Report of Mianyang Municipal Transportation Bureau on the construction of a government ruled by law in 2018 (Mianjiao [2018] No.191)

  Municipal government:

In 2018, the city’s transportation system will be guided by the Supreme Leader’s Socialism with Chinese characteristics Thought in the New Era, with the implementation of the Implementation Plan for the Construction of a Government under the Rule of Law in Sichuan Province (2016-2020) and the Implementation Plan for the Construction of a Government under the Rule of Law in Mianyang City (2016-2020) as the main line, closely focusing on the overall situation of the work of "attacking the battle for transportation construction" and the decision-making arrangements of the municipal party committee on comprehensively promoting high-quality development. We will fully perform government functions in accordance with the law, further strengthen the construction of law enforcement team, establish and improve the law enforcement system, standardize administrative law enforcement procedures, and continuously improve the ability of law enforcement in a civilized and efficient manner, and all work has achieved good results. The relevant work is now reported as follows:

First, the implementation of the decision-making legality review and normative document management system.

Fully implement the government legal adviser system. The Municipal Transportation Bureau hired Daorong Minzhou Law Firm as the legal consultant, and the law firm provided professional legal services for the whole process of traffic management activities, including legal design, legal norms, legal control and legal relief. The units affiliated to the system also hired their own legal advisers. The legal adviser of our bureau participates in the discussion of important issues such as the presentation of the law at the executive meeting, the research and formulation of taxi reform documents, the review of important contracts, and the review of administrative reconsideration cases.

This year, our bureau has not formulated normative documents. Normative documents related to the transportation industry were cleaned up in time, and the cleaning results and dynamic management list were submitted as required. The Contract Review and Signing Process of Mianyang Municipal Transportation Bureau was formulated and promulgated, which clarified the responsibilities of all departments when signing contracts, improved the contract review procedures, standardized the contract signing procedures, and effectively minimized the contract risks.

Established the legality review mechanism and expert argumentation system of major decisions within Mianyang Transportation Bureau. In 2017, the Bureau and the Economic and Information Committee and other seven departments jointly issued the "Implementation Rules for the Management of Online Booking Taxi Service in Mianyang City". In the process of drafting documents, our bureau strictly implements the drafting and filing regulations of normative documents: while deeply understanding the taxi policies of the state and seven ministries and commissions, we seriously carry out a thorough investigation of Mianyang taxi industry and solicit opinions from all walks of life, and hire experts from Chengdu Administration College and Municipal Social Science Association as third-party institutions to carry out social stability risk assessment and expert argumentation on the draft text, and solicit opinions from the public and legal advisers, and finally submit them to the leading group for taxi reform for review and release.

In 2017, the bus fare adjustment led by our bureau was successfully completed without negative social benefits. Municipal Bureau of major administrative decision-making work information is complete, public participation in discussion, expert argumentation, risk assessment, legal advice, meeting discussion information collection standard and complete.

Two, perform the duties of administrative supervision according to law, and promote the "streamline administration, delegate power, strengthen regulation and improve services" reform.

First, do your duty according to law. In 2018, our bureau insisted that the law was not authorized, no rights were created outside the law, illegal decisions were made to derogate from the legitimate rights and interests of citizens, legal persons and other organizations or increase their obligations, administrative inspections and punishments were carried out beyond the scope of laws, regulations and rules, and no administrative acts were revoked or changed, and no administrative response was made.

The second is to formulate three systems: the publicity system of administrative law enforcement, the detailed rules for the implementation of the whole process record of administrative law enforcement, and the detailed rules for the implementation of the legal review of major administrative law enforcement decisions. All law enforcement units of the system are required to carry out the implementation of the three systems according to the deployment and requirements of the relevant work of the CPC Central Committee, the State Council, province and city, and in combination with the actual situation.

The third is to forward the "Sichuan Provincial Transportation Administrative Punishment Discretion Standard" by the Provincial Department of Transportation, requiring all units of the system to strictly follow the requirements of the superior documents.

The fourth is to strengthen the training and education of administrative law enforcement personnel. Nearly 600 people in the city’s transportation administrative law enforcement personnel were organized. From May to June, traffic law enforcement knowledge training was concentrated, and the unified examination was held on June 23, and all those who failed the first examination were made up. Zhang Zhuting, a well-known law professor from the Ministry of Transport, was invited to lecture on traffic administrative law enforcement and safety management regulations, and nearly 200 law enforcement officers from the system participated. The bureau specially organized more than 50 people in the system to carry out the training of the Administrative Licensing Law and the Administrative Punishment Law; Actively organize and participate in the rule of law training organized by the Ministry of Transport, provincial offices and departments directly, and the system has sent more than 80 people to participate in the training. Using the form of cross-evaluation of administrative law enforcement by the Municipal Bureau, we will carry out vivid and intuitive exchange activities between counties and districts, such as case presentation and case interpretation, and summarize and improve the level of handling cases from the perspective of the industry’s own functions and the reality of front-line law enforcement work.

Fifth, adhere to the combination of punishment and education. There was no violent law enforcement in the city’s transportation system in 2018. Improve the interface mechanism between administrative law enforcement and criminal justice, log on to the interface platform of administrative law enforcement and criminal justice in Sichuan Province in time, contact the responsible comrades of the Municipal Procuratorate, and report relevant work. Combined with the work of "eliminating evils", the illegal clues found in the law enforcement of highway transportation, such as headquarters, dispatching and suspected illegal operation of gangs, were handed over to the public security department in time.

The sixth is to promote decentralization, integration of decentralization and management, optimize services, accelerate the transformation of the government, and further promote the comprehensive efficiency of administrative examination and approval. Conscientiously implement the reform of the commercial system, fully cooperate with the industrial and commercial departments to fulfill the requirements of "double notification", submit the "double publicity" report of administrative license and administrative punishment on time every month, and publicize the administrative punishment cases closed last week on the portal website of our bureau every week.

Seventh, vigorously promote random spot checks, standardize regulatory behavior, strengthen market self-discipline and social supervision, and improve regulatory efficiency. Adhere to supervision according to law, strictly implement relevant laws and regulations, standardize post-event supervision, implement regulatory responsibilities, ensure that post-event supervision is carried out in an orderly manner according to law, and promote the institutionalization and standardization of random sampling. Adhere to fairness and efficiency, standardize the operation of administrative power, strictly standardize fair and civilized law enforcement, improve supervision efficiency, reduce the burden on market players, and optimize the market environment. Adhere to openness and transparency, open random spot checks, open procedures and open results, and implement "sunshine law enforcement" to ensure equal rights, opportunities and rules of market participants. Adhere to coordinated promotion, establish and improve a random sampling mechanism in the field of post-event supervision, form a unified market supervision information platform, and explore and promote cross-departmental and cross-industry joint random sampling.

Third, carry out hierarchical supervision, handle administrative reconsideration cases, execute effective judgments and rulings of courts, and respond to judicial suggestions.

