even for one day, it is a happy and quality life.

  (The author is Dean of Peking University Examination and Research Institute)

Meteorologists analyze the typhoon "fireworks": they walk slowly and fickle, and may not be as "powerful" as Lichima.

Public Network Poster Journalist Liang Wen Jinan Report
Typhoon "Fireworks" has started to affect Shandong since yesterday. According to the forecast issued by Shandong Meteorological Bureau at 15: 00 on July 27th, the center of "Fireworks" will enter our province from Lunan in the early morning of 29th, and enter Bohai Sea from Binzhou to Dongying on 30th. Why does the "fireworks" travel slowly and the path changes again and again? Which areas of Shandong will be mainly affected by the transit of "fireworks"? On the afternoon of July 27th, the poster journalist of interviewed Hou Shumei, chief forecaster of Shandong Meteorological Bureau, and listened to meteorologists analyze the typhoon "fireworks".
Hou Shumei introduced that the biggest feature of the No.6 typhoon "Fireworks" this year is slow. Before landing at sea, the "fireworks" moved slowly, and the path changed again and again, and the path could be said to be "strange".
"At first, we thought it might come north or turn around and go south." Hou Shumei explained that this happened mainly because steering flow, the "fireworks", was not obvious, just between the offshore subtropical high and the inland continental high, and steering flow was very weak, so there was no obvious force to lead it, so sometimes the "fireworks" didn’t walk for a day in the early stage, and the distance was very small. "This situation is more difficult for forecasting." Hou Shumei said that the moving speed of "fireworks" is still relatively slow, but it may be faster than the previous speed after turning to the north in the future.
At present, the peripheral cloud system of "fireworks" has begun to affect Shandong and bring precipitation. According to the forecast of Shandong Meteorological Bureau at 15: 00 on July 27th, there will be heavy rainfall from south to north in our province from today’s night to 30th, and there will be heavy rain to heavy rain in southern Shandong, central Shandong and northwestern Shandong, and moderate to heavy rain in the peninsula. The heavy precipitation period is from the day of 28th to the night of 29th. The cumulative average precipitation in the whole province is 80 ~ 120mm, and the maximum rainfall intensity in Jining, Zaozhuang, Linyi, Rizhao, Jinan, Tai ‘an, Zibo, Weifang, Liaocheng, Dezhou, Binzhou, Dongying and Qingdao is 100 ~ 150mm, and the local area is more than 250mm, and the maximum rainfall intensity in one hour is 60 ~ 80mm. Heze, Qingdao, 50 ~ 80 mm in the east, more than 100 mm in some areas; Yantai and Weihai are 10 ~ 30 mm, and locally more than 50 mm (Figure 2). At the same time, the wind gradually increases from south to north, with 7-8 grades in the central Yellow Sea, Bohai Sea, Bohai Strait and northern Yellow Sea, 9-10 grades in gusts, 6-7 grades in inland areas and 8-9 grades in local gusts.
Through the real-time route map of "Fireworks", we can see that after the center of "Fireworks" moves into Shandong, it may go deep into southern Shandong, covering the whole of Shandong. Hou Shumei said that typhoons that went deep into southern Shandong were rare for many years, but they appeared more in the past two years. For example, the typhoons Capricorn and Wambia in 2018, and the typhoon Lichima in 2019. From the path, the moving path of "Lichima" in Shandong is eastward, and the path similar to that of "Fireworks" is "Wambia". Hou Shumei said that "Wambia" came in from Heze to Zaozhuang at that time and entered the sea from Dongying, which had a serious impact on Shandong.
Compared with "Wambia" and "Lichima", what is the influence of "fireworks" on Shandong? Hou Shumei said that it is impossible to rule out the possibility that the precipitation brought by "fireworks" will break through the historical extreme value at present, but from the analysis of the current situation, the conditions of "fireworks" are not as favorable as those of "Wambia". As the fireworks are gradually pushed northward in the later period, how the circulation evolves still needs attention. In addition, Hou Shumei said that "fireworks" is different from "Lichima". At present, there is no sign that the degree of rainfall caused by "fireworks" will exceed that of "Lichima", but this possibility cannot be ruled out. "With the approach of’ fireworks’, we need to continue to pay attention."