The first is to carry out the evaluation and investigation of administrative law enforcement files of lower departments and the administrative compulsory filing system of major administrative penalties. In 2018, the Municipal Bureau evaluated the law enforcement files of the law enforcement units directly under the Bureau, and put forward rectification opinions on the problems found in the file evaluation. Strictly implement the administrative compulsory filing system for major administrative punishments, and require law enforcement units directly under the bureau to report the administrative compulsory files of major administrative punishments involving their own units to the Municipal Bureau of Law and Regulation for the record.

The second is to improve the trial mechanism of administrative reconsideration cases. According to the work requirements of the Administrative Reconsideration Law, accept the application for administrative reconsideration in time, review the administrative punishment cases of subordinate units, and make a reconsideration decision according to law. In 2018, our bureau received an application for administrative reconsideration, which is currently being processed.

The third is to implement the system of administrative organs appearing in court to respond to lawsuits. The system of responding to administrative litigation cases of Mianyang Municipal Bureau of Transportation was formulated, which clarified the responsibilities and accountability principles of each department when administrative litigation cases involving our bureau occurred. In 2018, there were no administrative litigation cases in our bureau and no judicial advice was received.

Four, the implementation of the main responsible person to promote the construction of a government ruled by law, the first responsible person and the main responsibility.

First, the "List of Responsibilities of the Principal Responsible Person of Mianyang Municipal Transportation Bureau to Fulfill the First Responsibility for Promoting the Construction of the Rule of Law" was formulated, and 13 responsibilities of the Principal Responsible Person to promote the construction of the rule of law were clarified. At the same time, we will strengthen the supervision of the principal responsible persons of subordinate departments to implement the first responsible person for the rule of law. Those who do not conscientiously perform the duties of the first responsible person for promoting the rule of law, and major illegal administrative cases occur during the year, causing serious consequences, shall be investigated for the principal responsible person’s responsibility according to law. In 2018, the Party Committee of the Bureau organized more than 20 meetings to study and solve major issues related to the construction of government departments ruled by law in a timely manner.

Second, combined with the actual situation of this department, the "Key Points for the Construction of Government Departments under the Rule of Law in Transportation in 2018" was issued, which made arrangements for the construction of government departments under the rule of law in our bureau in 2018, put forward work requirements, and clarified work objectives.

Third, combined with the mid-term supervision of the construction of a government ruled by law, we will effectively carry out administrative appraisal according to law. The Notice of Mianyang Municipal Bureau of Transportation on Printing and Distributing the Work Plan for the Evaluation of Transportation Administration by Law in 2018 (Mianjiaofa [2018] No.38) was formulated and issued, which made arrangements for the evaluation of transportation system by law in 2018. The evaluation was completed on October 15, 2018, and the evaluation results were notified on October 17.

The fourth is to fully implement the annual report system of the government under the rule of law, submit the work report on the construction of the government under the rule of law in the previous year to the municipal government and the provincial department of transportation on time, and publish it publicly on the portal website in time.

Fifth, continue to implement the system of collective study of law by leading bodies and the system of study of law by government functionaries. The Key Points of Publicity and Education on the Rule of Law in Traffic and Transportation in the City in 2018 were issued, and the leading cadres headed by the Party Committee of the Bureau were paid close attention to studying the law. At the beginning of each year, the annual pre-conference study plan was formulated and issued, and the lecturers were arranged to implement the study. Every time the Party Committee and the Bureau Council studied at least one law and regulation, the cadres had study notes, and the study files were established, and the study of the law was taken as an important part of the annual assessment of leading cadres. Full implementation of the annual law system, the implementation of the rule of law construction responsibilities will be included in the year-end debriefing of the members of the bureau’s leading group. Organize all cadres to participate in the online rule of law study exam for civil servants and public officials organized by the Municipal People’s Social Security Bureau, and all the personnel participated in the exam and passed the exam; The rule of law education was carried out through the traffic lecture hall, and four traffic lecture halls involving the rule of law education were organized in the past year.

In the next step, we will continue to take the spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee as the guide, fully implement the spirit of the important speech delivered by the Supreme Leader General Secretary at the first meeting of the Central Committee for Comprehensively Governing the Country by Law, persist in focusing on the center and serving the overall situation, and closely focus on the goal of building a government under the rule of law, constantly improve the construction of an administrative system according to law, continue to carry out in-depth publicity and education on the rule of law, solidly promote governance according to law, and continue to focus on promoting the creation of the rule of law. Efforts should be made to improve the thinking ability of systematic cadres and workers under the rule of law, comprehensively improve the concept and legal quality of systematic cadres and workers, and create a better traffic environment under the rule of law for building a modern western city.

I hereby report.

  Mianyang bureau of communications

November 16, 2018

(Contact: Yin Le, Tel: 13696271909)

Information disclosure option: active disclosure

CC: Municipal Legislative Affairs Office.

Issued by Mianyang Municipal Bureau of Transportation on November 19, 2018

Dark Blue G318 is listed, providing empty suspension + CDC shock absorption, starting from 175,900 yuan

A few days ago, the new car of Deep Blue Automobile – 2024 dark blue G318 was officially launched. The new car offers 6 configuration models, priced at 17.59-31 8,000 yuan.The new hard-core medium and large SUV of New Car Positioning Technology adopts the design style of hard-core SUV models, and is also equipped with Changan New Blue Whale 1.5T range extension hybrid system (providing rear single motor and front and rear dual motor versions). Some models also provide magic carpet + air suspension + CDC shock absorber.

Dark Blue G318 listed, 1.5T extended range hybrid, providing empty suspension + CDC shock absorption, selling from 175,900 yuan

The picture is: 2024 dark blue G318. 4WD air suspension plate

Dark Blue G318 listed, 1.5T extended range hybrid, providing empty suspension + CDC shock absorption, selling from 175,900 yuan

2024 dark blue G318 provides 6 configuration models, namely: two-wheel drive standard version, two-wheel drive comfortable version, two-wheel drive empty suspension version, four-wheel drive comfortable version, four-wheel drive empty suspension version, worry-free crossing version, the price 17.59-31 8,000 yuan.

In addition,The entry-level model (two-wheel drive standard version) has been pre-ordered and is scheduled to start delivery in August this year; while the top model (worry-free ride-through version) is scheduled to be pre-ordered in early 2025.

Dark Blue G318 listed, 1.5T extended range hybrid, providing empty suspension + CDC shock absorption, selling from 175,900 yuan

Dark Blue G318 listed, 1.5T extended range hybrid, providing empty suspension + CDC shock absorption, selling from 175,900 yuan

In the exterior design part, the 2024 dark blue G318 adopts the popular "square box" body design, its front face adopts a large area of closed front panel, and also uses a C-shaped front LED headlight group. At the same time, the bottom of the front surround also adds a tough blackened decoration + air intake to enhance the hardcore attributes of the front face.

Dark Blue G318 listed, 1.5T extended range hybrid, providing empty suspension + CDC shock absorption, selling from 175,900 yuan

In addition, the new car is also equipped with a spotlight rack device on the roof (dynamic weighing 80 kg, static weighing 300 kg), and the roof platform supports horizontal/vertical expansion, as well as a large number of outdoor camping accessories.

Dark Blue G318 listed, 1.5T extended range hybrid, providing empty suspension + CDC shock absorption, selling from 175,900 yuan

Dark Blue G318 listed, 1.5T extended range hybrid, providing empty suspension + CDC shock absorption, selling from 175,900 yuan

To the side of the body, the side of the new car is tall and tough, and the front and rear eyebrows + side skirts are also equipped with thick blackened decorative parts. At the same time, the new car also uses hidden door handles, fixed pedals (optional electric pedals), 18-inch wheels (255/65 R18), 20-inch wheels (255/50 R20).

In terms of body size, the body size of the 2024 dark blue G318 is (excluding the roof spotlight rack and external spare tire): 4915 * 1985 * 1885mm, with a wheelbase of 2880mm. It is positioned as a medium and large SUV.

In the case of a roof spotlight rack and an external spare tire, the body size of the new car is 5010 * 1985 * 1960mm, and the wheelbase remains unchanged.

Dark Blue G318 listed, 1.5T extended range hybrid, providing empty suspension + CDC shock absorption, selling from 175,900 yuan

In addition, the dark blue G318 has an approach angle of 27 °, a departure angle of 31 °, and a longitudinal passage angle of 27.3 °; the ground clearance is 240 mm when it is suspended at the highest level; and the battery pack is 278-348 mm above the ground (default 318 mm).

Dark Blue G318 listed, 1.5T extended range hybrid, providing empty suspension + CDC shock absorption, selling from 175,900 yuan

At the rear of the car, the rear of the 2024 dark blue G318 uses design elements such as side door design (supports electric suction), external spare tire, and independent C-type rear taillights on the left and right. At the same time, the rear surround is also equipped with a tough black kit (with a trailer head in the middle, and the four-wheel drive version has 1.6-ton trailer qualification).

Dark Blue G318 listed, 1.5T extended range hybrid, providing empty suspension + CDC shock absorption, selling from 175,900 yuan

Dark Blue G318 listed, 1.5T extended range hybrid, providing empty suspension + CDC shock absorption, selling from 175,900 yuan

In the interior design part, the 2024 dark blue G318 center console area is equipped with a three-frame flat-bottomed steering wheel, a 10.25-inch LCD instrument, and a 14.6-inch central control screen.

At the same time, the new car also uses an electronic shift mechanism (with electronic P gear buttons arranged behind the handle), and a physical air conditioner button is also integrated under the central control screen.

In addition, the new car also provides three interior color schemes: Holy Lake Blue, Glacier Blue and Jungle Black.

Dark Blue G318 listed, 1.5T extended range hybrid, providing empty suspension + CDC shock absorption, selling from 175,900 yuan

Dark Blue G318 listed, 1.5T extended range hybrid, providing empty suspension + CDC shock absorption, selling from 175,900 yuan

In terms of configuration, the 2024 dark blue G318 is equipped with the Deepal OS car system, which supportsVoice interaction (providing more than 1100 kinds of voice customization), three-finger flying screen, no wheat Karaoke, online navigation, app store and other functions.

At the same time, the new car also comes standard with an L2-level driver assistance system, including integrated adaptive cruise, speed limit recognition, lane keeping assistance, lane departure warning, forward collision warning, and AEB automatic emergency braking (vehicle + pedestrian + cyclist identification).

In addition, the two-wheel drive/four-wheel drive air suspension version also supports parallel line assistance, blind spot monitoring, door opening warning, reversing lateral emergency braking, lane change assistance, and other functions.

Dark Blue G318 listed, 1.5T extended range hybrid, providing empty suspension + CDC shock absorption, selling from 175,900 yuan

Dark Blue G318 listed, 1.5T extended range hybrid, providing empty suspension + CDC shock absorption, selling from 175,900 yuan

In the seat part, a 5-seat layout is used in the car, and the seats are wrapped in imitation leather materials.

In terms of seat functionality, the new car comes standard with front seat electric adjustment and front seat ventilation/heating; the empty suspension version supports the main driver’s seat. At the same time, the four-wheel drive empty suspension version also provides the main driver’s seat massage.

In addition, the storage capacity of the trunk of the new car is 810 liters under normal conditions, which can be expanded to 1747 liters when the rear seats are reclined.

Dark Blue G318 listed, 1.5T extended range hybrid, providing empty suspension + CDC shock absorption, selling from 175,900 yuan

In addition, the new car can also open a panoramic sunroof, and the ceiling and other parts are also made of fur, which further enhances the sporty atmosphere inside the cockpit.

Dark Blue G318 listed, 1.5T extended range hybrid, providing empty suspension + CDC shock absorption, selling from 175,900 yuan

Suspension part, the 2024 dark blue G318 is equipped withFront double wisharm + rear multi-link independent suspension, while the air suspension version is also equipped with CDC shock absorbers + active magic carpet + air suspension.

In addition, the four-wheel drive version also provides a rear axle limited slip differential, and also supports tank U-turn, creep mode,Wading induction system,Terrain mode (wading/snow/rough/mud/sand) and other functions.

Dark Blue G318 listed, 1.5T extended range hybrid, providing empty suspension + CDC shock absorption, selling from 175,900 yuan

In the power unit part, the 2024 dark blue G318 is equipped with the Changan New Blue Whale 1.5T extended range hybrid system (providing rear-drive and four-wheel drive versions); among them, the rear-drive version of the motor has a maximum power of 185kW, a maximum torque of 310N · m, and a maximum speed of 175km/h; the front and rear motors of the four-wheel drive version have a combined power of 316kW, a comprehensive torque of 572N · m, and a maximum speed of 185km/h.

In terms of battery life, the rear-drive model matches18.99kWh and 35.07kWh two capacity lithium iron phosphate battery packs, corresponding to CLTC pure electric cruising range of 100 kilometers (two-wheel drive standard version), 190 kilometers (two-wheel drive comfort version), 184 kilometers (two-wheel drive air suspension version); four-wheel drive version models match 35.07kWh lithium iron phosphate battery pack, CLTC pure electric cruising range provides 184 kilometers (four-wheel drive comfort version), 174 kilometers (four-wheel drive air suspension version).

Avita 12 demonstrates a sense of strength and future, and its comprehensive strength is quite resilient

  At present, young people tend to choose new energy vehicles. The more advanced intelligence and modernization of new energy vehicles have become the choice of many riders. In today’s market environment, our country’s new energy smart vehicle technology is also quite in place. For example, Avita has recently set off a lot of waves in the new energy market.

  In order to enable everyone to enjoy a more perfect travel experience while driving, Avita aspires to become more intelligent and modern. On July 14, MIIT officially announced the information of Avita’s first medium and large sedan in the 373rd batch of new car announcements – Avita 12.