"Group-based" medical assistance allows the masses to have "medical support"

Dong Zhichao, deputy chief physician of the Third Department of Coronary Heart Disease, the First Affiliated Hospital of Dalian Medical University, is operating on patients.

Xihai all-media reporter Lu Jinwu correspondent Shi Yanshou Wen/map

"On May 20th, the interventional catheter room of Minhe County People’s Hospital was opened with the help of the First Affiliated Hospital of Dalian Medical University. On May 26th, the interventional catheter room of Minhe County People’s Hospital successfully performed the first coronary angiography and coronary stent implantation for cardiovascular patients, which filled the gap in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases in Minhe County medical institutions. Among them, the intervention of acute myocardial infarction without implant surgery and right heart catheterization was the first case in Haidong City … "On the subscription number of Haidong Citizen and Hui and Tu Autonomous County People’s Hospital, the successful cases obtained by the hospital in" group-type "assistance were recorded.

Since 2016, Binhu District, Wuxi City, Jiangsu Province, the First Affiliated Hospital of Dalian Medical University, and the Ninth People’s Hospital of Wuxi City have dispatched business backbones and department experts to Minhe County to carry out "group-style" health assistance work, so that the masses can enjoy high-quality and efficient medical and health services.

In the past, many patients in Minhe County could only be treated for cardiovascular diseases in Qinghai provincial hospitals. Li Wanfeng, president of Minhe County People’s Hospital, told the reporter that in 2010, Minhe County People’s Hospital added the Department of Cardiology. In 2011, 10 outstanding medical backbones were sent to anzhen hospital to receive a one-year training in cardiovascular disease treatment technology. After the training, due to the lack of coronary intervention treatment equipment, cardiovascular disease treatment only stayed on simple diagnosis and thrombolysis technology.

And this "stay" lasted for nearly 10 years.

The management of Minhe County People’s Hospital began to think about the solution.

Li Wanfeng said that with the strong support of the Minhe County Party Committee and the county government and the matchmaking of the temporary leaders in Binhu District of Wuxi City, Minhe County People’s Hospital won more than 6 million yuan from the east and the west, purchased medical equipment such as digital subtraction angiography, and prepared an interventional catheter room, equipped with domestic advanced ceiling-mounted large flat-panel C-arm machine, multifunctional ECG pressure monitor, defibrillator, high-pressure syringe and other medical equipment.

The establishment and operation of interventional catheter room in Minhe County People’s Hospital brings hope to patients with cardiovascular diseases.

Dong Zhichao, deputy chief physician of the Third Department of Coronary Heart Disease in the First Affiliated Hospital of Dalian Medical University, said that on May 20th, he came to Minhe County People’s Hospital from the First Affiliated Hospital of Dalian Medical University to carry out medical assistance. On the 6th day of his arrival, he completed the first case of coronary angiography+coronary stent implantation in Minhe County People’s Hospital. On the 14th day of arrival, the first emergency coronary intervention was completed. With the support of the Department of Cardiology, the First Affiliated Hospital of Dalian Medical University, Dalian Cardiology Society donated a surgical teaching and remote consultation system worth 1 million yuan to Minhe County People’s Hospital, which provided a platform for patients to seek medical treatment efficiently and quickly. The hospital has carried out surgical trial teaching, special lectures, remote consultation, etc. by using the platform, which has improved the diagnosis and treatment ability of common cardiovascular diseases of medical staff.

Li Wanfeng said that since 2016, the First Affiliated Hospital of Dalian Medical University has sent 47 experts to help, and has carried out assistance work for departments such as cardiovascular medicine, general surgery, urology, gastroenterology, and critical care medicine.

Especially since the beginning of this year, the First Affiliated Hospital of Dalian Medical University has sent seven high-quality, competent, professional and hard-working help experts, bringing new ideas and new technologies to Minhe County People’s Hospital, and cultivating a group of local talents for the hospital by mentoring. Since the interventional catheter room was put into use, Minhe County People’s Hospital has treated nearly 140 patients with cardiovascular diseases, reducing the medical burden of local people.