  From the information disclosed at this stage, the appearance of the Avita 12 shows a sense of power and futurism, and the pure coupe design concept uses lines to outline the suspension of the coupe posture. Combined with the front face design of the Avita gene and the unique sports back design of the coupe GT model, the pure sensibility can’t help but be intoxicated. Create a cushioned induction cockpit for the owner, allowing users to enjoy an emotionally intelligent space experience.

  Its details are also in place. At this stage, only a very small number of brands can achieve mass production of electronic exterior rearview mirrors, and Avita 12 is one of them. It perfectly interprets the "futuristic feeling" of smart new cars with innovative design and intelligent technology. With the blessing of high definition image technology, electronic exterior rearview mirrors can provide a good and clear vision environment in harsh environments such as rain at night, ensure driving safety, and provide users with a sense of security. At the same time, it also reflects the humanistic care of its brand.

  The Avita 12 power system will be the same as the Avita 11. The Avita 12 provides two sets of power systems with rated output power of 230kW and 425kW respectively. From the data, it can be basically determined that this is the rear-drive version and four-wheel drive version of the Avita 12. Referring to the Avita 11’s acceleration performance of 3.98 seconds, the Avita 12 has the same level of power parameters, coupled with the low drag coefficient brought by the coupe shape, it can be seen that the Avita 12 has better performance output levels.

  Avita Motors’ OTA upgrade speed is also the fastest. Basically, every time the OTA system is upgraded, the experience of Avita Motors is very smooth. Avita 12, as a new high-end intelligent coupe GT model car under Avita Motors, will also show an unprecedented level of intelligence. Stay tuned!

Reduce costs and increase efficiency, continuously improve efficiency, and achieve profitability in the rapid growth of KK Group

  "Benefiting from a number of policy supports in expanding domestic demand and promoting consumption, the consumer market continues to improve." Recently, media reported that 21 brokerages are optimistic about big consumption. Not long ago, Industrial Securities overseas consumer industry research analysts released an industry tracking report "KK Group: A Trend Retail Group Winning with Products + Stores + Digitalization", which has attracted much attention from the market. Data show that since KK Group submitted its prospectus, many brokerages have released industry research reports. 

  The above report believes that China’s trend retail market will grow at a compound growth rate of 19.5% from 2020 to 2025, and the market size is expected to reach 475 billion yuan in 2025. With its advanced digital information technology system, KK Group has effectively realized the improvement of operational efficiency by optimizing location selection, product selection, logistics chain management, inventory management and other supply chain links, thus driving the steady growth of the company’s performance. 

  The report shows that the compound annual growth rate of GMV of KK Group in 2018-2020 is 246.2%, and the GMV of its main brand KKV in the first half of 2019, 2020 and 2021 is 97 million yuan, 1.156 billion yuan and 1.367 billion yuan respectively. 

  Trend retail, as a popular track of new retail, has been favored by capital in recent years, but the industry is facing challenges under the influence of the epidemic, and some companies have lowered their performance expectations. Can KK Group withstand the test of the epidemic and achieve steady improvement in performance in the face of adversity? Under the test of the epidemic, KK Group, which has impacted the "trendy retail leading" of Hong Kong stocks, has conveyed to the market and investors what kind of efficiency improvement methods? 

  Optimize the supply chain to continuously reduce costs and achieve "zero supply and consumption" three wins 

  Trend retail refers to a new retail model characterized by the unique concept and style of products, creative and fashionable entertainment functions in design, and immersive shopping experience. 

  As a representative of the rapid rise of the industry, KK Group has created the ultimate aesthetic space design with the insight of the current Generation Z consumer’s main force on the appearance and social needs, opened up the self-communication of KK Group’s brands on social media, and "open source" for the company’s performance growth. At the same time, KK Group also achieved effective "throttling" by effectively managing the supply chain system. According to public data, KK Group’s management fees continued to decline from 2018 to 2020, reaching 29.9%, 24.2%, and 17.1% respectively. In the first half of 2021, the management fee was only 8.4%, a year-on-year decrease of 13.1 percentage points. 

  KK Group said in the prospectus that the company has simplified the layers of the supply chain through a supply chain management system and manufactured its own-brand goods by sourcing directly from third-party brand partners or hiring OEM and ODM contractors to reduce supply-side costs. 

  From the prospectus data, KK Group’s own brand products have seen significant growth in recent years. The proportion of the company’s revenue from purchasing its own brand products from OEM and ODM contractors has increased from 1.4% in 2018 to 13.4% in 2021. 

  On the other hand, KK Group’s control of supply-side costs includes innovative mechanisms such as "buyout system, 0 mid-platform fees, and shortening account period". 

  The "buyout system" refers to the direct purchase of products from brand suppliers by way of buyout for a certain product. For KK Group, this move can not only ensure the supply of products, but also reduce the operating costs of suppliers stably, allowing consumers to buy high-quality and cheap products. 

  The "0 mid-platform fee" means that in the process of product selection, listing, and sales, suppliers do not need to pay entry fees, stacking fees, listing fees, promotion fees, and new product fees to KK Group, which allows suppliers to have more security in terms of capital flow, better investment in new product research and development, and effectively guarantees the SKU update frequency of KK Group. 

  In addition, unlike the long account period of traditional supermarkets, the buyout system adopted by KK Group is mainly based on monthly accounts and has a short account period, which further relieves the financial pressure on suppliers. The results show that this new "zero supply" relationship can motivate suppliers to cooperate more actively with KK Group and provide more advantageous cooperation conditions. In addition, due to the joint efforts of KKV, THE COLORIST colorist, and X11 brands under KK Group, more and more brands are willing to launch new products, limited editions, or joint models in KK Group’s stores, which also attracts more brand loyalists and young consumers to pay, thus forming a virtuous circle in the new retail era. 

  Industry insiders believe that KK Group’s optimization of supply chain management is a "win-win" model for the company itself and its suppliers, and this "win-win" zero-supply relationship will ultimately benefit consumers, truly achieving a "zero-supply-consumption" three-win. 

  Technology deeply empowers and improves operational efficiency 

  In order to further enhance operational efficiency, KK Group has also integrated technology and digitalization into the optimization and upgrade of the company’s supply chain management system. 

  Since its establishment, KK Group has attached great importance to the bottom-level driving role of technology. Whether it is KK Pavilion, KKV, THE COLORIST colorist or X11, since the establishment of these brands, the company has made a strategic layout with technology to meet the trendy retail needs of young people "love beauty, love play and love life". 

  In the supply chain system, KK Group has independently developed a number of new "sharp tools" that empower retail consumption by technology, such as the KPOS system that provides services for every key scene of store operation, the KVCM system that visualizes shelf display management, and the WMS system that provides warehouse operation management. Leading technology not only supports the company to analyze a large amount of product sales data, but also effectively assists it to effectively apply digital and intelligent methods in daily operations, thus effectively enhancing every operation link. 

  At the product selection end, KK Group adheres to the "digital product selection mechanism", that is, the listing and removal of products are determined by big data, and the technical team behind it provides all-round support and guarantee for each single product, avoiding human intervention caused by subjective preferences and interests that may occur in the procurement process. On this basis, KK Group is able to achieve accurate selection and efficient update iteration of high-quality products. 

  It is understood that KK Group adopts the "last elimination system" for its products, and the product update rate is as high as 30% -50%. The limited physical space continues to generate infinite vitality, and consumers can also have a better shopping experience, which brings about higher conversions. It is not difficult to see that KK Group’s early strategic investment in IT systems has begun to bear fruit, and the scale effect of KK Group is gradually emerging. 

  With cost reduction and efficiency increase, the company’s profitability continues to improve 

  For retail companies, maintaining optimum inventory levels is crucial to company stability, and KK Group cannot escape this. Thanks to the efficient supply chain system and logistics system, KK Group’s inventory turnover days have been significantly optimized. 

  According to the data disclosed in the prospectus, as of June 30, 2021, the total inventory of KK Group reached 985 million yuan. This seemingly huge number is expected to be turned around in a few months through the company’s efficient supply chain system. 

  At present, the company’s inventory turnover days have dropped from 301 days in 2019 to 150 days in the first half of 2021. At the same time, the proportion of the company’s inventory to the total value of current assets has also dropped from 52.0% in 2019 to 34.6% in the first half of 2021. Among them, the increase in supply chain cost reduction has brought about an improvement in inventory turnover. 

  It is worth mentioning that some people in the consumer retail industry believe that, in light of KK Group’s emphasis on product display and space aesthetics, the company’s large inventory may be scattered among major stores, rather than centralized storage in warehouses. 

  As of the end of October 2021, KK Group has 680 stores. According to this simple calculation, the inventory value scattered in each store is less than 1.50 million yuan, which is normal for offline stores with more than 20,000 SKUs. 

  In fact, the benefits of an optimized supply chain management system are obvious to all. 

  Its prospectus shows that in 2018-2020, KK Group’s GMV was 188 million yuan, 652 million yuan, 2.254 billion yuan, and the growth trend was obvious, while the GMV in the first half of 2021 almost caught up with the whole year of 2020, achieving 2.213 billion yuan; in addition, in 2020, KK Group adjusted ebitda to positive, achieving 68 million yuan in 2020 and 216 million yuan in the first half of 2021. 

  It is worth noting that KK Group’s gross profit margin has also improved significantly, from 27.1% in 2019 to 30.4% in 2020, and further to 35.9% in the first half of 2021. 

  In terms of sub-brands, since the successful incubation of KKV and THE COLORIST colorists in 2019, the operating profit and EBITDA have always been positive. Among them, KKV has performed well. In the first half of 2021, KKV achieved an operating profit of 140 million yuan, EBITDA reached 235.70 million yuan, and the EBITDA rate rose to 22.5% from 18.2% in the same period last year. These are mainly due to KK’s continuous optimization of the procurement process. Some third-party institutions believe that the GMV of KK Group is expected to reach 4.50 billion in 2021. 

  In the opinion of industry experts, after the overall expansion of KK Group in recent years, its performance has not been dragged down, but has instead shown a healthy development trend. Regarding the IPO progress that the media has paid more attention to, Hong Kong capital markets professionals believe that due to the current semi-annual report data statistics node, the update of KK Group’s prospectus has been delayed. However, on the basis of the company’s stable performance growth, the continued optimism of the large consumer track, and the gradual recovery of the Hong Kong stock market in the second half of this year, I believe that KK Group will update the prospectus as soon as possible and continue its journey to listing.

China brand sails overseas smartphone market.

  Recently, the latest report released by Canalys, an international market research organization, shows that in 2023, the global smartphone shipments were 1.14 billion units, and China’s Xiaomi, OPPO and Voice were among the top five brands. In terms of sub-regions, China’s mobile phone brands have a high market share in India, Southeast Asia and Africa. In Europe, China’s smartphone brands are also accelerating their layout. With the development and maturity of smart phone industry in China, more and more China brands have gone overseas and gained consumer recognition.

  Seek business growth in overseas markets

  "China mobile phone manufacturers are becoming more and more innovative." According to the website of the German newspaper Le Monde, at the recent Mobile World Congress, the glory Magic6 Pro mobile phone uses artificial intelligence technology, and some functions can be controlled by eyes. Previously, Glory launched Magic V2, a foldable smart phone, with a thickness of only 9.9 mm, which is equivalent to that of ordinary mobile phones, which is the first time in the field of foldable smart phones.

  In recent years, with the development and maturity of China’s smart phone industry, China has become the world’s largest producer and exporter of mobile phones with the help of the wave of the global mobile Internet era. According to the statistics of China General Administration of Customs, in 2023, China exported 13.92 trillion yuan of mechanical and electrical products, accounting for 58.6% of the total export value. In the first two months of 2024, China exported 2.22 trillion yuan of mechanical and electrical products, up 11.8% year-on-year, accounting for 59.1% of the total export value, including 123.745 million mobile phones.

  According to the statistics of many international market research institutions, by the end of the fourth quarter of 2023, global smartphone sales had been declining for several consecutive quarters, showing a recovery trend. The total smartphone shipments in China market also stopped falling and rebounded in the fourth quarter of 2023.

  "In the bustling shopping area of downtown Nairobi, billboards of China mobile phone brands such as TECNO, itel and Infinix can be seen everywhere, and blue, red and black and white storefront signs attract customers. These mobile phone brands are all produced by Voice. This Shenzhen-based company once sold mobile phones only in Africa, and then gradually expanded its business to other markets such as Latin America, India, Eastern Europe and Southeast Asia. " The South China Morning Post quoted Ali Sachu, a sub-Saharan geo-economic analyst, as saying: China mobile phone brands are "everywhere in the whole African continent".

  According to a report quoted by Sputnik, in 2023, China brand smartphones accounted for 79% of Russian imported smartphones, which was 4 percentage points higher than that in 2022 and 29 percentage points higher than that in 2021.

  Liu Yixuan, research manager of Canalys, analyzed that at present, overseas markets, especially emerging markets, are an important breakthrough for China smart phone brands to seek business growth, and different mobile phone brands also have their own development areas. Xiaomi has made full efforts in markets such as Middle East, Africa, Europe and Latin America. The overseas markets of OPPO and vivo are mainly in the Asia-Pacific region, and the overseas focus of glory is in Europe, Latin America and the Middle East. Seeking business growth in overseas markets is a strategic choice for many China mobile phone brands.

  From "Winning by Price" to "Excellent Quality and Price"

  Why do China smart phone brands sail in overseas markets? The technological innovation, industrial chain layout, product positioning and marketing strategy of China smart phone brand have attracted attention in the global mobile phone market. Alceni Thiam, an associate researcher at the European Institute for Outlook and Security, said that China’s products have been "winning by price" in the past to "excellent in quality and price" now, and they have advantages in research and development in smart phones, electric vehicles and other fields. China’s products are being favored by more and more countries.

  Bai Ming, a member of the Academic Degree Committee of the Ministry of Commerce, said in an interview with this reporter that at present, China’s smart phones have occupied an important position in the international market and have strong market competitiveness in Southeast Asia, Latin America and Africa. The advantages of smart phones in China are as follows: First, the cost performance is high, and the functional design meets the local needs of overseas markets; Second, China has infrastructure cooperation with many countries in the field of communication, which facilitates the matching of smart phones and communication technologies; Third, China’s domestic smart phone industry is mature, with many sub-categories, complete industrial chain and high product update frequency. After full competition in the domestic market, the products have strong "hard power" when participating in overseas market competition.

  Taking HONOR as an example, Canalys and Counterpoint data show that in the fourth quarter of 2023, it returned to overseas markets for less than two years, and its sales volume in Europe, the Middle East, Latin America and other regions has ranked among the top five in the market, and a global sales service network covering more than 70 countries and regions has been established. Zhao Ming, CEO of Glory Terminal Co., Ltd., said in an interview with this reporter that Glory has maintained a rapid growth trend in the context of the global smartphone market decline, thanks to Glory’s insistence on high-quality development, targeting user needs, strengthening global industrial chain cooperation, and transforming technological innovation into products needed by the market. In addition, glory focuses on adapting to local conditions in different regional markets, providing product portfolios that match the needs of local users, and strengthening communication and cooperation with local partners to better enhance the user experience.

  Advance into the developed market with "hard power"

  According to the trend data of smartphone price segment share in China from 2019 to 2023 recently released by IDC, an international market research institute, the high-end market share of China brands above $600 has been growing continuously for five years, reaching 27.4% in 2023, an increase of 3.7 percentage points over 2022, and a full double of that in 2019.

  According to Canalys data, in the recent fourth quarter of 2023, Apple’s share in the European smartphone market reached 33%, surpassing Samsung for the first time in seven quarters. Among the mobile phone brands in China, Xiaomi’s market share in Europe dropped from 17% to 16%, and Glory’s market share increased from 1% to 3%. At present, entering the developed markets has become a strategic choice for some smart phone brands in China.

  "2023, as a year of vigorous development of artificial intelligence (AI) technology, brings a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation, and also brings new opportunities and challenges to the global smart terminal market. The European mobile phone market is a representative mature market in the world, with a relatively high proportion of high-end users and large operators, and a high demand for innovative products and high-end brands. " Zhao Ming said that Glory regards Europe as the "second local market" and hopes to enter the European market with "hard power" such as innovative technology and high-end products. For example, glory has invested as much as 10 billion yuan in research and development in the AI field, obtained more than 2,000 AI-related patents, and used platform-level AI technology to promote the application of innovative technologies such as cross-device collaboration and next-generation intention recognition human-computer interaction in smart phones.

  According to a recent report on the German newspaper Le Monde, it was not easy to buy a non-Apple brand smartphone in Germany a few months ago because there were not many choices. Previously, due to patent disputes, many Android mobile phone brands disappeared from the shelves of European countries. At the beginning of this year, related companies shelved patent disputes. China mobile phone manufacturers, including OPPO, Yijia, vivo and Realme, may try new things in Germany soon. As these brands re-enter the German market, the mobile phone brands that can be selected in the future should be more diversified.

  "With the emergence of more and more application scenarios and requirements and the development of new technologies such as artificial intelligence, the iterative update of China smartphones in terms of functions and technologies is worth looking forward to." Bai Ming believes that at present, China is still facing a bottleneck in the field of high-end smart phone chips, and it is urgent to continue to promote technological breakthroughs. In addition, in the markets of developed countries in Europe and America, China’s smartphones still face certain development bottlenecks and policy risks, and it is still necessary to speed up localization, strengthen cooperation with local industries, and build a diversified supply chain system.

Read a good book for you and read with filmmakers such as Huang Xiaoming and Elaine Zhong.

Special feature of 1905 film network April 23rd is World Reading Day.

Talking about the significance of reading, Gorky once said: The more books I read, the closer I get to the world, the more I understand the meaning of life, and the more important I feel about life.

Helen Keller once wrote: "A book is like a ship, which leads us from a narrow place to the infinite ocean of life."


Reading enlightens the mind, and so does movies. In the school, the sea of books is the source of childhood happiness. "I read this text as if I were lying on a boat."



In school, reading carries the mission of saving the nation from extinction. In the arduous The National SouthWest Associated University, there are "masters" instead of "buildings".

In school, reading is the way to protect our thoughts. "We must learn to read in order to resist ignorance."

In the world, the power of words is also the brilliance of human nature. "The difference between us and the soil is words." 

Reading is the cheapest "luxury". No matter young or old, male or female, poor or rich, people can draw strength from books, enrich themselves and nourish their souls.


On the occasion of World Reading Day, China Film Report also launched the theme planning — — The special program "Reading Good Books for You" takes you into the spiritual world of filmmakers through a good book and a sentence.


"World Book Day, let’s read a good book together."

Acting predecessors: reading to be clear-cut

Xie Fang: Write a Song of Youth.


"Is this selling musical instruments? Passengers pay attention to the owner of this luggage. Not a businessman, but a girl student of seventeen or eighteen years old, guarding these elegant things lonely. This female student is wearing a white cheongsam, white socks and white sneakers, holding a plain white handkerchief in her hand, — — Everything is white. "— —Yang MoSong of youth

This girl, as pure as snow, is a writer Yang Mo and Lin Daojing created by Xie Fang in Youth Like a Song.


Xie Fang recalled that in 1958, on the train from Wuhan to Beijing, she was reading two books along the way, one was the novel Song of Youth written by Yang Mogang, and the other was the movie story board.


"There is a saying in reading novels that Lin Daojing is a pale and handsome girl. I thought at that time, am I that handsome? I don’t think I am handsome, and I am not a person who likes to look in the mirror. "In this way, Xie Fang, who doesn’t like looking in the mirror by studying the original works and trying to figure out the characters, makes Lin Daojing, a beautiful, quiet, independent and progressive woman, extraordinarily vivid and becomes a classic in film history.


Red Rock has established my world view.


"There is a heavy iron chain at your feet, and you can hold the whip high; I don’t need any confession, even if my chest is facing a bloody bayonet! People can’t lower their noble heads, but only beg for "freedom" for fear of death; What is torture? Death can’t make me speak! I laughed at death, and the devil’s palace shook in laughter; This is me — — Confessions of a Communist party member, singing a song of triumph to bury the Chiang family dynasty. "— — Luo Guangbin and Yang Yiyan’s Red Rock

The famous actor Lu Qi created one great man image after another in Armageddon. In 1988, he also won the Best Actor Award in the 10th Golden Rooster Award for his vivid interpretation of Deng Xiaoping in the baise uprising.

Lu Qi believes that "in addition to being close in appearance, it is more important to grasp the spirit of the characters, that is, their origins, knowledge, experiences, thoughts, demeanor and ideological connotations."By repeatedly reading classic books such as Red Rock, Lu Qi constantly improved his spiritual realm. "It is a lifelong thing to read wisely and remember your heart."


: Never too old to read.


"The vice squad leader said that after the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, the superior asked me to stay in the army, so I took a vacation and took her back. She is very capable and she can plant seedlings and grass."— —ShiyanThe Story of Liubao

In the movie, the second sister who sang "Sunny Days in 1999" while working became an enduring screen classic.

Outside the play, 86-year-old Tao Yuling bluntly said that his favorite is reading: reading stanislav’s "Self-cultivation of Actors" is the perfection of acting skills; Reading the classic works such as Sunrise and Thunderstorm, you will be amazed at the fate of the characters in the book."I really want to play our country’s famous works. The four phoenixes and fanyi in Thunderstorm are really classics." 

Zhang Yongshou:Full of revolutionary romance


"Wan Ma Jun is a little girl, and her face looks like a dew."— —Quboimmense forestSnowfield

Zhang Yongshou is well known to the audience for his role as chief of staff Shao Jianbo in the film "Lin Hai Xue Yuan". In the process of shaping the role, the original novel is an important source of inspiration for him.


Qu Bo’s "Lin Hai Xue Yuan" depicts the arduous fighting life of the PLA scouts with colorful pen and ink, and also shapes a series of heroic images such as Yang Zirong and Shao Jianbo. The hazy love between Shao Jianbo and "Little White Dove" is more permeated with revolutionary romanticism.Zhang Yongshou said that in order to make the characters full and three-dimensional, he read the novel more than three times. "Comrade Qu Bo wrote the love story into the bandits."ChengzhiHow difficult it is! Love and friendship forged in hard struggle are inseparable for life. "

: Favorite "Mao Zedong Poetry"


"The rain falls deep and remote Yan, whitewater monstrous, fishing boat outside Qinhuangdao. We can’t see a piece of Wang Yang, so who can we turn to? The past more than one thousand years, Wei Wu brandished a whip, and Jieshi left a legacy in the east. The autumn wind is blowing again today, and it has changed the world. "— — Mao Zedong’s Langtaosha Beidaihe

In founding ceremony, Armageddon and A Mao Zedong in China, Liu Zhibing played Mao Anying, the son of Chairman Mao, for many times, which won wide acclaim from all walks of life.Liu Zhibing, 58, still keeps the habit of reading more than a dozen books a year, and knows Chairman Mao’s poems by heart.I tried to read Chairman Mao’s majestic poem from the perspective of Mao Anying, which is like a spiritual dialogue between their father and son. "


The younger generation: reading enriches themselves.


Celina Jade:Psychology books make me understand roles better.


"Life has never been such a simple dream and tribulation. It is not a simple so-called ideal and conspiracy. Life is not such a simple concept. What real life is like is what we complete and answer ourselves."— —Cai Chongda’s Skin

"I hope this sentence can bring you free souls and the power to pursue your dreams." This is the reason why Celina Jade recommended Skin.


In life, Celina Jade loves psychology books. These good books can not only help her understand her cognitive self, but also be part of the actor’s self-cultivation. "We can understand the role only by understanding psychology, so as to better interpret the role."Performance is the process of the integration of the actor’s self and the role psychology, just as she is inWolf Warriors 2.The aid doctor played in, inGhost Blowing the Lantern’s Star ArtShirley Yang, portrayed in the novel, "Only by putting in your concepts and ideas on the basis of the original work will this role become’ your own’."

: favoriteoriginal work

"Nothing is more painful than loneliness in my heart."— — Anne babyT.a. 

"The literary imagination and the interpretation of human nature in the novel words touched me the most." For Elaine Zhong, who was born after 1990s, Anne Baby’s novels bear the feelings of her schooldays, and they are in harmony with the soul of Weiyang, which made her decide to star in the film t.a.


Although the overall reputation of the film is not good, Elaine Zhong’s interpretation of Weiyang has won the recognition of Anne Baby. She wrote: "The shape and temperament of Weiyang played by Elaine Zhong are currently the most in line with the prototype of women in the book. Several opposite plays between Elaine Zhong and show a rare and delicate expression of emotion in domestic films. "


Apart from youth literature, Elaine Zhong, who was crazy about reading when he was a child, was once a "small library" among his classmates. He is very familiar with world famous works such as Gorky Trilogy, Childhood, My University, On Earth, The Count of Monte Cristo, Gone with the Wind and Jane Eyre.

"Little Ear" loves suspense reasoning.  


"As God is my witness, I am a good girl, I have excellent grades, I am helpful, hardworking and respectful to my elders, and I am willing to live day after day."— —Rao Xuemanthe left ear

Rao Xueman’s novel is obviously of special significance to Chen Douling because she starred in the youth film Left Ear and entered the entertainment circle. Gentle but stubborn "small ears" have many similarities with Chen Douling in appearance and personality.But in daily life, what Chen Douling likes to read most isKeio DongyeWaiting for the writer’s suspense and reasoning novels, "When reading such novels, I will bring myself, and I also hope to be able to appear in film and television works adapted from such novels, such as the policewoman in detective films."


Huang Xiaoming: Excellent works are read repeatedly.


"Recently, I will turn over the books I have read before and read them again. For example, kazuo inamori’s Living Method, Dry Method and Heart Method, and Amway gave them to all my colleagues, and one person bought them a set."

Argentine writer Bill Hess once said: If there is a heaven, it should be like a library.To enjoy reading, "World Book Day" is just the beginning.Go and read the book you want to read, while the breeze blows gently, the spring is just right.

China will hold another world-class competition in 2021, and the venue will be Shanghai!

  CCTV News:On October 13th, the general meeting of all members of World Skills Organization held in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates unanimously decided that the 46th World Skills Competition will be held in Shanghai, China in 2021.

  World Skills Competition is the highest-level world vocational skills competition, known as "World Skills Olympics", and its competitive level represents the world’s advanced level of vocational skills development in various fields. A country’s achievements in the World Skills Competition can reflect its technical skills development level to a certain extent.

  △ Shanghai successfully bid for the 46th World Skills Competition.

  Shanghai bid slogan: "New youth, new skills, new dreams"

  The bidding slogan put forward by China Shanghai this time is "New Youth, New Skills, New Dreams", which conveys the concept of "Skills Change Life and Realize Dreams" to the world. After Shanghai’s successful bid, Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security sent a congratulatory message, saying that holding the World Skills Competition in China is of great significance for strengthening the construction of skilled talents in China, promoting the spirit of artisans, and creating a good atmosphere of respecting labor and advocating skills in the whole society.

  Approved by the State Council, in October 2010, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security applied for and formally joined the World Skills Organization on behalf of the China Municipal Government. After that, China participated in three consecutive World Skills Competitions, and accumulated 5 gold medals, 8 silver medals, 7 bronze medals and 29 winning prizes. On October 7, 2016, China, the representative of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, announced his intention to bid for the 46th World Skills Competition in 2021 at the 2016 World Skills Organization Conference, and launched Shanghai as the host city.

  The World Skills Competition, currently held every two years, is called the "Olympics" in the field of skills. It is an important platform for members of the World Skills Organization to display and exchange their professional skills.

  The World Skills Competition is divided into six categories, namely, structure and building technology, creative art and fashion, information and communication technology, manufacturing and engineering technology, social and personal services, transportation and logistics, with a total of 46 competitions. Specifically, the competitions include aircraft maintenance, automobile maintenance, welding, painting, floral design, graphic design, offset printing, pastry making, jewelry processing, cooking and even hairdressing. For example, in this year’s skills competition, the average age of the contestants in China is less than 21 years old. The youngest is Pan Shenhan, an 18-year-old floral project player, and the oldest is Gao Yunan, a 25-year-old manufacturing team challenge project player.

  In the 43rd World Skills Competition in 2015, 32 Chinese athletes won 4 gold medals, 6 silver medals, 3 bronze medals and 12 winning prizes in 29 events, achieving a breakthrough in gold medals.

  "My dream is to win the gold medal in the World Skills Competition, and my efforts have not been in vain." Zeng Zhengchao, who won the welding project championship at the 43rd World Skills Competition, said.

  It is understood that the welding competition has heavy tasks and high intensity. During the four-day competition, four modules, namely, single piece welding, low carbon steel pressure vessel, aluminum alloy structural parts and stainless steel structural parts, need to be completed within 18 hours. This poses a great challenge to the physical strength and perseverance of the contestants.

  The organizing mechanism of the World Skills Competition is similar to the Olympic Games. After being applied by the members of World Skills Organization and approved, the World Skills Competition was held in cooperation with the organizers under the guidance of World Skills Organization.

   In 1946, in order to encourage young people to develop their vocational skills, Mr Olaso, president of the Spanish National Youth Organization, put forward the idea of gathering skilled workers from all walks of life to compete. In 1947, he successfully organized a competition in Spain with more than 4,000 apprentices, which became the embryonic form of the World Skills Competition. In 1950, the World Skills Organization was formally established, initiated by Spain and Portugal, and held the first World Skills Competition. At that time, only skilled workers from Spain and Portugal participated. Since then, the influence of the World Skills Competition has gradually expanded. In 1953, at the invitation of Spain, young people from Germany, Britain, France, Morocco and Switzerland also joined the competition. Since then, the World Skills Competition has been held in many countries. It first came to Asia in 1970 and was held in Tokyo, Japan. The influence of the World Skills Competition has further expanded.

  At present, the World Skills Organization has 77 formal countries and regions. On October 7th, 2010, China officially joined the World Skills Organization, becoming the 53rd member of the organization.

FAW Group Corporation

  Faw-Volkswagen’s golf has added two new models, namely, Le Xiang Edition and Da Ren Edition, of which the official guide price of Pro280TSI Le Xiang Edition is 151,300 yuan, and the official guide price of Pro280TSI Da Ren Edition is 153,300 yuan. The two new models have been further upgraded in terms of comfort and technology configuration. At present, the official guidance price range of the eighth generation digital golf is 129.8 ~ 165.8 thousand yuan. In order to further meet the needs of consumers, FAW-Volkswagen added Golf Pro280TSI Lexiang Edition and Daren Edition, which further improved the comfort and technology configuration. Among them, Lexiang Edition was equipped with an electric seat bag, and Daren Edition was equipped with an electric seat bag and a smart interconnection bag. In addition, the purchase of any golf model also provides two digital package configurations free of charge for a limited time: digital key 2.0 and AR real navigation system (including driving recorder).

FAW-Volkswagen Golf Enjoy Edition/Talent Edition listed _fororder_image001

  During the event, FAW-Volkswagen Golf upgraded the digital key 2.0 and AR real-life navigation system (including driving recorder). The digital key 2.0 can realize remote car control by mobile phone, including more than 10 practical functions, such as remote start and stop, one-button cold car hot car, remote air conditioning temperature control, remote door lock release, GPS navigation and car search, which greatly improved the convenience for users to interact with their cars. AR real-life navigation system (including driving recorder), through panoramic AR display, drivers can obtain navigation information and driving images more easily and intuitively, reduce misjudgment caused by unclear, and improve driving safety. The navigation can also be seamlessly integrated with the ADAS system of the vehicle, and provide more accurate navigation guidance and driving advice by obtaining the data of vehicle sensors in real time.

Faw-Volkswagen Golf Enjoy Edition/Talent Edition listed _fororder_image002

  In terms of technological value-added, Golfers Edition is specially equipped with smart interconnection package and upgraded to a new interactive CNS3.0 intelligent car navigation infotainment system with a 10-inch touch color screen, which integrates rich infotainment functions and brings a minimalist and intelligent operation experience; Moreover, you can send navigation maps and share mobile music through the mobile APP. In addition, the instrument has also been upgraded to a 10.25-inch high-end full liquid crystal digital instrument (FPK Medium), and a car networking system with intelligent car control, intelligent navigation, intelligent voice and intelligent entertainment has been added.

Faw-Volkswagen Golf Enjoying Edition/Talent Edition listed _fororder_image003

  The overall style of the interior inherits the driver-centered design concept of golf. The design of the double screen is separated from the central control area, which makes the screen form more free and the size further expanded. The strong sense of suspension generated by the independent screen forms a brand-new Floating Design framework. The full-touch control mode not only greatly enhances the technological sense of the interior, but also conforms to the humanized design, so that all the operations of the driver are within reach. Both the Golf Enjoyment Edition and the Daren Edition are equipped with electric seat bags, and the main driver’s seat has 10-way electric adjustment (with 4-way lumbar support) and memory function, in which the seat memory function can be SET by the set button or bound with the car account, so that every driver can easily enjoy convenient and personalized service.

FAW-Volkswagen Golf Enjoy Edition/Talent Edition listed _fororder_image004

  Golf Enjoy Edition and Talent Edition also retain the original all-weather LED headlight design, and the luminous LED headlights cooperate with the tension shape connected with the grille to break the conventional layout form and highlight a stronger sporty atmosphere. At the same time, a large number of intelligent technologies are applied to meet the needs of users in appearance. For example, a multifunctional rearview mirror integrating electric folding, electric adjustment, heating and defrosting, and LED turn signal is adopted, which automatically folds when parking, and the passenger’s side exterior rearview mirror automatically turns over when reversing, and the downward turning position and angle can be set individually, presenting a better view for drivers and passengers. (Source: FAW-Volkswagen)